High school through my eyes: Pt. 15

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#15 of His Bright Blue Eyes

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. try not to get caught. if you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Enjoy!

David opened his sleepy eyes the next morning to the sound of silence that shrouded Marc's room. He hugged a lifeless pillow as Marc wrapped his arms around him, resting them on his stomach. He smiled as felt the warmth of Marc's heartbeat tap rhythmically on his shoulder.

David's ears perked as he heard the mechanisms of Marc's door slowly and quietly turn.

"Shhhh." He heard either Tom or Justin say. It was so short it was hard to tell from which it was.

"Ok," Whispered the other in response.

David shut his eyes and pretended to sleep again. He kept his ears perked, and heard the pads of two softy digging into the carpet.

"What are we gonna do?" Justin asked to Tom.

"Ok," Tom said as he grabbed the end of the bed. "Grab the other side of the bed and we'll shake it and shout "earthquake!"

"Oh," Justin giggled and grabbed the other end.

"3," Tom started to count down.



Suddenly, David stretched his arms and legs and yawned loudly. He rolled over, breaking Marc's grip on his stomach and wrapped his arms around his wolf.

Marc's eyes slowly open as they met David's. He smiled at his husky. He was the first

thing he wanted to see ever morning from now on.

"You know," Marc started to say. "If those two eyes are the first thing I see every morning, then nothing can go wrong that day."

David just smiled and pointed his eyes to the two frozen felines who were at the foot of the bed.

Justin broke the silence by slapping Tom on the bicep.

"How come you never say anything like that to me when we wake up!" He walked away like he had nothing to do with it.

"Huh?" Tom said and followed his lion. "I didn't know you liked that romantic stuff?! Justin!"

"Just yank his tail!" Marc called out to him. He smiled and went back to lying beside David again.

Silence snuck by as they gazed. Eye's like crystals, staring at a different colored copy of itself. They glistened in the morning sun like fresh dewed grass.

Each felt so naked, and yet so sacred. Like standing before a prophet or a higher power, to be judged.

"Why do you like me..." David asked Marc, breaking the silence.

"Huh?" Marc asked. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know..." David said. "I'm just a burden most of the time."

"No your not..." Marc said as he took him in his arms again. "You're something worth

waking up for everyday."

David flattened his ears against his head as Marc kissed the top of it. He suddenly sat

up and grinned and evil grin.

"You know what I just realized?" David said, that grin still on his face. "We haven't

done anything since that hotel room."

"Yeah..." Marc said looking back. "We have time right now?"

David grinned and kissed Marc deeply. His tongue begging for an entrance to the

mouth it longed for, for so long. Marc granted it almost immediately, as their tongues

danced together again.

Marc's paws began to wonder as Tom barged in on them, ruining yet another session

between Marc and David.

"We have to go to the mall today!" Tom said as he sat down between them. "We only

have 2 more days till school starts!"

"Yeah..." Marc said, pushing Tom off the bed. "Days! Not hours, minutes, or seconds.

Days! You couldn't give us half an hour at least?"

"No!" Tom said, pulling both Marc and David out of bed. "Get dressed, we have to go


"Dude!" David shouted. "We're almost naked here!"

"Get dressed!" Tom said and ran to the door. He about opened it, when it smacked

him in the face.

"Are they ready?!" Justin asked.

"You smacked me with the door!" Tom screamed, holding his nose.

Marc raised his paw and waited to be noticed.

"I'm sorry, sweetie!" Justin said and kissed Tom's nose. "You shouldn't stand behind


"Guys!" David shouted, forcing the two frantic felines to slow their stride. He then

point the Marc's raises paw, waiting patiently to be called on.

"Yes, Marc?" Justin said as he patted Tom's now bleeding nose.

"I am defiantly not going ANYWHERE without taking a shower," Marc said, grabbing

David's tail. "Neither is he. So you'll have to wait about 15 minutes."


After about 20 minutes, both canines emerged from their steamy haven to see Justin and Tom playing video games. Tom was glad he was finally winning, but Justin was getting the hang of it and making a comeback.

"Ok everyone." Marc shouted and shut down the game system. "Since we were

interrupted for this much needed mall trip, you will be too. Let's go!"

"But we're almost..." Tom said mindlessly as he played with his tongue-ring inside his


"Yeah we have to..." Justin said, and then also broke off his sentence.

