Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch. 16 Path of Sin: John Onikage

Story by Angelonight on SoFurry

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#5 of Final Fantasy X-Treme

Disclaimer: 1

All Final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of Square Enix and do not belong to me.

Every thing else is me and my friends

Ch.16 Path of Sin: John Onikage


Xavier charged at John Onikage, "Brotherhood" trailing behind him. John didn't even move, he just made a shooing motion and Xavier went flying.

"Now, now Lofbrah we need to speak."

Xavier would have none of what John had to say. He just charged again, yelling a battle cry the entire way. John heaved a sigh and waved his hand again. Yet again Xavier went flying in a different direction.

"You might as well have a seat and listen to what I have to say."

Xavier rolled back to his feet and glared at John Onikage.

"Why should I listen to what you have to say? You have hunted me and my friends for twelve years."

"But wouldn't you like to know why?"

"Not especially."

"I might as well let you know now that you will not be able to attack me till your team mates break the connection between me and my outer self."

Xavier tore his goggles from his eyes and glared at John. There it was plain as day a strong tendril of energy connecting the inner John to the outer Sin-ikage. Xavier placed his goggles back on his face and approached the tea house. Throwing "Brotherhood" into the floor board he took the chair across from John.

"This had better be good John. Cause honestly I just wanna kick that shit-eating grin right off your face."

John just smiled and poured Xavier a cup of tea.

"Trust me Xavier, this is worth dyeing for."



Drake didn't know why his brothers finishing move came to mind, and had the slime shield been up he doubt it would have made any difference. But three full revolutions latter booth ends of the spear hitting Sin-ikage, he noticed that the wraith dragon that looked like his brother had left six very deep gashes in its body.

The move had left him in the air and he could feel the wraith wings still emitting from his back. Thoughts of his family flashed through his head as he spun his spear up into a throwing position above his head. This time a different wraith dragon covered the spear.

"Your crimes shall be hung upon your soul! Finishing Technique - DIVINE LUNGE OF THE DRAGON PRINCESS!"

Drake lunged at a downward angle and landed on the other side of Sin-ikage. Quickly he spun around and hurled the still energy filled spear at Sin-ikage. He watched it bury itself into the monsters neck.


"Either Drake Gryphonis is pulling moves out of his ass, or I have really pissed him off."

John waved his hand and a disc appeared in mid-air showing what was going on out side. On it now was an image of Drake breathing deeply. John poured Xavier a cup of tea.

"Now where were we?"

"You were about to tell what this is all about. How exactly we have gotten to this point."

John took a drink of his tea, while he seemed to be collecting his thoughts.

"It would be entirely way too easy to say that this is all just the revenge of a woman who was scorned five thousand years ago, but that isn't even close to the truth. A woman doesn't accumulate that kind of power and go on and on for five thousand years just because she was scorned by her husband.

No, there is definitely something else going on with that woman and I just can't place my finger on it. Your best bet is to either wait for her to show her true intentions, or trick her into telling you sooner. Maybe even your father, the lord Odin, might know. Can't say for sure."

Xavier set his cup down on the table. "Odin is not my father; I don't know why every one on your side seems to think this."

John shrugged his shoulders and poured them both another cup. Reaching behind him, he drew a sword. Xavier immediately reacted and made to grab for "Brotherhood".

"Oh settle down Lofbrah, I was just taking it off my back because it was preventing me from sitting straight."

With that he stabbed it into the ground much like Xavier had done with "Brotherhood". Xavier noticed that the sword wasn't John's normal katana.

"Substitute sword John? What the katana getting sharpened?"

"Actually this is my normal sword. The katana was a replacement while this one was getting reworked. It is special, and you'll see why a little later. Now as for your father..."


Every one bit the ground as Sin-ikage reared back and loosed another beam attack. Ava had landed on the rock out cropping overlooking the lagoon. Were she to but extend her arm she could have touched Sin-ikage. She was tired, beaten, and weak. She could tell by looking at her arms that she was well beyond her limits of mana usage. She was also deathly pale to the point she was beginning to see her veins in her own arm, the ethers had taken their toll and then some. Ava tilted her head back so she could see the monster that was in front of her.

Reaching into her pouch of holding she produced her very last Mega-ether. She felt like vomiting just looking at it. But now more than ever her talents were needed. Sin-ikage was hurting her friends, and had eaten her leader. Ava popped the top with trembling fingers and made to swallow the contents of the bottle. Suddenly Sin-ikage made to attack her and she was forced to roll away, spilling the ether everywhere but into her mouth.

Ava watched in shocked horror as the purple liquid seeped into the ground beneath her.

" NO! NO! NO!"

