Becca's Breeding

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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Sometime after their arrival in Familia, Becca approaches me with a proposal, one that leads to the two of us having sex and me acquiring a new form as a result of it.

Ever since my sister and I met Beckham and Becca, the four of us have been close. Charlene and I saw a lot of us in the Cinderace twins and we figured that they would eventually want to produce a family together much in the same way we did. They would stop by the mansion every now and then to spend time with us, with both Beckham and Becca taking an interest in our indoor basketball court. I had it put in a while back mostly so I could shoot around a bit whenever I felt like doing so, but never really did anything competitively. Beckham and Becca were a different story, they treated basketball much in the same manner as Charlene and I treated certain two-player video games.

Of course, that wasn't the only reason why they came over. Ever since their auditions at The Oasis, Becca and Beckham would also visit the mansion for sexual purposes. Becca and I developed a friends-with-benefits relationship, with her offering me services that she would normally charge for over at the club. Meanwhile, her twin brother would often get together with Eva at the same time. He admitted that he wanted to try having some sort of relationship with Charlene, but I knew my twin sister was more reserved about sex than Eva was. That being said, I knew Charlene was at least curious about Beckham, so it wasn't impossible that the two of them could eventually get together. However, it was obvious that any sort of relationship would be like the one Becca and I had, plus Charlene would not be interested in getting pregnant as a result of it. She always saved that for me or her other mates.

Things were like this for months as Beckham and Becca got settled into their new home on the northeast side of town, having purchased a large two-story house with a six bedrooms in it in all, doing so in preparation for having a family. As time went along, Becca became one of the leading female workers at the club, with Abigail going becoming a manager once she and Aoi got into a serious relationship*. While it certainly brought a lot of money in for Becca and her brother, it put a lot of pressure on the female Cinderace. She was more than happy to perform on stage and feel throbbing male dicks in her rabbit holes, but it seemed like she was about ready to make some scorbunnies, which brings us to the present day.

It was the middle of May in Familia, with warm and comfortable weather for the time of year. The Sakura trees around our property were in full bloom and so were the lilac bushes in the front of the mansion. Several families saw additions over the course of the last few weeks, and some were just getting started. Though it was to be expected in spring, since many Kapernian females tended to have their kids in April or May.

After spending most of the day at City Hall, I came home and relaxed for a bit in the family room, watching a little bit of TV. It wasn't long after I sat down when I heard the doorbell ring. "Really? I just sat down here, and someone is at the door?", I grumbled, not wanting to get out of my seat. I knew both of my sisters were currently out, with Charlene spending time with Maneson and Eva at The Oasis, so I tried the next best thing.

"Snugglebunny, could you answer the door for me?", I called, knowing Rose was home, hoping that she could get it for me. I soon got a response from her from a different part of the mansion.

"I'm a little busy here, cuddlekins", she replied, probably busy with some of the kids. Rose was the "stay-at-home mother" of the family, handling most of the child-rearing whenever me or my sisters weren't around. Of course, she did have some assistance from Hope whenever she was around, and both Eddie and Ellie were getting old enough where they could help looking after their younger siblings/half-siblings. However, Rose would sometimes have her hands full with the kids and I knew it was best if I let her tend to them.

The doorbell rang a second time and I finally got up from my chair. "Alright already!", I commented, reluctantly heading to the door while grumbling to myself. "This had better be something important. If it's some jackass trying to sell me something or some stupid shit like that, I'm gonna Fire Blast their ass", I muttered softly before getting to the front door and opening it. As soon as I did, I noticed that it was Becca and I immediately calmed down. Although I was curious to know why it was just her, since she usually came by with her brother. "Oh...hi there, Becca. What brings you here...and where's Beckham?", I asked curiously.

The female cinderace was blushing a little standing there while wearing a black and white Oasis T-Shirt and some short-cut jean shorts. "Can I talk to you alone for a minute, love?", she soon replied, obviously having something on her mind.

I was curious to know what she wanted to talk about, so I invited her inside, bringing Becca to the family room where I turned my attention towards her. "OK...what's up?", I asked soon after, trying to find out why she wanted to talk to me.

Becca was continuing to blush and was looking at me the entire time. "Beckham and I have decided that we're ready to start a family", she replied while rubbing her knees a little with her hands, still seeming a bit nervous for some reason.

