Copykobold (1/2)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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When Max the alchemist invites his friend over its so that they can have some fun with potions, the latter excited to finally turn into a dragon for the first time while Max takes on a more familiar kobold form that he's used too. When Aiden taken the wrong potion accidentally it leads to a completely different experience as the potion he drinks not only turns him into a kobold as well but an exact copy of him!

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Aiden found himself grinning from ear to ear as he made his way down the street towards the residence of his friend that was at the end of the road. Max was an alchemist with a penchant for transformation potions, so when he got the message that the other man had created something special for the two of them he raced over as soon as he could. The two had been friends for a while and it was no secret that he desired something other than his human form, and though they had always messed around with the idea of him becoming something else they had never quite taken the plunge before that time. That was about to change though, Aiden thought to himself as he got up to the door and knocked on it, he was finally going to be the one thing that he wanted to be more than anything.

He was going to be a dragon.

When he had first floated the idea to Max about making a dragon transformation potion the other human told him that while it was definitely possible such an extensive and complex change would require a lot of time and effort, which had prompted Aiden to say that it was fine and not to bother. He had gone home that night thinking it was the worst mistake he had ever made but didn't think to bring it up again and burden Max with having to create something so complicated just for him. That was why when he was told that he had something special it prompted him to think that perhaps the alchemist had gone out of his way in order to do it, and though he wasn't sure he couldn't help but hug the other man as soon as the door opened. Max was caught by surprise and nearly stumbled backwards as he was squeezed by his friend before they separated and allowed him to rub a hand sheepishly through his short black hair.

"I think you may have guessed what it is I have in store for us," Max said as he motioned for Aiden to come and follow him to his laboratory, which while it was a place that he had been to before Aiden couldn't help but be in awe every time he stepped inside it and saw all the class apparatus that had various colored fluids swirling about within them. "I've been working quite hard on making sure that your first time in transformation via potion was a fun one, and after a few months of dedicated effort I've created what I think is my best concoction yet."

Aiden watched as Max went over to the table and grabbed two identical bottles, one of them containing a blue fluid while the other was a vibrant green. "Are those... dragon transformation potions?" Aiden asked, the grin on Max's face growing wider as he nodded his head. "I can't believe it, you really made them for us. This is amazing."

"Well, I made one for you anyway," Max clarified as he set the potions back down on the table. "The blue one is mine and I thought I would do something a little different but in the same theme. I'll leave that as a surprise though and see if you can guess, the only question is who gets to go first."

"As much as I would like to see what it would be like to become a dragon I think you should do it first," Aiden said as he continued to glance at the potions. "You are more knowledgeable and you were the one that did all this work in the first place, plus it will give me a chance to try and guess what you're becoming."

Max nodded and set the green potion down while uncorking the blue one, giving Aiden a wink before taking a sip of the contents. When Aiden tilted his head in question the alchemist explained that the process for brewing these particular transformation potions made the concoction quite strong, which meant that only a little was needed for things to actually happen. While he could have downed the entire contents it would have just sped up the changes to the point of being nearly instantaneous, and since he was also a huge transformation fanatic he wanted to make sure that everything went nice and slow. It was also recommended for Aiden to do the same to his dragon potion once it was his turn, not only because it would be his first time but then he could save some of it for when he would want to do it again.

Aiden had a seat next to the potion table and watched as Max took off his shirt, which as he did the other man could see that the magic was already starting to take effect in the form of bright blue scales that were starting to form along his shoulders and down the length of his spine. "I see that you decided to go with something scaly as well," Aiden said as Max went over and lowered himself so that he could get a better look. "Can I... touch them, or..."

"Go ahead and give it a feel," Max replied with a chuckle, though his voice was already starting to sound a little different as Aiden ran down the smooth, hard skin that was slowly forming. "With potions the changes happen all over the place but it tends to start with the head and mouth area, as I'm sure you can tell it's changing the way I talk a bit. Don't worry, you'll see for yourself soon enough."

Aiden felt himself smiling once more as he could start to see grey growths that started to form on the back of his jaw with several more trailing upwards. When Max turned around he let out a slight gasp as he saw the human's face was slightly swollen outwards and also had a patch of similar scales down his nose, which had started to recede into his face. He was still unsure of what the alchemist was turning into aside from it being reptilian in nature, and when he guessed that it was a horned lizard Max chuckled and shook his head. It didn't help that he could see two of the small horns that had emerged from right where his ears were melding with the patches of scales that formed there were growing longer in length until they somewhat resembled dragon horns.