David looked at Marc with annoyance then got on all fours. He snuck under their line

of vision, which wasn't hard seeing as they it was basically the square of the TV, and

pushed the power button on the system.

"Why..." Tom said in disbelief. "...Why would you do that...?"

"Yeah?" Justin said, putting his controller on the ground. "What gives?"

"If you couldn't give us half an hour to fool around, then why should we give you time

for video games?" David got up and went back over to Marc.

"Yeah," Marc said as we walked over to the stairs. "Now, everyone get there shit and

let's go."

With twin groans, Tom and Justin got up and went into the spare room, where they

slept last night. David followed Marc and met him downstairs in the kitchen.

"Can you believe those two?" David said with a slight bit of annoyance planted in his


"Yeah I know..." Marc said, sighing heavily. "Tom's always been selfish like that,

though. I'm just surprised that he found someone who can put up with it, and yet be so


There was silence as the two leaned up against the counter. David occasionally

glanced over at Marc's stomach, but would turn away when he tried to catch his glance.

"Something on your mind?" Marc asked as he looked over.

"Kind of..." David said after a slight pause. He raised his paw to the back of his head

and scratched. "...Did your wounds heal yet? Because you still have a bit of a limp, and

you don't seem to be wearing your bandages, even though you have plenty."

"David?" Marc said as he smiled. "Are you worried about me?"

"Yes I'm worried about you!" David replied quickly. "You need to be wearing your

bandages and be lying in bed while your muscles heal. Not going and running around

some mall."

"David..." Marc said. "My muscles are fine. And so are my cuts. Wanna see?"

"A little bit..." David said timidly.

Marc smiled and pulled off his top, revealing the remaining damage. He had to pull

slowly so he wouldn't irritate the wounds on his torso.

David gasped at the improvement of the scabbing on Marc's abdomen. The fur was

starting to grow back as well, which made David feel more at peace with everything.

"You recover quickly..." David said, now he was blushing. He felt like an idiot for worrying so much. "Sorry..."

"For what?" Marc said and smiling. He rubbed his head under David's chin

affectionately. "You just worry about your wolf, that's all."

Marc suddenly got a flashback of last night when Tom tried kissing him. He

remembered Tom purring on top of him and expected David to do it for some reason.

"You alright?" David said, noticing Marc froze from his previous affection rampage.

"Huh?" Marc said as he snapped out of his delusion of Tom's lips coming close to his.

"You just stopped all of the sudden," David said. "Now, is there something on YOUR


"Well..." Marc said as he stepped back to make eye contact. "...I kind of have

something on it, but it's nothing big."

"What is it?" David said as he melted under Marc's ocean eyes. "You made me tell

you, so you gotta return the favor."

"But..." Marc said as he suddenly felt really guilty. "It's nothing important..."

"Of coarse it is," David said, still keeping eye contact. "Anything on your mind is

important to me."

"Ok..." Marc said. He breathed in deeply and braced himself. "Tom tried to kiss me last


David's eyes widened, but still kept glued to Marc's. The kitchen seemed to darken as

the awkward shroud crept in and covered them both.

Suddenly, there was a large bump from upstairs, followed by cries of pain.

"Sounds like they fell off the bed..." Marc said as he chuckled a little.

"Did you kiss him..." David said in a mind-scraping, serious tone.

Marc took a deep breathe and sighed. He made eye contact with David and kissed

him. "How could I kiss him when all I could think about was the face you're making right


"So there's nothing between you two?" David said, smiling a little.

"Definatly not," Marc said as he kissed him again. "You're the boy I want to travel the

back-alleys and beach-coves with. You're the one who I want to wake up beside

everyday, no matter where we are..."

David was speechless. He felt his heart beating in his chest, fueled by Marc's flowing

words. All he could think of was hugging his wolf. And that's just what he did. There, in

Marc's kitchen, they hugged. Static pumped there blood in unison as their hearts beat as



Tom and Justin walked in the front door of Tom's house, shopping bag's in each paw.

"Let's just head to my room..." Tom said and quickly ran upstairs.

"Tom?" Called out his dad. "Is that you?"

"Who else could it be...?" Tom shouted as he slumped on the couch upstairs, same

with Justin.

"Your new roommates here!" His father sounded a bit too excited. "Now, Get your tail

in gear and show him his room!"

"...Roommate?" Justin said in a jealous tone.

