Starsmashers, a Smash Bros Starwolf fanfic - Chapter 1

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This fanfic is all about Starwolf, Wolf O'Donnell, and his struggles at having a crush for Starfox, Fox McCloud himself. The two used to be enemies, but nowadays Starwolf finds himself a changed wolf from his villain days. Could he have a chance with the fox hero of his world...?

Aaaalright, here's a fanfic thing that's general story frame I've had written since last christmas. The whole story is way too long for anyone sane and I'm daunted by properly writing it, my perfectionism is also killing me lmao, buuuut perfect or not I want to try and get something done, sooo hey, here's the first chapter of this little fanfiction of mine! I can't promise I'll get the whole story done, but for the time being I hope anyone reading this will like it. I'm gonna do my best cutting this into chapters like this so I don't burnout trying to do everything at once. For now I have 3 chapters done though, the whole day 1 of the story.

Themes and things include:

  • Super Smash Bros Ultimate setup!

  • Written from Starwolf's perspective, concentrates on his relationship struggles

  • Main characters are Starwolf, Starfox, and Incineroar. A few others appear here and there!

  • Gay. A buuunch of sex. Big horny.

  • Muscles, buff stuff. Not overboard though, but definitely in the jocky masculine direction of things.

  • Cute and wholesome here and there (once I get to that point)

  • Probably a bunch of typos lmao, doing my best though!

Also, note, I miiiight end up changing the name, or changing the day 1 day 2 etc system for actual dates or something.

Starsmashers - Chapter 1

by Masterxvmon, FA -

Day 1 - Part 1

"Incineroar out!! It's now Fox and Wolf together against Bowser, team red isn't doing too hot, things are looking promising for our furry boys from Lylat!"

The announcer sure was thrilled, hell I could even hear the audience cheering loud, they were excited and cheering for their favourites. I suppose the match had been rather intense so far, it was a typical team battle of two pairs fighting against each other, but what made it exciting was who were the ones fighting, we were all rather popular in our own right. This season of Super Smash Bros had been a good one.

"Come on!" I heard my team member taunting our only opponent while I myself were still trying to recover from knocking Incineroar off the stage, climbing and flipping back onstage like it was nothing.

Next I heard heavy footsteps, Bowser, that huge weird turtle looking dragon creature surely going rushing and crashing towards Fox. He roared out, I didn't even need to see what was happening to know well what was up, the sounds alone telling me Bowser had gone for a strike, even though how damn bulky the dragon thing was he was nimble, I knew he was about to land a heavy strike on Fox.

Hell, I had nothing to worry about though, I knew Starfox was strong and knew how to fight, seeing him bring out his shield while I rushed for back-up. A large bubble-like shape appeared, nothing out of ordinary though, each one of us Smash fighters could bring do that while in a battle, Bowser's hit smacking into the shield and the impact making it shrink by more than half in size, Fox avoiding getting hurt.

By the rules of the game I ofcourse knew the shield wouldn't take too many strikes and that's where I stepped in, bringing out my blaster and unleashing a shot seemingly gracing the fox's shoulder, though passing through since we were in the same team for this match, no friendly fire here. Obviously I knew where the hell I was aiming, the blast hitting Bowser and exploding, making him go flying back.

"Fox McCloud! You're getting sloppy!" I called out to the fox, keeping my blaster in hand as I stood tall next to him, ready to strike our opponent the moment he'd come rushing back into action. "You're at 56 percent, be more careful!"

"Tch, shut up Wolf, I had it under control!" He responded and stood up tall, releasing his shield. I couldn't help but smirk at him trying to seem tough.

Honestly, the two of us were quite equal, unlike the four legged wild foxes and wolves I had seen around the two of us were civilized, wearing fighter pilot gear, standing on two feet and equal in height. Though, not to brag but, like a wolf should be compared to fox I was the physically stronger of us two, but even so I wouldn't deny Fox being the more nimble of us two. Hell, suppose I had to admire him, like in the past he still gave me trouble whenever the two of us were pit up against each other in these fights, he was the perfect rival he had always been.

