Rai-t of Passage

Story by ChoshiGaiden on SoFurry

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#2 of Transformation Stories

Hello! Just a fun little story I wrote with some fun little rodents. I wanted to do a quick one to practice shorter stories. It was then seven thousand words long, and unfortunately that's progress for me, lol. This is because another transformation story I'm working on basically has to be two parts now. Not sure how I'll upload them, but I'll figure something out. Let me know what you think! I'm desperate for validation ;w;

CW: Transformation, knotting, gender shifting & transformation, light weight gain, tf induced gender dysphoria, and a pinch of degradation.

It's long, though, so if you're in a hurry, ctrl+f "It was in his mouth before he knew" for the start of the transformation, "The words were sweet" for the beginning of the sex, and "Call me Cheri" for that finishing yoinky-sploinky. I'd suggest you read the whole thing the first time at least, though, because names and pronouns might get confusing if you don't know what happened.

Ryan bolted up out of his nap screaming, a bestial roar ripping him from his slumber. "Raiiii," his raichu, Raiden, grumbled and rolled onto his paws. While Ryan looked around every inch of their campsite for wherever that monster was hiding, Raiden only seemed frustrated the human woke him up. "Chu."

Another growl explained the chu's lack of urgency, because this time Ryan was awake enough to tell where it came from: his stomach. "Why did I agree to this," he groaned to the sky. Despite training with Raiden for six years, he couldn't find any success as a trainer. In practice, the two worked fine together. Raiden did as he was told, exercised as hard as he could, and Ryan did everything to make sure he was training Raiden right. Yet, they could only get half victories at best.

Everyone knew the path to becoming a "pokémon master" at this point, and it made even the youngest trainers they went up against a challenge. Trainers had an incredible ability to know their pokémon inside and out, to forge an incredible bond that absolutely no one could dispute. They faced insurmountable odds with only the power of friendship (and 'magical' fight pets) for breakfast. Their bonds were said to be so strong that they continued on even after death.

Ryan and Raiden, though, had no such bond. "Rai!" Raiden shouted at him.

"Sorry, all right?" Ryan scoffed. "I thought it was something else." While he liked the mouse, he couldn't forge that bond he'd heard so much about. He fed him treats, pet him, got him toys sometimes--everything a good pet owner would do. Even through all of that, though, he felt a wall of resentment from his raichu.

At least he knew where the resentment came from, but that knowledge didn't make the situation the slightest bit better. Frustrated with their performance, Ryan had decided to brute force their way into strength by evolving Raiden. The chu immediately refused. The idea he would hadn't even occurred to Ryan. He still thought it their best path, though, so that night he'd dropped the thunderstone inches from the chu's nose, making Raiden leap up from his sleep and shock it on instinct.

That had been years ago, but their relationship had never recovered. He'd heard before that some pikachu could be especially reticent to evolve, but he was the trainer! He knew it would help them, so why shouldn't Raiden evolve? Even though he apologized profusely, he still felt like he was right.

Ryan watched his chu sulk around their campsite while he dug through his bag for something to eat. This mistake of a camping trip idea had come from his mom. Apparently, their ancestors had been some of the first to train electric types, and their prowess was still rumored about today. While he'd grumbled about none of that skill transferring to him, she'd explained a little rite of passage they did when trainers turned eighteen.

It seemed so simple he almost assumed it was a joke. They'd take their pokémon out into Raikou Forest and live off the land, growing closer to their pokémon by "finding their true path in life" together. Even as desperate as he had been for something, he'd still been less than excited to try this. She said it could only take a week at most, though, so he went along with it. If worse came to worse, he'd just have a little camping trip to bond with Raiden.

That was a month ago. He had thought ahead enough to buy too much food for a week just in case, but that ran thin within the third week. He'd had to rely on Raiden's sense for food after that, and that only made him feel even worse. A pokémon taking care of its trainer. How humiliating.

Worse was how easy the shift had been. After laughing at Ryan when he asked, Raiden instantly took charge as the provider. He searched the food, gathered it, and brought it back. Ryan tried to take a more active role and help, but that ended in misery with him falling into some pond he didn't even know was there.