When Max wanted to stand up in order to show what else was happening to his body Aiden found that he was no longer as tall as he had been, in fact even when sitting down he hardly had to look up in order to look into the increasingly red eyes of the creature that Max was becoming. "Oh, I think I know what you are now," Aiden said with a chuckle as he watched the smile of the other man growing from his face slowly stretching out. "You're becoming a kobold, aren't you?"

"You got it," Max replied with a giggle of his own as he looked over at his table. "One of my personal favorite creatures, though it can be a bit hard to do work when you're half the height you used to be. One of these times I'll have to adjust these tables to account for it, but until then a stepstool works just fine. Now since you got it right it's time for your reward."

Max stepped forward and as even lighter blue scales started to form on his chest he leaned forward and kissed the human. Aiden found himself cupping the head of the transforming creature as they did and as their embrace become more passionate he found himself running his tongue along the sharpening teeth of the man as he could feel the growing muzzle in his hands and pressed against his face. It made him wonder what it would be like when he had one of his own, and as they broke the kiss and Max stepped forward to show that his pants had already fallen around his ankles and that a nub of a tail had pushed out from the base of his spine he decided he had waited long enough. As the alchemist started to sway his underwear-clad hips while his tail grew out Aiden continued to watch as reached for his bottle and immediately took a sip in order to join in.

When he put the bottle back he decided to stand up himself, wanting to tower over the kobold as he transformed into a mighty green-scaled dragon. He wondered if Max would enjoy doing some roleplaying; him the big, strong dragon laying on his horde while his dutiful kobold would serve him in any way he saw fit. As Max turned around he saw that Aiden had got up and when he saw the big grin on his face Aiden informed him that he had taken his potion in order to join in. That caused the transforming man's face to light up and for a yip to escape from his mouth, which prompted him to cover his pseudo-muzzle with his hands in slight shock before giggling at the sound and making it again.

As Aiden began to feel the changes happening to his body though something else was happening as well, the room spinning slightly around him as the magical potion coursed through his system. When he told Max that he was feeling strange the alchemist told him that it was perfectly natural to feel a bit of vertigo the first time, especially if he was shifting to a new height like he would as a dragon. As Max came over to him to try and help him towards a chair though something caught him off-guard. While the alchemist couldn't be sure exactly how much Aiden was supposed to grow he suspected that he would probably gain at least a few feet in height, maybe even more, from his transformation... why did it look like the other changing human was starting to shrink?

As Max tried to figure out what was going on he let out a yelp as he felt his toes pinching in his shoes, forgetting that he was going to show off his growing paws as he told Aiden to keep holding onto the table while he took care of them. He let out a sigh of relief as he pulled his increasingly draconic feet out of his human shoes, wiggling his toes as he watched the five of them merge into three before thickening. It was one of the biggest parts of the change aside from the head and tail and as he let out a groan he watched the arches stretch out and his heel pull up until he now walked on what used to be the balls of his feet that pushed out into their new configuration. With the disaster of losing yet another pair of shoes diverted he stood back up and found that he had lost several more inches of height, his frame compressing further as the last stitch of his clothing fell off of his body.

When Max looked over at Aiden he let out a gasp when he saw that he definitely wasn't the only one that was shrinking. The arm that held the changing human up was now level with his head, which hung down and was panting heavily as he saw the thickening tongue push past his scale covered lips. A pair of horns was also growing from his head as his ears shrank down and scales began to form on the tip of his new muzzle. The problem was that they were blue scales, the color identical to Max as he looked over and saw that the liquid of the potion bottle that he had drank from was lower than it had been before. Max quickly told Aiden what he had discovered it caused the other man to yelp and stand up straight, his shirt hanging loosely along his shrinking shoulders as his own pants fell to the ground just like Max's head.

"I can't believe that I made that mistake," Aiden said, his voice sounding slightly higher as he looked down into his shirt and saw that a dusting of blue scales had formed on his chest as his tongue fumbled around his stretching face. When he put his hands up to his nose he could feel it melt into his upper jaw while the nostrils flared, which he could see as it began to stretch into his field of vision. "What if I drank the dragon potion, would that reverse the transformation?"

