Rivals - The Caravan

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#5 of Rivals

Rhix and Narva hop a ride into town, and Narva gets a heavy dose of shame.

Is it a good or bad sign that these are getting longer?

Please forgive any spelling errors and whatnot. I really wanted to get this one out. This is a popular series and I aim to please.

Thanks for all the comments, favs, watches, etc. You might not feel like it makes a difference, but I look at and cherish each and every one.

Narva dreamed of freedom.

She awoke, however, in a state much the opposite. The world of the living and wakeful crept up on her like a shy thief, apologetically stealing away the peace of slumber and gently informing her that she was naked and lying on the floor of a mud-hut. Her throbbing head told her that Shu drink had the same properties as ale, in that over-indulging promised a morning of regrets. The salient fact that she hadn't had much of a choice in the matter did not improve her mood.

Her hand reached to her neck and she felt the sleek, cool metal of the collar. The hope that it might simply fall off on its own, remote and unlikely even at first blush, was rapidly diminishing. What was she going to do? She squirmed, and winced as her sore anus and vagina instructed her that another night like that might be inadvisable. She shifted to part her legs somewhat, and found that the scales of her thighs and undert-tail was sticky with dried Shu semen.

Lifting her head and blinking, she saw she was in the chief's longhouse. Memories swirled back to her. After Rhix had used her (and forced her body to entertain him with those unwanted orgasms), the chief had collected her and brought her inside. He'd laid her flat on her belly and slid his cock up under her tail. She winced, recalling its size. Clearly, once finished, he had deposited her on the floor to pass out, as she could see his large, naked body entwined with another; a female, young and with similarly glistening thighs and backside.

Narva could only groan and fight to her feet. Her head was not the only reminder of the consequences of drink indulgence. Her bladder was screaming at her. Stumbling a bit, she wandered outside.

Though she was as aware as ever of her nudity, here in the Shu village, she found it difficult to be bothered much by it. Some of the revelers had never even made it home the previous night, laying asleep in piled of naked scaly bodies. One young hunter passed her, offering a cheerful greeting and an affectionate little rub of her head. As she fought to maintain her balance and grimaced through the discomfort, she wondered if he'd been one of the ones to fuck her last night. Her pussy felt like half the tribe had had a turn.

In her search for a private area, she had to turn around a few times as she felt the pull of the collar. She didn't know exactly where Rhix was, but it would not allow her too far away from him.

She finally found a suitable spot. Narva groaned as she dropped into a squat. Then she swore.

Rhix dreamed that he had to stop his own eggs from rolling down a hill because if it broke he wouldn't be born. Dreams are not always supposed to make sense.

His waking was not much more pleasant than Narva's, due in large part to the application of an impatient kobold foot into his ribs. He groaned, and a second kick had him curling up into a fetal position, peering up at his assailant.

"I gotta go pee," Narva snarled, looking down at him. "Tell me I can."

Rhix blinked up at her. He, too, was naked. The previous night had proven to be one of his better. His balls felt as though they contained mere air. How many times had he cum? Five? Six?

"What?" he asked. "Just go."

"I can't," Narva hissed at him. "You said this cunt can't go without permission."

Rhix rubbed his head. Last night's drink was exacting its tax. "Oh, right," he said. He chuckled a little, and regretted it. "Yeah, uh, you have permission."

Narva didn't say anything; a lingering look of disdain was cast upon Rhix; then she turned and stalked from the tent. Rhix's eyes dropped to her rump as she walked away. Her firm scaly cheeks bouncing a little with every step.

The memories washed over him slowly, one at a time. The sound and feeling of her orgasm; not because of him, but thanks rather to the chief. He recalled the sharp pang of jealousy. It made little sense; of course she hadn't cum for him, she hated him and he'd forced himself on her. The inspiration to command her to cum had seemed like a good idea at the time (and it was pretty sexy), but he knew it was cheap. But why did he care that the chief fucked an orgasm out of her and he didn't? She was a slave.

His bladder chose that moment to inform him that it, too, had a debt to collect from last night.

Narva had only just found a suitable spot when she heard footfalls behind her. Spotting Rhix, she glowered. "Oh come on," she protested. "Really? This slave can't just-"

"Settle down," Rhix interrupted. He stepped up beside her, facing towards the shrubbery. "We gotta chat anyway."

Narva noticed the head of his cock peek out from his sheath, averting her eyes just in time before he let go. She sighed, squatted in place, and joined him.

"Why so shy about it?" Rhix asked. "S'like you've never been on campaign before."

"Please don't rape this cunt today," Narva said gloomily as they relieved themselves. "My-... This cunt is sore."

"I bet it is," Rhix snickered.


"I bet that is too."

Narva just grimaced and clenched her teeth. Rhix looked down and over at her. "They're going to get us to the road," he explained. "From there we're on our own. We're close enough to Chandry that hitching a ride with a trader caravan shouldn't be too difficult."

"With what money? Nobody rides free," Narva asked, staring straight ahead.

"I don't need money, I have you."


"Your mouth isn't sore, is it?"

Narva clammed up, huffing through her nose. Rhix grinned and said, "Look up at me." When she obeyed, he went on: "It's in your best interest to get used to this. Whatever you thought you life used to be, it's this now. At least until I figure out a way to break this link. So that means that cute little kobold mouth is mine to rent or loan or hand out to whoever I want, and if it gets us a ride to the city then that is what it's going to do, and you're going to want to do a good job because it's also going to be putting some food on the table."