"Don't worry," Tom said and kissed him o the forehead. "He's my cousin, so there's no

need to assume anything."

He kissed him on the cheek again and ran downstairs into the living room.

"What a crazy boy I'm involved with..." Justin said as he shook his head, ruffling his

mane. He picked up the wireless controller that was thrown on the ground. He turned on

the system and the T.V. and prepared for battle. "Now let's give this shit another try,

shall we?"

Meanwhile, Tom walked into the living room and saw his father standing in front of a figure sitting

on the couch.

"You ready?" His father asked as he crossed his arms. His tail was twitching, which showed his excitement.

"...for?" Tom asked sarcastically. He realized his father was becoming quite short with

him, though, so he decided to knock it off.

"This is the cougar I was telling you about..." His father started. Tom really didn't feel

like listening so he just surveyed the luggage beside the couch. There seemed to be one

suitcase for clothes and stuff. The rest of it was sound equipment, a computer, and a


"Oh great..." Tom thought. "I spent 40 bucks for a lock for my door, and he turns out to

be a computer nerd..."

"Tom!" His father screamed. "Quite your daydreaming and greet your cousin!"

"Oh! Sorry!" Tom said and snapped back into reality. "What were you saying again,


"I SAID this is Daniel," his father restated. "He's your half cousin and he's very happy

to be here."

"...Hi," Daniel said timidly as he sunk into the sofa. "I'm Daniel and I'm very happy to

be here..."

"Doesn't seem like it?" Tom said under his breathe.

"Excuse me?" Tom's father said.

"I said I'll help him with his bags." Tom spoke up and went to pick up the suitcase

with clothes in it. "Don't worry, buddy. I'm only taking the clothes." He saw Daniel start

to tense up with Tom touching his shit.

"That's more like it, Tom." His father said in a more happy tone.

"This way, kid." Tom said and showed him up the stairs.

"...FUCK!" Tom heard Justin scream and throw his controller, it landing on the ground.

"How the hell!"

"What's goin' on?" Tom said as he made it to the top landing, seeing Justin about to

scream in anger.

"I can't beat this fucking..." Justin said and stopped. He looked back and saw his Tiger

followed by a very shy looking cougar. "Hi there!"

"Justin," Tom said, putting the suitcase full of clothes on the ground. "This is Daniel.

He's my half cousin and he's gonna be staying here with me."

"Hi Daniel!" Justin got up and gave the cougar a friendly hug. Daniel didn't know what

to do, so he let him.

"Heh," Tom said with embarrassment. "Justin is a very... personal boundary wrecking

kinda guy."

"Oh..." Daniel said, dumbstruck that a boy hugged him. "That's alright, I guess..."

"Let's help him set up," Justin said and smiled. "We should make him feel at home,

and stuff."

"Okay," Tom said. "Then we'll have a good dinner."

The three cats went downstairs and grabbed all the boxes and suitcases Daniel piled

next to the old couch. They hoisted them up to the spare and planted them right on the

floor. They immediately ripped the duct tape, letting the stale air the boxes held mix

with the fresh air of the room.

"Maybe this won't be so bad..." Tom thought as he started putting together Daniel's



Just like the snap of a finger, the two days flew by like lightning. Marc suddenly found himself reaching for his snooze button on the morning of their first day back to their last year of high school.

Marc hit his alarm clock's sound off then nestled back under his blanket.

"Get up..." David said groggily, pushing on his back. "We gotta get to..."

Marc raised his ears, and chuckled as he heard the husky sawing logs again. He

groaned and rolled out of bed onto the carpet.

"Shower time." Marc said and rubbed his paws together.

"Get the light-bulb OUT of the tomato windmill!" David said in his sleep. "...and don't

even THINK about setting the printer on fire..."

"...Wonder what he's dreaming about," Marc said as he stripped to his skins and threw

a towel over his shoulder. He opened the bathroom door and turned the shower on to his

desired temperature.

"Gah!" David screamed in the other room as he was brought back to consciousness by

Marc's alarm clock. "Curse you, infernal contraption!" He rose out of bed with a hunger in

his stomach, so he headed down to the kitchen.

"Huh?" David said as he perked his ears. Someone was coming into the front door.

David's first reaction was to duck behind the staircase in the closet.

"...You'll love the place," Came a females voice. "It's barely even used. The only one

that lives here is my son, but he won't bother us."

