Rivals: Opportunity

Story by shmoopsy on SoFurry

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#1 of Rivals

A lizardman mercenary has numerous encounters with a fiesty female kobold who undermines him again and again. When he 'rescues' her, he takes advantage of her helplessness.

_ I have no idea what's got me so productive lately. I hope you're enjoying. This is the most effort I've put into fleshing out characters yet, as I intend for this to be a more robust series. Going to try my hand at something more long-form. _

Rhix contemplated mercenary life as he wandered the darkened streets of the fortified city. Generally speaking mercenary work was rather easy job. More often than not your primary role was to exist as a number. Dukes and warlords would open their coffers to bolster their forces, gesturing in vague menace to their geopolitical neighbors in a vast game of statesmanship that Rhix struggled mightily to fully understand. They great celestial observer of evolution had their thumb on a different part of the scale, so to speak, when the 'Shu' were coming into their own. Stout, upright, reptilian bodies of corded muscles, sharp claws, razor-sharp fangs, and keen eyes. Humanfolk called their kind 'lizardfolk' which was a little reductive but certainly descriptive.

Mercenary life! Rhix thought to himself, idly chewing on a length of jerky as he rounded a corner, his tail dragging behind him, halberd slung over his shoulder. Normally great fun. Significantly less so when the failson dukeling who's hired you goes and gets himself sieged. Hopefully he would have the good sense to surrender; none of this sally-forth or last-stand nonsense. Bad for a mercenary's bottom line. Even if his kind were made for war, it was decidedly bad for one's personal finances.

Rhix, for his part, was not quite so gifted in the realm of raw physicality, though even the weaker Shu were more than a match for most other races. For example, kobolds! Small, similarly scaly but half the size at best. Like that one, there, he thought, looking up. Half-hanging out of a window in the gatehouse by the portcullis.

He stopped, idly chewing. It was the dead of night. It occurred to him that his employer hadn't picked up any companies of kobolds. "Oi!" he shouted.

The kobold leaned back out of the hole to peer at him. He squinted in the darkness. Female? "Oi," he repeated, advancing. "Narva?"

The kobold made a small noise and slipped into the gatehouse, half-tumbling through the small window. Grinding the salted, dried beef with his back teeth, Rhix sidled up. "Narva, when did you sign on with this boondoggle?" he asked, idly, as his fellow mercenary rattled around, doing something in the gatehouse. He smelled... copper? "I ain't seen you around the camp. You're not mad about that business at... what was it, Millcrest Fields? I mean we let you lot go, professional courtesy and all."

"Oh, professional courtesy, sure," Narva said. "After taking all my stuff."

"Spoils!" Rhix barked, affronted. "It's not thieving, it's spoils. You know the score."

"Oh, I do," came her voice from inside, as if she weren't really listening. This offended Rhix, who considered himself rather personable.

"What are you doing in there?" he asked.

"Maintenance," came her sinsong little kobold voice. Kobolds. Most Shu looked down on them as half-pints, merely Shu who hadn't grown all the way, in race-form. The kobolds themselves swore a kinship with dragons, of all things, which to the Shu seemed like hilarious 'putting on airs' for the little things.

"What's that smell?" he asked.

"Blood, probably," came the reply.

"From what?"

"Guard I killed."

Rhix nodded, chewing. After a moment, he said, "What?"

Something snapped inside the guardhouse. Then a lot of things started breaking, all at once, and very fast. Rhix's slitted eyes cast up in front of him as a counterweight suddenly plunged, and the castle gate came crashing down, helpfully completing the bridge over the moat, which seemed to come as a welcome event for the armed and armored soldiers on the other side who, Rhix could only assume, were expecting this to happen.

Horns sounded. There was shouting. Rhix looked goggle-eyed as Narva rolled out of the other gatehouse window, smirking over her shoulder at him with a bloodstained dagger in her hand. She snickered.

