[Draconicon] Dragon Overlord (Chapter 6)

Story by teryxc on SoFurry

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Hatsu and Teryx return to the sanctuary along with other paladins, but their fight with Magatsu proves to be long and hard. (4.9k words)

Commission from draconiconGallery Link: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/37836700/

Two minds, one body. That was hardly the best situation for an operation like this, but Teryx and Hatsu knew better than to try and split themselves at the moment. Maybe there might have been a way, but...

Well, that wasn't quite true. Hatsu had been the one to throw such an utter fit about expelling Teryx from his body into anything but the blue dragon's original body that there was no chance for any of the paladins to help them with that. Even if they'd had an acceptable temporary body, the mage held so tightly to Teryx's soul and mind that there was no getting free.

And this would be a lot easier if we had one more body to be fighting with, Teryx thought at the other native mind to their shared body. We're trying to take Magatsu down with this body and four other paladins, against who knows how many that he's corrupted in there...

They crouched with the other paladins just over the ridge that overlooked the corrupted sanctuary. The other paladins, dragons all, were in the middle of praying. Teryx wished that he could be doing the same thing, but he knew better than to rely solely on his deity in situations like this. It would lead to him getting slammed down again, because - and he hated to admit this - the soul of the body he was sharing was so corrupted that paladin powers were useless. And once one fell that far, it was quite possible for one's god to be completely sick of you, and they weren't likely to help in dangerous situations.

Teryx growled deep in the back of their shared throat, the pair of them peaking their head over the ridge again. The lights that were supposed to light the stairs leading to the sanctuary had been extinguished, likely at the orders of Magatsu in Teryx's old body. The other paladins had been more than willing to listen to the sorcerer once he got into the underground sanctum, and he wouldn't be surprised if they had been corrupted beyond redemption.

But I bet that they fuck well...

The blue dragon rolled his eyes in the back of the skull he shared with Hatsu, glaring at the other personality across their thin barrier between them.

Really? That's what you're thinking about?

It's hard not to.

Magatsu was right. You really are nothing but a slut.

I am more than that. I really am...

Says the weakling that begged him to keep fucking your slit with his foot.

That had been more humiliating than Teryx had imagined. The fact that he'd been trapped in the back of the head, the fact that he'd been nothing but a passenger to the utter ruination of their shared body, the fact that he had been forced to enjoy it since Hatsu had been burning with lust for that sort of treatment: it had been a wake-up call in its own way, and it told him that Hatsu could not be trusted to safeguard himself. Or Teryx, for that matter.

He reached up to the amulet that hung around their neck, and then to the symbol that had been painted on their scales just under it. It was the mark of a geas that the paladins had laid on their shared body, forcing Hatsu to follow Teryx's orders. It would, hopefully, be enough to overwhelm the addiction that the weaker personality had for the evil monster in Teryx's body.

Finally, the other paladins finished their prayers. Their leader, a red dragon with a scar over his right eye named Lorel, glanced at them.

"You ready?" he asked.

"Ready as I'm going to be," Teryx said through Hatsu's lips.

"Then take point."

He nodded, grabbing the rocky overhang over his head and lifting himself up and over it. Hatsu's soft body didn't like being put through that sort of exercise, but at this point, he didn't care. It was going to earn its keep, or it was going to be left behind.

As he ran down the ridge, the paladins followed him. They rushed the front door without resistance and shoved it open, revealing a darkened sanctum in which nothing moved. There was no sound, no light, nothing to show that this had ever been inhabited, ever been used by anything other than shadows and darkness.

"Slow," Teryx muttered through Hatsu's lips. "He might be in my body, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have his sorcerer spells."

Mmph. Just don't hurt him. I need him, Hatsu begged.

I can't promise anything. I want my body back, too, but I need to make sure that everyone else is safe.

That's not fair!

Then you better follow the geas and make sure that we get to take him down properly. Otherwise, I can't be responsible.

Still taking the lead, Teryx led them through the hallways of the ancient sanctum. As far as he knew, Lorel and maybe one other member of the paladin team had been here before, but that was small potatoes compared to what was waiting for them in the dark. If it was just Magatsu, then this would be dangerous beyond compare.

If it was Magatsu and corrupted paladins, then this mission would be far, far harder.

Teryx and Hatsu trembled in unison as they walked along the stone floor, their bare claws clicking softly with every step that they took. They had been given a loincloth and a leather top while they were with the paladins, which kept them from being completely naked, though they still felt that way. Their ass was revealed every time that a blast of wind came through, and that happened with alarming regularity.

