The Risk is the Reward 4

Story by Duffin on SoFurry

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#4 of The Risk is the Reward

The Risk is the Reward 4

By Duffin Caprous


The following story contains the following acts:



Forced Feminization






This story is of an adult nature and therefore, if you are under 18, you need to not read this. However, if you do choose to not heed my warning, don't let your parents sue me!

To say Jayson had trouble sleeping would be an understatement. He barely got an hour's worth of sleep and lost track of how much time passed between the closet locking and the time when Mistress returned to unlocked the door. The otteress breathed in sharply, apparently from the smell in the small enclosed space caused by the bucket the bunny had thrown up in. Oddly, she didn't yell at him or hit him. She simply took the bucket and closed the door, locking it. It was only a few minutes before she returned and opened the door.

"Get out," she said sternly and Jayson quickly got up and walked out. Mistress closed the door and sized the boy up. Her finger curled into the ring on his collar and lead him to the staircase and lead him up to a bathroom. He found it odd that she was treating him almost kindly. Once the door closed, she gave the boy a slight shove toward the shower.

"Wash yourself. Be thorough, but quick. I'm hungry and we're going out for breakfast," she said with a level voice as she removed her slave's collar.

The lapine nodded a little bit and blushed as the otter sat on the toilet seat, reaching for a magazine. She was going to stay in the room while he showered. He was obviously uncomfortable with that fact. His hesitation drew the woman's eyes. She quickly rolled up the magazine and swatted the boy's butt with it.

"Now, you dumbass! God...even when I'm in a good mood, you somehow manage to piss me off!" she yelled at him. Jayson flinched and quickly got into the shower. The boy whimpered softly and turned on the water, beginning to wash himself. The hot water did feel good, he had to admit. It showered down upon him and he washed everywhere he could. A blush came to the boy's cheeks as he felt over the chastity device, looking down at it for the first real time.

He didn't want to anger her further, so the boy showered quickly and turned the water off. A towel was on the rack for him and he blushed, seeing it was old and ratty. He knew better than to complain or see ungrateful, though, and soon was dry.

The female huffed softly and stood up, "Alright, come on," she said, reaching up to grip the boy's headfur roughly and pull him along. He cried out at the tugging, but quickly tried to follow. He was lead to what seemed to be a girl's bedroom.

"Once you are a properly trained slutgirl, this will be your room. I'm showing you now so you can see what to shoot for. And, since the morals of current society do not allow me to take my property out without clothes, you will get to wear some for the time being. Go pick something out and be quick or I will choose something," Mistress told him, her grip on his headfur tightening some before releasing him

Jayson couldn't believe what he was hearing. He couldn' here! He had a family and school! Was she really going to make him stay here? A sharp smack to his ass jolted him back to reality. He mumbled a shy apology and went to the closet. He blushed intensely, seeing the closet filled with female clothing. Dresses and skirts, blouses and shirts filled the closet. He let out a whimper, realizing she was going to make him go out in public wearing girl's clothes. A sharp smack to his ass made him yelp and quickly go toward the looming closet. The boy wasn't exactly sure what he should be wearing. Afterall, he wasn't a girl. The bunny boy swallowed nervously and blushed as he pulled a yellow and pink sundress from the hooks to look at it.

Mistress must have assumed he was choosing that to wear because she spoke, "Well, now...won't you look cute in that, hmm? Don't forget your panties either, slut. You're going to be a proper little girl today."

Before he could even put the dress back, the otteress pulled it from his grasp and directed him to the dresser in the room. The boy whimpered softly and blindly put a paw in the drawer, pulling out lacy pink bikini-style panties with purple hearts. He whined in embarrassment, but quickly pulled them on. At least it would hide the chastity device. She handed him the dress next and watched to see how well the boy would obey. Other than another whimper, the boy slipped the dress over his head.

He heard her chuckle and step up behind him, "Well, now...aren't you the pretty little slut?" she asked as she zipped him up in the back. The otteress pulled him over to look into a full length mirror. The bunny blushed intensely and never quite realized how girly he was. He had girly curves, well accented by the sundress.

