In Heat at the Parents' Place

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Don't you hate it when you go into heat when you're visiting your parents? Hey, maybe it's not the end of the world if you have the kind of supportive parents that Jane has. At least she brought her boyfriend! This doesn't in fact feature any incest, just very sexually open parents, and lots of breeding. Commissioned by TheGrandPuppeteer!

If Jane had realized she was going to go into heat, she wouldn't have decided to stay over at her parents' place yet. Certainly not with her boyfriend. The massive wolf was looking more and more alluring to her, not that she wasn't always_into him, but in the irresistible heated way that only women in season could ever know. The infuriating tingling, flushed warmth, and damp heat, all radiating from her increasingly excited mound. The kind of gnawing emptiness that nearly left her knees weak each time she looked over at Sebastian. That wasn't all of it, either. Together with the kindling heat came the usual fantasies, of Sebastian _pinning her to the goddamn floor and rutting_her like a _bitch in heat, filling her steaming pussy with his soothing pup-making seed and leaving her incoherent with pleasure as he fertilized her. Soon after that, her belly would swell, and her parents would finally get those grandchildren they'd been complaining about.

Oh, she did_want kids, one day. They'd already discussed it. They'd just let it happen naturally; already, Jane and Sebastian had stopped using condoms, letting nature have its way. Just the thought of getting knocked up left her almost _trembling.

Overwhelming desire, in other words. Overwhelming desire that she couldn't wait to indulge, and embrace the consequences of. The problem was that they were currently in the back of their parents' car, having decided to visit for the holidays. That meant they'd be more or less under constant parental supervision, as if they were closer to fifteen than past twenty years old. And that meant that they'd barely have any chance to mate without making it uncomfortable far beyond the pale.

If the thought of being bred was a pure erotic high, the thought of being caught in the act by her parents was like a dry desert wind threatening to dry Jane up forever._Almost. She knew perfectly well that she'd slowly lose more and more of her inhibitions and self-control until that pesky heat finally got sated. Nature's way of ensuring that the species survived, or in their case, that a new hybrid was born, being that they were a cheetah and a wolf. Then once _that_happened, she'd never, _ever live it down. The anticipation of that embarrassment, of her parents mentioning they heard something over the breakfast table, or worse yet, walking in with her pussy full of Seb's cock, was... well, she looked longingly at the oncoming traffic, almost wishing herself to be in their way, until she remembered that nothing had actually happened yet.

But it would.

Her hand was slowly creeping to rest on Seb's thigh. Oh, he was so big and strong. The ideal alpha, really, in physique alone. Maybe not the brightest bulb in the box, but not dumb either. Though she considered herself fairly attractive, Jane had always felt like the muscular wolf - almost three times her size - was above her league. A great catch. A trophy husband. Soon enough, a prize stud too. Well, perhaps Jane wasn't that superlative usually, but the heat was already eroding all standards. Even his slight musk was starting to become rather enjoyable. Not to mention the firmness of his thighs, the same thighs that he'd use to rut her into the mattress and plunge that breeding rod all the way into-

The car came to a stop. Jane froze, her heart beating rapidly. Just a red light?

"So how have you two been, anyway?" her father asked, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as he waited for the light to turn green.

"O-oh, just fine. Lots of work, you know. The usual life. We had to get the car repaired the other week, but it was nothing really," Jane stuttered, knowing perfectly well that she was being too talkative to not be suspicious. Still, her father showed no real interest.

"Good to hear," he replied. "How about you, Sebastian? How's Jane treating you?"

Sebastian snorted with amusement. "Oh, she's just great, but I'm sure I've told you that before!" he quipped. "No complaints really, sir. I love your daughter," he added, with a little more gravitas to his voice.

He kept talking about... the weather, Jane thought, but the moment the car started moving her hand was gingerly creeping over Sebastian's crotch. He shook his head, as if trying to discourage her from doing it, at least until they had _some_privacy, but his body had other ideas. His cock responded eagerly to Jane's touch, firming up under his pants until the hardness was tangible, readily tenting his crotch.