"They don't quite work like that," Max replied as he looked down at his mostly scale covered body and back at Aiden, who still had large patches of human flesh as his transformation was taking even longer likely due to the fact that this was his first time. "At best you would turn into a dragon after the potion ran its course, at worse they would go off at the same time and create... let's just call it an amalgamation. Why did you drink my potion anyway?"

"Because I was distracted by that stupid sexy tail of yours," Aiden replied, which caused both of them to stare at one another before they both started to giggle as the tenseness of the situation was broken. "So does this mean that we're going to both be identical kobolds?"

"Looks like it," Max replied as he watched the human shirt get even baggier to the point where it threatened to fall down from the shoulders as identical spikes grew along Aiden's widening cheeks. "Best get your shoes off as soon as you can, trust me when I say that bursting through them is not as fun as it looks and even kobold feet get incredibly cramped within them."

Aiden nodded and tried to get back into the chair that he had just left, only forgetting that he had lost at least a foot worth of height himself and ended up hitting the edge of the seat before stumbling and falling backwards. Max reminded Aiden of his decreased stature and when Aiden just let out a groan in response the kobold went over to help him out. As he did he couldn't help but spring himself on his new feet and felt his new tail balance him from behind, feeling the thick appendage continue to grow out until it had reached the floor. At this point his transformation was mostly finished and as the toned blue-scaled kobold went over to his friend and started to tug on the shoes to pull them off.

It seemed the transformation had already started to happen down there and it prompted Max to work faster, telling Aiden to remain on the floor as he got to work unlacing and shifting them back and forth to get them off. When he had gotten both off he saw the half transformed head of the other man look up just in time to see blue scales grow over his toes as they started to pull together. As Max continued to hold them he pressed his fingers against the underside of the transforming appendages and was surprised when he heard a low groan come from Aiden. While he had always had a thing for kobold paws he hadn't thought that his friend was the same way, though as he took his tongue and licked against the toes that were pushed together to form into one digit it caused his back to arch and the loose-fitting underpants to tent slightly.

"I see that your body is still quite responsive," Max teased as he slid one of his hands down the still mostly human thigh of the other man, his kobold playful nature getting the better of him as he wondered just how much like his own body Aiden was becoming. As he pressed against a spot that he knew he enjoyed the other man practically jumped as he saw the arousal of the other guy throb hard. "Or maybe we should call it my body?"

As Aiden continued to lay there on his back he didn't respond, his mind still spinning even though the room had stopped. While he was still bigger than the other kobold by at least a foot he could feel himself shrinking, the scales of his back practically sliding against the floor as five feet became four before shrinking even more. The feeling of the kobold massaging his transforming feet was also completely exquisite, something he hadn't imagined that he would enjoy but clearly did as the last of his hair was replaced with scales and spikes. He couldn't help but shake the feeling that there was something wrong, and as he heard Max call out the name Aiden it felt like a familiar but foreign one to him as he felt his spine pop and lengthen for his new tail.

"Hey, are you still with me there?" Max asked as Aiden suddenly saw himself staring down at him, like hew as looking at a reflection in the mirror even though his muzzle was still growing to its full length. "How are you feeling? You're starting to reach full kobold here and started to zone out on me."

"I feel... really weird..." Aiden said as he slowly stood up, looking down at his scaly body as the last of his human features were disappearing. For a few brief moments he was still taller than Max but as his tail slithered out with new growth along the floor it seemed to take the last of his height with it. "I'm... I'm a kobold now."

"That you are," Max said, breathing a sigh of relief as it appeared his friend was actually alright as he grinned. "I have to say that you are quite the stunning one too, I'd say you should go look in the mirror but you technically have one right next to you." As Max laughed at that Aiden looked over the other kobold, then at his own body to see that he was right. Other than the fact that he had on a very loose pair of underpants he was the kobold that sat next to him as tendrils of information began to swirl around in his head.

"Am I... am I Max?" Aiden asked as he slowly got to his feet, Max watching as he bounced on them just like he had after he had tried them out for the first time as his hands ran down his toned, scaled form. With no longer being on the floor Max saw that they were well and truly identical down to the last detail, something that fascinated him as he watched the look of confusion on his friend's muzzle turn to a big grin. "Hey there, I'm Max."