He was then pulled along to what he assumed was Mistress' bedroom. She got dressed, herself, wearing a pair of blue jeans and a black blouse. The older woman returned to Jayson and smirked, "Let's go."

Jayson's cheeks flushed brightly. She was really going to make him go out like this, where anyone might see! He heard a growl as he hesitated and yelped as her paw smacked him across the face, "Fucking now!" she yelled at him. He quickly followed after, whimpering softly with his ears drooped back.

He was lead to the SUV and ordered to get inside. Soon, Mistress was in the driver seat as they drove off. Jayson sat in the passenger seat and yelped as he felt the otter's paw smack his bare thigh.

"Close your fucking legs like a proper lady!" she barked at him. He blushed and quickly closed his thighs together, his ankles crossed daintily, "Well, that's better. Don't worry, you'll get a chance to be a slut soon enough."

The boy wasn't sure exactly what she meant by that. He shuddered, assuming it wasn't something he would look forward to. Staring out the window at the passing shops and houses, the bunny tried to take stock of where he was, but he didn't recognize the neighborhood. He glances sheepishly back to her, unsure of what her long term plans were. He, obviously, couldn't ask her. Before long, they pulled into the parking lot of what appeared to be one of those family diners.

"They have got the best french toast here," he heard her comment as she got out of the car. Jayson reluctantly got out as well, looking down at the ground. The boy blushed deeply and yipped as he felt the otter's paw grip the back of his neck firmly, shoving him toward the door without a word.

The two walked in and the hostess smiled softly, "Good morning, ladies. Just two?"

Jayson blushed intensely, the hostess not realizing she was addressing a boy in a dress. Mistress smiled softly to her and nodded, soon lead to a table by the hostess. The two sat opposite each other at the table and Mistress picked up a menu. Jayson reached for his only to have it immediately swiped by the otteress.

"I don't believe you have earned breakfast, do you?" she asked without looking at him.

"W...what? But...but, I'm hungr--" he started to say and yelped, feeling the otteress stomp down on his footpaw. The boy bit his lip so as to not make much noise, but a few did glance over before returning to their meal.

"First of all, you sound nothing like the girl you are right now. And second, that was a fucking yes or no question, you little slut," he heard her whisper harshly to him, ending with another stomp on his bare foot.

Jayson whimpered at being treated such a way in public. The bunny looked down and swallowed, "Y...yes, Mistress?" he whispered.

"Are you asking me or telling me?" she returned, but looking directly at him with malice in her eyes.

"I...believe I've earned...b-breakfast, Mistress," he replied, trying to sound more confident and have a higher pitch to his voice.

The hostess came by with a carafe of coffee and the otteress poured herself a cup. As she added the cream and sugar, she spoke, "How have you earned anything, bitch?"

He swallowed again nervously and began to speak and quickly closed his muzzle, letting out a fearful whimper because he had no answer for her.

A sigh drew from her lips and she rolled her eyes as the waiter, a mid-twenties white fox, "As I thought. Well, looks like nothing for you. Ah, here you are. French toast platter, please," she told the waiter. As he looked to Jayson, the otteress waved him off, "Oh, nothing for her. She's trying to watch her figure, aren't you?"

Jayson's cheeks blushed even more and he looked sheepishly up at the waiter, nodding in agreement. The fox gave her a soft smile, "You don't need to, if you don't mind me saying so," he said to Jayson before walking off to put in the order.

He couldn't believe a guy had just...hit on him! The boy looked back over toward Mistress and winced. She had what could only be described as an evil look on her face, "Well, well...isn't that cute? I think our waiter wants to jump your bones, slut."

Jayson swallowed, his paws fidgeting in his lap, "He...he was just being polite," the boy said quickly, making sure to speak in a more girly voice.

She shook her head and smirked, "Oh, no way. Hmm...time for a test, bitch. Your reward for completing it will be to get breakfast. I don't care how, but before we leave here, I want to see you wearing that boy's cum all over your pretty little face."