Maybe it wasn't as much the soft touch as it was her heat-scent that was getting to him, firing up every masculine instinct in his body. Her parents didn't seem to notice, but then again, what parent did recognize arousal in their children? No doubt they did smell her, but maybe it didn't register as her body begging to be mated, for them.

Either way, Sebastian certainly noticed, and his cock definitely did, straining against his pants. For Jane, feeling him get absolutely rock-hard at the gentlest touch was thrilling, as always. Fantasizing of what that stiff, masculine part of him wanted to do to her. What it could make her feel. Hell, what it'd already made her feel several times over, that slick wetness inside her, slowly dripping out, the tingly knowledge that his little swimmers would be hunting for her eggs. She gave that firmness a naughty little squeeze, trying her best to not so much as breathe too heavily, knowing her parents would hear it.

Sebastian grunted at that jolt of pleasure.

"You doing alright?" Jane's mom asked.

"Oh, yeah. The air's just a bit dry here. Allergy season, you know," he quicky improvised. Her parents didn't see it, but Jane could tell he was blushing. It was very visible through his light fur, and so was the angry glance he shot her. The kind that said I'm going to fuck you senseless, later.

She couldn't wait, though she shot back a disappointed, wounded look when Seb swatted her hand away and covered his crotch with his own.

"Not now," he whispered, as low as his voice would go once they got onto the highway and the low rumble of the car allowed them the slightest bit of privacy. "Didn't you bring your heat blockers?"

"Didn't think I'd be going into heat," she murmured back. "Guess you'll just have to cure me."

"Gladly. But not now. Tonight," he huffed. "Quietly. In the cellar or something... or the bathroom."

Again, Jane could hardly wait. The car was vibrating ever so slightly too, as they accelerated. In fact, it felt rather wonderful against her very sensitive folds. Gods, she had to resist the urge to grind against the seats. While her parents might not notice now, sooner or later they would, and then she wouldn't hear the end of it. Her panties were soaked as is it were, with only her jeans preventing her from leaving the seats damp too.

The journey, as they always did when one anticipated something, took forever. Well, thirty-odd minutes, but it felt like forever, especially knowing that the cure for her heat was sitting right there next to her, pretending like he wasn't noticing her. Sebastian did have a lot of self-control. It was part of why they'd gotten together in the first place; she'd seen some other bitch in heat tease him, and he'd resisted her advances. That'd been enough to pique her interest. She'd actually thought the big wolf to be gay first, or asexual, but no. It turned out he simply had standards and decency. That, and when he actually let those standards and that decency slip in the bedroom, he was an absolute beast.

Of course, right now, Jane would've liked it if he was a little more impulsive, the type to pull her into his lap and show her what's for. Stealthily, or maybe... even not so stealthily. It'd be worth the eternal embarrassment. God, she could feel her sex clench as she thought about it.

Soon enough - relatively speaking, at any rate - they arrived at her parents' place. It was a modest little house on the outskirts of the city. Nothing to write home about, particularly because it'd once been her home. Still, it was cozy enough. Jane found herself wondering if they're redecorated her room yet. It'd taken them a long time to adjust to her moving out, back in the day. How many years had it been now? Three? Either way, it was a welcome distraction to think about.

They did still have to get through dinner before she'd get the stuffing she really wanted. Sitting and waiting for that, with the poor AC overworked in the summer heat and barely cooling anything down, was torture. Her father talking constantly, about how work was, about this and that, about how they thought they'd get a dog, while not her favorite pastime, was at least better than utter silence.

Soon enough the delicious aroma of steak and mash began to waft into the living room. Though Jane's family was, as one would expect, all felines, they'd decided to incorporate a little bit of vegetables and roots into their diet. Eating only steak got expensive. At that point, Jane was thankfully hungry enough for that urge to drown out her lust, and for that brief moment between sitting down and eating her fill, she felt just about in control. Just about.