Rhix's eyes went wide; he dropped the jerky, his hands flying to his halberd. As the ground shook under the boots of a roaring enemy charge over the bridge, a backpedaling Rhix called out after her: "YOU CUNT!"

Off the woodland track, away from the rest of the small part, Rhix made water into some bushes and, as many before and many after him would do, took that moment of quiet to reflect on his circumstances.

Caravaneering wasn't so bad. It wasn't optimal, of course. Optimal would be his company being absorbed by a larger mercenary army, contracted to some rich king to bolster his reserve unit occupying some sleepy town somewhere. The sort of assignment that was large on drinking and short on long days of rattling around in a wagon. Caravaneering was a great deal less relaxing and less anonymous; he was one of a couple dozen as opposed to a couple thousand, meaning his individual contributions were more closely tracked. But what contributions were necessary? Remain upright, make sure your weapon gleamed, look scary, stay awake if possible. All in all, not bad.

As he moseyed his way back to where the caravan had paused to take midday meals, he was startled into a run at the sound of distant shouting and the clanging of steel.

He came upon the wagon camp with it swarmed by unfamiliar mercenaries. A pocket of his comrades had formed something like a defensive line and were holding their own, swinging at the more numerous but less organized band of mounted raiders.

Drawing his sword, Rhix noticed, out of the corner of his vision, the wagon driver tossed headlong from the lead cart, landing in a heap on the ground. Someone, unseen, cracked the reigns, spurring the horses on.

"Oh, fuck, no!" Rhix shouted, abandoning his comrades and sprinting past a couple raiders, who swung at him without effect. If that wagon was stolen, that was it for the contract. Not only would he not be paid, the company would be charged for its loss, and that would come out of his share! He could end up owing on this expedition! A difficult prospect for one without money to begin with.

He managed to get alongside the lead wagon as it was getting up to speed. It was a large, heavy duty covered wagon, laden with valuable goods. Rhix leaped onto its side, having to sheath his blade to get both hands on it. Wind whipped by his scaly face, his tail snapping behind him as he crawled along the side of the wagon hand-over-hand, trying to get to the driver's seat. Right as he was about to swing himself up and over to challenge the thief, a foot impacted his face and remained there.

The foot was small, by his standards, and scaly. It's owner peered at him, her arms akimbo and a smirk on her stupid kobold face.

"No passengers, Rhix," Narva said, smugly.

His face pushed to the side by the foot, Rhix gaped at her wide-eyed. "Wait, Narva, no, they'll-!"

"Catch the next one, dumbass," Narva chuckled, and shoved with her foot.

Rhix was forcibly dislodged, tucking his body into a roll. Thankfully, he had all those bones and muscles and scales to absorb the impact with the twisted bracken and mismatched stones that made up the wagon track's ditch. He tumbled a few times until coming to a rest, dazed, a recessed portion of his brain taking some inventory of his various injuries. He stared as the wagon trundled off without him, Narva grinning and waving before she disappeared from view.

Delving wasn't so bad, Rhix ruminated warily as he crept down the dusty, musty catacombs; the spiderwebs and sinister wall carvings illuminated by the dancing light of his torch. It was a great deal more active than Caravaneering, and didn't really pay all that well if the catacomb in question lacked unclaimed spoil, but it was work. And, he reasoned, the likelihood that rival mercenaries might come upon your contracted catacomb and run off with it while you're taking a piss was pretty remote.

That downsides were, of course, that there was an off chance the catacomb would be defended by ancient traps, not-so-ancient traps, skeletons, zombies, vengeful ghosts, and run-of-the-mill murderous psychotic cultists. Or, really, anyone needing both shelter from the elements and total anonymity, crossed with individuals for whom oppressive silence, claustrophobia, and ancient curses hold very little power.

Looking on the bright side of career had, of late, become rather difficult.