He sat about uselessly while his pokémon took care of him. His hand hit the bottom of the bag. He didn't have any rations left. At least Raiden usually looked happy to bring the food. "Chu?" Raiden asked. He held one paw up to Ryan. On top of taking care of their food, Raiden had also taken charge of when he got treats. Ryan didn't have it in him to resist anymore, either.

He reached into the front pocket, pulled out the bag, and dropped it into Raiden's paw. "Here," he mumbled.

"Rai!" Raiden said. Ryan looked down at him confused. Usually, he just ran off with the treat and went to get more food, but he was still there. Ryan glanced at the treat still in his paw. Was he holding it up? "Rai!" the chu said, as if answering the unspoken question.

"F-for me?" he mumbled, and Raiden happily nodded. Ryan's mouth twisted into disgust, but then he saw how happy Raiden seemed. It finally clicked that Raiden was trying to do something nice for him. Maybe they had made progress after all! Unfortunately, that progress now led to him being offered a treat for chu. He tried to push the treat away, but instead his hand grabbed it.

"Chu!" Raiden cheered. While he couldn't think of a single reason why, Ryan realized he felt compelled to do as the chu demanded. Even the voice in his head trying to talk him out of it started questioning how bad it could possibly be.

It was in his mouth before he knew he'd put it in. The taste of savory, sweet pumice stuck to his tongue. It seemed unremarkable at first, but then he felt a sort of tingling. It tingled and popped around his tongue like little electric bolts. He knew they were for chu specifically, but they had electricity inside them? He zoned out as the feeling grew more intense. What started as little shivers of numbness sparked into shocks of electricity all over his mouth. Even as it started to hurt, he felt bliss start taking over.

His tongue started to get flatter, nimbler, better able to reach around every inch of his mouth and pick out every little speck of that treat hiding inside. With so much on his tongue, though, he ended up spreading it all over his jaws. The tingling spread to his teeth as his incisors dulled down, but his canines grew longer and sharper. He brought a mouth to feel his mouth while a dumb smile spread across his face.

He was completely out of it. If he'd thought straight, he might have spat it out to stop the spread of whatever had infected him, but he didn't think of that in time. He swallowed down the treat. As it went into his stomach, the tingle spread down his throat and the haze left his mind. His eyes shot open and he felt his teeth again.

Not the slightest bit human. "Wach, whachuppen?" he stuttered out. Of course words weren't cooperating, he had a completely new mouth! A tingle tickled his fingers and he yanked them away. He tried to clean them off, but the tingle only grew stronger. It was too late. Regardless, he kept trying to clean, rub, scrape off that smear of brown, only to realize he'd spread it to his other hand. He looked at both and balked in horror.

Those brown smudges weren't the treat. They were fur. The fur was growing. He let out a yell and yanked his bag over to himself. His phone! He had to get it working before whatever was going on made his hands useless. He dug desperately through his bag to find it, then dumped it all out. His hands jerked, shocks sprouting throughout as they started shrinking. "Gno, NO!" he begged. His pinky started shriveling into nothing when he finally spotted that stupid black mirror. He fumbled it into his degrading hands and clicked the power button. If only it'd been on, but he had to reserve its battery. The stupid pokéball of a symbol popped onto the screen. He had the faintest sliver of hope that he might be saved when a string of text appeared under it.

Please wait for updates to install.

He let out a scream that shocked him when he heard it. It didn't sound human at all. His worry turned to equally animalistic whimpers. Talking had already gotten so hard. How long did he have? A snap popped in both of his hands, and gone were his pinky fingers. Or, so it seemed at first. He flexed where they should be and felt a shadow of their former selves moving underneath the fur. Pulling it back, he could even see a pawpad on them.

Pawpads. He realized then that his palms had developed pawpads. While the fur was dark brown, the pads were a lighter cream. He'd seen these paws before. "Rai?" Raiden asked, remarkably calm while his trainer screamed and panicked. Ryan ignored him, though, his phone finished updating!

He scrambled to swipe it open as his fingers degraded more and more into little nubbins. Watching them try to maneuver an ill fit screen would have been cute if he hadn't been the one doing it. At least his thumbs stayed pretty much opposable, if a bit small. He just got past the lockscreen when the sparking shocks settled in his stomach.

