COMMISSION - One Shot for Hierg [NSFW]

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#1 of NSFW

Really fun one-shot for Hierg, who supplied a very detailed draft. If you would like something like this feel free to drop me a message for a commission!

Ryan was both nervous and excitable, constantly wringing his hands, but with an apprehensive gleam in his eye. He

was looking at his first, real attempt at practicing magic. On the floor of his garage, he had drawn the sigil,

stretching across all of the available space. It was the culmination of weeks of hard work and research. In

the middle of it, he had placed a houseplant, and his dearest companion, his excitable and loving Beagle, Max.

Max looked up to him with devotion and loyalty, and Ryan patted him on the head.

"I love you boy. You ready to try this?"

He was about to begin, when he heard a knock at the door, and - determined to ignore it and continue with his

first spell - he began activating the arcane forces that powered the sigil. The door creaked open, and he was

ready to tell whoever it was to leave him in peace, when he saw who was standing there, and stopped still.

It was his wife, Stephanie, and she had not simply come to check on him. Judging by her attire, she had come with

one thing in mind. She stood in the doorway wearing only her most revealing lingerie,

a ribbon-bound black corset, that only barely contained her heavy, full breasts, which were straining against the

silken material. Ryan's eyes travelled down her waist, which was criss-crossed with more ribbon, to the

tantalisingly small amount of lace between her smooth thighs. Perhaps it was a trick of the light,

but he could have sworn he could already see a wet patch just over her pussy, making him well aware of

what she wanted.

"I know you're in the middle of something baby," she purred, looking at him through her lashes, "but I thought

you could maybe make some time for... me." As she said this she put one hand suggestively between her thighs,

pressing her fingers between her lips, and with the other she began to peel the silk corset to reveal her nipple.

As she walked towards Ryan, who was completely shocked still, his only movement came from the stiffening of his

cock in his grey work trousers, much to his wife's pleasure.

A second too late, he realised that his wife was going to walk straight through his sigil, whilst the spell had

been already activated; he was about to tell her to stop, when one of her manicured feet stepped over the

threshold, and there was a flash of purple light. Ryan covered his eyes with his hand, and when he looked back,

there was a haze of lavender mist obscuring a faint.. large figure standing where his wife had been.

As the mist cleared, Ryan realised it was no longer Stephanie.. or his faithful Beagle Max, but something

entirely different. Standing taller than his wife, was a large, muscular Anthromorph, which had features

of both his wife and his favourite companion, but was something else altogether.

The Dog Man was covered in soft tawny fur, and where his wife's slender and curvaceous body had been, now were

thick and rippling muscles. The lingerie had remained, and the creature's pectoral muscles were barely contained

by his wife's skimpy silk corset.

Between this Dog Man's legs, beneath lace black panties, was a clear and unmistakable bulge, straining

against the material, and where Ryan had thought he had seen his wife's wetness before, now there was clearly

a sodden patch at the point where the thick bulge strained against the silk most prominently.

Ryan was once again shocked still. His cock was still throbbing in his trousers, which confused him; he had always

been heterosexual, and yet, standing here with this combination of both his beautiful wife and his best canine

friend, he felt confused, and his cock still throbbed.

He was even more shocked when the Dog Man spoke; sounding like his wife but with a much gruffer, deeper growling

tone: "so baby, do you still have time for me?"

"Uh, Stephanie.. Max, I, um, I think I can fix this," he stammered.

"Oh baby, I don't think anything needs to be fixed," growled the Dog Man, taking decisive strides towards him,

"I think the only thing that needs to be fixed is this heat between my legs."

Ryan took a step back from the intimidating form he had created; and ended up backed into his work bench.

He began to protest, but the creature took him in his strong, muscular paws and pressed his lips to

Ryan's. The bristly fur and hard muscles were so unlike the smooth skin Ryan was used to, but he barely had

time to think as the creature forced his lips open and pushed its long, strong tongue into Ryan's mouth.

At the same time it pressed its muscular body into Ryan's, and he felt its hard bulging cock brush his,

and he let out a whimper of pleasure.

"Oh, so you like that huh?" Said the canine, breaking from the kiss but holding Ryan firmly with one hand, whilst

at the same time using its other hand to push past his pants, and take a firm grasp of the still growing cock


"I, uh, actually, can we stop? This is all - confusing.." Stammered Ryan, who was torn between the sexual

feelings for his wife, the love for his friend, and a confusing feeling that walked a tightrope between his

heterosexuality and the clear feelings of pleasure that his cock was seemingly vibrating with against his will.