Jayson's eyes widened to the size of saucers, "What?" he asked, forgoing the girly voice.

This drew a stomp of Mistress' foot on top of his as she replied, "You heard me. You want to eat, I want his spunk covering your face," she said with a smirk, the waiter coming to set her food down, "I am leaving as soon as I finish my food, so you better hurry."

Jayson's heart began to beat faster. He whimpered softly, watching as the fox walked away. He glanced back to the french toast and slid from the booth. Biting his lower lip, he followed after the waiter, unsure of what he was going to do. He could tell the fox the truth...well, other than the fact that he was really a boy. But, then he might get weirded out and not let Jayson get what he needed. As luck had it, he heard the waiter call to his co-workers that he was taking his smoke break.

Jayson fidgeted and waited a moment before following the fox out around the side of the diner, ", hi," he said in a girly a voice as he could muster.

The fox smiled to her in return, "Hey! You're...the one trying to lose weight or something, right?"

Bunny ears flopped a little as he nodded, "Oh, uh...yeah," he replied with a soft blush, his paws fidgeting in front of her.

With a cigarette in one paw, he reached with the other, "I'm Tad."

Jayson reached out to return the shake, "I'm Jay-, er, Jane."

Tad grinned a little bit, "Well, Jane, what brings you out here?"

He wasn't sure exactly what to say. He didn't have a lot of time and had no idea how long Mistress usually took to eat. Before he could really think, the bunny slid forward, resting his paws on the waiter's chest, rubbing slowly. His voice came out in a girlishly slutty way the boy never would have guessed he could speak, "Well, Tad...I'd like to...give you a nice...tip."

The fox was taking a drag from his cigarette and coughed suddenly as the bunny girl came onto him. The shock was quickly overcome and he grinned a little bit, "A tip? What kind of tip?"

Taking a quick glance around, Jayson made sure no one could see from their currently position. Forcing his paw down, he felt over the fox's crotch, feeling it immediately bulge, "Maybe...a non-monetary one?" he replied in that same lust-filled voice, giving the fox's sheath a squeeze.

Tad groaned softly as the soft paw gripped his crotch, "Uhn...well, I get off in two hours. We could--"

"No! I, just let me..." Jayson said, blushing at how quickly he interrupted the fox. He needed to do this now. He kneeled down and pulled the fox's zipper down, causing Tad to gasp. The soft girly paw slipped into his slacks, pulling the fox's sheath out of his boxers.

"H...hey, wait. Jane, wait, we might get cau...caug...oh shit..." he started, trying to protest. Once the soft paw was wrapped around his thickened sheath, though, he had no complaints. The red foxhood quickly grew from that sheath as the waiter's arousal grew.

Jayson looked from left to right quickly, blushing as he jerked the fox off right outside of the restaurant. He bit his lower lip, glancing up at Tad. The fox was leaning against the building, head tilted back, enjoying the paw stroking over his cock. True, it wasn't his first time masturbating another guy, but it was his first time seeing the reaction the other male was having. The bunny had to admit to getting a thrill from pleasing Tad.

The fox shuddered and moaned softly, "S...suck it...please, Jane..."

Jayson blushed deeply. He hadn't had any intention of getting his mouth anywhere near another male's cock. This was bad enough as it was. Jayson swallowed and blushed deeply, "I...we can save that for next time...big boy. I just want to...see you blow," he said and swallowed, hoping that his paw would be sufficient for the fox. Tad seemed to be fine with that and nodded quickly, panting. Suddenly, he grunted, hips arching toward the paw sliding up and down his hard foxhood. Thick globs of fox cum shot out, splattering across the bunny's face and chest. He blushed intensely, stroking the fox to get as much as possible on his face.

Tad moaned as he was given release by the adorable girl on her knees in front of him. He looked down at her, a slight blush on his face as he saw his jizz covering her face. He reached down to help her up, "We should get you cleaned--"

"No,'s okay, I....I, um..." he began to say and swallowed, "I want everyone to know..." he whispered finally and quickly turned to rush back into the restaurant, leaving the fox with his cock hanging out of his pants.

