Forbidden Love: Discovery

Story by Dani Drake on SoFurry

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#1 of Forbidden Love (commission)

Paiwa's father asks him to set his younger brother straight on how to please a mare.

(Commission for DreamGod that will likely turn into an ongoing series.)

Supple, bouncing flesh glistened in the summer sun, accompanied by the melodic sounds of giggling feminine voices. Paiwa rustled the bushes as he leaned forward to get a closer look, his eyes widening as Roha, his lifelong crush, settled down on the riverbank. Other females faded into the background like fog on the wind as he reveled in her beauty. Slowly peeling her loincloth back and revealing her glistening sex, she bared her entirety for him as though she knew he was watching, silently begging for his attention- his touch. Perfect breasts caught the light, their auburn fur highlighting pink nipples in an intensely erotic display that couldn't compare to her usual quiet, withdrawn beauty.

Stiffness pulsed through Paiwa's shaft, threatening to burst through his loincloth and flaring his equine cock. Paiwa couldn't believe his luck. When he snuck into the women's bathing area, he usually had to make do with the pendulous udders and bushy sexes of older mares to fuel his feverish stroking rather than the reddish brown goddess of his dreams. He swore that if he just focused, he could smell her sweet scent in the air, like honeysuckle and roses mixed with an undercurrent of sweet musk.

As Paiwa lowered his hand to his aching cock, he felt a tug on his braided mane that pulled him from his hideaway. Disapproving brown eyes stared back at him from his father's face, and he dangled in one massive paw, his erection bared to the world. Thankfully, his arousal was already wilting, but that did nothing to ease his embarrassment, and he clasped his hands over the tented leather.

"Paiwa, we've discussed this before. If you wish to bed a mare, you need to become a man in the eyes of the tribe. Spend half as much time hunting with your brother as ogling the mares, and you'll have your pick of wives." With a long-suffering sigh, the chieftain released Paiwa's mane, letting him fall to the ground. Shame was written plainly on his jet-black muzzle, and disappointment furrowed his brow.

Father never failed to make the small-framed horse feel like a chastised child, and there was nothing that Paiwa resented more than being thrown around like a foal. Paiwa performed horribly at his manhood ritual twice now, but that didn't make him anything less than his peers. He was a late-bloomer. He'd heard tales of men in their twenties going through growth spurts and becoming celebrated hunters with newfound strength, and there was no reason that his form couldn't follow suit.

Father continued, rubbing the bridge of his nose with two fingers. "I suppose you have one talent I should use to the tribe's advantage. You're familiar with the mechanics of mating, I assume? With how often I catch you wasting your seed, it's clear that you understand." Continuing with another sigh, the grey-muzzled black horse crooked his head toward their cluster of tents. "Koro will choose a wife soon, and I'd like you to ensure he doesn't embarrass himself. I won't live forever, and a chieftain needs heirs."

Ah yes, father's favorite. Koro. The ebony foal followed Paiwa everywhere he went and begged to join in any games he and his friends created from the moment he could walk. Koro inherited their father's musculature and coloration instead of taking after their mother's red and white cloud patterning like Paiwa. From the moment he was born, Paiwa felt inferior, and his father's attention shifted to the younger male, forcing him to spend more time among the women rather than building the skills he needed to hunt with the rest of the men.

"Can't you explain? I had to figure things out myself, and I turned out fine." Paiwa dusted himself off and tossed his mane, brushing his fingers through silken strands and picking twigs from his braids. His tail showed his annoyance, whipping back and forth behind him as though killing flies. It wasn't that he hated his brother; he just hated the reminder that he wasn't half the man his father wanted him to be. Glancing at his brother's musculature was enough to send him into a self-pitying spiral.

"I've tried. I just-" The chieftain shifted uncomfortably. "Koro asks so many questions. I don't know how to answer him." Clearing his throat, he gripped Paiwa's shoulder and restored his fatherly attitude. "Look, do this favor for me, and I'll find a way to help you pass your manhood ritual. I hear that Roha's still unmarried, but how long do you think that will last?"

