Project Radikal Chp. 2 - A leisurely weekend

Story by Blazey Wavey on SoFurry

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#2 of Project Radikal

Here's the Second chapter to Project Radikal, hope you all enjoy as Neon finds out a secret about the Goldshark family.

It's a little longer than the first one, hopefully it's not boring and people will find this somewhat interesting. I still felt somewhat disappointed in it, but I like the story series anyway, it'll get better.

Waking up a couple hours later, looking at the clock beside Luc's bed to see it was 5:05am. Sweating like I was in a sauna, I stood up, making sure not to wake Luc, going out into the other area of the basement where there was the couch and the television set. Walking into the small kitchen Luc had down there, turning on the water tap and splashing water onto my face, washing away any sweat that was in my face fur. Sighing to myself and sitting down on the couch, turning on the television and grabbing the remote, flipping through the channels. Stopping on a movie channel. It was playing some zombie movie that was released a few years ago. Watching as the zombies attack helpless victims, breaking windows, doors, and hoarding around areas in hopes of stumbling across a helpless fur. Leaning my head back, running my paw through my hair, thinking to myself that I should go back to bed. Suddenly remembering that my dad was an early bird and thought I should call him. Finding my phone on the ground, picking it up and dialling numbers and clicking call. Ringing a few times before I hear an answer.

"Hey dad, just calling to let you know that I stayed over at Luc's house last night. I'm fine"

"Oh okay, why didn't you call last night and tell me? I was getting worried."

"Oh you know, just got carried away with having a good time I guess."

"Ah, that's alright. Glad your enjoying your teenage years while you can, they can be gone before you know it."

"Yeah dad, I know... Anyway, have a good day at work, I'm going to go and try to get back to sleep."

"Alrighty, see ya later." *click*

Sighing to myself, and putting my phone on the kitchen counter, turning around to see Luc staggering into the room.

"Sorry if I woke you."

"No, you didn't, I just woke up randomly and noticed you weren't in bed... Another one of your nightmares?"

"...Yeah, but... I'm fine."

"You sure you don't want to talk about it?"

"Not really... Just you know... Another one of you... Dying."

"Oh hun... I'll never die. Not when I have to protect my foxy."

"Yeah, I know you'll never leave me. It just seems so real in my dreams. I get scared..."

"It's okay. I'm here. Nothings happened, nothing ever will happen. Okay?"

"Alright, let's just go back to bed Luc." Walking over to him and smiling softly. "I see you sobered up fast..."

"Well, almost sober." Giggling to himself as he staggers back into his room.

Following him in, and laying down on the bed, snuggling into his arms again and taking a slow deep breath before closing my eyes. Hours later, waking up. Yawning loudly and rubbing my eyes to the intruding light entering Luc's room. The sunlight had been shining through the window and straight into my eyes. Squinting my eyes and sitting up, looking over to his clock to see it was 10am. We didn't have to worry about Luc's parents finding us in bed together since they already knew about us. It was a relief that they had already known. Not having to hide it around there house. Looking over at Luc to see him wake slowly and roll around. Smiling to myself and stretching my arms and legs out before getting out of bed. Walking into Luc's kitchen and grabbing my phone to check for any new messages. Seeing two unread messages. One from Ty and the other from Blaze. Ty: "Hai, wanna hang out today?", Blaze: "Didn't see you last night, call me when you get the chance.". Dialling Blaze's number and calling it, barely hearing it ring once before I hear him answer.

"Hey Neon."

"That was fast..."

"Twin telepathy, I knew you were phoning me right now."

"Haha, yeah. Forgot we were 'twins separated at birth'." Blaze was my bestfriend, we hung out everyday and did a lot.

"Yep, so... Did'ya go to the party last night? I didn't hear from you at all last night."

"I called, but you didn't answer, but that was when I was at the party... I left at, 2:30-ish and went to go crash at Luc's."

"So, have any fun at the party? It was pretty crazy..."

"Yeah, it was fun... Anyway, what you up to today?"

"Oh, just... Probably nothing. You?"

"Suppose to hang out with Ty, wanna tag along?"

"Sure, I'll walk over to Luc's right now." *click*

Blaze would always just show up, even if nobody knew he was coming. I always knew though, we had some sort of connection, that only brothers would have. Even though we weren't brothers, we've always would like to think so. Blaze was a black lab. A fellow canine. Turning back around towards the couch to see him watching some cartoons. Walking over and plopping down beside him.

"Blaze is coming over, after that, we're going to go hang out with Ty."

"Oh? You planned all this without me knowing? Sneaky sneaky."

"Yeah... Well, it was surprising actually."

"Heh, yeah. Anyway, this weekend shall be fun. I'm gonna go say good morning to my mom, wanna come?"


Walking upstairs, into the kitchen where Luc's mom was making breakfast, his dad was in the living room, watching the news. Walking over to his mom and giving her a hug. Walking back to the table, sitting down.

"Good morning."

"Good morning Neon, what a nice surprise, did ya stay the night?"

"Yeah, how was your evening?"

