Gaining Guardians

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A group of adventurers get caught in a bad storm in the middle of an adventure, and with nothing but monster-infested woods around them they seek shelter in the only place they can find. What they hole up in is an abandoned temple to a long-forgotten god.

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Deep in the forest miles from the nearest town a group of adventurers struggled to make their way through the thick underbrush as the rumble of thunder above them reminded them of the storm that was quickly bearing down on them. They had been on a quest to attempt to slay a dragon that lived in the mountains there but on their second day the druid that was with them had sensed a major storm that was brewing. While they thought that perhaps they could reach the mountains with enough time to hunker down a rogue band of monsters had caused them to have a big fight, and though they were victorious it had eaten away a major chunk of their traveling time. They weren't going to get to the mountains before the storm hit and the group were in the midst of deciding on whether or not to hunker down the dwarf of the group sensed a structure in the distance that they went for instead.

As the winds picked up and they started to hear the trees shaking above them the warrior of the group shouted to the dwarf if they are going to make it, to which the dwarf replied that they were very close now. The rest of the group looked at one another incredulously but continued to run even as droplets of rain began to drip down on them. The winds were starting to howl and the four of them had to shield their faces from the elements as a bolt of lightning could be seen. Just as the warrior shouted that they needed to stop and find alternate shelter the dwarf took his axe and sliced through the last of the underbrush, which revealed a stone structure that was in a short while away.

The four of them rushed their way through the stone path that had created a makeshift tunnel through the dense vegetation in order to get to the dark archway that led into the partially sunken building. Lightning continued to crash down all around them as they all practically dove into the structure, all of them stumbling inside before panting heavily. "You see... I told you Faldin..." the dwarf said between gasps as he looked up at the warrior human. "It was... right here all along!"

"So it would seem," Faldin replied as he started to take off his armor, feeling the rain water within sloshing around as the others did the same. "Good work Baulrir, I would take a run over having to stay out in the rain. Lyo, can you detect how long this storm is going to last now that it's upon us?"

The elf had finished pulling off his leather armor and nodded to the warrior before he sat down on the stone floor, meditating for a few minutes while everyone else tried to ring the excess water out of their clothing. "It seems the storm will last for a few days," Lyo stated as he opened his eyes that glowed slightly. "I also don't sense any life in this place."

"These ruins go fairly deep," Baulrir said as he rubbed his hand against the stone. "But I wouldn't call it expansive, so if the druid says there's no one here I would believe him. Sorry Grim, no hacking and slashing tonight."

The half-orc that the dwarf was talking to just rolled his eyes before he put his battle axe to the side before taking the furs off of his body. Grim was the only one that was unhappy with the situation though as the druid made a fire while the others attempted to get out of their wet clothes to keep from getting ill. Most were ready for a rest and while they weren't fond of having to wait a few days for the storm to blow over it meant that they could have a few days before they had to fight a dragon. As everyone began to settle into the entryway sitting in their loincloths, which wasn't the first time, Faldin began to look past the shadows and stood up and stretched his muscular body before wandering deeper into the ruins.

Faldin had taken a torch with him from his bag, the leather keeping it dry despite running through the storm, and lit it before he ventured further in. With only his loincloth it made him feel exposed, but with his armor dripping wet there was nothing that he could do about it as he used the flames to look around. He trusted the druid that there wasn't anything around and the dwarf would have detected if there were undead moving about, but that didn't stop a shiver from gong down his spine as he looked down and saw the smashed remains of a statue. There were multiple ones that had been turned to rubble and it looked like there was one point where some sort of battle that was there.

As he got further inside Faldin began to feel his hair stand on end, his skin tingling as he went through a set of stairs that went down a bit until it entered into another chamber. He found more signs of fighting down in the next area and through his training could guess this was where the main bulk of the battle happened. From the fact that most of the skeletons that were at the door seemed to be in the defensive position it was clear that they had lost the battle, though what really surprised him was how big all the bones were. They looked like some of the monsters that would typically be encountered while adventuring, though why there were so many defending this area was strange to him as he stepped over them to get further inside while unaware that a thin layer of fur had started to grow along his back and chest.

