Eventual Dragon Clutch

Story by GryGry on SoFurry

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#6 of Adult

Bit of a gender-bender one here with some dragon loving after two unlikely lovers get to know one another. This is my first real attempt at romantic writing; I wanted to give a sense of a relationship was built before smashing two characters together like actions figures. Friendly feedback is welcome and appreciated! You can also find this on my FA here. Oh, and if you're just here for the smut, move the scrollbar about two thirds of the way down the page; I left a tilde (~) as a marker.

Hammering and the cracking of crates being opened is the dominating sounds of the caravan halting and proceeding to set up camp. Soldiers set out with axes to chop wood to later make a protective palisade, others helping the lieutenant and quartermaster mark the ground with chalk to indicate how tents will be set up. The captain is currently speaking with the laborers of the mine entrance we build around. We've been sent out here to protect their harvest and deliveries of vital iron ore.

Everything from a small kobold tribe to wild animals to blights have been waylaying the laborers and their guards until the loss of supplies and personnel warranted a more official aegis to allow them to continue their work. As a scout of the company, my main task was to travel ahead of the main force and survey the area before reporting back. Most of the soldiers are elven, but there is an odd beast race among them, including myself.

With the best nose of the scouts, my next job is to ascertain the location of a dragon in the area while the rest are assigned sentry duty. The dragon in question has been sighted several times before. They're supposedly nonaggressive, but the captain would prefer to know where their den is to avoid encroaching on their territory too much. I'm not much tired yet, so I restock my rations at the temporary quartermaster station and set out.

Male and about 180 cm tall with a coat of light grey fur shot through with white spots, I have two large, perked ears, amber hazel eyes, a feline muzzle with whiskers along the nose and brow, a big tail, and long digitigrade legs ending in heavy paws. I have a set of leather armor, but I elect to keep it in my rucksack since it's not wartime and travel in breathable clothes, wearing a tightly woven cloak to protect against jabbing branches, rain, and other travel hazards that might be encountered. I also wrap my paws in cloth to keep sharp rocks and sticks from jabbing me too often.

Setting off into the woods, I travel north towards higher elevation and spend the rest of the day climbing to the top of a ridge. It overlooks much of the surrounding landscape. Setting up a hammock in the trees, I spend a little time reading by the light of the dusk until it fully sets, and I'm forced to close the book and sleep. In the morning, I surmise a craggy hill nearby might hold the dragon's lair in the form of a natural cave. Anything else would have to be dug out in this terrain, and that could very well be anywhere.

By noon I've checked over the hill to no avail and lean against a tree to think, a bit stumped. I expected to find new or old scents I could track, but nothing out of the ordinary has come across my path. This area was entirely untouched just a decade ago, so perhaps they live next to a landmark, something of interesting note. Returning to the previous ridge, I look around some more but gauge nothing more of passable concern. Besides what I'm sitting on, that is. I didn't notice it in the dying light the previous day, but a grassy patch on the edge of the ridge has a heavy indent in it.

Walking up to examine it, I crouch down and take a deep breath. It's old, but there's a slight sort of musky scent mixed with notes of spices, both very much not belonging to the area. I think I can say with a good measure of confidence the dragon rested here at some point in the past two days. It has been rather cloudy, so maybe they prefer to only be out to sunbathe. But then where would the den be? There's plenty of places to lay in the sun, so surely, I am close by.

I get my answer peering over the edge of the ridge, finding there's a fairly large overhang. Enough so that normally this sort of formation should have broken off and fell long ago. Climbing down the steep hillside, I grip trees and brush as well as dig my claws into the bare ground to maneuver under the ridge. Ivy grows densely here in long arms bearing the same old scent, and pushing through it, I come to a cave mouth carved in an unnaturally smooth manner into the rock.

I fumble in my rucksack for a torch. Retrieving it, I look back inside only to find two large, piercing sapphire eyes staring back and yelp girlishly. I move out of pure reflex, and I find myself suddenly hanging off a long root along the bottom of the ridge with the eyes staring up at me. A gruff sort of rising and falling purr follows as the head of a dragon with pitch black scales pokes their head out of the ivy. It takes me a moment, but I realize they're chuckling and relax, dropping back down.

"Greetings," I say sheepishly with a small bow.

"Hello there," He replies smoothly, resting his head on two large paws with the rest of the body out of view within the confines of darkness.

"Is this your den?"

"Indeed, it is."

"Well, that makes my life easier. I'm with the 5th Protection Division defending a mine nearby. My commander wanted to know your den's location to avoid sending foragers and the like through your territory."