Ava could feel tears starting to stream down her dirty face. Suddenly her left wrist and hand flared with pain. Screaming out loud she looked down at her wrist and saw that a black mark had enveloped her wrist and most of her hand it kind of looked like a splash of water or a wave, she really couldn't tell. However she felt large amounts of manna rush to that area of her body.

With out knowing why or how Ava found her self on her feet and making swirling motions at the water with her left hand. She suddenly got an idea and arched her wrist and hand over her head at Sin-ikage. The water at the back of the lagoon surged forward making a magically enhanced Tsunami that continuously washed over Sin-ikage again and again.

Ava didn't know what to make of the manifestation of the new arcane spell, but it still wasn't enough. It needed more power. Another wave of pain damn near doubled Ava over, her chest and lower abdomen were a flame in pain. However manna exploded from her making the tsunami stronger, throwing Sin-ikage against the rocks.


The tether flickered ever so briefly between John Onikage and Sin-ikage.

"Well now, I expected her to hit me with an arcane spell. How ever I didn't expect her to hit me with a new one and then make it stronger."

Xavier sipped his tea.

"She is getting better isn't she?"

"Indeed she is."

"So my father?"

"Ah yes."

John poured himself another cup.

"Why are you drinking so much tea?"

"I like tea. That and one way or another my life is over today. Either you will defeat me and I will die, or I will totally merge with Sin-ikage and never be myself again. So I am going to drink as much tea as I can while I can."

John took a long drink of his tea.

"Realizing what Xiedie was up too, Odin decided to go after these unborn children any way he possibly could. And I do mean any way that he could. A small extra current of electricity here, a natural disaster there, a raiding party every once in a while, a mob stampede. He did his best to keep her children from being born. But when the sheer number of children became clear he decided that he needed to have a fail safe, just incase he didn't get all of them. Realizing that her plans were of a mid-term time length, meaning they would take about twenty or so years to even begin, and he knew that he would never be able to kill his wife he decided to create a child of his own in a land he believed at least for a short time would be out of her reach. He chose your parents because they were relatively unknown and they were desperate."

Xavier gave John a funny look.

"What do you mean desperate?"

"Your father was sterile from a child hood accident, though they didn't know it, and your mother preyed so very hard every day for a miracle. Odin granted her wish."

Xavier rested his face in his hands.

"Oh God don't tell me..."

"That's right Lofbrah. In essence Odin and your mother were doing it, and loving it, and nine months later you... came into the world. Kicking and screaming. She should have known than that you were going to be a pain in her ass."

"Oh please do tell, what do you mean?" Acid all but hung from every word as thickly as the sarcasm did.

"Your screams as a baby carried with it the power of a God."

"And that means what, exactly?"

"Not only did your cries keep your entire village up, they penetrated the boundaries of her prison."

"Well that's good news. Anything to stick it to her I guess."

"Well your screams alerted her to what was going on so she made another calculated move. At about the time you were keeping her "Majesty" awake at night I was a strapping young soldier in the youth league. As you can imagine I was rather boisterous about my beliefs even than and thought that we should be taking some sort of active role in the... day to-day affairs. I started to hear a voice in my head; it spoke to me in the sweetest voice. It told me what I wanted to hear. It told me how to take over the Youth League, than the other two factions. It didn't take long at all for my newly formed Mi'ihen Conglomerate had taken over Spira.

But my Mistress had other plans for me. So I gathered up many of my forces and marched on Vanna'diel."

Xavier held up a hand to forestall John for a moment.

"Wait just a moment... How the hell did you get to Vanna'diel? The lands are separated by magic for their own good. It takes some really powerful magic and a shift gate to travel between the lands."

"We had complete and total control over Spira, and the holy city had a shift gate. All we needed was a mage to do some casting. As if reading our thoughts pool of black mist in front of us and a cloaked figure stepped through..."

On the outside

Drew tossed aside her sniper rifle and pulled the GB 08 RYNO Rail Gun and leveled it at Sin-ikage. She tried her damnedest to calm her self, she needed her shot to be true. With one shot she could end the fighting and bring peace to Spira. She could bring peace to her friends. Drew took a deep breath and waited for the opportune moment. She waited for the beast to offer the best target and for her team mates to clear out-of-the-way. Sin-ikage reared back, and Drew pulled the trigger.

There was a moment's delay as energy gathered around the projectile. The recoil from the shot nearly took her off her feet. But her shot was true and the projectile blew a wrecking ball sized hole in Sin-ikages chest.

However Sin-ikage didn't fall.

Drew stood there stunned as "RYNO" fell from her grip.


John Winced.

Xavier chuckled. "A cloaked figure? What did the boogey man come to lend you a hand?"

"You might as well call them the Boogey men."

"Oh so there is more than one of them."

"They are Xiedies personal servants. I can not tell you much about them other than that they are very powerful mages, and follow her every command without question.

