Merged Worlds three

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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#3 of Merged Worlds

Merged worlds three divided planet by Raven Fox: The third chapter of the merged world's...

Merged worlds three divided planet by Raven Fox: The third chapter of the merged world's saga. Ray's younger brother Bill is taken by the Photinos, but those pig morphs messed with the wrong male human.

North Lynnwood Washington, day of the merge.

Bill grabbed the pack stuffing it in the back of the 1969 Chevy Suburban. The human with brown hair looked over to the older guy with a stocky build. To any observer it will look like the two guys are friends instead of brothers because they are different in looks. Ray the older one is slightly overweight with a stocky build, the other one is taller and lean being thirty instead of thirty eight.

"Will you be able to show up this time?" Asked Ray shutting the back of the SUV.

Bill shook his head looking at his older brother. "Sorry, can't make it this time, Richie broke his foot at the site. He will be out of work for over a month, so I got to stand in for him till he can go back to work."

Ray nodded looking at his younger brother. "Sorry that you can't join us, we'll just meet at some other time." He said walking to the driver's door.

Bill followed resting his hands on the drivers' door noting his brothers' disdainful look. His brother is picky about his vehicle. "Well, take it easy and I'll see you in a few days."

Ray nodded starting the SUV putting it gear. Bill watched as his brother drove away and walked into the house. Inside the place, the human grabbed his katana and bokken then walked to the back yard to the target dummy him and Ray use to practice using their weapons. He held the hard wood handle with the blade, his brother fights with a short sword, but he prefers this Japanese sword due to how it felt. The Katana isn't an actual Japanese samurai sword, but a very good copy made by a hobbyist sword maker.

Bill is thirty compared to his older brothers' thirty eight. There would have been a middle child, but their mother suffered a miscarriage during the third month of pregnancy. He looked at the straw dummy with burlap sack made into a fake head. The human spent a few minutes swinging the real sword to get his muscles loosen and then he brought out the bokken to attack the straw dummy.

After an hour of working out with the bokken, Bill put away the fake wooden sword and handled his Katana cleaning the blade looking at the patterns in the blade which is where the sword smith layered the different metals. He took out the linseed oil rubbing the blade making sure that every square inch got a layer of oil. "Ray might be picky about his suburban, but I am picky about this sword. I spent a lot of money on this, but it's cheap compared to a real Japanese sword which would be thousands of dollars. I handled a real one who is owned by Japanese who family owned it for centuries, but it was light compared to this one I had made for me, but the secret of making the Katanas is closely guarded secret like Boeing keeps of making wing structures." The human said to himself wiping the blade with a rag.

Hours later at a friend's house.

Frodo, a friend of Bill handed him a tankard of ale. The human looked at his friend with blonde hair. "Dude, your parents must have been J.R.R. Tolkien fans to name you with that name." He thought to himself draining the tankard tasting the sour drink going down his throat. His limbs started feeling relaxed, and then he smelled something burning.

A rolled cigarette is placed in his line of sight. "Yo, dude, take a hit." Said Frodo.

Bill knew what is in the rolled paper; the company already did a drug test a week ago. Grinning, the human took the joint and took a drag. His body felt slightly numb as things started to slow down. He looked around seeing Frodo's friends having fun, something metal is pressed to his lips.

Frodo is pressing his double barrel break open 12-gauge shot gun at his mouth. "Put the barrels in your mouth." Bill giggled sticking the barrels in his mouth watching Frodo taking a big hit. He opened the shot gun and blew smoke down the barrels. "Suck on them Bill."

Bill sucked in the smoke tasting a hint of gun oil while inhaling the smoke. His body felt more relaxed and the human decided to have another drink of the ale. The music seems to slow down. He took a look at Frodo. "You know what man?"

His friend closed the shot gun putting it away. "What dude?"

Bill chuckled sitting on the sofa. "My head ache is gone man, plus I am feeling relaxed."

Frodo chuckled. "You're stoned and drunk man."

Bill laughed and enjoyed the rest of the night.

The next morning.

Bill left Frodo's place driving West back to his place he shared with his brother. "Man, I am glad Ray went fishing with his posse. He would blow a head gasket if he found out what I did last night." He said to himself with a chuckle clutching his head while driving down the road.

