The Path Home

Story by KrayM on SoFurry

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PT (1/2)

He let out a audible sigh as his eyes open, catching the dull grey light that cascaded into his room window. It had been raining for the last couple of days, some floods here and there but it wasnt out the ordenary, for where he lived at least. Work, yes, the knowledge of him having to go to work this morning is what allowed him to wake on time. Alarms didnt wake him easily being as though his house sits right down the street from a fire house who use that WW II horn of theirs to signal a firetruck's release onto the road on a call. The cheeta sits up yawning and streatching as he comes halfway to his feet. The feeling of dread creeping ever closer as he reads his alarmclock. Whimpering as it reads 8:30am.

"Fuck!", he yelled without even realizing this door was open with a nephew standstanding in it and a mother right above him.

Akward silence follows for just a moment untill his reaction finally hit him

"Oh sorry mom", he sighs

She looks to him with a bit of concern, "I was wondering when you were supposed to be going to work."

"Yeah, I completely overslept.", the cheeta responded, hopping out of his bed.

He grabs a few items off of his floor that wasnt in the pile of dirty clothes behind his door, an underarmour muscle shirt and some baggy cargo khakis. He loved his job. No uniform, laid back people and best of all no customers. It was brainless work but it was easy and made him ample money enough to live with. After hopping in the shower and grabbing a quick breakfast, he calls in late, just to make shure to cover his tail.

"I really wish you would go back to your natural color Coda, you bring too much attention to yourself when you go places and its unprofessional.", his mom speaks as she prepares his toddler nephew for the day.

"Mom, I told you, its cool, everyone does it and its easy. Thats why I don't.", he defended.

"Oh so if everyone jumped off of a cliff just because its cool, everyone does it and its easy, you would too huh?", she snaped

"Well, MOM, this isnt a cliff and im not doin it cause everyone else is. I'm doing it to be different from the crowd of boring, blandness of other furs.", he shot back.

Unable to retort because of the cubs impatience in getting outside and her own lateness at leaving. "Bye have a nice day at work.", she said with a slam of the door following. Already being late he takes his time getting breakfast and completely ready. By the time he reaches the point of departure the clock reads 9:15am.

'Damn half an hour already. I'm not gonna make my 8 hours today', he thinks and sighs, walking out the door.

The walk to work was as mundane as usual. Same walkways, shortcuts, and paths he has taken everyday. Today was especialy chilly due to the cold front passing through the previous night, according to the morning news. Perfect weather to the purple colored cheeta, wearing nothing but a hoody to keep warmth around him. Steam rose off of his shoulders from the heat his body produces. Making him quite comfortable in the cold seasons. Walking through a wooded shortcut, enjoying the look of the woods, right before the snow. He continued on not noticing the thickness in the tree leaves creating a canopy above untill he was well inside it. The ground just barely lit by the pencil thin rays piercing the canopy above. The darkness making him stop. The grape colored cheeta removes an earbud for just a moment, taking hold of a leaf, only slightly chilled from the breeze drifting through the wooded area. Surprisingly enough, the trees still retained their leaves. Flush with light and dark greens as if spring had already hit.

"Hmm...this is really strange," the cheeta speaks to himself, replacing the earbud blasting his favorite techno artist.

He continues walking along this path growing more unfamiliar by the minute untill he believed he was completely lost. Stopping and checking his phone for the time, finding it with the words "No Service" scrolling across the screen. The clock reading 9:20am. Slightly confused by the lack of time elapsing, he turns back to the previous path wanting to head back home only to find it gone. Looking down to see any curve me might have traveled, with the path vanishing at the paw facing away from the leading path. Paniced now he turns and runs in the direction of the path ahead, finding it gone and nothing but shrubs and trees with.... His foot fall never happend. Instead his body balance shifts forward. Forcing his head tward the earth. Turning as to tuck and roll, transforming pain from hitting the forest floor flat on, to momentum. Dragging him further down. Roots, small trees, and bushes slap, rip and tear at his clothes and the small amount of flesh exposed to the winter like air. Suddenly the ground below completetly dissappears from under him. His muzzle facing the thick sun pierced canopy, staring for the few moments he feard to be his last, with half closed eyes. His last thought was: "This paycheck is going to suck if I live..". The ground returns with an angry thump as the cheeta crashes into it. His body torn and brused. Only the shadows of the forest like woods to occompany him to the darkness of sleep.