"We watched as they worked their magic in front of this large mirror. We watched as they opened a portal into a world we had never seen before. We were so... captivated by the sight and drunk on our own powers and ambitions that we all but ran through the portal.

Vanna'diel lie before us, untouched by advanced machines or weaponry. The Peoples and lands untouched, untainted by millennia of "Sin". Ignorant to an endless parade of one false government after another.

So we marched on Vanna'diel. With each out post we destroyed, with every alliance we trounced our egos grew. We soon ran in to the one problem our mysterious benefactor had with Vanna'diel. She had almost no knowledge or sway there. But we marched anyway. For two years we marched. Than we found the village of Van in the Federation of Windurst. Amazingly that night we received a message from our Mistress. We were to destroy the Ninjas of Van. Every last man, woman, and child.

On the Outside

Terrin was a tempest of controlled rage as he tore in to the exposed under belly of Sin-ikage. For no clear reason the monster decided to move towards the beach, and was now ambling in that direction. Terrin stopped long enough to take a look at what they were up against and just how damaged it was.

Terrin would forever be hard pressed to compare Sin-ikage to any preëxisting animal. It was huge, it was easily as long as Raine from snout to tail, and stood about twenty or so feet tall. He noticed it was clearly made for water by the look of it massive feet and the way the tail fanned out much like the fluke of a whale. It was also very clumsy on its four tree trunk sized legs, though that could also be attributed to the fact that it had taken a lot of damage in the recent past.

Terrin ran up a narrow ledge of rock that over looked the beach and leapt at Sin-ikages massive, flat head.

"Limit-Break - Celestial Strike."

Sin-ikage ate sand as it went down. Terrin spun around just in time watch Sin-ikage start to get back up.

"Weapon-skill - Raising Strike!"

The attack caught Sin-ikage right under the chin. Sin-ikage reared back bellowing in pain. With out thinking Terrin shoulder rammed Sin-ikage.


John set his cup down.

"The Ninja of Van are among the toughest opponents I have ever faced. They were strong, fast, crafty, and well-coordinated. It took us about a week to wipe out the warriors of Van, but it wasn't enough. The body temperature of the last Ninja hadn't dropped yet and our mistress demanded that we wipe out the entire village.

Some of my men were eager to please. I was not; this was not the duty of soldier. However it wasn't our place to question either. At some point in the following hour your cousin had secreted you away to Centra, while my men and I killed every last living thing in the village. When it was all said and done I was told to leave a small squad in Vanna'diel to deal with any villagers that might have been away at the time.

Hating my men for so willing following the order to destroy the village, but hating my Mistress more for giving the order, I left Vanna'diel. Over the next several years I set up many sleeper cells all over the world, each one ignorant of the next."

John paused long enough to empty his cup and stare into its depths.

"That is until the day my Mistress ordered me to find her daughter. I didn't know where to look for her, so I started in Spira. I spent twelve or so years searching the world over for this mystery girl. Than one day I found my self in a small village in Centra. I didn't exactly find the girl, but instead I found a Vanna'diel Nin. Imagine my surprise at finding your cousin and his student. I was in such a foul mood from once again not finding the kitsune-girl that I attacked the long-lost Ninja and his giant."

John took a long drink of tea.

"I can honestly say that I have not had that satisfying of a fight in a long time. Your cousin was a master of the arts and Terrin was still raw unbridled power. It was over too quickly.

You chose that moment to attack, and honestly I wasn't impressed. It was obvious you weren't used to your weapon, and your use of the arts was limited. I showed this to you by catching your swing. I was so... annoyed in your lack of ability that I sent a lightning spell through your sword. It didn't occur to me that it would cause the ammo in the chambers to explode. I watched as you writhed on the ground till you finally got back to your feet and pointed a hand right at me. I knew when you started to do hand seals for a Nin fire spell, but were muttering the magic fire spell. I watched the spell backfire incinerating the remaining bits of your face. Not wanting to see any more, I ordered my men to leave. I threw a phoenix down on you and left."

On the Outside

"Clip" removed his hand from the side of "Tech's" head. "Tech" woke with a start.

"What the hell happened?"

"You tripped over your own feet getting to the beach and smacked your head on a rock."

"Tech" looked around with eyes more glazed than a doughnut.

"Oh, okay."

With that "Tech" pitched forward again.

Were they not in the middle of the fight for their lives it would have been hilarious. However "Clip" didn't have time for it, so tossing a Mega-potion on him "Clip" ran to join the others. Pulling his gun he fed shell after shell into the chamber. He also took the time replace the depleted power cell. Upon arriving at the Beach he quickly assessed the situation and ran towards "Z"

"Z" lay on the ground drawing one ragged breath after another. "Clip" came to a sliding halt on his knees by her side. Gently he cradled her in his arms and took in the full extent of her damage. She was badly beaten, with multiple open wounds. Her left Leg and right hand were badly broken. "Clip" quickly went about quick healing her leg. She cried out as the leg forced itself into the correct position and set about the quick heal process. As gently as he could he tried to grab her broken hand. Quickly she clutched the broken appendage to her chest and curled up into a ball in his lap.