They both finished at around the same time. Rhix watched Narva meekly clean herself, before the two of them stepped away, only for Rhix to stop her again.

"Come here." Sulkily, Narva obeyed. Rhix put his hands on his naked hips. "Cup my balls with your hand. Keep your eyes on mine." Narva looked up at him with her big, brown, glassy eyes as her soft hand reached up and gently cupped his balls; however drained, they still filled her hand nicely. "Kiss them, one apiece." Rhix's grin grew as he saw and felt the kobold slave lean in, gently placing a kiss on one ball, and then the other.

"Happy?" she asked.

"Any plans on when you might be discarding this attitude of yours?" Rhix asked, snapping his tail. "You're about as fucked as can be. You'd think you'd have the sense to at least try and fake being nice or appreciative, if only to make it easier on you."

"I'm not that good an actor."

Rhix wagged a finger. "Actress."


There was a pause. "You're female. The word is 'actress'."

"'Actress' is a uselessly gendered word," Narva sighed. "Professionally, it's 'actor'. One who acts."

Rhix was growing a little exasperated. "Bullshit, it's like 'waiter' and 'waitress', or-"

"There's no point in whinging," Narva said, smirking up at him. "I can't tell lies with the collar on. I'm right. You're wrong. I wouldn't be able to say it if it wasn't true." Her grin only widened in the face of Rhix's smoldering glower. "See? If I was faking being nice to you, we wouldn't get to have all this fun together, on your journey of education."

Rhix made a disapproving noise and slapped her hand away from his testes. "So much fun," he grumbled.

"I'm glad you think so," Narva chirped, falling in line behind him as he walked. "Just don't lose sight of how all of this is your fault!" That earned her a light smack on her nose from his tail, but it was worth it.

It took until the late morning for Rhix to sort out the simple logistics of leaving. There were farewells to make to the Chief, and cooing females to promise to return one day to visit, if only to see the results of his previous night's efforts. Locating and securing all of his clothes had taken a few moments, as they had been so enthusiastically cast off in the previous eve's festive spirits. Narva had no such preparations to make. She merely drifted around behind him, tethered by that invisible leash. Rhix was morose to find he was already resenting the enforced proximity. Would he really have to deal with her following him everywhere? Whose bright idea was that? What was the damned point of that collar and bracelet?

The chief had made one final effort to convince Rhix to leave her with him. He had found her quite entertaining, and not only as a curiosity. He relented only when Rhix reiterated that, not only could he not leave her behind without himself also staying, the Chief had already taken his sword.

Thus, Rhix and Narva once again found themselves trudging through the forest, this time with a meager escort of three of the village's hunters. The group moved in silence. Rhix had drank as much water as his belly could handle, and it was helping quiet the headache. Narva looked to be coping with a similar ailment. Their walk had all the joy and optimism of a funeral procession. What was he going to do?, he thought. He needed to find someone who could scrye the enchantments on the collar and bracelet. Reverse-engineer their meaning and intent. That sort of acumen was not common, and would not come cheap.

Their escort indicated to them that the road was a mere few hundred paces hence, and that they (the hunters) would go no further. Best not to risk being spotted, and tempt a band of mercenaries be sent after them. Rhix nodded and thanked them, but was surprised when one of them grabbed Narva by the arm and started to lead her away.

"[Oi, what's this]?" he asked.

"[What]?" the hunter replied, half-turning. "[Just one more taste before we see you off. I won't be long.]"

"No!" Narva barked, struggling a bit. "[I'm not in the mood, I refuse.]"

The hunter hissed, laughing, and did not let go. "[You are in no position to deny me anything, slave. Settle down]," he said, pulling her further into the bush.

Rhix wasn't sure why he said it, but he called out, "[Stop!]"

The hunter did stop, if only to look back around again, this time in bemusement. "[What]?" he said again, a bit more exasperated. "[I won't damage her.]"

"[She is sore from the previous night]," Rhix said, snapping his tail. "[Liable to be dry as a bone anyway. You'll bloody her.]"

"[I'll make her wet me with her tongue, then]," the hunter said, narrowing his eyes a little, sensing a challenge to his desires.

Rhix clenched his jaw a moment. He had no idea why he cared. So what if this hunter fucked her? He'd fucked her. A few times, and it wasn't like she asked him to. And yet, for some reason, as she struggled in the hunter's strong grip, he knew in himself he simply wouldn't let them.

Rhix's frill stood up, slowly, on the top of his head. Narva got her first real good look at it. Like the Chief's, its colors stood out brilliantly against the emerald green backdrop of Rhix's scales. Deep cherry read at the base, it waxed into a nearly cheerful yellow at the tips, drifting through each intervening shade along the way. "[She remains mine]," Rhix replied, firmly. "[I said no, so that's that.]"

The hunter met Rhix's gaze, his own crest half-raised. The other two hunters, younger and subordinate to the first, darted their eyes between the two parties. One fingered his bow, the other gripping his spear. Rhix was unarmed, save for a sheathed dagger. He and the hunter were of similar build. He figured even odds in a one on one fight, but if the other two jumped in, it was hopeless.

All the same, the hunter simply hissed and threw Narva down to her knees. "[City-hatched]," he sneered. "[Back to your kind, and do not return.]"