Warm, movement, and a cool breeze. The scent remined him of a camping trip he had to go on not 2 years ago. He also remembered how sick he had gotton afterward. Sickness was deffinitely not a good thing, not when he was in the middle of nowhere. There was a slight thud making him open his eyes to check on whos car or pickup he was in the back of. Instead he was met with roughly made cage bars and wood planks covering only the top and base. A faint smell of manure or something along the line was creeping past him. He tryed to move and see what was causing that smell, but stopped when his ribs and back did not like that idea and let him know just that. Many questions started rising out of nowhere, like : Who helped me?, How much is the hospital bill gonna run me?, and most of all "Why am I in a cage?". Of coarse other smaller prioritied questions poped in here and there like: "Is this animal skin I'm wraped in?" and "I wonder if they were smart enough to trash my phone?". Even though he started believeing he was being kidnapped, he has alwase been able to keep a leveled mind. Taking note on the weaker looking portions of his confinements, just in case he might have to tough this pain out and make a run for it.

"Hey! Who is driving this thing?", he asked, wanting to know who he is dealing with and how he might take advantage.

"Someone who you are going to make very very wealthy, slave.", a crackly voice answered.

Male, wants money, must be old, pushover. These were the thoughts that instantly ran through his mind. Preparing his next few statements quite easily with so little info.

"How do you expect the police to not track you down in this? I mean carting around a kidnapped person in a cage going at this speed? Wait...slave? SLAVE? What the hell are you talking about? Why...", there was a snort followed by a yawn, signaling that someone else must be with this guy. Another snort comes from the unknown passenger before his question of how far they had left to go and if there were any loafs of bread left. Coda stayed silent. The word "slave" running through his mind over and over. Realizing something was terroribly wrong. The dialect of the old man was definitly something of European descent. That other man's was similar to his own with just a slight hint of a southern drawl.

'Ok this is starting to get wierder by the second', he thought.

Attempting to move again he turns his head slightly and moving very cautiously. Trying to get a better view at what was infront of the cage. A tail and feral rump pointed back in his direction flicking the long silky black hair of its tail from side to side as it walked. A horse pulled this cage on wheels through a worn in path lined with tracks from other tailers of some sort. No sign of tire marks or shoe treds at all. The cheeta sighs, stairing at the path, silent with worry and wonder. His silence broken by the unknown accomplice, most likely sitting above him on the wooden plank covering.

"So is it you are the color of Orchid's? I have never seen your kind like this before.", the old fur asked with a grunt.

"Its a permanant dye for furs....",he responded without even thinking.

"Permanant dye? How can such a thing exist? Where do you come from?", the man asked, picking up interest.

"It costs quite abit, say $200 each application...", he explained. not really caring anymore about the dye. His mind was set on appeasing and entertaining his captives, untill he was healed enough to make his escape. Everything had to be planned carefully so he thought to use his recovery time to fine tune any loose ends.

"Do not speak riddles slave or I shal cut out your tongue and sell that too",the "driver", shot at him. Coarse Coda in no state to challenge such a threat.

"I see that you shal need training before you are sold otherwise, I will have to drop the price. That is no option. So if you don't learn quickly then prepare yourself for a world of pain slave.",the driver added.

Coda layed there under the skins of somesort wincing from the hard bumps this cage on wheels hit. He checked his pockets wishing heavily that his things were still there realizeing then, that he was completely nude under these covers of his. Panic set in finally as his mind raced for possible outcomes of his delema. More so the thought of "training" to be a slave wandered through his mind. A slave, this is definitly not what he had planed to become in his life, but he figured he'd play along untill he could figure a way of escape.

'Ok, so we have two overconfident guys. One unknown, one older man. No clothes, no knife, no lighter, and no cellphone. A cage with a weak looking lock but one all the same. And last but not least Hunger...", he thought to himself. 'Grim indeed...'