"They're already in my territory, if you were able to walk here."

"Come again?"

"I claimed the land for leagues around over four decades ago."

"Oh. That makes things difficult."

"Reh-heh, I am 'yanking your chain', so to speak. It is fine. I slumber much of the time as of recently, so I cannot truly enforce my territory. Do not bring the noise of civilization close to here and all will be well."

"Ah, good to hear. We can certainly manage that."

"Then there shall be no qualms."

"I suppose my business here done is done, in that case. But. Can I ask a few questions?"

"Ask away, little one."

"Do dragons truly slumber for years?"

"This one certainly does."


"Indeed. I am simply taking a break from reality, as it were."

"Any reason in particular?"

"I lost many friends in a time of strife."

"I know how that feels. I guess I'll just be your friend."

"Hmm? Will you now, little one?"

"Aye! Call me Fike."

"Little Fike is the best you're getting."

"Very well, Scaley."

"Pff-hah! Is that how we're playing it? Fine, fine. Just Fike it is. It turn, I am Numean."

"That sounds a bit elvish."

"That's because it is. It's actually Nuhxtherizi."

He pronounced it not only with foreign syllables, but deep throated growls I cannot hope to reproduce.

"Numean it is," I nod.

"I thought as much. So, Fike. What's your story?"

"Well. I was born on the road, left on the road, taken in by rangers on the road, and spent my whole life on the road."

"Rangers? As in the elven warriors, yes?"

"Mhm! A whole detachment. I was quiet, so I was allowed to be kept around. These damn pawpads make it harder to handle a longbow, so I'm more of a crossbowman, but I learned survival and the like. For the here and now, I'm a scout until I rank up enough to warrant further training."

"Should a scout not be carrying a weapon?"

In response, I demonstrate my sharp claws unsheathe another 40 centimeters from my fingertips.

"I suppose that's reasonable. What about range?" He says amusedly.

I flick my wrist, a long throwing knife appearing from up my cloak sleeve. I do so again with wrists again, suddenly holding five in each hand.

"Where were you keeping all of those?" He snickers.

Flicking once more, they disappear, and I lean in close. "Don't tell anyone, but the cloak is heavily enchanted."

"I noticed that earlier. Who inlayed the magic? It's very competent but has a few minor improvements that could be made."

"Oh, er..." I suddenly blush on my nose, remembering the tall wolven magician. "We had a mage in the company for a while. He was a friend and made the enchantments as a parting gift for me."

"I see. It appears to be a layered process over a long period of time, though."

"I was trying to be brief. It was a work in progress."


"He was my lover and wanted to keep me safe, okay."

He snickers a little, nodding. "Sounds like a good mate, even if it was brief."

We talk back and forth for a little while longer until I notice the afternoon is ticking away and I have to leave if I hope to make my report by nightfall. He waves me goodbye with a big paw and I drop from the ridge, quickly making my way down it safely in a series of hops along the trees and using the claws on my toes for grip. My estimation is about right, and I present to the captain's tent by the time the sun sets.

"Hail, Fike," she waves to me as the two guards posted at the mouth of the tent allow me to proceed.

Tall and dressed in a closefitting vest and rugged pants with a heavy pair of boots to match, she's a gorgeous and strictly professional woman with dark red hair tied back in a ponytail and sea blue eyes. On her back she carries a two handed saber in a sheath.

She doesn't look up from a few roughly drawn maps of what I assume are the mines. "How goes the search? Successful, I presume, if you're back so soon?"

"Correct," I reply hesitantly.

"Buuut..." She trails off.

"I inadvertently stumbled into the dragon itself when I found the lair."

"Oh, bother... what are they like?"

"Patient and forthcoming, from the time we talked. He stated we will get along fine so long as no 'civilization' is brought to his doorstep."

"Ah. Good. Good good."

"I would also like to request if I may continue to do so."

She frowns. "As in continue to contact and speak with? What is your goal?"

"He seems lonely. I'd like to lessen that as I am not needed here."

She scratches the side of her neck as she thinks for a moment.

"You've proved competent in mediating the attitude of the former warmage of the company... so, I will allow it. Continue your usual encampment task in the meantime and report back every three days. And I cannot stress enough: leave if you feel your company is not wanted."

"As you say, captain."

"Hopefully, this will mediate some of the jumpiness of the soldiers about having that dragon nearby."



"His name is Numean."

"Ah," She says, writing it down on a notepad and putting the mine diagrams away in a small box. "Good to know."

