Le Grande Bleu

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greentext story for /collared/

The Beginning

>This place is lawless, how they ever considered it a school was beyond me.

>Teachers outright stopped caring or just didn't show up, allowing the students to control things.

>This one group in particular, everyone steered clear from.

>A group of five hyena bitches who would kick your shit in if you so much as glance at them.

>They would strut up and down the halls, threatening randoms for their money, starting fights and beating the ever-loving shit out those who dared challenge them.

>That was up until last week, right when that human arrived.

>On the first day, everyone just stared at him, checking him out.

>We were all perplexed. Why in the world would anybody, even a human, want to transfer to a godawful school like this?

>From what I've seen of him, he usually just kept to himself, avoiding others, others avoiding him, only speaking when spoken to, all that nonsense.

>Up until Thursday.

>In the morning, videos were being spread around of the five surrounding the human by his locker.

>Their main leader was spewing some anti-human/fur-supremacy garbage at him.

>All while he stared back at her with a cheery smile, not saying a word.

>It ended with her slamming her fist into his locker, leaving a sizeable dent while she yelled something about meeting her on the rooftop afterschool.

>The entire day was filled to the brim with rumors and speculation

>"Are they going to fight?", "He is so fucked..", "Hairless ape deserves what's coming to him."

>As soon as the final bell rang out, the entire school became a tsunami, flooding their way to the rooftop, eager to see what was going down.

>I had lucked out, managing to get a front row seat to all the action.

>It was like a standoff, we were all waiting for them to pull out their guns and kill him.

>But the five of them just stood there, glaring at him with a gaze that would leave anyone dead in their tracks.

>Their leader perked up, more of that fur-supremacist rhetoric came bursting out as he just stood there.

>With a blank stare right at her eyes.

>And that same cheery smile.

>It must've irked her the wrong way, because she lunged at him before he even got to blink.

>In that split second, it felt as if time stopped right then and there.

>We all knew what was going to happen to him, we had all seen images and videos of their previous victims.

>Torn to shreds, chunks taken out of the neck and body.

>But then he moved, like a flash of lightning, stepping back and pulling something from the pockets of his jeans.

>Some sort of glass tube, couldn't tell what was inside.

>He threw it to the ground, causing a loud shattering sound to ring out.

>We were all just confused. And then we saw her get up, sniffing around manically as if her life depended on it.

>She looked back at the human with a wide eyed glare and leapt into his arms.

>What. The. Fuck.

>The leader of a violent hyena gang submitting to some random human like an obedient pet? This can't be real.

>Everyone on the roof just watched, some in shock, some dying of laughter and taking videos.

>Her little friends took notice of the few recording and threatened us to get out, baring their teeth and snarling.

>I didn't really feel like becoming another anthro-violence statistic, so I decided to get out as soon as I could.

>I guess others had the same idea because I got swept up in the torrent of other anthros who decided to run for it.

>Halfway down the stairs, I looked back, the four of them surrounding the human.

>And some kid in my class recording everything from the corner.

>That Friday, I walked into class, noticing the crowd in the corner.

>Seemed like the kid from the rooftop was showing off the recording.

>We all stood around his phone, curious to see just what happened when we all ran.

>"What the hell is wrong with her?", "Juri, what the hell are you doing?"

>From the shaky video quality, I could make out the four of them just surrounding him, sniffing the air for a few moments, and then nuzzling him?

>We were all dumbfounded.

>This human, transfers to one of the worst schools in the district, gets threatened on his fourth day, and manages to survive one of the deadliest groups in here.

>"You've got to be kidding me.", "What the hell did he do to them?" "I've been afraid of THAT?"

>The recording ended abruptly, kid probably got caught peeping.

>The whole day, rumors were spreading like wildfire

>Mainly speculation about the human, who he was, and what those five might do to him.

>Others tried to decipher what went down that day, and some were just talking shit, mainly about how all five of them were going to get /BRED/

>But as the day went on, most of us realized that they were nowhere to be seen.

>Hell, not even the human showed up that day.

>But as soon as the weekend kicked in, everything had slipped my mind.

>Just another 2 days away from that shitty school.

