Long Haul [Commission]

Story by Lukas Kawika on SoFurry

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Here's a commission for zer0thecrux featuring my lovely Tessa with his Kai again - and this time Kai's had some changes! He's now a hybrid wolf, including bits & pieces of tiger and dragon on him, as well as a couple of fancy new piercings. But that's not really the center of focus here, as we find these two (+ Tessa's adult twin kids Kyle and Kylie) out on a family road trip. Seems like they left their last hotel quite early in the morning, and mama Tessa wasn't fully satisfied with the service the previous night. So, her being her, she decides to takes things into her own paws - with the usual method of "wearing a skirt with nothing underneath to contain my fat wet dog puss"...

Well, Kai just won't stand for that, though, so before long it seems like these two are putting on a bit of a roadside show. Oops. Does this still count as breakfast in bed?This story went up early on my Patreon!

I'm also always open for commissions, so let me know if you'd like to get something done <3

The early morning sun had just barely started to poke up above the distant horizon, now a good half-hour or so after they had left the hotel from their last stop. Kai grumbled and flipped the sunshield down, then scooted up in his seat in attempts to block it as it shone directly through the windshield and into his eyes.

No luck there, though. He sighed, slitted his eyes, and tried his best to look around the glowing point of light down there in the distance, cool and red now yet quickly sharpening as the morning advanced. He really didn't mind driving on a road trip like this, especially with the late-night and early-morning sessions where it was just himself, the vehicle around him, the texture of the road beneath the wheels, and then not one, not two, but three other wolves snoozing gently in their seats, either waiting for the next goalpost or coming straight from one.

This morning was of course one of the latter, the hotel being a first-opportunity thing taken at the tail end of last night, a little haven of dim lights poking up from the otherwise smooth terrain. Lucky that they had two rooms available, lucky that the twins each got their own bed in their room, as sharing one would be a bit weird for a pair of twenty-something-year-olds... just their luck that the one left to Kai and Tessa had just the one.

Lucky that the state of the sheets upon their departure wasn't their responsibility, however. The male wolf reached up to scratch beneath the collar affixed around his neck, the material a soft, thick fuzzy leather that held moisture and, thus, scent, surprisingly well. Shifting it even in the slightest sent another dense, heavy wave of that scent wafting up and around his head, assaulting him in tight, slightly-pungent musk that made him squirm even despite himself.

It had been that very same scent that had woken him up early this morning, Tessa have set one of those silent, vibrating alarms on the fitness tracker she wore. Well - the scent and then the deliberate, wet slurping and schlorping of one paw between her legs, the wolfess straddling his chest close enough that he could feel the humid heat radiating off of her plump spread spade as well as the thick puddle that had already soaked into his chestfur. Naturally she hadn't given him the chance to shower before their departure, which meant he could still feel the matted patch of fur there, but he had certainly expected to have received breakfast in bed right then.

And Tessa knew that that was what he had expected. She had busied herself on top of him for a time, fingers slipping in, digging around, splaying out, until all of her muscles tightened and squeezed along his chest, nearly pushing the breath out of his body. Instead of provide him the shower that Kai so desperately needed, however, Tessa had just remained there a moment to catch her breath, then leaned over, swiped the little jingly collar from wherever she had procured it... then turned it over and dragged the material up and between the thick, plump lips of her sex, holding one end in her forefinger and thumb and pressing the rest deep into her with two more.

The first time she pulled it free, two strings of thick, glistening liquid hung between the collar and the source only for her to turn it over and do it again. Pale bluish fabric, the same color as the stripe markings that swirled gently around her body, now tinted to a deeper, richer shade from the cloying wetness, then slipping and settling in against his fur when she tugged his head forward to snap it into place there.

"So you know who's in charge," the wolfess had explained, with a kiss to the male's forward. Grinning, she had slipped her paw away, eyed the strand of slickness that hung between her thumb and his collar, and then lapped it off. "We oughtta get going. I'll go wake the kids."

A flick of motion at the edge of Kai's vision now showed that Tessa, sitting in the passenger seat beside him, had noticed his little adjustment of the collar. Determined not to let her see she was getting to him, he huffed a little sigh, swallowed, and returned his paws to the wheel, trying his best to stick to the single lane of highway that ran for about seventy miles in either direction from here, looking at the maps.

"Needing a break?"