Worst of all, however, was the fact that Hatsu was still horny, and it reflected itself through the constant dribbling that slid from the dragon's genital slit. Teryx bit off a number of groans as he felt the clamping and dripping and clenching going on between their legs, grumbling to himself as he felt the little bits of liquid running down their thighs.

You're acting like a dragoness waiting for a suitor.

He's just...

This is more than him just being your other half. This is you being completely out of control for him.


You're not going to be fucked by him again. I'm not going to let you just give in and lose yourself.

But...he feels...

Teryx snorted in disgust, shaking his head. He understood the appeal of lust, and he knew how powerful it was for so many people, but that was why one had to fight it rather than just give in. The more power that you gave your urges, the more power that they had over you, and the harder it was to behave civilly.

They reached the bottom of the stairs, reaching a chamber of pure darkness, and suddenly, Teryx heard something. No more than a shift in the air, no more than the slightest hint of a click of scales on stone, but it was enough.

He jumped back, and a sword sliced through the area where he'd been standing. If he'd been a half-second slower, he would have lost at least an arm, if not more. The blade whistled as it cut the air, and then it came around a second time -


Lorel was there, catching the blade on his. Glowing paladin sword caught the edge of a blackened blade, and the dragons faced off against one another.

"Keep moving!" Lorel commanded. "I'll catch up."

Teryx made Hatsu nod, and they kept pushing through the underground complex. The sanctum went on for many feet through various passageways, and he knew that they had a long way to go.

Further, further, further they went, and every few chambers, another paladin was caught out by one of the corrupted ones. Hatsu and Teryx hissed together every time that they lost one of their bodyguards to the fight, but pressed forward, hoping to find Magatsu before they lost all of them, hoping that their bodyguards would be able to catch up and meet up with them further on in the complex.

However, when they were down to two, and none of the previous warriors had returned, Teryx and Hatsu called a halt. The other paladins, a green dragon and a yellow one respectively, did the same, leaning against a wall as they whispered to one another.

"I don't think the other ones are coming back," Teryx muttered through Hatsu's mouth.

"What are you talking about?" Yellow asked.

"If they won, they'd have found us by now, don't you think?"

"Well, probably," Green said.

"Then why aren't they here?"



"Exactly. If Lorel ended up fighting more than one, he might not have been able to win, and if he fell, do you think the others would have done any better?"

The dragons winced at the thought, but neither of them could gainsay him.

"Magatsu probably corrupted all the paladins here, and if that's the case, then he probably corrupted their weapons, too. That means that anyone that got hurt during the fighting is probably fighting corruption, and that means if they lose, then they're going to be our enemies, as well."

"...Your body is causing us a great deal of trouble, Teryx," Yellow said.

"I know. That's why we're here to stop it."

"And to put you back in it, but that's starting to look less and less possible," Green muttered.

"Well...we're still trying. That said...let's try and keep quiet...and finish off anything that we find before we move further into the -"

"Get down!"

Green lunged forward, and Teryx/Hatsu dropped faster than they realized that they could. A golden blade caught a black blade as it came down, and then Yellow leaped into the fray.

As Teryx/Hatsu rolled over, they saw that their paladin guards were engaged in fighting a red dragon that was flailing his sword around in every possible direction. The light of the other blades illuminated his armor, showing that the golden sun on it had been corrupted into a black circle, nothing more than the end of time and light to be seen. Teryx shivered at the sight of such corruption, knowing that the paladin was essentially damned to the void for this.

The other dragons fought hard, but the corrupted one seemed to be possessed of a strange strength, fighting and shoving the other dragons back with apparent ease. Despite the sweat running along his scales, he didn't seem to tire at the same rate as the true paladins, and shouted and yelled as he fought, using up air that should have been preciously in short supply in such a frenzied fight.

Finally, Green landed a blow that knocked the other man down, sending him to his knees. Yellow darted in for a decapitation, but hesitated for a split second too long. The red dragon lashed out, landing a glancing blow with his blade across Yellow's arm, and Green had to finish the job.

The headless dragon hit the ground, body bleeding out. Teryx and Hatsu retched in the back of their throat, but that wasn't the only thing that sickened them.

Yellow fell back against one of the walls, panting hard as he cupped the injury on his arm. It was barely more than a scratch, but despite that, he was already panting, shaking, shivering from something else.

The corruption, Teryx thought.

Magatsu...he poisoned the weapons...

Turning anyone that gets even a scratch into one of his minions.

Not good.

Then stop being horny about it.

Because he could feel Hatsu throbbing more than ever down between his legs, and he could feel the images that were coming from the perverted mage's side of their shared mind. The images of having a vial of that same poison pushed into their slit and made to corrupt them, of feeling the world shifting, changing, becoming something where they were more dedicated to Magatsu, where they served willingly and with great arousal.

