Sibling x Girlfriend 4 - Golf Date

Story by Horcat on SoFurry

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#4 of Three-Peaks

Dane and Gemini have an unexpected encounter during their date at a local mini-golf attraction.

Golf Date

Dane and Gemini made their way casually but cautiously down the main strip, trying to stay close to each other on the crowded sidewalk. Spring had warmed steadily into summer, as though the temperature of the weather was trying to keep pace with the temperature of their relationship. Tourist season had come into full swing, making their now-habitual Monday outings more..."challenging", as Gemini liked to put it. While Dane still had no job of his own to schedule around, he and Gemini had made a point of using weekdays, during standard work-hours, for their dates. That way Johanna wouldn't be cheated out of any significant leisure time with her brother after clocking out for the day, and Gemini could switch the bulk of her attention with a clear conscience from her boyfriend to his sister when she came by.

For this particular date, on a particularly hot early-summer day, the pair were heading to one of the few indoor putt-putt courses. "Don't take this as criticism," Dane chuckled, catching Gemini's hand again after they had to split around a bench or crash into someone in the crowd, "But I feel a little silly going to this venue. You really still enjoy mini-golf?"

Gemini had been the one to choose the location this time, after Dane took her rock-climbing for their last outing. The picture she'd playfully sent to Johanna of the view from below Dane's tush, all snugly framed in the climbing harness, had earned her a surprisingly passionate kiss from the female Dalmatian when they got back that evening. "Fun-fact," Gemini grinned, "I like real golf! But getting onto those courses is expensive, so this is more our speed, and air-conditioned to-boot."

"...Really?" her boyfriend quirked a brow at her, "Color me surprised. Are you good?"

Her answer to that was a shrug...followed quickly by a sly grin and her eyes fixed mischievously on his face as she explained, "I'm not so great at getting the balls in the hole, but I can manage the pole pretty well."

Dane rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "Is there anything you can't make into an innuendo?"

Gemini giggled, claiming his arm in her own and twisting him a little awkwardly as they siddled by another group. "Probably not. It's all in how you say it. For instance..." she glanced around, spotting the sign for one of the off-street businesses on the road running behind the main strip, then looked back up at him with that same sly grin and asked in a sultry voice, "Would you like to 'rotate my tires' later tonight?" She added a bump of her hips for good measure.

Ahead of them, a mother pushed her two young children well to the side of the pair, giving wary looks to the Doberman as they passed. To be fair, she might not have actually heard what Gemini said on the crowded sidewalk, but responded to her dress instead. Gemi was wearing a skirt that seemed to be made of broad, layered leather belts more than cloth, hanging just halfway to her knees and covering a set of very thin hose leggings. Her tee shirt was nearly as black as her fur, with a large heart in her favorite, eye-bleeding pink blazing on the front, covered in long splashes of what might have looked like blood if blood came in every color of the rainbow.

If you weren't used to the look, it could be intimidating...or at least confusing. Gemini just grinned with a friendly wave as the three passed, while Dane pinched the bridge of his nose and tried not to look amused. "Okay, okay, you win," he groaned, "Now don't make it difficult for me to take the car for an oil change."

That request was a mistake. He could see it in her smile, and the way she leaned into him, getting ready to whisper some suggestion in his ear that would redefine "oil" for him...until she was interrupted by her own name, called in a loud, strong voice: "Gemi! There you are!"

From the opposite sidewalk, a large Red Elk stepped boldly into the street, heading straight for them. He wasn't on a crosswalk. He didn't have the light. He couldn't seem to care less. And he was big enough he'd probably crush the car that dared to hit him...of which there were two that came frighteningly close. He didn't stop, or so much as blink, until he was stepping onto the sidewalk beside Dane and Gemini, and he gave exactly zero consideration to the crowd, forcing it to part around him.

"...Ian!" Gemini flashed a bright smile, taking one step to put herself in front of Dane as the Elk towered over them, "How've you been?"

"Lonely," he declared bluntly, and leaned against the light-pole beside him, "You're a mighty high bar to get over, you know. This the new one?" Ian grunted, nodding curtly at Dane.

"Yep!" Gemini nodded with a sweet smile, leaning back against her boyfriend's chest with her hands behind her, holding two fists full of his shirt.

Said boyfriend was still giving half-stunned and half-suspicious looks to the larger male, but extended one hand passed Gemini's shoulder. "Dane. Nice to meet you," he offered.