"Nonononono... please don't hurt me any more..." She whimpered and cried into his chest.

"I have to set it and at least quick heal it dear." "Clip" said wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Please don't hurt meeeeee." She cried even harder into his chest.

"Clip" gently brushed aside a blood matted clump of blond hair and lightly kissed her forehead in an attempt to comfort her.

"If I don't heal it, it will shrivel up and wither till it has to be cut off. And what will you do than? Come on "Z" you're stronger than this. Your stronger than most of us combined."

With a defeated sob "Z" relinquished her broken hand to "Clip" Gently he started to message the bones into a relevantly normal position. The entire time He kept whispering words of comfort and reassurance to her. She cried out in pain and bit into his shoulder when the quick heal spell forced them into place and kept them there.

Ignoring the pain himself "Clip" dug into his pouch and brought out one of the packets of super potion mix, and a potion.

"Z" I need you to take this for me."

"Z" turned her head enough to see the mixture and shook her head "no" into his shoulder.

"Clip", not wanting to waste any more time, emptied the contents into his mouth and mixed them all together. Gently he placed a hand under her chin and tilted her face towards his. She was too tired and to week to fight him off as he kissed her full on the lips, passing the super potion from his mouth to hers. The bad taste made her involuntarily swallow. "Z" coughed violently from the taste. However her strength instantly returned and her wounds closed.

"You bastard, that was low and dirty. You owe me."

"Fine I promise I'll be the one to perform the operation to fix your leg and hand when we are done."

Clumsily "Z" got back to her feet and started to move on Sin-ikage.

"Take it easy "Z" your leg and hand aren't totally fixed." "Clip" said lending a supporting hand.

"Z" swatted his hand away. "I'll be fine."

And with that "Z" took off at top speed. "Clip" shook his head and moved on down the beach, towards Terrin. Pulling his gun he squeezed a few shots off. "Clip" found himself once again wishing he had the last set of spells and the family heirloom.


Out of the corner of his eye Xavier watched the tether flicker once again.

"Very soon Lofbrah, we'll be able to start."

Xavier just glared at John and drank his tea.

"After Beartree I went from one mission to the next working like a machine developing this façade of stupidity. I allowed people to start thinking less and less of me while still making my self indispensable to Xiedie.

Every little dirty deed she needed doing I was there to do it. Every little dirty secret she has needed keeping, I was there to keep."

"So tell me a few of these dirty little secrets if you're as in as you say you are."

"I'm not claiming anything; I do owe my loyalties to my mistress. With out her I would still be a lowly nothing in Spira. However she has gone too far."

Xavier set his cup down.

"I'm hearing a lot of lip service, but nothing I can really use."

Taking his time pouring yet another cup of tea, John thought of how best to answer.

"Ok, fine. You know by now that Xiedie can transfer bodies."

"Yeah, that one is abundantly apparent."

"Well that is how she has stayed alive for the last five thousand years. She goes from one body to the next, living out her life again and again."

"I think I know that one too."

"Well I think her ability to stay in the bodies is diminishing."

"Well that is interesting."

On the Outside

"Tech" dropped his personal blitz ball that he had charged with some of his fighting energy. He watched as it fell in slow motion towards the sand. He could almost see the air crackle around it as it fell at an agonizingly slow rate. Till his foot made contact with it, than time came back to normal. He watched as the ball flew towards the far back leg and ricocheted off all four legs a couple of times till it flew back at him, but well over his head.

Time slowed again as "Tech" spun away from the incoming ball and jumped into a long arching back flip. He watched again as the ball traveled the full length of his body. Again time speed up as "Tech" completed the Sphere-kick sending the ball rocketing at Sin-ikages head. The ball detonated upon impact.

Not wasting any time when he landed "Tech" was in the air again

"Fighting Technique - Raising Dragon Wave!"

Taking full advantage of the upward momentum "Tech" delivered Punch upon punch, kick after kick into the exposed and heavily wounded neck of Sin-ikage. Feeling the upward motion coming to a halt he dropped his energy reserves into his feet.

"Limit Break - Dragon Kick!"


"You know at this rate by the time "Z" and Ashlin have their way with Sin-ikage, it will be time for our dance. Now where were we?"

"You were telling me that you don't think her ability to stay in a body is as strong as it used to be."

"Ah yes. Well this leads into another theory of mine."

"And that would be?"