>But with that human running around, something's bound to change.


>So last week, I got word that a FUCKING HUMAN had transferred to MY school.

>I always been told that humans were lower than trash. incomparable to any anthro male, even a scrawny little rabbit.

>Thought they were too pussy to put up a fight, especially with all the stories goin' around about them being weak on their own, but stronger in numbers.

>Personally I never seen any human before, only been told stories about them from Ma.

>Whether it was about them wronging her or their annoying habits, she always had a story to tell, even if I already heard em' all.

>Just from her descriptions, I knew I hated them, and I made sure those cowards in the school know as well.

>So you better believe come Monday, we were searching the campus for his ass.

>Every damn nook and cranny and we still couldn't find the bastard.

>The next day, tried to find what classes he took, which rooms he would be in.

>Was lucky the principal was a pushover, waved my fist in his face tellin' him I would break off his horn and stab him with it if we didn't get that human's student records.

>Like all sheep, he cried like a pup and handed me the key to one of the cabinets.

>"Anon, Age 18, 5'11", Species: Human"

>Regular record, no arrests, moved from the city, typical.

>And then his class schedule, bingo

>Planned to just stalk him around campus and let him get all comfortable.

>And then POW!

>Knock the shit out of him when he's not lookin', get some idiots to record while I made a big speech about humans invading anthro-only spaces.

>Whatever, that shit can wait until tomorrow.


>We fuckin' found him.

>Baggy ass clothes, average cut and *SKIN*..

>I stormed up to him, tail was stiff as a board, fangs out

>Cornered him by his locker, ready to CLOCK the cunt then and there.

>But he turns around, and just shoots me a glance.

>Everything about him PISSED me the FUCK off, and I decided to lay it on him.

>"You shaved monkies comin' here from the city, thinkin you can just strut where you fuckin' please, huh?!"

>Bigass crowd surrounds us, phones out recording every single moment.


>"Look at your weak ass arms, betting your mom wished she had a BRK(bigredknot) up in her every night!"

>At this point, I'm just thinkin' of anything to say.

>And this fucker just gives me the eeriest stare down and pops a wide-ass smile.

>Humie just signed his death warrant.

>Sucker punched his locker and told him to meet me on the rooftops afterschool.

>Walked away while my squad followed behind.

>They're talking smack about him, telling me all the ways I could kick his ass.

>And the only thing crossing my mind,

>was that creepy fuckin' smile.

>As if he had something planned *just for me*.

>Few minutes before class ended, we stormed up to the rooftop.

>Threw open the door and there he was.

>Sittin' there all smug, was ready to smash his fucking teeth in.

>He got up and just stood there, that same **CHEERFUL** fucking smile.

>All of the sudden, we heard the bell ring as well as those idiots rushing up the stairs.

>Tons of em' started pouring out from the door, made a wall so he couldn't get out even if he tried.

>Saw a couple of phones out, recording as usual.

>Looked back at the cunt, had a stare that just screamed "Punch ME!"

>"You should've stayed back in the city, humie."

>No response, like usual.

>"I always knew your kind was a bunch of pussies! Too afraid to speak up. huh?!"

>Few snickers from the crowd, could barely hear them over the rest chanting "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"

>"You gonna piss yourself, bitch?! This is what happens when you walk in here actin' like hot shit!"

>Just more goddamn staring, who the hell does he think he is?!

>I had enough of his glares, it was time to end this.

>Charged that ape with everything I had, full swing

>Was about to make *direct contact* with his face when all of the sudden.



>He just steps to side, dodging an instant KO

>I'm sent fallin' forwards, hitting the floor.

>Tried to get up, but then I heard something hit the floor and shatter.

>Everyone's silent, and then I saw *it*.

>Glass shattered right next to my face, with some blue shit spilling out onto the ground.

>What the hell was he doing?

>"Hah, you *fff-*"

>Something's really fuckin' wrong.

>It's like my whole body was locked in a freezer, while my nose felt like it was on fire.

>Everyone was staring, confused.

>Then it hit me, that *addicting aroma*, like nothing I've ever smelt before.

>I sniffed around like crazy trying to find it, didn't take me long though.