Below the diagrams is her usual giant, detailed map only unfolded to reveal the area we are in.

"Before I forget, show me where Numean's den is."

I mark her map and she dismisses me. Acquiring more rations, I stop by the tent of one of the blacksmiths and spend a warm night in his arms before setting off in the morning, glad to finally scratch that itch after a week and a half of travel ahead of the company. Now that I know my way, it is faster to return to Numean's ridge and I bathe in a small creek to wash off the dust of the road. I scent him before I make it up the ridge, finding him peacefully sunbathing.

Roughly 350 centimeters long from the tip of his snout to the base of his tail, his slim body is armored in black scales and equipped with a large set of wings currently folded to his side. Two gently curling horns are affixed on either side of his head and large bony flaps grow along his back and tail, of which I'm certain unfurl into fins while midair to increase control. His tail itself is as long as his body, if not a little more.

He awakes as I walk closer, raising his head to regard me before lazily waving with a paw to motion me forward. I set down my rucksack against a nearby tree and sit down next to him, dangling my legs over the edge. Looking down, I regard the drop and determine it's likely I would get speared on a tree if I fell, but I'd otherwise survive. Probably. The fact doesn't scare me.

"Hello again, Fike. I see you were truly adamant," He rumbles pleasantly, closing his eyes again.


"I'm afraid starting conversations is not my strong suit."

"The same goes for me. That's why I use conversation starters."

"Oh, joy... those are never painfully awkward."

"Actually, I was going to ask you for a fun tidbit of information. Anything that comes to mind. And then I'll return the favor until we find something to speak about."

"Hmm. Alright," He hums, propping his head up on his paws and facing me. "You are indeed an uncommon cat. Let's see... are you familiar with tobacco plants?"

"I am."

"Walking through a field of them in the morning, while there is dew, can be toxic; the contents of the leaves will leach into the water."

"Huh. That says a lot about the health of those who smoke it."


"Ho-hum... cauliflower and cabbage were cultivated from the same ancestor plant."

"Interesting. I did not think they would be."

We talk back and forth like this until settling on the topic of hunting. Numean prefers to swoop in after his prey and carry it off. Usually, I track and hunt down deer or rabbits with a crossbow, but when I am unable to do that, I spend a day or two monitoring the gathering places of large prey and wait in ambush before striking suddenly.

"When the kill is just for me," I admit, "I like to use just my teeth and claws. There's something so satisfying about a clean bite."

"As long as you don't let it suffer unnecessarily, I see no reason to not enjoy the sport," Numean says with a small flash of his wicked teeth. "I used to pick fights with large monsters for that exact reason."

"Were they ever able to hurt you?"

"Most managed to get past my scales one way or another; my hide is strong but not nearly up to par of legends. Mine parents were hungry carnivores, so bringing home the head of strong predators made them proud of me. For a short time, anyways."

"Did you have family problems?"

"Mine blood tree is practically the history of familial strife," He sighs. "I left their den far too young, but clearly it worked out for me."

He doesn't seem to care to continue the subject, so I don't press the matter and talk a bit about the rangers that raised me. He listens and nods along, asking a question here or there. When we both inevitably grow hungry, he launches into the air far faster than I would have expected given his former slow movements and returns within ten minutes carrying a doe. I'm not sure what I expected, but he splits it up the middle with a flick of his claws and tosses the guts clear of the ridge.

Blowing flame into the chest cavity of the carcass, I watch as he cooks it with the hide still on. It's a little fascinating how the skin practically falls off as the subcutaneous fat melts and he pulls the fur cleanly away. I carve myself off a piece with a knife at his offer and am struck by how nicely cooked it is.

"You've done this a lot," I remark, eagerly returning to munching on my portion.

"I'm lazy and prefer my meat not raw and cold. So. Yes. Yes, I have," He nods.

Numean lets me make my own little camp on his ridge and the days go by with us talking, occasionally playing a game, and other times hunting together. Sometimes he needs some personal space. Other times he practically sets his head in my lap. It occurs to me I'm shirking my duties, but Numean assures me there's no dangers within the area I need to watch for. I continue to make my reports and the camp eventually takes notice until I'm unofficially dubbed the "Dragon Emissary". On a particularly hot day, Numean invites me into his den. Passing the ivy, we walk through a dark corridor briefly, and then it's like stepping into a whole new dimension.