He returned to his seat, a look of humiliation on his face. He heard her speak, "Well, are quite the little slut, aren't you?" the otteress asked with a smirk as she reached over to swipe some cum from the boy's cheek, sliding her finger into her mouth, "Mmm...boy's pretty tasty. Did you suck his cock, whore?"

Jayson blushed, watching as the otteress tasted Tad's cum from his face. He quickly shook his head in embarrassment at the frank question from her.

"Ah, well, plenty of time for that, don't you worry. It's a shame, I've already paid for breakfast. I guess you'd better be quicker next time," she said to him as she laid cash on the table, getting up from the booth.

"But...but, I..." he started to say, stopping immediately as he caught her glare. It would appear she wasn't willing to strike him publicly. It would obviously draw attention.

"But nothing. You will get another chance to eat later," she said, snapping her fingers loudly, pointing to the ground beside her. Jayson whined softly, feeling Tad's cum dripping down his muzzle as he got up to stand beside her.

Jayson didn't see Tad as they were leaving. He felt horrible for using the fox like that, but he'd had no choice. In the end, he'd wished that he had never accepted the order to begin with. He had a male's cum on his face and he still didn't even get to eat breakfast. As they drove, he mffed. The otter reached over, smearing the fox's cum into Jayson's facefur. The boy whimpered, which resulted in a sharp smack to his muzzle.

"I'm not going to have your slutty muzzle dripping all over my car, so shut the fuck up or I'll give you something to whimper about. Now, you did pass my little test, even if you were a little slow. That pleases me. The more you please me, the better your life will be, understand?" she asked, keeping her eyes on the road.

Jayson nodded, "Y-yes, Mistress..."

"Good. Now, I'm very disappointed that you didn't show any initiative with that poor boy, slut. You should have blown him like a good little whore," the otteress said, looking at the road, "You will learn, though."

"B-but--" Jayson began to say, but a paw swiftly smacked him across the mouth.

"Don't you EVER speak unless given permission, you little bitch. If I want to hear your voice, I'll ask for it," she says with a soft growl in her voice.

They soon pulled up to what appeared to be a run down adult bookstore. Mistress left the vehicle and walked over, opening Jayson's door. The bunny was obviously nervous as she gripped his headfur, pulling him out. He quickly followed her direction and lets out a nervous whimper as they approached the front door.

Behind the counter was a large male grizzly bear. He grinned a bit upon seeing M. He came around and hugged the otteress who returned it. Did she know everyone in town?

"Normal rates, Brutus," the otteress said with a soft grin. The bear nodded and went back behind the counter, handing her a key.

"Yup, Twenty percent, babe," he replied in a deep voice, "And I get last one."

Mistress chuckled and nodded, taking the key. She lead Jayson toward the back of the store, the boy unsure of what was going to happen to him. The boy fidgeted with his skirt hem and nibbled on his lower lip as he was lead into what was clearly a booth. Suddenly, paws pressed to his shoulders and shoved him down.

"On your knees, slut. Get the fuck over there," the otteress commanded, pointing to a spot on the wall with an obviously large hole. The bunny's eyes widened, earning him and smack to the back of the head as a warning, "Now!"

He whimpered softly and crawled over to the wall. Had he been paying attention to the floor, he may have noticed the restraints there. He noticed much too late, however. On the floor were two half-circle shackles attached to the floor with hinges. They closed over top of the boy's calves, locking in place to ensure he couldn't get up from his knees. At least the place was kind enough to have a bit of padding built in where the knees go. Mistress shoved Jayson's face against the wall, making him whimper in pain while a collar was wrapped around his neck and buckled in the back. The collar was attached to afixed to the wall, leaving Jayson's nose pressed rom the wall just above the hole. He couldn't move his head much at all.

The woman's paws gripped his wrists and wrenched them behind his back, latching handcuffs around them. He was completely trapped and he had a feeling he knew what this place was.