All he had to do was clear the place out. The worst one was likely to run into would be vagrants or a monster of some description, which, if he could not dispatch, he ought really consider an alternative career. A couple days' work, at most. Get it done, get back into the company's good graces. Easy.

A distant hallway appeared to be illuminated. That was bad. Total darkness was good, because it meant it was likely nothing with eyeballs had taken up residence, and anything lacking eyeballs was of reduced threat. Something with functioning eyeballs was here. He extinguished his torch.

The hallway in question had a small number of lit torches, framing a doorway. Wincing, he drew his shortsword. In these tight quarters, mobility would be key. He clutched a buckler in his off hand.

He came to the door and pressed the side of his head to it. Within, he heard a shrill voice shouting over deep chanting. A dark cult performing a sacrifice? Excellent! Rescuing hostages was sure to add to the value of a contract. 'Hero' work was rare and extremely profitable, and he was in the unique place in his life where the benefits far outweighed the risks. He pushed his way through the door as carefully as he could.

There were a dozen figured in robes, all facing a small raised stage on the other side of the room. There were rows of old pews, and tapestries on the walls. He could not see past the cultists to whatever they were focusing their attention. Didn't matter, really. Darkly clad men in cult robes chanting as a feminine voice alternated between threats and pleadings for mercy were very rarely the 'good guys' and even if they were, Rhix was not what could even be charitably called a 'good guy' himself. What he was was an employee, and his job as to clear out these catacombs for his client.

So, he got to killing.

It wasn't difficult. It turned out the cultists were human; a dangerous species in great number and when appropriately organized, but in small groups, hardly a challenge. Physically weak even for the trained and exercised. Moreover, religious acolytes posed little threat to a trained and properly motivated Shu warrior. It was swift, bloody, noisy, dirty work. Lots of shouts of alarm, lots of gurgling death cries, lots of panicked running about.

Hack, slash, repeat, and it was done. A couple of them had even drawn knives! Rhix's buckler and chainmail turned them aside. The acolytes were not similarly armored or defended. All in all, routine work.

Panting with the spent effort, Rhix stood at the head of the room, now somewhat littered with corpses. That would provide an annoying chore in the future; he very much doubted his employer would appreciate the catacombs being reported 'cleared' only for him to hire more men to clear out rotting cadavers. There was a lot of unpleasant dragging in his near future. But that wasn't what focused Rhix's mind in the moment.

In front of him was the small, bound figure of a kobold. It hovered in a hazy field of glowing blue energy. Its - aha, *her* - arms were bound behind her back, just above her tail. Her ankles were similarly bound together. She was dressed in what was clearly under-armor clothing; simple pants and tunic of thin material, naught else. She stared at Rhix, who stared back, before he burst out laughing.

"Narva?" he rasped, laughing, pointing at her face. The tip of his finger hovered a mere inch from her nose; she snapped at it, ineffectually. "What are *you* doing here?" he asked.

"I was-" she began.

"Jumping my contract!" he shouted at her. "Again! And got yourself caught! You bitch!" Rhix shouted, laughing again. He sheathed his sword and tucked his buckler his his belt, inspecting the three small plinths that surrounded her which seemed to be emitting the blue glow. He waved his hands through the haze and it made his scales tingle.

"No need for gloating," she snarled, twisting in her binds. Rhix observed that try as she might, she was unable to get any part of her in contact with anything solid, like the floor. So she merely wiggled, suspended in the air at about his waist height. "Let me go."

"What were they doing?" Rhix asked, ignoring this demand. He observed two pillows nearby. One held a silver collar with a green gem inlaid on the front. Beside it on the other pillow was what appeared to be it's matching number, only it was a bracelet. Near to these items was an open book. Rhix picked it up.

"Never mind that!" Narva snapped, wiggling, twisting. "Let me down and we can get out of here. I won't even claim the contract, all yours, just help me down!"