"Oh, well hi there Max," Max replied with a giggle, which prompted the other kobold to do the same. It seems that while he didn't get to enjoy the dragon form that he had prepared for him Aiden appeared to be in good spirits about it, even starting to roleplay like he was the kobold that he had become. "Do you mind if we had to my bedroom? This is the first time that I had something like this happen before and I would really like to inspect, uh, my body I guess?"

Aiden once more found himself looking around as the other kobold talked, which was a strange creature because he sensed that it was Max... but he was also Max, wasn't he? The more he started to think that he was the alchemist the more the fog that had settled over his mind started to clear and he could think clearly. "Why don't we go ahead and use my bed?" Aiden replied, which caused Max to tilt his head in confusion before the other kobold pointed towards the bedroom while the last of his claws grew from his fingers. "It's much closer."

"Oh, of course, how could I forget," Max replied as his grin grew even bigger. "Lead the way Max, you know the way." The other kobold smiled at him and began to go over towards the other room, which as Max watched him he was amazed as he stared at the naked body of the other creature. It wasn't just his form either; everything from his mannerisms to the way he carried himself was much like how he did it when he was a kobold as he followed him down towards the bedroom.

Once the two got there Aiden hopped on the bed and laid back as though it was the most natural thing in the world, stretching out his limbs as he allowed the other kobold to examine him. As Max did so he continued to admire his form and wondered idly if this was some form of narcissism as he continued to massage up and down the muscles of the transformed human. "We really are identical..." Max stated as he got to the base of Aiden's tail and gave it a squeeze, which caused the other kobold to let out a yelp of surprise. "Well, almost identical, you can't even yip like a proper kobold!"

"What do you mean?" Aiden replied, the strange feeling returning as it was pointed out. "I... I can yip! Of course I can yip!" When he made his first attempt it once more sounded like a yelp, which prompted both of the kobolds to giggle. The sound of their laughter was almost exactly the same however and as Aiden laid on his back he watched as the identical blue-scaled kobold laid on top of him.

"C'mon Max, you know that a true kobold yips from the throat," Max replied, continuing to smirk as he felt like he was training his other self while he continued to grope those scaly muscles. "I bet I know something that could really help you get into it. What do you say Max, how about a little post-tf exploration? Trust me when I say that we can keep it to ourselves."

Aiden grinned at that as his mind became more attuned to his situation, unknowingly transitioning to become more comfortable in the body that he had as he realized the truth. He was naturally Max, and this other kobold was also Max, they were both Max! As such the rationalization made their playful teasing of one another's bodies somehow even more powerful, which made sense since they knew where the other was most sensitive. It seemed to Aiden though that he wasn't quite Max though, which shifted his mind to a new direction as he nodded eagerly to the real Max.

Meanwhile the alchemist found himself starting to get more into the roleplay as he found that both their cocks were hardening at the same time, grinning as his doppelganger let out a groan as he nuzzled against the other kobold's neck. It was fun for him to imagine that somehow he had actually managed to clone himself, that he had created another Max and that the two were not only similar physically but mentally as well. He just needed to teach his other self how to be a proper kobold, and he was more than willing to teach the other Max what to do with a little pleasurable stimulation to help him along. Even with his mind set into the mood though it was still a surreal sensation to look down at the person whose tailhole he was about to spread open and see himself lying there.

After taking a second to get some specialized lube Max once more got between the legs of the other kobold, the two leaning forward and pressing their muzzles together in a deep kiss. Even their tongues were the same as they moved together, wanting to press past the scaly lips into one another's maws as their hands started to roam each other's scaly forms again. With the pleasure of the moment deepening Aiden and Max's movements synced up even more to the point where it felt like they were fondling themselves save for the tip of the kobold cock about to press into the other's tailhole. Up until this point Max had never imagined what it would be like to have sex with himself, but he was more than willing to try and knew that his clone was feeling the same way.

"Oh... oh Max..." Aiden replied, the other kobold shuddering as he heard his name spoken in his voice as he took it slow and steady even with the lube aiding in his insertion. "It's like... it's like I'm inside myself." Max just let out a gasp of pleasure as he reached down and started to stroke the cock of the other kobold with his lubed up hand, helping to fulfill the fantasy that they were both experiencing.

"Technically... you are," Max gasped out, once more causing the two kobolds to giggle before Max pushed forward and slid a few inches into the tight hole at once. "Now show me that you really are Max, that you are the kobold you say you are. Yip for me."