"This is your second test today, bitch. You want to eat tonight, you'll swallow down ten loads of cum. If you take longer than fifteen minutes with each guy, he doesn't count, got it? I'm only staying here for four hours, so you fail if you don't get ten by then," she said, the bunny hearing the otteress sit down in a chair beside him.

He contemplated protesting or begging her not to make him do this, but he was beginning to know better. Besides, if he complained, he might not get any opportunity to eat today. His stomach already hurt a little. As disgusting as it sounded, if he could just finish ten guys off quickly, he wouldn't need the whole four hours.

Little did the boy know, the bear had sent an email out to the store's mailing list, telling of a new toy arriving at the shop, letting them know to come check it out. Jayson knelt there uncomfortably for about ten minutes before he hear a noise like a door opening and closing. He realized it came from the hole he was looking into. A zipper sound was produced and suddenly, a grey sheath was pushed through the hole. Jayson's eyes widened as the tip of a red canine shaft pushed from it.

A soft growl and a swat to the back of the head brought the bunny back to reality. The tip nudged against the boy's lips and he let out a soft whimper. Soon, the thick cock forced his lips open and slid in. He felt inches of wolfcock filling his mouth, unable to do anything about it. He tugged at the bonds and whimpered around the strong-tasting cock filling his mouth. The boy gagged as the wolf thrust in, the tip hitting the back of his throat. He tugged harder at his restraints and tried to pull back instinctively, but he was held in place easily by the collar.

His whimpers were suddenly cute off as that tip was forced down his throat, producing a growl from behind the wall. The bunny's eyes opened wide as he stared at the wall, his throat convulsing around the wolf's prick. He could feel more of that cock sliding down his throat until the thick knot pressed to his lips through the hole.

He heard the words of Mistress as she moved up behind him, "Well, well...look at you, slut, taking that dick like a natural...go on, swallow. Milk him. Be quick, I don't know if he'll feel like pulling back before you pass out."

Jayson's eyes widened again upon hearing her say that. He struggled for a moment and then did as she said, trying to swallow down on the wolf's cock. His body jerked as it fought for air. The male behind the wall started to fuck Jayson's throat, making sure to stay inside. The male moaned out, his hips slapping the wall. Jayson's vision was starting to blur slightly, but suddenly the wolf growled out and slammed into the wall, shooting his thick cum directly into Jayson's stomach.

The cock pulled out and Jayson gasped for air, coughing. He felt dirty and disgusting, but had little time to recover as another male shoved his dick into the bunny's mouth. This one, however, was a bit more manageable. The male wasn't very large, so Jayson did his best to suck on it. The male behind the wall moaned out and thrust quickly, as if he were inexperienced as well. In only a few minutes, the male cried out and shot a few ropes of cum into the boy's mouth. It was Jayson's first real taste of another male's cum. It was disgusting, but not something he couldn't get used to or even come to like.

He opened his eyes wide at that thought. How would he even consider liking other males' cum? Without question, he swallowed it down, knowing that's what the otteress wanted.

She smirked a bit, watching him and nodded. He felt her paw pat him on the head. It was odd to feel her touching him nicely as opposed to smacking him around. It even, dare he think, made him feel good.

As the next male, an otter, shoved himself into Jayson's muzzle, the boy actually went to it with a will. His tongue slid around the underside of the thick shaft. The male was merciful and didn't try to shove all of his dick down Jayson's throat, so the boy could actually practice his cock sucking technique. The male moaned as Jayson's soft lips sucked him. He lasted about ten minutes before blowing in the bunny's mouth, which Jayson quickly swallowed obedietly.

Male after male came and came into Jayson's mouth. His lips and muzzle were coated in spunk. Finally, he'd reached the ninth male and finished him off at around the two and a half hour mark. He felt Mistress removing him from his restraints. He was a little confused. Had he lost track of time? Had he miscounted the number of males? His knee restraints were undone and he looked back toward the otteress, which resulted in a smack to his muzzle.

