Castlevania: Tammy Nook's Reign - Intro

Story by Axel Silverwolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Castlevania: Tammy Nook's Reign

Anon has been the mayor of the village for quite some time. Not all is as it seems as a vampire lady has risen up to take over the village. Turning the villagers into her minions, and taking Isabelle hostage, it's up to anon to rescue them as he fights villager turned monsters up the castle. Mainly a straight nsfw fanfic, featuring some genderbent characters like Tom and Lucky

"I banish you and your kind into the nether realm! You have tormented the people and its denizens long enough!" A vampire hunter from the distant padt's voice rang out, as he stood before a brown tanuki's voluptuous figure.

The tanuki stood, wearing a very sultry bikini, barely containing her tits, and a cape accompanying to hide her backside view. She had very wide hips, an alluring gaze, and a toothy grin that presented fangs... she was a vampire.

The villager turned vampire hunter had been chasing down this vampire, the lady of the very castle that they both were now in.

The tanuki yawned, as she sat on her throne. Clearly ge wasn't her very first tussle with a mortal, but he was the first to make it all the way to the throne room, and had defeated her minions.

"Shame on you! Killing off all my servants... No matter, you will be under my control soon once I deal with you. Once my minions come back from the dead, you will collect more villagers to expand my army! And I'll make sure you satisfy my minions as their slave, fufufufu!" The tanuki declared, ever so confident in herself.

"That will never happen! Isabella! Now!" The villager called out to someone from the shadows.

"W-What!?" The tanuki exclaimed as a shiba revealed herself to her.

The shiba inu started incanting a spell, and before the tanuki knew it, a sigil appeared around her and started sucking her in, a portal straight to the nether realm where she once belonged. The resulting sealing of the vampire lord had made the castle slowly fading away, leaving all three of them in a barren, grassy area.

"Isabella! You dare betray me!? After all I did taking you into my army!? I can't... Not again... I can't wait another hundred years before the portal opens again!!!" The tanuki raved at her former minion.

"Sorry, but I like this world too much to let you corrupt it... I'm sorry my lady... But I can't have you destroying what I now see is a world that doesn't deserve to be mistreated with your perversions and rule!" Isabella yelled at her as she finished her incantation.

Knowing that her time was almost over, and with the incantation sapping all the magic she possessed, she turned toward the villager, the one who had made her most loyal and powerful minion betray her, he will not get away with this! She will get her revenge!

"YOUUUUU!!! I will curse your bloodline! When I finally find a way back into the mortal realm, I will seize my minions and reclaim them! And then when they have captured everyone your miserable descendant cares about, I and my minions will turn him into our sex slave for eternity!" The vampire prophesied.

The villager closed his eyes, his own descendant, whoever it may be in the future, will suffer such a fate? No... He can't allow that... But the words of a vampire hunter were more empty than that of a powerful vampire armed with magic.

"Then... Then I will swear upon it! I will swear that me, not just me, but all of my descendants will train themselves to deal with your kind! We'll slay you all if we must!" The villager swore upon her.

"Not if we get to them first! I will swear vengeance upon you villager! Vengeaaaaannnncceee!!!" The vampire tanuki swore upon them, before being sucked into the portal, as well as several souls, and including her minions, with the only exception being Isabella.

The portal closed, and the dark lady was sealed, and will never come out in a long time.

"It's over..." Isabella muttered, kneeling over the pentagram that she had created.

"Is it really? She told us that she'll come back in a hundred years" The villager said, touching the pentagram, which didn't react at all to him, considering that he was a mortal and not having a dark soul within him.

"We will not exist long before she comes back. I'm sorry, but she cannot be defeated, there was no time to make stronger armaments against her" Isabella apologized to him.

"... Then will you help me make such a weapon for my descendants? I still fear one day she'll enslave my bloodline when the time comes" The villager expressed his concern.

Isabella nodded, agreeing to his terms.

"My dark lady had brought great turmoil upon your kind. So I think as her former accomplice, I owe you that. I don't think I can stomach being around you after what my lord has done to your-" Isabella tried to apologize for the vampire's atrocities.