Aiden nodded his head and closed his eyes in concentration, which only caused his partner to grin more at how much he was getting into this before he let out a noise that was only slightly closer to a yip. When he tried again Max gave a small thrust forward that caused his voice to go up a bit and sound closer in pitch. It wasn't long before the kobold on top kept pushing in deeper every time the other one tried to yip and by the time he was almost completely hilted Aiden finally let out a loud kobold yip. The look of excitement on his face was priceless and as the two yipped at the same time they were so perfectly in sync that they couldn't tell whose was whose.

"I did it!" Aiden announced, his chest swelling with pride as yipping felt like the most natural thing in the world now. "I am a true kobold, I am Max. I told you..."

Max just shook his head and as Aiden proudly yipped with each thrust he did the same, the two kobolds making quite a bit of noise as Max got into a smooth rhythm that he believed was deep and slow enough for both of them to enjoy. It didn't take long for the two to get lost in their passions and the kobolds to begin a more raucous round of rutting, the two switching positions several times with Aiden sometimes on top bouncing up and down before turning around and having his head pushed into the matress while Max plowed into him. Eventually after several orgasms the two ended up spooning one another, Max's cock still slid into the cheeks of Aiden while their identical bodies pressed together.

"Mmmm, that really was quite the fun experiment," Max said with a smile as he ran a hand down the smooth scales of Aiden's chest. "Good night Max."

"Good night Max." Aiden replied, Max feeling a shiver run down his spine at hearing his own words parroted back to him like that. As the two closed their eyes to sleep he wondered if Aiden was going to continue the ruse tomorrow or if they were going to try and get it so that he could become his dragon form. Either way the original kobold knew that he was definitely going to have to remember this for another time...

When Max awoke he found himself alone, and as he looked at the clock on the wall he saw that it was his usual time that he would do so. What had caught him off guard was that he could smell food already being prepared, which was something that Aiden was not known to do even when he did sleep over. As he let out a yawn he scratched the scales of his kobold body and let out a yip before he slowly got out of bed and went to the kitchen. When he got to the table he looked to see if Aiden was there cooking, only as his red eyes scanned the area he found that there was no kobold and instead was just a plate of food for him.

Well... this was certainly sweet of him, Max thought to himself as he hopped up onto the chair where he had to stand in order to eat. His surprise grew when he found that it was his usual breakfast waiting for him that he normally just prepared for himself after a transformation... though how Aiden knew that was beyond him as he poked at the eggs with the fork that had been provided for him. As his stomach grumbled he realized he hadn't had much to eat after taking his transformation potion and knew that even with his smaller size he needed the calories, which was not in short supply on his plate. It didn't take him long to wolf everything down and when he was done he went over and set the dish in the sink, and as he pulled himself up to look over he found that there was another one already in there.

With his hunger satiated the question became where did Aiden go as he scratched the scales around his horns. Since he would still be a kobold too it was unlikely that he had decided to go home but his own house wasn't very big, which meant it was more logical to search the house first. The first place he decided to look was the first place he would have gone to after having breakfast, which was his laboratory. When he got there he found himself doing a double take when he saw the surreal scene of his kobold self-standing in front of his apparatus while standing on a stool.

"What in the heck do you think you're doing!?" Max practically shouted as he jumped up and down, startling the other kobold and nearly causing him to drop the vial that he was holding as he looked at the flailing creature.

"Oh, sorry, did I wake you?" Aiden replied as he put the bottle down and hopped off the stool. "I didn't want to disturb your sleep but I had to make one of my potions and thought that I would spend the early morning getting it done. Or... I suppose that you already knew that? I guess I'm still a little hazy on the details."

"Alright, I think that's enough fun Aiden," Max said with a huff, flaring his nostrils slightly as he crossed his arms over his chest. "That equipment is very sensitive and if you don't know what you're doing then you can make a poison, or worse something that explodes. If you didn't mess anything up too badly then I'll see about turning you into a dragon before the night is out."

To Max's surprise the other kobold just turned his head and looked at him in question, knowing the look of confusion rather well. "What do you mean?" Aiden stated as he gestured at the area. "This is my lab, I make all my potions here! Did you want to be a dragon, I can certainly do that, but I can't think of anything I want to be other than a kobold! Yip yip yip!"