Though the hunter almost certainly lacked any sort of real authority to banish him thus, Rhix knew this was the only out he was going to get; after all, the young warrior needed his ego intact, and would likely not balk at drawing blood to recover it. Rhix reached down to help Narva up, but she sullenly slapped his hand away. The hunters laughed at that, before they melted back into the trees, vanishing like fish into deep water.

"You're welcome," Rhix said, affronted.

"Only so you can save this cunt for yourself," Narva growled in morose tones. She got to her feet, and Rhix noticed a small wince.

"Well, I don't want you ruined," Rhix replied.

"So generous."

Rhix narrowed his eyes a little. "Are you really injured?"

Narva looked up at him, her hands balling into fists at her side. "No," she said. "Just sore."

Knowing it had to be the truth, Rhix nodded. "Fine. Then let's get moving. Let me do the talking."

They began walking, Narva falling in beside him. He noted, not for the first time, that despite her needing two strides to his one to keep pace, she didn't seem to have any problem doing so. Something about kobold physiology clearly granted her the extra pep she needed.

"So what was it that got the Star Knights on you?"

Narva was quiet for a moment. "I don't want to tell you."

"Why not?" he asked, glancing down at her.

"Because you could use it against me," she said, glancing at him. "I'm not sure how, but the more you know about me the more you can leverage against me and I'm not going to give you anything you can't just take."

"I could command you to tell me."

"Try it."

Rhix blinked. He looked at her. "Okay," he said, playing along. "I command you to tell me what got the Star Knights looking for you."

"What got the Star Knights looking for you," Narva parroted. When Rhix was silent a moment, she looked up at him and gave him a snarky grin.

"What the fuck was that?" he asked.

"Something I reasoned out," she said. "You can command this cunt to speak - you can even command this cunt to speak what you want. But you cannot command me to speak something you yourself don't already know. This slave can't defy you, right? This slave has to talk, and I have to do exactly as you say, but there's no way for you to ask me where I cannot, in keeping to the letter of the command, just say exactly that."

Rhix glared at her. "How do you figure?"

Narva shrugged. "It was a guess. Looks like this cunt was right, master."

"Tell me what you did."

"What you did," she said, smirking.

Rhix thought for a moment. "I order you to confess your secret."

"Which secret, master?"

Rhix threw up his hands. "The secret about the Star Knights?"

"Well, how can I do that? I don't know what you don't know about the Star Knights."

Rhix felt like he was tumbling down a dark hole and hitting roots as he went. He flailed for a handhold. "The secret as it pertains to you!"

"Well, it's not much of a secret, seeing as the Star Knights all know. It's only a secret to you, and since this slave can't know what you don't know because this slave doesn't know your mind, how can this cunt say?"

Rhix grimaced, the two of them fighting through thicket and brush, the road's clearing now in sight. "Seems you've had a good long think about this. Good for you. But have you considered that it might be useful for me to know these things?"

"Anything I tell you, you're just going to use against-"

Rhix rounded on her, thrusting a finger in front of her nose. "No! I'm not. As long as you're with me, they're every bit as likely to hack me to pieces as you. So some things are good for me to know, because it might help me avoid them. I'll be less likely to take us to places that could put us in danger, or it might give me some clue as to who I can and cannot trust. We might be master and slave now, but we're also a team, whether you like it or not."

"We're only a 'team' because you wanted a kobold sex-pet you fucking rapist pervert!" Narva hissed at him.

"Fine!" Rhix threw up his hands, one of which still bearing a light bandage, the wound nearly healed. "Sure! I admit it. I wanted to show you who's boss and I did, and then I got carried away and now we're both in this situation. Okay? You're right! Happy?"

"No," she said, a little softer, cowed by his sudden outburst.

"I didn't think so," he added, hissing. "So you go ahead and keep your secrets, please yourself, but if it's important to keeping the both of us alive I suggest you loosen that fucking tongue. It's not only good for sucking cock, is it?"

That stung; Rhix could see that it did. She glared at him, folding her arms across her chest.

"I almost killed a city councilor," she said, after a moment's quiet.

"What do you mean, almost?"

"As in, he's still alive, master," she added, venomously. "I didn't know exactly who he was, alright? Me and two others. Coordinated job, two teams. He was lured behind some livery stalls and we jumped him. Only, just our fucking luck some watchmen just happened around a corner and dropped my two comrades with crossbows. This cunt stuck the target a few times for good measure and got away, but I heard he'd lived and given my description."

"So you botched an assassination," Rhix huffed, straightening. He wasn't sure why he'd expected more. "And here I thought you were little miss perfect."

"Does this cunt look that way now?" she asked, clad only in her slave collar, her pussy visibly red and puffy after the previous night's adventure as a Shu tribe's stress relief. Rhix could even see the faint glistening of cum glazed on the lips; she must be leaking, he reasoned, and probably from both holes.

"No," he admitted.

They shared a mutual silence before Rhix simply turned, and led the two of them to the road.

In a more perfect world, some generous travelers might have happened upon them mere moments after coming to the long, dusty track. Reality was a great deal less convenient. Even used to long walks as they were, the beating sun, clouds of dust, and desolate rural landscape slowly wore them down, such that by mid afternoon, they were nearly swaying on their feet. They had been given some trail rations, but the Shu tribe was not so lush with food that they could spare much more for what were in essence two trespassers. Their water skins were running dry, and Rhix was beginning to wonder, in the back of his mind, how often per week this road actually saw any meaningful traffic. Chandry wasn't exactly the trade hub of the province.