There it was, another dig at Paiwa's manhood. The insinuation that Roha would be claimed by another male long before Paiwa could prove himself boiled the young stallion's blood. The chief couldn't resist airing his failures on the few occasions they spoke, and even now, when he was asking for a favor, his awful needling was no different. Bile rose in Paiwa's throat, and he choked back a few choice words, taking a deep breath. "Fine. I'll teach him. At least he won't have to learn bits and pieces from his friends until someone else's father takes pity on him." Before the chieftain could answer, the irritated stallion stalked off, clenching his fists.

Paiwa knew he shouldn't be this angry. Father genuinely thought he knew best, and in his own fucked up way, he was trying to help Paiwa and Koro, but he couldn't help the feelings of inadequacy that the chieftain brought out in him. Nearly nineteen years of standing in his younger brother's shadow left him bitter, while his father's favoritism deepened his resentment, and now he could barely stand to be in their company for long. His mother used to smooth things over, but her untimely death left them no buffer.

"Pai!" An ebony blur nearly knocked Paiwa to the ground as he entered his tent, and crushing warmth surrounded his midsection. Koro's cheek pressed against his chest as his foal-like excitement shined despite his masculine, muscled build. "I haven't seen you in days! Where were you?" Truthfully, Paiwa avoided the younger man, but he didn't have the heart to tell him.

As always, the younger equine was clingy and overly affectionate. It was hard to remain angry in Koro's company, and Paiwa begrudgingly returned his affection, patting the shorter horse on the back. "I've been busy preparing for my next manhood ritual attempt." He lied, acutely aware of the sticky mess his denied manhood made of the inside of his loincloth and the dull ache in his balls. Fuck, why couldn't Father have interrupted him after he finished? What were the odds of seeing Roha nude again?

"You'll get it this time! I know it." Koro broke their embrace and grinned, stepping backward. His long untamed mane floated around his shoulders like a cloud of hair, and his muscled body, an almost perfect copy of their father's with only a hand's difference in height differentiating them, bulged in ways that Paiwa's never could. Paiwa's only victory was his height, standing at least a paw and a half above his sibling and father.

"Listen, Kor." Sitting cross-legged on the floor in the tent's center, Paiwa patted the space at his side. When his eager student sat, he continued. "Dad wants me to teach you how to please a mare. If you have any questions, I'll gladly answer them. He doesn't want you to embarrass yourself on your wedding night." The desire to add, 'And the old fart doesn't have the faintest clue how to be a father.' rose, but Paiwa tamped it down with a proverbial hoof. It wasn't Koro's fault that their father sucked.

"Really? I can ask anything?" Koro scratched at his chin, his blue eyes staring pensively into the distance. "How does it work? I mean, breeding. I know that mares have the, you know-" Koro held his hands in front of his chest, imitating a pair of tits. "-but I've never seen anything besides those." It seemed that he was more sheltered than Paiwa imagined. Father failed him more totally than Paiwa thought. Why was the idea somehow comforting? Father, the perfect paragon of manly virtue, fucking up like the rest of the mortals.

"Well, mares have this slot between their legs, and when they're ready for you, it's slick and welcoming. You slide your cock inside and sort of push until well, you know-" The older horse could see why their father was so flustered as he pantomimed cumming. Koro's rapt, glittering blue eyes and intent expression were intensely disarming, and he was leaning so far forward that he looked as if he would fall on his face. As if he was committing every word to memory, he placed both paws under his chin.

"How does it look? Is it like a sheath? How do they pee if they don't have a dick? What do those dangly chest things do? Have you ever bred a mare? Do mares poop?" Koro trailed off, and his eyes darted to the floor before a final question squeaked out. "What does it feel like?" His overexcited barrage of questions reminded Paiwa of their younger days, and the older horse knew that the only way to get his point across was to show the big oaf how things worked in a more hands-on way. Otherwise, Paiwa knew he'd be there, in Koro's tent, answering questions for a week straight.

