Not Expected

Story by GreyGhost on SoFurry

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This is my first yiff story that I have ever shared with others...

This story contains adult content person under age shouldn't read this... Blah Blah Blah you all know the rest, if you shouldn't be reading this then don't, that's all that can be asked

Anyway now let the story begin, I hope you all like it

Not Expected

The three o'clock bell rang threw the halls as the classroom doors swung open and the furs hurried out to start their weekend. Ty opened his locker and threw his books inside then slammed it shut, and swung his nearly empty book bag onto his back. The wolf was tall for the age of 16, and had a medium build with slightly define muscles under is light gray fur. "Hey there fuzzbutt" a fox yelled, Ty looked over his shoulder to see his friend Jack jogging up to him. Jack stretched his arm over Ty and grinned up at the wolf.

The two have been friends for many years so Ty knew that grin all to well. "What is it now?"

Jack patted Ty's chest and laughed. "You're coming over to my house tonight, and we're going to watch a video I stole from under my brothers bed this morning." Ty shrugged off the fox and continued to walk down the hall with Jack trailing behind him.

"What's so special about this video anyway?" Jack laughed as he caught up with Ty, pulling the wolf's head down Jack whispered into his ear.

"What kind of video's do you think are hidden under older brothers beds?" Ty blushed at the thought of watching a porno with his friend, as he looked down at the attractive fox.

"Why are you blushing dude?"

Ty quickly shook his mind of those thoughts and looked away from his friend and growled "I wasn't blushing... I ... I was just thinking is all" Ty had a real reason to blush, the fur that he had liked for a few years now had just asked him to watch a porno with him. Ty hadn't yet told Jack that he was gay for the fear that he might loose his closest friend. The two furs stepped out of the school and headed down the sidewalk as Jack started to laugh.

"I know what you were thinking about, I know why you were blushing..." Ty started to blush again, and began to worry. Had jack found out that he liked him? Jack smacked the large wolf on the back still laughing.

"... You want to paw to the video, don't you?" Ty turned his head away and insisted that that wasn't the truth. Jack patted his friend on the shoulder "Ty its ok man, like every guy paws off, and what do you think porno's are for anyway. To tell you the truth I can't wait to paw to it... well when you go home of course. I mean come on your imagination is good and all but watching some hot video is so much better. Right?" Ty nodded in agreement as they walked to Jacks house.

"Hey Jack wont your brother find out that his video is missing, he notices like everything. Remember that one time we took his gameboy in sixth grade he wasn't even home for a whole five minutes before he was hunting us down. Something like a hidden video going missing will catch his attention fast." Jack put his arm over Ty's shoulders and grinned once again.

"Normally that would be true but Guy isn't going to be home all night. He's off hanging with this friend of his that kinda sounds like a girl when he talks. I mean it really sounds like he's a tailraiser or something." Jack laughed a little as they walked; Ty just kept his eyes on the ground during the walk. Things lighted up as the two furs walked into Jack's house. The two slid off their shoes and packs as Jack pointed to the telephone in the hall. "You should call your mom and see if you can stay the night." Ty nodded and grabbed the phone in the hallway then dialed his number. A few moments pasted as Ty convinced his mother to let him stay the night at Jack's. Ty gave a thumb up that he was able to stay as he sat the phone down.

Jack's stomach growled as he rubbed it. "Come on lets get something to eat. Our school never gives us enough food at lunch, I'm always starving when I get home." With that the two set off for the kitchen but were stopped by a women's voice calling Jack's name. They turned around to she Jack's mother standing behind them with he hands on her hips.

"What are you two up to?" Jack walked over and gave his mother a hug and smiled innocently at her, but his mother knew him to well to be fooled by such an act. "I really wish you would ask more often before you have friends over. But seeing that Ty is over so often I should have known he would be here with you." Jack looked down at his feet and curled his long foxtail around his legs trying to look as cute as possible before asking his mother if Ty could sleep over. Jack's mother grabbed his chin and made their eye's connect. "Fine, just don't get into trouble you two." With that the two bolted down the hall toward the kitchen. "And stay out of your brothers room." His mother added. Jack laughed and Ty did a little as well as they entered the kitchen knowing that their evening was planned because Jack did the opposite.