As Aiden bounced around Max found himself blinking several times. It was starting to become apparent to him that perhaps his friend wasn't roleplaying being him as he waved his arms to get the other man's attention. "Really, you don't want to be a big green dragon?" Max asked as he looked into Aiden's eyes. "That's not something that you really want to do?"

Aiden saw the serious look on the other Max's face and as he tried to think about what the other kobold was talking about it caused his head to ache slightly. He couldn't understand why the other version of him was thinking he wanted to be a dragon, of course he didn't want to be a dragon... did he? For some reason it reminded him of something though and as he began to sway slightly he felt the strong fingers of his friend grab him and guide him over to a smaller chair that he used when he was in a kobold form. As his thoughts went back to what he had said before he remembered that the other Max had called him something other than Max... it was... Aiden... yeah, he was Aiden...

As Max rubbed the swooning kobold's shoulders he told him to stay right there before we went back to check on his equipment, wanting to make sure that he wasn't about to make something that would have to make him flush and clean out everything. As he looked over everything however he found that it was... perfect, like he had done it himself as he removed the stopper and allowed the bright purple potion to flow out of the repository and into the bottle to be sold later. Once he had completely emptied it he brought the liquid up to the light and saw that from what he could see the potion was also done correctly, everything from the viscosity to the color was correct and he probably couldn't have done it better if he brewed it himself. Though... as Max looked back as the kobold that was rubbing his face he realized that it was perhaps because he had, just not him as he went over to check on his friend.

"Uh, hey buddy," Max said as he approached the kobold once more. "Who am I talking to?"

"It's Aiden," Aiden replied, shaking his head slightly as he rubbed his muzzle again. "But it's also Max, though for now it seems that I have the correct mindset in place. When I woke up this morning though it was like I was you, even though I had no idea what that meant until that time, how does something like that even work?"

"That's a good question," Max stated as he sat down in the other chair and tapped a claw to his chin. "Though it's not a necessary step you can key in potions to specific people, which is what I usually do when I become this kobold form you see here. My only guess is because I do that but you drank it that you not only got my physical form but the mental one as well... transforming into the kobold Max in the truest sense of the word."

"That's... really weird," Aiden replied. "But now that I'm getting used to this feeling it's also kind of cool in a strange way, like I didn't really know anything about alchemy and potion making but when I tap into that Max mindset I suddenly know tons about the subject. I don't know about doing it though, I'm not going to suddenly lose myself forever and just be a clone of you if I indulge in that sort of thing, right?"

Max thought about it for a second before he shook his head. "When it comes to transformation magic in general there's a core component of you that seems to hold on to what you used to be," Max explained. "Just like you could never convince me that I'm not the real Max I could never wipe away your knowledge of being human or Aiden. I think the rules change a bit when you indulge in a permanent transformation, but that situation doesn't apply here regardless."

"I imagine that's a shame for you since you probably could use another you around to make all these potions," Aiden replied, the two giggling at the same time before they stood up from the chair. "So, how long does this potion last anyway? How long am I going to be Max the kobold?"

"Three days, give or take," Max replied before he gestured towards the lab equipment. "If you would like I could make something that would purge the potion from your system quicker, which means that you would be able to get to try that dragon form of yours if you wanted while you still have the time."

Max watched as Aiden looked between the dragon potion and the kobold that sat before him, squirming slightly in his seat as he glanced down at his own body. "Actually, I'm really finding this rather interesting," Aiden replied finally. "Since I would be pushed up close to the time I had to leave anyway why don't we just ride this out and I can be a dragon later? I think it would be fun to walk in the footsteps of this kobold form you love so much."

Max nodded vigorously as he had hoped that his friend would say something like that, not only because it was a lot of fun to see a copy of him wandering around his house but also because he was genuinely interested in what happened to Aiden. It seemed like the roleplaying had helped his mind transition into the state that he woke up in, and as he asked about the potion that he had created he found his friend occasionally slipping and saying things like it was his potion and his laboratory. It seemed that while Aiden was still there Max floated about on top of his mind like an oil slick, which when it was disturbed revealed the real personality beneath but if left to settle it would once more envelop the other kobold.