"Well, that doesn't really surprise me. After all, you two are like Charlene and I, I'm surprised you don't have some scorbunnies of your own already", I replied. "So, I imagine that you came here because you want my help in giving you some safe-breeding scrolls?", I asked a moment later, knowing that Becca would need them if she were to have a family with her twin brother.

She kept blushing and looked at me, seeming to have a glimmer in those blue eyes of hers. "Actually, Beckham and I agreed that we would wait a little longer before we did it ourselves. I was more interested in asking about that other service you provide", Becca explained as my ears immediately perked up, knowing right away what she was getting at.

"Are you suggesting that you want me to breed with you?", I asked curiously, seeing the female Cinderace blush some more.

"If you're up to it, love", she soon replied while her ears started to twitch a little. "I mean, I want to breed with Beckham, but we also promised mum that at least one of us would have kids outside the family", Becca added. "I decided to choose you because of all the times we've been together, and because of how cute you look as a Raposian", Becca continued.

When I heard Becca mentioned "Raposian", I figured I knew what she wanted. "Oh, so you want Raposa me to impregnate you, correct?", I replied curiously, seeing Becca nod in agreement.

" would love to be able to help you out there. However, I promised my Rose that I would spend a little time with her later when the kids were in bed. I don't think I can break a promise to her", I replied, knowing that Rose was looking forward to some time alone with me.

Becca blushed a little more and felt slightly embarrassed. "I'm sorry about that, love. I didn't mean to come between you and one of your wives", Becca immediately commented. "Why don't we talk about this some more another time. I'm still on my yiffberries anyway, so it wouldn't be tonight", Becca added.

"Yeah, that would probably be best", I replied. "In the meantime, I should probably go see if my snugglebunny needs a hand with the kids. So maybe we can continue this conversation at your place, like this weekend perhaps?", I suggested.

Becca nodded once more in agreement. "Aye love, that'll work fine for me", she replied. "Just in case we get down to it, I'll stop taking my yiffberries for a few days so I'll be ready for you", she added.

"Alright then...just be careful about that", I suggested before seeing Becca literally run off. Even though Becca and Beckham had their own vehicles, they didn't use them a whole lot. The two were quite athletic and would travel as much as possible on foot. Meanwhile, I went back into the mansion and go checked up on Rose.

A couple days later...

After I spent some time talking to Charlene about what Becca told me, the two of us went over to their place. While I was more than willing to give Becca the helping hand she wanted, my sister seemed a little more reluctant. As we pulled into the driveway, Charlene made sure to remind me of this.

"Remember, I'm only doing this because of you. I have no intention of getting pregnant tonight and you owe me for doing this", Charlene mentioned as we arrived at their place.

I couldn't blame my sister for acting like she did. She was much more reserved than I was when it came to sex...or at least straight sex in her case. "How about I arrange an evening out for the two of us after this...does that sound good to you?", I offered.

Charlene thought about it for a moment then gave me her answer. "Well...alright...but I want a nice evening out. You know, with dinner and us checking into a hotel afterward", Charlene replied before taking hold of my hand. "After all, it's been a little while since I've had you all to myself", she added while blushing a little before I leaned in to kiss my sister on her lips.

"It's a deal!", I replied playfully. "However, we'll talk about this some more after tonight, I'm sure Beckham and Becca are waiting for us", I added. Charlene agreed and the two of us finally got out of our hovercar, walking towards the front door. I rang the doorbell and waited with Charlene for a few seconds, not exactly knowing what to expect when they showed up.

After waiting a bit, the door opened as Beckham was the one who answered. When he opened the door, both Charlene and I were a bit surprised by his attire. He was dressed up in a full three-piece dark gray suit with a red tie and black dress shoes. "Oh my...what's with all this?", Charlene replied curiously, seeing her "date" for the evening. Unlike Beckham, Charlene and I were dressed much more casually, with her wearing a pair of jean shorts and a purple T-shirt.

"Well love, I figured that since Becca and your brother were going to be spendin' the night together, I should give you a proper night out", Beckham explained before turning to me and putting a hand on one of my cheeks. "Don't worry about her, old bean, she'll be in good hands", he assured me as I could see that Charlene was a bit more interested in being around Beckham seeing his attire and behavior.

