Iridescent - Chapter 1 - The Catalyst (2)

Story by ErebusWulf on SoFurry

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#4 of Iridescent

The time comes for Kin to meet his dear friend, Hunter. An unexpected yet familiar figure joins the night.

Chapter 1 - The Catalyst (2)


I took a detour to fill my car's tank and grab some ground coffee. The traffic was lax. Perks of living in a small town. The air is refreshing, unlike the suffocating atmosphere in big cities. Cement blocks are not as common as the greens here. Not yet. Though some four-story offices, malls, and cinemas started to take roots. But things are bound to change, one way or another. I will miss the lushness of Crescentvale.

I arrive 15 minutes before the agreed time. Thanks to that headache before, I hurried myself to catch up with the time. Luckily the pain is not coming back. Maybe I shouldn't have been in a rush. Hunter is always late anyway. I doubt his friends will arrive on time too since they practically come from the same place. Nevertheless, I park my car and step into the restaurant.

A bell rings as I opened the door. The diner seems to be unchanging. The place is cozy, filled with Eastern decorations in yellows. Needless to say, Eastern cuisine is the specialty menu. The smell of spices filled the air. Water starts filling my muzzle. Oh, how I missed this. What was the last time I get here again? Two months ago?

Without further hesitation, I seated myself at one of the empty tables. A couple of minutes passed and the doorbell chimed again. A doberman just entered the establishment, dressed in a white shirt with rolled sleeves, contrasting his black and brow fur. His sight is fixed on his mobile phone, but before long he notices my presence.

"Oh, hey Kin! You're already here!" The canine looks a bit surprised but waves his hand anyway. And now his tail is wagging left and right.

"Well, that's my line, Hunter." I raise my brows as I tap the table with my fingers.

"Huh, what do you mean?" said the confused dog, tilting his head a bit to the right side. That's one adorable sight, only if you brush off the fact that the musclehead has a pretty solid build. It's a common trait for dobermans, but Hunter looks jacked thanks to his love for the gym.

"I'm surprised you arrive on time. That's just as rare as a shooting star, you know." I smirk. It's fun to tease him.

"Man, I haven't seen you in months and you already tried to pick a fight?" The doberman scoffs as he sits opposite me. A sheepish laugh escaped my mouth.

"Well, I'm not wrong though! You're always late even when the last time we hang out here."

"Then that means I'm doing progress? I thought it's your job to encourage people to do better." Oh, that's a good one. He certainly knows how to get back at me. I don't know how to respond. But my lack of reaction seems to just push him more.

"Eh... You know what? Deal's off. I'm not gonna cover your tab tonight." No, no, no. His shallow threat won't work on me.

"Okay then. I'll just head home, enjoying Kiko's dish." I smile as widely as possible, just to irritate him more. "I think she made steak for tonight. Add some cold beers, perfect after a good day of hard work. Yummm!" That should do the trick.

"Gah... you!" this doofus snarls a bit too loud. It's kind of intimidating. I wonder if people think we are actually having a fight. But this is just the way we usually roll. That's what old friends do.

"Fine. You won. I... I miss Kiko's cooking." Damn right you should be! "Man, you're one lucky dog to have a little sister like her. She's really good." I shrug. Can't blame him though. There is a reason why I rarely eat outside. That's because those foods can't even compare to what Kiko made.

Hunter used to regularly have a meal with us back then. Ever since Kiko started to show her gift, the sneaky dog would deliberately visit my home at dinner hours. That, or he just came with me after school and stay until late. Sneaky dog.

"How is she doing?" he asked affectionately. His tone switched to a slow and caring one. My little sis would be happy to know her favorite "big bro" still has a soft spot for her.

Me on the other hand? I'm... grateful. And I'm jealous. Kiko always tail him whenever he was around when we were pups. He stole my sister!

Kiko always demanded Hunter to play with her. Sometimes I got dragged in too. But her favoritism is crystal clear. She would assign us the part in her roleplays. Hunter would be a cook, making dishes with toy wax while I became the writer. He'd be the doctor and I'd be some critically injured hit-and-run patient. He'd be an architect, and I'd be the bricklayer. I felt powerless as an older brother.

Good thing is, Kiko would always run to him when she cried. And his presence saved me from being a victim of Kiko's dressing game.

"Hello? Universe is calling Kin." the doberman yelled at me, snapping his fingers.

"Oh, she's doing great." I got pulled back to the present. "She's getting busier nowadays though. Sophomore year and all."

"I think I should go to -"

"Good evening gentlemen!" a bull suddenly greeted us, cutting-off Hunter mid-sentence. It's the waiter. His brown fur is wrapped in traditional Eastern dress. The bull smiles wide... a bit forced actually.

"Let me help you with your orders." I've never seen him around before. Maybe he's a new guy? I gave Hunter a sharp glance. He nods.

"We have the best ramen in town! So I would recommend them. But if you fancy something else, our other Eastern dishes are all amazing!" Again, he speaks enthusiastically with a forced smile. He hands us the menu and tries to guide us through, but Hunter stops him.