A minute later a reddish white light hit his car causing it to crash in the grassy median. Bill gotten knocked unconscious when his car finally stopped moving. The beings, who removed his body from the car, did a mistake. They didn't remove the sheath belted on the side of his waist because they thought it was a type of decoration. This oversight will have dire consequences for some crew members of a slave ship.

Unknown time later.

Bill woke up to a beefy hand shaking his head. "Wake up slave, wake up or I'll whip you." Said a grunting voice.

He saw a black ugly face that's modeled after a pig with a tusk on each side of the pig like snout. The body is covered with course black bristled fur and fat. "Man, he has more fat than my brother." The human thought to himself studying the thing grabbing his face.

The thing looked at him with yellow eyes. "Come and follow me slave."

Bill touched his waist feeling the sheath of his sword. "Come on, why did these things forget to remove a weapon off me?" Then he remembered how many people are in the Puget Sound area of Washington State. He grinned a strange grin as he grabbed the carved wooden handle of the hilt of the Katana and drew it out of the sheath. "How can a slaver overlook a potential deadly weapon?" The human said to the being doing a move that cleaved the being across the neck decapitating him.

He shook his head wiping the blade clean and sheathing it. The human grabbed a strange looking gun tucking it under his belt. "I'll check it out later." As he left the room looking at out a portal. "I am in outer space!" His mind screamed as he studied the outside. He noticed one thing, the writing made sense to him. Then it hit him, a stabbing pain in the base of his scull. One of his hands touched the area feeling a tiny capsule under the skin. "Ok, that must be a type of translation device to make me understand the dialects of this area."

Minutes later, found him at a different level of the ship he's on. Strange noises had gotten his attention. The sounds guided him to another portal; the sight made his skin crawled. In a large room, he saw hundreds, no, thousands of humans crammed in the room and more of the pig like beings pushing them around. "This is not good, what happened to my world?" Bill said to himself as he studied the crowd. A face he hated is in view, of an older female. "Well, I hate that dam bitch. I better not attempt a rescue, because I don't want to join them especially that dam bitch that is now in my view." The female saw him looking thru the portal and got the attention of one of the morphs, Bill ducked, a minute later he got up looking thru the portal again seeing a morph whipping the female human. "Well she deserves that whipping, I don't feel sorry for her."

He watched the humans and the female get whipped. She glared at him, but Bill looked at her grinning giving her the middle finger. "Fuck you bitch, you ripped the soul out of our state, plus stolen the election and you tried to save your ass by pointing me out." The human said to himself walking away from the place.

The writing in front of him said: Emergency escape pod. Grinning the human opened the door. "Hold it right there slave!" Said a grunting voice.

Running to him is two of the pig morphs. Bill rolled his shoulders watching the morphs just running to him not drawing any weapons. "Come on, didn't you guys checked the room I was in? I guess not." He sighed reaching behind his back grasping the hilt of his Katana.

One of the pig morphs said. "Show us your hands slave."

Bill grinned pulling the Katana. "Alright, filth, here is my hands."

"Put down the weapon slave." Said the morphs still not making any attempts to draw a weapon.

"Alright, I am putting the weapon down right now." Said Bill attacking the two morphs. Seconds later there are two corpses in front of him.

""Stand down slave!" Yelled another voice.

Bill saw ten more pig morphs coming toward him. He opened the door and ended up sliding down a chute to a white shape. WHOSH The craft lurched as a door shut. Grinning the human watched as the ship he used to be on grown smaller. Turning his head he saw a planet growing large. "That isn't Earth, because of the two moons and from what I am seeing this planet must be twice as big as Earth." The human said to himself as the planet grew in size. Shaking, the escape pod entered the atmosphere.

Minutes later, the surface of the planet.

Mirlinda sat reading a book in her large living room. The wolf/collie hybrid turned her head to the outside because she heard a ballistic noise getting louder and louder. "SPLASH" Something crashed in the pool in the back of her house.

In her pool is a large egg shape. Mirlinda recognized it as an escape pod of a Photino slave ship. She growled to herself grabbing a weapon. "I hate those things; well that pig morph picked the wrong place to land." The hatch started to open.