After getting a snack the two went down into the basement to Jack's room. Jack plopped down into a beanbag chair in front of his Tv, flicking it on. Ty sat down next him on the floor. "So... umm... are we going to watch..." Ty looked down at his lap pretending to play with a pencil he found on the floor. He was blushing more then ever, and was trying to hide it. Jack laughed as he looked over at his alarm clock.

"It's only 4:27. We'll watch it later, after my mom goes to bed... for now we can just play some video games. Hey Ty get the second controller, I want to kick your ass in KillZone." Ty laughed and playfully shoved Jack, then reached over and grabbed the controller.

They played for hours and lost track of time, it was 11:30 when Jacks mother went down to check on them. The vixen slipped into her sons room completely unnoticed because how dark the room was only having the dim glow from the Tv. The two young furs had no clue being completely distracted by their video game. The silent fox walked right up behind the two and placed a paw on their shoulders. "Ahhhhhh!" The two screamed and jolted forward away from the scare. Jack rapped his arms around Ty and bared his face in his chest. Ty held his arms up in front of him covering his face, trying to peek out to see what grabbed them. Jacks mother burst out in a roar of laughter.

"Sorry guys I just couldn't help myself... Well goodnight you two, I'm off to bed so don't make to much noise and actually go to bed. Don't stay up all night." Jacks mother turned around and headed upstairs, giving a final "goodnight" before closing the door.

Jack took his head from his friend's chest and scowled at the door. "My mom can be a jerk some times" Ty didn't hear him, he was in a trance from Jacks scent. He had dreamed of this moment for a long time, finally he was being held by the fur he liked. A bulge started to form in the young wolfs pants, returning back to reality he looked down and became very nervous. Jack pulled away and got to his feet mumbling curse words at his mother for scaring him. He slowly walked up the stairs to lock the door. Ty looked down at his growing bulge, worried that his friend would see him with a hard on. He jumped to his feet, bolting past Jack and opened the basement door.

"Hey, where you going?" Ty peeked back around the corner making sure his friend couldn't see his ever-growing bulge.

" I... I got to go to the bathroom." Ty continued down the hall at a good pace, he need to get to the bathroom. Ty closed the bathroom door behind him and leaned against it, and slide to the floor. He couldn't believe his mind was putting through all this. Ty took a few deep breaths and tried to flush the thoughts from his head, beginning to calm down he notice all his worrying helped him lose his hard on.

After some time in the bathroom Ty went back downstairs. "You really had to go didn't you?" Jack giggled continuing to laugh as he got up and walked over to his bed, lifting the mattress and pulled out the videotape he took from his brother.

"Now for the entertainment, curtsy of Guy." Ty sat down in the beanbag chair as Jack hooked up his VCR. With a click he slid the tape in and hurried to turn off the lights and grab a large pillow from his bed for him to sit on. The two furs watch the screen closely waiting for it to start, with a click from the speakers an image showed on the screen. The room looked like a hotel room, having a large bed and two bedside tables with dull lamps. A young wolf lay on the bed only in a pair of black boxers, making his white fur stand out.

"Dude that guy is lucky, man he's only a little older then us and he's in a porno." Jack leaned in looking closer at the screen, then tapping Ty's shoulder.

" I swear I've seen him before." The two continued to watch the movie. The young white wolf started to slowly rub his crotch with one paw as the other brushed across his chest, all the time looking directly at the camera with a smile on his face. The wolf sat up and sat at the edge of the bed, then motioned his paws as if to call someone over. The wolf laid down as a large fox entered the picture and climbed on top of him. The two kissed for a moment before rolling completely on to the bed giving a side view allowing to see both of them clearly.

"Oh My God! That's my brother. Holy crap my Brother is gay! I knew I recognized that wolf. Ewww turn it off, turn it off." Jack jumped up and pushed the power button, turning around he pushed his paws threw his head fur. "Sorry man, I didn't know my bro was a tailraiser. Oh man I'm totally going to tell mom. He is so busted." Jack shook the tape in his paws. Ty jumped up and grabbed the tape and held it behind his back away from Jacks grabbing paws.

