The Guardians of Time Ep 24-Leadership problem

Story by Vangabond on SoFurry

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#24 of The Guardians of Time

seems like Lucas is having some problems at leading the team.

As time went on Lucas had started to become more and more doubtful that he could lead the team confidently... He had nightmares over losing his brother. He did not feel that he could either lead the rest of his kingdom either as because of the pressure his parents were putting onto him. He just doubted everything about himself too. This amounted to him breaking down in front of the rest of his friends about all these things on his mind. It was not until the others had reassured him that he was doing right and that no one else could lead the team to find his brother and investigate the time realm, and to see if there is any clues related to the time realm or him. "Don't worry... we will find him and investigate that realm for any clues. "