Don’t Need Your Guilt

Story by Apolarbear17 on SoFurry

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A poem I made after coming back from a bit of a break from them to vent out some frustration over something personal that happened back then. Was also coincidentally relevant to then current events and I suppose continues to be relevant now. Not exactly an easy subject to articulate properly but I tried my best. Originally posted in April 2021

Don't Need Your Guilt

By: A.X. Bueno

This shouldn't be something I feel I have to exclaim

Your overbearing guilt isn't needed and neither is your self flagellation or copious shame

I get that it's a lot

Carrying the knowledge of the atrocities of the past

As well as the terribleness of the racist and prejudiced institutions of right now

But beating yourself up to prove what a good ally you are isn't the way how

All that does is make yourself feel better while taking attention away from the actual issues

With things that affect us we need more than just you feeling bad

And crying about your whiteness into tissues

No one wants your pity party or your half hearted platitudes or deep shame

We simply want you to acknowledge what's happening and it's not simply about collective blame

It's more complicated than that and yet also surprisingly simplistic too

It's about recognizing that there's many intentional and embedded flaws in our system

As well as privilege that for a few different reasons happens to favor you

Nobody pretends that that's truly your fault, for the circumstances under which you were born

They just want you to care and acknowledge how much stuff for them is unjustly screwed

No one is trying to make you feel miserable just for being we just want to be able to stop mourning

Because some people feel others deserve death for simply being slightly slow and cautious about a warning

Is it too much to ask to for BIPOC to not have to have this constant fear or exhaustion in our lives

Of course it's also important to not treat POC or black people as a monolith

That's very important to realize

It'd probably help in relieving a lot of the guilt

What would also help is not waiting till a tragedy happens to temporarily care and empathize

BIPOC don't need your fleeting pity or your fake trends and selectively outraged cries

We just want to feel safe and not like we're always under attack or being told to shut up through comforting lies

I could go on but I hope my point is clear

We don't need your guilt

We just need you to lend a better helping hand

Both when tragedy happens and also when it isn't here

Also don't badger constantly badger us personally with questions or for perspective

After all information is kind of what the internet was made for

And we're only human so please respect that and don't make conversations a chore

Or else you might actually receive someone's ire

But that would be because you were testing probably already well tested patients

And not because of some "reverse racism" or the coincidently white color of your skin

So I hope you take this to heart whenever there's a sensitive subject and you feel the need to chime in