Burning Hearts, Chapter 1 -- A New City

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#1 of Burning Hearts

The start of a story about Laval, Cragger, and Worriz. This part is about Laval, prince of the Lions, and his first meeting with Cragger, the prince of the Crocodiles.

Hello! This is the first story I've written in a while and I've yet to beta read this yet, so it's not great. I'll try to update this monthly at the least (it's only a thousand words a chapter so it shouldn't be too hard even with my schedule). This is the first fanfiction work, and felt it appropriate to post it here due to it being furry. This is based on the Legends of Chima series but in a semi-modern setting and with some world building of my creation. I plan on keeping this work SFW, but there may be some adult themes so that might change. Feel free to give me some feedback on this. (sorry for the formatting SF tends to do that).

Chapter 1: A New City

Night falls over the city of Mezeh, the heart of crocodile country. The moon hangs over the sky, looming, watching the city through the clear sky, among the stars. The lights in the city mimicking the stars from light posts to the central clock tower, and amidst the lights is a small lion with fiery red hair walking with a lion with greying fur.

Laval always found the political meetings of his father extremely annoying: all the formalities, serious faces, and long winded talk rubbed him the wrong way. The day in Mezeh was this to the nth degree in which his father had him sit in on all of his meetings with the crocodile diplomats in order for some trade deal that he didn't care for. However, Laval knew that he should start paying more attention to his father's techniques as he would eventually have to do something similar by being next in line for the throne.

At this point Laval is dragging his feet to the hotel with Lagravis, his father, now that they are free from those accursed meetings. According to his father, tomorrow they'll go sight-seeing in the city and have an "informal" dinner with the royal family. Apparently, they have two children at Laval's age.

"Thanks for being patient with me," Lagravis said, breaking the silence between them.

"For what?" Laval asked.

"For sitting in with me during all those meetings. I'm more than aware that you hate them, especially the long ones," Lagravis chuckled. "Did you notice the way the diplomat's clothes looked?"

"The one with unusual colours or the one with too much jewellery?" Laval asked.


They talked about the appearances of the diplomats on the way back to the hotel while surrounded by their bodyguards. Once they got there, Laval immediately jumped face first into the bed not even bothering to take off his bright blue robes and fell asleep nearly as fast.

The morning comes quickly, far quicker than Laval would've liked, but this feeling is replaced with excitement with the exploration of the city. He wolfs down breakfast in order to start his new adventure faster with his father talking his time, siming at Laval's squirming in his seat. Once he finished Laval was already out the door to start looking around.

Laval looks around at the street and the cloudless sky,

"It's going to rain soon, son," Lagravis said.

"Doesn't look like it," Laval replied

"Well, looks aren't everything," Lagravis said.

"I know, I know," Laval sighed.

Their car pulls up to the curb, and they hop in, ensuring that their blue robes remain un-tangled. Laval keeps his face glued to the window to absorb all the sights of the city. The food stands by the street, the people on the sidewalk, the buses driving around with so much greenery in between was new to Laval who only knew what Leontonastu looked like. Lagravis, looking over at his son, found his son's enthusiasm infectious as he found himself smiling despite being in Mezeh many times before.

The city was known for its unique architectural style which is based primarily out of wood and designed for the frequent and unpredictable rain in the region which makes the buildings have many complex roofing parts and tiles to take care of the rain. Interestingly, there is no air conditioning in most buildings due to the high humidity as the crocodiles tend to enjoy the weather.

Eventually they reach their first stop, a monument commemorating the foundation of the central Chima government. It consists of the 9 main tribes holding hands in a circle, towering over the square with Mount Cavora in the middle of the circle. Laval had heard the story many times before about the way Mount Cavora fell to the ground and the way the Kings and Queens of the 9 tribes united to form the comitia to ensure protection from the Outlands. But this happened many, many years ago well before Laval's time.

At the monument, Laval spots the press who were being held back by security provided by the crocodiles. They were a writhing mess of microphones, cameras, and limbs all trying to get the scoop on the talks from yesterday. Laval just ignored them and looked at the plants all round the monument which had a selection of water plants the likes of which Laval had never seen in person. After a few minutes Lagravis led Laval back to the car, and they left to continue their tour.

This pattern of come to place, look around, almost get swarmed by the press, leave was becoming tiring after the third time. By the time the sun was setting, Laval had become exhausted but knew he had to keep his energy up for the dinner. Lagravis had told Laval many times that he should be on his best behaviour for his and do no pranks. As he was remembering this he realized that they just passed the palace gates and began to head for the front entrance. They passed by the ornate gardens with many displays of crocodile statues and fountains filled with many plants. Finally they reached the entrance which was shaped like the head of a crocodile with its mouth wide open which had the royal butler waiting there for them. As the car slowly pulled up the butler reached out and opened the door with Lagravis and Laval quickly stepping out of the car onto the walkway with their blue robes and golden jewellery ruffling in the wind as the storm began to pick up. Following the butler, Laval looks at the walls and sees the portraits of the previous crocodile royals and famous figures with the occasional appearance of other species interspersed with expensive looking artefacts and furniture.

Not too long after, they reach the dining room with its high ceilings marked by complex artwork of multiple species with multiple panels showing the ascension of the royal family to the throne and the unification of Chima. The walls, covered in complex embellishments and large windows to the gardens, help establish the green and gold palette of the room which made Lagravis and Laval stand out due to their clothing and fur colour. Then there is the table in the middle of the room which had three figures already sitting at the table and three remaining open table sets.

Lagravis sits at the end of the table opposite of Crominus, the King, and Laval sits opposite of Crooler, who is sitting next to Crunket, the Queen. This left one open seat next to Laval which made him wonder who was supposed to sit there. Then there is a knock at the door and then Laval sees him. Prince Cragger.