
Story by Kerolusion on SoFurry

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She stood on the frontline. Gods be damned if she stood anywhere else. Mya's tail twitched in anxiety. Her fellow warriors stood all around her in silence. One large sea of black stillness with the occasional twitch and glint of spear.

The panthers were at war.

The foe that stood across the field were not silent. They roared and banged their weapons against the large shields they carried. Mya snorted. How could anymore move at a decent speed lugging those wooden blocks around? The panthers were all about speed and precision while the lions hacked down recklessly.

The generals of each army strode out to meet in the center. The panther general moved with such grace compared to the lion's. He strode out in jerky movements swinging his sword at his side. The two stood before each other, presumably speaking. Mya could see the lions lips curl in disgust. She guessed he'd just been insulted.

With a loud roar the lion general wheeled around and stormed back to his army. The pantheress turned back to hers with a smirk. Yeah, she'd insulted him. Mya felt the pending battle building in her body. She and the others around her crouched with their spears on their backs. Slender tails everywhere rose up and waved in one fluid motion back on forth. Left to right and left to right.

The lions roared together in one thunderous battle cry. The panthers hissed like lightning plunging into the thunder. The panther general couched into the position of her army holding her tail still. She let the tension build until the air was so thick you could taste it. The lions moved forward in sections, jogging to the center. Still the panthers waited.

All eyes were on the still tail of the panther in front. The lions were near the center. Mya felt her muscles bunch up. The general's tail started waving with the rest. Then it stopped and that black sea surged forward as one with a scream.

Mya glanced at the girls on either side of her. She exchanged one swift glace with each of them, and they with those along the first row. Together they all drove their spears into the earth before them, and catapulted themselves into the surging lions.

Not expecting an attack from above, most of those in the front did not have time to raise their shields. As Mya landed, she pierced the heart of the lion she landed on top of. He was dead before they fell to the ground.

Someone came from behind. Mya rolled and thrust the end up hear spear up to catch her attacker in the jack. He stumbled for a moment before knocking it away with his shield. His sword sung down to slice the air where Mya had just been. She angled her spear to catch in the straps behind his shield and pushed forward. The lion lost his balance and toppled over. Mya didn't let go of her spear fast enough and started to fall with him. A streak of black flew in, knocking her out of the way of the lions sword again and in turn plunged the lions own blade into his throat.

Mya looked up to see her general. They nodded to one another and moved on. Mya was furious with herself for getting caught on only the second lion she came up against. She melted through the crowd cutting down anyone that came against her. Her fur was matted in blood so thick that it shone against her darkness. She hissed at the next lion she killed. His last view of the mortal world was her blood speckled fangs.

One. Two. Three more kills in rapid succession. She could hear the screams of her sisters dying and the roars of their foes being slaughtered. It was difficult to tell who was winning. All Mya could see around her were bodies. Black and gold blended together in a blur of movement.

The sound of steel slicing through the air made Mya spin around and just barely managed to deflect the blow with her spear as it shattered in two. She discarded it and grabbed the sword of a fallen lion. She had just enough time to bring it up and lock blades with her opponent. Ice blue eyes bore into her and Mya was instantly lost in the past.

She'd gone to the tavern of a village a few miles away from her army's encampment. She was so restless that she thought a few drinks might put her to sleep for the night. The building was full of mostly locals save for one.

Mya felt the hair along her back stand up as she saw the lion in the corner staring deeply into his mug. It was tradition that there was a truce the eve before battle. If there hadn't been then Mya would have been all over the opportunity to rid the world of one more lion. She'd been raised to hate them. Even though they were technically both felines, the feud between their clans went back generations. Only in recent times had it finally escalated into declared war.

The lion hadn't looked up when Mya came in, so she seated herself in the adjacent corner behind him. She definitely didn't want this beast at her back, truce or no truce. Mya studied her enemy as he continued to brood. He didn't look like the blood-thirsty savage that her elders painted the lions out to be. He actually appeared to be quite normal. His mane was full and brushed as if he'd recently bathed. His golden fur shone in the firelight and Mya could see those ice blue eyes even from this distance.

He was beautiful, if one could call a lion beautiful. Muscles ripples across his bare chest and spread over his shoulders and forearms. He wore the armband of his army and it stretched with his skin as his arm moved to raise the mug to his lips. Only then did he see her.