Bill held a handle as the water rushed in. He held his breath and swim out of the escape pod. The human surfaced and paddled to the edge of the pool. Spitting out water looking around noticing that he is in some ones swimming pool. "Ok, I better get out of here and urrk!!" Some one grabbed his jacket yanking him out of the pool. "Oh, oh." Is all he said when he saw the canine staring at him.

Holding him level with her eyes is a canine that looked like a sable colored collie, but this collie has a wolf like head. Green eyes veined with dark blue looked at him framed with brown head hair with tan high lights. The body on this female is a large muscular build with long fur wearing a one piece bathing suit covering 44 DD's. "You don't look like a Photino, what are you?" Asked the canine.

Bill gulped at her. "I am a human from the planet Earth. I was kidnapped from my home planet by those pig morphs. They tried making me a slave and a few crew members on that ship are now regretting it." He said with a grin. "I hope you are not friends with those things, my name is Bill."

Mirlinda gently put the human on the edge of her pool. "Better go in my place and get dried off. My name is Mirlinda, don't worry, I have this habit of severely injuring any Photinos that want to mess with me." She said guiding Bill inside her house.

"Sorry for crashing in your pool." He said.

The wolf/collie hybrid looked how the wet material clinged to the human's skin admiring his lean muscular build. "Don't worry, I'll have a friend stop by tomorrow to retrieve it, she's a salvager." She looks at him again picturing him naked. "I wonder what he looks like naked."

Bill followed Mirlinda to a large structure; the human looked back at the escape pod in the pool. Only a few feet are showing on the surface as the rest of the craft is sunk in the pool. "Come Bill, lets get you dried off, it gets real cold at night." Said the female canine opening the door.

He walked in the house examining the inside. Shrugging, he removed his shoes and socks. "Whoa, what's this?" Asked the human jumping, the floor is slightly to warm for comfort. The surface must be few degrees over the comfort feeling of a human's feeling. To compare the feeling of the floor will be like sticking bare feet near a camp fire.

Mirlinda noticing the human's distress walked to a keypad typing on it. She watched Bill settle down. "There's tubing under the floor that has liquid running thru it. Since you're new here and furless, it get's real cold here at night. If you crashed a couple hours later you will be suffering from hypothermia, let's get some dry clothes on you." She leads to another room.

Bill relaxed as the large canine being one foot taller than him handed him a light blue sweat shirt and pants. The human didn't like light colored clothing, looking in the closet there was another set that was pink in color. He undressed and put on the sweat shirt that is way too big and stretched in the front. The canine held a pair of underwear. "I am sorry; I don't wear women's panties." Said Bill.

Mirlinda growled. "These are a pair that used to belong to my ex-boyfriend, use these because I don't want the seat rubbing at your anus. Don't worry human, they have been washed."

Bill sighed putting on the pair of shorts, they were way too big. The human had to tie the waistband so that will fit his skinny waist. He shook his head putting on the sweat pants, the legs had to be rolled up, plus there's a breeze at his butt crack. "Thanks for lending me clothes." Bill said to the canine, but he noticed that she was watching him.

She nodded looking at her clothing hanging off the skinny human's frame. Mirlinda didn't tell him that her ex-boyfriend was a male wolf. "You look pretty cute wearing to large of clothes." The canine laughed, she noticed a something trying to poke thru her sweat pants. "Well, it looks like he's aroused, but I'll take slow." Mirlinda said to herself as she hung the human's strange clothing to dry.

A few hours later, Mirlinda's bed.

Bill is now lying next to Mirlinda; the canine is now holding him in her arms. She took his hands and placed them under her bra. He felt firm tissue with a nipple and warmth and he explored with his hand tracing the breast structure. One of his hands is grabbed and his hand is placed under her panties. The human felt a familiar ridged female organ with wetness.

Mirlinda looked at him with a smile. "That should satisfy your curiosity." She removed his hand from her vaginal area. "Maybe later, once I get to know you I'll let you do it. Let's go to sleep, I got to figure what to do with you. May I ask what that weapon you were cleaning is?"

Bill still having his hands under Mirlinda's bra smiled. "It's a copy of a Japanese Kanata, a type of sword. It got wet, that's why I cleaned it and asked for a type of oil to avoid the blade from rusting. I am glad the blade smith made it possible for me to repair and take apart the sheath so I can dry it out." He sighed to himself admiring the female next to him in bed. She kept looking at him. "Oh, I am leaving that sword sheath disassembled for a day just to be safe, I think if it breaks here I am S O L."