"Hah, sure you did. Let's go Fox, we got this." I stood back-to-back with him, keeping my blaster pointed at Bowser recovering.

"No, I got this!! Just stay back!" he responded and rushed ahead with his own blaster on hand, already blasting his weaker but more rapid laser shots as he ran forward.

I must've visibly scoffed, so much for teamwork, he really just tolerated me for these battles, he didn't want anything else to do with me. I would be lying if I said that didn't feel bad, we made a good Smash team did he like it or not. Still, whatever he thought I wasn't about to leave him fighting alone, he could probably handle it but that's not how I rolled, not when were in the same team - I wouldn't leave a crewmate behind.

"They are on the move, Starfox and Starwolf fighting together and overwhelming Bowser!" The announcer again riled up the crowd.

Yeah sure, "Fighting together" he had said and I silently repeated, he must've been blind. I went for support, Starfox had clashed his fists with Bowser and the traded blows, it was actually looking rather even, the damn dragon must've been furiously trying to win against us, the two Lylat pilots. Hah, as if!

I approached at the perfect time, Fox landing a hit and kicking Bowser into the air and following after, seeming to burst into flames as he went for a move of his named the Fire Fox, unfortunately missing. Hell, I was prepared though, I had already doublejumped towards the fighters and as Fox's move missed and Bowser airdodged and slid out of the way, I myself lit up in purple flames and bursted towards the dragon foot first.

"Fire wolf!!" I roared out unlike my usual self, but I was feeling show-offy as I made a perfect hit.

Bowser went flying, lights and particles bursting out as he was eliminated from the battle, netting me and Starfox our victory!

I fell back down on the battlefield below, crunching down to soften my landing and placing my fingertips and claws on the ground as I made that stylish and cocky landing with a smirk on my face. As I landed the projections of our audience faded out, another hologram projection then displayed away from the battlefield showing the final score and playing a pre-recorded b-roll of me and fox doing our victory poses.

"Yeah!" I howled out while the announcer spoke in the background, a blue highlight that had indicated mine and Fox's team fading out "Did you see that, Fox!? That's how it's done!"

"Tch, I had it under control, I didn't need your help!" He ofcourse spoke back, his tone annoyed.

"Come oooon Fox, don't be like that, we make a good team." I spoke all friendly while approaching my team member. "We've never lost against anyone when teamed up."

"Like either of us wants to get teamed up." He brushed his coat, getting ready to leave, not even looking at me.

"Aw, come on..." Fuck, his attitude was putting my mood down, and here we should be celebrating our victory. "Don't be so sour, Fox."

"Match is over, I'm out." He ignored me, already walking away from me.

"Nooo, hey, c'mon...!" I tried stopping him, but my words weren't reaching him, he wasn't keen of me. "Ugh..."

The two of us weren't team members for every match by any means. Our battles and matchups were determined by others, it wasn't overly rare for the two of us to get paired up due to originally being from the same place, but just as often we were also fighting against each other and trying to smack the other down. Whenever we were paired up though I swear we did good together, I put my everything into working with him even if he didn't care to return the effort, and outside the matches he just... well, after the work was over, it was back to hating me it seemed.

I made my way the opposite direction on the battlefield all grumpy, a platform that would take me to my specified resting area appearing near the edge of the stage, though before I made my way to it I spotted a member of the opposite team climbing back into the stage, first a hand and another, lifting himself to to lean by the edge on his elbows all relaxed.

"Dude, good job there!" I head his familiar voice call out, not Bowser, but his other team member, the masked wrestler Incineroar.

"Sure, thanks. You good?" My platform was nearby so I had already walked near where the guy was climbing up from, offering a hand for the dude much bigger and buffer than me to grab onto, pulling him up on his feet.

"Pffft, no need to worry about me, you know the mighty Incineroar doesn't get hurt easy!"

"Strong guy. Good game."

"Yeah, good game Wolf!"