Rhix idly read the pages. After a moment, he chuckled, smirking a little. "Oh, ho. Interesting. So that was their plan? Seems like a lot of effort to-... oh! I see," he remarked thoughtfully, turning a page, and then looking at the items on the pillows. "Hm. Those will fetch a good price!" he remarked, opening his satchel and plucking the collar and bracelet from the pillows.

"Help me down," Narva repeated, as she watched Rhix secure the items.

"Uh, no," Rhix replied, snapping his tail as he grinned toothily at her. "Fuck you."

"Fuck YOU!" she shouted at him. "Why not?"

"Because you have fucked up my life you little kobold cunt!" Rhix barked back, wagging a finger in front of her face. "You fucked up my contract in Straulsburgh-"

"Fair play, it was a war, I was-"

"You fucked my caravan and kicked me in the face-"

"That was a contract! You'd have done the same-"

"And now you tried to jump my delving contract, you weaselly little cunt! And now you're fucked! I didn't put you there, did I? Why should I help you? What's in it for me?"

"A reward!" Narva shouted back, a hint of desperation in her voice.

"Paid for by whom?" he asked, leaning in such that their respective snouts almost touched.


"Way I see it," he remarked, "I go through their things, I find where they stashed all your stuff, so I get the reward and then some if I leave you here."

"I'll die!" Narva shrieked, thrashing. "Horribly, slowly! Have you no code?"

Rhix sniffed, standing up a little straighter. "That," he remarked with finality, "does not seem like my problem."

Narva stared at him with wide eyes. Tears sprung in them. Rhix turned his back and made for the bodies to begin looting them. As he worked, he heard her struggling, and ignored her. Not his problem. Suits her right. He found where they'd stashed her things; she didn't have much money either, as it turned out, and he tsked. She was going to reward him with a portion of this meager coinage? More likely she was going to ditch him as soon as she was able, if she didn't hamstring him and leave him to die first.

"Please," she said, weakly, as he dragged the last body to a pile near the door. Something about her voice made him pause, and he approached her again.

He looked down at her, and she up at him. He cocked his head at the field that held her. It seemed to offer her some degree of movement. Curiously, he reached down to grab her by one of her horns, and gave her a little spin. He laughed as her body rotated merrily around her center of gravity. She snarled and hissed and snapped her tail, but rotated all the same, much to Rhix's amusement.

In that moment, something switched in Rhix's mind. As the kobold rotated helplessly, cursing and wobbling and writhing, he found himself unable to view her as the peer adversary he once did. Their petty, mutual rivalry seemed to bleed away; after all, she was defeated. Helpless, utterly under his power. His seething hatred for her changed as his eyes roamed her body, taking in features he had once ignored. Like the females of his kind, she was flat-chested, with a nice set of egglaying hips. A cute tail, thick at the base and at least marginally prehensile. Solid thighs that led up to a backside that her tight pants framed quite well. It occurred to him, suddenly, that this female had value heretofore unconsidered by him.

He gently took her horn back in hand, halting her spinning. She looked a little green, despite her brown scales, and she groaned.

"Beg me again," he said. His heart was beating a little faster as a thrill went through him. Why shouldn't he talk to her this way? Who was going to stop him?

"Wh- what?" she stammered.

"You want me to save you?" he asked, innocently. "Beg me. I want to hear it."

She looked up at him, her big brown eyes forming a glare. "Please," she stated. He tsked at her.

"Have fun dying of thirst," he remarked, letting go of her horn.

"Wait!" she barked, wiggling in her binds. She looked at him, took a breath, and said, "Rhix, please. I beg you, rescue me."

"My friends call me Rhix. You call me sir."

Narva winced. "Yes, sir," she said.

"Or master."

She looked up at him in shock, mouth opening to curse at him, but the look in his eyes made it clear his threat to strand her there was not an idle one. She wilted. "Yes," she said, through her teeth. "...Master."