"Don't you dare ruin your good streak tonight. You don't move until I say you can move!" she barked at him, making him whimper. He did as he was told, though, and quickly looked back at the wall, waiting for her to speak again, "Now, you're going to go out there and thank my friend properly for letting you blow his customers. I think you know what that means. If he doesn't enjoy his 'thank you', you're going to be in deep shit. Now, go!"

Jayson heard the orders and let out a soft whimper. Sucking off a male you can't see is one thing. It's easy to pretend the rest of his body isn't there. He got up quickly and swallowed as he left the room with Mistress trailing behind him. He wasn't sure if the bear was aware that he was a male or not and certainly wasn't about to ask Mistress. He decided to return to his 'Jane' persona and carefully approached Brutus.

The large male chuckled, seeing the cum-covered face of Jayson, "Well, lookee here...have fun?"

Jayson blushed softly and nodded, knowing that was the answer expected. He raised the pitch of his voice, speaking very much like a girl, "Y-yes...yes, sir. May...m-may I thank you..." he began to say and had to fight not to look away, "thank you for letting me...p-please your customers?"

The bear laughed a bit and looked to M, "Well, only a few days you say? Looks pretty well trained to me."

The otteress hmmed to Brutus, "Oh, it's coming a long, but there is a lot of work to be done."

The bear nodded a bit and looked back to Jayson, speaking, "Come around here and help yourself. I've still got to help my customers."

Jayson's cheeks blushed deeply, but he walked around the counter, giving Mistress a nervous look. The boy sunk to his knees in front of the bear, his paws nervously reaching up for Brutus' belt.

"Find everything you need?" he heard Brutus ask, presumably to a customer. He hear buttons being pressed and an off-hand comment about Jayson needing cock to survive, which made him blush deeply.

He fumbled with the belt, but the bear stopped him, simply undoing the zipper for him. Jayson understood and shivered as he reached his paw in, blinding fishing around for the bear's equipment. He found it and pulled it out carefully, gasping as the intensely strong male musk hit his nose.

He winced as the scent of the male almost instantly caused him to get hard, the first time he'd really gotten a erection in the device. This made him blush deeply at being aroused by another male. Knowing he was likely on the clock, the bunny leaned forward, cheek brushing over Brutus' sheath. It thickened quickly against his face as his tongue drew over it.

"Mmm...there ya go, girl...time to suck a real man," the bear said, looking down at Jayson. His ebony bearhood pushed from the tip of his sheath and Jayson almost pounced on it, his tongue sliding around the tip. Brutus groaned out as those lips closed around him, drawing the cock into his mouth.

Jayson couldn't believe how eager he was to suck the bear. His paws went up to Brutus' hips, fingers gripping at his belt buckles as he felt the thick bearcock spreading his lips open. He pulled back and gasped to see what Brutus looked like. Jayson's fingers could barely touch around the quickly hardening cock. While the bear wasn't extremely long at about 5 inches, the bunny would have difficulty getting it all in his mouth.

All too willing to try, Jayson opened wide and took in the thickness. A soft moan escaped his muzzle, causing his cheeks to blush brightly. He wasn't sure why he would moan, but soon felt the large bear's paw press to the back of his head as he thrust forward, driving that dick into the boy's mouth.

"Uhn...fuck yeah...good little slut," he said as Jayson's paws pressed to his bulging belly. He tasted the precum as it jetted into his muzzle and whimpered in embarrassment at wanting the male to cum in his mouth. Brutus finally pulled his paw back and Jayson continued the pace, bobbing his head up and down, occasionally swirling his tongue around the bear's tip before plunging back down.

He could feel Mistress watching him and hoped she was pleased. He wanted another pat on the head instead of getting smacked. A growl came from the bear as Jayson sucked him off, the paw being replaced on his head, "Uhn...uhn...fuck...gonna cum..." he moaned out. Suddenly, Jayson's muzzle was flooded with bear cum. He tried, but there was no way he could swallow it all. Much of it drooled from his lips and down over his chest, soaking into his dress.

