Playing Catch with the Stars

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#13 of Writing Prompts

This Week's Writing Challenge: "To catch a falling star."

This week is something awkward as it's sort of a self insert story.

And it felt weird so I took the names out. D:

I thought it was a cute idea.

The wolf is a werewolf I made up in the writing group chat for fun

So here I am, writing a story like this about an imaginary boyfriend

I am a sad sad man who will die alone.

If you would like to join the writing group I'm in (It's good fun! We talk about food a lot.)

Please send me a DM and I will get you added to the group. :D

Playing Catch with the Stars

Somewhere in Southern California, 4:00 am


The sound of the camera was now audible in the silent night air as a fruit bat and wolf lounged in their camping seats. Beside them was a small grouping for telescopes and computers, set up to take some long exposure shots of various stars in the sky overnight while the moon wasn't out. The two were the last ones out while the all the other astronomers had gone back to the resort down the road to gather for the impending meteor shower. The two had some camping gear, though the folding seats were comfortable and the air was warm enough to need only a thin blanket. With there long chairs pushed together, they could almost get a good cuddle in.

A quick streak of light races across the cosmic tapestry above them. This caused the bat to jump from the chair, untangle himself from the sheet and make his way over to the small touch screen that hung from his telescope's tripod. The screen lit up in a low red tint as he tapped on it a few times.

"What happened?" The wolf asked, wrapping himself in the thin cloth, standing over the bat.

The bat tapped the screen, "Seeing if I caught it."

"Mm?" He looked at the screen, "Caught what?"

"The uh thing." He gestured vaguely towards the sky, "Shot right over Andromeda."

"Oh, neat." The wolf said, "The meteor shower is gonna start."

The bat looked up at the wolf, "Gonna go to the group thing?"

"Nah, I think I'll stay here." He hugged his boyfriend, "With you."

The bat pulled the wolf into a kiss before turning his attention back to the screen. The screen changed, a line crossed the display, showing the next picture taken. It was no different than the one before. The bat sighed.

"Didn't get it." He lowered his head.

The wolf smiled, "How likely is it to catch?"

The bat shrugged, "Pretty unlikely. But it would be nice to catch a falling star."

"I'd catch one for you, if I could." The wolf said, his tail wagging.

There were distant sounds of stargazers at the other site, watching the meteor shower begin. The bat and wolf walked back to their seats, reclining to watch as thin streaks raced across the sky. With the blanket pulled over the two of them, the bat slid beside his boyfriend. The wolf wrapped on of his larger arms around the bat, pulling him close. They kissed each other before their heads were resting against one another, their eyes up to watch the light show in the sky.

"Pick one." The wolf said, his right arm lifted into the air, from their view it looked like he was poised to pluck something from the shower.

"Pick one of what?" The bat said, looking at the shadow of the wolf's paw.

"You wanted a falling star, right?" He nudged the bat, "Pick one."

The bat thought hard for a moment, "Oh, I uh.. I guess that one." He pointed up at the increasingly intense storm of light.

"This one?" The wolf moved his paw a bit to the left, giving the appearance that he was ready to grab a star from above them.

"They're going a little fast to pick out."

"Then tell me when."

"I am not sure I follow."

"It's like playing catch with the cosmos!"

"Alright, alright.." After a short pause, the bat said, "Now!"

The wolf closed his fingers, flicked his wrist, seemingly manifesting something between his fingers that sparkled faintly, "I think I got one!" His tail wagging between the two bodies.

"Oh? What are. Wha.." The bat became speechless as the wolf lower his hand, presenting the small diamond ring to him. It was hard to make out completely in the low light they had, but it was unmistakably a ring.

"I wanted to ask you something" He sounded nervous

"Fwah?" The bat stammered, unable to produce words.

"Will you marry me?" The wolf grinned, holding the ring towards the bat.

"I.. Oh my.. I uh.. Yeah. Yes!" He extended his left hand towards the ring.

Delicately, the wolf put the ring onto the bat's finger, "You can't see it in the dark, but I got it made from meteor metal."

The bat looked at the ring on his finger a bit.

"What do you think?" The wolf said.

"You okay?" He said after a long pause.

"I love it." The bat said, turning his head to kiss the wolf deeply. The two embraced tightly, feeling closer than ever before. They snuggled up close as they continued to watch the show above, large floppy ears somewhat entwined. In the distance they could hear the crowd at the hotel watching the same thing, their collective "oohs" and "ahhs" echoed through the desert air. As much fun as the small party could have been, neither the bat or wolf would trade where they were right now for the world.

The bat looked back down at his hand, "Real meteor metal, huh?"

The wolf beamed, "I found a guy." He wagged more furiously, "We can even get the wedding bands made from it, too."

"That does sound pretty cool." The bat grinned, "Was a cool trick, too."

"Hey, you asked for a falling star, so I plucked one from the sky."

"It's more than I could have hoped for." The bat said, nuzzling into the wolf's neck fur.

"Thank you for saying yes." The wolf kissed the bat's forehead, "I love you."

"Love you, too. Fiance" He squeaked happily.