Mirlinda stroked his hair. "What is S O L?"

The human chuckled. "Shit out of luck, I know I said one O, but saying the letter O once in that saying sounds better. I thinking that if something happen to the blade, I won't be able to get it fixed here. What the!?"

Mirlinda removed her bra, he noticed her making movements under the covers and the canine flung out her panties. Bill felt the canine pulled his sweats and shorts. "I've changed my mind, tonight is your lucky night." He felt wetness engulfed his stiffen penis.

He looked into her eyes. "So, what do I do now?"

The canine gave him a lick. "We're going to have fun tonight and I am going to introduce you to a few friends of mine so you can do work here."

Bill is held to the white furry breasts admiring the long fur and softness.

The next morning, Mirlindas' house.

Bill watched thru the window as Mirlinda talked to a red fox vixen. Attached to the Photino escape pod is a type of crane on a three axle vehicle. "That vehicle looks like an Oshkosh striker the type of truck that sprays different firefighting chemicals on burning planes." He thought to himself watching the operation.

A minute later, the egg shape escape pod is lowered to the front part of the vehicle. Bill watched as the crane folded up in the back part of the vehicle and the extenders stowed themselves. The vixen talked to Mirlinda for a minute and entered the vehicle driving away.

Mirlinda walked in the house watching the vehicle drive away. She turned to the human doing a grin. "Come, I'll introduce you to a friend of mine, she needs an employee at where she works at." The canine grabs his hand leading him outside.

Bill manages to keep up with Mirlinda as she walked down the street. The human studied his surroundings as they walked down the street. Thoughts raced thru his mind as the couple passed houses. "Portland Oregon, that's what this area reminds of." He thought of the memory when he was seven years old.

He was walking home from the bus stop after school when the two fourteen year old boys started bullying him. Bill screamed to get the attention of a near by adult, but the person who responded to his screams was his sixteen year old older brother Ray. One of the fourteen year olds punched him knocking him on the ground.

Ray is usually a calm mannered young guy; it usually takes a lot to get his older brother mad. The kid who punched him was his brothers' first victim. His older brother has this technique of fighting multiple opponents, it a combination of two hard hits. He does a hard left in the abdominal area followed by a quick right to the side of the head. When his brother does the head shot, he uses the heel of his hand. Ray always said. "Don't use a fist on a hard body part when hitting someone, because you have a good chance of busting a knuckle."

When the second kid was on the ground, he looked at Ray. "You are going to get in trouble for this."

Ray grabbed the kid by the shirt. "Don't try anything punk, I just gave you the feeling of getting your ass kicked by someone who is stronger than you. If you ever touch my brother again, you will be needing an ambulance and a hospital stay to go with it."

Those fourteen year old boys never bothered him again. A few months later their family moved to Lynnwood Washington. Two years later, Ray enlisted in the Army and did twenty years before he retired. He himself never gotten serious with a woman and after his brother mustered out of the Army, he moved in with him after they combined finances and bought the house.

Bill only signed up for the draft, because his brother changed during his twenty years of military service. Ray was in operation Desert storm and that UN fiasco that turn into the Battle of Mogadishu. Bill was going to enlist in the military, but Ray talked him out of it. He never told him of his experiences in Somalia.

Mirlinda stopped at a street corner and turned to him grinning. She looked at her watch looking down the street. "The bus should be here in a minute."

Bill manages a glance at the watch noting that it's an analog type with hands instead of a digital. Ray and himself have Timex self winding watches that are analog. He himself has a model with a silver body with a black face, but his brother's is a brass color with a white face.

A dark shape appeared down the street making no noise. The shape came closer and grew in size. Bill being a vehicle buff examines the transport with interest. This bus is large compared to the ones at Earth, its dark gray with white numbers above the large windshield that seems to take half the front. A male gray wolf is at the driver's area, the canine looked at him as he followed Mirlinda on to the bus.

The human looked at the large anthro male wolf looking at him. He just watched as Mirlinda handed him a card and the wolf swiped it in a reader. Bill followed the canine to a couple of seats and watched the scenery go by.

