Episode 4: Surprises

Story by Vakash_Darkbane on SoFurry

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#10 of FotR Fiction

Xox devises another scheme to try to destroy the Raptor and Starbase 186. The crew moves to stop him unaware that there is a problem brewing deep within the vessel. Not all surprises are good ones.

Starbase 186

Fara's Quarters

Fara sat alone in her quarters staring at the large wheeled poster board that now blocked her view of her creation. On it were results of diagnostics, blue prints, detailed reports, each meticulously laid out with red string pointing to somewhere on the Raptor's starboard engine. For months, this anomaly had been taunting her, avoiding her, eluding every effort to stop it. She had it narrowed down to somewhere on the starboard engine.

The anomaly would come and go. Sometimes it would trip the plasma flow regulator from the warp core, other times it would trip the one on the starboard nacelle. It would be very brief, varying only a few seconds, and then disappeared. Sometimes it would vanish for weeks, then it was only days absent, and it was becoming more frequent.

This deeply worried her.

She got off her couch and walked up to the Raptor's computer interface. She had hauled it to her quarters and stared at all the evidence.

"Computer, what are the protocols for reporting problems in the primary drive system?"

"All problems that are detected are reported immediately and a Level One diagnostic is performed," the Computer replied.

"Are they reported even if the automated systems deal with the problem?"


Fara chewed her lip. "Are there any issues with the Raptor's interface with the Attack Mode systems or auto repair functions?"


"Would they be reported if they malfunctioned?"

"Insufficient parameters for inquiry."


"Secondary systems are determined by rules established by the Chief Engineer. If anything operates outside those rules that are established, it would be reported," the Computer replied.

"What if it's something not defined by those rules?"

The computer made a few error tones.

"Gotcha," Fara smiled. "Computer, as much as I enjoy our talks, I need to ask you something. I have noticed several auto repairs that have occurred without my authorization over the last several months. Why are these not being reported?"

More beeps and error sounds. It finally made an acknowledgement. "Hypothesis...said repairs could be instances of falling outside of established parameters."

"Then who is authorizing them?"

More error codes and tones.

"Who is authorising the repairs?" Fara demanded. "ANSWER ME!"

Suddenly the computer terminal shut down.

"Primary hardware connection failure on umbilical connection," the station's computer responded.

Fara grinned. She had suspected something was amiss and this only proved it.

"Do you wish to reconnect?" The station's computer asked politely.

"No. That's enough for one night," Fara said, grabbing a datapad and writing down what had occurred. "You keep your little secrets...for now."

* * *

Starbase 186


"Yo! Captain, what's up?" Land said, pulling a chair out across the table and sitting in it backward leaning on the backrest.

Harry looked up from a pile of datapads with a very annoyed look. "Paperwork, what does it look like?"

Land idly picked one up and looked at it.

"Hey, hey! Put that down buddy boy," Harry snapped. "I don't see any bars around those pips, so you can't look at them."

"Sorry," Land said, freezing in mid-motion, "didn't realize."

"It's ok," Harry said, reaching over and grabbing the datapad. "I just have to go over these things once in a while. They tend to pile up."

"I'm surprised they still make you do these things with computers the way they are," Land said in awe.

"Well, one day, when you quit doing stupid things and take on some responsibility, you will have to do this," Harry said, taking a sip of coffee.

"Yeah, but this is, like, completely tedious."

"Maybe it is, but it's my ship and I have to look over everything that comes my way." Harry sat his mug down with a clink. "With the Raptor being a prototype, I have to turn in every little thing that happens when we are on that ship."

"Can't you get some help?" Land suggested. "I mean, this is a lot of stuff to go through."

"It's customary for the commander of a vessel to find someone to help sort through this stuff," Harry admitted, taking a stylus and amending something on one of the pads, "but it is something that takes good attention to detail."

"Well then, put a feeler out there! Someone is bound to bite," Land shrugged.


Suddenly the station shook and the alarm klaxons sounded.

Harry quickly scooped up the pads and tossed them into a mini trans porter so they'd be beamed back to his quarters.

"Looks like it's back to work for us," he said with a strained smile.


Story Title: Surprises

Episode 4

IDP 2009,2019, 2020,2021

By Vakash Darkbane

Edited by Saurex Conoway


The Raptor quickly flew out of the spacedock door. Harry sat in the captain's chair and quickly flipped on the ship to ship.

"Captain Stiles, the Raptor is deployed. We haven't seen anything out here yet."

"We're not sure Harry, but several objects hit section 17 of the base's hull," Captain Stiles replied, "they are coming in at tremendous velocity. Damn things took out one of the shield generators."

"Are they some sort of new torpedo?" Harry asked.

"Can't say," Stiles shrugged, bracing himself as another barrage hit the starbase.

The Raptor suddenly pitched sideways as something struck the shields on its port side. The power flickered and the deck trembled.

"Damage Report!" Harry barked.

"Forward shields down to 67%," Jakar replied, "minor damage to port engine!" Another blow shook the vessel. "Port shields are down to 20% and failing!"

"Mr. Rivas, reroute auxiliary power to the shields," Harry spat. Another blow struck the ship and the bow dropped. Subsystems shorted out and the engines groaned in protest. "Mr. Land, evasive actions of any kind...roll, dive, do whatever you have to before we're pulverized. Fire phasers all banks, blindly if you have too!"

The Raptor's phasers lanced out into space in myriad directions. Many struck nothing, but a few hits home and explosions erupted like bright asterixis in space. The Raptor was struck a few more times, but only grazed. It kept on the blind firing and more and more of the unforeseen projectiles exploded around it.

"Good thinking Commander," Stiles said over the com. "Now, get that bird out of the way and we'll take over from here."

"Roger that," Harry replied. "Mr. Land, get us out of the line of fire."

"You got it, skip," Land replied, bringing the Raptor into a sharp climb.

The starbase, with its shields fully operable and properly reinforced, brought it's many turrets online as the Raptor steeply climbed out range. Soon all the phaser cannons opened up in one tremendous display of light. Within moments, the remaining projectiles still in flight were blown to atoms, with only a few more getting through and causing damage.

"Lt. O'mara, please tell me if you've got a bead on what the hell that was all about," Harry asked over his shoulder.

"I'm working on it," O'mara said, sending an image to the viewer. "I've run some sensor scans. It appears that the projectiles are mostly asteroids of various shapes and masses. They appear to be somehow accelerated...near warp speed. I don't know how though. Plus, their trajectories indicate they are coming from one direction."

"Have you projected a point of origin yet?" Harry asked, getting out of his seat and standing by her station.

"W-w-working on it sir," O'mara said, typing rapidly.

On the screen, the paths of the projectiles traced back to their point of origin.

The point at which all paths intersected was a location several million kilometers inside Urthean space.