"First, you have to romance them before you mate." Paiwa reached out in demonstration, letting his fingers press into Koro's pecs. An eyebrow raised as he took an experimental squeeze, marveling at the softness his digits encountered. Weren't muscles meant to be hard? Koro's chest felt closer to the pillowy softness of a mare's tits that Paiwa's friends described from experience. Shaking his head before he lost himself in the sensation, he continued, his throat dry and his stomach knotting. "Breasts are sensitive, so you don't want to grab them roughly. Take your time, massage them, and listen to what she likes."

As Paiwa's fingers moved over his pectorals, Koro's eyes clenched shut, and a strangled noise left his lips as Paiwa's fingers brushed over his nipples, his body jerking involuntarily to press his chest against Paiwa's grip. "I-I can see why they like this." He murmured before he realized what he was saying, and his eyes shot open, shame breaking through the pleasured, dopey look on his face. "After their chest, what's next?" Clearing his throat, Koro pointedly stared at the ceiling but didn't shy away from Paiwa's touch.

"Next, you both undress." Demonstrating with his loincloth, Paiwa tried to ignore the rush of blood to his manhood. Roha's beautiful thighs and the trim, well-groomed pussy between them flashed through his mind, and he quashed his sexual thoughts, wincing as his sheath peeled away from dried arousal still clinging to the soft leather. Maybe he should have finished himself off before he came here? An erection would be rather unwelcome right now.

Koro followed suit, unleashing a massive monster of a sheath and balls from his overburdened loincloth and staring expectantly at Paiwa. Another surge of inferiority blackened Paiwa's mindset at the appearance of that colossal mare-wrecker, and he tamped down the desire to leave. "Uh-huh, and then what?" Koro eagerly asked, seemingly unbothered by his nudity. His eager, boyish innocence thankfully distracted from his oversized manhood.

"Well, you-" Chewing at his lip pensively, Paiwa tried to think of a way to explain the mechanics of sex, rejecting each in turn. He could only think of a single method that wouldn't spawn a litany of new questions, but he hesitated. Wouldn't that sort of demonstration be taboo? They were brothers, so there wasn't a sexual component, but what would father say if he found them? Somehow, knowing his father would disapprove cemented the idea in his head, and he took a deep, shuddering breath. "Uh, lean back and spread your legs."

Without hesitation, Koro followed Paiwa's instructions, spreading himself before Paiwa's gaze and revealing a puffy equine pucker beneath his heavy balls. If Paiwa didn't know any better, he could easily mistake the expanse between his hole and his sack for a pussy, though it lacked the split lips and winking pearl. Even his ass looked inviting, clenching as he settled into place and pouting its untouched- Fuck, he really must be pent up if he was comparing Kor's manhood to Roha's sweet perfection. Koro was his brother, for fuck's sake. This explanation was for his benefit, not an opportunity to use him as a substitution for a mare.

Burying his mental image of Roha in this same position with her fingers buried deep inside herself, Paiwa took his place between Koro's legs. Reaching tentative fingers to the plump space below his balls and following the seam of skin connecting them to his hole, he cleared his throat. "T-This is where a mare's entrance is. Most prefer if you're gentle and warm them up with your fingers. The longer you spend fingering her, the wetter she'll be, and the easier mating will be."

Rubbing his fingers along the surprisingly soft expanse of leathery flesh, Paiwa couldn't resist the mental image of Roha squirming against his fingers. Pressing his fingers more insistently, he imagined moist petals opening for his digits and the sweet scent of feminine arousal cloying in the air. Would she moan for him? Could she squirt? His mouth watered, and he shook his head as a soft groan broke him from his fantasy, his fantasy woman replaced by Koro. With two fingers intently caressing his hole, having wandered lower to match Paiwa's fantasy, he stared inquisitively at Paiwa with his muscular legs held up by both paws. Paiwa snatched his fingers back as if they'd been burned, trying to ignore the silky softness they threatened to penetrate moments before.