Hours went by as they travled, him against his will. more trees and shrubs, annoying flying insects here and there. The stench of the feral horse pulling the cage was probably the reason for them. The pains in his ribs and back subsided enough for him to sit up with pain but not excruciating pain like before. A combo of hunger and dehydration sent him to an unrestful sleep as the hard floor and bars woke him every once in awhile. By the time that the trailer stopped it was night time. No buildings were in sight and the unknown rider finally dismounted. A extreamly tall and well framed panther landed with a thud on the ground. His clothes werent tattered at all like the driver's. His visage was kept up in just about every way possible.

The sight of the Panther had the purple cheeta mezmorized. Dreams and ideas started poping up in his head makin it swim for just a moment as he spaced out completely. A blush crept up on his face as he realized how arroused he was as the space reserved for his legs in the pelt became alttle crouded. He sunk back into the pelts as a cool wind drifted passed them. The panther departed for some time while the old one sat at a fire waiting for his return, well atleast thats what the cheeta thought he had heard. His stomach growled and turned over making him curl up some as he looked over to the fire. The old fox, it looked like, turned to him with curiosity. Standing up and coming to the cage lookin curiously through.

"Hungry slave?", he asked.

Coda noded some as he looked at the old fox, not trying to glare cause he used that word again.

The fox smiled, devilishly as he walked to the front of the carrage/ cage, grabbing a sack that sat on his bench and sifting through it. from it he drew a loaf of bread, breaking it in half.

"Now slave, sense you have no training, I guess I will have to start explaining and teaching you. In order for you to eat you have to work for it. What that means is..." the fox explains as he slides his pants down, revealing a full sheath.

Coda's face twisted in dissbelief and disgust. 'Oh hell no. He was comfortable with guys but A: not this old, and B: nonconsentual. But...he was starved and hunger pains overwhelmed him making the action not seem half bad if he could have that bread.'

"This is what i want you to do slave," the fox explains "Put your hands through the cage and hold them together."

Coda followed orders, half ashamed but self preservation kept him from breaking down as the older fox took some rope he had never noticed before , as part of his ensemble and tied his paws together around a few cage bars.

The fox layed the loaf half on the ground ontop of a cloth and wraped it up. He stood back up, pulling off the rest of his clothes, revealing a pretty good build for an ol fox. He walked to the back of the cage and undid the lock, opening the cage door licking his maw. Coda shook in nervousness, blushing and wraping his tail around his thigh keeping himself hidden as best he could.

"Lift it slave or I'll cut it off. Your fur alone could make it so I would never have to work again." , he threatned.

Coda, lowering his head and folding his ears back, did as he was told, exposing his entrance. The fox ran a paw across the base of his tail, stroking and carressing the cheeta's back before forcing his torso to the cage floor. Coda, whimpering and trying his best not to cry as he was being molested by this fox. The usually head strong cheeta began to crumble as he felt something cold rubbing at his bud, teasing and poking inside, sliding deeper in, then twisting on the way out.

"Mmmm. nice and tight feeling slave. Hopefully you will stay that way after I am done. You are lucky I want to make money from you. Otherwise I wouldnt use my oils. I love it when they cry.", the fox whispered into Coda's ear as he climbed ontop, not quite mounting yet.

Tears formed at the corners of his eyes as he feels the foxhood poke at his entrance, hard and throbing. His body tensed up as it began to poke and slide inside, slowly. The fox moaned some, whispering a barely audible "Yes...." as he slides into the tight hole, hilting in one smooth long thrust. Coda squirmed some as the invader slid in deep, streatching him wide and putting pressure on his prostate from just being inside. His own member responded by erecting against his will. The fox smirked and grabbed the dangling feline's cock, squeezing and pawing it some.

"Ohhh...I see that the slave likes this eh? Thats good because you will be getting alot of this unless you are a lucky one and gets chosen by a female", the fox mocked, pulling out and thrusting back in, starting his rythem.

The fox thrusted slow but steadily untill he felt that the cheeta was streatched enough. After a few minutes his thrusts became faster and harder, going deeper into the cheeta currently whimpering and half mewing as he is fucked and pleasured. It still felt good even when he didnt want it to be. The fox's paw stroked him steadily, in time with his thrusts. Coda lay wishing it to stop but somehow wanting more as his body was telling him otherwise. He involuntarily began to thrust back into the smirking fox's thrusts.