" I can't believe you would tell your mom like that, you should talk to your brother before blowing his secret to your mom. So he's gay and you found one of his yiff tapes get over it. What do you hate gays or something?" Jack glared at Ty for a moment before turning around and turning off the Tv.

"Why do you care, he's not your bother. And I don't hate gays... its just a little shocking founding out your older brother is gay." Jack pushed his paws through his head fur again. "You really can't imagine what this is like, but your right I shouldn't just go running to my mom like some childish pup". Ty held out the videotape and gave Jack a sad look.

"By the way Jack I can totally imagine what its like, and I'm sure your brother will be ok talking with you about it if you approach it like an adult."

Jack looked at the tape and took a deep breath before taking it from Ty. "Yeah your right. I'll put it back, but that doesn't mean I won't use this information to blackmail him." Jack started towards his brother's room, stopping at the door then he used a card to break into the locked room and came back a moment later. " I guess we should go to bed now." Jack slid Ty a grin and laughed. "I know I'm pretty tired. I guess beating you so many times in KillZone really took it out off me." Ty threw Jacks pillow at him as he said his goodnights, then fox turned off the lights and went to his bed.

An hour pasted and Jack was in a deep sleep, Ty could see the faint image of his friend sleeping on his bed. Ty laid restlessly on the large beanbag chair, because he's mind wouldn't let him sleep. His mind was racing with what he experienced both from his friend and from the movie. Ty hoped Jack would do the right thing, and if he did maybe he could come out to him. These thoughts quickly went away as his mind went back to what he had seen. Now he found himself thinking of the wolf in the video and the way Guy kissed him. Ty's wolf cock began to swell with these thoughts, so he slid off his shorts siting there in only a shirt and his boxers. His cock was now free form his pants and stood fully hard, poking through the hole in the front of his boxers. Ty grabbed his six inches and held it in his paw for a few moments, lightly stroking it. Ty looked up at the basement door as it swung open; he pulled his shirt over his cock instinctively, trying to hide it.

I shadowy figure walked down the stairs and stopped at the bottom looking at Jack then over to Ty. It was Guy; the fox looked just like his younger brother, same black paws and the same white fur under their chins. The large fox was mumbling something as he walked to his bedroom door. He stopped in the doorway then turned around Quickly to face Ty, then walked over to him. With a swift and fast movement Guy placed his paw over Ty's muzzle keeping him quite. "My doors open, so that means Jack was in my room. Now make it easy on yourself and tell me what he took." Ty shook his head, one to try to get Guy's paw off him and two answering him. Guy sniffed the air and then looked down at Ty's crotch and laughed a little. "Ok, you have two choices answer me or I'll tell Jack other there that you were pawing off in his room. I bet that would embarrass you. Then I'll hurt you both until I get what I want out of you two."

Ty push Guy's paw off of him and sat up a little. "Fine. Jack took a tape from under your bed."

Guy clenched his paws into fists as he shook them into the air. "Son of a bitch, I'm going to kill him. Fuck I'm screwed if he knows. Mom will have a heart attack if she finds out."

Ty grabbed Guy's ankle as he started off for Jack. "Wait. Yeah he knows but I told him not to tell." Ty got to his feet and looked eye to eye with the 18 year old fox, and grabbed his wrist to stop him further. "Just leave him alone, I made him promise he wouldn't tell."

Guy looked at Ty's face, he noticed a look in his eyes, he was telling the truth. He took a huge sigh of relief, and stepped back to lean against the staircase. He slid down the side of the staircase to the floor trying to gather his head. "Good only one disaster to deal with for now... I got dumped for another fur. I guess I wasn't cute enough or something like that, man I thought I loved him and he loved me but I was wrong..." Guy looked up at the younger wolf. "Why am I telling you this."

Ty sat down in front of Guy and put his paw on his leg. " You don't need him, I think your plenty cute... I mean a... umm..."