"Your lack of patience is astounding Lofbrah. How much of Xiedies history do you know?"


"I highly doubt that."

Xavier glared at John for the umpteenth time that day.

"I know that she lived over five thousand years ago as an Elf that had been the student of some bad ass necromancer. She killed him in his sleep and then tried to kill her self for the shit she had seen and done under his tutelage. It is at this point that a very young Eric Masters found her bleeding to death and saved her. In the process of helping her heel he fell madly in love with her and married her. At some point in their relation ship he went off to war and she went insane, wiping out the kingdom they lived in.

From there it gets ugly lots of fighting and imprisonment ensued. Than some more fighting, and some more imprisonment. And some more fighting, and finally some more imprisonment. Than some behind the scene mating and breeding. And here we are."

"Well you got the neat and clean version of it at least. And if you really think about it, you might even be able to follow the same thread that I did depending on how much you know about magic."

John added more water and leaves to the pot.

"Go ahead, Xavier, take your time."

On the Outside

"Finish this abomination now Ashlin! Show me that you are better than Xiedie's little whipping boy." Sephiroth hissed into his deep subconscious.

Ashlin tried his damnedest to push the voice aside. He was nearing his absolute limit; the voices were starting to get too loud. Sweat poured from him as he rushed Sin-ikage for the Gods only knows how many times this day.

"Yes. Yes. Go for the exposed underside. Use the power I gave you to cut this creature open. Spill its blood and entrails all over the sand." Ashlin heard Hojo purr almost in his ear.

Ashlin dodged under the vicious bite attack that was aimed at him; rolling to his feet he continued his forward charge. The only thing that kept him tethered to his sanity was Kuroaki slapping against his leg. Catching a glimpse of movement out of the corner of his eyes he dodged to the side to avoid a random Sin-spawn that had dislodged from Sin-ikages body. Taking firm hold of Kuroaki Ashlin made for the back legs. Mako flowed down Ashlin's arm as he flew past Sin-ikages back legs. Mako bled from Kuroaki as it screamed through the air at apparently nothing. A razor-thin and razor-sharp line of Mako flew through the air at blinding speed slicing almost all the way through Sin-ikages back legs sending the beast crashing to the ground.

"That's it Ashlin. Take away his mobility. Return him to his mistress in pieces."

Ashlin shook his head as much to clear his vision as much as to get rid of Sephiroths voice. Seeing a great opening he dropped a lot of Mako into Kuroaki and ran at the now exposed back of Sin-ikage.

"Weapon skill - Climb Hazard!"

Ashlin spun around a full revolution and buried Kuroaki half way into Sin-ikages rear flank and started to run up his back, all in one fluid motion. Ashlin cleared Sin-ikages head with ease.

"Yes. Yes! This is it! Kill it Kuroaki! Kill it and send a clear message to Sephiroth that you are superior to him!"

"Weapon Skill - Braver!"

Ashlin came crashing to the ground; a wide bloody gash ran the full length of Sin-ikages back and front. Had it been any other creature it would have fallen in two.

"God Damn it Ashlin, can't you even do something as simple as kill John Onikage!" Sephiroth roared in his head.

"You miserable excuse for an experiment. You will always live in every one else's shadows! You are nothing and do not deserve to ever be heard." Hojo bellowed.



He didn't know how, and when asked later he would not be able to tell any one when exactly it was that he had tech copied that move. But that didn't change the fact that with a full-throated scream Ashlin had charged Sin-ikage, the ground had erupted around not only him, but when he slashed at the monster the ground erupted around it too.

Ashlin stood there, his lungs burning as he gasped for air. He felt his body start to go numb at his feet and rush up his legs. He felt his hand lose its grip on Kuroaki, and heard it hit the ground. He felt his legs buckle and give. He felt as his knees made contact with the sand. And just before his eyes rolled to the back of his head he heard them one last time.

"You piece of shit! How dare you use that move against him!

Maybe you are not as useless as I thought after all."

Ashlin did not feel his face hit the sand.


The tether snapped

John grabbed the pot of tea and poured the last of the contents into Xavier's and his cups.

"Times up, but I will tell you this last thing. The Necromancers name was Xaldin. If you live look him up, research the shit out of him. I think he is controlling her still."

With that both warriors grabbed their cups and emptied them. Tossing them over their shoulders at exactly the same time both warriors spun out of their seats grabbing their respective swords. Still in motion both warriors looked at each other, with a new-found awareness and respect for one another.

John Onikage looked at the stone cold face of the killer he had personally had a hand in creating. He looked into the expressionless face, and black goggles of the man who he had hunted and tormenting for almost thirteen years now. He watched almost in slow motion as the young warrior ripped his Gun blade from the ground and swung it at him.