Bill sat next to Milinda watching the scenery go by, thinking where he is at because he noticed that he's the only human on the bus and all he saw is anthropomorphic beings. Turning his head, he saw different type of eyes looking at him. Breathing his breath out, the human looked at the female canine sitting next to him.

A couple of hours later, a type of shop.

Milinda walked thru the doors of the shop, turning around, the canine watched as Bill followed her in the shop. She watched as the human male walked slowly taking in the scenery of the place.

Bill stopped and looked around at the shop; the place he found himself in has lots of shelves with lots of odd items he can't identify. A female voice with a slight purr replied. "Mirlinda my friend, who is the odd creature with you?"

The human male turned to the source of the voice and in his head mind screamed. "Oh shit!"

Behind a counter is a very tall feline based off the Siamese breed. She has the gray colored points on the whitish gray base coat. The feline is wearing a type of outfit someone might find a female wear in a harem. The outfit is dark blue consisting of a type of lion cloth on her hips and a strapless bra covering her 40 DD's with a transparent long sleeve shirt.

Milinda looked at Bill. "Close your mouth Bill." She walked up to the feline. "Shelly, it's been a few weeks, my house guest needs work." The canine told Shelly about how the human ended up on the planet. All thru out the conversation the medium blue eyes of the feline were staring at Bill.

The feline stroked her long black hair; she looked Bill making a slight purring sound. "Interesting story human." Shelly rolled her R's with a purring sound. "I myself don't like the Photinos myself, but I have an opening for a delivery person. But be careful at the gambling sectors of this town because there are some of those Photinos." She stared at the human for a few seconds like she's thinking and she turned to Mirlinda. "Are you sure you want him to work? I know a few a few female canines at the brothels that will fall in love with him."

The female canine looked at her feline friend. "The law allows the male to have up to three mates." She looks at Bill grinning. "He better pick out a female with talent."

Shelly grinned. "I'll hire him; I hope he can ride a two wheeled transport."

"What?" Bill asked as Mirlinda walked out of the shop as he's lead to the back of the shop.

Minutes later, back of Shelly's shop.

"Cool ride." Bill said looking at the motorcycle with hub less wheels. He had seen a you tube video of a chopper with hub less wheels and the 2009 Star Trek movie which Kirk rode one. The area that housed the engine is enclosed in metal with air vents. Looking, the human looked at the tires with thin sidewalls. "What powers this?"

Shelly looked at the cycle. "A fuel cell that lasts one week, then I got to exchange it for a recharged one."

Bill nodded as the feline handed him an oversized helmet. Shrugging the human inspected the head gear noting that it's heaver than the usual helmet. He glances over to Shelly who nodded. Placing the helmet over his head, he looked thru the visor and saw a familiar type of readout place in his line of sight. "This looks like the screen of a Garmin GPS screen."

Chuckling, Shelly replied. "We did visit the Earth a few times, where did the U. S. Military get the idea for the GPS network? We accidentally left a unit at a landing site and it was discovered by someone in the Air Force."

Bill chuckled as Shelly taught him to operate the cycle. The cycle has the same controls as the ones on Earth. So the rest of the day was spent as he gotten familiar with the cycle.

Two nights later, a mile from the last delivery.

Bill grinned in the helmet as he saw the street highlighted green; right now the display is showing the night colors which made the screen dim. There are only a few vehicles out on the road. The human moved his shoulders feeling the presence of his Katana, in the last two days he saw a few Photinos wandering around, but he saw one. "Dam them, why did they take me off the Earth with thousands of other humans?"

"Arriving at destination." Said the voice of the computer in his helmet.

Bill pulled over the cycle shutting it off. The strange whine it made winded down as the human picked up the package in the compartment over the rear wheel. He looked at the place, but the sign said. "GRAND OPENING" The human heard familiar music in the place playing as he walked in the place.

The Desert Sands Hall.

Middle Eastern music played as he walked in the place. He saw a few vixens dancing in dancer outfits. Bill removed his helmet hung it off the hilt of his Katana as he walked to the male brown bear at the bar. "Mr. Thomas?" The human asked.

The Bruin grinned. "My name is Marv." The Bear answered as he took the package signing the electronic clipboard Bill handed over.

As Bill took back the clipboard someone pushed him. "There you are slave." said a Photino.