This time it was one of his ears that flicked. He glanced over at Tessa beside him, who for now looked all the world like any other innocent mother, muzzle angled slightly, gentle concern visible in her blue eyes. She wet her lips, tilted her muzzle the other way, and then made a gentle nod over to the backseat. Kai looked up into the rearview: Kylie had leaned over with her head against the window, long locks of hair flowing down over her shoulders and chest while she quietly snored through a barely-open mouth, while Kyle had simply flopped back over the headrest, jaw totally agape and headphones hanging halfway off.

Tessa shifted where she sat. "You know I'm okay with switching out, if you need it."

Kai thought about it for a moment. "No," he answered. "I'm alright, I think. Thank you, though. I'll-"

"Oh, good." The wolfess reached over to one side, threw the lever for her seat adjustment, and carefully pushed it back. "In that case, and seeing how the kids are out of it, I think I might as well... take care of something..."

Kai glanced over - then did so again, just to be certain he saw what he thought he had. And he had been right: with her seat reclined and legs splayed apart, Tessa flipped up the front of her skirt to show the same spot where pale silver-white fur gave way to soft, smooth pink flesh protruding out, dark panties already damp with natural slickness and arousal struggling to keep her weight contained. With one hooked thumb she tugged her underwear to the side, the slight friction causing her spade to jiggle in place, then reached in with both paws... and slid a pair of fingers directly in, the bulbous lips of her sex mashing against her other knuckles the deeper she went.

Again and again the male looked between what she had so fully put on display for him and the road ahead, careful not to veer off and wake the twins. "Tessa," he hissed, "what are you doing-"

She turned her muzzle over to him, mouth hanging open with her tongue lolling out. "What?" she breathed - then shivered, tensed up, and slid her fingers free from herself, knuckles sucking free with the fur of her fingers slickened and matted down. "I told you. We had to leave early, and I still had something I needed to... take care of..."

"Yeah, but-" Again he looked up into the mirror. Kylie shifted her head and smacked her lips, but didn't wake up. "Here?"

"I'm not gonna wait another fourteen hours 'til we make it home, Kai. Why?"

Out of the corner of his vision again Kai saw her lift that paw to her lips - the ones along her muzzle, this time - and flick her tongue out to break the hanging strands of slickness between them, her other paw remaining between her legs to keep herself spread. He didn't have to look _directly_at it, though he found he couldn't resist anyway, to visualize the way that the inner walls of flesh and muscle pulled and wrinkled together in the center there, slick and smooth and wet with constant humidity and arousal. Instead of saying anything, the black wolf cleared his throat and looked back to the road.

Because of this, he didn't see her paw coming in towards his muzzle until the scent hit him - and then she smeared those still-dripping fingers along his upper lip and over the sensitive flesh of his nose.

"You wanting to help me out?"

There was nothing he could do about it, and both of them knew it. Just being near the damn wolfess was often enough to rile him up a bit, though he made certain not to let any hint of it show in his posture, expression, behavior, or speech, though knew also as well as she did that scent would belie that better than anything else - and then when she levelled her gaze at him, or bit her lip and looked over him in a certain way, or let her paws run his body in public or at home... or made him wear a collar that literally dripped with the juice of her arousal.

"So you know who's in charge," she had said. Kai scoffed at that. He looked over to her again, narrowed his eyes - then swerved again when she took one of his paws from the wheel and guided it down towards her spread legs.

Eyes fixed on the road, Kai waited in anticipation... then had to suppress a shiver at the sensation of hot, wet flesh mashing against, around, along his fingers. Tessa somewhat clumsily guided him around there, more mushing his paw back and forth against her protruding spade than actively seeking to get him into her, smearing her gathering wetness around him and-

He was biologically inclined to respond to this, he told himself. There was nothing he could do. The stronger her scent grew in his nose, the more his attention veered from the early morning road to the drive that burbled and boiled in his loins instead, the more he heard her careful, tense panting in his ear, deliberately maintained so as not to wake the twins in the backseat... literally nothing he could do.

Although, maybe there was one thing. Tessa's fingers twitched and squeezed at his wrist as she held him in place there, both paws along his, using her fingers to pulse his inside of her when he didn't do it himself. One-handed, the male wolf grumbled, rolled his head on his shoulders, made a quick check in the rearview, and then smoothly pulled the car along the side of the road towards a cutout along the flat ground. Smooth, maintained asphalt gave way to gentle crunching gravel, though thankfully it wasn't enough to jostle either of the twins awake.