"Oh, don't play hard to get baby," the Dog Man growled, before pushing Ryan back and once again forcefully kissing

him. Ryan felt conflicted, but he barely had time to think as the creature's thick tongue pushed into his mouth

and wrapped around his, as their lips crushed together, and Ryan's cock throbbed.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the creature pull his cock out of his pants, and it was thick and throbbing.

It was not of human shape, but was a bulging canine cock, already dripping with precum, and positioned directly at Ryan's

crotch, where his own cock pulsed in reply.

Ryan broke off the kiss as the creature took a strong paw to his crotch, grasping his hard cock forcefully.

But before he could speak, he let out a helpless moan, and the beast took this as a sign and moved its hand up

to begin unbuckling his belt, slowly stroking its cock with one large paw, and emitting a low growl.

"Stephanie - Max, can we stop, I, uh,"

"I wore this lingerie just for you, Ryan, I know how to get what I want,"

The creature's excitement was too strong for it to understand what Ryan was saying, it knew only its own throbbing

heat, and the muddled memories of Stephanie before she was transmuted. Unbuckling Ryan's belt, it pulled

down his trousers and boxers in one strong movement, and his cock sprung free, bouncing up to slap against his

chest. It sent a surge of pleasure through him, but he barely had time to register it before strong paws

turned him around, and bent him over his own work bench. He started to say no, but the Dog Man's strong paws on

his back ground his cock against his stomach, covering his belly with precum. The beast leaned over him and

whispered in his ear.

"This is what I want baby, and I know you want this, even if you pretend you don't."

And holding firmly onto Ryan's bare ass, it pushed its throbbing cock into him. Ryan let out an audible

gasp of both surprise and pleasure, as he felt the thick dog cock fill him up. Ryan, who had never before

felt any cock, let alone a sizeably large canine one, in his ass, moaned with both confusion and pleasure.

The creature growled, and pulled its cock out until just the tip was still quivering in Ryan's ass, and then

pushed forcefully to sink himself into Ryan until their bodies were completely melded.

With each pump, Ryan accepted more cock, and could feel the knot at its base hardening and pounding against him.

The Dog Man stopped thrusting so slowly, and pushed its face to Ryan's, and begin to hump his ass rhythmically

and quickly, filling Ryan full of dog-cock, and panting with pleasure.

Then the beast took him by the arms and put him onto the floor on his hands and knees,

all whilst his cock still filled him completely. Increasing the speed of his excitable thrusts, he grabbed Ryan's ass

with both paws, and began to pound his ass with abandon, not caring if Ryan's yelps were of pain, pleasure,

or protest. The Dog Man's deep growls mixed with Ryan's moans and the slapping of Ryan's ass against the Dog's

cock and balls.

As Ryan shook and trembled with confusion and pleasure, only able to moan and

shudder, the creature fully mounted him, putting its strong, muscular paws on the floor next to Ryans', and

thrusting even more rapidly inside of him. He began to whine and howl, in a higher pitch -

"I'm going to finish inside of you, fuck... fuck.. fuck yes!"

And shuddering and thrusting, his canine heat shot hot gushes of cum into Ryan, filling him to the brim, and

then spilling out over his ass and the beasts balls, and onto the floor. There it joined Ryan's own cum, as

he was surprised to find that the moment the Dog Man finished inside of him, his own cock had throbbed and pulsed

in reply, and uncontrollably came.

Ryan could feel the knot at the base of his creation's cock larger and harder than ever, and realised that,

after a cum as hard as that, it might be at least half an hour before he was able to pull his cock out of Ryan.

The creature pressed its full, hairy weight onto Ryan, both of their cocks still throbbing and leaking cum.

The Dog Man nuzzled into his neck, just as his wife would after he'd cum inside her, and licked his ear,

just like Max used to do. Ryan was confused - he loved his wife, he loved Max, and he was sure he was a

heterosexual man, but he could not deny the outpouring of cum that now covered his chest and stomach, and the

somewhat comforting weight of this new creature pressing down on his body, and the warmth of its still throbbing

dog cock deep within him. Ryan began to feel an anxiety rising within him; that this made him gay, as after all,

he had just been fucked, and came over being fucked, by, while not a human male, definitely someone who, for Ryan,

sat outside his normal spectrum of attraction. With the heavy, now sleeping form of the Dog Man on top of him,

these thoughts drifted through his mind as he too, began to drift off to sleep.