All-Time High S1E11

Story by MasterYubelMarik on SoFurry

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Math at All-Time High is revealed.

Strength in Numbers

"Welcome to math class. I know it's often a boring subject for students, but I teach it a different way. I have a model featuring areas where I can insert numbers in various places. They're not meant to look like anyone in particular, but I think you'll find her visually appealing. See what I mean?" explained Mrs. Weighsaton.

"I never thought I'd see the day where I'd want to date something like that," remarked Marcus.

"This is your way of teaching math? Some of us prefer the boring way as it's how it is properly taught," protested Kelly.

"You'll remember it better this way, trust me," assured Mrs. Weighsaton.

"I feel it's a representation of me, given my physique," noted Persephone.

"I suppose I can see your point. Like I said, it's not based on anyone, though was designed with this school's mindset. We figured It'd help cement the various methods into the mind better. Now we just need to plug in the numbers and it should stick," continued Mrs. Weighsaton.

"Oh man. This is going to be good. I've always hated math, but this looks like a lot of fun and reminds me of someone I know," thought Kyle.

"Before you start getting into problem solving, you'll need the various formulas, and thanks to our model, they're right where you need them. You just need to copy them down. I'll wait for you all to finish. I also have them on the board too," added Mrs. Weighsaton.

"This is a pretty nice visual. We already see them with our own classmates," realized Sarah.

"Exactly, Sarah. It should be much easier to learn this way than through textbooks and tutorials from regular schools," nodded Mrs. Weighsaton.

"I'm more of a visual learner anyway," added Kyle.

"This is not the visual I needed to see. I may need bleach to remove it from my head after today," thought Kelly angrily.

"It's nothing like the math I learned, but it sure beats it by many miles. I was never good at it at Lower Raise Academy. Should be much easier to understand the concepts," thought Persephone.