"Sure," the Elk grunted without even looking at either him or the offered hand. His eyes never left Gemini. "He doesn't look very high-class. He treating you right?"

"Absolutely," Gemini cooed, tilting her head with a smile that said he should have known better than to even ask. "Ian, not to put too fine a point on it, but we've been through for a while now..."

He nodded firmly, accepting that statement without the least hint of argument, but his stern expression softened a bit at her look. "Yeah. Just be careful, Gemi. You keep this habit of yours up and it's going to get you hurt, sooner or later. Lotta tail-holes out there."

Gemini grinned, giving the Elk a sly look. "Ian...are you worried about me?" she giggled, then leaned forward to plank a quick, soft kiss on the tip of his frowning nose. "That's sweet, but Dane's as good as they come. Even better than you," she dared to suggest, leaning back against her boyfriend again.

The Elk snorted hard. "Not likely," he grunted, pushing off from the pole and giving his arms a stretch that threatened to rip the sleeves of his shirt, "But it's all good if he's treating you right, I guess. Call me up if he ever needs a punch in the nose," the Elk snorted again, finally looking at Dane, if only to give him a stern warning with his eyes.

"Sure thing," Gemini giggled, waving to his back as Ian started across the street again without ever looking back. She didn't move until he was onto the opposite sidewalk and clearly resuming his walk to wherever he was originally going...then relaxed against Dane's chest sincerely. "Well, that was exciting," she flashed an apologetic smile to the Dalmatian.

"...You wouldn't," Dane declared, though there was a subtle question tucked in there as well, which made his girlfriend laugh again.

"Couldn't if I wanted to," she waved off the thought, taking his hand as they resumed their own walk, "I am very thorough in my Purge Days, but he wouldn't know I burned his number three boyfriends ago."

"Yeah," Dane agreed in half-distraction, glancing over his shoulder one more time to watch those antlers disappear around a corner, " know I don't hold anything against how you've been living until this spring, but it's just occurred to me that you've been through quite a few boyfriends...and some of them might not have got over it so well. Are there any we should actually be worried about?"

"Mm, no, I don't think so," she replied confidently, smile never faltering, "I mean, I have to admit Ian isn't exactly wrong. I've been pretty lucky in my picks. But that's the irony: he's the closest I've ever gotten to being un_lucky. And I take pains to make a clean break without leaving their pride in shambles. The one exception might be Thom, but he's nearly half a girl himself," she winked, "He wouldn't do more than swear at you in a whine." Pointing lazily over their shoulders, she added, "Ian would've been the trouble, if there was one. He's the chivalrous sort...kind of. Short temper, wouldn't think twice about collecting someone's teeth, but he went out of his way to be polite and gentle with _any girl, not just me." Leaning into Dane's shoulder, she whispered, "That's kind of why I stepped in front of you: I wouldn't put it passed him to take a swing, but not if I was anywhere near the line of fire. I'd just have to struggle to stay in the line of fire."

"He definitely seemed like a handful," Dane admitted, wincing just a little inside that his girlfriend had felt the need to protect him.

"Oh, you have no idea," Gemi laughed, "He was a bit more than I could handle, more ways than one!" She pointed both fingers in front of her, slowly drawing them apart like she was measuring something, and her own eyes got wider the further they moved.

Dane smirked at her when her fingers seemed to indicate the Elk was nearly as long as both of them were wide. "Okay, now you're just trying to insult me," he rolled his eyes, pulling her under the awning to the putt-putt course at last.

Gemi giggled, then waited patiently while he bought the tickets...but stopped him before he could collect the clubs. The Doberman gave him an apologetic look, gazing up into his eyes and chewing her lip as she considered something. "Um...that was kind of rude, actually, and I'm sorry. What would you like to do about it?"

Dane tilted his head in a confused look. "It's not like you deliberately called him over. He invi--"

Gemini shook her head, giving him a grateful smile, but clarified, "The kiss. I'd like to make an excuse...but that was definitely rude, kissing an ex right in front of you, regardless of reasons. What would you like to do about it?" she repeated.

Her boyfriend blinked, then chuckled, and pulled her out of the way of the ticket booth to stand at the corner of the little hut where they doled out the clubs and golf balls. "Look, I'm not the type that's going to get all huffy about you being friendly with other guys. Or even affectionate. We'll be fine if you just don't make them this kind of kiss," he smiled, then put a hand behind her head and gently pulled her into a full-on lip-lock, with tongue. He put one arm around her waist as he leaned into her, tipping her back into his embrace.