Arcs of electricity shot up his spine, toppling him forward. The tingling bent and contorted his posture to lean forward a slight bit more, every crack of his spine sending a wave of comforting warmth throughout. The shocks should have hurt, but he found them more and more addicting. The bolts sparked his pleasure receptors in that way he'd only ever managed to do alone, in dark rooms while nobody was around.

A moan of his own snapped him out of it. He couldn't seriously be getting off on this, could he?! He tapped at his phone more and finally got to the phone app. His mom's picture popped up, and he tapped it instantly to call her. Hopefully she wasn't bus--

A snap jerked his spine once more, and he felt his point of view shift. It was slight, no more than an inch, but he looked around and realized he was shorter. Then, another snap yanked him down while his tailbone started aching. It felt odd, bent to the side and oh Arceus his tail bone was out enough to bend now. He got up and yanked his pants off to see a black cord winding its way out of his tailbone.

"R-r-rai chu!" Raiden laughed. Ryan almost barked at him for that, but looking down at the chu told him why. In taking off his pants, he'd revealed his cock standing at full mast. He jerked to the side and tried to hide it with the paw not holding his phone. Oddly, it didn't offer any pleasure like it usually would, but he took the blessing for what it was.

His vertebrae snapped again, as did his legs. Fur spread down them, and he felt the inches slip away everywhere except his feet. The sparks that had taken his fingers started snapping at his toes, but this time they actually did disappear. The phone rang again. Why wasn't she picking up? He sat down facing away from Raiden, careful not to sit on his developing tail. His feet didn't shrink. In fact, it almost seemed like they grew a bit. Five toes merged into three, and he had to suppress a moan when he felt the pawpad at the bottom puff out.

Why did paws feel so good? "Hello," his phone finally said. He snapped out of it and held it up to talk when, "I'm not at the phone right now. Please leave a message at the beep."

He almost screamed, but held it back. He could still leave a message. Before the tone had finished, he already started talking. "Rai-Chu! Rai ra-i chura chu raichu!" he said. It all came out before he realized what he'd said. It was pokéspeak. No doubts what he was becoming anymore. He let out a whimper and hung up, all hope fading.

Another snap in his spine. His shirt had started draping over him. A force wrenched his shoulders forward, forcing them to be better suited to quadrupedal movement. He leaned further forward, and it felt so right to do so. The shirt hid most of his upper body, but his thighs were still in full view. He glanced at them and had to do a double take. Surely they had to have gotten smaller, but so had he, so they looked even bigger than they had before. With every inch they'd lost in length, it seemed they'd redistributed it to grow wonderfully thicc.

He let a paw down to knead them and felt the soft fur highlight how delightfully squishy they were. Pliable, but with indisputable shape that pushed back. The perfect ratio of soft and firm that he for a second compared to pillows he'd love to rest his face in. His paw followed the curve of his new, delicious thighs and discovered his ass. He'd never been thin before, but oh Arceus had he never been quite this thicc. Even grazing the surface sent a shock of arousal throughout.

"Raaaaaaii," he moaned as he got to kneading his own ass. God, it felt incredible. The perfect ass, the kind he'd like to penetrate, yet even imagining that he couldn't help but feel better imagining himself on the receiving end. That shook him out of his head, and a horrendous creaking and cracking in his ears kept him out. They twisted, cracked, snapped and popped loud enough that he thought he might go deaf. They grew out, bigger and wider.

He reached up a paw to feel them once they finished, shaking his head. "No," he mumbled in pokéspeak. "I-I can't. I can't...." Tears started streaking down his face as fur finally started overtaking it. His muzzle popped out, jaw snapping into place while he felt pudge pile up in his cheeks.

"Not fun turning into something before you're ready?" he heard from behind him. He knew the voice, but still had to turn around and see the face to be sure. He could actually understand his pokémon. "Well, I guess we're even."

Ryan wanted to shout at him. Scream. Demand he explain what the hell the chu did to him, but only managed out a weak whimper. With all the rage swirling inside, he couldn't dream of yelling at Raiden anymore. "Wh-why?" he asked.

Raiden closed in to comfort him, wrapping his paws around the mostly formed chu. "I'm not doing it," he explained. "I just offered the treat because it felt right. Like it's what you needed. I'm sorry."