"Oh it was perfect, how about your guy's"

"It was pretty good..."

"Fantastic. Would you boys like some pancakes?"

"Yes please." Looking over at Luc to see him nod along as well.

Placing down a plate stacked with pancakes in front of us. Grinning widely and looking over at his mom to see her smiling down at us. "Go ahead boys, dig in, me and your father already ate." Nodding and grabbing a couple of pancakes, sliding them onto my plate and drooling a little before devouring them. Giggling to myself, looking over to Luc to see he's doing the same. Smiling and feeling satisfied, leaning back in the chair.

"That was delicious Mrs Goldshark."

"Oh please, you've known me for how long and your still trying to call me by my last name?"

"Oh, right... Sorry mom." Smiling brightly and looking up at her.

"There you go... Silly."

"We're gonna go as soon as Blaze shows up. Ty wants to hang out today."

"Oh okay. You two have fun." Walking back into the kitchen with empty plates.

Mrs Goldshark was old fashioned in a way, she liked to do everything that "women" needed to do. She never wanted to see a man doing the dishes, or making dinner. Sure it was sexist, but it was her way of doing things. Going back downstairs and sitting on the couch, yawning softly and resting my head on Luc's shoulder. Watching as he flips through channels while waiting for Blaze. Half hour later, after watching some random cartoon that Luc found, we hear a door knock. "I'll get it." I say as I get up and make my way towards the basement door. Opening it to see Blaze standing there.


"Yup. So, ready to go meet up with Ty?"

"Yeah sure, just let me go tell Luc."

It was barely noon when we left Luc's house, walking down the street. We were meeting up with Ty at the local arcade. Continuing down the street, reminiscing on old memories. "Remember when Blaze skitched that city bus on his skateboard all the way to school, so he wouldn't be late?... Yeah, can't believe he did that!"... What? I didn't want to be late! I had a test that morning....". Finally getting to the arcade, walking inside to find that Ty was already there. Smiling brightly and sitting down at the table he was at. After saying our hello's and greetings, we spent the rest of the afternoon playing pool and other games we could play around there. Finally checking the time on my phone to see it was already 7 o'clock.

"Wow, time flew. I have to go, I have a date tonight." The otter says, swaying his tail back and forth a bit.

"Alright, well. Have fun then Ty." Blaze leaning over to give him a friendly hug.

"Yeah, see ya later Ty"

"I'll text you later!" As Ty waves off, walking out the door.

After saying goodbye to Blaze, who had other plans for that evening as well. Leaving me and Luc, wandering around the city wondering what to do for the night. Hearing my stomach rumble, giggling and rubbing it softly. Looking over at Luc, "Wanna go out to eat somewhere?", looking back at me "Sure. Where do you wanna go?". "Anywhere, I'm starved." Walking down the street, smiling and grabbing onto his paw, holding it in mine. Walking down streets, taking lefts, and rights. Finally arriving at some restaurant. Walking inside to be seated shortly, sitting at the table they brought us too. Looking at the menu briefly before a waiter comes up, asking what drinks we would like, replying by saying I'd like a Pepsi. Looking back at the menu, finally deciding on a Cesar salad with shrimp instead of the chicken with a side of fries. Glancing back at Luc, smiling softly while tapping my foot impatiently, waiting for the waiter to come back with our food already. After eating, we sat there discussing of other things we could do before going back home. Tapping my paws on the table, thinking of things to do, before getting a text on my iPhone, hearing the loud obnoxious bell sound. Picking up the phone and reading the text.

"Brittany says there's another party tonight. Beach party to be correct.... So, why didn't we take your car again?"

"SWEET beach party! And uh... I don't know." Placing down money on top of the bill before standing up.

"Can't we just go back to your place and play video games or something?"

"Ugh, I guess so."

"Alrighty." Grabbing my phone and dialling Brittany's number. "Hey Brittany, we're going to make a rain check on that party... Yes I know, yes. Call me or text me later, we can come by your house later tonight to hang out if you want to see us that badly... Alright, see you then."

"She sure does act like your big sister." As Luc says, chuckling to himself.

"Yeah, she's always been in my life ever since kindergarten. Anyway, let's head back home."

"Okie Dokie."

Walking back to his house, finally arriving shortly after. Opening the door, walking inside to see Luc's mom on the phone, suddenly going into a whisper as we walk inside. "Yes, the targets have been eliminated, I know, but I have to go... Code Blue." over hearing her on the phone before she hung up the phone and turned to smile at us. Watching her as she turns around and quickly making her way up the stairs. "Good evening boys, hope you had a great day, I'm going to bed." Looking over at the doberman beside me, with a puzzling look on my face, only to get the same look back at me. Pulling his arm and dragging him downstairs, before stopping at the television set and turning it on and turning up the volume to eliminate any intruding listeners on our conversation.

"What was all that about Luc?" Scratching my head, with the same puzzling look on my face.

"Your asking me? That is the first time I've ever heard such talk from my parents."

"Weird, I wonder what is was all about."

"I dunno, maybe she was talking about a book...? Because of her book club...?"

