Greener Pastures, Part Six: Start of Term/Samantha the Bat, Part 1

Story by Darkvampire95 on SoFurry

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#6 of Greener Pastures Series

Here I am with part six out now. I had meant for this to be done a couple of days ago, but with the way my weekend went it wasn't in the cards for me.

Hopefully the slight attention this series is getting is well received. It's nice to write something that isn't a major thing for me, even if I am starting to get more into this series than I had originally thought.

Anyways, happy reading all.

I yawned again for what felt like the fourth time that morning. It was just past 9:00 AM, and Eddie and I were in the food court that was off the side and back of the café that was in the main campus building.

"Dude, gef a gwip," Eddie's mouthful of bacon had me looking at me.

"Huh?" I narrowed my eyes at him even though i understood him.

Eddie swallowed then, and said,

"Get a grip," as he stabbed another chunk of egg with a plastic fork.

I snort laughed at him then, shuffling my feet that were up on the other side of the table from Eddie. If he wanted to he could have stabbed my foot with his fork, though the appeal of the breakfast food in front of my best friend was a good motivator to leave me alone. Reaching forward then I picked up the other half of my burrito I'd started eating, and took a large bite.

"What," Eddie paused to swallow, "class got tonight... Pttttfff!" Eddie blew a raspberry as his words didn't make sense.

I raised an eyebrow at him then, and he sighed.

"Class. You. Have. What, fuck!" he put his head down the table then.

I laughed at him then as I put a paw over my mouth. I swallowed then, coughing slightly to avoid choking on my food. As I swallowed, Eddie picked his head up from the table, and looked at me with a glare.

"What," he spoke carefully, "class do you have tonight."

"I forgot his name, but it's at 9:00," I was smiling at Eddie, "now that I say that out loud it sounds insane to take a Sunday class."

"Mm yeah," Eddie held out a finger, starting to count, "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday classes bro. Get with it."

"What is this "it" I'm getting with?" I asked, "is he cute?"

Eddie snorted at me as he picked up a piece of bacon, and I said,

"You really should have taken that Saturday class with me. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Real men take classes on the weekends. Makes you look cool," I was nodding.

As I kept nodding my head motion faltered some, and I sniffed the air. I smelled metal for a second, and as I looked at Eddie I saw the bacon in his hand was only touching his lips, not having made it to his mouth yet. His eyes were fixated on something, and as I turned my head I quickly saw what Eddie was seeing.

A fox had cut their paw, and was pressing a napkin onto the cut, just above their wrist. I licked my lips then, the burrito in my paw seeming far less appetizing all of a sudden.

I blinked then, and as I kept smelling the drops of blood that were blooming onto the napkin the fox had, I saw someone walking through the café. A collie, and one that I knew well. Janny was walking past the fox who had cut her arm, and as I was looking at Janny, I moved my free paw behind me. I dropped it down onto the table, slamming it louder than I would have liked to.

Whipping around in my seat I looked at my burrito, and took a bite to distract myself. Janny's appearance had been very good timing, and I looked at Eddie. The wolf was eating his bacon now, a hungrier look than before in his eyes.

"I almost got up," I muttered to him.

Eddie only growled then, and I watched his nose sniff.

"Chill out," I said to his eyes, "that's Janny. The other one."

"She's walking with Sam," Eddie looked at me then.

As I raised an eyebrow at him, Eddie only nodded behind me. As I turned to look, I let my eyes glaze past the fox, who was looking more carefully at her wound now. Janny was coming up to Eddie and myself now, a smile on her face as she looked at me. Walking next to her was a brown bat, the one I had seen walking with the trio of foxes the first day Eddie and I had gotten to campus. As I looked at her for another second, she was also the same bat that Eddie had feed on the following night.

As Janny was pulling out a chair to sit next to me, Sam walked behind Eddie, stopping behind him to rest a paw on his head. Sam traced a few fingers through Eddie's hair then, and I watched the wolfs eyes dilate, getting wider inside their gold irises.

Janny reached a paw out to me then, tracing a finger over the back of my neck. I allowed myself to chuckle lightly then, and smelled coffee a second before Janny was pushing it over in front of me. I turned my head to look at her, and took in her tired eyes and hair that was pulled into a messy bun.