When the warrior stepped over the threshold into the room they had been trying to keep the invaders out of he was greeted with a peculiar sight. The room was built like a temple; there was a number of statues that looked like they were destroyed at the entrance but the largest one that was in the alcove on the other side of the rather large room looked almost pristine. Whomever attacked this place clearly was seeking its destruction, though it was strange that while it appeared that those who assaulted the temple had gotten through to this room they seemed to have left the main altar intact. As he started to walk inside though he did see that there were a number of pieces of discarded armor and shredded clothing that were scattered about.

Faldin found himself starting to sweat as he picked up one of the helmets that was close to the door and saw that something had punctured the metal. As he looked at the hole though it seemed that whatever had done the damage had pierced it from the inside out. The warrior had never seen any reason for that to happen other than deliberate damage and it caused him to be even more confused as he slowly stood up with a grunt. For a few seconds he had to steady himself as he felt a bit of vertigo, though the real reason he stumbled was from his swollen feet merging a few of his increasingly fur-covered toes while sharp black claws grew from the tips.

The transformation had continued to go unnoticed as the growing hair on his body was being pushed up by his muscles that had started to swell, though what Faldin found himself focused on was his head as he put his hand against it. There was a sensation there that was similar to magic that he had experienced in his travels before, but the more he tried to focus on it the harder it was to remember. A lot of his memories were starting to slip out from his fingers but as he looked back at the statue he found himself more drawn towards it than before. His growing chest started to heave slightly as he could feel his breath quicken while he stepped forward, but the closer he got the more his changes progressed as his teeth began to sharpen and poke past his darkening lips.

It wasn't until he once more brought up his hand to wipe the sweat and hair away from his eyes that he felt something hard brush against his forehead. At first Faldin thought that he was still holding onto the helmet but when he looked down at his hand he gasped as he saw that the back of it was covered in fur and his palms had grown thick leathery pads. As he watched his hands were still transforming and growing bigger as he stumbled backwards, falling backwards on the hard stone and landing on his butt as well as a lump that had been growing at the base of his spine. He got back up into a somewhat sitting position and as he finally the saw the hair that had grown over his body, though it had thickened at this point to large patches of black fur, and that his loincloth was being stretched out by the reddening cock that was practically throbbing.

"N-no..." Faldin said as he got on his hands and knees, trying to turn around as his already developed muscles swelled and grew while even the flesh underneath the fur started to turn black underneath it. "I'm... becoming... a monster!" As the warrior began to crawl back towards the door he could start to feel the changes slowing, but even as he crawled away he could feel his spine stretching from the tail that grew from the lump that stretched from his thickening rear. His breathing became a growl as drool started to drip from his mouth while more of humanity drained away from him in both body and mind...

Meanwhile the other three had gotten a fire going and were eating dinner when all of them suddenly heard something from deeper in the temple. "Hey... do you think someone should go check on Faldin?" Baulrir asked as the other two stopped eating. "I know that he wanted to do some scouting but this place isn't that big. Plus there's food ready and if he's not back soon Grim is going to eat it all."

Lyo snickered at that as the half-orc huffed and crossed his arms, only to scratch his head as the elf druid stood up. "I will go and see if he's alright," Lyo stated as he grabbed a torch and lit it. "He probably just found something interesting and lost track of time, we all know how easy that can be when wandering about in the dark. Do try to leave some food for him Grim."

Once more the half-orc let out a huff as the druid left, making the alright quiet campfire even more so as Baulrir continued to read a book that he had found which contained an ancient script. He had bought it from a fellow artificer and it contained plans that would allow him to build not only better weapons for himself but also the others... minus the druid who refused to use such machinations. It was his loss, the dwarf thought to himself as he continued to read, though as he scratched his thick beard he found that it was getting harder and harder to concentrate on what he was reading. It felt like he was losing the understanding of the words he was looking at as the rain continued to pound outside.

Baulrir sighed as he blamed the stress of their rushed journey on his lack of ability to focus as he brought out a book in his own dwarven language instead. He wasn't one to waste a respite to learn more but as he started to write down his own notes he found himself having a problem even reading his natural language. "Blast it all!" Baulrir eventually roared in exasperation as he tossed the book aside, nearly casting it into the fire in his frustration. "Finally a moment to myself and I can't even read!"