Wasn't Sebastian just the most handsome beast, though? Sitting there next to her, at her parents' overly fancy dinner table? With how big the thing was, and with the long, draped tablecloth, wouldn't she be able to tease him just a little without her mother and father noticing?

So she did. Once again, she snuck her hand into Sebastian's lap, only this time there was nothing he could do to protest without giving away what they were doing. He didn't move a muscle as she slowly and quietly unzipped his jeans and slipped her hand in, savoring his masculine heat. At first, he was soft despite of the constant scent of lust, but it wouldn't take long before his body surrendered to her touch.

Jane slipped a finger into his sheath, knowing that he liked it. She felt his cock, soft and safe in it, but only briefly. The feeling inevitably had him swelling and firming up against her soft palms. It was a rush, having him totally dominated like this. There was nothing he could do; even getting up would reveal the obvious bulge. So he had no choice but to sit there while Jane stroked along his shaft, getting it harder and harder, enjoying every little throb and jerk. He felt hot in her hands, and she could feel just how eager that cock of his was to sink into her.

" about you, Jane?" her father asked.

"Uh- oh, what'd you say? Sorry, kinda zoned out there," she replied, adrenaline surging through her body thinking she'd been caught. She never stopped slowly masturbating her boyfriend, though. How could she when he was clearly getting close? Already his cock was bucking eagerly in her hand, leaving Sebastian's groin just as damp as hers was. He was a big wolf, with a lot of precum to provide.

Normally, Jane loved feeling it squirt into her. Warm, slippery, lovely. Though not as good as the proper cum that followed it. The cum that she was intending to have coat her hands. From how Sebastian was trembling now, he was terribly close, helpless to stop her from stroking him towards his inevitable climax.

The fact that he was helpless didn't stop him from trying, though. He grit his teeth, trying to imagine the least sexy things possible. Like old gym socks. But with arousal flooding his mind he was soon instead imagining the slender paw that might fill that sock, and the smooth-furred calf, leading up a shapely leg, and towards a warm, welcoming pussy. No! You can do this.

But no matter what tried to think of it, it led to something sexy. A dumpster in an alleyway... with a couple mating like wild animals next to it. A fucking _speedbump,_and he thought of how Jane's tits might bounce if he hit ever so slightly too faster. If only he could grab her hand without anyone noticing...

"Are you sure you're alright, Seb?" Jane's father asked. He couldn't tell if he was being cheeky and knew exactly what was going on, or if the concern was genuine. "You look like you're in pain."

"Rf- yeah, it's just... upset stomach," Sebastian replied. His claws dug into the wooden table. Hopefully they wouldn't mind having the polish it. "Just need- unf- a moment," he added, all but breathlessly. He closed his eyes again, unwilling to see if her girlfriend's father was smiling or winking. That was more than he could handle right now.

Jane felt him twitching faster and faster, felt his breath quicken like it always did just before a big, messy orgasm. Just a little longer. He was going to cum, and cum hard, right in plain view of her parents. The act was so perverted, so naughty,_that she was besides herself with arousal _despite the rest of the situation. There, he was starting to swell a little bigger than even his girthy regular hardness, just like he did inside her moments before seeding her. And he was leaking precum all over her hand, practically bathing her in it.

"Ngh-" Sebastian grunted, his resistance crumbling as his body took over. "F-fucking st-" he protested, struggling to even get the words out. And then, digging his claws into the table, managing only a brief, apologetic glance towards Jane's parents, he surrendered to the pleasure. His vision nearly went white as his heavy balls tightened against his body, giving in to Jane's touch, and that pressure in his loins boiled over. When he knew he was past the point of no return - that he'd cum regardless of what he did - Sebastian stopped fighting. At least he could enjoy this brief moment of pleasure before the shame set in. He came hard and loud. The very first hard throb of his shaft coated Jane's hand in his seed, and she cooed with delight, feeling that thick cum surge through his cock only to splatter against the inside of his pants. She felt every little throb, every twitch, every faint pulsation of his balls, and she loved every moment of it. The big wolf was like butter in her hands, and for that moment, she controlled every jolt of pleasure he was feeling.