Teryx wanted to slap himself, but knew that it was a bad idea. It would only hurt their cause, not Hatsu's fantasies.

"He's already doomed," he told Green. "The poison...it's going to turn him into one of them."

"...Do you think that happened to Lorel and the others, too?"


"Then...is there any way to stop it?"

"Maybe? If we can take out Magatsu, then there might be something to stop his control over them. But whether we can take the corruption out of them..."

That was the reason question. Were they too far gone? Was the poison going to be enough to turn Yellow into another wanton, corrupted slut that would fight for a monster?

The yellow dragon was definitely panting, one hand drifting in shaky fashion towards his crotch. The whimpering paladin kept grabbing at it, but he arched his back, thrusting his hips forward, the metal keeping him flat for now, but if they were to take it off, Teryx imagined that the yellow dragon would have an erection to rival anyone in a brothel.

Green shook his head, lowering his sword.

"I'll stay with him. For now."

"But -"

"There shouldn't be many more."

"You're just going to leave me to make my way there, alone?"

"Better I stay here, and then come to you, than have Yellow sneak up on us without any warning."

Teryx opened his mouth, then closed it again. There was some validity to the argument, however slight, even though he hated the fact that the other man was right. He glared at Green, then set off into the dark once more.

Hatsu/Teryx moved quieter this time, taking their time to do everything slowly. They tried to ignore the sounds of shouting and screaming in the background, telling themselves that it was only more fighting, not conversion going on. Teryx in particular did his best not to think that. After all, he was, at least indirectly, responsible for anyone that fell to the darkness in this particular mission.

After all, it was his body that had caused all these problems.

But...but it was Magatsu in it that did it.

That doesn't matter. Magatsu is the one that did it, but he wouldn't have had the power and access that he does without it being my body.

What could you have done differently?

Invaded your dungeon with more people. Come with more magic. Fought him differently.

...Okay, but...you know...you're not responsible for everything.

No, but I need to be responsible for this. I have to fix this.

That was all that there was to it.

They snuck by several of the corrupted paladins, managing to see them before the enemies saw the little sorcerer. Hatsu's magic was weaker than it should have been, but it was enough to give them that little advance warning. They snuck around the other dragons, though not without the sorcerer eyeing them up, staring at their cocks, and -

Hey. Eyes on the prize, mind on the task ahead.

I know, I know...just...you know...

You can do that later.

I know...and they're not really Magatsu...

The fact that the little mage was continuing to pine after someone that had abused him so much was not a good sign, but Teryx could only hope that the geas continued to hold. If it didn't, then they were in the deep sort of shit, the really deep sort that was hard to get out of and would cause them both far more problems.

Further, further they went, and soon the screams had stopped. Not wanting to think about what that might mean, Teryx felt his way along the walls, using the occasional bit of magic from Hatsu to see in the deep dark, but mostly keeping quiet. One turn, then another, and then -


They had arrived.

Torches lit up along the walls, revealing one of the central rooms of the sanctum. It had been a place of worship, a place to venerate the godly virtues that the paladin order had been based around. Now, however...

The idols of the gods had been replaced with phallic symbols, symbols that were cast of Teryx's own shaft. Here and there were holes in the wall, holes where the paladins that he had not seen in the hallways had been locked in, their asses facing into the chapel. Overhead, a great circle of magical domination had been etched into the ceiling, showing just how far that the chapel had fallen, how far it had slipped from the great place that it had been.

And there, standing at the far end of the room, half-hidden behind an altar, was Magatsu in his body. The two-toned blue dragon smirked at him, a golden line of spikes along the back of his neck flaring with magical light as he walked around the altar.

"Well, now, you decided to come back on your own. Not that there was ever any doubt that you would; you're too addicted to me to live on your own."

"I'm here to try and help you," Hatsu said, pushing Teryx back. "I need you back. I need you...I need you in me."

"Heh, bold of you to think that I'd ever want your body back. Maybe as a sex toy, but that's it."

Teryx felt Hatsu's pain at that, but also the arousal that came with the humiliation. Their cock was locked in their slit, unable to come out due to the spells that the other dragon had put on them. The various embarrassments, the various bits of sluttiness, were all directly traceable back to Magatsu's manipulations.

The little dragon in a loincloth stepped forward, the leather sticking to their cock slit.

"Please. Just give me a chance to try and make things better. I can make it so that you don't have to hurt. We can share."

"Share? HA!"

