Subject #5: Part 3

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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#3 of Subject #5

Subject # 5

The night was filled with confusion in Fives' mind. She felt a presence that she had never felt before. It wasn't exactly like her, the body was but this mind wasn't. It seemed to be too faint, and yet it was the most powerful thing out there. The mind was that of her ancestor's carnal instinct using only scents and sights. It wasn't exactly aware but it briefly touched her mind. The powerful urges woke her up from her own deep slumber. She screams as she wakes up and the connection broken she forgets it all.

Walking out of the room to the right of me I heard Lauren say, "Damn you are going to wake the entire dorm except for Lark if you do that."

Looking in Laurens general direction I said, "Sorry that has never happened to me in my entire life."

Sitting down on the couch she said, "It's alright, you're bound to have nightmares," shaking her head she gestured in the direction of Lark's room and continued, "That girl, nothing will wake her normally but if you walk in with anything that could be used as a weapon she's up and out of the bedroom before you're a fool in the room."

I didn't know if that was true, but I assumed it was. This feeling I felt though it wasn't a dream it was real, "I have never had a nightmare, and this was no nightmare this was some sort of being that has no normal thought."

Thinking on it Lauren said, "If you've had your delta brainwaves messed with then others like you could interfere with yours, you would be able to communicate with them on a lower level of your brain, you're no doubt difficult to take down in combat, but someone who doesn't have anything but their instincts wouldn't stop at pain going through their body."

Opening the door Lark said, "You two are up before me, that's a surprise, why are you two up at 5 am?"

Looking over to her I said, "There was something of power released recently and its pure carnal instinct woke me up, I was literally terrified. I have felt the other four they have worries and fears, but this just wanted to kill to feed."

Nodding Lark said "Lauren, you've got psychology training right, I know that's usually my thing but I've have an hour before work starts, I really wish I could stay and help."

Nodding Lauren said "Go get ready for work sweety, I can handle this, we may not be here when you get home, I want to see if I can stop this from happening again."

"You can't. I feel presences around me and while this presence isn't near it is certainly making an impression that is too great to be quite over long distances," I replied flatly angered they thought it was a dream, "I know you were dreaming about being in a savanna hunting the antelope there back when our ancestors ruled the world on four paws."

Nodding she said "Yeah, I was, and let me guess, Lark wasn't dreaming anything that you could sense, right."

"No dreams just one emotion worry," I replied, "do you think I'm crazy?"

Shaking her head Lauren said "No, not precisely, but we can stop your delta wave reception, it won't affect your delta waves but you won't receive our dreams when this happens. A large part of what I'm worried about is that delta waves help people get along, by receiving the delta waves of others that were trained like you you'll become more like them, more likely to kill, you'll conquer it like you did in the facility and when you met lark, but you're likely to kill everyone around you during the time you're under the effect, they probably separated you for the fact that you would be closer to each other mentally and physically."

"Can we just get some breakfast, and turn the TV on; I asked not wanting to consider that option. It would rob me of who I am, and the reason was so we wouldn't be able to rely on each other.

Grabbing the remote on the way by Lark turned on the news before doing half a dozen things at the same time in the kitchen.

On the TV it said_"We have declared war on a country called Rarik for unknown reasons, my crew and I have been sent here on short notice to film what is happening. There is an unknown fur proceeding through the town and destroying things, it must have an arsenal with it because there is an awful lot of noise coming from there._ We can see it through the smoke now. It is massive; it appears to be some sort of sloth, almost like the ancient ground sloths that died so long ago. The soldiers near us are using everything they can find; one of them even has a Gatling gun. They are using everything and it isn't slowing, it seems to be speeding up with the smell of blood from a stray bullet. Ouch, that looks like it hurt, someone set up a land mine and it just went off. No, the creature is still continuing forward, someone has found a rocket launcher to take out a tank, this is certainly the end. No, nothing beyond a small fire on his fur that he patted out with a hand we couldn't see. He's feet from the soldiers now, no wait; he's cut through them already, moving from target to target with stunning speed. He isn't stopping, oh god, he's turning towards us, run Bill, RU..." the reporter was cut in half in an instant and then he stepped on the camera ending the live feed...

"That's what I felt that thing," I replied, "That I am afraid is number 6."