Really, Sebastian came like a firehose when he was pent up enough, and with Jane's scent having teased him all day long, he was more than pent up. Once it started, it was like a flood; thick white cum soaking his pants with each impulsive, orgasmic spasm. His hips were bucking on instinct, fucking her hand and letting it milk him dry. In spite of the situation, his expression was one of pure bliss, his mouth wide open and panting with his tongue lolling out.

"Well, congratulations on finding such a stud for yourself," Jane's mom giggled, watching the big wolf thrash and tremble as he came. "Those pants are definitely pregnant by now."

Sebastian's face was practically crimson before he'd even finished cumming. He had the look of someone who wanted to disappear, immediately. "I'm sorry, I- she-" he panted, feeling the soggy mess in his pants and knowing - without even having to look - that Jane was grinning at him.

"Oh, don't be. I was like that too back in the days, with Jane's mom here in heat," her father chuckled, nudging her mother's ribs with his elbow.

"Yeah, you _were_just like him, cumming in your pants the moment you saw my tits," her mom shot back, giggling again.

"And inside you, don't forget that. Wouldn't have Jane here otherwise. Definitely your daughter," the father answered, and then paused for a moment, letting Sebastian enjoy the last few moments of his seemingly glorious climax. "Just be sure to get cleaned up, yeah?" he added as the big wolf slumped back in the chair, spent, looking downright dizzy in the afterglow.

"Thank you, Mr. Swiftpaws," Sebastian groaned. He sat there, feeling like he was floating on clouds, underneath a clear blue sky, somewhere just on the edge of the heavens, only slowly descending back down to earth.

Slowly, ever so slowly, that bliss began to fade into an intense embarrassment. Sebastian closed his eyes, trying to ignore Jane's parents and the wetness in his pants, but both of those facts became more and more noticeable the more he tried to ignore them. With a frustrated growl, he opened his eyes, and then, with strength slowly returning to his limbs, he spun around and fixed his gaze to Jane's. "I'm going to fuck you so fucking pregnant for this," he snarled. "So pregnant you won't even be able to walk."

"We're finally getting grandkids?" Jane's mother exclaimed with excitement in her voice. "Great! You put her in her place! We were starting to think you'd _never_do the deed!"

She was giggling, but she did mean every word she said. Just how easy-going they were about sex wasn't really registering for Sebastian though; he felt equal parts embarrassed, furious, and worst of all: still painfully horny. His erection hadn't even gone away. "And right now you get to clean me up," he growled, grabbing Jane by the wrist and waddling to the bathroom with her in tow.

"I had no idea my parents were like that," Jane laughed. She was clearly not all there mentally, either. Too deep in heat to think about much else than sex. Especially after her little adventure just now had really gotten her going. When they got into the bathroom, she raised her cum-covered hand to her muzzle and gave it a sensual lick, tasting her partner's masculine flavour on it, making an agonizingly erotic display of it, one that once again drew the wolf's attention.

Before Seb even had time to say anything, she'd already stripped out of her pants and underwear, giving him a good view of just how incredibly wet she was. Rivulets of her lust were dribbling down her thighs, where the fur wasn't completely matted yet, and her stance was just wide enough to show off everything. Her fingers, down there, splaying those pink lips. A suggestive buck of her hips, openly showcasing her lust. And the scent. Her heated feminine musk was beyond intoxicating to Sebastian, and his eyes were practically glued to her puffy, red folds, swollen with desire.

He could never resist her, no matter how much her shenanigans got on his nerves sometimes, no more than a common animal could resist a bitch in heat. He had to have her. But maybe, just maybe, he'd give her a taste of her own medicine first. His cock sprang out, still hard, when he peeled off that cum-soaked pair of underwear, and then - in one smooth motion - he grabbed Jane by the waist, flipped her around, and buried his face into her dripping sex while lowering the both of them onto the cool, tiled floor.