Gemini trusted her weight to him with a happy hum and eyes closed, making wet little noises around his lips with her own. They didn't break until some snot over on the third green yelled for them to get a room. "Oo, that'll be easy," the Doberman cooed with a blissful look in her eyes, "I've never shared that kind of kiss with any boy before."

Her boyfriend snickered as he collected himself and their clubs from the little window by his shoulder. "Don't lie. I will make one exception, though," he added as he passed her club to her with a wink, "You can share that kind of kiss with your girlfriend. Just no exes." Gemini's tongue peeked from the corner of her mouth and her tail began patting her posterior. Dane had just selected a couple of balls for them when it occurred to him... "Do you have any ex-girlfriends?"

"Only one," Gemini winked back, "And we kind of hooked up again recently."

She was better at putting balls in the hole than she'd initially stated. Dane wasn't too shabby, himself, but Gemini made everything harder the longer they played, and her boyfriend increasingly suspected that was deliberate. She'd stand with her club tucked tight between her crossed thighs to free her hands for marking the score card. Her favorite phrase for requesting him to put her ball down at the start of each green was, "Peg me!" And with the exception of actually making her putts, she always seemed to be handling the club just a little suggestively, fingertips sliding along the leather grip or playfully clutching the thick head.

In spite of all this, the Dalmatian was actually one stroke ahead of his girlfriend by the time they reached the last green. The little mound surrounding the hole, right below the attraction's signature animatronic pirate ship, frustrated them both. "This thing is a worse tease than I am," Gemini muttered, watching her latest swing roll the ball right up to the lip of the cup, then right back down the hill again.

"You're right," Dane agreed with a smirk, lining up for his next attempt, "You actually let things in yo--" He bit down on the remark a little too late, and Gemini was already covering her mouth to restrain the laughter. "Yeah, you're definitely rubbing off on me," the Dalmatian sighed as his ball rolled in an arc across the hill to the other side.

Gemi grinned, but politely passed on the chance to suggest she would do exactly that as soon as they got back to his living-room. Dane liked her little word-play up to a point, but she could tell it was starting to wear on him, and the embarrassment was turning genuine. The cannon above their heads fired as her ball finally sank into the last hole, falling down a pipe to be returned for another player. "Yay!" the Doberman cheered, tail wagging hard against the belts around her hips.

Dane missed his next putt. And the tying putt. But the cannon finally fired after his next swing, and frankly by that point it was more relief than victory. "How is this game so exhausting?" he chuckled as Gemini skipped over to give him a kiss on the cheek as congratulations.

"You play hard, even when it's all in fun," Gemi noted, swinging her shoulders and giving a tactful look around the room. They were near the back of the building, at the end of the "intermediate" course. The Hog managing the desk was busy ringing up tickets for a large family. The next group on their course was still three greens back and concentrating on their swings. With a grin, Gemini grabbed Dane's hand and pulled him behind the pirate ship. Dane barely had time to look surprised before she wheeled around and caught him in a hard kiss, preventing him from saying anything that might give them away. "Mmm...I've been a terrible tease all afternoon," she cooed quietly in his ear as soon as she was sure he wasn't going to call attention to them, "And you've been a great sport. This is the part where I stop being just a tease," the Doberman promised with a sly grin. She pressed her palm against the front of his pants, gently rubbing up and down the increasingly obvious bulge behind the zipper.

Dane stared at her like she'd sprouted an extra head. Glancing over his shoulder, he realized none of the other greens reached quite this close to the wall. Assuming they stayed close to the corner, no one could see them without deliberately coming around the ship. Assuming nobody else deliberately came around. "Are you trying to get us arrested?" he hissed in a whisper.

"Only if you don't keep it down," Gemi answered, grin never faltering as she pulled him tighter against her body, adding extra pressure to her hand. Sliding low, she curled a couple of fingers below his sac, teasing the area behind it through his jeans before drawing her hand all the way back up to his belt again. The temptation to unfasten that and reach directly inside his pants was terrible, but a tad riskier than even she was comfortable with back here, whether he believed that or not.

