chapter seven. out and about

Story by Xx-AKIKO-xX on SoFurry


"Trigger! We're out of milk damn it!" she yelled at him.

"Mhmm..." he mumbled as he turned over still sleeping.

She sighed looking at the time the store down the street would gladly be open at this hour and it was only a five minute walk there. So she slipped on her jacket and slide out the door after placing a note next to her brother in case he awoke .

She jogged quickly trying to avoid being seen.

"Well you look pretty..."

She quickly turned to see Jaz behind her.

"What do you want?" she half growled.

"Oh nothing I heard your brother called the cops and heard of my distraction" he said with a dark smile.

"Y-you killed someone...?" she asked her voice shaking from fear.

"Yes indeed I did... I didn't want them on my trail" he chuckled baring his fangs at her. "Now my pet listen carefully if you want your brother to stay being his artic wolf form instead of some vampire half breed you will not tell him of this"

"Don't hurt Trigger he didn't do anything to you..." she said whimpering.

"He's interfering with my pet... I don't like that" he said before fading into the darkness.

She sobs silently and ran to the store in hopes no one would see her. She bought a small amount of milk to keep him and her good for a few days.

She walked back into the house to find her brother fully awake and looking at her with dark eyes.

"Brittny... Don't every leave here with out me again..." he said darkly.

"I-I'm sorry Trigger... I didn't mean to scare you" she said hugging him happy to be with him and to know Jaz didn't rush here after their encounter.

She sighed and looked up at her brother "want some coffee? I got milk" she half smiled shaking the small half gallon at him.

"You better make me some coffee after that" he said laughing.

"Anything for my big brother" she said walking to the kitchen holding two small mugs filled with black coffee and another with milk and walked back to her brother.

"I didn't add the milk for you I know I never add enough" she said smiling at him.

"mhmm smells great" he said pouring a amount of milk in sipping slowly.

"it sure does" she said smiling drinking hers in big sips.

"what should we do today?" he asked smiling at her.

"I say we start working on our art!" she exclaimed happily dashing into her brothers room snatching up a few supplies.

"sounds like a plan!" he said "but what shall we paint?"

"how about we paint the French quarter!?" she bounced up and down seeming more excited then need be.

"uhhh sure." he said grabbing a bag and putting their supplies in it and moving for the door.

"off we go!" she skipped out the door as he followed behind her.

They walked to the French quarter looking for something great to paint as they walked they saw the Mississippi river in the distance.

"maybe we could paint a steam boat" she said happy to have had the thought.

"what ever you want" he said as they dashed for the river bank.

They watched the steam boats pass for a few minutes before finally getting out their supplies and started to paint their views.