"You look tired girl," I said as I leaned back in my chair some.

"I was trying to find this shirt specifically for the color," Janny admitted, plucking at the dark red top she wore, "I also didn't get to sleep until it was almost two in the morning."

"It looks good," I said to my coffee.

"Oh, I left it black man," Janny waved a paw at the coffee, "no clue how you like it."

"I meant your shirt," I looked at Janny again, smiling slyly at her.

"Thanks," Janny smiled back at me in what seemed an almost shy way.

"You sleep enough?" Sam asked Eddie.

"Yeah, sort of," Eddie nodded with another piece of bacon in his paw, "kicked the blanket off cause I woke up in a sweat at one point..."

I picked up my coffee then, and as I put it to my lips and took a drink it was bitter, and needed a desperate dose of sugar and creamer both. I was swallowing, then I heard a voice in my head. Specifically Eddie's who had decided this was a good time to telepathically talk to me.

_I want to turn Sam _Eddie's voice said.

I choked on my coffee as his words rang in my head like a gong. I spit out the coffee on the table, making Janny, Eddie, and Sam all lean back to avoid getting sprayed.

"Hot!" I put my tongue out of my mouth, "sorry! Hot."

As I took a breath I stood up, and looked at Eddie.

"So, you guys know each other?" I looked at Sam and Janny.

"Uh, roommate," Sam gestured to Janny, pulling out napkins from a dispenser to clean up the coffee I'm spit out.

"Awesome," I huffed, nodding, "Eddie, you wanna come help me make my coffee?"

Eddie was moving himself out of his seat almost immediately, his tail looking limp as he went around the table. We began to step away, and I heard Janny ask Sam about what she was going to school for.

"Oh, like hair stylist type stuff. I don't know why I'm so obsessed with how my hair looks..."

Eddie and I were walking away from the table then, and as I swallowed I asked him in a low voice,

"Tell me I misheard you bro."

"Nope," Eddie's voice was confident, "I think I'm falling for her already. It's been like three days, Nick. Can that even happen like that?"

"Love at first sight type of shit? It totally can," I nodded.

As I was walking back into the café proper then, I stopped at the coffee stand inside and started to fix my coffee more to my taste. Creamer first, then sugar. I picked up a spoon to stir as I was pouring in sugar, then looked at Eddie.

"I've never seen a new vampire," I said, unable to hide the note of interest in my voice.

"I just..." Eddie paused, turning back to look at where Sam and Janny sat, "I can't shake this feeling. Like I wanted her to be one _already _you know what I mean?"

"Like not a..." I paused to search for the word, "well not normal, I guess?"

"Yeah," Eddie was nodding, "so, what do you think?"

He was persistent, I had to give Eddie that. I looked up at him, my coffee much more drinkable now, and looked at his eyes. I had known Eddie almost my whole life, and knew when he really wanted something. His eyes had a certain gleam to them, and as I kept looking at him, I could tell this was one of those times.

I sufficed to click my tongue then, and Eddie and I stepped away from the coffee stand. I raised the thick paper cup to take a drink, and exhaled steam as the sweet, light brown caffeine graced my lips. I swallowed another light drink, feeling Eddie's eyes watching me.

"I think you know what your doing," I said then, "you and I have been at this for the last six, almost seven years. We've seen a lot. We're not experts by a long shot, but..." I paused to lick my lips, "if it's what you want I won't take that away from you."

"I only told you because we're best friends. Brothers practically," Eddie said, "your like my best man for vampire stuff."

I let myself laugh then, as Eddie and I were walking back up to where Janny and Sam sat. Janny had turned in her seat, and Sam was weaving her fingers through Janny's hair, twisting and turning Janny's long, brown hair into an intricate looking braid. A mess of napkins were sitting on an empty plate on the table, soaked with the spitting-coffee mess I'd made.

"Sorry about that," I said sitting back down.

"All goood," Janny's voice was distant, one of her eyes closed, "she's like, really good at this Nick," she pointed a thumb at Sam.