"Well, OK...but I think I'd better change into something a bit more formal if we're going out. If you went through this much for me, I think it's only fair that I dress up a bit as well", Charlene replied. "Let's go back to my place for a bit so I can put on an evening gown, then we can go out", Charlene soon added, taking Beckham's hand.

"Alright love...but don't take too long. I made reservations at "Reno's" for 9 PM", he answered, soon going with my sister. I knew what Beckham was talking about. Reno's was a restaurant on the southeast side of Lake Odessa, I had been there with Mari and Rose before. I felt confident that Charlene would be in good hands with Becca's twin brother and watched the two of them get into his car and leave.

Soon after they left, I watched as Becca came to the door, wearing nothing but her red nightgown. Apparently, she was much more interested in staying in with me. "There you are, love! I've been waiting for you all day!", she mentioned before placing her arms around my upper body and touching her warm cinderace nose to my own. "I'm ready whenever you are!", she soon added, suggesting that she didn't want to waste a lot of time getting down to business.

"OK...but can we get something to eat first? I wasn't sure what to expect when I came over, so I didn't have dinner yet", I replied.

Like me, Becca hadn't eaten anything yet either, so she was on board with having something to eat before we got down to business. Instead of having Becca cook, I ordered out for pizza, getting one for each of us. Becca was mostly vegetarian but could have certain types of meat if she chose to do so. However, this didn't happen very often, so I stuck with getting her the "Veggie Deluxe" pizza while I stuck with the more traditional sausage and pepperoni.

About an hour later, after both of us were done eating, the eager female cinderace once again showed how excited she was to have me over, coming over to me and placing her hand down into my jean shorts. She started to play with my sheath, causing my foxhood to start coming out, reacting to the warmth and softness of her touch. "So, how about a little bit of 'dessert'?", Becca commented in a playful manner as I started to detect the aroma of pheromones filling the room. I knew that smell quite well, it was one produced by a pokémorph when they were receptive.

My member quickly grew stiff and started to throb, with precum appearing at the tip of it as Becca was starting to massage my length. I knew that it was time to do what I was asked to do. "Mmm...alright...let's go for it", I answered before Becca removed her hand from my shorts and gave it a lick, getting the precum that got onto it off as she did so.

"Come with me to my bedroom, love!", Becca playfully suggested, holding out her other hand as I noticed her fluffy white tail starting to wiggle. Seeing this only helped to strengthen my desire to mate, causing my member to twitch with eagerness.

"I got to get these shorts off soon!", I thought to myself as I took Becca's hand, walking with her from the dining room into her bedroom.

It didn't take long for Becca and I to arrive in the master bedroom, which had been decorated in cinderace colors...with the walls painted cherry red and white edging and curtains. On the side of the door facing the interior of the bedroom, a poster was hung on it, featuring both Becca and Beckham. It was one that was available at The Oasis' shop, featuring the cinderace twins fully naked, with Beckham's rabbithood standing at full arousal. He had an arm draped around his twin sister from behind as the two of them posed for the poster. There were also posters featuring each of them separately, but since this was their bedroom, it seemed to make sense that they'd have the one with the two of them together. The bed had a charcoal-colored comforter along with gold-colored sheets and pillowcases, going along with the cinderace color motif.

Once we were in the bedroom, Becca did not waste any time in getting ready for me. She promptly removed her nightgown, letting it drop to the floor while her backside was facing towards me. She was naked underneath the nightgown, with Becca playfully bending over a little to show off her pussy. "How do you like this, love? Does this make you eager to put some scorbunnies in me?", she playfully mentioned while spreading her outer folds apart with her hands, showing off the tight-looking and quivering entrance to her bunny-maker. It was reddish-pink in color, glazed with vaginal sauce and contracting regularly. I couldn't help murring when I saw this display, licking my lips as I felt eager to plant my seed in her.

Soon, Becca went over to the bed, climbing onto it and getting comfortable while laying on her back. She then spread her legs and opened her outer lips wide once again, exposing the entrance to her vagina to me some more. " know what I want from you, love", she soon commented, awaiting me to fulfill my end of the deal we made.

With my foxhood throbbing and the sight of her pussy making me horny, I took off my clothes and left them over by the door. As soon as I was naked, I looked down and noticed how aroused I was, seeing my member visibly twitch as precum was spurting from the tip. "You sure that you want my raposa form for this? Because if might be more enjoyable for both of us if I...", I started to ask. However, before I could finish, Becca made it clear what she wanted.