"I-is it supposed to feel like this?" Tilting his head, Koro wiggled his upturned ass, his silken tail swishing softly beneath his flexing pucker. "Like a tingling in your sheath? It feels nice." Flesh made itself known from the depths of his sheath, spilling out to rest against his abs and revealing a cock that would terrify most mares. Innocent eyes stared up at Paiwa with an intense level of trust that somehow added to the wrongness Paiwa felt. Was he taking advantage of his sheltered brother? No, of course not. He was teaching him. It didn't matter that he was growing erect; that was just a natural reaction to the heat beneath his fingers and the images burned into his brain earlier that morning.

With his heart beating out of his chest, Paiwa couldn't resist pushing his boundaries further. The chieftain wanted him to teach Koro how to mate, so it made sense that he'd need to demonstrate. "Once she's wet and ready for you, then you lean over her and-" Letting his erection lead the way, Paiwa summoned his mental image of Roha's cunt, spread and dripping for him, and slotted his cock against her entrance, pushing his tip against soft, yielding flesh. "P-Push inside her."

Paiwa's experimental thrust failed to penetrate the phantom pussy, but his cock followed a pleasurable furrow along heated flesh until warmth surrounded either side of his shaft. If he closed his eyes, he could imagine that the body beneath him was a sweet, desperate mare begging for seeding, and the feeling on either side of his shaft was her pussy lips, aching and swollen. Sawing his cock over those ethereal lips, he swore he could feel them growing wet under his cock's underbelly.

"Pai? Are you sure this is how it works?" A panting, masculine voice broke the fantasy, and Roha's body shattered, replaced by Koro's upturned ass and panting face. Muscular thighs pressed together on either side of his shaft, and his cock was pulsing at full mast, grinding against Paiwa's and jerking with each thrust, a pearl of translucent arousal decorating its tip and rolling down his shaft. "I feel funny. Like I'll pee."

Shit. Paiwa had gone too far. He knew he should pull away, but Koro was so alluring and soft beneath his cock. Never before had Paiwa thought of the younger stallion in a situation like this, but his shaft surged its approval, fountaining drops of pre to slicken his grinding and glazing Koro's manhood with musky rain drops. Every thrust, every whispered sound of pleasure eroded his mental image of Roha and left behind his younger brother, ready and willing to satisfy him. Hips moving unbidden, he slid their shafts together, kissing their flared tips against each other and combining slippery trails of arousal.

"Pai, it's coming. I'm going-" Koro tensed below Paiwa's eager rutting, his dick stiffening to rocky hardness and painting his black fur with rope after rope of wasted seed. Deep moans filled the tent, threatening to expose their taboo, and Paiwa felt panic rising in his throat. If someone decided to check on one or both of them, they'd see the two brothers in a compromising position, and he could kiss his place within the tribe goodbye.

Thinking quickly, Paiwa captured Koro's lips with his own, muffling his orgasmic cries in a tentative oral embrace. Tongues dueled automatically, driven by instinct, and Koro's moans took on a wetter, though thankfully quieter tone. At first, his only goal was to quiet Koro's bellowing, but the softness against his maw and the sweet taste drew him in, and his tentative paws cradled Koro's face, his fingers tangling in the younger horse's ebony mane.

When Koro finally stopped squirming, his cock half hard in a puddle of wasted equine cream and sloppily drooling more, Paiwa broke their oral embrace, smearing his cock through gooey satisfaction and resting his paws on heaving pecs. Growing dread at his actions threatened to break through the intense need to finish himself off, but quivering lips and pretty blue eyes stared up at him with wonder.

"It feels like my body's on fire. Is it always- I mean-" Koro gathered his thoughts, relaxing into Paiwa and reaching out to touch Paiwa's flared tip. "Does it feel like that when you do it, too?" He tried to mimic their grinding with his palms, sending jolts of pleasure through Paiwa's shaft. An errant spurt of satisfaction glazed his fingertips, and he brought it to his nose, sniffing it curiously. To Paiwa's amazement, he licked at the cockslime tentatively, then cleaned his fingers with a slow lick as though he enjoyed the taste.