Mya froze as the lion took her in. His facial expression did not change. He looked a moment longer and then went back to his drink. Mya was confused. Unless he was a master at hiding his emotions, nothing had changed when he looked at her. She didn't see any hatred. She hadn't seen any part of his body tense. Instead, he had looked sad.

Mya became lost in thought and forgot to watch her surroundings. She didn't see the lion stand and make his way over to her. She didn't see him until he was standing beside her table.

"May I join you, lady panther?"

Mya had her dagger out instantly and tried standing but toppled over with her chair instead. The lion caught her and easily avoided the feeble swipe she took at him.

"Easy, I mean you no harm nor wish it. I would simply like the pleasure of your company for a bit before retiring for the night," he said quietly.

The lion growled and Mya was brought back to the present. The lion slid his sword up hers and they broke apart. Mya swung at him, and he stepped backwards to avoid it. She was not used to the weight of this sword and it would hinder her greatly if she didn't pay attention. The lion brandished his shield at her and Mya blocked it with the sword which turned out to be a mistake. The impact of the shield shook her arm and he was able to throw her off her feet

Mya found herself seated in front of her sworn enemy. She stared at him with all the hatred of her people and yet she could not bring herself to actually feel that hate. His smile was warm and his eyes kind. He pushed a mug of mead towards her and chuckled when she only blinked at it.

"Something to warm against the cold tonight," he said quietly.

"What do you want?" Mya hissed.

The lion looked her in the eye, "You would kill me right now if you could."

It hadn't been a question, but Mya nodded all the same. The lion tilted his head slightly and his mane rolled with the movement.


Mya bit back the instant answer that came forth. She thought about it momentarily and then shrugged.

"Because I'm supposed to. Panthers and lions are enemies."

The lion chuckled, a rich warm sound. Mya felt a tremble below her garmets and quickly fought it away. She never let any male affect her that way, let along that of another species. Sure she may have romped with a wolf once, but it had only been for the yiff. She'd felt nothing for him.

"I'm supposed to hate you, Lady, but I don't. You've not done anything to me to deserve it. At least not yet anyways," the lion said with a laugh.

Mya started to chuckle back but stopped herself. What was she doing? Why not? He had a point. He had never done anything to her nor she to him. In her lifetime she'd never had any skirmish with a lion at all. Only the Elder's stories fueled her blood rage.

"Call me Mya," she said quietly.


Mya was having a hard time regaining her breath. She scrambled along the ground as the lion hacked at the air around her. Something told her he was holding back. She kicked out to try and knock the lion off his feet but he was too solid. Mya winced and ended up rolling away instead.

"Stand up," the lion growled. "I'll not fight you floundering around down there."

Mya took a moment to get to her feet and stand before him. His lips were curled into a snarl but it did not reach his eyes. Damn it! He was not supposed to show anything! Neither of them could afford to give any leeway. Mya choked back a sob and swung her sword with everything she had.

Mya clutched at her side from the laughter. She hadn't felt this good in a long time. Oliver just grinned at her and drained his cup. It was late and only a few straglers remained in the tavern.

"Another one for ya'll?" the husky waitress asked as she bustled over to clear the table.

"Not for I, lass," the lion said stretching. "I'd better retire soon."

"You're staying here?" Mya asked surprised.

"Aye," the lion said with a nod. "If this might be my last night then I'd rather spend it in a bed."

Mya nodded her agreement, "I hadn't thought about it that way. I simply planned on the journey back."

Oliver tried to stand up but immediately started to tip over. Mya stood quickly and reached out without hesitation. His bulk was heavy but nothing she couldn't handle. The lion chuckled merrily as she began to help him towards the back of the room that led to the rooms upstairs.

Up the stairs they went and stumbled down the hallway. The lion stopped at the room at the end of the hallway and leaned up against the wall. Mya huffed and stood before him.

"Perhaps you shouldn't have drunk so much this night," she joked lightly.

"Probably I should have had more," Oliver said quietly.

