Taming the Wilds Chapter 20

Story by Dani Drake on SoFurry

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#20 of Taming The Wilds

Dazed by his loss, Brigirth wanders through an unknown forest, haunted by visions of Ko.

(The start sounds fragmented and repetitious, on purpose. Sorry for the shorter chapter, but I couldn't really think of anything else to add without cheapening what was already there.)

Wandering away from the remains of his old life, Brigirth couldn't think. Branches clutched at his scales, and rocks dug into his feet, but he only barely registered the scrapes. Instead, a pervasive numbness had taken over his body. Nothing mattered. No one mattered. He needed to find Ko before they buried him in- No, he was lost, somewhere in this strange forest.

"You have to accept my death at some point." Ko's concerned face appeared in Brigirth's peripheral vision, and the rest of him materialized, floating ever out of reach. His body was so vivid that the dragon thought he could reach out to touch him, but he faded like smoke as his body contacted solid objects, revealing he was nothing more than the product of a sick, lonely mind. "You can't run away from loss." He looked so sad. Not at all like the smile his corps- no. He wasn't dead. He was right here. Brigirth would find him, and they would be happy.

"No, I have to find you. You're lost, and I'll find you any moment now. We can have tea, and I'll rub your feet the way you like." Ko was right here, though, wasn't he? What was Brigirth saying? His fuzzy mind was incapable of coherent thought. Where was Ko? He was in a grave in Lopestown with that happy smile on his- No. He was here somewhere; he had to be. Brigirth would find him eventually. They would be happy together.

"I know you feel guilty. You don't have to. I chose my fate, and I wouldn't trade the lives I saved for a moment of life." Gentle fingers reached out towards the dragon, and those amethyst eyes glimmered with tears, then he was gone, faded into a puff of smoke. Brigirth wanted to reach out to him, but he could only plod onward, his face slack and his eyes staring, unseeing, ahead of him.

A guttural snarl broke Brigirth's dazed state. His surroundings had changed. Rather than the burnt, depressing remains of his old life, lush greenery and unfamiliar flowers surrounded him, and the air was far less comfortably warm. How long had he walked? Hadn't he found Ko yet? Where could he be?

At the dragon's feet, a wretched, muddy creature was thrashing around with fearful silver eyes staring up at Brigirth. Despite the filth coating nearly every inch of the terrified, snarling thing, it was clear that the monster was a male. He tried fruitlessly to back away from the dragon, and Brigirth noticed a metal trap's teeth biting cruelly into the muddy skin of his leg, dripping crimson to mix with the deep brown of the muck.

Ko materialized again, leaning down to run ghostly hands over the frightened creature's wound. "This will become badly infected if you don't help him." His hand touched the terrified monster's cheek, fading through it without reaction. Of course, he couldn't feel him. Ko wasn't really- No. He was."You can't leave him here. He'll die without you." Again, he was gone, leaving no trace of his presence.

Brigirth stepped closer to the snarling, snapping creature, gritting his teeth as sharp jaws clamped down on his shoulder. Agonizing pain broke through his numb stupor while he took hold of the trap and pulled with all of his might. Snap. The metal gave way, releasing its captive.

Confusion bloomed across dirty features, and the monster released its grip on Brigirth's shoulder. The creature scanned Brigirth cautiously, scooting backward on his ass to avoid the dragon's touch and giving a warning growl. Now that Brigirth got a better look at him, he was distinctly human in shape, with pointed fox ears and five muddy tails thrashing behind him. Unlike Nimei, the only other kitsune that the dragon had ever met, this man was muscular, and his manhood was quite a bit larger, though it shimmered with mud like the rest of him.

"It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." Brigirth reached out a gentle hand to feel along the injured kitsune's leg, feeling for breaks as Ko had taught him long ago, before his death- before he went missing. Thankfully, there seemed to be none, and the wound was simply a deep line of punctures on either side of the kitsune's leg. Ko was right; the dragon needed to treat this wound before it festered with an infection.

First, it was probably more crucial to move away from the trap. Whoever laid the traps would be back, and it was a bad idea to be nearby when they returned. Slowly, Brigirth approached the filth-coated kitsune. "I'm going to move you now. You don't need to bite. I promise I'm here to help." He tried to keep his voice calm and soothing as he drew the man's arm around his shoulder, lifting him to his feet and supporting him.

The kitsune tried to back away at first, but when he tried to put weight on his leg, his face twisted in pain, and he accepted Brigirth's help after a moment's contemplation. Each step brought a soft whine from the kitsune's throat, but they made progress through the unfamiliar terrain, and the dragon noticed the wariness in the kitsune's eyes begin to fade, replaced with intense exhaustion. How long had he struggled in that trap?

Numbness faded slightly from Brigirth's soul, replaced by concern for his charge. Heaving the kitsune into his arms, he carried him, grunting softly at the added weight. A smile curled the corners of Brigirth's mouth as the exhausted man's eyes fluttered closed and his head lolled. It was nice to feel needed again.