With the intensity of Koro's gentle teasing and the erotic sight of him so eagerly tasting Paiwa's fluids, the older stallion couldn't hold back, and his seed burst forth to rain down over the muscled horse beneath him in gooey spurts. Crystalline feelings unmatched by his paw spilling his seed drove him to paint Koro's dark fur in a mosaic of musk, and he barely held back an unmanly noise of pure satisfaction.

"Paiwa. Have you seen your brother yet? I've looked all over." Father's voice echoed behind the tent's flimsy leather opening, breaking through Paiwa's waning orgasm and sending tendrils of fear through his gut. Shit. His goal was to teach Koro how to bed a mare. If the chieftain saw Koro covered in cum, Paiwa would be beaten to within an inch of his life and thrown from the tribe. He had to say something before Koro found his voice and possibly ruined everything.

Thinking quickly, he pressed his finger to his lips and caught Koro's attention in a desperate bid to maintain his silence. "H-He said he was busy and that we'd talk later. Something about wanting to go hunting with his friends? I didn't want to disturb him." Paiwa lied through his teeth, trying to keep the arousal from his voice as Koro's fingers continued their slow, curious stroke, teasing his still rock-hard cock and threatening to draw another orgasm from his aching balls. Somehow, Koro's innocent exploration felt even better with the threat of being caught. He felt his balls boiling with the second volley of cream, ready to erupt over the younger stallion's already slick fur.

"Alright. Be sure to sit down with Koro once he returns." Turning on its heel, the shadow of the chieftain took a single step, then continued. "But please don't teach him your bad habits. I don't want to find HIM painting bushes with future heirs." Mercifully, with that final dig at Paiwa's character, the chieftain walked away, his footsteps receding into the distance.

Thrusting uncontrollably against inexperienced fingers, Paiwa lost himself in a rising intensity that threatened to consume him. His tail flicked from side to side at breakneck speed like a silken whip as he felt the telltale tightening of his stomach, and he had to bite his lower lip to prevent a guttural moan. Paiwa's orgasm boiled over once his father's footsteps faded into nothingness, shooting another thick layer of wasted seed to stain Koro's muscles and sapping the hardness from his cock. Biting his lower lip nearly hard enough to draw blood, he stared down at his handiwork with growing dread. Koro was coated in three layers of pearlescent equine cum, his muscles forming puddles of the lewd liquid and his tongue curiously cleaning his knuckles of the musky fluid.

Post-orgasm clarity drove Paiwa into a panic, and he hurriedly grabbed a nearby blanket, wiping his sibling clean until jet-black fur only showed a faint sheen of wetness rather than pearly spiderwebs. Trying his best to ignore the yielding muscles beneath his fingertips, he found himself leaning over the younger equine's body again with their spent cocks resting against each other. An apology for taking things too far died in his throat as Koro's innocent gaze met his own, and a strange feeling rose in his stomach, fluttering through him like a cloud of butterflies.

Breaking his silence, Koro slid his arms around Paiwa's midsection and hugged him close, unperturbed by their nudity. "Can you teach me more? I'll be your mare." Unprompted, he pulled away from Paiwa's chest, then pressed his lips to Paiwa's again, welcoming him into an unintentionally lewd embrace.

Paiwa wanted to deny Koro, to push him away and pretend that their mutual orgasm was simply a mistake; that he wasn't the least bit attracted to another stallion, but the warm embrace of inexperienced lips drew him in. Though Koro didn't know what to do, he was enthusiastic, and his tongue begged for entrance to Paiwa's mouth, his breath smelling vaguely of horse musk and seed. Oddly, it wasn't unpleasant, and its musky undertone matched Koro's natural flavor quite well.

Something ignited deep within Paiwa, coiling his stomach into knots and stiffening his spent member. He met Koro's kiss eagerly, giving himself to the ocean of raw sensation raging within him. He'd already gone this far; what was the harm in teaching Koro with a more hands-on approach? After all, there were several weeks left until Koro chose a wife.