The words were sweet, but Ryan couldn't bring himself to listen to them. Feeling Raiden's warmth on his sent shivers down his spine. He leaned into the touch to get more of him, and more indeed he got. A sniffle brought in a cloud of warm musk that intoxicated Ryan. He felt his cock throb, and thanked the heavens he still had that shirt covering him. Yet, a deeper part, one he quickly dismissed as disgusting, wanted to show Raiden.

But he couldn't ignore it. His eyes glazed over at the thought of being in such a state with Raiden, filled with need. He wrapped his arms around the chu and buried all he could into the other chu. His hips jerked forward against Raiden against his will, snapping Ryan out of it just enough to realize what he'd done, but not enough to let him stop.

Raiden looked into his eyes with instant recognition. "Right, that little quirk of evolution," he giggled. "Doesn't happen to everyone, but I guess you're one of the lucky ones."

Ryan tilted his head in confusion, keeping his eyes down. "What are you talking about," he mumbled meekly.

"Well, I don't know all the mechanics," Raiden mumbled. "But here's the gist." In one motion, his tail sliced the shirt off Ryan, revealing his throbbing cock that, somehow, hadn't changed. It looked like a monster because of its size, and Ryan felt disgusted at the very sight of it. "Evolution makes ya horny."

Ryan didn't get a chance to cover it before Raiden dropped down to start licking it. "You're lucky I don't discriminate with my mates," he giggled. Hearing that word sent a surge through Ryan's mind. Mating his pokémon had to be the most revolting thing he'd ever thought of, and he couldn't believe everyone else was so fine with it.

Yet, Raiden calling him a mate (definitely one of many considering his intoxicatingly masculine aura) sent a flutter through his heart. He looked over Raiden's body and got a better sense than ever of his strength. His light pudge covered taught muscles, with his back bursting with muscles moving even just moving his head around. Moving his head around...

Ryan watched in awe as Raiden engulfed his cock in one motion, working it over from base to tip, then ramming his face back into it. When had he gotten so experienced? Yet, as impressive a sight as it was, Ryan felt barely anything from it. His eyes strayed to Raiden's strong, square ass and he felt arousal flood through him.

He'd never dream of finding a pokémon attractive before--or a guy, for that matter--but now he couldn't deny how he felt. Never before had he even entertained the thought of being naked with another dude. Maybe that's why the amazing head wasn't doing anything for him. Yet, as he watched Raiden work his cock over, he could only fantasize about doing the same to the chu. The thought alone brought more pleasure than he'd felt from the blowjob so far. Ryan felt a twinge of disgust at the thought of his cock. It was the only part of him that hadn't changed at all, yet it felt the most foreign. If only he had a real cock to play with. He let out another whimper thinking about Raiden's again.

"W-wait," he stammered, placing a paw lightly on Raiden's head. When the chu looked up, he looked away. "C-could... would it be all right..." he couldn't believe he was about to ask this, couldn't believe he wanted to! "I just, if you're going to..." This timid lilt wouldn't leave his voice, and he could swear it had gotten higher, too. He told himself it was just because of the transformation. "Y-your-you--"

Raiden grinned wide. He went back down all the way to the base of Ryan's cock and slid back up. While it didn't feel all that great, the lewd sight made Ryan shiver. "Huh, didn't take you for a cockslut," he teased when his mouth was free. Warmth flooded Ryan's cheeks. "I dunno, are you sure?" Raiden stood up to reveal a veritable monster slipping out of his sheath. It was at least as big as Ryan's, and it wasn't even all the way out! Ryan felt himself salivate at the sight. He'd always been straight, yet that rod took his attention like no picture in a magazine ever had. "I don't want you doing something you don't want, after all."

"W-well," Ryan tried to argue while having his eyes glued firmly to the spire between Raiden's legs. "It's only fair if you do it to me." The cream sheath had pulled back to reveal most of the bright yellow spire, the same color as the chu's cheeks and ears. It had a head, though a bit less pronounced and with more of a point, and every slimy inch of it had veins pulsing through it. Ryan couldn't help but fantasize how it'd feel to fill him.

"Oh, don't worry about me," Raiden said. He dropped back down to all fours, hiding the wonderful sight from Ryan's view. "Fair's not that big of a deal."