Harry furrowed his brow and darkness shaded his features. "Transmit this back to Captain Stiles. I think we have a problem."

* * *

Later, the Raptor had returned to Starbase 186 and its crew had started to disembark.

"Harry, I don't like that look on your face," Land noted as they walked towards the Raptor's gangway, "something has got your dander up."

"You think so?" Harry said flatly as they rounded the corner. "What would give you that idea?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure that this little incident was another friendly greeting from our neighborhood welcoming committee."

"More than likely Jack. Your powers of observation never cease to amaze me," Harry glared.

Land held up his paws. "Hey, hey back off! If you don't want to talk about it, I'll just shut up."

"That'd be a miracle," Harry muttered under his breath.

"Excuse me," Terri Lu said, stopping in front of them. "I'm sorry to interrupt sir, but I've prioritized and summarized everything that happened for the debriefs." She handed him a datapad which she had held up near her breast. "It's all there. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them."

Harry momentarily snapped out of his funk, looked down at the datapad, and scrolled through it. "Thank you, Ms. Lu," he said with a smile, "I appreciate it."

Terri nodded and headed out in front of them.

"Why can't you be efficient like her?" Harry asked Land, who was not listening and watching Terri's posterior as she left. "You could learn a thing or two from your crewmates."

He quickly boxed the fox's ear with the datapad. "Pay attention, Ensign!"

"What?" Land said with a sheepish grin.

"Sometimes I wonder why I brought you with me," Harry sighed.

"Because you love me," Land smirked, "and I haven't crashed us into an asteroid yet."

"Yet being the operative word," Harry grunted.

"Are you two hens done clucking!" Fara's voice shouted from down the hall. "I need to get the Auto Repair system online and if you don't want to end up as part of the carpeting you'd better get a move on!"

They headed down the gangplank and Fara shut the door behind them, activating the repair protocols for the Raptor.

"So how long until it's all patched up?" Harry asked.

Fara shook her head and put her hands in the pockets of her lab coat. "Probably an hour or two. You know, I hate using the Auto Repair, but if we need a quick fix it's the best option."

"Well, I don't want anyone getting too comfortable. I have a feeling that this is not the last we're going to hear of it," Harry said, waving the datapad at Fara.

"You don't have to worry about my people, sir," Fara said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to grab some lunch before we go rushing out of here again."

"That sounds like a good idea," Land said, "see you around, skipper."

"Yeah, you just go enjoy not having to do anything else," Harry shouted after him.

Land merely waved over his shoulder and disappeared around the corner.

* * *

Meanwhile, elsewhere

Xox's ship floated silently in the void next to a rather strange looking apparatus. It was cylindrical in shape and seemed to be made up of lots of strange panels with various conduits and machinery scattered all around it. On the ship's bridge uproarious, venomous laughter echoed off it's rusted bulkheads.

"Ah, this is working out better than I had expected," Xox chortled to himself, an evil smile crossing his muzzle. "Our first use of this warp accelerator cannon and we scored good hits, even hit that accursed ship of theirs too, yes."

"I would say it is effective, but altogether not that accurate, Commandant," D'jonn, his first officer, said calmly.

"It wasn't constructed to be fool-proof, just to work long enough to goad them into a confrontation, " Xox sneered. "I fully expect them to come out here...oh, they won't send anyone but the Raptor out here to deal with this. They don't want to stir up any more trouble than necessary, yess...."

D'jonn raised his brow and then sighed. "As you wish. I just think this is going contrary to our orders, which are to continue to harass and capture Confederation convoys."

"Oh, that is what I have my Gell's doing," Xox said, making a gesture with his index finger in the air. "They can waste the Emperor's and the Confederation's time all they want, while I go for the real prize."

D'jonn said nothing. When Xox got this way, there was no dealing with him. "As you wish, Commandant." He made a silent mental note to check his escape pod before they got too far along in this endeavor.

* * *

Terri, O'mara, Jenna and Fara got together as they usually did for lunch on the promenade. It had become a ritual of sorts, O'mara being the most recent addition to their little group.

"So, I never got to ask you," Terri Lu asked Fara, "what was it like being in the hole?"

"Oh, you mean when the Captain had me in the brig?" Fara shrugged, "been a while since that happened, ancient history even."

"Yeah, but you never seemed to be too upset about it," Terri said, wagging her fork at her.

"Of course not," Fara smirked. "Pissing Harry off got me the best vacation I ever had," Fara said, stopping to chew her food. "I should do it more often."

"I d-d-don't think that's a very bright thing to do Fara," O'mara said, looking at a datapad, going over her sensor readings she took.

"What did you do while you were in the brig?" Terri continued.

Fara took a drink. "Well, I got caught up on sleep, finished a few books I had been reading. When I got bored, I did calisthenics. like I said, it was the best vacation I ever had."

"Yeah, but it's a bad mark on your record though," Terri added.

"Pfft! What do I care? If I get kicked out, they're left with a ship that would probably break down within a few months," Fara smirked. "Unlike you guys, I don't have to walk as thin a line as you do. "

Terri sighed. "I love how your short term memory is selective. Need I remind you, you can lose your commission and be kicked out of the Fleet, off the station, and right back on your dad's doorstep...if you are lucky."

"At this point, with this little glitch in the Raptor's systems eluding me for the last several months, it doesn't sound all that bad," Fara muttered, then changed the subject. "What are you messing with O'Mara? It's lunchtime! Relax!"

"Oh, this?" Terri said looking from a datapad she was typing upon, "just some extra work I do, just to keep up. Why? What are you doing?"

"You sit around and listen to people talk," Fara said. "How hard could that be?"

"Thank you, Fara, I'll remember to tell people that you sit around and beat on things with a wrench next time I'm asked," Terri said looking up from her datapad.

"Ouch," Fara gasped, feigning pain.

"Well, think of that next time before you blatantly insult someone," Terri smirked. "Communications are only part of what I do. I'm still the head computer systems tech. Hell, technically I'm more her boss then you are," Terri said motioning to Jenna. "It's just engineering that seems to gobble up all the help it can get."

"Hey, I'm not trying to start anything," Fara said, wrapping the tabletop with the palm of her hand and then holding them up in a defensive manner. O'mara jumped at the sudden noise.

"Sorry," Fara apologised to O'mara.

"I-i-its ok, just go easy on doing that stuff," O'mara said, taking a deep breath and trying to get back to what she was doing.

"You aren't starting anything," Terri smiled. "I was just making a point."

"You have a funny way of doing it. Sometimes I think you like to irritate me," Fara grumbled, folding her ears back.

Terri signed off on something on the data datapad. "Of course I do! Your reactions are priceless."

"Ok, tell me this: why'd you take the position on the bridge," Fara asked. "Communications officer isn't exactly glamorous."