After his orgasm, the bear pulled back and swatted Jayson's cheek with his thick flesh, panting, "Fu...fuck, that was good. I think its the best you've brought so far, M. I definitely think it deserves a reward."

Mistress nodded a bit and looked to Brutus, "Well, I will keep that in mind," she said. The bear chuckled and tucked himself back in his pants before hugged the otteress. He then handed her some money and they said their goodbyes, Mistress taking Jayson with her.

They were soon back home and Mistress lead him inside. After a few moments of standing just inside, Mistress smacked Jayson's ass sharply, "Get your fucking clothes off! You have no need for clothes in my home."

Jayson yelped out and quickly pulled the dress off and hesitated just a moment before taking his panties off. He held them in his arms and gasped as Mistress' paw went between his legs, feeling the chastity device.

"You've been...alright today. I expect more from you, but I have decided to give you a reward because of how eagerly you sucked Brutus off.. You can have dinner and then I will let you cum," she said as she walked toward the kitchen.

Jayson blushed deeply, ears perked. What a reward! He quickly followed her in and went to his knees next to the doorway, which met with a pat to his head. He was learning. He could smell salmon as the otteress cooked it. After she made her food, the took a plastic tray out of the fridge. It was pre-made salad to which she put in a metal bowl on the floor. Jayson's eyes widened and his cheeks blushed deeply.

"Eat, bitch," Mistress said as she sat at the table to eat her food. Jayson crawled over in humiliation, but was so hungry, he didn't dare risk it getting taken away. He pressed his muzzle into the bowl and quickly ate his food. He was finished long before she was. The otteress finally finished and left her things at the table, commenting that Jayson would clean up later.

She lead him to the living room and made him stand while she opened the device trapping the bunny's sheath. Jayson gasped as he was let out, the feeling of being free felt so strange. The otteress set the device down and sat on the couch as she grabbed a leather belt. It was cinched around his waist. He felt his wrists being attached to the sides of the belt, effectively keeping his arms at his side.

"Lie on the floor at my feet. This may be a reward, but you will still obey what I say. You better not cum until I give you permission, understand?" she asked to which Jayson replied.

"Yes...yes, Mistress."

He quickly lied down on his back, looking a little confused as to how she would be able to do anything. Suddenly, he gasped as her left foot pressed down onto his sensitive sheath. He lifted his head to look, but her right footpaw suddenly pressed down onto the boy's face. He whimpered out into Mistress' footpaw as the scent of her filled his senses. The boy quickly hardened against her foot as she stomped on him, his paws tugging at his restraints.

Jayson heard the TV go on, but all he could see was Mistress' foot pressed to his face as her other foot began to rub at his hardened bunnyhood. She seemed to be paying little attention to Jayson as she relaxed to watch TV. Jayson moaned out into her foot as it slid up and down, the precum making it all the more slick. His hips twitched and jerked as she kept her foot pressed to his muzzle.

The news came on, he could hear, and her footpaw continued its motions sliding up and down the boy's small erection. His breathing increased and he tried to beg for permission desperately, but all that came out was muffled by her foot pressed to his face. Suddenly, his orgasm hit him with no way for him to top it. His hips jerked and he cried out into her footpaw. He knew he was in deep trouble.

He heard the otteress growl out as the first rope of cum hit her footpaw. Her foot quickly came back, not letting Jayson have any sort of satisfaction from the ill-gotten orgasm. It ended quickly as her heel came down on his exposed balls, making Jayson nearly have to vomit from the intense pain. He cried out into her footpaw, tears coming to his eyes.

Wordlessly, she smeared the bit of cum onto his stomach and reached down, yanking him up from the floor. He knew he'd just ruined any progress he's made thus far that day and tried to whimper out apologies to her. Without bothering to reply, she gripped his headfur and yanked at it, opening the closet door. He was mercilessly shoved inside, the door slammed shut. He landed on his stomach and, with some difficulty, was able to roll onto his back since his paws were still stuck at his sides. He whimpered, terrified of the punishment he knew was to come tomorrow.