"No, don't mention her... Just... Don't..." The villager stopped her.

"... Very well, I will hone a weapon, it will take years to make one such weapon. I hope that when the time comes, we will never need to speak to one another again" Isabella obliged with his request.

"Thank you... I will let you come up with the weapon. I... Just want to keep mourning my loss" The villager muttered.

"She'll be coming back for us, with this seal present, she'll appear right here. I don't think erasing this will be advantageous, she'll just make a portal out of nowhere when the time comes" Isabella informed him.

"Then... Then I'll use the last of my savings to set up a town here. I know it's setting up others to endanger them, but it's much better than having her roam around in a random existing town. I just hope that people will believe me when I tell them of what she intends to do, or that she existed at all" The villager gave his idea.

"Then there's no time to waste, I will prepare a weapon most fitting to become the very bane of her existence, one that will release anybody caught in dark energies to release anybody from their grasp" Isabella told him.

"... I just wish I had something like that before all this" The villager remembered a certain other villager that had fallen to the dark energies of the vampire, shedding a tear before putting his sword away.

His sword, while crafted by the blacksmith at that time, was completely useless when he faced the vampire, and merely became dented when he slashed his sword upon the vampire. It was a futile effort, one that would prove to not fulfill his desire for vengeance.

"Then I shall bid you farewell, and hope you live a life that would make up for everything that has happened" Isabella nodded to him.

"And I guess I should be thanking you. As temporary as it may seem, her torment on everyone will be on hold, it will be up to my descendant to enact my revenge" The villager agreed.

"Farewell, villager" Isabella bid him goodbye.

The two went separate ways, with the villager eventually establishing a town, and retiring, settled for a family, and lived the best life he could, while reminiscing his regrets, and thinking about his wife, who had passed from the vampire's careless use of her powers.

Isabella on the other hand, had done the same, while at the same time using her arcane knowledge to craft such a weapon that would slay the vampire once and for all... Or at the very least, harm her.

Over a hundred years later...

"And that's how this village was founded" Tortimer told Anon, the current mayor of the village.

Anon came from at least six generations of his family, he had inherited the position of mayor from right of birth, and had done so excellently.

"That sounds like the most ludicrous tale I've ever heard. Surely my great great great great grandpa just settled to make a town here right?" Anon asked Tortimer, not exactly believing in the tales.

"Oh it's real alright, this tale has been passed down from him and to the next generation, and now it is up to you to pass it down" Tortimer told him.

"I get that but... I'm not telling my future son or daughter or whatever I'll have that a sexy vampire tanuki wants to take over this town eventually, besides, that sounds so fake" Anon complained.

"You say that now, but you will see that it attracts a good many folk fascinated by the story. It gives the town some zest knowing this town has some interesting backstory to it, even if it's "fake" as you say" Tortimer said as they walked down the beach.

"Whatever you say old man, listen, I don't have much time today. I'm going to be heading down to your island to gather some fruits, Dizzy's been wanting some fresh apple lately" Anon said as he and Tortimer walked over to the boat.

"Well I suppose it wouldn't hurt, island has too much fruit in it I say" Tortimer said as he got on the boat.

"Thanks, I was worried I was gonna run out of-" Anon was about to say when his secretary, Isabelle, came running over.

"Mayor! Um... If it's not too much to ask, a delivery shipment just got in here just for you. Can we go to your home for you to sign the papers for a second?" Isabelle asked him.

"I don't remember asking for a shipment of anything... You sure it's for me?" Anon asked her.

"Yes! It even says that it's specifically for the mayor! The package must be for you" Isabelle announced.

"... Alright then. Tortimer, can you wait for me? I just have something to check out real quick" Anon asked Tortimer.

"Of course my child, of course. Don't take too long now, I want to be an uncle before I keel over, behehehe" Tortimer chuckled, before coughing a bit.

Ignoring what the old turtle said, he followed Isabelle over to the mayor's office.

"Hey wait, didn't you tell me the package was at my house?" Anon asked her.

"... Anon, there's actually no package. It's something that's been in the office for a long time now" Isabelle stated.