Amused, Tessa released his paw and turned as if to throw a leg over him, but Kai moved faster. Car into park, keys out of the ignition, door unlocked, and he threw it open and stepped out, right into the chilly morning air. Then, careful not to let it slam when he closed it, he came around the front of the car, opened the passenger side door - Tessa straightened up and smirked at the look on his face - and then before she could move or respond, reached down to undo his belt.

A quick pause, but he didn't let it interrupt his rhythm: if either of the twins were to wake up they would have a perfect, unobstructed view of him as he shifted the waistband of his jeans and boxers halfway down his thighs, then flopped his sheath and sack out on top. Tessa raised her eyebrows and licked her lips at the motion, nose twitching with his warm musk. Kai swallowed, closed his eyes for a moment, wrapped his thumb around the top of his sheath, then squeezed and gave himself a little shake towards the wolfess's muzzle. His thumbpad bumped against the hanging ring, lovely gold against his black fur, that hung there - two of them, in fact, one from the lip of his sheath just beneath his tip, and then the other hanging sideways where his sheath met his sack.

Tessa eyed both of them, starting with the lower and then going to the upper, and then continued up and up and up for another four inches - so far; he was barely halfway aroused - of glistening red flesh. Blue eyes flashed up to the black wolf where he stood, one arm on top of the car and the other still at the base of his shaft.

"I'd love to," he said, voice still low. His head turned slowly as another car went by on the road, headlights illuminating the asphalt in front of it. The driver glanced his way, but didn't do so a second time. "But you gotta help me out with something first, Miss Tessa."

"Oh. My, oh my." The wolfess halfway turned in her seat and sat up a bit straighter, running the other wolf's shaft along the side of her cheek and lips as she went. Her breath trickled warmly out across him, making him twitch and buck - and then she lifted her other paw, still slick with her own juices, to massage gently at his hanging sack and the little ring resting atop it. "How could I say no to that? Here, I'll just..."

Kai rolled his head back on his shoulders and breathed a sigh out into the cool morning air, the little sound puffing up into a faint cloud before him. Not watching as she did it added a new layer to the experience, feeling the way her lips and tongue danced back and forth across him, down at the base and lip of his sheath up to his tip and back again, the wolfess taking time to play her tongue over the other piercing that hung there from his sheath, then digging in, swirling around, slurping back out. It made his hips thrust and legs quiver, and then when another car came by, this one going the opposite direction, Kai slitted his eyes and peered forward, this time achieving and maintaining eye contact with the driver, who very clearly noted what was going on by the way he half-rolled the window down and looked closer.

Another unintentional thrust, just a natural reaction out of his body from the way Tessa worked at him. The wolfess's nose now pressed into his pubic fur at the base of his sheath, her tongue coming forward to slurp back and forth around one of his balls - which she then scooped between her lips and into her mouth along a paw. Kai's claws dragged along the roof of the car, and he halfway bent over to push himself forward; Tessa gripped at his thighs, pulled his pants down further, and suckled softly at him there, now drawing his other into her maw as well, sack held between her lips, tugging out, pressing softly up against the roof of her mouth... until she let them free with a gentle pop, then took the opportunity to run her nose and lips along his underside all the way to the tip again.

This time when Kai squeezed and throbbed, claws scraping across the hood, he knew that a little spurt of pre sprayed out across the wolfess's muzzle. Tessa made a little noise from inside the car, wrapped her lips around his tip, and suckled softly, tongue occasionally pressing up against him from underneath as she swallowed. From this angle Kai could only see part of Kyle's shoulder through the window in the back, though if he leaned back a bit and turned his head he managed to still catch a view of the younger wolf's chest and open mouth, both stirring in the slow rhythm of his breathing.

So he was still asleep, at least. Kai wasn't sure what he'd say if either of them woke up to see - to see Tessa pressing her paws against his hips, at once pulling his now fully-hard shaft into her muzzle, holding there, and then pushing him back, a thick strand of saliva mixed with dribbling pre hanging between the two. She was one of the few who had been able to take him past the halfway point in her muzzle, and Kai appreciated the reminder every time she managed to get at him, but now she pushed him back across the gravel so that she, too, could stand up.