As the two continued to cohabitate with one another they found themselves both enjoying their kobold forms with one another. More than once they played a prank on either a customer of Max's or someone that knew him; one would sneak off and hide while the other talked to the person, and then as they clearly left the other would wait for a few seconds before popping out and pretending like he had been there the entire time. Sometimes they could even get the original kobold back into the room with enough of a distraction were able to do it to the same person several times before they finally caught wise to what was going on. Max also found it fun that when it came to solving potion problems he could bounce ideas off of essentially himself and come up with different ideas than he had thought of, which also furthered his experimentation on just how prevalent his own psyche was inside of the other kobold.

There were also physical benefits to having the same body as well as the knowledge that it possessed. More than once they knew exactly when the other was starting to feel frisky, sometimes with Max bending Aiden over the potions table and thrusting his cock inside while other times it went the opposite direction. Other times if they had a sore muscle the other knew exactly where it was and how to relieve it, or once in a while they merely enjoyed being in the presence of essentially themselves. That was most apparent as Max quickly learned how to get Aiden into the proper mindset for such a thing, which as their second night was coming to a close he thought that he would try something that he had been thinking about the entire day.

Ever since Max had essentially woke up Aiden after their first night together the two hadn't been really in sync, even when Aiden relaxed and allowed the kobold personality within to take the wheel there was still hesitations and descrepicies that the real Max could see. After they had finished up dinner however Max decided to try and get back to that previous state. As Aiden cleaned the last of the dishes from their meal together he slowly snuck up behind the other kobold and waited, slowly leaning closer to his ear while watching him. As soon as Aiden put the plate in the dryer Max made his move... and yipped loudly enough that it caused the other kobold to jump.

"What was that for?" Aiden asked after he regained his composure.

"It's what you do, Max," Max replied, emphasizing the name as his grin grew wider. "You're a kobold, you yip."

"Of course I know we yip," Aiden said, though there was a moment where he blinked a few times. "But did you have to do it so close to me?"

"What do you mean, I'm you," Max stated as he put a clawed finger on the nose of the other kobold. "And you are me, and you're a kobold named Max." As Aiden started to look more and more confused Max could tell that the technique he had researched while Aiden made one of his potions for him was starting to work. It turned out that there was a somewhat sizable section in his library about cloning via transformation and that there was a section that if you did it right you could enact a very interesting mirror response...

At first it seemed like Aiden wasn't getting it, but the more that Max continued to insist that there was only one Max despite there being two kobolds he could start to see Aiden actually starting to mimic his actions. At first he had to be the one to try and anticipate what he was going to do in order to match it but as he started to see the other kobold starting to shift and move the way he would he could see that they were becoming more aligned by the second. The book had stated that once it was clear that the one who he had cloned was starting to do so that he had to pull the other creature the rest of the way, which it said was the hardest part of the exercise. As he held up his hand in the air he waited and hoped that he had done enough, watching as Aiden's eyes flitted from the kobold to the hand... Aiden found himself raising his hand up in the air he found himself taking in a sharp breath as the hands touched, then moved in the same circular direction. It was like he was staring into a mirror, watching as the other kobold mimicked his actions completely. Or was he actually looking at himself... as he slipped deeper into believing that he was Max once more he wondered if he was having an out of body experience. He could see his hand and the hand of the other kobold, but at the same time it was like they were the same hand as he raised the other one up and saw the other one do it at the same time. Whatever was going on was something that he had never expected before and as he started to turn and walk towards the door he saw the image of himself doing the same.

Except that Max was the one that was actually doing the movements first, but whatever he did was quickly mimicked by the other kobold to the point where they were practically doing it at the same time. It worked, Max realized as they began to walk in unison back towards the bedroom. He had contemplated what he wanted to do with this and decided that if they were going to be totally in unison then the best place to try it out is with where they originally did their first roleplay. Max watched out of the corner of his eye as they both crawled up on the bed at the same time, though as they did he could see that Aiden's eyes were doing the exact same thing.

For Aiden he once more found himself on his bed as the distinction between him and this other kobold was blurred further. The idea that they were even identical creatures was becoming lost, instead the new Max believing that he was actually somehow projecting himself into the physical world. Anything he did to it he was also doing to himself, and there was a strange thrill that came with that as the began to rub against one another's bodies. As he touched the pecs of the kobold he felt his own get touched, reinforcing the believe that this was some tantric self-love session that he was experiencing as he decided to take it a step further and kiss himself.