"Well, I wanted to do Operations, but Commander Rivas had a bit more experience in the field than I did, so I took the next open position," Terri said matter-of-factly. "But, someday, I'll have it."

"So, to me, it sounds like you might have higher aspirations than that," Fara said.

Terri merely shrugged. "Maybe, someday," she said, taking a sip of her tea. "You never know."

"So, I've been meaning to ask you Terri," Jenna suddenly spoke up. "How have things been between you and Jack lately?"

The table got suddenly quiet as Fara and Terri both glared at her.

"Other than that! I'm just curious!! Sheesh! Just shoot me for trying to make small talk," Jenna said defensively.

O'mara suddenly dropped her datapad and then fell out of her chair diving for it. Everyone stopped mid conversation, wondering what had just happened.

"I got it! Everythings fine...c-c-clumsy me!" O'mara laughed nervously as she popped back up with several feathers molting off her. "I got to go! H-h-have a g-g-good day!"

The three of them watched as the Avian scurried off, leaving her tray and unfinished meal on the table.

"What the hell was that about?" Fara wondered.

"I don't know...Michelle can be very flighty sometimes," Terri said with the same bemused tone. "Anyway, to answer your question Jenna," Terri said, shutting her datapad off and sitting it on the table, "well...we're still talking at least. We've been busy and don't see each other much, other than on the bridge."

"Well, have you thought about moving in together? That's what Kai and I did. We see each other at least every night."

"Taber barely tolerates him," Terri said, bringing up her large, over spoiled cat. "I don't think it would work until we spend more time together."

"Well why aren't you?"

"I don't know. I mean there's been some personal reasons...look, do we really have to go into this? Jack and I are fine...I think," Terri sighed.

"That doesn't sound like your fine," Jenna said teasingly.

* * *

Stiles stared up at the map on the wall screen. "I hate to admit it, but I think your science officer is right." He glared, tapping his fingers on the desk. "Gods damn it! Can't be anyone else."

Harry nodded. "He's been noticeably absent from convoy raids the last couple of weeks. I suppose he's been up to something

Stiles nodded. "Harry, son, I've been dealing with that son of a bitch even before your ship was brought out here. If he's being quiet, it's because he is most definitely up to something."

"Is that an unofficial request to investigate?" Harry said, raising his brow.

"You bet your pips it is," Stiles grunted. "As soon as the Raptor is back up and operational, I need you out there again. What do you think he's using out there?"

"Lt. O'mara deduced that it must be some sort of warp accelerated projectile weapon. It appears he is content hurling garbage at us for now...asteroids, rocks, whatever they can find that has enough mass to sustain the trip."

"Ah, I get it, just a fancier MAC weapon," Stiles mused. "Except with space junk."

"Exactly," Harry added.

"Ok, if you do go out, try to keep it discreet. A lot goes on out here and the only reason there hasn't been an all-out war is because of political nonsense. I want you to go out there, take out this weapon and get back without causing too much of a ruckus."

"We'll do what we can, sir," Harry said curtly

"What about defending against it until then?" Stiles asked.

"Again, Ms. O'mara is earning her pay this week," Harry grinned. "She deduced that we should be able to spot them by fine-tuning the sensors to look for the mass of the projectile traveling at high velocities. She's already submitted it to the station's weapon systems personnel and the modifications should be underway."

"Damn...she's turning out to not be that bad," Stiles said. "I knew sticking her on that ship would make her get over her nervousness."

"She still stutters a lot," Harry noted, "but she is improving."

"Speaking of personnel," Stiles said, leaning forward on his desk and interlocking his fingers. "Have you looked into getting a Yeoman to help you with your reports?"

"I'd still rather do them myself," Harry said stubbornly.

"Yeah, but you are getting buried in reports. Trust me, get someone to help you before you drive yourself nuts." Stiles smirked. "Despite your rank, you are the captain of that ship. The Raptor is yours and she is your responsibility. Having someone to help you go through it isn't necessarily a bad idea, is it?"

Harry looked at the datapad in his hand and remembered Terri. Hell, if she was willing to do it on her own time....

"I might have someone in mind," Harry said, "but I'll have to think about it."

"Good," Stiles said, "now get out there and find that thing and put it out of commission as soon as you can."

* * *

Land was sitting with Jakar and Okan in the promenade, eyeing the girls as they passed.

"You are quite the character, Jack," Dr. Okan said, looking up from his reading.

"How's that?" Land said absentmindedly, staring across the promenade at Terri and her little group.

"Well, most times, you join my friend and me for lunch and then all you do is sit there and stare and contribute nothing to the conversation."

"Do I do that?" Land asked innocently.

"You couldn't be more obvious," Jakar grunted.

"What are you guys talking about?" Land asked, leaning back in his chair.

"You are eyeballing Lt. Lu," Jakar said. "I watch you do it every day on the bridge."

"Well we were spending a lot of time together...until lately." Land deflated a little. "I like her, it's just there's some...strangeness."

Doctor Okan started chuckling.

"What's so funny?" Land asked.

"Nothing that I can discuss with you," Okan smirked.

"What do you mean by strangeness?" Jakar asked bluntly.

"Well, wouldn't you two have a clue? You know that thing you echidnas have."

Jakar looked very annoyed at the wording of Jack's statement, and then developed a smirk of amusement. "Oh...I see. She's got the touch for you, is that it?"


"Lucky you. When's the wedding?" Jakar chuckled.

"What? Wait...wedding?" Land yelped, looking a bit flustered.

"Well of course Mr. Land! That's usually what it leads to." Okan chuckled.

"Wait, hold on a damn minute! She didn't say anything about that yet," Jack stammered.

"Well of course she wouldn't! Why scare you off?" Okan smirked over the top of his book at Land.

"Are you two screwing with me?" Jack demanded.

"We could be, but we have all the cards here," Jakar smirked.

"We're taking it a bit slow. We've only known each other a few months," Land protested.

"And she's ok with this?" Okan asked quizzically.

"For now, yeah," Land said.

"Fascinating," Okan said in wonderment.

Jakar rolled his eyes. "If you want some friendly advice, you'd better put that fire out before it gets too out of hand."

"I get that," Land said, "look, until a few weeks ago, I hadn't done the deed with anyone outside of my own species."

"I take it you are referring to the incident with the Polywater Virus?" Okan said.

"Yeah...that," Jack said, blushing under his fur.

"Well, I'm sure you can manage," Okan said, shrugging.

"You guys are just one fat load of help, you know that?"

"Terri's a good woman. I doubt you'd find better," Jakar said, taking a drink. "Too bad for the rest of us she's got the touch for you."

"So, I should just dive right in with it? Is what you guys are saying?" Jack sighed.