"Thanks, man. We're actually regulars here."

"Oh... right... wonderful!"

"Also, we're still waiting for a couple of friends." Right, his friends are still nowhere to be seen. "But whatever... they can order later. You can take ours first. I'm starving." As always, nothing can stand between Hunter and his food.

"What would you like tonight, sir?" The waiter replied, ready to take Hunter's orders.

"I'll have the okonomiyaki and sashimi." This dog sure loves fish. "Oh, and shrimp tempura too! And two bottles of cold sake." Ugh, his bad habit.

"Hunter, I thought you were cutting off your drinks." I shoot my gaze into the doberman.

"I am! But today is a special night. And cut me some slack! I haven't had drinks in a couple weeks thanks to the overtime." He tries to convince me. It doesn't work, obviously. But it reminds me of something. Hunter still hasn't told me what's the deal with tonight.

"Not even beers?"

"That doesn't count!" I knew it!

"'Sides, it's not like I'm gonna drink them all. There'll be four of us," he pleads to me, trying to shake me up with puppy eyes. Good try, but puppies don't drink alcohol. They will fly straight up to heaven. "Please?" And now he whines a little.

"Ugh... okay." I turned to the bull. "Just one bottle for now, please." He scribbled our request quickly.

"Thanks, Dad" Wha-? I swear the child in him never grows up. I think my cheeks turn red from the embarrassment. I can only roll my eyes in annoyance while his smug face returns.

"What about you sir?"

"I'll have the same as hi-." before I finish my sentence, Hunter chimes in "Huh, no!"

"Since when did you like seafood? Look I'm kinda flattered if you want the same as me, but I don't want you to choke to death tonight." He's right. What am I thinking? "Just order the usual."

"I'll get the usual then." I smiled at the waiter but he returns me a puzzled look. "Oh sorry." I forget that he's new. The usual servers are familiar with my orders. Definitely not this guy.

"Extra spicy katsudon with extra beef and a glass of oolong tea, please." The bovine looks uncomfortable but writes down my orders anyway. He repeats our order and then excuses himself. What did I do wrong?

"Dude, that's a little rude" Hunter bursts into laughter at my confusion. "You got no clue? How can you be so insensitive to the bull? You know... you could order pork instead"

"Ah... AH!" The realization kicks in. "OH MY GOD, I DIDN'T MEAN TO!" I just ordered extra bull meat from a bull man. Did I offend him? It must be weird to hear someone wants to eat your feral counterpart. But what do I know? It's not like there is feral dog meat widely available to be consumed.

"HUNTER, LET'S GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!" I whimper in shame. I feel my face burning. This doberman must have the time of his life.

"No! Own your mistake, don't drag me into this!" He laughs even louder.

I want to cease existing. I want to cease existing. I want to just disappear into thin air. I want to go home and bury myself with the pillows.

"Okay, but seriously. You're unusually oblivious." The doberman shifts his tone to a serious one. "You're always... careful. Something's wrong?"

"I... I don't know. I guess my work wore me out a bit too much. I also feel slightly light-headed before." Hunter looks concerned now. I try to take deep breaths to calm myself.

"But that DOESN'T MATTER. WHAT SHOULD I DO?" It doesn't work. "Just hide in the restroom when he's back."

That's it. I'm gonna do that. Then I will text Hunter to cue me when I should get back.

"Really? You of all people just burst into a panic like that?" Hunter calls me out from my mumbling. Did he just insinuate that I should be perfectly unfazed because of my job?

"Are you saying doctors can't get sick?" I protested. I'm a living beast-man too! I can have my own problems just like anybody else.

"That's real low of me. Sorry."

"No... you're right. To an extent." Again, I try to shut down my needless worry. I do get embarrassed easily, but Hunter is right. I'm supposed to calm people. Make them comfortable. This is not like me at all. Something is off.

Bzzzt... bzzzt....

A cellphone buzzes, taking our attention away. It's not mine.

"Oh, they're here!" Hunter shouted excitedly as he text something. And without words, we agree to just let the previous conversation die.

We avert our sight to the front door. Soon enough, a samoyed walks in. His coat is clean white as always. I haven't seen him in ages.

Aaron is Hunter's very first friend when he just started his job at the current company. We used to meet whenever Hunter invites me to a bar. Which is... pretty uncommon now that I think about it. He always comes with a bunch of co-workers like Aaron, or his other gym buddies. I suspect the only reason he asks me is because I never walk out wasted. That, or he realizes he needs someone to stop him from drinking too much. It could be both. I'm just glad he has some degree of self-awareness.

The doorbell rings again. Another fellow enters the restaurant. It's a... black wolf? I feel like I've seen him before.

"Hello. Sorry, we're super late!"

Those blue eyes. It's him. Without warning, a sharp sting on my head returns. A gush of warm liquid runs through my snout. I motion my right paw to wipe it. Alas, my fur is now smeared with the color of crimson red.

Chapter 1 part 3 will come to you soon!

<< Go to Chapter 1 : The Catalyst (1)