"Reading is overrated anyway," Grim replied as he seemed to stare into the fire.

"No, you rather bull rush your way into cleaving heads," Baulrir replied, which just caused the half-orc to snort in response as he itched his chest while looking in his bag for some sort of diversion. With the storm raging outside there was little for him to do and anything that he normally would have preoccupied his time with seemed to give him a headache. That didn't stop him from looking and had he been paying attention to his body rather than his pursuits he would have noticed the hair he was brushing against had been falling off his body to leave smooth, bare skin behind.

As he took out his gun that replicated the breath of a fire dragon, something that the rest of his party was always wary of, he was about to try to recalibrate it when he realized that he couldn't remember how. It wasn't just a momentary abatement of information either as he pressed his hands against the components of the weapon and found himself unable to even recall the names of the components that comprised it. "Grim... I think there's something terr...tarri... there's something wrong going on here," Baulrir stated as he held onto his head with one hand and his beard with the other, only to find himself holding a large clump of it. "What sort of foul magic is this?"

"Grim enjoying himself," Grim replied, his voice sounding deeper as the dwarf realized for the first time that the other man had pulled his loincloth aside and was stroking his fat length. Though it was starting to get hard for him to string coherent thoughts together one image that came sharp in his mind was the one time that Grim got drunk and flashed everyone, which while the green tool he had seen at that time was impressive it was nothing compared to the thick shaft he had both hands on. "Get naked, enjoy."

Baulrir wanted to rebuke his fellow adventurer for being so openly lewd but there was something so... freeing about the way Grim pleasured himself that made the dwarf envious. He could feel himself begin to heat up as he found the words unable to form in his mouth, which had become increasingly smooth as the beard that he had prided himself on continued to fall away. The only hair he had left was actually on his head as he found himself standing up as his smooth body shined in the light. His stature was also starting to grow bigger as well, and while Grim had been steadily growing he had already been a big man and for the much smaller dwarf the changes were more drastic.

"Grim, get a hold of yourself," the dwarf said as he went over and tried to stop the half-orc from masturbating, the shining eyes of the other creature moving towards the dwarf as his already shaggy hair grew longer while something began to push up from them. "Something is happening to us, my head... things are getting so foggy. I don't care if there's a storm, we need to get the other two and get out of here."

To the dwarf's surprise the half-orc suddenly grabbed onto his head, letting out a growl that deepened as his eyes seemed to glow even brighter. "We're not going anywhere," Grim said with a deepening voice as his nostrils flared, which grew bigger as hair began to grow on his green skin. "This where we belong. Just give in."

As the changing half-orc continued to grip on Baulrir's head he could hear Grim laughing as his voice became even more distorted before it turned to a bellow, his already pronounced jaws starting to stretch as his lips become thick and rubbery. The other man squirmed but where the changing creature held onto him he could feel the last of his hair disappear, but as his skin continued to grow shiny a textured pattern began to appear all over his body. The thickening cock of the growing creature throbbed against his much smaller form but as Baulrir could feel his entire frame continuing to stretch and his muscles growing it was Grim that was grabbing his attention even more.

The dwarf had encountered enough minotaurs, most with Grim by his side, to know that the half-orc was changing into one as a pair of horns pushed their way out of his head. As the changing man's feet scraped along the stone floor the thick green feet shifted and morphed into a pair of huge hooves to support his body. There was no more speech that he was capable of, but it wasn't needed as he used his newfound strength to shift himself up while continuing to keep the other man in his grip. Even with the changes being more profound than the former muscular half-orc barbarian turned beefy minotaur the corrupted man knew that there was more that was needed, which as he rubbed the flared head of his cock against the bare face of the dwarf he could see his eyes start to glow as his scale-textured flesh began to turn green...

At the same time Lyo continued down the same path that he believed the warrior had taken, which was a rather straightforward path deeper into the temple, the druid began to feel something that worried him. While the spell he had done made sure that there were no other life-signs that were detected he hadn't looked for any magic in particular, but between him and Baulrir being the only ones with any time of magical sense it was the best they could do. As his skin began to tingle and he saw the remains of battle with monstrous bones that were scattered about he wondered if that wasn't good enough. At this point the elf just wanted to find the warrior so that he could reassure himself that everything was okay.

