Fall Through The Earth

Story by Apolarbear17 on SoFurry

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A bit of a more abstract vent poem about something with wings falling through the somewhat hollow ground. That's all I'll say about it. Originally posted in May 2021.

Fall Through the Earth

By: A.X. Bueno

Something not exactly human anymore plummets towards the ground

With wings that became sickly and now fail

It's eyes closed and face placid it ran out of screams and tears somewhere on the way down

The unconscious body of it falls preceded by those sickly wings of radioactive green and inky black

Those wings are the first parts of the creature to break through the earth

For the ground it hit was cracked and semi-hollow

It's fur becomes covered in dirt on it's descent downward

The rest of it to follow

It spirals still unconscious for a bit until it bruises a finger

On a small rock that's stuck in the dirt and gives a jolt of pain to that finger

Between that and the lingering pain of hitting the broken concrete ground earlier it snaps awake

It tries to scream at first but that's met with a muzzle full of dirt it has to spit out

It continues it's spiral downward seemingly only getting faster

It struggles to get its wing to work and slow it down

The creature trying to avoid further disaster while it's heart jackhammers in it's chest

It's breathing quickens as it tries on somewhat broken wings to feebly try to catch itself

As it does that it suddenly feels it's belly burn on superheated earth

This causes it to yowl for a moment in pain as the burn peels a bit of flesh and fur

After a while of hard struggle the sickly winged creature finally stops its fall through the ground

But not before scratching a leg to add to the pain of it's plummet down

Still it stop it's descent through earth and decides to take a second and examine around

The wounded winged creature notices other holes likely from other unlucky creatures that also fell

Some above, some below and some surrounding it as well in this somewhat hollow ground

It sees the indents in the dirt of those who caught themselves faster than it

As well as the ones of those who still had further to fall

It doesn't know whether to feel sad, angry or grateful and wastes no time to figure that out

It decides to head homeward and upward

Out of the soil that has consumed it and put away(at least for now) any fear or self-doubt

It fell very far down and broke a lot of ground on the way

But now it's on its way home and hopefully it can make it there on it's own

It's gonna be a while till it can fly itself out but it'll be worth it to see the sky again

See the sky while standing healed and tall on top of steady ground