Sebastian lapped, appropriately enough, like a thirsty dog. His broad canine tongue delved deep into that velvet vice between Jane's legs before she had any time to react. At the same time, his hands forced her nose into his messy crotch-fur. She moaned loudly, squirming on top of her boyfriend, but no matter how sensitive her heat had her, Sebastian wasn't going to let go now. Her mind almost blanked out at the first whiff of that plentiful cum, and her own wetness gushed out over Sebastian's snout as she imagined it inside her instead.

But the wolf wasn't about to let her have what she wanted that easily, not after she embarrassed him like that. Instead, he kept licking, until Jane was moaning incoherently, utterly uncaring that her parents were probably in the next room over. In her lust, she could do nothing but lap at the wolf in turn, her raspy tongue scooping up gobs of the cum she'd milked out of him. Oh, and it tasted heavenly, rolling over her tongue. The only thing she wished was that it'd been_inside_ her, knocking her up, not wasted like this. Still, she couldn't help herself, worshipping his beautiful cock, gathering up every drop of cum her tongue could reach, smearing it over her lips and face just as her nectar was coating Sebastian's.

Her foot hit a wall with a loud bang when she kicked from the sheer overstimulation. She was right on the edge, her juices having left Sebastian's entire face wet, but she couldn't get over it! Her body needed something more. Something Sebastian was in no hurry at all to give. It was all her own fault, she realized that, but now there was nothing she could do but squeal and whimper helplessly as her boyfriend kept eating her out, feasting on her pheromone-rich nectar, tongue twirling over her stiff, throbbing clit and only making her want a proper mating more.

He slid a finger into her as well, and her pussy clamped down around it in sheer desperation, trying in vain to milk a load of life-giving seed out of his probing digit. At least it was something, almost enough to push her over that edge and into what seemed like heavenly bliss. With how big Sebastian was, his finger was almost as thick as a cheetah's cock. God, in her mind's eye, Jane could almost imagine that finger being a proper breeding rod, trying to make her into the mother she so eagerly wanted to become.

"They're _really_going for it, aren't they?" her mother asked in the bedroom, wall to wall with the bathroom.

"Well, can't really blame them. Like I said, you were just like that when you were in heat," her father chortled in turn, before returning his attention to a crossword puzzle.

Jane yowled, loud enough that her mother sighed, reaching for the earplugs. It wasn't the sex that bothered her, she wanted them to do as much and give her some grandchildren. It was how her neighbours would take forever to forget about it. Then again, she knew the nosey woman in the next house over cheated on her husband, so...

"Want to cum? Finish cleaning me up first," Sebastian huffed, taking a break from eating Jane out. Instead, he reached to turn on the water, making it cascade over his crotch and his lover both.

At that point, he could've told Jane to offer herself to the nearest stranger and she'd probably have done it if it meant she got to cum, but Sebastian wasn't the sharing type. He grunted as the small cheetah rubbed his fur clean with trembling arms, just a little too frantically and roughly, but with a single-minded eagerness. Her raspy tongue was almost too much - he was still sensitive too - but he wasn't about to let Jane know that. The moment he deemed himself clean enough, it was time; he dove back in between the cheetah's legs, thrusting his tongue deep into her feverishly hot pussy, tongue-fucking her towards that climax she was so desperate for.

It didn't take long. Of course, no orgasm that wasn't followed by a fresh injection of cum would truly satisfy her when she was in heat, but it was a welcome respite from the teasing. She let out a shrill cry of pleasure and ground her clit against Sebastian's scruffy muzzle as her sex quivered and pulsed, clamping down around his tongue and gushing with even more of her juice, nearly_flooding_ his mouth. It was a shameless, carnal orgasm, one that once again erased every worry about who might hear them. It didn't matter. All that did matter was that white-hot glowing pleasure in her cunt, her lower belly, her spine, every part of her alight with shuddering spasms of intense, overwhelming pleasure.

She groaned, moaned, arched her back, and then collapsed on top of Sebastian, the two of them panting in unison.