Glowing crystals are affixed to the wall and furniture is carved from stone with silk and fur padding, shelves holding multiple curiosities and ornaments. Some of these things are finely crafted blades, others that seem to have more emotional significance like a rough carving of a cat. I don't doubt he has a horde of some variety given the impressive items on display, but I don't trust myself to think of him the same way were I to see it and decide to notask.

He seems a little tense at first but relaxes after I continue to speak with him as I always do. Without the sky, I quickly lose track of time after we get engrossed in a particularly animated discussion of some of the shenanigans our friends have done in the past. After the third time I've yawned, I notice something's off.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Mmm," He hums as he waves a paw in the air and conjures a small bubble looking up into the sky with the moon clearly showing, "Likely past midnight. I know you mentioned you don't like heat, and it would be rather muggy out there for the foreseeable future. Do... do you want to sleep in my den until that clears up? I would need you to be next to me since, well, not that I don't trust you, but - "

"I'm not offended you're worried about me nicking something, Numean. I'd much prefer being in here if you'd have me," I smile, rubbing his paw.

"Less worried about theft... and more you might hurt yourself. Some of the rooms further in were not designed with anyone but myself in mind."

"So, stay within your line of sight while in your home like a normal house guest does. Got'cha."

"Yes. Please, do."

"Heard loud and clear, Numi."

"Numi?" He says, his stony façade breaking for the briefest moment and revealing a bashful expression underneath before he catches himself. "Is that my nickname now?"

"Rolls off the tongue nicer, don't you think?"

"I suppose. Just... don't refer to me like that with anyone else."

"Heh, sure thing."

The room he sleeps in consists of not much more than a round room with a wide, circular bed cushioned by black silk. It has a mattress of some sort but I'm not sure what it's packed with, a bit like soft sand. I'm mildly unsurprised when Numi clarifies that's exactly what it is. He's a little afraid of rolling over me in his slumber and I opt to sleep on the floor instead within my sleeping roll, a dragon sized blanket underneath acting as a cushion between the hard stone and myself.

The next two days follow a similar pattern of talking and I find myself absentmindedly patting his head or leg or tail or whatever other part of him is close at hand, and he seems to like it. I about jump for joy when he shows me his small library and he allows me as much time as I'd like to pour through the texts. I eventually ask where he got all these things, and he shows me a room immaculately etched with runes. I know a portal device when I see it.

"This looks like more than a standard gateway," I note, much of the runes filled in with glittering dust.

"You're quite knowledgeable for a scout. It's programmable. I can go anywhere with a configurable code and similarly erected gateway."

"That's... incredible. I had no idea such things existed."

"They take knowhow and time to create, which is why they're usually found only in capital cities and places like wizard towers. I can be my own energy source when opening a portal, but many don't have that luxury, so they're too expensive to maintain."

"You built this by yourself?"

He nods.

Reaching up, I rub my brow against his. "You're quite incredible, you know."

A small shudder goes through him, and he giggles a little, pushing me off suddenly.

"That tickles," He huffs awkwardly before changing the subject. "Oh, by the way, you're due to report in today, right?"

"Yes. I suppose I should get walking."

"Hmm. I never asked how that works. Is it just a short check in?"


"I could open a portal for you," He offers, gesturing with his tail. "Over short ranges, I can place one just about anywhere."

"Oh! Hah! Please don't! My captain would have my head," I laugh, imagining it. "Half the camp would come at me swinging once I waltzed out. Unregistered portals have incredibly strict response policies since, you know, not just anyone can open them."

He nods. "That's very fair."

"I should get going if I want to make it back by tomorrow morning."

He follows me to the exit after I collect my things and I give him a wave. Next time I return, I can scent he was here recently. I figure we're well acquainted enough at this point I can let myself into the library. I pass into the general living area just fine, but when I attempt to enter the library, I am met by an invisible wall. Odd. I leave my things where I usually do and go around testing the rest of the doorways, having not seen this sort of thing before and curious.

I can still enter his literal bed room, but every other way is blocked except the exit. Save for one door I never asked about. I've inferred by this point it's to a room holding something important that Numi would rather avoid talking about, and while I'm intrigued, I never did like pushing others into uncomfortable positions. Even so, I put my hand to the door and try to push. There's a crackle and flash, and I reflexively pull my fingers away.

I'm worried at first when I smell burned material but breathe a sigh of relief when I see only my claws were hit, blackened by the magic ward. Almost immediately, I hear something move on the otherside and the door slides sideways into the wall, Numi beyond it. He steps out and quickly closes it with a wave of his paw, his body blocking all but a colorful flash of gemstones beyond.