"Everyone's good at something, right?" Eddie said as he sat back down.

After Sam had finished braiding Janny's hair, Sam looked at Janny, then jerked her head at Eddie. I watched the little exchange as I was drinking my coffee, my other paw rubbing Janny's feet as they rested in my lap.

"Oh, yeah so Sam wanted to check out the pool!" Janny blurted out.

"Dude!" Sam held up a paw.

"What, you did!" Janny said.

Sam rolled her eyes then, moving her head to lay in on Eddie's shoulder.

"I'm game for the water," Eddie said, putting an arm around Sam's shoulders, "when did you guys wanna go?"

"Uh," Janny looked at Sam, who only shrugged, "like in an hour maybe?"

"Fuck are we doing in an hour?" Eddie looked at me.

I only took a drink of my coffee, shrugging as I shook my head.

"Going," I paused to lick my lips, "to check out the pool by the sound of it."

Now Janny giggled at me, wiggling her feet in my lap. I'll admit, going to the pool house in the middle of winter was an odd idea, but I was game for it. My honest plan had been to go back to the dorm and sleep, but I had the rest of the day to sleep. Well, until around 8:00 before I had class.

"You got class tonight?" I looked at Janny.

"Yeah, at nine, same as you right?" she asked me.

"I thought we had Engles together?" I asked her my own question.

Janny closed one eye then, but held up a paw and blew a raspberry at me. She moved a paw to reach into the brown coat she had worn to our study-session turned fuck-session at the library, and looked at her schedule.

"Uh huh," Janny tossed the paper in front of me, smiling, "told you so."

"What?" I looked at her with disbelief on my face, "you didn't... fuck it," I rolled my eyes as I glanced at Janny's schedule.

Janny and I did in fact have class tonight together at 9, and as I pushed her schedule back over to her I smiled at her.

"Good thing I can't get enough of seeing you," I said to the collie.

Janny's cheeks turned red immediately and she wiggled her toes in my lap, giggling.

"God you guys are cute," Sam said from Eddie's shoulder.

"No more so than us," Eddie said as he planted a kiss on Sam's forehead.

The bat smiled then, pushing her face into Eddie's shoulder to had the blush I didn't think I'd see, thanks to her darker brown fur.

When Eddie and I had finished eating, the four of us got up, leaving the café to amble from there to the courtyard. We walked a few feet, then I paused to ask Janny if she still wanted to check out a book from the library. She looked at me, confusion gracing her face, but I only winked at her. Eddie and Sam were a few feet ahead, Eddie with his arm around Sam's shoulders.

"Oh, right," Janny nodded to me, "hey, we'll catch you guys at the pool in a little bit. Nick had to hide a book for me so I could check it out today."

Eddie was still walking as Janny spoke, but said,

"That's... ok guys, sure," he held up a paw, turning to look at me.

I nodded at him, and as Eddie nodded back to me he pulled Sam closer to him, making the bat giggle. Sam had her arms around Eddie's middle, holding onto the wolf as they were walking down the short steps.

Janny and I walked from the courtyard to the library, but as we got closer I reached out to take her paw, and pulled her off to the side. We walked around the library, and as we were along the side of it I paused, stopping Janny and leaning up against the side of the library. I looked around a second, making sure nobody else was going to be close enough to hear us. I looked back at Janny then, and licked my lips.

"It's a lot easier to check out a book if you go inside you know," Janny said to me.

I smiled at her as I put a paw into my pants pocket, gazing at the collie

"Eddie told me something, uh like with his mind," I reached up to touch my temple.

Janny's eyes widened some as she folded her arms over her chest.

"That's pretty cool, I didn't know we could do that," she said.

"I don't know if all..." I paused, turning my head to look around, "if all vampires can," I said with a quieter voice.

"So what did he tell you?" Janny asked.

"He wants to turn Sam," I said plainly then.

Now Janny's eyes widened again, and she moved one paw to her mouth to nibble at one of her nails. I guess I wasn't the only vampire on campus with a nervous habit.

"What do you guys know about that?" Janny asked.

"Uh..." I clicked my tongue then, "not much, I'll admit."