"I can't speak for the Doctor, but I'd go for it in your position." Jakar grunted, glancing over at the women.

Jack seemed a little pensive and conflicted. "I don't know...it just seems a bit weird is all."

"You are an idiot. Women and men are the same, regardless of what they look like, or what planet they are from," Jakar said, hitting the table a little harder then he should have, causing the drinks on the table to slosh and make a mess. Also, it caused every other conversation to simultaneously stop and all attention be directed at them. "Sorry!" Jakar grunted at those who he startled. They slowly went back to what they were doing. Fortunately, Terri and her group were too engrossed in their own conversation to have noticed.

"Of course you should have!" Jakar said quietly. "Are you attracted to her, yes or no?"

"Sure...she's great," Land said, suddenly feeling on the spot.

"Then be a man and claim her as yours!" Jakar said more quietly.

"A bit over the top my friend," Okan observed, trying to stifle a laugh, "but you do make a valid point."

"I just don't see what his damn problem is," Jakar grunted, looking over towards them. "Hell, I should just go over there myself and see if I can...."

"Hey now just a damn minute!" Land snapped, his hackles rising.

"Well if you aren't, I may as well," Jakar sneered.

"Fine! You know, you are a giant ass!" Land growled, stomping off towards the girl's table.

"About damn time," Okan chuckled. "If he succeeds, we don't have to listen to him bitch and whine anymore."

"I'll drink to that," Jakar nodded.

Land had made up his mind. He was going to tell Terri he was ready to move things along in their relationship. What did he have to lose? He was just going to walk right up to her and tell her.

Land was still a bit annoyed as he approached Terri's table, but he regained his composure on his way there. Before he could say anything, the PA began blasting.


"Damn it," Land muttered, spinning on his heel and bolting for the ship. "Just like an emergency to pop up at the wrong time!"

* * *

Harry entered the bridge.

"All personnel are accounted for and we are ready to disembark, sir," Terri announced.

"Good," Harry said, stepping up to his chair and sitting. He then flicked on the ship-wide com. "Attention crew, we are heading out for Urthean space. It has been determined that some sort of weapon has been constructed out there and is currently being used on the starbase. Our orders are simple: search out the weapon and destroy it. It is hoped that we can do this without stirring up too much trouble. Let's take care of this quickly and come back home. Martinez out." Harry said silencing the channel. "Mr. Rivas, disengage the docking clamps. Mr. Land, take us out."

The Raptor's engines fired up and the Raptor backed out of its slip, did a quick spin, and headed out through the starbase's thick armored double doors, engaged its cloaking device and disappeared out into the endless night.

* * *

Xox watched in amusement as the cannon fired another volley of projectiles towards Starbase 186.

"All of the space trash has been fired," D'jonn said drolly, still convinced that this had been a colossal waste of time.

"Do try to show some enthusiasm for the others," Xox growled impatiently.

"It was a successful launch, Commandant," D'jonn continued with an even greater lack of enthusiasm.

"Well, now that we have their attention, let's move the ship to our hiding spot and wait for them to fall into our trap," Xox said with a toothy grin.

The deck shifted as the vessel turned for its hiding place, which was behind one of the larger planetoids. D'jonn stepped around his console and next to Xox's command chair. "Commandant, may I speak with you in private?"

"Of course, of course," Xox said levelly.

They stepped into Xox's lounge. Xox poured some wine and offered him some, but D'jonn politely declined.

"Before you say anything, I want to address your insubordination as of late," said Xox.

"Is that so?" D'jonn said, tensing slightly.

"Yes...I do not appreciate your undercutting me in front of the others, no," Xox said, drinking with one hand and resting his other casually on his sidearm, "no indeed...."

"Fine. I will be frank," D'jonn said, "we are wasting the Emperor's, and our, time playing this game with this...this rodent!" D'jonn sputtered.

"It may seem that way," Xox said calmly, "but I am the Emperor's hand. I operate autonomously unless told to do otherwise. Plus, if we do capture that ship, broken and battered, back to Urth, we will be rewarded beyond our wildest dreams."

"Wealth is hardly a motivator for me, Commandant," D'jonn said.

"Tsk tsk," Xox said, his eyes glowing red for an instant, "you have always been my best officer. I would hate to waste such a talented individual because he thinks he can act outside his place in my command."

D'jonn shifted his weight and placed his hand behind his back, quickly palming one of his knives from a secret pocket. If this was going to escalate, he knew where to hit Xox to end this quickly.

"I have not forgotten my place," D'jonn said, "I just think we could be used better elsewhere. There are many other opportunities out there for us."

Xox tilted his head in thought. "Indeed," he said, setting his glass down, "but I will not let some pup who hasn't nearly my experience or the lifetime beat me once and let it go unchallenged."

"So you feel, in some way, he has damaged your honor?" D'jonn asked, relaxing a little.

"That could be said," Xox glared, "and for your information, the Emperor is appraised of all my activities. As long as whatever I'm doing does not supersede any wishes of his, he does not care how or what I do with my fleet."

D'jonn relaxed slightly more. He went and poured himself a drink. "Then I guess my actions have been inexcusable." He swirled the dark wine in its glass. "I have been in the dark lately about what our orders are. It has caused some confusion."

"You have always been a reliable comrade," Xox said in a slightly different tone than usual, "but if I have to have this conversation with you again...it will not be on friendly terms...no. Is that understood?"

"Understood perfectly," D'jonn said curtly, taking a sip from his glass.

"Then a toast," Xox smirked, "to a successful hunt."

"To the hunt," D'jonn said, raising his glass.

* * *

Land sat at his station tapping his fingers impatiently on the control panel. Beneath his fingers, the ETA meter slowly ticked down. Long trips were the bane of any starship pilot, mainly because it was flying in a straight line at warp and occasionally changing direction to another straight line.

Everyone else was monitoring the posts. Jakar seemed to be making sure the weapons were in good working order. Fara was in and out occasionally. Apparently, there was some minor problem in the engines, but nothing they couldn't handle. Harry seemed intent on staring at the view screen, occasionally signing off on the occasional thing. Terri seemed somewhat busy and preoccupied with helping O'mara.

He was still pissed at Jakar and Okan from earlier and even more annoyed that he had been interrupted by whatever wild goose chase this was.

He opened up a text chat window on his console and entered Terri's name in the recipient box. Maybe Okan and Jakar were right. Maybe he should just dive right in. He drummed his fingers on the console again and checked his sensors. God forbid they fly into something while he's screwing around with his personal affairs. After he checked the reading, he hesitated. Oh what the hell, he thought, what do I have to lose?

"Terri, I'd like to thank you for that little program," O'mara said, "it's really handy in keeping everything straight."

Terri smiled and used her stylus on the pad she had in her hand as she looked over the station. "It's not a problem, it's just a little A.I. program I've been working on since the academy. How do you think I get a lot of my work done?"