"Her son..." David said as his eyes grew wide. "His mom is here?! Right now!?"

He began to panic as he heard footsteps moving closer to the closet. Moving the

coats, he hid behind what he could so if they opened it they wouldn't see him. He was in

his just his boxers after all, which would bring up awkward questions.

"Just put your coat in the closet," His mom said as she opened the door.

She paused, looking in the tiny closet. She grabbed Marc's denim jacket and looked at


"Marc's loosing taste in his clothes, I see..." His mother said and threw it back in, it

landing on the floor. "Luckily we have an extra place for your coat right here."

"Thanks!" said the male, finally.

David got a peak at the new male in Marc's mother's life. A muscular weasel put his

leather jacket where Marc's denim once hung.


Marc gave out a sigh of relief as he stepped out of his steamy euphoria. He had missed his showers all summer, and now he finally had them back.

He checked himself in the steam-covered mirror for any slight imperfection.

"Well I guueessss this'll have to do," Marc said to himself. "I'm going to bed expecting

better next time, though. Got it?"

His refection just mimicked him, as it always had. He snickered at his new found

comedy in himself and went to go hunt for David.

"Now where could my husky have gone?" Marc said as he shifted the covers, finding no

such husky hiding underneath them. "Maybe he went for food."

He bounded downstairs and went into the kitchen, walking right by the closet.

"Looks like he was here?" Marc said to himself, then perked his ears.

"...Marc!" came David's whisper from the closet.

"David?" Marc giggled. "Why are you in the closet?"

"I had to hide," David said, looking at him through a crack in the door. "Your mom's

here with a male!"

Just then, Marc could hear the creaking of the hardwood from the hallway that leads

right to the kitchen.

"Stay in there until I say," Marc said, looking eye to eye with David through the crack

in the door. "Got it?"

He saw David nod and make an attempt to get more comfortable in the coats.

"Marc?" came the voice of his mom as she entered the kitchen. "What are you still

doing here? Today is your first day of school isn't it?"

"...It's only 7?" Marc said in anger. He really didn't want his mother to be there right

now. "...school starts at 8:30."

"Why are you near the closet?" His mother said, avoiding the topic of how much she

really didn't know about him.

"I could smell another male in my house." Marc said coldly. "Who is he this time..."

"His name is Welka," His mom said with a hint of fake shame in her voice. "And we

weren't going to be here for long."

"Good," Marc said, keeping near the closet incase his mother tried to open it.

"Excuse me..." His mother had implanted an angry tone in her voice. "I will not have

my own son talk to me like that."

"What's the difference?" Marc said, not taking his mothers warning into consideration.

"It's not like you're here for anything I do anyway. In a couple minutes you'll be off

doing who-knows-what for who-knows-how-long..."

"You have no idea what I do for you..." His mother said quietly. "I could just throw you

out... Just like I did with your father!"

"Shut up!" Marc screamed. "If you are black-hearted enough to throw me out... Then go


David saw Marc's mother walk closer to him and raise her paw. He closed his eyes as

he saw it start to fall, and cringed as he heard a harsh smacking sound, followed by

Marc's squeal.

"That's last your warning, young one..." His mother said. "One more slip-up... And

you're on your ass on the street."

She walked to the back of the house and summoned her weasel, who didn't seem like

the most charming of furs.

"Outta my way, boy..." He said to Marc, who was still guarding the closet. "I need my


"I'll get it for you..." Marc said coldly, wiping his mouth. He opened the closet slightly

and grabbed the ragged leather coat.

"Thanks..." The weasel replied with the same bone-chilling tone. Then he turned to

Marc's mother. "...Glad this one knows his place."

His mother just scoffed and headed toward the door. "Let's go, hon..."

The two slammed the door behind them and Marc fell to his knees, weeping. David

burst out of the closet and hugged his wolf.

"Everything's gonna be alright," David said as he held him, keeping him warm.

"Everything's gonna be fine."

"Start getting ready for school, love," Marc said as he wiped the tears from his eyes. "I

need something in my belly."

"Ok," David said and headed upstairs for his shower.


Well there it is. 15 for ya lol. Sorry it took so long. Life got a bit hecktic these past couple days. I wont bore you with those stupid problems though. Anyways gimme feedback as always and nect installment will have all of your lovely characters in it :).