"Mmm...aye, love. I wanna have your cute and cuddly self in me!", Becca replied eagerly, her vagina continuing to twitch with anticipation.

As soon as I heard her reply, I felt it was time to give her what she wanted and focused on changing into my Raposian form. One of the reasons why I wasn't sure if Becca really wanted it was because my Raposian form was much smaller than my other forms...being about 4 feet tall. That being said, not every part of my body shrunk in this form. My member remained at a fully erect 7.5 inches and was now pink in color, resembling the appearance of a knotted Raposian male. The only difference between theirs and mine was that my bulb could inflate when aroused enough, while a normal knotted Raposian male could not inflate theirs.

Soon after my transformation, I made my way over to the bed and prepared to have sex with Becca, feeling my rapocock twitch some more while my precum continued to spurt from it. Meanwhile, Becca saw me approach her, keeping her outer folds spread open. "That's my cute little stud! Come towards me and stick that lovely dick of yours in my rabbit hole. I can't wait to feel your seed in me!", Becca coaxed eagerly as I started to feel the warmth she generated against my own body, even though I wasn't in physical contact with Becca yet.

" batch of scorbunnies, coming right up!", I playfully replied to Becca as I was soon within reach of her pussy, bringing the tip of my length to touch her entrance. She moved her hands away from her outer lips and let me do what I needed to. Once I was in a comfortable enough position, I climbed onto Becca, clutching her hips with both my hands and pushing forward into her hot cinderace pussy.

Compared to the first time Becca and I had sex, her vagina felt different...and better, quite frankly. Because of her condition, her insides were warmer, and her passage felt tighter, giving my pulsing rapocock a nice squeeze as I moved into her. She also felt rather moist on the inside, making deeper penetration easy as I kept moving into her until my knot bumped against her outer lips. After that, I decided to stop for a few seconds, to get a good feel for how Becca was around my member. At the same time, I started to send spurts of precum into Becca's pussy, glazing her cervix in it.

She seemed to appreciate it and soon reached down towards me, grabbing hold of my butt cheeks. "Don't be afraid to give me the knot now, love", Becca coaxed, apparently wanting my knot in her when I came.

I planned on knotting Becca, but I wasn't going to turn the tie with her. After all, some things were meant to be saved for my true loved ones. "Don't worry, you'll get what's coming to you", I assured Becca before starting to hump her, feeling her hands grip my tush and press me against her warm body, resting my head on her chest as I was moving through her.

I started to enjoy myself, feeling my rapocock move through Becca's tight rabbit hole as it quivered around me, giving it a squeeze every few moments. It made my Raposian ears twitch and my balls churn, filled with large quantities of sperm to deliver to the receptive female. Meanwhile, Becca continued to press me against her, keeping me close to her warm body as I felt my bulb bump and grind against her outer lips. It seemed like she wanted it in her sooner rather than later, but I was saving it for when I was about ready to give her my seed.

Waves of heat started to ripple through her passage as I mated with Becca, enhancing the already warm sensation inside her. It was hard for me to tell whether these pulses were ovulation spikes or were just from her being a fire-type. If they were ovulation temperature spikes, however, considering how many there were, it would suggest that she wanted a very large litter. Regardless, I kept going, plunging my throbbing rapocock into Becca's bunny-maker while she kept her legs spread wide open. This allowed me to hump her vigorously as I clutched her hips, letting my bulb kiss against her outer folds regularly, pushing against them slightly as I did so.

"Ahh...yes...that's it, love!", I heard Becca call to me, enjoying how it felt to have me inside her as I looked up and saw Becca's "D-cup" breasts moving up and down with my humping. It made me want to attach myself to one of her nipples and suck on it while I was breeding her, but I was too small to reach them in my current position.

The churning inside my balls increased over time and it felt like I was getting closer to climax as ripples of heat could still be felt along my entire rapocock, coaxing more precum out of the tip. I further increased my pace and tightened my grip on Becca, letting my knot grind against her more often, preparing to push it into the warm and moist canal. Becca responded by grabbing at my rump more firmly, pushing me towards her some more.

"Yes...get it in me, love! I want to feel it all inside there!", I heard Becca reply as she seemed more than ready to be knotted and inseminated.