"What did you do to make it so efficient?" O'mara said. "I mean, half the time it takes care of whatever I need it to do before I even think of it."

"Well, I was friends with someone who had access to the Ingram scanner back at the academy. I just selected some of my better personality traits, encoded them in computer language, and well, I could go on for hours, but there you have it."

"You did all that?" O'mara said, her mouth agape.

"Yeah," Terri said nonchalantly.

"Why aren't you at the Sarnes institute?" O'mara said. "I thought I was good at computers b-b-but...this is im-im-impressive!"

Terri shrugged and smiled. "I'd rather be here."

Suddenly something beeped on her datapad.

"What's that?" O'mara asked.

"It's a personal message," Terri said, opening it, intrigued, and reading it.

"Who's it from?"

"None of your business," Terri snipped, flushing a little under her fur, "excuse me," she quickly hurried back over to her station, "I got something I need to take care of."

"Captain we have a problem." Rivas suddenly spoke up.

"What is it?" Harry asked, exasperated.

"Deck 3 just lost life support and the structural integrity field is losing power," Rivas reported.

"What? How? Why?"

"Unknown, sir. It appears to be a power grid fluctuation," Rivas said, sounding genuinely confused. "Repair crews have been dispatched."

Harry groaned. Why now, of all times, was his ship suddenly falling apart? He hit the com button on the arm of his chair. "Fara, talk to me. We are about ten minutes from dropping out of warp into a potential combat situation. What is going on with my ship?"

"Captain, I am trying my damndest," Fara said, sliding out of a maintenance tube. "The best I can tell, it has to be a microfracture in one of the main power relays. For some reason, the auto repair either missed it or did a half-assed job repairing it. The best I can recommend is keep it below warp five and we should be ok. I don't know what else to tell you."

"Could it cause any other problems?"

"I don't know sir," Fara said uncertainly over the speaker, "it will either hold or it won't. If I can find it, I'll get it taken care of. It's just that we are having to go over every inch of conduit which is not easy to safely do while mid warp flight!"

Harry growled. Having some experience with starship engines, he did not like the words "fracture" and "conduit" being anywhere near each other. "Very well Fara. Keep me posted."

"You know I will. Phoenix out," Fara said.

Suddenly an alarm sounded.

"Captain," O'mara yelped, "I am detecting a volley of warp accelerated projectiles heading towards the starbase!"

Harry shifted in his chair. "Ms. Lu, send an encrypted burst transmission back to base and give them a heads up. Ms. O'mara, are those projectiles on the same vector as the last?"

O'mara checked her readings quickly. "Affirmative, sir."

Harry growled. "Helm, how soon until we're there."

"Five minutes. I'm picking up something pretty large on long-range sensors," Land said, seemingly preoccupied.

"Is it in visual range yet?"

"Not yet," Land replied half-heartedly.

Harry paused. "Is there something else on your mind, Ensign? I need you paying attention to your station, or do you need to be relieved?"

"No, sir," the fox said, snapping to attention in his seat. He looked down at something on his console. "Everything's just fine." He concealed a smile and closed the message window.

* * *

"Since you have been wondering," Xox said, breaking the silence of the wait, "I have something in store for our little rodent problem, D'jonn."

"What is that?" D'jonn asked.

"The Warp Accelerator Cannon is simply a throwaway piece of my plan," Xox said, chuckling. "While using it the asteroids that have disintegrated during the launch have made quite the impressive cloud of iridium around the device, hence why we have been using it from afar. If our friend comes charging in here, the iridium will disrupt his shields and the ships' other systems. We'll be able to see him."

"Not to mention, with his shields down, it will cause serious problems with his vessel," D'jonn nodded in agreement. "Ingenious sir."

"Mmm...yes...I thought so," said Xox, looking up at the chronometer above the screen. "Our rodent should be arriving at any moment now."

* * *

The stars stopped streaking on the Raptor's viewer as the ship dropped out of warp.

"Everyone keep your eyes peeled," Harry said, getting up out of his chair for a closer look at the strange construct floating in space before them.

"Is that it? Is that what we came out here for?" Land said, a bit disappointed. "What a piece of--"

"At ease," Harry snapped. "Jakar, get me readings on that thing."

"I am trying sir, but something is blocking the sensors," Jakar reported.

Harry quickly shot a look at his science officer.

"I'm working on it, sir," O'mara said curtly.

Jakar suddenly growled. "There is some sort of material coalescing on the hull as we approach the construct."

"What kind of material?"

Jakar growled and slammed his fist down on his console. "I do not know! It's blocking the sensors."

* * *

D'jonn looked up from his station. "Commandant, motion sensors have detected movement near the cannon."

"Ah, just as I predicted! Let's move into position...yes," Xox smirked.

* * *

"Captain I'm n-n-not sure, it's like we're just blind," O'mara said.

"Theories, quickly! We're blind and swatting at shadows," Harry grunted, watching the snowy haze on the viewer that had moments before been a starfield.

O'mara chewed at the fine feathers on her talons nervously as she used her free hand to rapidly look for an answer. "It's the asteroids...damn it! I should have seen it earlier!"

"Elaborate!" Harry prompted.

"If they had been using this thing, it's possible that there could be a large cloud of iridium formed around the--"

"That's all I need to hear. Mr. Land, reverse course full speed, NOW!" Harry barked, scrambling into his command chair only to nearly be thrown out of it as Urthean compressor beams slammed into the ship.

The Raptor's cloaking field was quickly dispersed as more compression beams slammed into it, giving the Urthean gunners something more easily to target. The klaxons immediately sounded as the ship shuddered.

"Shields up! Go to Attack Mode, now!" Harry ordered.

The Raptor bolted in reverse as the rain of Urthean fire slashed at it from every angle. It was surrounded by the Urthean vessels. Its shields wavered and disappeared, making the ship vulnerable to weapons fire. The beams slammed into the ship's armored hide, sending up a cloud of ablative material. As the Raptor quickly retreated, its form shifted and changed as it went into its Attack Mode.

Harry felt a bit relieved as the sensors came back online. Even after the pounding his ship had taken, she was still ready to fight. "What the hell is going on out there?" He asked.

"Several Urthean ships have surrounded us and are now in pursuit," Jakar reported

"How many?"

"Three Hunters and several Scutta class," Jakar reported.

"What's the status of the cloaking device?" Harry asked.

"It's shot," Rivas replied, "that last hit took it out."

The ship shook again. "Well we came here to do a job, so let's just pin our ears back and get it over with," Harry said. "Mr. Land, let's make a run for that device. Jakar, you may start firing at your leisure."

"My pleasure, sir," Jakar smirked.