"Are you okay?" He questions, sniffing and nosing over me and homing in on my hand.

"I'm fine, just surprised is all. Fair is fair, you did warn me to not go anywhere without you."

"In hindsight, I really should have disabled that defense while in your presence as well."

"As well? How many have you disabled?"

"Several. Anyone else besides you or me that enters through the front door will find themselves deep in a random place in the forest, for instance."

"I see. Well. Thanks for trusting me enough to have access through some of them."

He nods with a small smile. "I... I am entrusted with certain materials and items for safekeeping. And that is all I will say on the matter. It's my profession. I didn't want to bring it up before."

"That's quite alright; it's a role that certainly fits your current needs."

"I finished my business in there already and was just nitpicking details. So, now that I know you're not injured, care to see what you look like as a dragon?" He asks, holding up a necklace set with a red, glowing stone.

The cord is made from seamless metal, a simple silver hoop affixed to the large ruby by delicate wirework.

"I hope that is a rhetorical question because the correct answer is YES."

He laughs and leads me back to the living area and has me hold still to put it on. His fingers are surprisingly dexterous and he stretches out the cord just enough it fits over my head, letting it tighten again to rest snuggly around my neck

"If you ever want that off, just ask. It's a powerful focus, so I thought it warranted an added measure to make it difficult to lose; the cord will not break nor bend more than the little it already does now without mine touch."

"Ohhh, fancy."

"You'll probably want to change out of your clothes or they'll be destroyed. I'll turn around. Bite the gemstone when you're ready."

"Bite it?"

"With magic items, you do not want simple or normal triggers. There's many a horror story about offensive charms accidently activating in the worst places."

"You make an awfully good point."


I begin to take off my shirt and he turns around. Once I'm nude, I hold the gemstone between my thumb and finger, having just enough space to bring it to my lips and bite. I was expecting a flash of light, maybe the breaking sounds of bones melding and shifting, but there's only a slight bitter, unnatural sensation across my tongue before I suddenly hit my head on the ceiling and fall onto my side in confusion.

Numi turns around and trots up, looking me up and down as I shake my head to clear it.

"No, no," He stops me as I try to stand up, putting my new paws to the ground and having me stand with both hind and front legs. "Like that."

"Ah," I reply absent mindedly, sitting and examining the new thick, black claws and scaled fingers.

Numi draws my attention to him as he warps the air into a mirror. I gaze back at myself, still wearing the necklace but otherwise incredibly different. There are two horns on my head and two long, furry ears like his, a long snout with slitted nostrils growing out of my face and my eyes a brighter color than before with slitted pupils. I'm still a bit shorter than Numi, but the difference is much less so now. My appearance is also a little unnatural, not possessing wings and my scales a mismatch of silver with the occasional white one haphazardly thrown in. A mane grows from the top of my head, neck, and all the way down the spine, ending in a plume at the end of a weighty tail.

"You look... incredible," He breathes.

"Do I?"

"Y-yes. Can I... just..."

Stepping forward, he rubs his snout against mine, pulling closer to breath in my scent. I got the sense he's been craving intimacy for a long time, and now that he's facing his own species once more, his needs must be all too apparent to him.

"Do you want me, Numi?" I ask, leaning back into his affections.

"Yes," He breathes, growing bolder and licking my snout.

"Then enlighten me as to how dragons make an egg."

Nodding eagerly, he follows me to his bed and I happily sprawl on it, spreading my legs and shaking my tail for him. His shaft is already peeking out, dark purple in color with over a dozen ridges and spikes. He needs no more encouragement and practically pounces one me, his tongue invading into my new genital slit. The feeling is entirely foreign, and I chock it up to internal versus external equipment as it sinks deeper inside. It is, however, incredible, and the fact a dragon of all things let me lead him by the nose for this is gratifying beyond words.

"You know what, don't get me hard. Just fuck that hole," I purr.

With an affirmative grunt, he hops up to press his forepaws against my shoulders, breathing smoldering breath across my neck and chest. I feel his shaft against the entrance of my slit, and there is no foreplay as he pushes inside. It's a tight fit at first but he thrusts inside a little at a time, hot and pulsing inside of me as he finally brings me to the base of his knot. I shudder around his cock, clamping down on it hard so that it might never be pulled out.

"I-is it supposed to feel this goOOood...?" I stammer, trailing off as Numi begins to pull out and thrusts in again.