It became harder for me to resist, especially with the way my shaft felt against her insides. It had become highly sensitive to touch, and I felt a strong urge to impregnate Becca while I was doing her. I decided that it was time to give in and gave Becca one last inward push, placing my knot inside her hot rabbit hole. My bulb immediately started to grow as my climax was about to hit. Becca kept me close to her body, still grabbing at my butt as my ears and tail both twitched excitedly. Her vaginal walls surrounding my growing knot as best as they could, giving it a nice squeeze.

A few seconds later, I started to feel my seed leave my balls, rushing through my swollen and aroused rapocock until it launched freely from my tip, splashing deeply into Becca. It came out in a thick stream, much like it always seemed to in my Raposa form, quickly covering the female's cervix and upper vaginal walls in a thick glaze of my cum.

Becca seemed to enjoy it and had a climax of her own the instant she felt my seed spurting in her. "Ohhhh...yeah! That's the stuff, love! Breed me as much as you'd like!", Becca called while she was happily being inseminated by me, with my knot soon reaching full size and keeping the two of us joined for the duration of my orgasm.

I leaned against her warm belly while filling Becca, sensing the strong pulsations in my rapocock as my cum rushed to greet her fertile bunny-maker. Every now and then, I'd feel Becca give my knot a little squeeze and a little tug, helping to coax more of my load from my balls, with her doing everything she could to get as much of my sperm to her reproductive tract as possible.

I stayed like this for a few minutes, releasing a healthy amount of seed into Becca while we were joined. Gradually, I settled down a bit and my knot deflated on its own, with Becca also easing back on her grip as my climax came to a stop. It took a little longer, but I was able to pull free from her pussy after a bit, leaving what I planted in her behind.

I was still erect and throbbing after I pulled out, my rapocock touching against her outer folds as I remained on top of Becca, with her keeping me close to her body. She was rather quick to notice how I was behaving towards her. " feels like someone isn't done breeding me!", she commented as I felt her grabbing at my tush some more. "Why don't you go ahead and stick it back in there, love. We've got all night together", she soon added, trying to coax me to put it in her again.

I had every intention of continuing, but I wanted to do something different. While it felt good to be knotted to Becca while filling her, I somehow felt like I should be breeding her like a rabbit, and while my Raposian form was part-rabbit, my penis was mostly canid in form. This gave me a bit of an idea as I let go of Becca for a moment and got up from being on top of her.

"Believe me, I'm far from finished with you. However, before we go any further, there's something I want to try first", I assured Becca as she stayed on the bed, her legs spread apart while a little of my leftover Raposian seed oozed from her tight rabbit hole.

"What did you have in mind, love?", she curiously asked, looking towards me as I looked at her and started to focus my kitsune powers on myself. I couldn't become a full-fledged cinderace because of me being a kitsune, but I thought that I might be able to do something involving my Raposian form, since they were part-rabbit to begin with.

After several moments, I started to feel different. My body felt like it was getting hotter, much like how it would whenever I changed into my ninetales form. Curiously, I went over to a nearby mirror that was over by the walk-in closet and kept focusing on transforming. The orange portions of my Raposian fur were becoming white and my legs became all black in color, with tufts of golden fur just above where my feet were. Speaking of which, my feet became larger. Growing to about the same size they would be in my normal form but being like that of a rabbit. My ears changed shape, becoming like that of a cinderace, except keeping the triangular notches at the tip. I also grew taller, with my legs becoming longer in this new form of mine. I grew to about 5 feet in height, though it was still shorter than the 5'8" I would be in my normal form.

At the top of my head, the cinderace "crown" appeared on it, with a bright red tuft of fur sticking up, much like that of one of Becca's kind. The shape and color of my tail also changed, going from a short and black hamster-like tail to a white and more fluffy tail, like that of a cinderace. The final change was to my genitals, as the shape of my penis changed from being canid in form, to being more like that of a normal Raposian male, being more rabbit-like in appearance. It grew longer, becoming 10 inches in length with a narrow tip that thickened as it got closer to the sheath. It stayed fully erect for the entire transformation process, spurred by the earlier mating with Becca and the prospect of additional breeding.

Becca was watching this take place and curiously sat up in bed, seeing me change into something that was part-cinderace and part-raposa. Something that I would dub my "Cinderaposa" form. " did you do that?", she soon asked, getting a good look at my cinderaposa form as I turned to her.