"You want me to go out of my way to rescue you," Rhix said, tracing a finger over her horn. "I already have your money and your gear. But you have more you can give me." Her gasp of realization made him grin. "Careful. You don't want to upset me, do you? Not much in the way of water or food in here."

"No," she said, her voice small. "Master," she added.

"No," he agreed. "So it's in your best interest to be a good girl, isn't it?"

"Y-yes," she said, haltingly.

"Can you be a good girl?" he asked, his pants starting to swell a bit in the front.

Narva averted her eyes. "Yes," she said, barely more than a whisper.

"Yes, what? Look at me, you little cunt. Yes, what?"

Narva winced, and looked up to meet his uncompromising stare. "Yes master," she said, shuddering a little.

"Are you sorry for being so cruel to me? For ruining my fucking career?"

"Yes, master."

"How can a good little girl show how sorry she is?"

His heart almost skipped a beat, seeing the look of panic in her eyes. "I-... I could serve, as..."

"Hm? What's that?" he asked, cupping her chin.

"I could be your... servant, carry your-"

Rhix tsked. "Now, now," he said. "You know better than that. Quit playing games. You know how a good girl can show how sorry she is, don't you?"

Closing her eyes, she nodded.

"Say it."

Narva looked up at him, her eyes glassy. "I could... pleasure you."

"Good food gives me pleasure. A lazy afternoon nap gives me pleasure. Be specific, you're testing my patience!"

She winced again. "I could... suck your cock," she said.


"I could suck your cock."

"Whose cock? Did you already forget?" he asked, giving her a gentle slap across the face, and waiting for her body to complete one full rotation before he grabbed her horn to stop her.

She looked up at him in a mix of fear and helpless loathing. "I could suck your cock, master."

"Is that how you ask? You 'could'?"

Narva bit her lip, bound wrists writhing. "Please let me suck your cock, master."

"With more feeling, again."

"Please!" Narva implored, hoping to satisfy him if only to make him stop dragging these humiliations out of her. "Please let me suck your cock, master!"

Rhix let out a long breath. He felt as though he'd died and gone to heaven. These sounds, coming from her mouth, were the sweetest ambrosia. His hands went to his belt. He stepped closer, the bump in the bulge of his pants pushing against her nose. "Needless to say, if I feel teeth, or if you bite, you'll die down here. Understand?"

Narva was shivering, her tail limp over her backside. "Yessir."

"And you'll take your time. I'm in no hurry and none of this, if-I-go-fast-enough-he'll-cum-faster-and-make-it-be-over-quicker nonsense. I want your best effort and I want you to take your time."

Narva winced. "Yessir."

Rhix pulled down his trousers. His mostly-erect penis was drawn down by them until the spade-shaped head came free of the fabric, swinging up and catching Narva on the underside of her chin. His fleshy cock protruded from a short scaly sheath set between his legs. Under this hung a pair of balls that hadn't unloaded their payload in far too long. Narva stared at his member. Rhix smirked. He knew he was gifted, and she was half his size anyway. His penis poked her muzzle a couple times as he moved his feet, stepping out of his pants and standing bottomless before her.

"Narva?" he asked, and she looked up at him past the erect cock that bobbed gently over her muzzle. "Remember that time you kicked me in the face? Me too. Now take my dick into your mouth and suck my cock. Be a good little slut and look up at your master while you do it, and just so you know to expect it, you will be swallowing."

"Yes, master," she said, a whisper, and opened her mouth.

The memory of the look in her eyes as she kissed the tip of his cock, her lips wetly sliding over his swollen head, would warm even the coldest of his nights, he imagined. He held her eyes with his own, drinking in the look of defeat and humiliation in Narva's gaze as the kobold took his member into her mouth and pushed her way down its length. "That's a good girl," he gently praised her, as she pushed further, her muzzle taking more than half of his cock before he felt his head bump the back of her throat, and she gagged. "Aha, not so experienced with this, hm? Forthright female like you, probably don't humble yourself to males much, do you?" The look in her eyes told him all he needed to know. "I thought not," he added, smirking, his tail swaying behind him.