A distant clattering made the both of them jump and turn around. Covering their eyes with a hand, they both spotted the distant plume of dust that some yonder travelers kicked up in their wake. "Come on," Rhix said hurriedly, stepping off the road.

Narva stood next to, and slightly behind, him. "I wish you'd given this slave some clothes, master," she growled.

"If you're worried about being nude in front of these men," Rhix said, "you're going to have a really difficult time when we get to town."

"Even just a loincloth-"

"Slaves go naked," he said firmly, looking down at her. "And they do not cover themselves. When master is speaking you will politely clasp your hand behind your back and stand proudly."

The travelers approached, and Rhix was delighted to see that it was a short train of three wagons pulled by horses. When they were close enough that distinct features could be made out, Rhix stepped onto the road and waved his hand. A Shu was rarely a welcome sight to travelers, but dressed as he was, clearly unarmed, clearly alone save for a nude kobold, and with lightly forested farmland all around, only the paranoid would suspect an ambush.

Rhix's eyes crossed as he looked down the length of a crossbow aimed at him from what looked like a decently paranoid older human man.

"Lost, lizard?" the man asked. It was not exactly an epithet, but it lived next door to one. Rhix looked him up and down. This man was no warrior and likely never had been, but you didn't need to be a warrior with a crossbow. That's what made the weapon so valuable. A sick grandmother could fell the world's mightiest hero with half a moment's opportunity.

"Not really," Rhix replied, smiling. He'd learned, long ago, the art of Smiling To Humans. Humans enjoyed a smile, but they didn't enjoy teeth. It felt silly and unnatural to a Shu, but it greased the gears of conversation. "Tired and in a jam, more like. Bandits shot my horse out from under me, made off with nearly all my things."

"What's this one?" the man asked, gesturing with the crossbow. Rhix saw other, younger men dismounting the wagons behind him - three in total, and all similarly armed. They were looking for an ambush. Rhix then followed the man's gesture, to where Narva stood beside Rhix, her eyes on the road.

"My slave," he said.

"Issat a kobold?" asked the man.

"She is, yes."

"Oh," the man sat up a little more. "Didn't know that. A female kobold slave? What use is one of those?"

Rhix furrowed his brow a little, looking again at the naked Narva. "Uh, is it not obvious?"

"Well," the man said, "I suppose if she's your clerk they must have made off with yer papers."

Rhix chuckled. "Uh, no, no clerking."

"Does she tell jokes?"

Rhix blinked at the man. "Uh, no. Look, uhm, I don't want to impose or anything, but, I'm really up against it here. I'm fresh out of provisions, I've been wounded," he pointed at his hand, "and I could use a ride to Chandry, if you've got room to take me and this one on."

"Mh," the man said, resting the crossbow on his knee. "I suppose it's too much to ask you might have some money?"

"Bandits, as I said. Cleaned me out, lucky to have kept my tail."

"And the girl, I notice," the man observed.

"Right, and her."

"So if she ain't a clerk or fer entertainment then what good is she?" the man asked.

Rhix gawped at him for just a moment. Was it not obvious? But it occurred to him that not all humans were like the mercs he spent the majority of his time with. Those were rough men, indulgent and oftentimes debauched, living short adventurous lives of thrills and appetites. This, he observed, looked like a man who worked for his living.

Perhaps best not to come across as, well. As he was.

"Bodyguarding," he said, opting for a white lie.

"Why she ain't got clothes or armor on, then?"

"Bandits came on us while she was bathing," Rhix replied quickly, his mind overheating with the improvisation.

"Bad luck, that," the man said. He looked between the two of them, and then back at the other men. He received a number of shrugs in reply. Turning back to the two, he indicated the dagger at Rhix's side. "That stays with me for the trip, otherwise, you're welcome to hop onto the back of the last wagon. Though we'll expect some work," he added, his eyes flicking from Rhix to the naked, trembling kobold. "From the both of you."

Covering distance without needing to use one's legs was, for the moment, a small slice of heaven. Rhix flopped onto his back in the tail end of the rear wagon. It was not a long wagon train, three in total, and mustered by the old man's three adult sons. He'd agreed to levee his labor to pay for passage; it seemed an extra pair of working hands was worth its weight in gold to these men, and it stood to reason. The wagons were heavy with bundled foodstuffs for humans and animals alike. With only a little over one man to a wagon it likely took the better part of an afternoon to unload the whole thing.

Narva was quiet. Rhix did not rouse her, leaving the sullen kobold to huddle against the sideboard, her eyes on her feet. Rhix simply lay back, the end of his tail dangling down off the back of the wagon, his body jostling back and forth gently as the great wooden wheels rolled over the beaten dirt road. It felt to him as though the thoughts were similarly rattling about in his mind.

Narva was right, he begrudgingly admitted to himself. He'd really cocked this all up. Losing all of his things was a pretty steep problem, which only got steeper the more he thought about how to replace them. He had to make money, he had to buy gear, and not just for one person anymore. He now represented two mouths to feed, as Narva could hardly go off and get a job on her own. He's taunted her with selling her holes, but he really had felt a pang of jealousy, seeing her be passed around by the tribe. Could he really throw her to the crowds for a handful of coins apiece?

He discarded the distasteful thought. No, she belonged to him. He could rent her out in times of extreme need, but not as any kind of business venture. So, what did that leave?