Walking over to the fridge Lauren grabbed a bottle of what was apparently Tequila. Downing half of it in one go she then said "Ok, now I'm certain, they're creating the ultimate warrior by destroying the sanity in #6 there, you're possibly able to defeat it because you don't work on just instinct , the problem of course is that you have to live long enough to find the flaw in his movements."

"When they first created him there was no sanity, he kept his urges over a million years. They just brought it back," I told her.

Putting the bottle back she said "Same difference in the end, a destroyer that feeds on pain and doesn't feel it. Now do you want me to see about getting those connections to stop or sign you up for school?"

"Those connections are part of me if you stop them I will be just like them a cold hard shell. Just enroll me in school they will do quite a number of tests it might take years, and the other four will have to be there to take it down if they lose control over it," I responded.

Sighing she said "Those connections aren't part of you originally, they were added, we can just stop the connection by giving you a pair of earrings or something of the like."

"Look if you interfere with these I won't know exactly what they are planning and at the time this," pointing at the TV I explained, "was happening it was just feeling its thoughts in extremes that usually never happens and one is almost exactly like that thing."

Shrugging she said "Go take a shower, I'll help you put on your makeup, then we'll go sign you up for school during this afternoon since Lark asked for it off."

Waving me on Lauren spent the next hour instructing me on proper care of my fur and hair in the shower and then on how to put on makeup properly. After that I actually went through and did what she said, the makeup was harder than I thought it would be and she fixed up several things. After that she handed me a picture ID thing. From there she dragged me to the car and ran down everything that she thought I would need to know, Seeing Lark she waved her over and Lark went through another list of things while Lauren began driving, this one seemed more reasonable.

On the way there I couldn't help but ask, "Think they will think I'm a freak? Looking like I do."

Shrugging Lark said "They had me slotted as a guy until the nurse confirmed I wasn't, everyone who had seen the schedule before that just laughed at the school being so wrong. It's all about how you treat the situation, if you treat it like it's nothing to worry about then everyone else will treat it the same."

After Lark finished Lauren said "She's mostly right, just, try not to make everyone else feel like too much of an idiot, I had a hard enough time of it going into high school at 10, you at least are the same age as them so it won't be as bad in that respect, but they'll get offended by you being so much smarter."

Arguing Lark said "Lauren, for once shut up, yes she's smart, she's extremely smart, brilliant even, but she can get over that if she makes friends too." Turning to me she said "Listen, find someone today who strikes you as they might be interesting in some way, even if they don't pan out as a friend it's a step forward, they might help you see what you really want in a friend, just find a way to enjoy your high school experience and have friends the whole way."

After Lark said that, we arrived at the school. I was still skeptical but I was going to just fine. I met the principal and my guidance councilor. I didn't like either of them. Something seemed a little off about. When I was done getting my classes set up I was taken to my first class AP Micro-biology. I found it to be quite boring considering I knew most of the information. My next class, AP Astrology, was much more interesting. I noticed a snow leopard that looked like those guy's at the base who were total meat heads. The last period was study hall and I didn't have anything else to do because I completed all of my homework within half an hour of starting. So I went to the library, and I saw that jock again I didn't pay much attention to him. I checked out some of the most advanced books they had. One was on modern day dating relationships. Considering I knew absolutely knew nothing about them. I was waiting to be picked up by Lauren, when that guy came by and stood there waiting. Then Lauren came up and walked over to me.

"Hey hon how was your first day at school," she asked.

"It was ok I guess...," I stopped as the snow leopard approached.

"Hello, Lauren I was hoping I'd get to see you again," he said.

"Oh, hi Alexander, Have you met my adoptive daughter. She just started here today," she said.

"I think I have, you're in AP Astrology right," he asked.

"Yeah I am, and you must be the hockey player," I said.

"That's me, left wing position, and team captain," he said bragging, I however was unimpressed.

"Oh, yippee for you I'm sure you don't work for your astounding grades. Ask yourself this quandary why do you think of yourself as superior," I said.

"Why don't you go out with me and find out," he said.

He seemed generally sincere. I think he was also slightly attracted to me. I also noticed he was quite handsome. His tall strong physique, chiseled good looks, and he seemed rather smart. So I said ok. Lauren was really shocked and told me a few tips that would be useful. I was kinda shocked myself. I was just hoping it would be easier than it sounded.