Xavier Lofbrah kept a steady expression as he watched John as if in slow motion grab his special sword mid spin and start to swing it at him. He was leery of the sword, john had said it was special but didn't say why. However he found it extremely aggravating that John once again had that sick, twisted, psychotic smile plastered a crossed his face.

Brotherhood and John's sword met half way over the table in a shower of sparks. With blinding speed the two swords separated and reconnected. With a yell Xavier kicked the table over and at John. Spinning out-of-the-way John turned back towards Xavier just in time to catch his elbow right in the mouth.

Johns head snapped to the side at a sickening speed, blood spraying the wall. Quickly John snapped his head forward again, Xavier was gone. He didn't have long to wait to find him again. He looked up just in time to catch another mouth full of Xavier. This time however it was the heel of his boot. Xavier flipped over after kicking John in the mouth and delivered a bird step kick to his head. John went flying through the back wall of the tea house and came to a skidding halt in the field behind it.

Xavier rushed out the hole in the wall and took flight at John again. At the last possible moment John reached his left arm out and caught Xavier in mid-flight, one-handed. The sick smile returned as John choke slammed Xavier into the ground a couple of times and then held him at arm's length.

"LOFBRAH! Do you know what the Chain of command is?"

"Lemme guess it is the chain you're gonna get and beat me with till I recognize you're in command." Xavier struggled in Johns vise like grip.

"Normally yes." John said leveling his sword at Xavier as if he were going to slide in to his rib cage.

"In this case it is the name of my sword."

With that He depressed the red jewel on the cross guard and the blade segmented launching itself at Xavier in blinding speed. Xavier barely broke Johns grip and got away from the chain blade. John cracked the sword and it came howling at him now nine feet long and whip like. Again Xavier barely got away again. CoC left a neat line on the ground where it hit. With an audible snap the sword came back together. The severity of his situation became apparent to him as John came charging at him. Xavier nipped to his feet and met Johns charge.

Once again Brotherhood and CoC met showering sparks every where. John pushed forward and Xavier went flying back. Flipping over in mid-flight Xavier landed a drop kick on the scar on John's chest. John went down too.

Both warriors nipped back to their feet and went at each other again. Xavier Ducked under Johns swing and hooked his arm. Xavier immediately dropped down skidding in the grass and hipped tossed John to the ground. In mid-flight John took a page out of Xavier's move book and flipped over kicking him in the head. Not waiting for Xavier to recover he ran at him and kicked him like he was kicking the winning field goal at a Football game.

Xavier went sailing through the air, throwing a knife as he did. The knife hit John in the leg just above the knee. As he landed and spun around Xavier got Brotherhood up just in time to prevent CoC from hitting him dead on. Instead the chain sword wrapped around Brotherhood, swishing Xavier across the chest twice. Xavier gave an angry jerk of his sword and John came soaring at him. Stunned at this Xavier didn't block as John delivered a haymaker to his face sending Xavier once again to the ground. Not wasting a step John started stomping at Xavier's exposed side. There was very little Xavier could do as John stomped a mud hole into his chest and proceeded to march it dry. Kick after kick rained down onto his chest and side.

"How! How do you intend to defeat me! How do you intend to kill Xiedie and reclaim her daughter! Or was every thing just talk!"

With that Xavier caught John's foot. Before he could react Xavier Brought his own foot up and kicked John in the kidney, than without hesitation he stomped his foot right into John's boys dropping him to the ground. Both warriors rolled away and staggered to their feet.

"That's it Lofbrah! Show me! Show me this righteous anger of yours! Show me how the son of a God will exact his revenge on the man that has hunted him and his love! ALL! THEIR! LIVES!"

Xavier rushed John and winked from sight. John brought CoC up in front of him horizontally ready for what ever Xavier intended to do, except for what he did do. Xavier reappeared at John's side and in one fluid motion kicked one of John's feet out from under him and brought the butt of Brotherhood down hard on John's chest driving him to the ground.

With a short hop Xavier jumped on to Johns chest and danced his own little rave right than and there. For good measures Xavier dug the toe of one steel toe boot into John's chest and drove the other right into the prone mans temple. Deciding to take even more advantage of the situation, Xavier flipped over and brought his feet together and drove them at John's chest.

John rolled away at the last moment, and nipped to his feet. CoC hissed through the air at Xavier's head. Like John, Xavier moved out-of-the-way at exactly the last moment. With a flick of his wrist John altered the flight of CoC. Xavier involuntarily arched his back as CoC slashed a crossed it.

"Feel the burn Lofbrah! Feel your blood flow from your body and on to the ground!

Xavier ran at John. Skidding under a wild swing from John, Xavier swung wildly behind him hoping to make a fatal strike. John had anticipated the attack and blocked it. John made his own wild attack to Xavier's opposite side. Back to back they faced each other, swinging wildly hoping to make a fatal strike.