The Raptor charged at Xox's ship, which was blocking its way, and hammered away with its weapons. The larger vessel's shields held and it returned fire with the weapon batteries mounted on top of its drive pods. The Raptor rose and then dove between Xox's ship and the one beside it, making a beeline for the Warp Accelerator Cannon. The smaller Scutta vessels had an easier time tracking with it and quickly fell into pursuit as the larger ships made their slow turns to track the Raptor.

* * *

"Damn it all! We had them! That was a direct hit!" Xox snarled as their ship came around. "All cannons, fire on that accursed ship!"

On the viewer, streams of light from the compressor beams hit the Raptor's shields as it made a beeline for the Warp Accelerator Cannon.

"Sir, I have a report from the Sword of Flame," said D'jonn, "they say that the damage inflicted on them was minor. Not the usual pattern of attack."

"Of course! They are trying to do this as discreetly as possible," Xox growled. "A few bloody noses can be talked out of, but blatant hostility in our space? No...not so much. I may have underestimated this rodent...again." Xox snarled, digging his metal cutting claws into the arm of his command chair.

* * *

The ship shook under the barrage it was taking from the smaller Scuttas still chasing it.

"How close are we to the target?" Harry asked.

"About nine thousand meters," Jakar replied.

"Ok then, arm the torpedoes, maximum yield and spread. Target that thing," Harry said, bracing as the ship bucked again. Overhead something, overloaded and sparks rained down on them. Even with the ship's enhanced systems and protection, they were still getting bounced around pretty good from the fire. He glanced down at the monitor to his side and saw they still had fourteen minutes left before they had to shut down the attack mode. "Mr. Land, as soon as those torpedoes are away flip the ship on it's back and let's introduce our friends to our rear to our phaser cannons."

"Aye, sir," Land said, plugging in the proper commands, "ready when you are."

Four more hits slammed into the shields.

Down in engineering, Fara had her hands full. She always did when the ship was like this. The alien components had to be closely monitored because if they weren't, they would start to take over the whole vessel. On top of that, she was closely watching the drive system. The problem they had earlier still had not been discovered and it was gnawing at the back of her mind.

Every time the ship took a hit on its shields, it produced feedback. Most of the energy was dispersed along the hull, but some of it fed back into the power system. In high-stress situations, such as this, any weakness in that system could suddenly become very apparent.

"Chief, we've got a problem!" Lt. Soora yelled over the cacophony of compressor bolts against the hull.

Fara quickly scrambled over to the warp plasma flow monitoring station and braced herself. "What is it," she asked.

"There's a severe fluctuation in the pressure levels in the starboard engine," the blonde Cabarren said, quickly running her fingers over the controls, "I can't seem to lock it down."

"Shit," Fara cursed. "Can we do anything to correct it?"

"Other than venting drive plasma, I can't think of anything," Soora said, "but if we don't get this locked down, we're going to have a major problem."

"Kovak! We got a problem!" Fara shouted.

The yellow scaled Altairan approached and glanced at the screen.

"The starboard plasma conduit is having pressure fluctuations, any ideas?" Fara asked.

Kovak glanced at the screen and frowned. "Perhaps," he said with his heavy accent. "We might be able to attune the regulator in the starboard nacelle. We can't do it from here. I would need some assistance as well."

"Fine, great, do it," Fara said, bracing herself again as the Raptor was again buffeted by heavy weapons fire. "Daniels!" She shouted to the Cornerian canine who was at the master systems display, "we got some dirty work to do! Go with Kovak and Soora and get that problem treated immediately!"

"Yes Chief!" All three said in unison, heading for the starboard doors in engineering leading deeper into the bowls of the ship.

Fara braced herself against the console and scowled as she felt her ship hammered by more energy weapons. Suddenly, she caught something on the edge of her hearing. It was faint. She looked around and everyone else began to hear it as well. She felt the deck shudder as the torpedo launcher at the bow of the ship fired. Her mind raced to find the conclusion as to what that noise was and before she could cry out, she saw the blur of motion that often meant the Raptor had made a high-speed maneuver.

Her eye caught a warning that appeared on the computer console as the whine got higher pitched and she slammed her hand down on the Emergency Containment function. Nauseous from the high-speed spin, she screamed at the top of her lungs, matching the roar of the phaser cannons.


The Warp Accelerator cannon exploded into a halo of torn, twisted wreckage and explosively charged plasma as it disintegrated under the Raptor's assault. As the ship rushed towards the three larger hunter vessels, the Scutta's drifted away from it, burning with plasma fire, their running lights flickering as they went completely adrift.

On the inside of the Raptor, emergency bulkheads quickly slammed down, force-fields flared to life in the instant after the emergency containment breach alert had been issued. Deep inside the ship, on the main conduit feeding the ship's engines, a small pinpoint of light emerged on the heavily shielded conduit. That light soon became a flare and blossomed into a blinding, deafening explosion.

Deadly plasma fire tore through the Raptor's corridors, instantly engulfing and incinerating anyone unlucky enough to be in its path. Deck work melted and heaved from the heat as the force of the explosion worked its way upward, rending a hole in the hull, sending those not caught in the fire out into the void.

* * *

Xox threw up his hand and dimmed his optics as a sudden blinding light erupted from the Raptor. A fireball came from inside its shields and enveloped the ship for a brief instant. When he looked again, the ship was careening out of control, seemingly adrift.

"What happened?" Xox snapped at the bridge crew. "Did one of our ships strike it?"

"Negative sir," D'jonn reported, sounding bemused, "a massive failure in their power systems...readings indicate a plasma explosion."

"Excellent," Xox cackled, unwilling to let an opportunity slip past, "tell the other ships to back up and prepare the boarding shuttles! The day will be ours yet."

* * *

The bridge was filled with smoke and debris. It was hard to breathe and even harder to see. Harry could feel his eyes stinging as he groped his way towards the lights of the flight control station.

"What the hell happened," he coughed to Land.

"I don't know! I got a quick alarm then blammo!" Land coughed back, squinting as blood from a cut above his eye ran down his face.


"All systems are on standby and we only have a few minutes left before the auto repairs stop and we resume standard mode," Jakar replied from the darkness.

Harry tapped his com badge. "Fara? Come in! What do we have left?"

Only static answered.

"I'm on it, sir," O'mara said from the blackness. "Starboard engine is offline. It looks like a good chunk of the outer hull on the aft section is gone. Engineering got the emergency bulkheads to drop."

"Reroute power to the port engine, if we still have it," Harry ordered, "and get us out of here!"

"I'm trying!!" O'mara cried.

"Mr. Rivas, if you aren't dead, can you give Ms. O'mara a hand?"

He heard a familiar grunt of agreement and saw a wolf-shaped silhouette move through the darkness.

"Land, just get us moving in any direction," Harry ordered.

