Where We Part Ways

Story by Isaac Cahn on SoFurry

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#27 of Writing group challenges

Hello, been a while since I posted any writing. I am sorry about that.

this weeks prompt: When an alliance of convenience came to an end

I was never a party person. Never really had a thing for them or interest in celebrating things, even when the celebrating was justified like tonight. All around me, soldiers and mercenaries party like crazy and make merriment, even saw a few walk away for some privacy.

Two years ago, the demons invaded our world. Monstrous creatures from hell itself attempt to rule all of us. It was so bad it even prompted the countries, who before were at war with each other, to put aside their differences and make an alliance for survival. And now, we have just sealed the last gate to hell and destroyed the last instrument that could open the gates again. If that wasn't a cause for celebrating, I don't know what is.

I was at the edge of the camp, hiding among the trees and bushes away from the others, taking sips of the beer that was shoved in my hands earlier. I looked up in the sky and contemplate what the future holds for us now. With no common enemy to fight, what will happen to all these people? We might party for a few more days, but the end result is that we will go our separate ways. Maybe it would be best to slip away before the sun comes up.

"Darius, there you are." a loud voice said directed at me. I hear Rodrege get close to me.

I don't turn to him and just keep my eyes on the stars, "oh hey, do you need something?"

"What do I need? It's a party man, I have been looking all over for you."

I turn to him and raised my eyebrow, "but why are you looking for me? Did D do something stupid again?"

"No, I just wanted to celebrate with you. I don't know that much about you so I thought now you might be more willing to talk now that we are at peace."

I let out a chuckle, "you just don't give up on that, do you? Why are you so interested in me, you have a crush or something?"

The panther laughs, "Hey, you are one of the few guys I don't know about, so what's wrong with trying to change that?"

"Nothing wrong with that, but I think you are forgetting something. I am Drusian and you are Calaean, there is no reason for us to know each other."

Rodrege looked sad at my comment, "come on, you know that doesn't matter here. We're comrades. We have just pushed back the demons together. Who cares about what country you are from or what religion you worship, we are brothers in arms and just secured peace for the world."

I feel a headache coming on but I try to not show it on my face. "Rodrege, I don't think you understand something. Our countries are at war. We might have joined the alliance against our common enemy, but I can tell you that once the dust settles, the war would start up again."

"Come on Darius, don't be like that. I am sure everything will be fine. Maybe the leaders are working on the treaty as we speak."

"I doubt it. This is an alliance of convenience and mutual interest, not one of goodwill. We might have pushed back the demon's invasion, but there is little reason to keep the alliance going at this point." I take a sip of my beer, "I can't imagine that our leaders just being buddy-buddy now just because the countries fought together for a couple of years."

Rodrege scowls at me, "Will you stop being a stick in the mud? Look around the camp, every country on the continent contributed soldiers and we are getting along just fine, even the generals are having a toast. Doesn't that mean our countries can too?"

"If that was all it took, we wouldn't have wars." I look back at the camp, "The people who started the wars are still in power and I far as I heard, they still are not on friendly terms with each other. They might have stopped the war for now, but without a more permanent solution, they would just immediately start fighting again."

Rodrege grabbed me by my collar, shaking me enough to drop my beer, "How the hell can you say such a thing with a straight face? Don't you feel anything besides bitter?"

"Trust me, I am not happy about it either but that is how the world works at the moment."

Rodrege shoved me to the ground, "so that's it then. We survive one war and just get thrust into another one. Today's allies are tomorrow's enemies then? Do you always see things so negatively? Have you ever thought about looking on the bright sides of things?"

I stood up, brushing the dirt and debris off me, "life made it a habit to pull the rug out from under me whenever I try and be hopeful about things, so I tend to expect the worse."

"So is that why you are hanging out back here instead of with the others, just so it would be easier to kill them when we are at war."

"Hell No! I am just not a party person. All the people dancing and stuff just puts me on edge. And besides, even if the war starts up, I won't be participating."

Rodrege's face loosen up a bit but he was still holding that scowl, "and why would that be?"

"Simple, once we reach the capital, I am leaving the army."

"What?" Rodrege looked more than a bit puzzled by my answer. "Why are you leaving the army?"

"Why? Because it's time to move on. I have enough money to get into the apprenticeship I wanted. The only reason I stuck with the army this long was that the demons were still invading and the army didn't want any soldiers to leave. Now the dust settles, I can pretty much just leave the second we get home." I pick up the glass and wiped it down with my shirt, "i am not going to stab a former ally in the back."


Once the cup was clean, I turned to Rodrege, "well, it might be time for me to leave. Sorry to ruin your mood." I turn to leave but yelled back, "hey, if you are right and we don't go to war, come find me, I'll be sure to at least make you something for being wrong."