On the Outside

"Z" watched as Sin-ikage reared back in absolute pain. Having felt Sin-Harvest she knew that Sin-ikage was on the verge of death. "Z" concentrated her absolute hatred into her hands, and charged Sin-ikage.

"Z" felt nothing except the overwhelming need to put her fist into Sin-ikage. She needed to dodge falling Sin-spawn that were falling dead off of Sin-ikages body. The ball of black solidified hate grew with every step she took. Taking only the briefest of moments to find the best place to land her attack. "Z" jumped at Sin-ikage.

"Limit-break! Neo-Black-Death!"

"Z" forced the black ball of death into the gaping hole that Drew's RYNO shot had left in Sin-ikages upper chest. Instantly the ball expanded increasing the hole exponentially. Landing on the ground "Z" watched as "Neo-Black-Death" continued to tear away flesh and bone. She watched as her attack tore the monster asunder leaving chunks of flesh every where.

Sin-ikage started to spasm uncontrollably.


Brotherhood and CoC met once again in a blade tie-up, John and Xavier gritting their teeth at one another. Suddenly the Sin-scape gave a violent shake and started to fall apart.

"Well Xavier, it looks like we are about to take this fight out side."

"Lucky us."

The Sin-scape erupted around them.

On the Outside

Team X-treme watched in shocked silence as Sin-ikage gave one last violent shudder, reared back and exploded. The force of the explosion sent chunks of flesh and bone every where. Nearby palm trees were blown over. At last John Onikage and Xavier Lofbrah materialized in the physical world and were blown far apart.

Every one stood in shocked silence for all of a heartbeat and then made to run at their leader.

"Stay where you are!" Xavier yelled from the ground.

Nipping to his feet, Xavier tore the tatters of his jacket and shirt from his body.

"This is my fight, stay out of it."

John sprang to his feet at that moment and dusted himself off.

"Yes Lofbrah, it is time this ended."

Xavier dropped down into his stance and watched as John brought his "Chain of Command" to bear.

"Enough playing around Lofbrah, show me what you got."

Sand flew from the ground as John, and Xavier rushed each other. The air exploded around their swords as they made contact over, and over again. Extending CoC, John snaked the blade in every direction trying to catch Xavier off guard. Xavier jumped back to avoid the onslaught of the chain blade before him.

"Come on, X, is that the best you've got!"

Xavier responded with a middle finger, and several other hand sings. Ten Xavier's surrounded John, and flipped him off.

"Cute, but you're going to have to do better than that."

A few more hand seals and there was once again only one Xavier.

"And I'm impressed why?"

Xavier brought Brotherhood up in front of himself charging it with Mako.

"Weapon Skill! Omni-Slash!"

Xavier swung Brotherhood at John over and over again. Each mini-explosion causing John to defend repeatedly. Spinning around gathering Mako for the last swing, Xavier lashed out with all his might. The force of their mutual swings caused "Brotherhood" and "Chain of Command" to go flying in opposite directions. John watched their swords soar through the air well out of reach.

With out thought they started swinging at each other. They became a blur of constant punching and kicking. Most were blocked and countered; the ones that got through were glancing blows at the very best. Xavier grabbed one of Johns arms and went to shoulder toss him to the ground. However John flipped over in mid-flight and made to kick Xavier in the face. Catching the foot Xavier slammed John to the ground. John hit the ground and bounced. Still having a hold of john's foot he used the bounce to whip snap John over his head to the ground again. Gaining some momentum Xavier spun John around and went to throw him into the cliff face. John swung his free foot up and kicked Xavier up along side the head. Both of them hit the ground dazed.

Both again launched from the ground and rushed each other again. Both grabbed a hand full of the others hair and started mercilessly pounding each other in the face. With each swing from each, more blood sprayed across the ground.

John suddenly elbowed Xavier in the face shattering his goggles. Xavier retaliated by grabbing Johns head with both arms and started high-stepping his knees into Johns face; finally he brought both into John's nose. John reared back grabbing his very broken nose. Xavier took advantage of the wide opening and tackled John to the sand. Before he could cover himself back up Xavier had mounted his chest and started punching John repeatedly in the face.

With every punch Xavier felt like he was regaining a little piece of his life that John had stolen. With every punch Xavier felt he was taking back the years lost to running from him. With every spray of blood felt he was gaining retribution for all the times he couldn't be there for Shyri. Every swing brought him closer to feeling better for not being there for Terrin or Shyri.

"That's it!" John sputtered through broken teeth.

Xavier stopped; stunned he was so wrapped up in pounding Johns face into paste.

"That, is what, I wanted to see." Johns said spitting and laughing blood everywhere.

