The Vixe who changed my life: 4

Story by DiamondWolf on SoFurry

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All of this was done on Microsoft word, so blame that for mistakes with spelling and grammar.

The Vixen that changed my life part 4

"And that's everything up to now." I finished.

To help cope with the boredom, we had been telling stories. Mine was the most interesting, probably because everyone else didn't have much of a life. Their stories were mostly about how they had done one little thing to annoy the hundreds of guards at the institute.

"That's a doozy at its lowest." One of the raccoons replied, a frown upon his face.

"You're telling me." I said. Of course, I had left out the bits of the story describing when I and Ruby had sex, simply stating, "We shared our love to its fullest."

Ruby had been quiet, and throughout the whole thing, after we met in the truck again, she had simply stated, "I'm sorry."

I suspected something bad and pressed the issue, but she was adamant about not saying anything, just pressing into my fur and trying to rest. After about an hour on the road, the German accented guard who welcomed us brought in bottles of mineral water and various sandwiches which everyone tucked into hungrily. Feeling less hungry, and content just to look at the sweet vixen laying her head on my shoulder, I realised that I too was exhausted. Having gotten almost no sleep when the note was given to the lizard lady I had so dubbed Dusk, because of her scale colour was a tan-brown, I was awake until the early hours of the morning. But the adrenalin of escaping so early had provided its part in keeping me awake. Now that it was over, I realised that I should sleep. No one knew where we were going, but they all agreed, anything was better than the institute. So I lay my head back, closed my eyes, and drifted into a content sleep.

I woke up to a bunny male shaking me.

"Get up, we've stopped." He said.

"I'm not hungry." I replied still dazed.

"No, we've stopped, and they're making us get out." He finished with an amused grin.

Fully alert, I found Ruby up and ready as well.

"What's going on?" I asked her.

"You know just as much as I do." She simply stated.

We edged towards the edge of the truck, and got out.

We were in a garage, a big one. It was fairly empty, a few crates of unidentifiable contents. We were led into a room with chairs and a stage.

After beckoning us to sit down, a burly bald man with a little stubble on his chin stood on stage.

"Welcome to the Omega project." He started in curiously accented English. "As you might have guessed," he continued "you are not official humans." "However, we believe that your being like this was no accident."

This understandably had everyone watching with looks of hatred. Ruby kept her face emotionless.

"We have done our homework." The bald man said with a smile. "You were kept in the institute for a number of years to keep you away and create the perfect soldier." "Unfortunately for you, some egghead scientist engineered your birth through test tubes." He seemed to stare at Ruby for a bit before tearing his gaze away and continuing." "Your being like this was an accident, a 1 replaced by a 0. There is no cure."

This provoked an outcry of anger from the seated animals.

Holding his hands out to calm down the anger.

"Here is our plan, it's short and simple and involved little or no work, for your freedom.

Everyone calmed down at that, silence and tension hung in the air.

"We need a picture from all of you to show to the egghead, telling him to stop. If he doesn't, we threaten to show these to his leaders as blackmail. And if that doesn't work, we go for the bomb."

"Each man you see in this room has worked for the asshole, and agreed to help stop it, please get some rest and relax. We'll call you in for your picture. We have rooms prepared and ready."

At that he left the stage and opened a door on the other side of the room. I turned to Ruby and saw that she was in deep concentration. Her face contorted in a frown

"Is everything all right?" I asked her.

"That man, I think that I've seen him before." She replied, keeping her eye on him.

"Are you sure?" I asked curious.

"I think so."

I stretched my arm, enjoying the clicks they made.

"Come on, we can talk later, I just want to lie down for a while." She said.

We followed everyone else leaving the room, and came to a bigger one with a bunch of sofas and chairs, with a bunch of books in the middle. One by one, they were called up by numbers until I remained.

"You're not on the list?" The bald, burly man Asked.

"No, I wasn't born like this." I said with smile.

"Then how did you..." He trailed off.

"Long story short, don't get physical with one." I said with a sly grin.

He laughed slapping his knee.

"You fell for a piece of tail, literally." He chuckled.

"Yeah, very funny." I smirked.

"Je suppose que je ne peux pas vous blamer si." One of his henchmen said with a grin looking out to the door.

"What he say?" I asked confused.

"He said that he can't really blame you for it." The bald man replied still grinning.

"Tell him that he can take his French ass and try to chat up one of them." I said already imagining the funny beating he would get.

"So back to the main subject, seeing as you're not on the list, can I ask your name, age ect?"

"Adam Bouman, and I am 18." I said.

"18?" He asked, looking up my appearance.

"Yes I know, it excited me as well. I just never questioned it I guess."

"And the name Bouman?" My real father was Dutch.

"Ahhhh." Can you speak it?

"No sorry." I replied.

"Ok I think that's enough, but one more question. Who was the one you met."

"I don't know her number, but her name is Ruby, why?"

"Was it worth it?" He said smirking.

"It is too me." I said now getting angry, this guy was pushing the wrong buttons.

"Don't worry; I'll not make fun of you or her. However, is she the one sat next to you in the theatre?"

"Yes, now what has this to do with anything?"

"I tried to help her escape before, but she jumped off the jet before it landed." He replied.

"Elle était de impatient." Remarked the French guard.

I looked at the bald man for translation.

"She was too impatient, but it's also our fault, we didn't tell her that we were helping her." He said.

"Now, it's time for you to join the others, we'll just need a few minutes to send the photos and get conformation." He finished going back to the other room

I went into the room where everyone else had gone into and saw that almost everyone was trying to sleep. Ruby beckoned me from the other side of the room and said "What did they want?"

"They asked why I wasn't on the list and that you did know the bald guy."