Gemini sighed in contentment (and a subtle relief) when he pressed against her, leaning her back against the wall, and reached around to squeeze her rump. Unfortunately, that was difficult to do in any satisfying way through the belts that made up her skirt. She shook her head when he started trying to work his fingers under the one belt actually hugging her hips, holding the rest in place. "Howler, remember?" she whispered in his ear, giving it a light kiss, "This is your treat. And my apology for earlier. Please."

Dane grit his teeth, and Gemini thought it was cute that he worried so much about returning her indulgences. More than one of her boyfriends hadn't thought twice about it, taking everything she gave them with the assumption that she simply enjoyed giving it. Or that they deserved it. They'd actually be right about that first point, even if the second was debatable...but Dane wasn't that type.

"Take me home afterward," Gemini suggested in a sultry whisper, to ease his conscience, "And wuff me like I'm still a thirsty virgin." Giving another soft kiss to his cheek, she added, "That's my one regret from these last few years, you know: I can't go back and give that to you."

"Wuff...hush," the Dalmatian in her palm whimpered, but only due to the difficulty he was having keeping his breath steady. He had her in a tight hug now, breasts squashed against his chiseled chest, hips beginning to tremble as she continued to caress him through his jeans. Dane would have kissed her, but the effort of choking back the howl rising in his throat made it impossible to unclench his teeth. Gemini smiled, and whispered--

The cannon fired, causing Dane to jump and utterly drowning out whatever his girlfriend had started to say. They'd both been so into each other that they hadn't noticed someone quietly puttering around on the final green. At least both of them had managed to keep from making any noise when they were startled, but now nether of them dared to move until they heard the other golfer praise his own score as he marked it down and finally leave...along with at least one companion.

Gently scratching the denim covering his balls, Gemini giggled quietly. "Bit much for you, huh?" She could feel his bone already shrinking away from her palm, without the tell-tale twitch of a man crossing the finish. He'd become aware, again, of exactly how close they were to getting caught...and that was exactly the opposite of a turn-on for him. He was actually panting, but for completely different reasons than she was hoping to give him. "Okay," the Doberman kisses his lips briefly, "Let's go somewhere more private now. I'll let you unbuckle my skirt," she winked.

" room?" Dane suggested, giving a brief kiss to the side of her neck before backing up to giving her room to stand and both of them room to straighten their clothes.

"Your car," Gemini corrected with a grin. Her boyfriend chuckled, kissed her nose, and put his arm around her shoulders as she collected their clubs. At least he knew a nice enough place to park for that...

"Welcome home," Johanna greeted from the couch as he walked through the door, "Did you remember dinner?"

Dane chuckled, holding up a small bag of sheilan take-out. "Sweet and sour, or pork noodles?"

"Sweet and sour," his sister requested, moving from the couch to their little dining table, "You guys were gone for a while. Exciting date?"

"Ehe...that's one way of putting it," Dane nodded, setting out the food and tipping Johanna's chin up to give her a soft kiss on the lips before she could dig in. The surprised Dalmatian's tail wagged once before her eyes returned to her phone and food. "We bumped into one of Gemini's exes. Not gonna lie: that was awkward. That guy could look down on Ares."

Johanna nodded, dipping some of her pork into the creamy red sauce with the disposable sticks. "She likes variety, in more ways than one. Did you catch his name?"

"Yeah: Ian. The guy was built like a beast," Dane rubbed the back of his head with an embarrassed smile, "Gemi actually stood between us just to make sure there wasn't a fight. I'd rather not have one, I'll admit, but--"

"Ian...Clawburn?" Johanna asked, tapping her phone with one hand while eating with the other, "A Red Elk? Yeah, she definitely needed to keep between you two."

Dane tilted his head, a little surprised his sister had a last name for the guy. "You know him?"

"Gemini talked me into going shopping with them, once," Johanna nodded, "She promised no one would bother us while we were with him, and boy she was not kidding. Even the sales assistants were reluctant to come near us."

"Yeah...I can see that," her brother agreed, slurping up a mouthful of noodles, "Was he polite? Gemini said he was gentle with ladies, but he still came across as...sort of subtly rude, to me."

The female Dalmatian dipped a few more pieces of pork, rocking her head thoughtfully as she tried to remember the outing. "I don't think I touched a single door from the moment I joined them until they dropped me off. Or carried anything but my phone. He talked to me, and was respectful, and he even bought me something Gemi convinced me to pick out. But his attention was solidly focused on Gemini, and I was just sort of an extension of her. Everyone else had to approach slowly, and mind their manners," Johanna shrugged, "It wasn't terrible. It felt a lot like having a very alert guard-dog. But that feeling scared me more than it comforted me, and Gemi obviously felt bothered by making other people uncomfortable. She'd rather have strangers walk right up and start talking than go out of their way to avoid her."