"Please!" Ryan whimpered.

Raiden's smirk grew almost enough to join each of the patches on his cheeks. "You really want to?" he asked. Ryan nodded his head, eyes pleading. Raiden rolled over, and his cock flared up onto his belly. "Beg, then I'll think about it."

Ryan didn't hesitate to fall to his knees. "Please, please!" he nearly screamed. "I want it, want it so bad! I-I," he thought for a moment if he even could beg. He had so little experience wanting dick that he didn't know how to ask for the--, "I want your cock to fill my throat, fuck me so deep you feel my stomach! Fill my stomach! Arceus, I want you to fuck me so hard, so much my belly sags with your cum! Please, fill my womb with your seed! I want to carry your eggs!"

Instinct sure was a helpful little impulse. Raiden's cool, controlled expression had faltered into surprise. It took him a moment to recover, pasting his confident smile back on. "Carry my eggs, eh?" he chuckled. "Bit ill equipped for that, aren't you?"

The question stabbed Ryan in the heart, though he couldn't figure why. He had to assume it was the implicit rejection. Almost certainly, he assured himself, because not being able to swallow that spire had to be the cruelest fate he could imagine. He stood there whimpering, eyes transfixed on that prize of a cock.

"Go ahead, whore," Raiden said. Ryan hit the floor before Raiden had called him a whore. He pressed his nose into it and drank in the savory musk. The scent was so thick it burned like alcohol going down, and it was equally as intoxicating. He couldn't think about anything but getting as much of it inside him as possible. The taste already coated his throat. Every inhale throbbed his cock with more pleasure than he'd ever felt, ever thought he could feel.

The salty-sweet musk hit him all over again when he opened his mouth to lick it, but he wouldn't be deterred. He buried his nose into Raiden's sheath and lapped up the built up, metallic tasting sweat. His licks started small, short, until he realized his tongue had so much more now. He made full use of its new flexibility and dove into that sheath. That spelunking brought incredible gold, as well.

Not only did he get tastes of intoxicating smegma, but he found a wonderful hidden treasure. Right past the sheath, his cock flared out even wider. He dug for the treasure, pushing the sheath back to see the wonder the base hid. The sight filled him with awe, even when the best he could get were glimpses. He'd heard of knots before, but now he'd seen one.

Running his tongue along the cock brought a familiar tingling sensation to his mouth. At first, it stayed in his mouth, but he'd eventually swallowed enough to feel it sparking inside his stomach. The warm tingles pulsed out into his belly. He dragged his tongue up the shaft and finally got a taste of the dripping pre. One gulp felt like a four course meal. It bloated his stomach out so much he felt his belly squishing against his cock. As incredible as it felt to have his cum-filled belly squish around something, the fact it was his worthless dick sullied the experience. Still, he continued to eat and eat as much as he could.

Yet, he only grew hungrier. The four course meal had left him starving worse than before, because now he knew how delicious the food tasted. He sucked whatever he could out of it, and pleasure rumbled through him. The intoxicating tingles of electricity in the pre-cum filled him with lust for more. He finally wrapped his lips around the head and felt his purpose throb against his tongue.

His cheeks flushed with embarrassment at that thought. He couldn't believe he'd gotten so into this, that he wanted so much more of it. Having sex with his pokémon felt like a taboo, a humiliating sin he'd never admit to, and all of that humiliation burned his arousal hotter. Servicing his pokémon like this felt so right, so deliciously right.

It even felt wrong to call Raiden his pokémon. Ryan didn't own him, not anymore. If servicing his needs felt this amazing, Ryan wanted to devote his life to the endeavor. He swirled his tongue around the huge, throbbing member while humiliating thoughts of how he could debase himself to service the superior male flushed his cheeks with wonderful embarrassment and delicious arousal. He'd already been "taking care" of Raiden, so was it really much of a change?

The sight of the sheath grazed the top of his vision and filled him with envy. If only he had such a place he could put away his unsightly little thing while he serviced Raiden. More and more, his cock felt like a foreign invader he wished he could get rid of, and that terrified him. He was a man! That was his manhood! He couldn't discard it, could he?