I couldn't help but grin at his attitude, even after losing the large feline Pokemon had his spirits up. The wrestling-geared fluffy-cheeked fighter raised his fist to which I responded with mine, fist bumping as a sign of a good match, no hard feeling by any means despite being in opposing teams, that's how things usually went with these battles. Even though I was chatting with my pal now I couldn't help but look back over my shoulder, Fox no longer on the battlefield, he must've stepped into his own platform already.

"Hm, what's up?" The cat asked right away, annoyingly observant, making me sigh before looking back at him.

"Nah, forget it, it's nothing."

I stepped into the platform, the feline doing the same, not taking his own but instead hogging much of my small circular spot's space with his massive body alone, only a second or so later both of us getting teleported away from the stage and appearing elsewhere.

"That definitely wasn't nothing Wolf, I know that look you've been having nowadays."

I scoffed some again. God, did I really have some specific look on my face...?

I ignored my friend sticking close to me as I dug into my pockets for my pack of smokes, the two of us now at an elevated hangar built on at a side of a tall skyscraper, a hangar where I kept my movement option of choice, my trusty Arwing, a fighter ship equipped with lasers and what have you. I marched towards it trying to keep whatever else out of my mind, but I couldn't help but look when I heard the loud sounds of another space ship flying off, unmistakable who was piloting it.

"...Oh!" Incineroar commented after the ship had flown off. "Thaaat's right. Still no luck?" Unfortunately for me, the damn cat also knew who was piloting it.

"Don't bring it up." I ended up somewhat mumbling out while lighting up a cigarette.

"Dude, I know what's up, you should try speaking to him." The damn cat rushed next to me and placed his large hand on my shoulder while we kept moving.

"Fucking... can you just let it go for now? Fuck..." I let out my frustration and swayed the cat's arm off before taking a good breath of my smoke.

"Man, you suck at this stuff." He kept up to my dismay.

I couldn't help but let out a smoky sigh out as I then took tall leaps up to my ship's cockpit from crates and the ship's wings, no ladder needed for us capable fighters. While opening up my cocktip I gestured at Incineroar to drop the subject, but even after I got into my ship he just couldn't keep his mouth shut, leaning towards me from the outside, standing on the ship next to the cocktip and my seat.

"Really, you're bad at this stuff, need help?"

"Fuuck meeee." I complained, holding the smoke in my fingers. "What you're bad at is smashing, you just suck that bad nowadays or did you let our team win?" I tried changing the subject.

"Haha, you think I would?" He smiled, he never took me too seriously, thank fuck.

"You're never that sloppy with your counters or throws, did you strain a muscle while lifting iron or what?" I too smiled at him all cocky.

"Pffft." He bumped his fist against my shoulder, getting abit of a chuckle out of me. "I was trying to give you a chance!"

"A chance at winning?" I gave a smirky, puzzled look.

"A chance with him." He pointed towards the direction the other ship had blasted off to. Damn... he just had to insist on talking about Starfox.

"Dude, fuck... can you just drop it."

"Aw come on, I know you're interested in Fox."

"Uuugghh..." I couldn't help but let out a deep groan in response.

"Bet he would've not been happy in the slightest if you two had lost the match back there."

"He wasn't happy regardless, pleased now!?" I didn't mean to but raised my voice, staring straight forward into the controls of my ship and trying to get away from this... embarrassing topic.

"Dude don't get mad at me, just trying to help your sorry ass!"

"I didn't ask for your help! Can you just... leave it be?" I'm not used to this.

"Dude, sorry, a touchy subject?"

"Gh..." I flicked a few switches, my ship started lifting off with the cocktip still open. I flicked my shortened cigarette out. "Just get on already, we're wasting gas running empty."

Without adding anything more the hunky feline hopped on, hogging much of the space behind my seat as he sat down, the cocktip closing and my ship bursting into speed before Incineroar had even secured a seatbelt, flying out of the hangar and into the open air. With blue sky in the background my Arwing made it's way at mach speed, radar scanning for any potential objects or dangers like I always had to do back in my home world, all weapons however now deactivated, generally speaking there was no need for any fighting outside our pre-set Smash battles in the battlefield.