Janny nodded to me then. She was still biting at her nail, and I reached up a paw to take hers, making her stop mid bite.

"Sorry," she wiggled her fingers, "habit."

"I get it," I nodded to her, "but I only told you this because Eddie and I are really close. We were turned at the same time at the same age."

"Right," Janny nodded, "I mean he's like allowed to, if that makes sense. Nothings preventing him from turning Sam, but he'll have to be the one to be responsible for her getting used to the changes. Keeping her blood lust under control, making sure she feeds at a regular interval like the three of us do. Things like that."

"I feel like Eddie can handle that," I said.

Janny nodded to me then, and smiled. As I smiled back at her I let go of the paw she'd been nail biting, and leaned in to kiss her. Janny moved her head to kiss me back, and put a paw to my cheek, her lips soft and warm. We stayed like that a moment, locked in a gentle kiss on the side of the library, the grey overhead clouds keeping us safe from the sunlight.

Janny moaned softly then, resting her other paw on my hip as we continued to kiss. I put both of my paws on her hips, pulling her closer. My face was hot, and as Janny gasped we broke apart. The collie panted lightly, her lips quivering.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, "but If I keep going we'll to get kick out for public indecency or whatever."

I smiled at Janny then, feeling my cock pressing against my waistband in my pants. I was very hard, and I swallowed before resting my forehead on Janny's, smelling her scent. It was like honey, which I normally disliked as a smell. Something about smelling it on Janny made it so good though.

Janny cleared her throat then, and leaned in close to me. She let her lips touch mine, then she moved her lips to my ear. He tongue touched my ear, licking me. I swallowed then, gripping her sides tighter.

"Your making it hard for me to keep my cock in my pants," I whispered to her then.

Janny only giggled before she gently bit my ear, tugging at it. I closed my eyes, rubbing her sides up and down gently.

"Can I see you tonight?" Janny asked my ear.

"Yes," I said immediately, my eyes shut, "when?"

"As soon as the suns down," Janny was still whispering, "we can go hunting together, if you'd like that."

I bite my teeth then, pulling Janny's sides and making the collie press against me. I moved my head to look at her, then moved my mouth to her neck. I licked the soft fur then, and Janny took my neck in her paws, gently touching me.

"I'll take that as a yes," Janny said.

I moved my face away from Janny's neck then, and leaned my head against the library wall. Janny held my neck still, gazing at me. She blinked, her soft, brown eyes shining with a light that I could have gotten lost in.

"We need to get moving," I cocked my head to the left, "pool house and what not."

"Right!" Janny nodded then, giggling, "my bad."

"Never apologize," I laughed with her.

Moving from the side of the library then, I took Janny's paw and we walked back around the library to the main campus. Overhead, the clouds shifted in a way that threw a ray of sunlight ahead of Janny and I. I stepped to the side then, Janny pulling at my paw as she went under my arm. We danced away from the light, like a pair of young college fools in love. Maybe that's what we were.

I sighed at the sunlight, watching it fade as a cloud overtook the sky once more, bringing the gloomy over tone back. I looked at Janny, then squeezed her paw as we walked. I asked her if we needed to split up to change into a bathing suit for the pool, but Janny shook her head.

"Sam just wants to roam around the campus," Janny said, "She's got a naturally free spirit about her. I can sort of see why Eddie likes her."

"It's sort of out of character for him really," I said, "He's a ladies man, always after the girls. I've never seen him get attached to someone like this before. Even before we were... different."

Janny was rubbing a finger on the back of my paw as I talked, and before long we were at the dorms. Janny mentioned something about changing, and I said I'd wait for her outside. She smiled at me, raising my paw the kiss the back of it. I blushed at her as she let my paw go, walking away to the girls dorm.

Watching her go, Janny's tail swishing happily behind her legs, I put my paws into my coat pockets. I looked at myself a minute, taking in my t-shirt, black jeans and my shorter dark gray coat with the hood. _Nah, your good _my brain told me. I sufficed to nod to myself then, and moved myself from where I was ambling about and headed closer to the parking lot, thinking I'd have enough time to get a smoke in before Janny came back from changing. Time was, if you think about it, something I had in indefinite amount of.