"That's the first time I've ever heard about a book club eliminating other books."

"Well I don't know, this is all new to me."

Collapsing onto the couch, wondering what his mom was talking about, staring into his HD TV, thinking of something to say to get out minds off that subject, opening my mouth a few times to say something, only to find nothing coming out. Turning down the TV again, sighing and running a paw through my head fur. Looking over at the canine sitting beside me and smiling softly. Taking a few deep breaths and cracking my neck before twisting my position over towards Luc to give attention towards what I was going to say.

"Well, let's watch a few movies to take our minds off of the weirdness your parents create, and in the morning, we can ask what that was all about. Which I'm sure was probably nothing."

"Yeah, your probably right. Let's have a disney marathon. I've been in the mood for cartoons all day."

Walking towards the movie shelf, grabbing a bunch of Disney movies, skipping along back and popping one into the DVD player. Half way into the second movie, I glance over to see Luc fast asleep on the couch, smiling warmly at the sight and grabbing a pillow and placing it underneath his head. Yawning softly and walking over to the small kitchen, opening a cupboard to find that there was no washed cups. Sighing again and walking up the stairs, making my steps as quiet as I could, hearing the inevitable squeaks of some steps along the way. Getting up the stairs, walking into the kitchen, turning on the light nearest to the sink. Grabbing a cup and pouring a glass of milk from the fridge, going into the cupboards again to find Oreo cookies, grabbing a couple and placing them on a plate and sitting down on the counter, thinking of school and other things, while eating the cookies and dipping them in the milk, before hearing someone come down the steps and enter the kitchen, it was his mom walking in.

"Oh, sorry if I woke you, Luc didn't have any washed cups, so I just came up here."

"You didn't wake me, don't worry. Just couldn't sleep."

"Me too, so... How was your day mom?"

"It was alright..." Scratching behind her ear, while yawning.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was that all about earlier? You made the phone call seem like it was extremely important and didn't want us to hear."

"Oh... Well if you really want to know..."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want too, just a little curious." Swaying my tail side to side, while taking a few drinks from the cup

"Well, I'm going to tell you anyway now... Me and Luc's father are working for the government. Well, we sort of help put the bad guys away."

"So, like cops?"

"More... Like, bounty hunters."

"So, why would you want to hide that from your son?"

"So he wouldn't get the wrong idea or anything."

"I see, so what's it like?" Tilting my head a bit to the side.

"It has it's moments..."

"Well, I won't tell Luc if you don't want me too, but I hope your being careful while on your missions."

"Safe as can be, and thanks."

"Well, I'm gonna go back to bed mom, have a good night." Giving her a hug before going back downstairs.

Walking down back to the couch to find the canine still deep in his sleep, picking him up and carrying him to the bedroom, laying him down on the bed and laying beside him, surprised to my strength, giggling softly and covering us up in the blankets. Yawning still unable to fall asleep. Laying there for the rest of the night, just staring at the ceiling. Hours pass and the sun finally starts rising and shining threw Luc's window again, sitting up slowly and looking over at Luc to see him still asleep. Getting out of bed and walking into Luc's bathroom, turning on the lights and turning on his stand up shower, waiting till it get's to the temperature of my liking, then taking off my shirt and underwear, stepping inside the shower. Leaning my head back as the water washes any stress and any soreness. Beginning to wash my head fur as I hear the door open and close, smelling the familiar scent of the doberman walk in. Thinking he was going to have a shower with me, smiling brightly.

"Good morning handsome." peeking my head out of the shower.

"Oh, morning, I'm not gonna have a shower, just gonna wash my face up. Get off all the grogginess, I'm feeling a little grumpy."

"That's fine, I'm almost done showering anyway. Didn't sleep well...?"

"I guess, I dunno. I'm just all around morning grumpy. I'm gonna go watch the news."

Feeling slightly disappointed, quickly finishing showering. Getting out and drying off my fur. Going up to the mirror and shaking off any excess wetness before walking out and sitting beside the dog. Still wrapped up in a towel, sitting down beside him.

"Have any bad dreams or something?"

"Just a little sore from falling asleep on the couch."

"Ah, I see. Well. I'm going to go home soon, gotta go do my laundry and things. You have homework anyway." Leaning my head on his shoulder.


"So, do you think they suspect anything?" As Agent 354 says, leaning against the table.

"Well, I told the partial truth to Neon." Taking a sip from a coffee mug

"Well, glad you did Agent 257" Smirking while walking over to the cupboard to grab a cup to pour a cup of coffee.

"Yup. Soon enough though, they'll find out. They're smart boys. We raised them well."

257 throws down file papers onto the table, looking them over quickly before handing them over to 354. As he takes a few sips from his cup, looking back at the other canine.

"Should be an easy one hey Justice?" Grinning again and tilting his head as if he was reminding someone of a forgotten nickname.

"Yep, interns work...*looks back up at him* Fury." Reminding him of his old nickname.

"Well, I'm going back to my dads house. I'll see you on Monday."

"Alright then, see ya. Love you."

"Love you too." Kissing him softly before opening the door and walking out.