"I'd like to, Harry," Land said darkly, "but they have us in a tractor beam and sensors show boarding shuttles heading this way."

"Jakar, do we have any weapons?"

"I've got the forward phaser strip charged and the starboard rim one back up and running with one of the Photonic Missile Launchers online for another minute," Jakar replied.

"Then take that beam out by any means!" Harry ordered. "O'mara, Rivas, do you have something to tell me?"

"We've got the port engine back online. Best we can squeeze out of it is warp five," Rivas reported, "and that is factoring in the structural damage."

"We can't outrun them then," Harry growled, "what about our shields?"

There was some hurried discussion. "They may be functional, at least for a few minutes," O'mara said worriedly.

"Alright then," Harry said, hearing the incoming chime com from the communications station. It was probably Xox wanting to gloat. A small worry entered his mind as to why it hadn't been answered.

He quickly climbed into his seat. "Plot a course, Mr. Land. Engage the engines on my mark. Jakar, let me know when those shuttles are about on top of us."

A few uncomfortable beats passed before he heard Jakar say, "Now, sir."

"Mark!" Harry shouted.

Two crimson beams leaped out from the Raptor's phaser banks and a volley photonic missiles ripped through space, slamming into Xox's ship's shields. The shields wavered under the assault briefly and the crimson beams tore into the tractor emitter, annihilating it.

The Raptor slowly began to move away and then went to warp.

* * *

"Commandant," D'jonn said patiently, "should we pursue? We are still able to track them."

Xox stood motionless, glaring at the monitor, his fists clenched so tightly that his claws drew blood from his palms. A small pool of blood was forming on the floor.

"No..." Xox said quietly, "let them escape...this time."

"But, sir? They are crippled," D'jonn spoke up, "the battle is ours."

"That may be, but..." Xox frowned, turning and pacing back and forth in front of the viewer, "but let's build up his confidence, make him feel he got lucky. I will devise a better plan next time...to ensnare him and the confidence that I give him today will be that rodent's undoing tomorrow...oh yess...indeed."

"As you wish, Commandant," D'jonn nodded.

"Recall the Scuttas and let's head home. Let that vermin have his day, on us this time."

With that, Xox began to cackle and his eyes glowed brilliantly red.

* * *

"Anyone tailing us?" Harry asked as the smoke cleared. The air circulation system was running again and the filters were busily cycling out the smoke.

"No sir," Jakar replied.

Harry looked around the bridge and saw that the medics had finally arrived. Terri had sustained a nearly fatal wound to the neck and they were patching her up. Everyone else seemed to have various smaller wounds and abrasions. For the most part, they were very fortunate, but Harry was pretty sure that not all of the crew was doing so well.

He walked over to Terri. She was a mess, her tunic was darkened by a huge stain of blood.

"Is she going to be ok?" Harry asked.

Nurse Twila didn't answer as she looked over her instruments while her assistant attached a blood cell generator to Terri. Terri was staring at nothing in particular and didn't seem to be too with it at the moment.

"She's lost a lot of blood," Twila said suddenly, startling Harry. "I've got her stabilized, but she can't return to duty."

Terri saw Harry and tried to say something, but it came out with a strange croak.

"Stay quiet," the nurse said, putting an arm on her shoulder and injecting her with a hypospray. On her neck, was a dermal repair unit was humming away, repairing the damaged tissue beneath. "If you talk, it won't get the injury healed properly, ok?"

Terri gave a thumbs up.

"Does she need to go to sickbay?" Harry asked.

"No, she just needs to lie down and let the machines do their work," the nurse replied. "She can be moved though. She's lucky the wound mainly damaged her vocal cords, barely missed her arteries and windpipe."

"Mr. Rivas take the con. Jack, can you escort Terri to her quarters," Harry said.

"Yeah, no problem," Land said, signing off and heading back towards their part of the bridge. He bent down and helped her to her feet.

"Now, be careful, she's not very lucid," Twila warned Land as Terri draped an arm around Land's neck and shoulders. "Make sure you drink a lot of water Ms. Lu. I'll send someone to check on you shortly."

"Are you sure she shouldn't go to sickbay?" Land asked, glancing concernedly at all the blood on Terri's tunic.

"Echidnas are pretty tough Mr. Land. She's stabilised and the injury is treated. I've already treated the shock and the blood cell regenerator will take care of the rest," nurse Twila said quickly. "Besides, we're a bit busy in sickbay at the moment."

"I'll get her to her quarters in one piece," Land promised. He looked Terri up and down. "You've looked better already," he smiled.

Terri returned the smile and weakly pointed towards the door.

Harry watched them go and then turned to Jakar. "Any word yet from the engine room?"

"Yes, Fara contacted the bridge a few moments ago. I have her waiting on coms," Jakar replied.

Harry walked over to his chair and hit the com station. "Yes, Chief? Are you alright?"

"I'll be fine...but you need to come down to Deck 3 and have a look at this. I'm in Section 10. We lost some good people down here sir," Fara said shakily.

"Understood, I'm on my way."

Harry slid down the access ladder to Deck 3 and headed down the corridor and around the corner. He walked a few more paces before he stopped, seeing Fara standing in front of open space, her arms folded around her.

"Damn..." Harry whispered in dark wonderment.

"You're telling me," Fara spoke softly.

The ship had been gutted down three decks. It looked as if someone had scooped from the ship with a spoon. If it wasn't for the flickering of force field energy, it would look like they were staring out at space. Overhead, the starlight streaked by as they traveled through warp space.

"We should be dead," Fara breathed, eyes wide. "The ship's structural integrity field is only at 47%...barely enough for safe warp flight."

The ship's weakened superstructure groaned as if to agree with her.

"I don't have an answer for that," Harry replied. "They should have pursued us...but they didn't."

Fara bit her lip and folded her ears back. "This is my fault...."

"You did what you..."

"Don't bullshit me, Harry!" Fara snapped. "I wanted to say something! I should have demanded we put in or a full refit." She whipped out a pad that she had been concealing in her lab coat and held it out in front of him. "This is my fault Harry! It was my auto repair program that caused this! It just kept patching over the problem, never really fixing it! We had a bad plasma conduit and...and...it led to...to this!" She choked, motioning to the gaping hole in the ship. "One tiny mistake and fifteen people are now dead. FIFTEEN! That is a quarter of the damn crew!"

She caught herself and stopped short. Harry could tell she was desperately trying to maintain a hold over what control she had left. She wasn't succeeding.

"I know I challenged you before on a decision not that long ago, and it got me in trouble. So, this time, I kept my mouth shut and played the good little engineer! I should have listened to my gut! It told me there was something wrong and I didn't listen to it...so I didn't say anything and...and....now...oh god!"

She started to choke up and turned away from him. Harry hesitated, unsure of what to do.