Bill placed his helmet on the bar grabbing the hilt of his Katana, but a large hand grabbed his wrist. "Tiny, please throw this Photino out along with his buddies. Those slavers got to get it thru their thick sculls that they are not allowed to harass aliens in my place."

Bill watched as a larger Bear which reminded him of a Kodiak bear picked up the Photino and walked away. "He's called Tiny? He should be called big John." He thought to himself as Tiny threw out a few more Photinos.

Marv turned his head to Tiny. "Due to this incident with the delivery person, Photinos are no longer allowed in this place. Tell the other bouncers about this new rule." Tiny grunted and walked away the bar tender turned to Bill. "Sorry about that, I told them a bunch of times that the businesses in this section of town made it known that slavery is illegal. They can't disrupt our businesses trying to recapture runaway slaves because our businesses are a refuge."

Bill nodded as he told the bear what happened on his world. "I think that they're upset that I killed three of them on that slaver ship a few days ago. This human has no intention of going back in their company, I might be the only human on this planet, but I am really enjoying myself here."

Marv nodded and slid a drink to Bill. "Drink this, it will make you relax."

Bill nodded as he took a sip of the dark blue colored drink. It tasted like mashed strawberries, but the human chugged the drink.

"Dam, you better stay here for a couple of hours, I'll call Shelly. You were meant to sip it, not chug it. Well, you will like our next act, Rehana." Said Marv taking the empty glass.

Different music played as a tall female canine walked onto the stage. Bill heard the music before when his mother decided to join a belly dancer club. He rather likes the outfits when he saw other women wear them. The female canine that walked on the stage has the coloring of a gray fox vixen, but the head and build of a wolf. She shook her long black head hair and started the dance.

Rehana is wearing a dark gray cloth around her chest with a twist between her breasts with the same coloring for the lion cloth she's wearing. Her black head hair has gray, silver and white streaks giving her hair a punk style, but the human is looking at her 44 DD's and her abdomen doing the belly dance. The finger cymbals clanged to the rhythm of the music as the female canine shake her hips.

Bill felt his body relaxed as he watched Rehana danced. Minutes later resting his forehead on the bar when he heard a gentle female voice talked to Marv. "What happen to him?"

The bear laughed. "A Photino harassed him, but he chugged an Oasis drink in one big gulp."

He heard the voice replied. "Oh, that's not good, since it's the end of my shift, do you want me to take him to my room?"

Marv replied. "I think you better take him, I think these humans are affected differently than us when drinking our hard drinks, but so far he's the only one of his kind."

"Well you know I like endangered males, I'll be gentle." Said the voice.

"Thanks Rehana, be careful with him, he lives with Milinda." Said Marv.

A hand gently moved Bill's head; he saw gold catlike eyes flecked with blue looking at him framed with black hair. The human looked at the large female canine and replied. "Dam you're beautiful, you have such gorgeous eyes and hair." He fell asleep resting his head on Rehan's large breasts.

Rehana looked at the human sleeping on her breasts and looked at the bear. "I'll get him out of here; tell Shelly where her delivery man is at."

Marv chuckled. "Don't worry Rehana, I'll tell Shelly and your older sister where he's at."

Rehana stopped walking while carrying the human and grinned. "Ah don't worries, sisters always have to share things. I can't believe that she didn't tell me about her guest, I got to talk to her about this." The vixen looked at the human asleep in her arms.

Rehana's room above the Desert Sands Hall.

Bill felt his body gets gently placed on the bed, turning his head, the human saw the vixen undressed. The good feeling of the drink is still coursing thru his system making him feel good. "Excuse me; I want to show you how we American human males make females feel good." He said to Rhana.

The vixen turned her wolf like head to him looking at the human with her gold blue gaze. "I am listening, how do you humans pleasure females, I am always willing to try something different." Rehana said.

Bill removed his clothing down to his undershirt and underwear. He looked at the vixen/wolf hybrid standing a foot and a half taller than him. The human smiled at her. "All you half to do is remove all of your clothing and lay on your back and I'll do the rest.