"I'm a shape-shifter, remember. I can acquire new forms anytime I want to", I mentioned. "Of course, there are some limitations to my transformations, so I can't take on a true cinderace form", I added. "Still, I thought that this might make the experience more interesting for both of us", I continued, displaying my erection to Becca as fresh precum started to spurt from it. I could already feel my balls churning on the inside, still heavy with sperm, eager to get inside Becca and provide her with the gift of life. "Anyway, should we continue with what we were doing?", I asked, feeling my hybrid shaft throb for Becca's hot rabbit hole.

Becca seemed more than willing, with her promptly getting onto her hands and knees while presenting herself to me. Her tail wiggled excitedly, and she deliberately shook her rump at me. "Yes...breed me some more, love! Show me what you can do!", Becca eagerly coaxed.

I was more than willing to oblige the female cinderace and quickly made my way back over towards her, feeling my long hybrid member throb and spurt precum along the way. My balls felt heavy and were already churning inside, with them becoming a bit larger from the transformation. I felt determined to fill her bunny-maker with more of my sperm and to keep doing it until I felt like I couldn't keep going.

I came up behind Becca and put my hands on her hips, allowing my length to rub along her outer lips a little as I got into position. She still felt rather warm as our genitals touched and she still had some of what I put into her previously oozing from her vaginal opening. A few moments later, I felt Becca reach for my member, positioning it so that the tip was kissing against her entrance. "There you are, love!", she sweetly remarked, her tail continuing to shake in an excited manner.

From there, I pushed my cinderaposa shaft back into Becca's pussy while climbing onto her back and clinging to her hips. Her hole was still nice and tight around me, giving the thickest portion of my shaft a firm squeeze while my tip reached deeper into her rabbit hole than before. The very tip of my member kissed against her cervix, spurting a bit of precum onto it when it did so. "Oooh...that's more like it!", she commented as I started to hump her, moving at a moderate pace as I felt my length being massaged by her insides.

" like it when it goes deep inside, huh?", I asked while humping Becca, already feeling a second climax building inside me.

" could say that", she commented as I felt her vaginal walls ripple along my member, releasing a gush of hot vaginal sauce around it. "Just feelin' you in me so deeply makes me think about my brother", she added before blushing. "I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to insult you, it's just that Beckham and I have done this so many times, and...", she started to reply as I kept humping the horny and receptive female, enjoying how her rabbit hole felt around my pulsing member.

"Relax...I know exactly what you go through", I assured Becca. "Quite honestly, I'm still a bit surprised that you'd let me do this to begin with", I added.

Becca chuckled, then made her pussy clamp down tighter around the thickest part of my hybrid member. "I chose you because I like you. Aside from Beckham, you're the nicest male I've met", Becca commented before blushing some more. "Mmm...besides, it's a lot of fun gettin' to have sex with you", she soon added.

When I heard Becca's comment and felt her pussy squeeze my member, I put more effort into humping her, moving faster and delivering powerful thrusts into her bunny-maker. My member happily throbbed against her insides, with my tip constantly pressing against her cervix each time it went in. My heavy balls churned strongly, and I felt another load getting ready to burst forth from my tip.

My hands clutched Becca's hips tightly and I felt my tail wiggle as my climax neared, with me closing my eyes and thinking about how my sperm would soon meet with her eggs, giving the receptive female what she wished for. Then, after giving one more strong and deep inward thrust, I felt the rush of my cum flow through my member and burst forth into Becca.

Her vaginal walls clenched around my length as I came for her, also bursting forth with hot vaginal nectar as she seemed to enjoy what I was giving her. This time around, my seed was going directly where it was needed, pooling in her uterus and clinging to it like glue. As she was being filled, I felt her tail wiggle as I was on top of her.

" enjoy breeding me like a bunny, don't you love?", she commented during this time as I kept feeling the rush of my cream going deep into Becca, causing the pool of semen inside her womb to spread and grow larger.

I continued to cling to her as I came, with seed spurting forth from my member for several moments. I felt warm and happy, but I didn't feel like stopping yet. Even as my climax subsided, I still felt like I had a lot more seed stored in my swollen balls to give to Becca. Furthermore, my length continued to throb inside her tight passage, being squeezed by her hot and tight rabbit hole. "I don't want to stop yet...not until I've finished putting scorbunnies in your womb!", I told Becca eagerly, starting to hump her some more soon after.