Since Ko's death- Yes, that's right. Ko was dead. He couldn't change that. Since Ko's death, he wallowed in his guilt, uselessness, and sorrow, but staring down at the muddy creature sleeping against his chest, Brigirth realized he could make a difference. He could remember the man he loved by helping people in his place. Continuing Ko's legacy would be the best way to honor him.

Wiping away tears, the dragon set off with new purpose in his step, and the sound of a waterfall in the distance quickened his pace. Water would let him clean his patient's wounds, and after he took care of the muck coating him, he could search for herbs to staunch the bleeding and wrap the wound with to stave off infection. The heat rising beneath the kitsune's skin was worrying, and he needed to help him quickly before his fever became dangerous.

Brigirth gently set the sleeping man down by the water's edge and immediately began his search. Ko's words echoed through his brain when he found the plant he needed. "Leaves of three or less will cause you to stress, but leaves of four or more will ease your aching sore." Tears blurred his vision, and he shook his head. There would be time for sentimentality later. For now, he needed to use everything the tanuki taught him.

After finding what he needed to help the sleeping kitsune, he faced another problem. He had no tools to grind the herbs for a poultice or create a broth for the kitsune to drink his fever reducer. Forcing the kitsune to swallow the intact leaves could be dangerous, and the compress would be useless if it weren't mashed.

Looking from the sleeping man to the flowers, leaves, and stems in his lap, he had an idea. First, he slipped the fever reducer into his mouth, chewing the bitter leaves into a thick paste and suppressing a gag. Lips met the kitsune's, and he placed his hands on either side of the struggling man's head, holding him in place while his tongue pushed the medicine into the weakly sputtering man's mouth. His thumb rolled over the kitsune's neck, coaxing him to swallow, and eventually, the softly coughing man complied, his chest heaving at the disgusting taste.

The intense, acrid flavor of the poultice was even viler, but Brigirth endured the tingling numbness it brought to the inside of his mouth, scaled hands gently cleansing the kitsune's wound with fresh water before he could pack the punctures with the mixture. After rinsing his mouth as best he could, dry heaving for a moment, he returned his attention to the messy kitsune. Cleaning him would help keep infection at bay and reveal any more wounds that needed attention.

Gentle, scaled hands brought water to the kitsune's filth-encrusted skin, rinsing away the caked-on dirt with firm fingers and revealing dark, tanned skin beneath it. Slowly but surely, an attractive man was emerging from the mud, and Brigirth could feel the kitsune quiver under his touch, his muck-coated manhood stirring. Cool water did little to quell the pulsing erection, and as Brigirth cleaned the dirt from every inch of its mammoth size, majestic, thick maleness emerged from its muddy cocoon, its tip drooling a clear string of arousal. Submissive desires rose in Brigirth for the first time in weeks at the sight of that erotic display.

Brigirth couldn't deny the effect that the kitsune's arousal was having on his small dragonhood, but he wondered if acting on it would offend the kitsune. Perhaps just a taste? After all, it wouldn't do to leave the man wanting. He wouldn't recover nearly as fast if all of his blood gathered in that big, juicy cock.

Kneeling over the peacefully sleeping fox man, Brigirth took hold of that throbbing vulpine shaft. A submissive thrill spread through his chest, and he could feel the man's heartbeat against his fingertips while his moist hand slowly stroked the leaking length. Virile musk enticed him closer, and he took a deep sniff of the freshly cleaned shaft, barely suppressing a groan. It had been so long since he'd pleasured someone so productive.

Slow licks cleaned the trail of goo from the underside of the vulpine shaft, and he wiggled his tongue against the slit at the tip, seeking more, while soft lips rolled over the pulsing head. His eyes closed, and with slow, deliberate sucks, he set to work pleasing his new companion. Strangely, tears gathered at the corners of his eyes at his first taste, and he held back a sob.

All of the grief he'd bottled up inside poured forth as soon as the cock slipped into his throat, reminding him of the many times he'd pleased his tanuki lover, and he sobbed gently around the shaft. He was glad that the kitsune wasn't awake to see him in such a state, but there was something infinitely cathartic about letting his emotions pour forth into his desperate suckling. His nose buried in the soft, fluffy nest of ruby hair at the base of the kitsune's cock, he surrendered himself to his pain, allowing that massive shaft to gag him.

A pair of hands slowly made their way to either side of Brigirth's face, and when he opened his tear-filled eyes, the kitsune's face had taken on a gentler expression, and his half-lidded eyes looked into the dragon's with understanding. Slow caresses soothed the sobbing dragon, and Brigirth could feel that massive shaft shaking in his mouth. Was the fox man holding back his climax so that Brigirth could work through his pain? The thought was strangely touching, and Brigirth doubled his efforts to reward the kitsune for his kindness.