As Lyo got to the battle site though he found himself pausing as he looked into the final room of the temple, gasping slightly at what he found. "A temple of Rashe," Lyo whispered to himself as he started to take a few steps back. "The god of monsters... I thought that was just a story they told druids to scare them at night. This is not good."

A loud clanging noise caused Lyo to get into a defensive position, tossing the torch aside and using his magic to cast a light spelll on a stone that he had pulled out of his pocket. As the magical illumination filled the room he saw a shadow move in the corner of the room, and as the creature that had been there began to move towards his position he got ready to draw his scimitar only to stop when he saw the partially transfigured face. "Faldin?!" Lyo shouted in shock as he saw the amber eyes of the half-wolf man.

"Lyo..." Faldin managed to say through his elongated face, which as the druid ran over and knelt next to the warrior he could see that he was turning into something lupine in nature and probably a werewolf. "What's going... what's happening? So hard... to think..."

Faldin had continued to transform even after getting out of the temple altar room, but hair and muscle had continued do develop on his body to the point where he was a hulking beast. "This temple must have been cursed by Rashe," Lyo said as he tried to get Faldin to get to his huge wolf feet, while the warrior had always been a bit taller than the druid he nearly towered over him as a wall of furry muscle. "My guess from the armor and clothing that are ripped up inside the altar room those that had assaulted this temple and killed the acolytes were cursed to become monsters themselves, possibly might explain why the population of them in this area is so plentiful."

Faldin nodded but as Lyo attempted to keep moving the affected warrior he heard a loud snarl that caused him to stop, which made the werewolf like creature fall to his hands and knees as his ears began to stretch to the top of his head. "You're not turning?" Faldin asked, though his words were clearly becoming harder for him to summon to his mouth that was growing more incapable of the means to express them.

"Elves do have a bit of magical resistance," Lyo explained, though as he looked at his hands he saw that the flesh there had started to harden and yellow. "Apparently not enough though, but I think if we can get out of this place the effects of the curse might wear off. At this point I'll take a miserable night in the rain than turning into a monster."

As Lyo continued to try and pull Faldin forward he eventually felt him pull his furry arm back. "I'm finished," Faldin said as his voice became a deep growl. "Go, save yourself and the others."

"Faldin, no..." Lyo replied as he put his altered hands to his mouth before going back to kneel down. "Please, come with me! You can beat this!"

There were a few moments when Faldin looked like he was going to come up with him he suddenly saw the warrior's head, which contained the last bits of his humanity, suddenly look down and hang there for a few seconds. As his body continued to shudder Lyo took the chance and brought the increasingly furry face of the man and brought him back up to eye level where his hopeful gaze was met with one of confusion. "Who... who are you?" Lyo gasped and stepped back as the next second his face suddenly contorted and he let out a loud roar as the last of his humanity disappeared as his face stretched out into a full muzzle with his teeth pushing out into proper fangs past his gums.

Lyo quickly turned and run to try and get out of the area before the werewolf monster that the warrior had become completely took over, maneuvering his way around the ruins as he heard the creature continue to howl behind him. The druid had never heard of Rashe's curse but it had completely taken hold of their leader, and as he felt feathers sprout from his bare chest he realized that he was succumbing as well. His only hope was to take the other two and brave the storm and take their chances with the weather instead of hanging around and letting this insidious magic fester inside of him. As he got to the entrance and saw the light of the fire there were two shadows that caused him to stop, then sneak up to see the source of the loud grunts and growls that he heard.

While Baulrir could still be identified the hulking creature that was pushing his cock into them no longer looked like the half-orc at all anymore. Instead was a minotaur that snorted loudly with each thrust as he stood on his hooved feet with his hands wrapped around the arms of the transforming creature who was so stuffed that a bulge could be seen in the growing scales of his stomach. Grim was a half-orc, and while orcs had come a long way from their monstrous origins it seemed that Reshe was able to affect their barbarian far faster than even the warrior that had stumbled upon the god's altar. That power seemed to be flowing into their artificer as he saw a thick scaly tail pushing its way out above the cock being shoved into him as huge talons scraped along the concrete from the increasingly draconic feet that held him up.