That shuts me up and I purr deeply, licking his snout and giving off a moan. It's higher pitched than I am used to, but it's like it unlocks something in him and he presses his body against mine suddenly. Finding myself in a mating press, I gasp as his former gentle thrusts become forceful humps, spearing himself deep inside of me with lewd, wet slaps. Wrapping my tail around his, I push myself upwards into his pounding what little I can with encouraging cries, feeling the textures of his shaft glide inside as I'm stretched out. It hurts a little at first, but nothing like anal, and it's not long until I feel myself melting into a quivering mess.

With a final slam, his knot finally pops inside, and I let out a deep, aroused growl as he continues to breed me with forceful pumps. The pressure is so intense I wrap my arms around his neck and beg for him to fuck me harder, a feeling of intense pleasure erupting between my legs as that fat knot gapes my hole wide and grinds inside with his mating. Reflexively, my muscles contract and massage around his length, forcing him to hammer away harder, and he doesn't stop even as molten warmth begins to flood inside me. His wonderful dragon cock is stuck so deep in not a drop escapes as a chamber deep inside is pumped with rope after rope of hot cum, filling to the brim until it washes back and floods around his shaft.

Panting, he locks snouts in a passionate kiss before wrapping me in his wings and rolling onto his side. I have no words, only a weak and deeply satisfied groan as I nuzzle into his neck. It's not until we've had a minute to revive we both realize something is not quite right.

"Can you take another make this deeply into your slit?" I ask, feeling him still pulse inside me.

"No. Can you feel your penis pressing against mine?"

"No. Can you?"


Wordlessly, Numi pulls his knot free with a sharp tug and the contents within spill out onto the sheets. Backing up to the edge of the bed, he gazes at my gaped slit for a moment and makes a few hesitant movements before snorting to himself and clamping his maw down on my sex. His tongue slides easily down my passage and I let out a small moan again, wrapping my tail around his forearm and gently urging him forward. Complying, the bigger male rocks his head and laps at my inner walls, and I also understand the problem as he increases in fervor and brings me to another orgasm, locking around the invading organ as he forces it even deeper. He pulls his snout away wet with fluid, licking it off before plopping down next to me again.

"Huh. I'm not entirely sure how I managed to botch this," He mutters more to himself than me as he nudges the ruby hung around my neck.

"I'm a female right now."

"Yes, you are. I don't suppose a mage has ever had trouble casting a spell on you."

"Several times."

"That'll do it. Your natural attunement must resist or otherwise warp magic."

"Mmm," I agree. "I think I like it."

"Oh?" He murmurs, rolling to face me once more.

"Yeah. I never much used my tool anyways. So. You know. Not much lost."

"This isn't weird?"

"Oh, it absolutely is. But as long as it's temporary... I would want to do it again."

"Like... right now for instance?"

"Especially right now!"

Rolling on top of him, I happily sink down on his erection, feeling it fully harden again inside me and sighing in pleasure as I feel filled again.

"You're definitely in heat," He remarks with a little laugh as I begin to bounce on his manhood.

"What does that entail?" I mumble, half listening.

"It means you want to be railed until an egg is put in your belly. And then for a bit longer afterwards."

"That can't actually happen, right?"

"Er- hnnm -," He groans as I pick up the pace, his knot sinking inside once again as I grind my hips against his.

"That feel good?"

"Yes!" He hisses in pleasure, thrusting up into me with each descent onto his length until I hilt one last time.

We lock up as he drains more dragon love up inside my vent, and I lay down on top of him, nuzzling my snout against his in the afterglow.

"What were you going to say?" I ask.

"Ah. Erm... Definitely not," He says with confidence before narrowing his eyes and thinking. "Probably. I... I don't... actually know."

"I can just turn back, and it will be fine, right?"

"Well. Normally, yes."


"But I may have charged the charm to last for the next three days while I was knot deep in you and not thinking straight."

"Having your dick inside a pussy seems pretty straight to me."

He snorts and pushes a paw against my face. "Glad to see you have a sense of humor about this."

"Get it? Because I'm also a cat?"

"Yes, yes, I see."

"So. Is three days still safe?"

"Well... yes, but actually no because you're truly a male."


"If you are pregnant by then, polymorphing back will return you to your original size with the embryo meant to be in the body of an adult female dragon somewhere in your abdomen."

"Oh. Not great."


"Well, if the damage is already done..."

"Might as well enjoy the hole left behind?"

"Yes," I grin salaciously.

"You're rather comfortable with this idea."

"There is not an intelligent thought in my head right now after two rounds."

"Fair enough."