Teryx's old body threw its head back and laughed, and to be quite honest, Teryx himself had felt the same sort of hysterical laughter bubbling up at the way that Hatsu was approaching the villain. They were supposed to deal with him, not just let him get away under a shared-living-arrangement in Hatsu's body.

I'm supposed to get my body back, remember?

I know, I know, I just...I need...I need...

The geas symbol on their chest burned, and Hatsu flinched a bit, the amulet resting more heavily on his scales. The dragon was obviously annoyed at it, but he was made to correct himself.

Or, so Teryx thought.

"Please. Just...just come with me. You can fuck me anytime you like. You can use me, abuse me, rape me. I'll let you do it all. Just...just come with me again."

"Heh. You think you can tempt me away from world domination just like that?"

"Please. I need you."

"...And I, frustratingly, need you."

Magatsu flexed Teryx's fingers, and just like that, the smaller mage was yanked across the floor. They almost flew between the lines of chairs, floating over the ground as they were summoned to the corrupted dragon's side. They floated in the air before him, and it was only made worse when Magatsu reached under their loincloth, rubbing a hand against their cock slit.

Up until that point, Teryx had been able to resist the lusts that they were feeling down there, but now that he felt it for real - even filtered through the fact that Hatsu was 'out front' at the moment - he groaned with his host body. They both arched their backs as a scaly finger was forced into their slit, rubbing along their cock, thrusting in and out and almost treating them like they were a female rather than a fellow male.

"Look at you. Weak. Pathetic. Almost useless."


"You're going to be nothing more than a toy, Hatsu. And if that paladin is still in the back of your brain, I hope that he's ready to see you break like the bitch you are."

They were thrown across the altar at that point, the various dick idols getting knocked to the floor. Magic held their legs apart, and Magatsu, in Teryx's muscular, blue body, slapped that big, fat dick against their groin.

It was just as big as Teryx remembered it being, though he hated the fact that his body had been made to forget its vow of chastity so quickly. It was huge, throbbing, dripping with more seed than was seemly for a paladin, and it ground slowly against Hatsu's cock slit, rubbing in the goo that had been dripping from the smaller dragon and sliding the head against the opening again and again.

"Look at that...already lubing yourself up for me. You've always been pathetic, Hatsu. Now, it's time for you to learn your fucking place. And this time...this time, there's no one to rescue you when you break properly."

Teryx hissed in the back of their head, feeling the pressure against the slit growing, swelling. He could feel it getting worse and worse, the thickness on the verge of popping in. They had to do something, or they were going to get fucked.

Trust me...this...this is the best way...

Hatsu begged him, but Teryx would have thrust his way forward and fought if there was any way that he could see to actually win. However, this time...this time he was out of ideas.


Teryx slid back, just as Magatsu slid in.



"Fuck yes..."

They were all making sounds at the same time, but Teryx was the one most affected by the sudden thrust. The popping feeling of that huge dick sliding into their cock slit was beyond intense, particularly with the fact that it had been kept closed for days, weeks, with the chastity spell that had been laid on them. He felt Hatsu arching their back, thrusting their crotch up to meet the other dragon, but it was the intense feeling of being stretched down there that him hard.


Hatsu was moaning, unsurprisingly, but Teryx felt like he might have been doing the same thing in the other dragon's position. Each slow thrust, each not-so-gentle pop of that cock head past their cock slit was hitting buttons that he didn't know that they still had. Their cock was throbbing, swelling, dripping inside of the slit, and both dragons were gasping in short order as Magatsu fucked them.

In, out, in, out, each thrust opening them up further, gaping their cock slit. The feeling of something so heavy, so powerful, so huge in there was more than Teryx could take, and he was soon left floating, gasping, shivering, unable to think.

Thrust, thrust, thrust, the wet slickness adding to the mess, the sound, the squelching. Hatsu moaned, his legs twitching, his toes curling, his eyes rolling back.

"Look at that. You're already...already close to breaking, aren't you, bitch? Looks like you weren't ready to be on your own, after all. Looks like you're just going to be another one of the toys that I keep around here..."

Teryx wanted to fight, but there was no fighting when your cock slit was split by a cock. He groaned, whimpering, shivering, feeling the corruption spreading yet further through their body with every thrust that slammed into their core. Their cock was getting battered, weakened. Even if the spell was ever removed, he wasn't sure that they would ever be able to get hard again.

In, out, in, out that cock went, breaking them, shaping them. Their cock slit was becoming little more than a pocket pussy for the other man. Magatsu growled over them, slamming them firmly against the altar as he rutted their little slit. In and out, in and out, each thrust burying it up to the hilt, making a bulge through Hatsu's scales.