Rehana examined Bill admiring his lean athletic build. She did a quiet chuckle because the underwear he's wearing is for a fennec vixen. The front of the T-shirt is a pull over with strips for tying the shirt tight, plus the shorts has a string around the waist to keep the underwear from slipping off his narrow hips. Looking between his legs and front, the canine saw that the human is sexually aroused, due to the front of the underwear is bulging out. "Ok, I'll do as you ask, if I like this, I'll charge you nothing." Rehana kneels down looking at the human's hazel colored eyes. "If I don't like it, I'll be giving Shelly a call."

Bill unflinching gave the vixen a kiss on the muzzle. "Well, what ever you charge, you must be worth every credit." He said in a gentle tone of voice.

Rehana removed all her clothing and lay on her back. She watched as the human crawled to between her legs and she felt his hands stroke her legs. Fingers smoothed the hairs around her vaginal area. "What is he doing down there? OHHH MMMYYY!" The canine cried as a tongue snaked into her vaginal canal.

Bill smiled admiring the canine laying on the bed. Rehana has an athletic to muscular build. He saw her watching him as he crawled to between her legs. In the medium gray hair in the pubic area, Bill found the vagina. He always gave oral to the women he had sex with because making the female feel good made her more relaxed in bed. Mirlinda so far doesn't want him to do this to her, but Bill had to try giving a female anthro oral just to see what their reaction is. Parting the hair, he moved the labia lips smelling the musky odor and stuck his tongue in to find the clitoris.

Rehana squirmed on the bed feeling the smaller human male holding her legs. She sucked her breath in as she felt a jolt of pleasure course thru her body. The wolf/vixen did a combination howl and. "Kwoah!"

The human noted the vaginal juices tasted the same as the stuff from a human female. He felt the clitoris stiffen and ran his tongue on it. Bill knew what happen next, juice flowed and he lapped it up.

Rehana sat up looking at Bill wiping his mouth off; she rolled him on his back and pulled his shorts off. The canine cocked her head at the strange looking penis. "Well, that's a strange looking organ, but I thought I seen them all." Rehana said holding the human on the bed as she positions herself.

Bill felt fine hair brush his body as the canine positioned herself. He looked at her gold colored eyes as she lowered herself. The human looked down as the labia lips he was feasting on touched the head of his organ and engulfed it. Bill just kept his expression neutral as he watched his organ disappeared inside the vixen. He sighed of the warm wetness with that hint feeling of velvet rubbing on his organ, but he preferred giving the female oral first because it made the vaginal canal warmer and wetter making his experience feeling more pleasure.

Rehana felt a sensation on her breasts; she looked down seeing Bill gently rubbing the nipples with his thumbs. "Another human type of sexual activity?" The canine asked enjoying the rough texture of the human's sex organ.

The human nodded running his hands all around the large breasts. He loved the coloring on this vixen. Rehana is the red orange as her main color, but instead of white she's medium gray and she has the black socks and gloves with some gray patterns on her. Bill noted that Rehana doesn't have the lean skinny build of fox vixens, she has a more muscular build which he's enjoying. Right now the human is running his hands below the breasts feeling the curve that goes to the armpit. He felt her clitoris stiffen again and a second later Rehana did her howl and fox cry mixed with the fluid running out, but it was too much for Bill. He yelled as he ejaculated in Rehana and passing out.

The vixen chuckled to her self feeling Bill's organ soften inside her. "Well that's different; I am going to visit my sister more often due to this human. For making me orgasm twice, I want to keep him, but he lives with my sister." Rehana said to herself as she got off the human and pulled a cover over Bill. She pulled him close to her feeling his breath on her breasts.

The next morning, Rehana's room.

Bill woke feeling his head pounding and body aching. He kept his eyes shut as Rehana moved herself getting up. A hand grabbed the back of his head pushing his lips to a nipple. "Suck on this, my milk has a natural pain killer in it." Said the vixen. The human sucked tasting warm sweet milk. After getting a few mouth full's, the pain left his body.

Looking at the large vixen, Bill asked. "Can I visit you again?"

Rehana finished covering her breasts with a narrow cloth. She did a wolf like grin. "Milinda is my older sister; I am going to visit her in a couple of days. I liked the stuff you did to me last night and I really like that part when you gave me oral sex, I want that done to me again." The vixen hugs Bill and gives him a kiss. "Milinda does half to share because of a promise and I am looking forward in spending the night with you again."

Bill followed her out of her room and to his vehicle. "I am looking forward in seeing you again." He puts on his helmet and starts the motorcycle.