>Couldn't believe it. It was **HIM**, the fucking **HUMAN**.

>I pretty much threw myself onto him, into his *warm, smooth arms*.

>It felt like heaven, the scent filling me up, while his hands dug deep into my fur.

>My Ma was an idiot, she didn't know what she was missing.

>From that point on, I knew I *wanted*, no, **NEEDED** him in my life, *forever*.


>Damn! The bitch almost landed a direct hit!

>Really hoping this works...

>Stepped back, whipped out that vial of blue stuff dad gave me and..


>So last month, dad decides to leave me like 20 messages on voicemail, boss was on his ass for not finding "*Potent Subjects*" for their little experiments.

>Rang him up, and boom, instantly picks up

>Needed me to transfer to one of the worst schools in the entire area

>Constant fights, violence, half of the students were druggies, vandalism, rapes, whatever.

>"Majority Anthro Population" Yeah, no wonder.

>Droning on about the job, then he hits me with the pay.

>Twenty-five grand for each successful subject I bring in

>Bonuses for the most aggressive ones

>Needless to say, I was pretty reluctant to go

>Had problems with anthros in the past

>Whoever had the great idea of attempting to integrate them with humans must've been *extremely fucked* in the head.

>Since grade school, I've gotten my ass kicked by some, dealt with them the only way I could.

>Took a bottle of hairspray and a lighter with me wherever I went.

>The burst of flames would scare them shitless, they knew one single patch of burning hair was enough to do them in.

>Had to thank my old man someday for teaching me that trick.

>Reeled me back in by promising me my own place, didn't have to live with my crazy ass aunt anymore

>Said all I had to do was pop in, report to the principal weekly and test out fertility and libido drugs on the students.

>"Did he really give you permission to do this? This is kinda screwed up, don't you think?"

>Told me that the principal was the one who called *them*.

>Threw his students under the bus, selling them off as test subjects in return for some green.

>Wanted the problem students to disappear, at all costs, doesn't care what I do to the rest

>Told him I had some worries, but I would do it

>He sounds relieved over the phone, then sends me the address to where they would have me set up

>From the pics, just a cozy, inconspicuous two floored house, perfect

>Promised to meet me a week before school starts, help me sort out my shit and explain what I had to do

>From the sound of it, this job could be my ticket to paradise, or a one way trip to my own funeral, guess time will tell

>About a week later

>Knocks at my door in the morning, whoever it was left a huge box at my doorstep

>Dragged it in, had all the pills in it, and a lockbox as a bonus

>Popped it open, saw all these sealed glass vials with some blue liquid in them, gave off fumes like bromine

>There was a note included, "USE THESE ONLY IN EMERGENCIES!", with a stickman throwing a vial onto the ground

>Kept one in my pocket for good measure, hoping I wouldn't have to use it anytime soon

>They all had these wide eyed stares, aimed either at me or the hyena on the ground

>Fumes from the blue stuff was leaking out in my direction, sticking to my clothes

>I looked back down at her, she was on her knees sniffing the ground like crazy

>Must've found what she was looking for, because all of the sudden she stopped..

>And turns her head in my direction.


>The bitch was onto me, her sweaty paws digging into my pants

>My scent was driving her mad, her tail was flailing around every time she inhaled

>Had to get her under control, wrapped my arm around her neck and pulled her back

>It only drove her more insane, she was slobbering all over the place

>Tried anything to keep the bitch calm, all while her friends were screaming at me, demanding to know what happened

>Then it hit them too..

>They were all groveling at my feet, fighting for my affection

>"He wants me!", "No, he wants ME!"

>I let go of her neck tried to inch away

>With every step, they would get closer, shooting me the most lustful stares I've ever seen

>My back hits the wall, and I see them staring at a corner, inching towards it


>I heard the squeak of a fox and took it as my cue to book it

>Sprinted down the stairs and out the side door leading to the parking lot

>Hopped into my car and floored it out of there

>As soon as I got to my place, my head was spinning, everything ached, my heart sounded like it was about to give out

>But in that moment, only one thought occupied my mind.

>Just what the hell was in those vials?