He'd have to work out a way to make money that could be done with a naked kobold always at his side. Even if he clothed her, it would be a kobold who openly hated him, followed him around loyally, and was likely to try any underhanded trick to get him into trouble, or killed. She couldn't harm him, and he imagined the collar prevented her from taking real material steps to harm him by proxy, but he knew better than to trust that rule as absolute. Already she'd worked out how to lie to him by omission. What else would she work out?

No, he needed to be rid of her, and fast. Enjoy her in the meantime, sure, but the sooner he'd severed the link and sold her off, the better. He needed money. Money would by arms and armor. Money for a roof, for food (for two), and for passage; he very much doubted he'd find all he needed in a backwater like Chandry. Could he steal it? Risky prospect. Could they work as mercenaries? Less likely; she'd present a problem for sure. But what else was there? He didn't have many marketable skills. Damn. Damn!

He rubbed his face. "We need money," he said out loud.

"Doesn't everyone," Narva replied, sourly.

He peered at her through his fingers. "For us, it is a more immediate concern than most."

"I have money," she said, glumly.

"What, up your ass? I didn't feel it."

Narva flashed teeth at him in a soft snarl. "In a bank, you idiot, master, sir."

"Which bank?"

"In Twin Bridges," Narva replied, hugging her knees to her chest. "Everything this cunt has saved up."

Rhix stared up at the canvas roof of the wagon. "Pretty sure there's a Star Knight chapter in that city."

"You have hatched upon the reason this slave hasn't volunteered that information yet," she said, softly. "Won't be easy to get to, and I don't want to give you any, anyway."

"An idea you're going to need to-"

"-get used to, so you've said, master," Narva finished for him. "Not like I have much choice now. But it will come with a deal."

Rhix snorted. "What deal?"

"This cunt wants clothes, and not to have to say 'this cunt' and 'this slave' all the time, and also for you to stop fucking me."

Rhix rolled his eyes. "Of course," he growled.

Narva narrowed her eyes at him. "Or else you can figure something else out. Should be easy, master, you're a genius. It's been one inspired decision after the other so far."

"That's enough out of you," he replied, sharply, and she fell silent. He folded his hands on his chest and stared straight up at nothing. What was he going to do?

Night had come. The wagons had been pulled up, a small fire lit. Rhix and Narva sat cross-legged in the flattened tall grass, the horses grazing nearby. The man - Herrod, he was called - passed a pan around the fire for each present to ladle the contents into their bowls. Herrod's three sons - Maxwell, Percy, and Frederick - now and then glanced warily at their guests. Shu and kobolds alike were hardly rare in the cities, Rhix reasoned. Most cities, he added to himself. But if these men spent most of their time on the road, or hailed from smaller villages, it was practical to assume they had never engaged one in any kind of conversation.

Narva was of particular interest. Rhix could guess why.

Light conversation had been broached. Rhix free-associated their mutual histories. Narva he'd purchased from a market. He himself a trained estate guard, on his way to a lordship's new residence when he was waylaid. What does a guard need with a slave bodyguard?, he was asked. His answer ('it's cheaper than a wife and just as accommodating') earned some polite laughter, despite how nonsensical it was when reflected on. Nobody seemed to notice.

"I don't suppose she's going to be much help when we get to Chandry," Herrod opined. "Too short to be of use unloading the wagons."

"We can think of something else for her," said Percy, smirking.

"Aye," agreed Maxwell, passing a bottle to his brother after taking a swig. "Tight little thing like her. I think we got just the thing."

"You boys thinking with your undercarriage?" Herrod chuckled. There was a round of smiles and nods.

Rhix looked between them. When the bottle came his way, he cast Narva a look. Drinking from it - strong stuff! - he said, through some coughing: "As long as you're gentle. She's sore from the road."

"I suppose that's up to her," Frederick said, leering. "All three of us are clogged up something awful."

Rhix winced, waving them off. "Alright, alright, I don't need all the gory details. Narva, go be of service."

"Master-" he heard her say, with hesitancy, but he waved her off. He shot her a look that he hoped communicated the rather complex idea that they were not in any position to be negotiating much.

"I'm serious," he added, to the group. "I can't have her ruined when I get into town."

"Ah, she looks stout enough," said Maxwell, standing. "Come on, girl. Let's put you into service, haha!"

Rhix watched, somewhat balefully, as Narva reluctantly took the outstretched hand and followed the three young men. Herrod accepted the bottle from Rhix. "They're strong boys," he said, "though they don't often like to get dirty."

Rhix raised an eye crest at the man. "Pardon?"

Herrod didn't seem to hear him. "Anyway. Tell me more about this lord yer servin'."

Narva sighed as she was led from the fire into the darkness on the other side of the wagons. The three men seemed eager, one elbowing the other. Her tail was clamped low over her backside, though she didn't imagine it would stay there long. She did not struggle as they walked her to the side of the wagon. Trying to anticipate what they wanted, she put her hands on the side of it.

"Nah," one of them said, "need you down, under," said one of the men, rummaging.

Narva winced, and slowly lowered herself down to her hands and knees.

"Go on, open your hand," one of the men said. With her eyes closed, Narva listed a hand and opened it. The shaft of something hard and round was slipped into her hand, and she gasped.

Rhix's attention snapped up as he saw the wagon shift, rocking side to side momentarily. "Hey," he said, in protest. "I told them to be gentle with her."