The tingles that came from the meeting of their identical lips at the same time was electric, feeling everything happening at the same time in perfect synchronicity as the kobold kissed himself. Max let out a soft moan that reverberated through their chest as their arms wrapped around one another. For the one still somewhat aware of what was going on he could feel their heartbeats and breathing in sync with one another as they rubbed against one another at the same time. As their make-out session continued there was only one way that Max knew of that they could continued to keep in harmony with one another and still have some fun, and after they had broken the kiss he turned in one direction while his doppleganger did the same thing until their toes were in each other's faces in what would be the ultimate test to see if they really did manage to sync up since they couldn't see one another.

As Max slowly stuck out their tongue and pressed it against the soles of their scaley feet it caused a shiver to go down their spine. It was like they were licking their own foot, and the more they did it the more it caused them to shudder and grow aroused. When they looked down they could see the bright pink shaft sliding out of their slit and they couldn't wait any longer, they had to see what it was like to have their own member in their maws as they positioned themselves so that they could reach it. It was right there in front of him, and though it was the opposite kobold's members staring them in the face both of them could only think of it as their own as they once more tentatively leaned forward and began to nuzzle against the tip.

The first time that they touched it was like an electric spark had gone through their bodies. With neither making eye contact with the other anymore the fantasy had become a reality for them, although for one Max it was lying on the bed sheets with his groin hovering above him in the air while for the other one it was his head in the air with his groin resting against the sheets. Fortunately for the sake of their little session their minds were able to block that detail out as they licked their tongue along the throbbing shaft, feeling the delicious sensation of it rubbing against the sensitive flesh as their fingers played along the scales of their inner thighs. This was far more intense than any solo play session and something about the fact that they thought they were doing it to themselves made it all the more enjoyable as they finally started to let the tip slide into their muzzles.

Even their cocks were able to throb at the same time as the kobolds slid their clawed fingers around and squeezed against their rumps, causing their hips to wiggle as they began to push down so that they didn't have to move their necks as much. The timing, the speed, all of it was perfect for them to enjoy as they slurped and sucked, stimulating themselves slowly but powerfully as their tails wagged about eagerly. Since they were in control they knew exactly how much they could take and when, eventually getting the entire thing inside their muzzles as their tongues swirled around it. As Max began to slide a claw into their pert tailhole it was just unfortunate that they couldn't penetrate themselves in the same way... though as they thought about it an idea came to them as they took their hands and pressed it against their tail base before sliding it up.

It was good that a kobold's tail was as flexible as it was thick, Max thought to themselves as they continued to slide their hands up until they had reached the last few inches, then took the tip and began to ease it into their own tailhole. The effect was instantaneous and as their hips bucked it caused their cock to get buried even deeper in their own muzzles until it practically slid down their throat. After taking a deep breath and letting their ring of muscle get used to it they pushed another inch inside them, then another, and with the angle that they were at they found that the insertion was much easier than usual as their legs quivered and started to spread apart. Soon they had gotten several inches of their own tail inside them and though they had to keep hold of it to prevent it from sliding out they found it to be rather easily actually as they began to pump the appendage in and out to stimulate themselves even further.

Max continued on like this for a while until finally their orgasm was too much to hold back, exhaling sharply as their cocks came inside them while their tailholes clamped around the tails that stretched them open. They let out muffled groans of pure pleasure as they rode the wave of their climax, their bodies bucking and spasming as every muscle in the kobold's body felt like it had tensed at the same time before it finally relaxed. As soon as they were finished they let go of their tails and allowed them to slide out of themselves before flopping over to their side, which still had their cocks nestled in their maws even as they softened. Though it was tempting to fall asleep that way they decided that they still wanted to explore themselves a little more, reaching around and massaging their legs and back until finally the hold of their synchronization faltered with Max sneezed.

The two did manage to continue to yip at the same time as they sat up and looked at one another. "That was amazing," Max said. "What did you think?"

"I think that we're pretty awesome," Aiden replied with a grin, though Max was clearly in control in the kobold's form as their mannerisms still matched to some degree. "Can we do something like that tomorrow?"

"We'll see," Max replied as he turned around and wagged his tail at the other kobold. "C'mon Max, I'll set you be the big spoon this time."

The other kobold was more than happy to accept the invitation as he scooted forward, the two cuddling up once more as they laid there in the bed imagining what the next day would bring...