Kai stumbled a bit at first, balance unsteady and footpaws uncomfortable along the rough footing - and then all of a sudden, there he stood out in the open next to the highway with his pants halfway down his legs and his twitching hard shaft out in the cool air in front of him. He stood there a moment looking back and forth down the highway, hybrid eyes naturally adjusting to the light of the oncoming headlights few and far between: yet another one came by - that would happen more often as the morning advanced - and the wolf made no attempt whatsoever to hide the sight of his twitching arousal, even halfway turning himself so that anyone on the road would get a better view of it.

Tessa wanted it all to herself, however. After a moment the wolfess rose as well, her slight height advantage forcing Kai to take another half-step back. She smirked, licked her lips, and hooked a pair of fingers beneath his collar, spreading her distinct scent over him in such a way that he couldn't tell the source.

"Come on, pup," she rumbled, dragging him over towards the front of the car. Kai reached out towards the door, fingers tracing along the exterior, yet couldn't quite get enough of a grip to actually pull it closed. "You've got work to do."

The older wolfess let go of him when she reached the front of the car, and after a quick survey and sweep of the hood she nodded, turned around, and then hopped up onto it, legs hanging off. She tilted her head to the side to watch the backside of that car that passed by, waited for another one to come by as well - with Kai still fully aware of his own erection hanging out in the morning air; if he turned his head to one direction he thought he could even see some thin wisps of steam curling off of it - and then with a smooth, subtle movement, again flicked her skirt up across her belly.

That was definitely steam. A ring of humid condensation quickly gathered along the car hood, centered directly beneath where her plump mound of arousal rested. Kai licked his lips, looked down at her, jerked briefly when Tessa wrapped her legs around his thighs and tugged him in, then braced his paws against the car hood, lowered himself down... and slid his nose up along the middle of her revealed spade there, intentionally smearing that slick wetness across his muzzle.

There he remained for a moment, drawing in the scent that had ignited such a fire inside of him straight from the source, before he pulled up and out. Tessa twitched as her sex jiggled with that movement, then reached down to spread herself between two paws again; Kai took the invitation as presented and once more dug his muzzle into place, this time with his lips pursed against hers to suckle and lick and dig steadily deeper, coating the inside of his mouth with that slimy slickness. His paws worked their way up her belly and then back down again, eventually cupping underneath her thighs to lift them up over his shoulders; his ears flicked at the sound of another car driving by, this one slowing so much that for a moment he thought they would stop and get out, but before long the wolf had lost himself in his work here.

Again and again he churned his chin against her, digging up against the more blunted underside of his sex while wet walls of interior flesh squeezed and squished against his muzzle. Each time he pulled out he had to do so with a bit of force, pulling against her natural clenching; he dragged his tongue up between the lips of her spade, then along one side and the other, watching and loving the way the soft meat bounced and jiggled.

Tessa loved it too, of course. One of her paws rested on his head between his ears; the male looked up past the mound halfway mashed against his face and then her belly above, and saw her fondling and squeezing her breast in the other. Kai closed his eyes and drew the pointed tip of her spade into his mouth, still suckling softly, feeling with his tongue at the spot where exterior skin turned to interior flesh; he shifted, turned his body to partially face the road, and began to slowly stroke at himself where he half-knelt here in front of her, wanting anyone who drove by to be able to see what was happening.

Once more Kai drew back, taking a moment to catch his breath which now tasted heavily of aroused wolfess, and dragged her tongue along her sex again. It slipped easily in between her folds, grazing along smooth wet flesh on the inside there; he swallowed again, had to do so another time to work the stickiness down his throat, then parted his lips, opened his mouth wider, and with a little bit of work managed to suck the entirety of her spade into his maw, just as she had done with his sack a few moments before

It was barely a manageable fit, and even then only in part due to the way it mushed and mashed over itself when squeezed into the tight space, but still Kai did it. Tessa's body squirmed underneath him, a breathy moan trickling out of her mouth just as more of that liquid arousal trickled _into_Kai's own; he closed his eyes, swallowed yet again, and sucked as he worked his tongue over and inside of her, covering each and every span of open space before, jaw just starting to ache, he moved up and away. This time when he drew back, another few strings of drool hung between his mouth and her lips; he looked down, felt the strain in the corner of his jaw from stretching around such a fat spade, then swirled his tongue to lick those strands off.

Then, satisfied for now with Tessa panting and wriggling atop the hood of the car, Kai straightened up, spread her legs with his paws up near the base of that spade, and rested the underside of his shaft against her. One of her footpaws gave a kick of anticipation; she rolled her head to the side, nipped gently at one of her fingers, and gave him a slow, patient blink.