"Thats right slave, take my cock, you know you love it.", said the fox into deaf ears as pleasure began its rampage through his head and trampling over his sense of logic and dignity.

The fox grabs his waist firmly and clamps his maw down on the cheeta's shoulder as he thrusts deeply, feeling his knot form and pop in and out of the tight cheeta squirming, almost flailing below him. Most likely trying to escape his knot but it wasnt likely as he has him held in place with both his paws and maw. Coda squirmed and tryed to curl up, not wanting the fox to tie with him but it was no use. He had the bite on his shoulder and the fox's hips travled every direction his own tryed to go. The fox bit harder, breaking skin slightly with his fangs making him yelp with pain and even more so as the fox pounded and mashed his knot into his hole. Only this time it did not pull out. Instead the ol fox began to thrust wildly into his ass, sending that knot deeper and deeper into him. He could feel it pulsing as the fox's rough and fast thrusts ended to just soft ones as his seed relieases into him. His knot sat right at his prostate, forcing pre to flow freely from his member. The fox took note to this and turned the cheeta around with himself making the kitty sit in his lap, gravity giving the sense of the knot sliding further into him. The fox began to paw at the cheeta's cock teasingly.

"You want to cum don't you slave?", the fox asked. Coda shamefully nodded and whimpered as the knot still firmly sat in him driving him insane with lust.

"I want to hear you beg for it as a slave should", the fox mocked, smiling evily.

A heavy blush began to cover his face as he accually considered it. The fox's knot making its way just alittle above his prostate now adding increadible pleasure blinding the cheeta yet again.

"P-please.....I...I want to cum..I need it..", Coda stammered. His pride flew out the window at that moment as his need for reliese overidded everything else.

The fox smirked and began to stroke the kitty meat, slowly but increasing speed. Coda moaned and purrs as his orgasm came fast. His member spirting his seed over his belly and chest. Pleasure washed away all feeling but it as his body relaxed and floated in the feeling and after glow. The fox licked his paw clean, murring and commenting about how sweet the kitty was.

As reality began to fall back into place. It had become dark. The fox was curled up under him, his cock still semi hard and lodged firmly in him. He did'nt realize when he fell asleep. He tryed to move but then realized that not only was his paws still bound to the bars but his foot paws had also be bound with another rope, so the fox could sleep soundly even with the cage door open. The fox was sleeping soundly, humping here and there and muttering about money and other things that made not sense to the cheeta. Hunger was back and stronger than ever being as though the fox never gave him his piece of bread like he should have earned. He looked around and shurely the piece was gone. Most likely taken by some type of feral. Slight movement caught his eye, next to the low fire. The panther was back and staring at him in the cage, sending a chill up his spine as he realized their gaze met. Instantly he looked down and away, slightly embarrased.

"I'm sorry", the other feline said.

Coda look up again and back to the black figure. "What?", he asked with a horse sounding voice of which he cleared.

"If I were here earlier he wouldnt have made it into the cage with you. I would have pulled him out when I did get back but I did'nt want to hurt you just incase he was still tied to you.", the dark feline explained.

Coda looked down some again and began to whimper, holding back some tears. "Why? Why did you let him put me in here in the first place then?"

"I was picked up after you, I did not know you werent already a slave. You talk alot in your sleep.", the panther added as he contributed to the fire alittle more. "I'll be shure to never let it happen again. If you look next to you theres the loaf of bread. Eat and sleep as well as you can. I'll see if i cant muster up some plan to get you away and keep him from talking"

Coda looked and shurly the whole loaf was there, but his hands were still bound, making it increadibly hard for him to eat but he managed as he was flexible enough to do a bit of a feral act. The bread was surprisingly fresh despite its sitting on the ground and in the cage with him for, who knows how long. He felt so much better after eating. It was like consuming life and energy. He craved more but knew he shouldnt be greedy and ask for another untill he was offered. Eventually he fell back asleep, resting as well as he could with the fox meat still stuck inside him. not quite tied anymore.