This was not good, Lyo thought to himself as the grunts of the dwarf grew deeper while his beardless face turned to a draconic snout. If he attempted to try and bypass them both it might cause the minotaur to stop his corruption of the other man and go after him, or with a pair of horns growing out of the dragon's head and his cock completely erect between his scaly legs Baulrir himself might. With the werewolf behind him and no other way to escape the druid knew that he would have to find a means to restrain them, and brought forth his magical energy to entangle them so that he cold escape...

...except he found he couldn't summon forth the magic to do so. His eyes widened as the power that usually came so easily to him was not there, like he had a mental block of how to do it as he suddenly found himself shrinking back. When he looked down at the lower part of his body he could see that there was a thin layer of tawny fur that was growing from his legs and his maleness had grown erect, though whether it was from the corruption that was suffusing into his body or the fact he was watching the two beastly men having sex he wasn't sure. All he could do was try to figure out how to run as the dragon that had been their smartest adventurer growls and snarled as his body grew to the size of the minotaur while his thick muscles flexed underneath the jagged green scales.

The druid had been so fixated on the two that he didn't notice the pair of glowing yellow eyes coming up behind him, and by the time he felt the clawed hands wrap around his waist it was too late. Lyo let out a cry that caused the other two monsters to turn their heads but by that time the elf had already disappeared into the shadows. With the strong muscles wrapped around him there was nothing that he could do except squirm as he was taken deeper into the temple of the god of monsters. By the time they got into the altar room Lyo had stopped shouting and started panting as body started to swell and stretch.

Lyo tried to say something but the words drained from his mind, and even if he could form a thought in his head above the lust that he was feeling he wouldn't be able to say them as his face pushed out into a beak. What did escape his lips was a loud squawk as his legs were spread by the furry beast that had put him on the altar, tail feathers growing out as the werewolf plunged his cock into his new tailhole. While the thick member would have ripped the somewhat thin elf apart his muscles were already growing and his body was already stretching with his legs quivering while they pointed up to the statue of the god of monsters himself. The eyes of the elf shifted from green to a deep blue as the curse recognized the natural power that dwelled within the creature.

As the werewolf slid the nearly foot long lupine cock into him Lyo's body continued to convulse and twitch in pure pleasure as the knowledge of the divine that he had studied for so long was corrupted and mutated instead of burned out of his mind like the others. For Grim his brutish nature and straight-forward fighting made him into the natural minotaur he was while the warrior Faldin was given a fierce and powerful werewolf body complete with savage claws and teeth to be utilized with the tactics that were still inside him. For Baulrir his technological prowess was replaced with mystical energy as the dwarf finally got the firepower he wanted in the form of a dragon's fire breath that dripped from his maw as he was pounded from behind since such intelligence was unnecessary for their kind. But for Lyo he was given the greatest gift of all by the god of monsters; his divine magic was turned to that of monsters, namely to corrupt others to create more just like the temple where his elven body practically inflated with muscle.

If Lyo could have spoke he would have spurred the vicious beast to fuck him harder, looking up into the slavering face of the werewolf as the leonine paws that had morphed from his feet wrapped around the furry back of the other monster. Even as new information flooded into his mind everything else melted away with each thrust to leave only the gryphon creature behind. With the curse having run its course it left the four adventurers to enjoy the bodies that they had given, and as the gryphon leaned forward and wrapped his avian arms around his werewolf lover it allowed the pair of wings to grow out of his back as feathers and fur assimilated the last of his elven flesh over his muscular body.

As the gryphon bounced slightly on the altar he felt a clawed hand wrap around his cock, bringing both of them to their first corrupted orgasm as beasts. Both creatures howled and snarled in pleasure as a symbol started to glow as it formed on their foreheads as they were joined by a large dragon man and massive minotaur who held the axe that now looked rather diminutive being rested on his huge axe. Both of them also had the symbol of their new god on their heads and even though the storm raged outside the stone and plants that surrounded the region started to become corrupted. The power of the curse that had taken the adventurers was only growing stronger, and with four new acolytes they were more than willing to find others and cause the temple they now guarded to be once more be filled with such creatures.