Rhix hissed softly, pleasure spiking as her unwilling tongue got to work on the underside of his shaft. "Not your first time," he said, breathily. "But you probably just hold the head in your mouth and bob a few times and let your hands do the rest, hm? No such luck now," he said, over the soft, wet sounds of her lips gliding over his member. "Only got your mouth. You better hope you know what to do with it, you're sucking cock for your life."

For the moment, Rhix stood still, and watched her work. To her credit she made a concerted effort. Despite the tears filling her eyes, she bobbed her mouth on his cock, wetly, noisily slurping and sucking on his pride. For his part, he was breathing a little more heavily, and he allowed himself a naked moan of pleasure, his voice reverberating in the windowless, intimate chamber. "Today really was my lucky day," he breathed, his hands falling to his sides, pushing his hips forward to encourage her to go a little deeper. Her eyes searched his, and he smirked, flashing teeth. "Oh yes," he said, "I expect to go all the way."

She whimpered around his cock, looking up at him with an expression of pleading. Her hands balled into fists; his eyes looked from them to the swell of her ass, mostly covered by her tail. "Hmph," he grunted, leaning forward. She paused in her sucking, and he reached down and tapped her on the side of the face. "Nobody told you to stop, cunt."

Her back-and-forth slurping continued, his hands finding her belt and undoing it. He slipped it free as he both heard and felt her tense and whimper around his cock in her mouth. He ignored them, slipping his thumbs under the waistline of her trousers and underclothes. "Tail up," he said. When she did not immediately flag the appendage as commanded, he slapped her rump, eliciting a squeak from her, muffled by his penis. "Tail UP," he repeated, and this time, she obeyed.

He pushed her trousers down over her hips. Hungrily his eyes watched her firm, round, naked, scaly ass come into view. She was a mercenary, and young, and so her backside reflected such an active life in the prime of her sexual availability. He pulled the pants over her thighs until he was over-extended, so he had to pull them up, up-ending her legs a bit and making her squeal softly from around the cock she was still sucking. Her pants bunched at the bindings around her ankles, so he left them there for now, allowing her to slip back into her suspended equilibrium.

"Much better," he remarked, putting his hand to the back of her head, his view much improved now that he had her naked ass to ogle at. "Who would have thought you had such a perfect little ass under those pants, hm, kobold? I wouldn't have been to cavalier about letting you go after Millcrest. A few of the boys wanted to go a few rounds with that fresh little cunt but I convinced them a kobold wasn't worth the hassle. If I knew you had such a soft warm mouth and such a firm round ass I would have taken you out behind the bushes myself."

He felt her mouth clench a little at that, and he pressed on the back of her head, gagging her with his cock. "Tsk, the only response I want out of you, slut, is more effort. Time to test that throat of yours."

He held her shin with one hand, the back of her head with the other. Ignoring her muffled pleas, he clenched his won firm buttocks and thrust his cock deeper. Her plea ended with a choked-off little gurgle, and then a soundless squirming. He felt her reflexively trying to prevent his entry. "I'm taking this throat cherry," he grunted, working himself in, ignoring her squirming. He pulled her into another thrust, and he saw her eyes bug out as he pushed all the way in, his balls pressing to her chin. She looked up at him, her gaze desperate. He met her eyes with a passionate look of his own. "You're a strong girl," he sneered. "You can hold your breath."

He ground himself against her, listening to the soft 'gluck, gliuk' of his cock choking her from the inside. Feeling the clench and pull of her throat muscles. Feeling her wiggle and writhe as her desperation compounded. He thrust again, just to show her who was in charge, and he bounced a sharp little spank off her ass. Then, he pulled himself totally free.