"Eh?" Anon wondered what she meant.

"My mother... And grandma... And... I don't know, I just really think you fit the bill" Isabelle told him.

"What bill? Am I in trouble or something?" Anon asked her again.

"No... You see, I have this thing in the office for a long time now. And I think it's time I tell you about it. Everyone in my family had presented it to the mayor, but each time it was not needed. I don't know, I just think it's appropriate to show you, just like my family used to do, being secretaries of the mayor and all, I just can't get it out of my head like it's a duty I must do" Isabelle explained to him.

"Well alright then, what's this thing you need to show me?" Anon asked her.

"Follow me" Isabelle showed entered the office, with Anon following her up the attic. The same pentagram from years ago was embedded in the middle of the room, having nearly faded down over the years, although Anon and Isabelle were clueless as to what it was, and it couldn't be scrubbed down no matter how hard they tried, so they left it at that, and without knowing the significance of it.

When they got up to the attic, there was a chest, sealed shut by many locks and chains.

"This is it... Let me just unlock it" Isabelle said, bringing out a key ring, and unlocking the several padlocks and releasing it from the chains.

"Isabelle, are you gonna give me something illegal? Are we peddling drugs now? Because if we are, I want out" Anon told her, coming to his own conclusions.

"No no no, it's nothing illegal. It's something out of the ordinary, even for something meant for the mayor as my family told me" Isabelle told him, before eventually opening the chest.

The chest opened to reveal a whip, which glowed with some sort of radiant, red aura.

"This... Thing was meant to be used when the village was in dire circumstances. But when nothing happened, and the village remained peaceful, the mayors eventually just left it here... I mean... I guess we don't really need it... Sorry... I just thought it was my duty to show it to you, hehehe" Isabelle laughed, although she felt embarrassed dragging Anon all the way here.

"It's alright, I guess it's just something in your secretary's blood and all. It does look pretty cool, although I guess it would be pretty questionable for me to be carrying it around, I wouldn't want to look like a slave driver with this" Anon grabbed the whip and waved it around.

"It's a good thing we don't have a good reason to show it to anybody. Well... I gues that's it Anon, I worried you over nothing. I just thought it was something I should mention, with it being in your office and all" Isabelle apologized once more.

"It's alright Isabelle, you were just concerned with it being your duty and all. Why don't you take a break? I'm sure you've been worried about this for a long time now" Anon suggested to her.

The pentagram in the office began to glow, and a bright, red energy began to form as a portal slowly opened up.

"I'd like that-" Isabelle was about to respond.

"Wait... What the hell is that!?" Anon pointed down at the pentagram that had opened up a portal, with a female, voluptuous, tanuki emerging forth from the portal.

Before they could react, the tanuki suddenly looked up at him, pointing her palm at Anon, and then shot a fireball of flames at them.

"Look out!" Anon screamed, before taking Isabelle in his arms and jumping off the balcony window, breaking the glass as they both landed on the grass.

The resulting impact of the fireball caused the whole office to explode, making the residents panic as several of them saw the tanuki.

The tanuki, in contrast to the bikini she wore, was now wearing a tuxedo, and a cape to go along with it. Although the tux was covering up her most voluptuous features, although it still displayed a very impressive and large cleavage the likes that Anon or the rest of the residents had ever seen.

In an instant, the sky had become dark as night, and everyone was panicking on what had just happened to the sun.

"Finally... It was getting boring staying in the nether realm after waiting over a hundred years... Now... Which one of you is the descendant of the mayor!" The tanuki questioned them.

Lucky (Who is female in this story), questioned her.

"W-Who are you?" Lucky asked her.

"Why... It's been a long time... But I am Tammy. Tammy Nook... Now, I will repeat myself... WHERE IS THE MAYOR'S DESCENDANT!!!" She asked them all once more.

The villagers cowered, not knowing what she intended to do with the mayor, but they weren't gonna give him up so easily.

"No answer? That's a shame... Guess I will just turn you into my minions, one of you is bound to be the descendant!" She zaps them with electrifying energy, before briefly becoming that which resembled her minions.