"She did say he was more than she could handle," Dane smirked, changing the subject, "Aside from that, it was nice and relaxing. The only other excitement was when she pulled me behind the pirate ship." Dane shook his head with a blush at the memory. "She has no fear of crowds, does she?"

Johanna paused her scrolling to look over at him. "...No, she doesn't. In fact, I'd say 'stealth-sex' is in a firm running for her number-one kink. So...can you handle it?"

Dane quirked a brow at her. "I'm not really comfortable with the thought of getting caught, but I'm not about to break things off over it, if that's what you mean."

His sister nodded, going back to her phone. "Good. I was worried how you'd take it. She's lost at least two boyfriends who decided that was just a little more wild than they were ready for, and you're not the brazen type, yourself."

"Heh...yeah, that's definitely not me," her brother admitted, "Kisses and quick, sneaky touches are one thing, but I got more nervous than excited, to be honest. We had to go somewhere with rather fewer people before I could relax enough to make her happy."

"Mmm...I doubt it," Johanna argued, pushing back her empty pan as she tapped her phone a few more times, "You let her pull you back there, right? If you didn't stop her, she was happy." She hooked his attention then, by putting her phone face-down on the table. "Want to try something more your speed now?"

Dane froze with the last of his noodles still hanging from his mouth. She waited patiently for him to slurp them up and lay down his sticks. "You On a weekday?"

His sister nodded quickly, reaching out to take his hand and pull him casually back into the living-room. "My work keeps us fed, and my sleep lets me work. I don't want to disrupt that," she reminded him even as she laid down on the couch, on her belly, "But that doesn't mean we can't do anything outside of weekends." Putting her arms around one of the end-pillows, she turned her head to the side, looking at him over her shoulder, and patted her own rump with her tail. "It's been a tedious day for me. This client I'm making a website for doesn't actually know what they want, so they're never satisfied with what I've got."

Dane tilted his head...then gave her a soft smile, sitting down beside her hips and rubbing her back gently. "Sorry. I got so into telling you about my day, I didn't even ask about yours."

Johanna shrugged. "I asked you first. No complaints. It sounds like you had a good day, but a tense one. So let's relax together now," she invited, bucking her hips invitingly, "There's no one here but us. The door is locked. There are no expectations. I won't complain about where your hands end up, or any other part of you, and I won't coax you to be indecent, either. I just want you close, and preferably on top. That's soothing to me."

Quirking his brow a little dubiously, her brother eventually shrugged. Getting to his feet, he stretched out carefully on top of her. He kept his shoulders behind hers, where they could rest their heads beside each other, but that meant his hips rested a little below hers. Being this close to her all but forced an involuntary reaction in his bone, creating a bulge that nested neatly with the seam of her jeans, running between the cheeks of her rump. Johanna made no remark on it as he settled it comfortable, along with the rest of him. He curled his arms alongside hers, tucking his hands against the back of hers under the pillow. "...Am I heavy?" he asked, forcing himself to relax enough to settle his weight.

Johanna shook her head lightly against the pillow with a contented sigh. "You're perfect," she insisted quietly, "Thank you." He could actually feel the tension in her melting away underneath him, letting him snuggle in even closer, and just the tip of her tail began to wag lazily and gently between his legs. "Mmm...I might take a nap here," his sister admitted, nuzzling her cheek against his arm, "You can move whenever you get bored. Thanks for indulging me."

"Hehe...pretty sure that should be my line," Dane noted, kissing the back of her head softly, "It's kind of early, but do you want to take this to the bed?"

"No," came his sister's soft answer, "I'll definitely lose my self-control then, and start coaxing. Would you like tops or bottoms tonight?"

"Wuff," Dane chuckled again, "Are you sure you're not coaxing already? Hmhm...bottoms."

"Bring them to me whenever you're ready, then," Johanna whispered, eyes closed and already seeming on the verge of sleep as his warmth seeped into her through her back, "I love you, Dane."

"I love you, too, Johanna," her brother answered, his own tail wagging above his hips now, and snuggled on down for a short nap of his own. He loved Gemini, her bounciness and openness and overt optimism...but he had to admit Johanna was right: this was definitely more his speed.