His hand gripped her by the horn as she hung there, panting, coughing, noisily gasping for air, and sobbing in between. He watched her for a moment, her eyes wild with desperate gasping, reveling in the power he had over her. "It was awfully nice of your god to give your people handlebars," he commented. she looked up at him, made a questioning sound of 'whu?', and her eyes went wide open again as he grabbed her by each horn and mercilessly thrust his cock back into her mouth.

The chamber was filled with the rhythmic wet sound of a lizardfolk roughly fucking a kobold's face. Narva writhed where she helplessly floated, her pants down at her ankles, eyes wide and staring ahead of the green, scaly groin of the reptilian merc pounding her face. Rhix breathed heavily from his open mouth, his tongue slid from the side of his maw, giving her long, firm thrusts up her gagging, drooling, whimpering mouth. "Look up at me!" he commanded. "Look at me you little cocksucker." She obeyed, her desperate, glassy eyes meeting his own determined, slitted, sinister pair. He grunted, slapping his balls to her chin on the instrokes. She whined, the sound occasionally choked off by the head of his cock plugging her throat, and she was drooling heavily as she fought to take in breaths in between thrusts.

"Not so smug now?" he hissed, feeling himself start to reach the point of no return, over a week's worth unspent seed roiling up inside him, eager for a hole to claim. "Jumped-up little uppity cunt! This is your place! Take it! Nnngh! Take it... ALL!"

His tail arched behind him, he balls drew up, and all at once a jet of hot thick cum painted the back of her throat. She gagged, coughing immediately, but he thrust in deeper and unloaded more, grinding himself against her as his ejaculation overcame him. "Aaah! Uuuhhh! Nnngh! Yesss," he hissed, cumming inside her mouth. He felt her fight it, for just a moment, before she was noisily swallowing. Rope after rope of cum painting the inside of her mouth and throat, each one reluctantly gulped down by the helpless, captured kobold merc.

He came for what felt like ages, dumping a heavy load of his virile cum into her swallowing throat. He knew she could feel each pulse travel along the underside of his cock before it loosed within her as a strong white jet of Shu semen. He unleashed a long, self-satisfied hiss and arched his back and the clenching, throbbing, spurting orgasm ran its course, finally ending with a few dribbling pulses she had no choice but to swallow.

He pulled his cock from her mouth, letting go of her and watching through half-lidded eyes as she sagged, coughing, gasping for air, her face a mix of drool and cum and tears. He reached down and grabbed a dagger from his discarded pants, moving around behind her. As she continued to pant and recover. He undid the bindings around her ankles, so that he could slip her pants and underclothes off, leaving her properly half-nude below the waist. She had not yet fully recovered when he reached over and seized her by the horn again, yanking back on her head. Her little "Uaah?" of confusion was all he needed to shove her balled-up underclothes into her mouth.

Her look of shock grew into a desperate gaze of pleading and dread when he tied the gag into place with her own held, threaded between her teeth, pushing the balled-up undies to the back of her mouth and tying the belt tight around the back of her head. She writhed, but he ignored her, pushing his way between her legs, forcing them to part. Gripping the belt, he seized her tail with his other hand, yanking it and her hips up, arching and presenting her holes to him.

Hungry eyes took in the sight of her helpless pussy. It was smooth, a little puffy, the scales soft around the slit, which was a tight dark line between them. Under her tail, the tiny, clenching hole of her anus, which he was absolutely certain was virgin. Later. For now...

Her bucking and helpless mewling went totally ignored. Holding her one hand on the belt gagging her and the other on her tail, her arms still bound and helpless to resist him, he angled his still-hard cock with her small pussy and brutally thrust himself inside. She screamed into the gag. Even with the force he'd put into the thrust, he'd only sank halfway before her tight confines resisted him going further. Not to be denied, he redoubled his efforts, pulling back as he thrust forward, sinking one inch, then another, then another into the twisting, mewling little kobold bitch.