The vixen watches as the cycle turns a corner and grins again. "Oh, I wonder if he's compatible with me?"

Three years later, Desert Sands Hall.

Bill watched as his mate danced on stage. A hand touched his shoulder, doing a reflex move, his hand stopped when he grabbed the hilt of his sword. Some Photinos do manage to get inside the club to harass him, but either they ended up killed or the lucky ones get thrown out by Tiny. The hand that grabbed him wasn't Photino, but it was connected to a human he saw a lot in the last five years.

Blue eyes with a brown tint looked at him. "Well Bill, I thought I never will see you again. How long have you been here?"

Bill grinned at the sight of hi s brother's friend Pete. "Well, I've been here ever since that night you went fishing with my brother. Did those Photinos take you off the Earth?"

Pete laughed and a fennec vixen with the coloring of a sable collie sat on his lap. "No, right now those Photinos are in a world of hurt due to them refusing to release the humans they have. A total of four species are now fighting them. I was brought here by the Squibs and this is my mate Sarah."

Bill nodded looking at the Squib with glowing blue eyes. "So sheriff, how's the posse doing along with my brother?"

Pete quietly chuckled of Bill's remark because most of his friends say the posse statement because Ray, Rior and himself is always doing stuff together. Right now Rior is living in the Space needle with a black female wolf named Rosario along with Bill's brother Ray. Ray is mated to a female tiger Megan and now they have a couple of kids. Rior has two to with a third on the way. "Your brother is doing fine with the other member of my posse. I was wondering if you need a ride back to Earth?"

Bill watches Rehana do her dance remembering how Milinda reacted when her younger sister kept visiting her. So far birth control during heat cycles has kept Milinda childless, Rehana decided to mate during a heat cycle and they have a male anthro fox as an off spring. The human knew that this planet with casinos and brothels is his new home. "Sorry Pete, I can't live on Earth because now I have a family. I won't mind taking my mates to visit Earth, but this is my new home."

Pete nodded looking at Sarah, during a break from looking for missing humans he had the procedure done to make him compatible with Sarah a few months ago. He looked at Sarah's still lean petite build. She told him that she's expecting, but it will be another couple of months before she starts to show. "You have two mates!?" He asked with excitement.

The human grinned and looked at the large vixen doing a belly dance. "Yes I do, because the law on this planet requires males to have two to three mates."

"Can you go see your brother soon, he thinks your dead because the area where your house is at is less than seventy feet of water." Pete asked Bill.

Bill looked at his brother's best friend. "I'll go with you, but this place is my new home now." He grinned as Rehana sat next to him.

Epilogue, a few months later. Seattle Washington, observation deck of the Space Needle.

"So you're the overlord of this wolf tribe." Bill said to Ray as the two brothers talked to each other.

Ray looked at his younger brother standing next to two female canines. One looked like a sable rough collie with a build of a wolf and the other looks like a gray colored vixen with the same wolf build. The two canines are almost two feet taller than his brother. "I heard from Pete that you're a delivery driver."

Bill looked his older brother over noting that he must have lost close to fifty pounds. Right now Ray is wearing a chest plate over his chest without a shirt. A few years ago his brother wore baggy clothing to cover his obesity, but right now he's wearing hardly any clothing. "I bet he doesn't have to worry about diabetes now. Megan must be responsible for him to lose all that weight or that hot female wolf that Rior is mated to." Bill thought to himself.

"Well, Ethan got a hold of his race and they just gotten done signing a treaty with that planet you decided to call home. It seems that some of the merchants and brothel owners are getting sick and tired of the Photinos harassing customers. So the Squibs are putting an orbiting station at that planet to discourage the Photinos from bothering escaped slaves." Ray heard a chuckle from Bill. "Little brother, when that station is put in orbit, you'll be seeing me and the Sheriff's posse more often."

"I'll be looking forward to it bro." Said Bill as he looked at the city of Seattle getting rebuilt. "I have a feeling that we won't be getting back everyone, but some I've seen can stay with them."

"I agree with you, but Pete wants to try. This new Earth can go on without the politicians screwing it up. I know I am one now, but I am counted as an overlord." Answered Ray.

"Overlord sounds a lot better than Mr. President." Bill replied as the two brothers and canines watched the sun set.