"Well, you know," Herrod said, "Life's hard on the road, some things need doing."

Muffled, in the distance, he heard Narva say: "It's... so thick!"

Rhix felt his frill momentarily lift, though he quickly flattened it. The wagon shook again, and he heard some laughter. He sighed and gestured for the bottle. He was going to have to carry her into town, wasn't he?

Narva's voice, again, a moment later: "My hands are getting tired..."

One of the men said, "Could try using your feet..."

Rhix sat up a little straighter. "Your sons have interesting tastes?" he asked.

Herrod looked over at Rhix through the rosy glow of what was shaping into a nice buzz. "Hm? Oh, I don't imagine so."

"Ngh," came Narva's strained voice. "Ngh! Nh! Oh... oh fuck, almost-"

Rhix almost coughed into the bottle. The fire crackled on. He masked the cough with a throat clearing. "Come this way often?" he asked, his voice an octave lighter.

One of the unseen men said, "You could try on your back, easier on your knees."

"Oh, not too often," Herrod said. "It's only, Chandry's had a rough drought this year so they're buying up their produce stock..."

"I think... I need something to... loosen up," said Narva, in between breaths.

"Some water?" asked one of the men.

"S'fine, open 'r up," said another.

Rhix winced. "Tough harvest for them?" he chanced.

"Aye," said Herrod. "Not a happy place, these days. Prices go up, folks get testy."

"I got a bigger one here for her," said one of the sons. "Let me give it to her."

"I can't handle much bigger," Narva said. Then, she gasped and said, "Ah! Not in my eye!"

Rhix slapped his knees and said, "I need to check on the horses!" He shot to his feet and stamped off around the wagon. He told them! Be gentle with her! Did he have to spell it out?

Rounding the side, he came up short when he spotted all three sons, clothes still on, leaning over to inspect something under the wagon. They all looked up at Rhix.

"Uh?" Rhix hazarded.

Narva's face appeared, one hand brushing caked mud from her face, the other clutching the handle of an awl. Rhix leaned down, and he saw clustered around her chunks of dried mud and dirt she'd apparently been...

"Axles are all jammed up," Maxwell said, catching Rhix's blank look. "Figured she's small enough, get under there hack it all away no problem."

"Oh." He said. He caught the look in Narva's eye. She was grinning evilly at him. Though his kind could not blush, he felt red-crested all the same as he turned and stormed off.

The day was overcast as they approached Chandry. The landscape sported more and more farmhouses, the road boasting the occasional traveler. Rhix noted that Narva was curled up against the sideboard, a look of dread on her face. He smiled at her. "Your big debut," he remarked. "It's not much, just a little backwater, but I imagine quite different than the village, hm? There, practically everyone was nude or near to it. Not the same here."

"Shut up," Narva hissed, her voice wavering.

"I won't," Rhix said. "You're not still leaking, are you? Going to leave a little bread-crumb trail of Shu cum as you walk about, slave?"

Narva shot him a hate-filled look, and Rhix met it with a toothy grin. It was worth it, her occasionally well-founded mockery, to know that in short order, she would be showing herself off like never before.

The wagons did not pull all the way into the town; rather, they diverted to a collection of large silos and long houses. It stank of livestock and bustled with activity. Rhix noted a number of armed guards lounging about, paying close attention to the doors, noting the coming and goings of laborers. Rhix could feel the tension in the air.

This, he thought, provided an opportunity. A town in crises was more in need of individuals of his (and Narva's, come to think) skill-set, more-so than more mundane tradesmen. Perhaps it was not so hopeless after all.

Narva had a brief stay of 'execution', as Rhix was bound by agreement to help unload the wagons. With his assistance it went quickly; only a few hours later, though he was tired, the work was done. Herrod was pleased, to the tune of handing Rhix a small handful of coins. It wasn't much, but it wasn't nothing, either.

That was fine. All Rhix needed was a room for the night with a warm pair of meals to go with it. He could build from there.

Rounding the back of the wagon, Rhix met Narva's horrified gaze with a grin of his own. "Showtime, slave," he said, "hop to."

She inched towards him, reluctantly. "I'm serious. Let me put something on, I'll lead us to my money, we can live well, I've saved a lot!"

"I'm sure you will eventually," Rhix said. "You're a slave. I don't negotiate with slaves. I'll get your money, and anything else you have, and you'll give it."

"Fuck you."

"That comes later," Rhix hissed. "Let's go."

Her little feet hit the muddy track. He watched as she stood, her hands creeping towards her groin. Rhix waved a finger. "Tsk, tsk. No covering yourself at all. Keep that tail lively and do not cover your ass or pussy with your hands."

"Master," Narva said, breathless. "Please!"

The sound of honest begging from her was the world's sweetest music to his ears. He resolved to get more out of her, in time.

He smirked. "No."

With that, he turned, and walked. Narva had no choice but to follow.

Slavery was hardly unheard of. The various duchies and kingdoms and satraps and empires all over the land were in a very near constant struggle with one another. If it wasn't open war, it was proxy wars, fought with bandits and mercenaries and independent knightly orders and whatever else. Very few kingdoms outlaws slavery, and those that did oftentimes outlawed it only for the native species' or nationality's own kind. Rhix couldn't think of a single one that outlawed it in general, whatever individual moral feelings were.

By and large those feelings tended to be either: I am not presently a slave so what do I care, and, I wish I wasn't a slave.