Anon watched in shock as he watched the villagers, his friends, succumb to the powers of the vampire.

First was Lucky, her body becoming even bustier, and her eyes glowed red upon completing her transformation, and gaining the power to control and summon insects. The bandages around her body barely covered her body, but she somehow wasn't at all ashamed of it.

Second was Chai, who transformed into a ghost/poltergeist, gaining the ability to pass through walls, levitate, and manipulate objects. Her outfit had maintained to be exactly the same, except it was see-through and her nude body could be seen plain as day.

Third was Charlise, having been possessed by the spirit of a former bandit chief, her clothes having been replaced by that of a barbarian and gaining three times the strength she once had, before gaining a giant battle ax for her to use.

Fourth was Cherry, who suddenly had her tail replaced by a spade shaped one a the end, her outfit morphing into that which resembled a bikini, and gaining an even curvier figure, nearly naked and inviting to the eye.

Fifth was Peppy, gaining a hat, and a matching archer outfit, her eyes apparently becoming lizard-like and sharpening her senses. With quiver and bow in hand, she had become the castle archer.

Sixth was Margie, gaining a jester outfit, her size and chubbiness accentuating her body, especially her ass. She also gained a set of throwing knives, and started carelessly juggling about some of them dangerously, but surprisingly she had become an expert at just that at that very moment.

Seventh was Vivian, feeling her clothes get torn off as her body began to get bigger, transforming into a werewolf and tearing her own clothes off, before howling in the sky. She was completely naked, and looked like she could tear anyone apart with her clothes now that she was a werewolf.

And finally, was Petri, having her lab coat replaced with a tavern-like dress, and her lab equipment being replaced with several vials of potions. Her appearance remained intact, but she now had a more toothy and mad scientist-like grin on her face.

The rest of the villagers cowered in fear, not knowing what will happen to them.

"Now then, round up everyone else! I'll need some slaves to clean up the castle... Hmmm... Seems that it's gone now... No matter!" Tammy nook raised her hands up, and to everyone's surprise, the mayor's office, or what remained of it, got destroyed and from the ground up, a castle emerged.

The castle had towered over everyone, a large shadow looming above the village that Anon once called home.

"Stop! You... You're ruining the whole town!" Isabelle yelled at her.

Tammy looked at her, before her eyes widened.

"You traitor!" Tammy waved a hand over and pulled her close using her magic, making her levitate over to her as she struggled to get out of her magical grasp.

"T-Traitor!? I-I don't know what you're talking about!" Isabelle tried to escape.

"Seems you don't know you're a reincarnation of my former servant... No matter, once I mentor you back into your old self, you'll regain your loyalty once long past" Tammy Nook then tossed her in a cage she summoned.

"Hey! Stop it! You monster!" Anon yelled at her, whip in his hand.

"Well well well, looks like the descendant has shown up... Hmm... Much younger and cuter than I thought... Fufufu..." Tammy observed him.

"I won't let you take Isabelle! And I'll drive you out of here if I have to! Return my friends back to their normal selves!" Anon demanded.

"My my... Just as hot headed as your ancestor... A true reincarnation of him... Now this will be fun~" Tammy laughed.

"Hrrraaaagggghhh!!!" Anon charged at her, only for him to feel a sharp pain on his shoulder, and fell back.

It was a knife, a knife that Margie had thrown on his shoulder.

"Gah...!" Anon yelled in pain as he clutched the knife.

"Enough! You'll have your chance, all of you. As I promised, all of you have the chance to turn him into your love slave, but first, we need to teach this traitor what happens to those who betray us. But I'm willing to give her a chance, she may become a nuisance if she remembers her spells... All of you! Return to our beloved castle, we will deal with him once he recovers, he always does~" Tammy Nook commanded her minions, levitating the cage where Isabelle was in, and floated towards the castle.

"N-No... Isabelle...!" Anon tried to reach out for her, before passing out.

Tortimer, noticing the commotion, had approached only to see the passed out body of Anon on the floor, before shaking his head.

"So it has begun..." Tortimer muttered, before dragging Anon away to treat his wounds, presumably onto the island to let him rest.