"Your conviction is as strong as I hoped it would be. Remember that, remember that hate as you are facing."

Xavier was starting to tremble from the adrenalin and clone multiplication.

"What are you talking about?"

"Xiedie is waiting for you, and you won't have to search too far for your girl's soul."

Xavier's rage flared again.

"Where is she?"

"You'll just have to figure that out your self."

With a scream of absolute rage Xavier yanked four knives and stabbed them through John's wrists. Were he to live, John would never be able to use his hands and feet ever again.

John was caught somewhere between screaming and laughing. Xavier stood up and stretched his arm out and made a grasping motion with his hand and brought "Brotherhood" to his hand.

"TELL ME WHERE SHE IS! And I swear that you'll die quickly. Fuck with me again and you'll die as slowly as possible, I'll make it last for days."

John stopped laughing. "Ok, ok I'll give you a hint. She is right there at all times."

John started laughing again.

With a bellow of rage Xavier plunged "Brotherhood" hilt deep into John's heart, pulling the trigger six times. John gave a few short gasps. Xavier looked John dead in the face; he wanted to watch him die.

"Do you feel, avenged?"


"I remember leaving you like this once."

Xavier gave "Brotherhood" one last kick into John's chest. John exhaled one last time, and his eyes stared off into eternity.

"Yeah but I didn't miss your heart."

Xavier fell backwards into the sand, completely and totally drained. Xavier clapped his hands together releasing the multiplication technique.

Laying there in the sand watching the stars in the sky, slowly Xavier started to laugh. It started quietly, but quickly climbed to a full-throated laugh. After thirteen years he had finally defeated his enemy. He would be hunted no more by this man. Xavier continued to laugh into the night.

As his team mates and friends approached He slowly got to his feet. Every one started firing questions at him as soon as they got with in voice range.

"Guys, guys settle. One at a time." Xavier said making to pull "Brotherhood" from John's dead body.

"Clip" saw a small stream of extremely thick Dark Mist pooling about "Brotherhood's" blade.

"Xavier don't pull it out!"

"Huh?" Xavier asked pulling "Brotherhood" from John's chest.

John's last secret, his last attack exploded forth in a giant mushroom cloud of concentrated Dark Mist. It took no time at all to blanket the entire area and spread across the world, covering it in darkness. Team X-treme quickly recovered.

"Is every one alright?" Xavier asked coughing out some Dark Mist.

"Yeah, yeah I'm all good. Got Mist all over me though and it smells really bad. How about you, holy boy, you still owe me an operation." "Z" said patting her self off.

"Don't worry "Z" I'm still here. We'll have plenty of time to hurt each other latter." "Clip" responded tucking away his gun.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Drew said on her knees holding her stomach.

"I hurt all over, and could use one of those Long Island ice teas." "Tech" said rubbing his shoulder.

"I am fine; however Ava and Ashlin are going to need some medical attention relatively soon. They booth are out cold." Terrin replied while checking for a pulse on Ava's skinny little neck with one of his massive sausage like fingers.

"Drake! Drake how you doing over there brother." Xavier asked tending one of his own open wounds.

To Drake though he knew something was a miss. Every thing was really hazy, and looked like it was moving in slow motion. He could barely tell that Xavier was talking at him, it sounded like he was under water. Before He could respond though there was a commotion from Tidus's team.

Gun shots rang out, and Tidus fell dead. The lady Yuna was standing over him with a smoking gun. With a sick grin she put a few more rounds into him. Taking one look at Team X-treme she bolted towards the village pass.

"Some one stop her!" Xavier yelled pointing at Yuna.

With out thinking Drake wound up and let loose his spear. Every one watched in horror as Drakes spear shot through Yuna's back and exploded out of her chest.

"Drake, NO!"

Every one watched as Yuna's body fell to the ground. "Clip" and Xavier tackled Drake to the ground and held as Shift portals flared open all over the beach.

"Damn it, she always finds away to ruin our victories." Xavier said as he held down his friend and brother.

Xiedies castle

Slowly Xiedie opened her daughter's eyes to the site of Sephiroth looking her dead in the face.

"It is done, he is dead." She said getting off her cushion.

Sephiroth sniffed and started to walk away.

"What is wrong Sephiroth, I thought that you of all people would be glad to be rid of John."

Sephiroth stopped but didn't turn around.

"I will not shed a single tear over his death. But it was a total waste of a perfectly good soldier. You could have found a better way to deliver that super dose of Mist."

Xiedie stopped to give Sephiroth a weird look.

"He served his purpose, and he betrayed me to Lofbrah. Besides now that I have the Sin spirit all I need if the Arch spirit. Prepare to go to Alexandria."

Sephiroth Bowed to his mistress in her stolen body, and walked away to leave the Queen of Darkness to ponder her next move.