"There, now your parents know what a slut you are for sure. You're going to be such a sexy MILF. My MILF," Sebastian growled. Outside of the bedroom, he was always respectful, but he loved how those degrading words always made Jane's spotty fur stand on end.

Jane purred.

Sebastian stuck his head under the shower for a moment, washing himself relatively clean. Yes, he'd get dirty soon enough, but the last he could do, he thought, was to not get Jane's juices all over the bed too. Maybe a towel would help. Sebastian's_mind_ felt satisfied. Making Jane cum always did. Of course, his _cock_had some further needs; with the amount of pheromones he'd inhaled - and drank - certainly had him feeling like he'd not go soft for a year.

"Ready to have babies, then?" he asked, a little more in control with the immediate frustration and anger out of his system. He didn't, despite his gruff behaviour, want to force Jane into anything.

Luckily for him, Jane nodded eagerly. "Yeah, please," she murmured. "In my old room."

After a few moments towelling each other dry, which gave Sebastian a few moments to really appreciate Jane's slender and yet utterly feminine hips, her small perky breasts perfect for a cheetah, he picked her up, effortlessly hoisting the small feline into his arms. He then carried her towards her childhood room. Most of her things were gone, by now - either at their own place, or simply donated - but the posters remained. Unlike most girls, Jane had been rather into cars, motorcycles and the like, and between those and the band posters, most of them rock, one might've been mistaken for assuming it to have been a boy's room.

Of course, that masculine-leaning behaviour went out of the window during her fertile periods. Her heats. When those hit, she was the most feminine woman around. A desperately horny princess who deserved to be spoiled by every spurt of cum that his cock would muster. When she wasn't behaving as a brat, at least - but heck, he'd spoil her anyway. By the time they went home, she'd struggle to walk straight. Or see straight.

But he had all the time in the world, so he wouldn't rush to satisfy her. Instead, he slowly placed her down on the bed. Jane was still almost limp with how hard she came earlier, but that didn't mean she didn't want it. Leisurely, she spread her legs, letting Sebastian gaze at her fertile pussy. The one he'd soon be filling. She squirmed on the bed, as cats in heat always did, turning around and stretching, raising her tail and unquestionably offering herself to her wolven mate.

He took up position behind her, grabbing that shapely rear. The anticipation of sinking into her had him throbbing, but he'd take his time. Slowly, he rubbed his steel-hard cock against her folds, along that groove of femininity, relishing in the slickness and intense heat. His grip on her tightened, one hand at the base of her flagging tail, and the other on her rump, squeezing.

"C-come on and breed me already," she panted, unable to bear the friction of Sebastian's shaft sliding over her clit. "I know you want to."

"Mm-hm," he replied, in a husky whisper. "Gonna scream so your parents know the exact moment you get fertilized?" he taunted her. With how she was bucking against him, his tip slipped into that blissful wet heat, and he grit his teeth. Not yet, not yet. In a feat of mastery over his body, he pulled out. "I want you to beg for it. You've been a bad girl."

That, and given the size difference, he did need to give the small cheetah some time to prepare and adjust, even if she was in heat.

"G-god, you big meanie," she huffed. "Please fill my belly with your pups?"

"You can do better than that. Tell me what you are," Sebastian growled.

"Fuck, I'm your slut, and I want to be your pregnant slut. Come on, _please_pump my slutty pussy full of your seed," she begged him.

That was all he needed for his instincts to take over once again. He positioned his tip just at her entrance, and then, very slowly, began to push inside, savoring every clench around him. Gods, she was still so tight, just _barely_accommodating his girth.

Thoughts of what exactly he was doing flashed across his mind and stoked those flames of desire further. He was actually doing it. He was going to breed Jane, just like they'd always pretended he was, even when she was still on birth control. Her belly would swell, and those small tits would grow with milk too. And then they'd have children to take care of. Maybe one, maybe a whole litter. This would be a life-changing moment for them in more ways than one, and that only made him want it more.