Slaves weren't often kept naked. Those who could afford them did occasionally need to bring them to functions, and it rarely did to attract lecherous attention in the streets. Rhix, however, didn't have a reputation to damage, nor was he expecting to be invited anyplace anytime soon where a nude kobold might spoil the mood. He glanced back at Narva, who strode as though she were walking on hot coals, her eyes memorizing every pebble and stone on the street.

Narva was in hell.

He was right - it was nothing like the village. There, one felt close to nature. Bodies of all shapes and sizes had been on display, and she was scaly, like them, to boot. Here, she was an oddity, even with her clothes on. She attracted nearly every eye. She felt naked. For the first time in a long time she felt she was truly appreciating nudity unlike ever before.

Not like when Rhix had stripped her. Not like with the wagoneers. Every thought in her head screamed at her that she was outside, in public, with no clothes on. Worse, she wore only a collar. She was a slave. Everyone could see it. Everyone knew it. Everyone was looking at her.

They stopped. Narva clutched one arm with her other. She desperately wanted to cover up but she couldn't. Pleading with Rhix was useless. She couldn't run away. She chanced a glance, and looked immediately back down as she caught a stable boy eyeing her up. She wanted to clamp her tail over her ass, but instead it lifted, and flicked side to side. 'Lively', he'd said. Damn him.

Rhix was talking to the town's gate guards. Caravaneers, they were, apparently. They didn't ask him why a caravaneer had a slave. Her distant hope that they would be turned away crumbled to dust as there were a pair of nods, and they were moving again.

Over the past couple days, Narva had grown used to the feeling of open air on her bare body. The light gust of wind caressing her check and back, crawling over her tail, tickling the exposed and vulnerable lips of her smooth sex. That familiarity was gone. Every step, every waft of air, every voice around her was a fresh invasion. She was completely on display. Tears clouded her vision, such that she nearly lost sight of her 'owner'.

She heard comments, gasps, jokes, laughter. She saw some folks point at her. Others scoffed in disgust. Laughing children trailed after. One or two jeers found their way into her hearing. Gods, she thought. Is it always going to be like this?

She walked through a hazy miasma of embarrassment until she realized they were approaching a building. A tavern and boarding house. Her breath caught in her throat as Rhix pushed the door open and bade her inside.

Pipe smoke, roast meat and stale ale invaded her nose. Her belly almost rumbled. How many times had she strode confidently into places like this, side by side with her fellows? She'd bought rounds and led ribald songs, and more than once had retired to a room with a handsome kobolds - always carefully off her season, mind.

Now she was led there, paraded before all. Where before eyes might have turned to her in appraisal or respect, now those gazes were lecherous, roaming over her scales with such clear hunger and sport she could practically feel them caress her. She was shaking.

Then, she felt something actually caress her. A rough hand slid down from her hip to her ass, where her cheek was roughly squeezed.

Her yelp of surprise was audible to all and she jumped away from the hand. She whirled to glare it its owner, a rough older human with a few grinning companions at his table. "What, ho?" he asked, mostly looking at Rhix, who had paused to see what the disturbance was about. "If you're going to flash the goods, stands to reason a man might check the merchandise."

Fury blossomed a bloody rose of fire within Narva, but then Rhix was there, a hand on her head. "My apologies," he began, momentarily giving Narva some hope, before he went on: "The slave is new, and doesn't know her place."

His hand on her head spun her back around to face away from the man. She squeaked as she felt Rhix grab her tail. He pushed down on her head, and pulled up on her tail. This bent her over at the waist, and flashed a view clear as day to all behind her of her smooth, scaly vagina and her fear-clenched tailhole.

"There," Rhix said. "You approve?"

"She looks tight, I'll grant," the man said, as Narva clenched her fists under her chin and marveled that she didn't die or faint on the spot. A few whoops and whistles sounded behind her as her backside was inspected be a dozen men or more. "Ain't had a kobold for meself yet. How much for a go?"

"We only just got to town," Rhix replied, conversationally. "Give me a day to get a sense for the market, and call again."

The man laughed. "Well, then," he said. The spank he bounced off Narva's rump echoed, followed by her sudden squeal of shock, which raised appreciating laughter. "See you then, pretty girl."

I once led a charge across an open field, Narva reflected to herself, as her tail was dropped to flop over her stinging rump. Now roomfuls of men know my anus before they know my name.

The cost of room and board had wiped out have his taking from Herrod, but that was expected. Rhix tried to look on the bright side of things. It would be a motivating force, that was for certain. All he had to do was keep thinking quickly, turn on the charm, and life one fistful of coins to the next. He'd done it one before. He could do it again.

They stepped into the small room. It was a bit cramped, a bit dank, and hardly well-furnished. It was also the first bed he'd seen in weeks. Narva stopped as soon as they were inside the room, the door closing behind her. Rhix locked it.

He looked at her for a moment. She stood, shaking, tears in her eyes. In time, she looked up at him, and he saw her mouth begin to move.

"Silence," he said. Her mouth snapped shut, and she glared it him through glassy eyes. "Watch me undress," he told her, and got started. First, his shirts - cloth first, then chain. It felt good to slip off after the long days two days. The candlelight caught on the lithe muscles of his chest, sides, and back. He watched her eyes trace over them. Despite the look of hatred...

"Answer only yes or no," he said, softly, thumbs hooked in his waistband. "You find my body attractive, don't you?"