Tears dried up, and the dragon lost himself in service, gentle hands massaging the smooth, hairless balls bouncing beneath him. When finally the kitsune lost control, he slipped the shaft from his lips, stroking it lovingly and letting the thick creamy seed paint his chest. Soft lips mouthed at the tip in thanks as if sharing a kiss with a lover, and he followed its slow softening until the kitsune's member was fully flaccid.

The newly awakened kitsune seemed to see Brigirth in a different light. His snarls had stopped, and his tentative tongue licked at Brigirth's neck after a short, wincing scoot to move closer, resting against him with soft post-orgasmic pants. Freshly cleaned hands rubbed at the goo coating Brigirth's chest, and as Brigirth leaned into the touch, he felt a soft pair of lips press against his own.

The kitsune was far more gentle than Brigirth was used to, and he felt himself sob once more at the heartfelt expression of thanks. Slowly, the kitsune's tongue danced against his own, drawing small circles, and arms slid around his neck. His heart fluttered at the attention, and his own hands rested above the fox man's chiseled rear, slowly massaging his lower back.

Gentle, exploratory kisses lasted an eternity, and when they finally broke, the injured man rested his face against Brigirth's neck, his entire body draped across the dragon. Despite his inability to speak, it was clear that he was appreciative, and Brigirth felt his body relax into the embrace of sleep under his scaled hands. Brigirth would join him shortly after, and for the first time in a long time, he felt sane.

Brigirth awoke to a sweet scent wafting under his nose. Upon opening his eyes, he saw the smiling kitsune holding a small bouquet of exotic flowers out to him, his many tails swishing behind him. When Brigirth sat up and took the stems from his soft hands, the kitsune's expression brightened, and he threw his arms around the dragon's chest, those soft red ears tickling the underside of the dragon's chin.

It quickly became clear from the kitsune's behavior that he wanted to court Brigirth. Soft hands sought Brigirth's as they walked, and fluffy tails caressed his leg. His attention made the dragon's grief more bearable, and Brigirth didn't have the heart to decline his advances. Perhaps there was even a hint of feelings within the dragon's chest when he looked into those pretty silver eyes on a scruff-covered, masculine face.

Brigirth had no idea where his feet were taking him, but something told him to follow his gut, and he moved with purpose through the thick jungle, supporting his vulpine friend. They walked for hours until a soft whimper from the clutching kitsune gave Brigirth pause.

The kitsune's stomach growled, and Brigirth realized that neither had eaten for nearly a day. He would have to find food for the both of them before nightfall, but first, he needed to make sure that the kitsune's injury hadn't become infected. Food meant nothing if his companion fell ill.

Pretty silver eyes stared up at him like a begging dog as he sat the injured man in front of a tree, peeking under the poultice to check his wound. Ko's teachings were paying off, and the gashes had already begun to close underneath the thick layer of drying herbs. The fox man whimpered under Brigirth's gentle touch, wincing but keeping his leg perfectly still. Trust shined in those pretty eyes, and Brigirth felt his heart skip a beat.

"I'll be right back, sweet boy." Brigirth still didn't know what to call the kitsune, but affectionate pet names seemed to work well enough, and he wasn't sure if his admirer could even understand him. "Going to find us something to eat."

As he walked away, he heard a gentle whimper, and the kitsune tried to pull himself up to his feet, his face twisting in pain. Brigirth sighed, thought for a moment, then picked the needy man up with both arms, his chest tightening as a soft kiss graced his neck. Cumbersome as the fox was, somehow, it still felt better to be pressed close against him, and he returned the gentle affection with a stroke over the fox's back. "What am I going to do with you, loverboy?" He mused aloud to thin air while the kitsune's eyes drifted closed, and he breathed deeply into the dragon's scaled neck. Cute and innocent as he was, it was impossible to be mad at the cuddly kitsune.

Thankfully, a bush covered with fruits that Brigirth recognized from Ko's baking was a short walk away, and the dragon could sit with his charge cradled on his lap. Slumberous eyes opened as Brigirth offered the kitsune fruit, and soft lips teased at the dragon's fingers as he took the offered treat. Attempts at getting the kitsune to feed himself met with shakes of his head, and instead, he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. Sensual and slow, the kitsune took each morsel of fruit, and his teasing tongue licked sweet juice from Brigirth's fingers.

There was something intensely intimate about feeding the fox man, but the smirking man had different plans, and Brigirth soon found himself on the receiving end of gentle fingers. Unlike Brigirth's attempts, the kitsune's movements were slow and sensual, rolling the fruit around Brigirth's lips and slipping his fingers past the dragon's lips to push them inside. Unable to resist, the kitsune pressed his lips against Brigirth's, and they shared another long kiss with his soft, tanned fingers stroking over the dragon's cheek.

Something about the kitsune's affections brought his guard down every time. Different than the way he felt about Ko, but similar, the gentle feelings rising in him soothed his pained heart, awakening a part of him that he thought was dead. Somehow, he couldn't shake the feeling that his memories of Ko brought him to the kitsune's side. As if the tanuki were asking him to move on.