Raiden thrust his cock deeper into Ryan's mouth, and that rattled all the conflict out of Ryan's mind. His own worthless, shriveling little nub didn't matter at all compared to the glorious pole impaling his mouth. He got up onto his paws to crawl forward and slurp up more of that delicious dick. His tongue massaged every inch of the veiny mass, and he savored all the flavors it brought.

Raiden pat his head, rumbling in pleasure. "Sweet Raikou, you're good at this," he panted. The praise turned his knees to rubber, and he almost fell in the pool of precum he'd been leaking all this time. The close call made him imagine getting soaked in cum, and that sent him over the edge. He moaned as his cock throbbed harder, and he tried to get even more of Raiden's inside him as his own cum spewed. The glorious knot bumped into his nose right as the head thumped into the back of his throat.

Ryan wanted to get the knot in his mouth, tried everything short of unhinging his jaw to get it inside, but he just couldn't. The deep sorrow didn't get a chance to set in before he felt it twitching in his mouth. Raiden grabbed the back of his head and yanked him forward to put his cock as deep as possible into Ryan's throat while he came. "Rrrraaaaaaiichu," Raiden rumbled in pleasure, and Ryan screamed in pleasure as loud as he could with a cock in his throat.

All the flavor he'd tasted up to this point did little to prepare Ryan for the torrent that spewed down his throat. The light tingles turned to electric shocks of delicious, tangy, bitter cum that he did his best to drink as much as possible, and thank Arceus it shot straight down his throat. He felt it pool in his stomach with warm satisfaction.

Ryan dropped down a paw to feel his belly fill even more with cum so virile and masculine he couldn't believe he'd been blessed with it. An ache down below begged for more, but he knew they had already finished. They'd both cum, so they couldn't just keep going for at least another half hour.

The cock still throbbing down his throat argued against that assumption, though. As he ran his tongue over it to clean every inch, it didn't soften in the slightest. It almost seemed to get harder! He still could not believe Raiden hid this throat clogging monster this whole time.

"I think you got it wet enough, there," Raiden said. He pat Ryan's head and tugged him off it by the nape. The ache inside Ryan grew unbearable as Raiden lifted him off that delicious spire, and need pulsed through him when he realized the other chu could do it easily with one paw. He instinctually curled up into a ball and felt a twinge of disgust to once again have to look at his pitiful dick. "Let's go somewhere more comfortable," Raiden whispered, carrying him over the threshold of the tent until an intriguing site caught his eye. "Interesting."

Ryan followed the gaze to the end of his own tail. It hadn't developed a bolt yet. He didn't get much time to think it over, distracted when he felt a cheek spark into his own, laying him on the grass. That shared electricity coursed through him like a shot of espresso laced with raichu dick. Even Raiden's electricity exuded masculinity. Yet, coursing through Ryan didn't seem to make him more masculine. Instead of joining his own nascent charge, it dominated him. It oozed with strength so potent he didn't want to consider any response other than complete and total submission.

The same feeling came when Raiden leaned down to kiss him. While his tongue sat there, Raiden's took control completely. He felt it caress every part of his mouth, outlining his gums, marking his cheeks with its scent, and embracing his own tongue. He pressed in and used his own tongue to reciprocate, but only to accommodate Raiden's.

A rumble filled both of them in unison. Ryan moaned out a desperate, "Chu," as Raiden pulled away, not wanting the kiss to end, but another surge of that virile electricity sated his every desire. Raiden laid on top of him, pressing his cock between their bellies. Ryan returned the embrace, holding him tight, squeezing him close, and rubbing along his powerful muscles and delicious chub with his paws. "I love you," he moaned.

Even without looking, he felt Raiden smile. "I love you, too," Raiden said. In all their years together, they'd never felt so close. From day one they were tenuous friends, and the thunderstone incident only widened that rift between them.

For the first time, the thought of that night filled Ryan with regret. Sacrificing Raiden's will for his own desires, acting completely selfishly deciding he knew best because he had the reins, it brought tears to his eyes. "I'm so sorry," he whimpered. Thank Mew Raiden had the lead, now.

Raiden squeezed the tears out, knowing on a level beyond words what Ryan meant. "It's okay. It was years ago," he said. A throb of his cock cut through the sentimentality. Ryan felt that same transformative tingle along his belly once again, but had no idea what was left to change.