The smaller dragon was gasping for breath, thrusting his hips up, begging for that cock. Teryx fought to remind his host that they were trying to trap Magatsu, to force him to give up Teryx's body again. They were...they were supposed to...

The geas is still in effect...why isn't he...

He didn't know. All he could do was ride the forced pleasure between the pair of them. The intensity of his cock slit being invaded, and the strange, rising pleasure of feeling his own cock sliding into something.

Maybe it was the fact that his body was so close to him, now, but he could feel both the pleasure of his own body and that of Hatsu's. Together, they were overwhelming, making it impossible for Teryx to think, only possible for him to react.

Pop, pop, pop went that cock, forcing Hatsu to gape between their legs, beating their shaft to a pulp. Their orgasm was right around the corner every time, but without that cock inside of them, they were never going to go over the edge. Teryx wanted to scream, and more than once, Hatsu actually did.


Magatsu laughed at them, looming over them still, keeping his cock hilted and just grinding for the moment. He smirked.

"Look at that. A few minutes of thrusting, and you're already willing to give in. A few minutes of my cock, and there's nothing that you won't do for me."


"Look at you, drooling like the whore you've become. You always were the lesser half. Now I can see it for real."


"And this time, I'm going to finish the job. Time to mark you, Hatsu. Time to mark you as the lesser..."

Magatsu went to pull out, dragging his cock halfway from Hatsu's slit...and then, Hatsu clamped down.

The sudden tightness surprised both Teryx and Magatsu, both of whom had obviously thought that the cock slit had been battered into complete submission, into gaping looseness, weak and nothing more than a little fuck-hole. Instead, Hatsu not only held the other's cock as tight as he could, but was rippling the inner walls around it, milking it, squeezing it, forcing it to be stimulated yet further.

And as he did it, the geas amulet burned, and a spell began to rise.

"What - you bitch!"

Magatsu raised his hands, obviously intending to let loose with his magic, to rend the smaller dragon limb from limb, but another spasm, another clench, another rippling tug pleasured him too much to cast.

You...you planned this? Teryx asked.

I did. Kinda. Sorta.

It came to you while he was fucking you, didn't it?

Look, just shut up and get ready to get back in your body. He's going to cum soon, and that'll give you an opening.

Teryx nodded, readying himself. He could feel the pulsing between Hatsu's legs and his own, the combined pleasure making it difficult to focus, but now that he had hope...now that he believed it was possible...

With a final groan, Magatsu arched his back, thrusting his hips forward. The seed splattering into their slit seemed to activate a spell, and Teryx felt himself being pulled forward. He went blind for a moment, then felt things far too keenly. Pleasure, overwhelming pleasure, throbbing, pulsing. For a split second, he was a cock.

And then, he opened his eyes, and he was looking down at Hatsu instead of looking up at his own body.

No! NO!

Teryx shook his head, pulling out. He heard Magatsu's voice screaming in the back of his head, then felt it going quiet, quieter, then silent as he yanked himself back from Hatsu's slit. He felt the spasms of his pleasure rippling through him, the sudden, powerful orgasmic feeling that he had been denied as a paladin - and then as the passenger in Hatsu's body - running through him almost painfully fiercely.

Spurt, spurt, spurt, each shot leaving his cock felt like some bit of horror running out of him, replaced by a feeling of shame rather than a feeling of a pleasant afterglow. The dragon pulled back, trying not to spurt too much onto Hatsu, but it was a bit unavoidable at that point. He groaned under his breath, trying to push his cock in a different direction, but it was so hard, so easily stimulated, that it was almost impossible.

When it was finally over, he slumped back against the nearest wall, and Hatsu sat up on the altar. They looked at each other for a moment, then Teryx looked away.

"You did it," he muttered.

"Well, technically, we did it," Hatsu pointed out.

"Doesn't mean that you weren't the one responsible. You came up with the idea, and you got me back in."

"You're welcome."

"Where's Magatsu, now?"

"...I'm not entirely sure. We were going to get him back in my body, but he's not there now..."


"I'm going to try and find him."


"He's part of me. I need him."

"But what if he's dead?"

"If he was, then I'd be a lot worse off than I currently am," Hatsu said, almost matter-of-factly. "I'd be breaking down. Maybe dead."

Teryx nodded slowly, rubbing the back of his head. He had half-expected to hear the mad laughter of Hatsu's other half in the back of his mind, but ever since the scream, there'd been nothing. Just the feeling of being back in his own body, feeling his own strength, his own limbs...

His residual corruption...

Great...just great...

"Are the others going to be okay?" Hatsu asked.

"Let's find out." After all, he could use a distraction.