Meeting their new Master - Midnight Island Pets

Story by ValerionWolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Midnight Island

Valerion and Kimiko meet their new Masters for the first time.

The sun was already relatively low in the sky when the carriage drove through the coniferous forest and slowly approached its destination.

Corey Nao, the black cat, was in a pretty good mood. I wasn't sure if that was a good or bad sign. I sat with my wolf ears laid back, my hands still handcuffed. The kitsune sitting next to me seemed to feel the same as me. I could sense her nervousness with my demon senses, but like me, she didn't say a word. Her pink eyes were fixed on the floor. She was shaking... but I probably did, too.

"We'll be there soon... The others are probably very excited to see you two." Corey began to speak at that moment. The kitsune, named Kimiko by the name tag on her collar, and I pricked up our ears to listen to the black cat's words.

"Speak loud and clear when they ask you something... Damn it, I can't get over how starved you were by those oafs! I'll put you two in the kitchen first. You have to eat..."

So spoke Corey, while the carriage slowly came to a standstill in front of a large, magnificent house in the forest.

I saw from the carriage window the black spiked fences that surrounded the grounds... We drove through the gate and stopped right outside the front door, which was a large dark wooden double door. The handles were gold and ornate.

Someone immediately came to us and opened the carriage door. "Welcome back Master Corey." Said a she-cat in a maiden dress, bowing deeply.

Corey ignored her.

"Come on, get out." He instructed Kimiko and me instead. So we got out awkwardly. I looked around, and mostly stared at this huge property. Was that five floors? Or six? It was all so big.

Corey walked to the front door with a very smooth gait, which was immediately opened for him. We followed him with our heads down. Running away wouldn't do much good on an island like this in the middle of the sea, would it?

In any case, people were actually already waiting for us. Kimiko tried to hide behind me, while I myself just stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the gathering of five people.

There was a white wolf with long hair, a halo and wings, standing casually against the wall... A purple dragon lady with blue horns whose gaze scared me, An orange-eyed lizard wearing a lab coat and standing very stooped, and a fox with orange fur, purple hair, and an inscrutable gaze... And a fuchsia phoenix.

"What's taking so long?" asked the white wolf with the halo. He pushed himself off the wall and headed straight for us. He was taller than me... He took my muzzle in his hands and forced me to lift my head and look at him.

"Hmm..." he said. When I whined, he smiled.

"A demon wolf? And that?" He turned to Kimiko, who was trying to make herself small. The wolf, who was probably an angel, grabbed her. "Come here." He said. He eyed her too.

"I told the dealers never to come back. Look at the two. Completely emaciated. The service wasn't even worth the money. But now they're here on the island and they must be good for something. I'll feed them both first." Corey said.

I saw the dragon lady cross her arms. She looked dissatisfied. She too looked at us. "Why were you two sold?" She now wanted to know. I swallowed and bowed my head.

"I... am an Incubus and... my previous owner found it... annoying how much sex I need... to stay alive..." I stuttered.

The crew on the ship also found this annoying when they brought me here. I bowed my head lower.

It took Kimiko longer to answer. She seemed confused.

"Kimiko doesn't know. Kimiko caught and brought here.." She tried to explain. "Kimiko doesn't understand speech well..." she continued.

"I didn't ask that." The dragon lady interrupted her however. "You'll learn." She said and looked at Corey.

"An incubus?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Gosh, we bought him to fuck him anyway, it doesn't matter what Species he is." Corey rolled his eyes. He looked at Kimiko and me. "Comes with. Time for you to eat something..."

And so he brought us to the kitchen.