"Sun's coming up," she rumbled, churning her hips against him. The car squeaked gently beneath the rocking motion; Kai gritted his teeth and found himself working his hips in rhythm with it, tugging back and thrusting forward, one thumb held at his base keeping him nestled between her plump lips. "Gotta make this fast."

The black wolf - not entirely a wolf: the faint tiger's stripes along his arms and shoulders had just started to grow visible in the changing light - tilted his head to one side, felt the collar around his neck shift with the movement, smirked, and then drew back just enough so that the tapered tip of his length nestled up inside of the wolfess. Immediately she twitched and tightened around him, legs moving to again wrap around his waist.

"We'll go at my pace," he cooed, leaning in over her - and sinking gradually deeper in as he did so. First Tessa returned his smirk; then her eyes widened and her mouth started to come open; and then she thumped her head back against the windshield, entire body squeezing and shivering around him with the needed sensation of this male burying himself gradually inside of her. Kai could feel the desire and need throughout her as she did so, the intense heat and slickness wrapping so snug around him; it was all he could do not to grip onto her shoulder, tug back, and then slam the rest of the way in, nestling his upper sheath piercing right against that spot between the base of her spade and her tailhole.

He wanted to, and knew that Tessa wanted this as well, so Kai intentionally went against that desire and instead slowly, deliberately pressed his way further in, stopping every time she shivered and squeezed around him, pulling back when she tried to yank him in further, and teasing against the wolfess's hunger. Finally, though, after a bit more of this he felt himself hilt up inside of her, the slight bulge of his as of yet unswollen knot slipping easily in past the clenching lips of her sex; her warmth trickled down along his sheath and dripped over his balls, the scent in his nose now inextricably tied between both of them.

Kai leaned over a little closer, braced one arm along the curve of the hood next to Tessa's body, and then put a little bit more force behind the movement of his hips, starting to draw out and then thrust back up into her. Won't be the only thing tied here, he mused - then closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and slid his other paw down to grip her waist, helping to hold her in place as he picked up his rhythm.

"Haah..." Tessa rolled her head again and squeezed herself more closely onto him, yet again making the car's suspension squeak. Both of them glanced over, yet neither watched as this time it was a bus that went by, the noise of its engine coming at a distance, peaking, then fading down the other way. If anything, the thought of attracting an audience just added more fuel to the flame. "Where was this when I wanted it last night?"

"Exactly where it - is now," Kai rumbled, with another forceful thrust forward. The wolfess's entire body jiggled with the momentum. "I was worried you would wake the twins next door-"

"Oh, is that - right? Then you'll excuse me for wanting a... bit of a reminder as to... what..."

But she trailed off there, words deteriorating into a breathy, shaky slurry of noises half-caught in her throat. Kai leaned back so he could pivot his hips more urgently forward against her, the wolfess's spade spreading around his base, kissing up against his sheath, sucking tight against his body, and then slurping free with each thrust.

By now the vehicle beneath them steadily rocked with the rhythm, sinking down under Kai's forward thrusts and then slipping back up, adding another layer of movement beneath what he already did. He could feel Tessa's interior warmth spread around him each time he pushed in, trying to pull him deeper and keep him buried - and it was so, so tempting to do so, with the sensation of her dripping heat oozing down the front of his sack, and the slight tickle of the piercing there shifting in place when it brushed against her body.

In a moment his eyes fluttered open, this time under the sensation of hungry wolfess paws running up his body. She felt at his waist, at his belly, at his chest underneath his shirt, then back down towards the small of his back in an attempt to pull him deeper inside of her, veined red flesh pumping eagerly between the plump spread pink of her lips; then her other paw came up, squeezed first at his wrist, then his arm, then his shoulder - and then hooked two fingers underneath his collar, itself still slightly damp. Tessa yanked the male in closer, grinned through desire-fogged eyes, and took a deep drag of their mixed scents from his neck right there.

"God," she purred, and once more thumped her head back against the windshield, "I'll have to... refresh my mark on that, once we're... done..."

That made Kai grin. He leaned up and over her, intentionally burying himself as deep inside of her as he could, and gave a few throbs deep inside. "No, ma'am," he answered, reaching up to tug at the collar himself - then couldn't resist running those same fingerpads over his tongue to refresh her taste, sharper and saltier than it had been straight from the source. Still every single breath came heavily laden with her musk, and if anything, it just made him want to go right back for more. "I'll have to add my own to it, and then you'll be wearing it 'til the next stop."