He'd bury himself as deep as he could when he came. And then he'd hold her upside down or something - maybe prop some pillows under her rump - to ensure that every little swimmer found its way into her womb. He was already panting, struggling to retain enough control to go slowly and not tear Jane apart. Then, finally, he was as deep as he'd go inside her. Not all the way, that'd never be possible, but just enough for his knot to wetly kiss her lower lips, rubbing against them and her clit both. Maybe he'd be able to just barely plug her with his knot after a bit of stretching.

It was no less life-changing for Jane. Feeling her boyfriend's cock, bare and dangerous, buried deep inside her, knowing that his balls were aching to spill their life-creating cargo into her at the peak of her fertility. She felt his shaft flex already, and then a slight hint of warmth splashing somewhere in her core. Precum, of course. Probably carrying some of his sperm with it since he'd just recently orgasmed.

Once he'd properly mounted the cheetah, Sebastian began to thrust, quickly picking up a rhythm, pounding into his mate. It was the kind of passionate and unbridled lovemaking, both carnal and loving that left him almost unable to think at all, focused only on the way her strong inner muscles massaged his shaft, caressing every inch of him, trying to milk him dry. There was almost a suction to it, and the wetness was unbelievable. Dimly, Sebastian realized he'd forgotten the towel entirely, but at that point, it felt like a distant and unimportant worry compared to the glorious sensation of her tightness squeezing down around him.

He was approaching his climax alarmingly fast, but then again, so was she, going by how she was moaning and squirming. But this position wouldn't do. He wanted to look her in the eyes when he gave her the "punishment" - the gift, really - that she deserved, of a litter growing inside her. Wanted to see that dissolute, ecstatic happiness when she came, the glazed look of utter satisfaction in a moment in which worries ceased to exist entirely.

He pulled out, she whimpered with disappointment, humping back against empty air, only to let out a chirp of surprise when he rolled her around, onto her back. Seeing what he was planning though, she spread her legs wide, raising them and offering herself anew. Sebastian didn't hesitate and sunk back into her.

Jane's claws dug into Sebastian's sides, unable to quite reach around him and grab his back. His powerful thrusts rocked her entire body, leaving her sliding back and forth on the bed, just as his cock slid in and out of her, never pulling out entirely. She never wanted his cock to leave her. It felt so wonderfully right, as if it completed her somehow.

Jane was clenching around him like crazy each time he pulled out for another hard, meaty thrust, and she was so wet he could hear their mating. Not just her joyful squeals, whimpers, yowls and purring, but the wet, utterly erotic _squelching_of him penetrating her, sliding deep into that warm, tight heat. There was no doubt she wanted it, not that there ever had been, but the perfect harmony with which their bodies worked towards her impending impregnation was beautiful. Each time he thrust, she pushed back, forcing his shaft deeper, just in case that was the thrust that made him cum. Each time he pulled outwards, she clamped down, her body not wanting him to leave her. And each time he sunk back in, she sang out with bliss, freely letting those sexy moans spill from her quivering lips. The way she was scratching up his muscular sides, the way her legs were trying but failing to wrap around his hips. It was like a symphony, about to reach its crescendo.

He could feel that tension and pressure building up, and knew that he'd soon seed her. Then there'd be no going back. Not that he ever would, but the finality of doing it still spurred him on. He wanted it, and she wanted it. His balls pulled up tight against his body, and his knot almost slipped into her. Jane was trying to force it into herself, no matter how tight the fit would be. Just on the edge of release, he pressed against her even harder, putting all his weight against her entrance. Jane's slender - though not for much longer - body slowly yielded for him, her lips stretched taut around his knot. He was almost_in, _almost-

Pop. He felt her clamp down around his knot, behind it, stretched to her very limits. The tightness was unbearable, _impossible._He felt her clench around him in a rapid rhythm, moaning and clutching at him, the tie immediately pushing her over the edge. Some half-verbal request for him to breed her, even if he could hardly hear anything with how fast his heart was beating. This was it. He held off as long as he could, wanting her to finish cumming around his cock, but after only a few seconds, it became too much to resist.