Becca didn't seem to be surprised by my behavior and even moved back towards me a little. "Mmm...I don't want you to stop either, love", she mentioned in a playful tone. "Keep going as much as you'd like...don't stop until you feel satisfied", she added, encouraging me to mate with her some more. Naturally, I was more than willing to oblige her.

Over the course of the next 30 minutes or so, I happily humped Becca while she kept encouraging me to impregnate her. Along the way, I came inside her a total of four more times, with each time producing a thick gush of seed that added to the pool of cum that was in her womb. After my fourth climax, Becca was filled to the point where her uterus was starting to expand, creating a small belly bulge from the excess semen. It became a bit larger after my fifth orgasm, making her belly grow to the point where it made Becca look as if she were already pregnant.

After my fifth orgasm in cinderaposa form, I felt the churning in my balls come to a stop and my intense sex drive ease. Even though it seemed as if Becca and I hadn't conceived yet, I was growing tired and I couldn't continue without taking a break. That being said, with everything I put into Becca, it seemed like it was only a matter of time before my sperm met with the eggs she produced.

I pulled out of Becca and climbed off her back, soon changing back into my regular Raposian form. I felt hot, tired, and sufficiently drained, but I was also quite happy as my member slowly went back into its sheath.

Becca was quick to grab me and pull me down onto the bed with her. "Need a break for a bit, love?", she asked in a polite tone as I nodded and looked down at her breasts. Becca noticed this and chuckled.

"Well, I don't have any milk in them yet. However, if you'd like, you can play with them a little", she replied, positioning me so I could have access to her breasts. Naturally, I cuddled up to Becca and promptly attached myself to one of her nipples, sucking on it like I would whenever I did this to Sapphire or my snugglebunny. Becca caressed the back of my head while I suckled. "Although they probably won't stay dry for long...not after what you've done to me", she soon mentioned, getting a chuckle out of me while I had her warm and puffy nipple in my mouth. We remained like this for a little bit until I started to get drowsy and eventually dozed off.

The next morning...

After spending the night with Becca, I woke up to the smell of something spicy. It seemed to be coming from the kitchen area as I slowly got up and stretched. I was still in my Raposian form and had a powerful boner after having sex dreams while I was cuddled with Becca. My balls felt heavy and reloaded with fresh sperm, ready to be given to the fertile female if she wanted them. However, Becca wasn't in bed with me.

Curiously, I got out of bed, not bothering to put anything on to conceal my stiff and throbbing rapocock, making my way towards the kitchen. When I got there, I saw Becca busy at the oven, stirring something on the stove top. She was still in the nude, aside from an apron that she was wearing in the front.

She heard me come in and turned towards where I was. "Good morning, love! Got a case of the morning wood, don't ya?", she playfully remarked as I blushed some. "Well, I still want to play with you some more before my brother and your sister get back, but not until after we've eaten OK", Becca remarked as her tail started to wiggle. "By the way, it should be ready any minute, so why don't you go into the dining room and have a seat. Don't bother puttin' any clothes on though, because I want to get back to it when we're finished", she soon added.

I wasn't sure if Becca was still receptive or not, but she seemed to act playful towards me. Then again, it was sort of in her nature to be playful, so it was difficult to tell. Nevertheless, I did as Becca suggested, going into the dining room and sitting at the table, changing back to my normal form to make it more comfortable for me to sit there.

A few minutes later, Becca came into the dining room, bringing with her a large pot with whatever she was making. It had a strong spicy aroma to it. "Mmm...what's in the pot there?", I asked as Becca placed it on the table.

"It's called Plenty O' Potato curry. A recipe that I learned while Beckham and I were still living in Wedgehurst", she explained. I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about, I never heard of anything like "Plenty O' Potato curry" before in my life. Additionally, I was known to be quite picky when it came to what I ate, I had been that way ever since I was a pup. So, whenever I saw something that I was unfamiliar with, I was usually a bit hesitant to try it out. That being said, since I spent the night with Becca and since I did plant my seed in her fertile bunny-maker multiple times, I felt it would be rude of me not to at least try it.

Soon, Becca brought out some other things to go along with the curry, including some plates, silverware, and some bread with butter. She also had a glass with her, filled with something orange. It wasn't orange juice, it was too dark in color to be that. She didn't give me any of it, though. She just provided me with a glass of milk instead.