"Yes," she answered, and he could see the rage roiling in her.

"I knew it," he said, smirking. He undid his belt. "Caught you looking a few times in the village. That must be awful for you. It'd be easier if I was hideous, wouldn't it? No pesky animal instincts to struggle with, hm?"

"Yes," came her strained voice.

"Remember when I made you thrust your pussy at me and piss? Remember how much that humiliated you?"


"Today was worse, wasn't it?"

Narva was visibly shaking. "Yes," she said, in a small voice.

He slipped the belt free, tossing it to the bed. He watched her watch him as he slipped his pants off. He took his time, stepping out of them and laying them on the bed, standing naked as her, his cock pushing out of its scaly sheath.

"I've barely even started," he said, in husky tones, smirking at her. "Enough talking." He pulled a chair to the center of the room. Threading his tail through the back, he sat down with an appreciative sigh. He spread his feet apart and let his legs sag to either side, revealing his slowly erecting cock over his firm, scaly balls. "Down on your hands and knees."

He watched Narva, once his rival, nude and collared, obey. She slipped down to one knee, then the other. Hands to the floor, she looked at him with dreadful expectation.

"Crawl to me."

His grin widened as he watched her obey, her scaly hips rolling with every movement, her body framed by flickering candlelight. She came to a stop between his legs. Her eyes spoke of a mix of rage, horror, resignation, loathing, and helplessness. He greeted her with a confident, prideful smile.

"Now," he said."As you would a lover, tenderly, slowly, sensually..." His gaze hardened a moment, meeting her eyes with his own. "Suck my cock."

Command given, Rhix closed his eyes and leaned his head back. He felt her hands on his thighs, sliding, caressing towards his groin. He felt her slide her tongue along the rim of his sheath, over the base of his thickening length. He drew in a deep breath, and let it free as a long sigh of contentment.

The coming days would be full of trials, he knew. A groan escaped him as one of her hands stroked his shaft, coaxing him the rest of the way to rigidity; the other cupping and stroking his balls. There would be pitfalls. He could not ever truly let his guard down around her - an amusing thought, as he felt her lick his penis from base to tip, slowly and laboriously coating him in her drool. But she was crafty. More clever than he, this was now obvious, though she was truly up against it with the collar. All he had to do was try and anticipate her. Close doors and windows of opportunity before she would wiggle her way out of-

He sucked in a breath as she took him in. His hand rested on her head. No pressure was applied. He merely enjoyed that feeling of possessive control. "This is far better than the first two times you've had my cock in your mouth, cunt," he breathed, leaned back in the chair.

The chair creaked. Soft suckling noises drifted in the room. He looked up at the ceiling, his hand drifting up and down in time with her head as she slid her wet mouth over his glistening member. It was, he decided, a pretty good blowjob. She was certainly improving.

He looked down at her. She was working him with her eyes closed, turning her head in time with her strokes, sliding her tongue along the underside of his cock, her free hand stroking what her lips didn't reach. He considered making her take it all, but this was different. He had plenty of opportunity to fuck her throat. He wanted something more therapeutic.

"I wonder if we'll ever run across any old comrades of yours?" he asked. She flinched, and he hissed. "Teeth, cunt. Watch the teeth. Good girl. Mh. Mmmmh. Yes, I wonder what they might think. Would they try and rescue you? Mh, with your attitude? I'm thinking, more than a few of them have had this exact fantasy." He smirked, feeling her throat clench a little, though she didn't stop sucking. "Putting your smart mouth to good use. Shutting your cunt ass up, hm? It's a good view. You're cute when you're sucking my cock, slave."

Rhix swapped hands, clutching the arm rest and spreading his legs out a bit more. "Oh, fuck. That feels so fucking good. Work that cock. Worship your master's cock. Take it deep. Oh, oh fuck! Yes, that's it," he hissed, as she took her hand off him so she could press down, slipping him into her resisting throat. She gagged, her tail lifting, body twisting a little. "Good girl, that's it. Master's cock still too much for you, hm? We'll train you," he said, caressing her head. "We'll train you to suck cock like the professional slave you are."

He stroked his hand down the back of her neck as she messily bobbed her mouth on him. Fingers traced the cool metal of her collar. "Mh, yes. Old comrades. I bet they'd pay extra. Confirm their suspicions. Play out fantasies of splitting your tight little cunny, or stretching that tailhole. Mmnh. Or this." He rolled his hips a little, and she gagged again as the head of his throbbing cock teased her throat.

Swapping hands again, this time he did guide her. He was squirming in his seat. Behind him, his tail flicked back and forth. He huffed through his teeth, arching his back a bit, looking up, wincing. "Yes, yes," he hissed, working her mouth on his cock. "Forget what I said this is worth it," he crooned. His toes curled. His tail arched. She gagged as he shoved her down.


Breathless he came in her mouth. He held her firm, cock pulsing, pumping his seed into her. He listened for and heard the delightful sounds of her gulping. One gulp, then another, then another, all while he pulsed, panting his way through a top-tier ejaculation.

Tension bled out of him all at once. He sagged in the chair, hand leaving her head to flop over the arm rest. His tail draped across the floor, legs splayed, cock unloading the last few pulses across her tongue; these, too, were dutifully swallowed.

"Good girl," he said, as she drew him out of her mouth, slowly, to look up at him in utter defeat. He grinned. "Now hop-to and go bring up our food, slave."