Instead of giving a verbal response the white wolfess just licked her lips, nodded, and turned her head to the other side, one paw lightly grazing across her throat as though imagining the feeling. Reinvigorated, Kai reached down, slid one of her legs further up his body, and used that as leverage to help redouble his pace inside of her again, hips slapping against her rump alongside the squeaking, creaking of the car. He held her there as he thrust again and again, teeth gritted and ears back; he reached up, pressed his paw into her shoulder, then her throat, then came down her body to squeeze first at one of her breasts, then up underneath her shirt to trace along the little pinpoints of the rest of her nipples hidden within soft greyish-white fur. Each time he pinched or tugged at one her body responded in turn, clenching and tightening up around him, squirting another glob of thick, slick arousal along his underside, coaxing him in deeper and deeper.

By now he barely noticed the cars as they passed by, in increasing frequency as the morning advanced. He had forgotten about the twins in the backseat, and the way the lights over the dashboard had dimmed after the door had remained open so long; Kai tossed his head back, swallowed, focused himself in the intense hot, wet pleasure of her wrapped so snugly around him and squeezing in all the right spots, as though the two belonged together like this. At this point he didn't even care if the twins woke up to see: he was so close to his peak, and being able to both feel and hear Tessa underneath him as well, her body responding to his, her desire swelling and peaking under his treatment...

Kai grunted, gritted his teeth, shook all over - then tugged back and pressed himself forward, as deep as he could. Tessa lurched around him, jerking nearly upright so that her breath washed across his muzzle, and squeezed around him... then did so again, and again, each time following a fierce, powerful throb and thrust from the male buried to the balls inside of her. Kai's claws grated along the car's hood, digging uneven rents in the paint, and his hips churned in fierce, fervid rhythm, trying to tug out beneath the waves of sharp pleasure yet at this point completely unable to as he emptied his load deep into the wolfess.

The first spurt came by surprise, then the second buckled him almost completely over her, the wolf-hybrid growling and grunting between gritted fangs as the pleasure spurted out, rope after rope deep inside. Tessa wrapped her legs around him and grinded her hips to his, ensuring that he dumped deeper inside of her than he had even the night before, swollen lips of her spade spread wide around his know bulging knot - with the interior ring of muscle clamping tight back around the base there, ensuring that he remained hilted deep throughout. Each pulse afterwards had the same effect on him as well, whether the squeeze came from himself or Tessa latched around him: Kai grunted, slid his claws along the hood a little bit further, and bucked forward, throbbing yet again deep inside of her, nestled so snug within warm wetness.

Finally she rested back, eyes closed and mouth open - though her ear flicked again at the sound, this time, of some poor fellow on a bicycle going by. Kai leaned back and let Tessa's legs drift down alongside him, intentionally showing the swollen, filled mound of her spade stretched tight around her knot; the bike swerved and jostled, then messily managed to pull itself back up onto the road, the rider looking back at every chance they got.

Kai, panting, licked his lips, braced his paws on the front of the car, pushed - then nearly felt his legs go out from under him with the sharp intensity of the pleasure that the tug shocked through him. "_Ooh,"_he rumbled. "Gonna be here for... a while, and..."

And he looked up. Through the windshield, blocked a bit by the mirror and lowered sun visor, Kylie stirred, shifted, leaned down a bit... then met his eyes, blinked, and looked at her mother spread out across the hood of the car. Her jaw dropped open and her brow furrowed, and she reached over to nudge her brother awake, covering her mouth with her other paw as she did so.

Kai looked down to Tessa, still completely unaware. The wolfess licked her lips, swallowed, and reached up under her shirt to squeeze her breast again, the movement sending yet another shivering clench down throughout her body and around the base of the male's shaft. Kyle jumped when he was poked, shook his head, looked around with confusion, then focused on the pair across the hood, then gaped as well. Kylie, however, showed the hint of an amused smirk behind the edge of her paw; she glanced up to Kai again, met his eyes, then just as swiftly looked away again.

Kai gave an intentional tug against their mother's plump spade, firmly enough that she let out a breathy moan of exhausted pleasure, one footpaw kicking alongside the other wolf's waist. Satisfied, Kai leaned down and nosed at her neck, intentionally brushing her marked collar against her as he did so.

"Might wanna take a look," he rumbled. "Seems like we have an audience."