He groaned, growled, grabbed Jane's small tits and pushed against her as she came. His cock bucked inside her once, painting her cervix white with his seed, then again - forcing that life-creating, belly-swelling cum through her cervix - and again and again¸ flooding the poor cheetah, each spasm of his groin feeling like pure, electrifying ecstasy. Better than any orgasm he'd ever had before, as he gave her everything he had, his very essence, in thick, pearlescent ropes pumped into her very core. He had so much to give that it was_bloating_ her, if only ever so slightly. Jane's belly bulged outwards gently, and she looked as if she was pregnant already. An enticing preview of how she's look with a baby bump, soon enough, even if the two lovers were too distracted to notice it more than subconsciously yet.

That moment lasted forever. Almost. The immense, exhausted contentedness of a successful, natural, complete and proper mating swept over the two like a warm blanket. Every instinct congratulating them, their minds flooded with a tired sense of happiness that compelled them to simply lay there for as long as they felt like, to let his seed take root, and they were happy to comply. It was the goal, after all.

Sebastian's paw snuck down to stroke over Jane's belly. That was when he noticed it was bulging with his cum, and with the petite cheetah still plugged with his massive knot, it'd remain like that for a while. It was a good look for her, he found. It'd still be a shame - but also a joy - to see her normally flat belly grow heavy with children. Would she ever be this perfectly fit again? Ah, it was a question to worry about in the future. She'd look adorable either way. Slender, chubby, with a baby bump, for all their teasing of each other he still loved her with every fiber of his being.

The wolf leaned down to lick all the way from Jane's still-stiff nipples, through her sleek fur, up her throat - which always made her squirm - and to her chin.

"Mm. Oh man," he huffed, in what was meant to be a whisper but ended up more like a hoarse groan as a shivering aftershock jolted through him, squeezing a few more drops of cum into the overfilled cheetah. "The only thing I love more than you is how you smell when in heat."

"Yeah, I know you love that eau de bitch in heat," Jane giggled. "If you'll excuse my French."

"Well, not with anyone. Any common bitch can go into heat, but only you smell like youin heat," he rumbled, stealing another lick, this time over the cheetah's cheek.

"Oh, you silly big brute," she sighed, with another loving gaze shared between the two.

"So how does getting knocked up feel?" he asked, after another moment of quiet recovery.

"You'd not even believe me," Jane replied. "The heat being satisfied is like... the best feeling ever. Kinda like you've been in a desert, shrivelled up like a raisin, and happen upon an oasis. But instead of water, it's like... juice. Ice-cold juice... and with orgasms," she smiled. An almost maternal, and certainly adoring smile. Sebastian could only imagine the feeling, but from how she described it, it was at the very least satisfying. "Might have to tease you more the next time I'm in heat. Earn another 'punishment'..."

He reached down to tickle her as some additional punishment, and she yelped in response, squirming and thrashing, which had the side effect of her inner walls massaging, squeezing, and rubbing at his knot some more. Combined with the scent filling the room, he was actually starting to feel like going for seconds... or thirds, at this point?

His lips closed around her perky nipple, sucking gently, and soon her protests faded into soft, willing moans.

"Think they're done, now?" her mother groaned, removing her earplugs.

"Yeah, I think so," her father replied.

Jane let out another loud, keening yowl, and she sighed, stuffing the plugs back in.

"At least we're going to have lots of grandkids, dear," her husband comforted her. Worth losing a night's sleep over, probably.

Sure enough, while her parents never did stop teasing her about that night, they were quite happy when, a few months later, the two visited again. Jane's belly was, as everyone expected, undeniably swollen, and Sebastian looked prouder than ever as she showed it off. Granted, it did remind all four of them of that loud, horny night, but in the end, none of them would've gone back. Especially Jane. She already found herself looking forward to her next, eventual heat.

Though that one they'd spend at home.