Some general info you should know if you're reading my stories.

Story by SrA havenofimage on SoFurry


Due to recent questions by a few readers, I'm writing this to clarify a few generalizations, assumptions, and personal viewpoints which are present in my stories. These will mostly be about the religious structure but I will also address a few facts in the way of species and history. I believe a posted something like this a while back, but it may have been in reply to a comment or a journal, which no one seems to read. The majority of this will focus on the worlds used in Rocky Mountain Times which is based on present day earth, and the Kirian Harper Chronicles which is based on a world of my own creation.

As in today's world, religion is an ever present issue which is brought into my stories. There are many religions in furry society, some similar, others not. They have a variety of beliefs; however the most common are all polytheistic. This brings in a new genre of language into the dialect of characters. Common phrases include 'by the gods' or 'gods be damned' or in the case where they have a patron 'by Serenia' or 'Theo damn it!'

Though all religions vary in differing degrees of God's names, how many there are, and such, there is irrefutable evidence of the existence of The Phoenix, who is present amongst all religions and atheists alike. The Phoenix is believed to be an immortal being who will present himself or herself (there is recorded history of both, though they appear to be the same person) in times of great need. They arrive on the world in order to unify all furs and bring peace back to the world. The Phoenix's authority has never been challenged. When their work is finished, the once again transcend to wait for the next time when they are needed.

This is one point where my two stories vary. In the world of Rocky Mountain Times, The Phoenix has not set claw upon earth in over two thousand years, though it is speculated he or she may have had a hand in ending both world wars.

The world of the Kirian Harper Chronicles takes place in the future. Space travel is not uncommon, but strictly regulated and three other worlds had been colonized. There had been relative peace since the end of the Tertius wars until first contact was made with the humans. Though peaceful meeting was made at first, a new prime minister took command of the human forces and the furs were slowly being exterminated by a superior, xenophobic force. It was at this time when the Phoenix appeared to aid them and helped save their home world and last refuge of inhabitance.

Now onto a bit of recent history. Since that time, furs and humans have had limited contact. It is believed that the human world lay burnt and broken by fights amongst themselves, though little exploration has been sent out to confirm this. Most of the remaining space fleet is being used to recolonize one of the old planets. A few humans can be seen living amongst firs. They are accepted by most, though interbreeding is extremely rare and tabooed in most cultures.

For the vast majority of their history, species have lived together in colonies. Cities were broken up into sub districts by species and entire towns could be inhabited solely by a single breed. City districts commonly had their own governments and laws which were accepted on unspoken agreement by city leaders. During this time, you only married and bred within your own species. Interspecies marriages were rare and those involved were usually outcast or exiled. Only in recent years, since the Great War, had it become more accepted to breed outside your own kind.

Kirian and Teague are both examples of this. As a rule of thumb, the child takes on the species of their sex. For example, if the child is male, he'll usually be the same species as his father, and vice versa, as in Jen's case where her mother was a snow leopard and her father a rook. Kirian is an exception to this rule whose father is a ermine. Mixed species are extremely rare. Usually, the most common nontraditional results are eccentricities in coloring such as the iridescence of Jen's hair, or the extra red in Teague's fir. Birds are most susceptible to this and many extraordinary colors can be found in the plumage of mixed breed children.

This should clear up my beliefs about the worlds I write about. Feel free to post any questions you may have in a comment. I'd be more than happy to answer them.

I also recently posted a new story which may or may not be continued called The Guardian, which pretty much differs from everything posted above. In that world, all children are born human. Upon coming of age, at a time determined by the gods and revealed to a shaman, adolescents will quest for their sprit. At this time, their patron god will chose a form for them which best represent and enhances their personalities and skills. They retain bits of their human form though after the transformation and vary between the two forms depending on their mood and situation. They're government is based on a tribal religious structure which I will not take the time to go into now. If you have any specific questions, again, feel free to post them.

I hope this answers some of your questions and I will answer any more you may have.