Mya was about to question him when he suddenly spun her around and pressed her up against the wall. She was so surprised that she didn't grab for her dagger. The lion crushed his lips to hers in a fiery kiss.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I couldn't find a braver way to ask you up here other than feigning drunkenness. Mya, please stay with me tonight. Let's not spend it alone if this is our last."

The lion deflected her blow easily. He swung back and she too deflected. Mya hissed and jabbed. The lion swatted her sword aside and sliced her arm. With a growl, Mya lunged forward, leaping onto the lion. His sword flew from his hand to be lost in the turmoil around them. Both tumbled to the ground.

All of their clothes had disappeared. Oliver covered her body with his own and held her close. He stroked her face and kissed her neck sweetly. Mya purred and arched into him.

"Oliver," she whispered.

"Hush," he whispered back.

He moved, angled himself and plunged his throbbing cock into her. Mya moved with him, thrusting to meet him. Her naked breasts bounced with each movement. It felt so wonderful. She moaned with him as he sped up.

Mya whipped out her boot dagger and cut across the lion's cheek. Scarlet blood seeped out to stain that golden fur. He winced but didn't try to move.

"Fight back," Mya screamed.

The lion swallowed visibly and threw her off him. He brought out a hidden dagger of his own and parried her swings.

Their blades hit with a clinking sound.

Oliver thrust into her, causing the bed to shift.

Their blades locked again.

Mya grabbed onto him and he drove into her faster. Their tails were hanging off the bed together entwined in a gold and black rope.

Mya's blade snapped in two with the next hit.

Oliver roared as he hit his climax. Mya followed with a scream of her own and together they continued moving as one until the final waves of pleasure ebbed out.

The lion's blade caught her shoulder. Blood spurted out and dripped down her body. Mya crawled away groping around blindly for another weapon.

Oliver held the panther close in his arms. Their bodies nestled together rose and fell together in synchronized breathing. Mya's purrs wove around the silence in the room.

"If we meet tomorrow, we cannot hold back," Oliver said sadly.

"I know," Mya answered.

"Promise me you won't," Oliver said, tilting her head up.

Mya stared into those ice blue eyes, "I promise."

Mya's paw grasped the hilt of another sword from a fallen lion. It turned out that it was broken, but it was enough to stop the next blow from the lion. Her shoulder screamed in agony as she threw him off. She regained her balance and threw herself at him again.

She watched in horror as her blade slid down his and buried itself into his chest.


The lion fell backwards and hit the ground heavily.

"Mya," the lion whispered, reaching out.

Mya grabbed his paw and held it close, "I'm so sorry, Oliver."

The lion chuckled, "I wasn't expecting that one."

Tears poured from the panthers eyes as she saw the glaze start on his.

"Maybe we can just run away," Mya said.

Oliver rolled over and stared at her, "You think that would work?"

Mya sighed, "Probably not. I'm not someone who can blend into the rest of the army and not be missed."

"Nor I," the lion admitted. "But maybe if we can survive until the end then we can slip away. We can become one of the unfound dead."

Mya smiled, "Noone would come looking for us then."

Oliver ran his paws along her body feeling every inch. He nuzzled into her check and kissed it. It was almost dawn and the faintest pink brush of light was coloring the eastern sky.

"Then I hope we do not meet on the battlefield, my dear. You must keep your promise if you do."

Mya choked back a sob, "I know."

"Don't leave me," Oliver whispered.

Mya scooted closer, holding his body in her lap. She brushed his mane and twirled locks up it between her fingers.

"I'm here, my love," she said.

Oliver smiled, "I like that."

All at once his body spasmed and he coughed up blood onto the ground beside them. Mya cried and held him closer. She should not have made that promise. To hell with the army, she and Oliver should have left that morning and not rejoined their sides.

"I'm going with you," Mya said quietly.

Before the lion could protest, Mya put her blade into his paw and slammed it into her own breast. Numbness and pain spread throughout her body instantly. She started shaking as she felt a darkness coming over her.

"Come close," Oliver pleaded.

Mya slipped into his arms and lay beside him. Everything going on around them became a blur. Silence filled the air and all Mya could hear was the breathing of the lion beside her.

"Mya, will you be my mate?"

"Yes," she answered. "Forever."

Oliver sighed and kissed the top of her head. She molded herself to him as the last moments weighed in.

"Forever," he echoed.