"Really?" She said startled. "Where from?"

"Don't worry, you remember how we met, you escaped the plane?"

"Yes, I won't forget in a hurry." She huffed.

"Well he was helping you escape then, but he didn't get the chance to explain before you left." I said.

Ruby yawned, and stretched. "Come on, let's get some sleep, I haven't been on a better bed since we were kidnapped."

Curious I risked the question "What did they do to you when you were kidnapped?"

She looked down obviously reluctant to say anything.

"Come on, no matter what you did, I couldn't feel any less of you no matter what."

"They finished what they had wanted; they had their way with me." She said, visibly shaken.

"Oh my god..." I whispered.

"Come here." I drew her close and felt her sobs on my chest; I felt nothing but a rage to avenge her.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me." She begged.

"Why? What could you have possibly have done to make me feel bad towards you?" I asked.

"They promised me that we could be together if I let them." "I'm sorry; please I missed you so much, I thought you were..." She started sobbing again.

"Shhhh" I whispered. Reassuring her "I'll always love you no matter what."

"Really? Honest?" She said.

"Of course." I finished.

We hugged after that we didn't stop until the bald man came into the room. He looked at us and smiled before addressing everyone: "There is a problem with the man who did this. He won't back down. We're going to destroy the site with a bomb. But we need volunteers to help fight."

He looked around a few raised their hands slowly at first, but others, who were more troubled by the thought of returning disagreed.

I thought of Ruby, and raised my hands, wanting to get back at her tormentors. Ruby raised her hand as well.

Soon after that, we were being fitted with equipment, mp 5 navy submachine guns and dark blue bullet proof vests and loaded on to a small train with the logo of the institute. I hit my head on the door and Ruby failed at hiding a giggle at that, and I sat down rubbing my head. Going 2 hundred miles an hour, we got to the institute in no time. We were waiting in darkness, listening to the outside when we heard muffled groans and dull thuds. Then the bald man opened the door.

"Let's go." He simply said.

Looking around, I saw that there were other trains, exactly like the one we arrived on. But these had supplies on it. "That's how we got her without suspicion." I thought. Suddenly my foot hit something and I nearly fell to the floor. Looking down, I saw the body of a dead worker.

He was lying on the floor, a look of terror on his face, a bullet hole in his forehead. That must have been the dull thump I had heard.

"Two teams, team one, get the others, team two set the bomb." "You, you and you, your team two, he pointed to me ruby and the racoon who I had told stories too." "Follow me." He said.

We jugged around the maze of corridors, until peering around a corner, our guide said "In here."

We edged open the door, and found a room full of electrical hardware.

While he set the bomb no bigger than a ruby ball, we kept our guns trained on the door.

Soon, we heard gunfire. The bomb man checked his earpiece.

"Don't worry, team one is safe, it was them firing." He said without looking up.

We all showed signs of relive after that. We were all tense, worried about the thought of being around a bomb with guns going off.

"Ok, bomb is set, let's move." He said walking to the door.

Opening it, his head blew up.

"SHIT!" Raccoon boy shouted.

Two armed Institute guards fired more shots at the doorway.

"Fuck this." Ruby said and took cover. I fired burst of bullets through the door and was rewarded with a grunt and the sound of a body collapsing.

"Ah shit." Came a shout from outside the door.

The guard who survived tried the same as me and bullets ripped the top of the door.

Seeing her chance, Ruby opened the door and shot the remaining guard.

She walked over to our dead guide and picked up the earpiece, putting it in her ear, she experimentally said, "Hello?"

"Team two? I thought you guys were dead." Came the voice of baldy.

"Your friend is, but we're alright." replied Ruby.

The two engaged in conversation once more and Ruby started shaking.

"What's wrong?" I asked now worried.

"The bomb won't go off automatically. We have to do manually." She said now depressed.

"Who does it?" Raccoon asked. "Pick straws?"

"I will." I said.

"No, no you can't!" Ruby shouted.

"I can and will." I said suddenly defiant.

"No please!" Ruby said shaking. "Please."

I turned to Raccoon. "Get her out of here, don't stop."

He nodded sullenly. "Come on." He said taking Ruby's hand. She started crying and tried to slap him, but he caught her hand and she cried into his chest. He looked at me and I nodded. He nodded back and I took Ruby's hand and drew her close. "I will always love you." My eyes full of tears. With a lump in my throat, we put our lips to each other and kissed for what seemed like forever. A deep kiss, not moving, but enjoying our last minutes together. When we separated, the Raccoon took her hand and led her away. She looked over her shoulder at me, until she went out the door. I heard the footsteps start to run and they got fainter.

I sat there, wondering if I would really do it.

My hand started to crackle.

I hadn't realised it, but Ruby had slipped the radio piece into my hand without me noticing.

"Hello? Adam?"

"Yeah, I'm here." I replied sullenly.

"Here's what to do, just press the numbers 1282. There'll be a ten second delay before it goes off."

I pressed the numbers and saw the countdown.





Suddenly Ruby's voice came onto the radio piece.




"I love you." Was all she said.

_ Three _


"I love you too." Pouring all my heart into those four words.


A Dazzling white light lit the room, and then exploded.

And Ruby cried.

The others stared at the exploding base.

Then looked away.

Wondering why a stranger had given his life for them. But they hadn't known enough.

They might do later, but not then.

For I was not some stranger, I was in love. And I loved Ruby enough to die for her.

Ask yourself this: Would you die for the ones you love?

I did. And I have but one regret.

That I did not know her more....

That's the end of it. Thank you for reading it all through. I will do more stories with happier endings.

With thanks to those who gave comments with tips for me.

And those who asked me to carry on.
