Love Unkown Chapter one Yumiko's discovery

Story by Yumiko on SoFurry

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#1 of Love Unkown

Deep in her thicket the young Therian leopardess sat scared and now alone, with her tribe gone. She cried, her heart heavy, weeping for her lost family. After seeing the devastation of her tribe obliterated and finding herself the only survivor; she starts out in search of others like herself. She vows to never forget her tribe or their ways.

Young Yumiko, barely sixteen, sets off on her own. Yumiko has light blue lightly covering fur, soft blue hair with silver tips, showing her uniqueness all the more. Her attire despite her rank in the tribe a simple buck skin bra like top and a knee length wrap that tied at her waist.

Yumiko performed the rite for those that have parted. With a heavy heart, she sighs softly lifting her head up beginning her journey after softly saying "May you find rest and peace with the eternal Mother." She wanders carrying only a bed roll and a sack of her favored belongings; a childhood doll, a crown, change of clothes, and her cook ware to save the kills she makes along the way as well as cook it up to eat. Her eyes alert, soft sapphire in color, as she takes in the trees, flowers, and the little details; like fox holes, ant hills, and dens; making a mental map so she may always return to her natural home. In search of somewhere to feel at home, maybe even another tribe to take her in if they would. Still adjusting to her heightened senses she smiles and purrs knowing that someday she may get her revenge on what killed her tribe while they slept.

Staying close to the ground she runs through the open meadow hoping not to get spotted by whatever tore her clan to its death. She stops by a large rock. Feeling hungry she looks about spotting some gazelle unaware of her presence. Elegantly she leaps at the unexpecting gazelle claws out jaws open she grips it biting it in a feralistic manner bringing the gazelle to the ground. She rips through it with both jaws and claws bringing the startled gazelle to its death. Yumiko blinks, astonished, having never had to hunt for her own meat before, takes a moment to reflect. Slowly she rises to her feet carrying the small gazelle to a glad.

In the glade she starts a small fire, unravels her bedroll, unsachels her pack and pulls out her carving knife. Using her carving knife she carefully starts to tear the soft gazelles pelt from its body, being careful not to damage it so she could make herself a lighter outfit for the spring and summer seasons. She smiles extracting its teeth and carefully removes it meat setting it aside. She takes part of its bones and scatters it around her camp to ward of the night stalkers and keeps a part of them to form new tools and jewelry from.

She makes a roaster and stabs it through with a skewered setting it on her homemade roaster over her small camp fire starting her meal that she bested herself.

Proud of herself she slowly turns the meat letting it cook evenly. When it was done she slowly eats it packing what she didn't eat by drying it over the fire turning it into gazelle jerky and then stores it into her pack. She looks up at the rising moon and sighs, wondering if she'll ever find the new way of life suitable. Being forced to be alone, she lets out a peaceful longing roar, hoping expecting some sort of response. She listens, hearing nothing in return. With a heavy heart she slips into her sleeping roll, a single tear trickles down her cheek before she lays her head down. She drifts into a sleepless sleep. Vivid images plague her thoughts with every moment she dreams. Pictures of her feral side roaming seeing its kindred chased down hunted, slaughtered as it was but a cub. Images of her therian tribe lifeless upon what was supposed to be a joyous return. Keeping her ears alert she rests, crying to herself of all the horrific scenes in her mind. She tries to look to the future alone and feeling bleak. She drifts deeper to sleep; the images running thru her mind turn peaceful. Her feral side running through amber fields in the soft fall leaves that coat the ground. She had found a male, had cubs. The male having disappeared one day. She had hoped it was to a therian and not a hunter only weeks before their cubs now old enough to survive without them had moved to dens of their own and then she herself binds to this young therian hoping to help her.