Once she sat down at the table, sitting across from me, it was time to start eating. Once again, I wasn't sure what I would think of the curry, so I only took a small amount to start out with. I could see bits of sliced potato in the brownish-red sauce, along with some familiar-looking red berries. "Banyaberries?", I asked curiously.

Becca blushed a little while she was starting to put some curry on her own plate. "Well, back in Wedgehurst we'd normally use Cheri and Pecha berries for this. However, we found that Banyaberries work well enough", Becca explained.

I knew what Banyaberries were like and was a little curious to how they would be with the rest of the curry. I decided that I shouldn't waste any more time and got a bit of curry onto my fork before sticking it in my mouth. It had a moderately spicy flavor to it, with a bit of the sweetness added by the banyaberries mixing in. It tasted pretty good, and I was quick to add some more to my plate before continuing to eat.

After several minutes, I felt full and relaxed a little. "Do you always do the cooking around here?", I asked Becca curiously after eating.

Becca blushed and then rubbed the back of her head. "Well, sometimes...most of the time Beckham and I end up getting something easy to make from Martinelli's. We usually don't have time to make a proper curry given our work schedule", Becca explained. "Besides, Beckham does some of the cooking as well, but his curries are a lot spicier than mine...sometimes a bit too spicy", she added before turning to another subject.

"Anyway, that you and I have had something to eat, perhaps you'd like to do a little something else before you go", Becca mentioned before standing up from her chair and showing off her backside, wiggling her tail at me. "I think you can guess what I have in mind", she soon added, with me quickly changing back into my Raposian form and developing a boner for the female cinderace.

"Still receptive, aren't we?", I mentioned before Becca bent over and displayed her pussy to me.

"Does this answer your question, love?", she replied as I saw that tight-looking rabbit hole of hers twitch, wanting me back inside her again. I did not know how much longer we'd have until Beckham returned with Charlene, so if we were going to do it again, we'd have to do it now.

"Alright, we'll go another round", I replied, hopping out of my chair and landing on my feet. "However, I want to make sure that the deed is done this time around, so I'd like to do it Rapo-style with you", I replied, thinking that the best way to satisfy Becca's wishes was to turn the tie with her. I didn't plan on doing it this way originally, but it seemed like the best way to get it done before Beckham and Charlene returned.

"Whatever you'd like to do, love!", she mentioned before walking over to me and taking my hand, with the two of us going into the living room this time for the mating.

Sex between us lasted about 45 minutes, with Becca and I joined in a copulatory tie during most of the time. I planted large amounts of Raposa-grade semen in her fertile womb, adding to the sperm that was already in her from the previous night. If she didn't get knocked up from all of this, I don't know what else I could do to get her pregnant.

Following the final mating between us, I was in Becca's arms as she held me towards her warm body, some of my seed spilling from her well-filled rabbit hole. I felt her hands brush along my belly fur while she kept me close. " much do I owe you for all this?", Becca soon asked, curious to know what I charged as my stud fees.

Most licensed stud males charged fees for their services, usually based on how many offspring they produced with a given female. However, this wasn't mandatory, and I offered my services as a stud more for the joy of breeding with females. Besides, even if I did charge for my services, I wouldn't charge anything for Becca. "Don't worry about that, Becca. Getting a new form out of this is payment enough as far as I'm concerned", I replied.

She continued to cuddle with me, touching my soft Raposian fur as I was pressed against her warm body for a little longer. Then, she came to the realization that Beckham could be back at any time. "I think it's about time for us to get cleaned up, love", she mentioned.

I felt warm and sticky from mating with Becca, especially around my crotch, so I could definitely see what she was getting at. "Yeah, I think so. However, how are you going to get clean? You're a fire-type...wouldn't getting in the shower hurt you?", I asked curiously while Becca let me get up from her lap.

"I'll use Libero before we get in the shower, love. I can use something like High Jump Kick or Zen Headbutt on the punching bag first", she mentioned.

I slapped my forehead after she mentioned this. "Oh yeah, why didn't I think of that!", I thought to myself briefly, forgetting that a Cinderace had this ability. I soon put it out of my mind though and went to go shower with Becca. We didn't know how long it would be before Beckham and Charlene got back, but we hoped there would be enough time for us to clean up and change before then.

To Be Continued...

*: More on this in future installments of "Abigail's Boyfriend"...when I get to them.