"Mmnnh! Mmmmh! MMMH! MMNNH! NNNH! Fffmmnhh!"

"Shut the fuck up," he answered her, working his hips, fucking her as she deserved. He felt the tip of his cock punch her cervix, earning a toe-curling squeal from his little slave; he noted his depth. Two inches to go. Alas, but then again, she wasn't built to take a cock of his size. It'd do.

As she hung there and sobbed into her gag, he reached down and used his hands to shred her shirt to ribbons, tearing it from her body until she was as naked as the day she hatched. From behind, he admitted that despite the difference in species she was distinctly attractive. He might not even sell her. To show solidarity, he left himself deep inside her and slipped his own shirt off, the two of them now naked in the gloom, illuminated by wall torches and the soft blue glow of the energy field holding her conveniently in place.

She wailed into the gag as he gave her a sharp spank that jiggled her ass nicely, before his strong hands gripped her hips and he started to fuck her.

He stared at the back of her head, his cock noisily forcing her body to get used to his size and shape. She was so tight that his cock would routinely push air into her vaginal cavity, only for it to be forced noisily out, adding tot he sloppy, squishy, biological sound of raw animal fucking. Her smaller body jerked back and forth with his heavy thrusting, her eyes staring ahead at nothing as Rhix vented years of frustrations with her into a single carnal act of no-nonsense rape.

He spanked her again, and she yelped. Another slap, and this time she held it in. Another slap, same thing. Rhix didn't care. Each time, she clenched up, and that was enough for him. "Gods you have the tightest fucking pussy in the world," he breathed as he worked to open that pussy up around his cock. He was so erect it hurt. Narva, his long-time nemesis, stripped naked with a belly full of his cum, her own underwear shoved into her mouth to gag her, her cunt clenching around his cock as he bred her like a common whore. Her fingers and toes were splayed, her eyes open in wide, mute panic as she took the fucking of a lifetime. He grabbed the belt and yanked back, bowing her body.

"Fucking slut!" he snarled, feeling himself start to crest again, though slower this time. He was panting with the effort, showing her absolutely no mercy, knowing she would likely walk funny for days after this. Her problem. He smirked. She had no idea what was in store for her. "I own you!" he barked at her, spanking her. "I own that cocksucking mouth!" another spank, she squealed. "I own this cunt!" Another spank, and she shook her head, tears flinging from her eyes. "I own every inch of you! Ngh! Rrrgh! Oh, fuck! Oh... fuck! Fuck! Urngh! Ah! YES!"

He pulled her back, forcing his tip into and then past her cervix. Her little legs kicked, a long wail muffled by the gag as he came, spraying the back walls of her eggchamber with heavy ropes of seed. His body had plenty left and she got most of it, Rhix turning his head and clenching his teeth and hissing his way through one of the best orgasms of his life.

When he was finished, the only sound in the chamber were weak feminine whimpering and heavy male breathing. When he pulled free of her, a dripping noise added to the soundscape. He looked at her.

She hung there in the blue haze. Far from the wily spitfire she was before, she looked pathetic now. Stark naked, her legs parted, her tight vagina glistened with seed and dripping cum. Her ass quivered now and then, her shoulders heaving with breath, her head hung low, arms limp where they were bound. He caressed her ass, and she could only squeak, weakly.

Moving to her front, he picked up the collar and bracelet from his bag. She stared at the floor as he moved back over to her. Reaching down, he put the collar around her neck, and closed it. It made a soft noise, like a distant thrum, and the gem flashed green for just a moment. He then put the bracelet around his wrists; when it clicked closed, there was another little thrum, and the gem flashed green, again for just a moment.

Then he reached down and cupped her chin, lifting her tear-filled eyes to him. There was no rage in them anymore; for the moment, there was only resignation and defeat. He grinned at her.

"I'm not going to get used to that for a long while," he said, and she whimpered, softly. "And it _ is _going to be a long while."