Kneel down next to the jackalope and pet the mudkip on the head

Story by cardia on SoFurry

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#12 of Interactive Fiction


Do You:Ask to hold the mudkipPet all three of the pokemonPat the jackalope on the headTurn around and leaveAsk about the dreamHug all four of them

This is a "What I would do if I could do anything? Write about you," series. It is meant to be a basic browser hyperlinked interactive fiction version that I made using squiffy that is located on my website: 

Posted using PostyBirb

The mudkip pulls away for a moment to consider you then moves up so it is under your appendage and accepts the pets. It coos and butts into your pats. The eevee and the mew come up to you on top of the jackalope.

"Huaff. You are heavy, all of you," the jackalope moves up suddenly and hugs all three of them beaming ahead to them with his eyes closed. He then opens his eyes and looks up at you suddenly.

"Oh no, stranger. Is it goign to hurt us?" The jackalope asks with a wry smile.

Then it looks toward the mew and then at you, "Mew here thinks you're ok. Your demeanor seems to say you're not a real killer am I right?" It says standing up holding all three pokemon as the three of them look up at you with big eyes.

"Are you a dream? From a dream?" The jackalope asks.

Do you:

Ask to hold the mudkop

Pet all three of the pokemon

Pat the jackalope on the head

Turn around and leave

Ask about the dream

Hug all four of them