His nipples, apparently. The tingling concentrated in them to contract them, harden them, until dispersing around them and coaxing more fat beneath. Breasts--no. The same sensations began in two pairs beneath them, and he felt the same tissue grow. Teats. Raiden's fur tickled them, eliciting a ravenous moan from Ryan. "Take me," Ryan begged.

"With pleasure," Raiden answered. One last surge of electricity tingled from his cheeks as he got up, standing over Ryan with his cock resting between the newly formed teats. His smile curled up into an eager smirk, and a throb of his dick telegraphed how he felt about the new development. As he pulled his dick slowly back, across Ryan's chest, belly, groin, the residual tingle grew slightly. It left his torso and traveled down his tail to finally craft his bolt. The first spike crackled out like lightning, shooting down once, then crashing back up into a blunted end.

Ryan held it on top of Raiden's dick so they could both appreciate it. That blunted end, incongruous with the life he'd led up to that point, felt so right. This constant struggle to be the best, the burning need to break free of other bonds, to demand everyone else see him as the best in the room, to cede control to him all faded in his mind. The need to assert masculinity over all else faded away, and peace came to take its place.

To love, to nurture and care for others. To open up to them so they could open up in turn, to fight for safety and comfort rather than pride, it all felt so right. It felt as if life up to that point had been nothing more than a failed experiment, a wrong birth now correct. The worthless little dick that had yet to change was nothing but a foreign body, a blemish left from an old, discarded disguise.

Raiden looked down at the blunted bolt with an obvious question. Not confusion, he'd taken most of this completely in stride. No, he was asking his new mate's thoughts on the matter, caring only for how he could validate his partner emotionally.

"Call me Cheri," Cheri said.

Raiden smiled. "I love you, Cheri," he said.

Hearing her name said back to her filled her heart with warmth. This was her, yes. It was who she'd always been, and now she could finally be her best self. "I love you, too, Raiden," she said. As sweet as this was, she needed to get that cock inside her and milk it dry with the style and grace of the lady she was. "Now, pop my cherry, won't you?"

Raiden obliged without a word, pulling his dick back enough to probe at her entrance when another transformative tingle came. Cherry rolled over onto her belly and held her ass up, not caring what next change came as much as she cared about getting that cock inside her. Her dick throbbed impossibly hard at the prospect, but it didn't disgust her like it had before. Merely an echo of who she used to be.

An echo, she realized, that wouldn't sustain any longer. Pleasure and need filled every inch of her dick as it pulsed smaller. Raiden's head pressed a touch harder at her ass, and she felt her balls pull tight against her until pop they went inside. She felt the head of Raiden's cock breach her asshole, and another orgasm jolted through her. The ache of need shot out of her dwindling, pathetic excuse of a dick as every last drop of her laughable attempt at masculinity dribbled out her once testes (now juiced and reformed into ovaries).

The pleasure took all of her faculties out of her, and her knees wobbled before her dropping her weight on the grass. She cried out in pleasured pain as Raiden's cock popped out of her ass. "Cheri?" Raiden cried, quick to drop down and hold her. "Was that too much? Are you all right?"

"Raaaai," Cheri rumbled. "I'm better than all right." She licked Raiden's face and rolled over with an eager smile. "Look!" she cheered, both paws pointing at her freshly formed vagina. Raiden stood up to see, and the look of pure lust in his eyes burned her groin. His tongue darted out to catch a dob of drool, and the sight of that made her vag ache. An aching that only grew as her eyes drifted down.

Before she could evaporate from the heat of need, Raiden dropped back down and lined his dick up. He rested his dick on top of her cunt and started lightly smearing her lips aside. Minor thrusts, so gentle they felt surgical, forward, back and around as he leaned down to kiss her on the lips. They gazed into each other's eyes with an unspoken conversation. The teasing around and light, barely noticeable probes into her new hole drove her wild. The heady aroma of masculinity bore down on her, too, as he panted over her.

All this came together in a single nod from her, and Raiden finally gave her that wonderful taste of penetration. It sated her need as much as it stoked the ache within. She clenched all new muscles around the head of that dick and moaned at the pain of every inch within her that had nothing to squeeze. He pulled out to press deeper, and they both cried out in unison. It pressed deeper, spreading her so wide she almost worried she couldn't take it. Another thrust forward and back had her right on the edge of pain.