I clicked a button and put on jazzy rock to let my mind relax, something originally from the Lylat space system me, Fox, and a few others were originally from. We had been away from home for a good long while now fighting these hand to hand battles, battles everyone around here knew and watched, battles that paid us well. Many fighters had been called to take part in the battles with new ones seeming to pop up constantly, it had been a thrill but It would be a lie to say I didn't miss home. Still, with my rival foxboy here, and my ship and favourite music too, it wasn't that bad. Plus, the friendly company wasn't all that bad, especially when they didn't peek too much into one's personal life.

"Hey..." Said company spoke out soft.

"What?" I looked back at him with the ship on auto-pilot for the most part, Incineroar even in here still wearing his fire-patterned wrester's mask.

"I just wanna help you with him dude."

"Wha...? Fuck, not again." Ofcourse he had to bring it up again.

"No hear me out atleast, look dude, it's been clear for the longest time you're interested in Fox, you know."

I didn't respond, though furrowed my brows and clenched the controls of my ship.

"Whenever me and you have a few drinks it's often McCloud this and McCloud that. It's all you seem to talk about."

"Grah, please..." I groaned out, annoyed at the lack of my self control when drunk.

"Dude, no need to be embarrassed." I felt Incineroar's hand on my shoulder again, his head and breath on the other side of my own head. "You two come from the same world right? You got history together yeah?"

"Gh... and why do you care anyway?" I kept my eyes forward.

"Just curious, and I want to support my dude."

"Support me with what?"

"Man you're dense. So you got some history?"

"Fuck..." He was being annoyingly persistent, but was it the caring tone in his voice or whatever else I couldn't keep up just being annoyed at him. "You should know, we were enemies back then, alright?"

"Yeah? And now?"

"Uh, I... uuh...?"

I didn't know how to respond really. Things had changed after we came to this world, after we started taking part in the Smash battles, but it's not like we had suddenly become proper team mates. I had been the villain back then, but we weren't trying to kill each other any more, nor were we even trying to stop each other from living our lives. We were no longer the enemies we used to be.

Honestly, something about this new life had changed me. I had an easy life now, I could feel how I had changed from the days when I had to fight for my life. Now things were practically given to me, hadn't had any reason to shoot my ships weapons even once. It was weird, being so... law-abiding, or whatever. I was still the tough guy, but my attitude had definitely changed. After being teamed up with Fox so many times my looks on him had changed too, I had trouble seeing him as my enemy, the rivalry wasn't full of hate any more, I didn't want to blast him off the sky.

Well... that was my side of things. Maybe Fox felt different, though I couldn't blame the guy, I had gone after his tail in not so great ways more times than I care to mention. Really, my desire to blast him down off the sky had been real back then, his tenacity to never go down had fueled me and given me a desire to be a better pilot, a better fighter. Maybe Fox was still the same as in Lylat, was I the only weird one here?

"...I dunno really." I responded after Incineroar had given me a moment to try and gather my thoughts.

"Still enemies then?"

"Well I atleast am not trying to kill him."

"Think he might hold a grudge or something? From the old days?"

"Fuck if I know..." I spoke, but I was pretty sure that's how things were.

"Hey dude, if you wanna get along with him it can help to try and understand him. His side of things."

"Uh-huh." I responded with an irritated tone. He had a point, but how would that help me? I wasn't sure what I could do.

"Like, you know, you can't only think about yourself right? Try to think about his feelings too."

"Riiight..." The cat's words weren't helping much. "So, what, you a couples therapist now or something?"

"I've had my fair share of crushes!" He boasted, but I didn't quite buy it. I couldn't help but chuckle and look back at him as he leaned back to his seat.

"Huh? Whaaat, you? I thought all you do is wrestle, cat."

"Guess I've never told you much about anything else, haha!"

"Tch, like I even care about anything else about you."

"Dude, rude!" he commented, I gave a frisky grin at him.

"Just wait until we make our back to the hotel, you big dumb cat."


"Yeah, just shut up about Fox and I'll show you what I think of the big wrestler."

"Ooh, tough guy!"