"Now," Fara growled through her tears, "I've killed 15 people because I couldn't open my damned mouth!"

Harry let her stand there with her back towards him, watching her cry as he collected his thoughts.

"What...what the hell am I supposed to do?" Fara sobbed, twisting to face him, her tears streaking her fur.

"Fara..." Harry spoke slowly so his words could keep up with his thoughts, "I know you were rushed through the officer's program when you started this project...so you were never really tested beyond the bare minimum so you could oversee the Raptor's construction through completion. They didn't give you all the tools you need." Harry paused. "I know...that doesn't help...does it?"

"No!" Fara gasped.

"Look...I'm the Captain of this ship. I'm responsible for you...and everyone here...for the well being of this ship. The least I am expected to do is get the ship home in one piece...every, single, time." He hesitated again, collecting his thoughts. "Being the Chief Engineer, your priority is to make sure this vessel operates at peak performance...and you will have to butt heads with me...frequently." He let that sink in as she held his gaze. "If you feel that this vessel or any part of it does not meet your expectations, you need to make your voice heard...even if I won't listen. Make me listen."

Fara was grieving, but Harry could see that she was still listening. He waited as she wiped the tears out of her eyes.

"Last time you violated a direct order..." Harry said, "and this time you didn't listen to your instincts for fear of repercussions. You found out it was something that had simply been overlooked a long time ago when you first built the ship."

"So...you still haven't answered my question," Fara sniffed.

"The answer is this: I want you to do your job, Fara," Harry replied gently. "If you can't do that...I'm going to have to find someone who will. But, between you and me...I'd rather have you. I trust you. Don't let what happened before cause me to lose that trust. I need you, Fara, and we all need you here. I expect you to do what you think is the best course of action, every time."

"I want permission for a full refit. The Raptor needs it. I would like to take the time to make sure all these little bugs are worked out," said Fara, "I don't care how pissed the Fleet gets at having to divert ships to cover our position at the starbase, but it needs to be done. Before this," she waved to the gaping maw of the ship's injury, "ever happens again."

"I'll see to it," Harry nodded. "Do you think we'll make it home?"

"Probably...provided we don't explode for some random reason first," Fara said ominously.

The ship groaned again eerily. Fara started back down the corridor.

"I got to get back to my engines," she said, taking a deep breath as she wiped away the last of her tears. "I'm sure the coil is going to get fried. I should probably make sure it doesn't burn out before we get home."

Harry nodded and watched Fara go. It was her way. He didn't expect anything more. He looked out onto the damage one more time, sighed heavily, and then headed back towards the bridge.

* * *

A few days later

Captain's Log 34806.1

The ship is being repaired and slowly being brought back to her old self. Fara is dealing with what happened in the best way she can...by making her replacement personnel miserable in as short as time possible. I have made it very clear to Fleet command that the Raptor will not be returned to operational status until everything has been looked over and triple checked. They grudgingly allowed it and dispatched starships to replace us until the overhaul is complete. They at first refused the order to take the ship off duty for an extended time, but once presented with the data and the gravity of the loss of my crewmen, they quickly changed their minds. It's a small victory, but it doesn't make up for the loss of my people...not even close.

The reasons as to how we were able to escape...I'm still at a loss. I'm sure the Urthean Commandant, Xox, is up to something. I'm just not sure what his game is. I'll just count my blessings that the majority of us made it home.

On another note, I've decided to find somebody that can help me keep all my affairs in order so I'm not spending almost every waking moment doing reports. I just hope she'll feel up to it.

* * *

"Commander..." Terri rasped as the door opened, "come in..." her voice cut off.

"I won't be long, I just have something to ask you," Harry said.

Terri nodded and motioned for him to have a seat. As he did so, she noticed her pet cat knock over a chair as it ran for it's hiding place

"Are you planning on going somewhere?" He asked, seeing her outfit, which seemed to be a cotton blouse with the logo from some movie on it he wasn't familiar with and slacks. Her hair was even done up a little bit and she had a few decorative beads in her spines. "Got a date?"

She nodded twice.

"Even with your?" he said, trying to be gentle about mentioning the scar on her neck.

She shrugged and smiled. "Looks...cool...yeah?" She rasped.

"Wow...you are a trooper Terri," Harry said, a bit amused. "Well, if you go out, don't overdo it."

"Won't," She hissed, crossing her heart. Then she shrugged as if to say, "Why are you here?"

"Yes of course," Harry said. "I appreciate you making the summaries you do for me post missions lately. It's been asked of me to find a yeoman to help me out with other matters. I keep getting swamped in reports it seems."

Terri smiled and nodded.

"Would you like to have the job?" He asked. "It can lead to some career opportunities, maybe the big chair one day."

Terri thought about it for a moment. "Yes..." she finally said.

Harry felt a bit of relief. "Thank you. Thank you very much."

Terri nodded, smiled, and pointed at the clock.

"Ah, your date." Harry said, "I'll let you go then. Don't worry, I'll file the request."

Terri nodded affirmatively.

"So, is it anyone I know?" He asked.

Terri made a slight expression, rolled her eyes and shrugged.

Harry chuckled. "Well, like I said, take it easy. You can start tomorrow if you want."

Terri nodded. "Good night," she rasped.


It was a typical rainy summer afternoon in downtown Corneria city at one of the city's old Cineplex's. It wasn't the real building, the old one was long gone, but the holo-deck did a hell of a job recreating it. He wondered why he left the weather patterns in the simulation, but what the hell?

Jack Land drew his raincoat around him and checked his watch as the summer storm continued to pour down. It was about five minutes past. She was late.

She was recovering, after all. He didn't expect her to show up if he was being honest, given her injury. She said she would be there...well, at least handed him a note that said that.

He sighed and leaned against the wall. It's not her fault if she blew him off. It was a shot in the dark anyway. Then why was he getting upset?

He felt a touch on his shoulder and turned to see Terri standing there under an umbrella.

"Hi..." she rasped.

"Hey! You made it!" Land said, catching himself. "Are you sure you are up to this?"

Terri nodded. "Wouldn't miss it..." she muttered and smiled at him.

He looked at her blouse. It depicted some weird looking techno organic creature with long tendrils whipping about it. He couldn't read the script about it.

"Cool shirt, what is it?"

Terri tried to giggle, but it came out like a cough. "Tell later...movie...like this."

Her skin tone was not pale under her fur like it had been. She did look better.

"What.. movie?" She asked, pointing up at the marquee.

"Oh, well, it's most assuredly classic: The Lurking Dead. It's about sixty years old and low budget, but if you like this stuff it'll quickly be a favorite."

"Sounds great," Terri croaked, taking his arm and encircling it with hers. "Lead...way."

They headed inside the theater and got their tickets.

The End