Raiden's tongue dragging along her teats numbed the pain, replacing it with pleasure. It electrified her enough that she thrusted up to swallow whatever she could into her cunt. She squeezed it hard, milking whatever she could out of it. It grew harder and harder with every thrust, each vein and ridge massaging her deepest parts. She kept joining in with his thrusts, massaging that dick to feel every single inch of it.

All her efforts finally dropped a squirt of cum inside, and another orgasm shook her form. This one felt completely different. It started at her vagina, pulsing out with warmth and need until it engulfed her completely in pleasure. She shot out a fountain of sex fluids. So eager to shoot more, she squeezed around the cock hard enough that some of the cum squirted out onto her face.

Raiden looked up at her and snickered between moans. "Here, let me get that for you," he offered, and leaned in to lick every inch of her face clean. Starting at her chin, he pushed forward as he went further up her face, spreading her so wide she thought she might split in half, until her cunt that wonderful knot. He pulled out halfway, and then thrusted in. "If it's too much, don't worry," he said with another thrust. "This is enough for now."

Cheri thought about it. Hard. She already screamed with every thrust, so she had no idea how she'd take even more. She felt all but the head leave her, then slam back inside. The penetration shook every inch of her with pleasure, letting her know she could definitely get off like this, too.

Yet, with every thrust that slammed into her, that knot hit her passage harder. And harder. And she thrusted back against it harder and harder, squeezing every inch as it pulled out so she could release as it slammed back in even harder than before. Every vein hammered into her walls as it pounded her and she didn't have to think about it anymore.

Raiden started picking up speed. He slammed it down into her, and she rubbed her clit against it during its stay until it pulled out, then pressed the two together once more. He hammered her harder and harder, faster and faster, all while her passage ached for more, for release, for the load of cum she wanted so desperately to fill her womb. Their tails met behind them, and intertwined. They swirled together into one bolt as the knot slammed her entrance again and again.

The speed hit a breaking point, and she knew it wouldn't be much longer. Faster and faster, he pounded her pussy and she pounded back as hard as she could while more orgasms coursed through her body. It felt so good, she might as well have died and gone to heaven.

Then, Raiden began to slow. He steadily sacrificed speed for even more force than Cheri knew existed. It slammed into her so hard that she felt her back bash into the grass every time. She felt another orgasm building around his wonderful quaking member, and when it slammed into her again, she knew he was just as close. Raiden pressed his mouth against hers and kissed her with all the force he used to thrust forward for the penultimate time.

Every vein throbbed inside her, every ridge squeezing her for pleasure. Cheri looked down to meet his eyes, then closed her to nod. He pulled out slowly, so slow, so agonizingly slow that she started to scream, and screamed even louder once he slammed it back into her. The force didn't stop on impact, but kept pressing, pressing harder, spreading her wider, and she pressed just as hard back. She used all her force and more to get it inside of her, but it felt fruitless. It was just too big.

A bolt of lightning crashed down on top of them, and Raiden used the extra energy to burst the knot fully inside her. It spread her so wide she wailed in pleasure as that fountain of cum finally let loose inside her. Pleasure wracked her entire form as cum filled her fresh womb, and the shaking of orgasm squished around that wonderful knot enough to crash another through her. She sucked in his kiss to pull him as close as possible, the need for air a close second.

The cum pooled inside her with unknowable warmth. It filled her completely within an instant, and then just spread her wider. She felt it shooting into her, pressure building until her cervix gave way and let more in. Even with the new receptacle, the cum filled her belly so much she felt it sloshing. Thank Raikou she'd taken that knot, because the cum had climbed up every inch of her clogged passage to get out, coating Raiden's cock in their shared fluids.

Cheri rolled to the side to hug Raiden. The ocean of cum in her sloshed audibly, and the two shared a brief glance at her distended belly. They looked into their eyes for eternities. All they had known up to that point faded. It didn't matter. It never did. They had each other, and they always would. She would have his eggs, and he would bless her with more. They loved each other. They were one.

Cheri thought back on why she'd come out here in the first place and smiled. As they drifted off to sleep together, she smiled. Yes, she certainly had found her ideal role.