Guy looked over at Ty and smiled, leaning in to kiss him on his cheek. "Thanks, if it wasn't for you I would be screwed right now. And by the way you're not bad yourself." The two sat there for a few moments, then Guy broke the silence. "Have you ever been with a guy?"

Ty blushed but the darkness hid it from Guy, and he shook his head no in response. "No I really haven't been with a guy, but I am... well ... umm attracted to them that is... I really never told anyone because well I didn't want to loose Jack as a friend or any of my other friends."

Guy chuckled and rubbed Ty's leg. " I know just what you mean hun... I've got an idea, I think we should have a little fun, I'll teach you how amazing it is to be with a guy. You think you're up for it? I know I could go for some right now."

Ty just nodded and looked at Guy dumbfounded with thoughts swirling in his head. Guy grabbed Ty's paw and pulled him to his feet then towards his bedroom. "Come on, its ok." Guy led Ty to his bed and had him lay down, then he turned around and closed his door. It was very dark but both could see each other's outlines clearly because of the bright moonlight coming from the basement window, which gave everything a blue/white romantic glow. Guy pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the side, then walked over to the bed. He crawled over Ty and licked his nose. "Relax, and enjoy it."

Guy kissed Ty pushing his tongue inside the wolf's muzzle. Ty moaned and licked at the invading tongue. Ty didn't know what he was doing he's mind was at a total loss but it felt so good that he didn't care. The young wolf really didn't have a clue of what to do, and Guy could tell by how still he was after he broke the kiss. "I forgot it is your first time, just let your body led you. Don't let your brain screw you up." Ty stayed quite for a moment trying to think of what to say.

"Umm... yeah, I mean... this is all new to me." Guy smiled at the wolf as he slid his paw down Ty's chest, lightly touching the wolf's abs causing him to twitch. Ty moaned from Guy's paws softly touching him on his stomach. His paws didn't stay there for long. The experienced fox slid his paws to Ty's boxers and onto his crotch. Ty's mind began to swirl from this new experience, every touch from Guy gave him more pleasure then he ever thought possible.

"Lets get rid of these." Guy tossed Ty's boxers off to the side as his paws return to Ty's member. Ty began to breathe deep as Guy slowly rubbed up and down Ty's shaft with his paw. The older fox withdrew from Ty's cock for the moment as he undid his own belt and pants, letting it all drop to the floor. Ty looked at the foxes nude figure in front of him, his eyes trailing every curve as they some how directed his sight to the rock hard cock in front of him. Guy smirked and crawled back onto the bed and up over Ty. The two locked muzzles once again and their tongues swirled together, Ty was beginning to get the hang of it. The wolf slowly reached up with his paw and grabbed Guys shaft, Guy intern moaned into Ty's muzzle. The two's passionate kiss continued as they played with each other.

Guy broke their kiss and then slid down Ty's body, kissing his stomach as he went. Guy gripped the base of Ty's cock as he began to lick the pre at the tip, then down the whole length of the shaft. Ty began to moan and whimper as Guy slid his muzzle over his cock. He slowly bobbed up and down on Ty's member, as his left paw played with the wolfs balls. Ty looked down at the busy fox and placed a paw on the back of his head, and lightly lifted him off. Ty mumbled at first before he finally spoke. "Guy that was amazing... but do you think I could try?"

Guy looked up and smiled before sliding back up Ty's chest and licking his nose. "I would love you to." He smiled again and rolled onto his back, as Ty sat up and leaned over Guys stomach. With confidence the young wolf took hold of the shaft and licked it. Tasting the pre that had dribbled down its length. Ty loved this new salty taste and continued to lick Guy's cock. He then took a deep breath as he slid it into his muzzle and began to move his head up and down at a slow pace. Moans began to escape the foxes muzzle, as his hips bucked and began to fuck Ty's muzzle. Ty met Guys thrusts with the motion of his muzzle and moaned around his cock as he felt Guy's paws on his rump. Ty swung his legs over Guy as he continued to suck on his cock. Guy looked up to find Ty's member in his face, and quickly took it into his muzzle. The two started to blow each other in unison as each moan turned into more pleasure for the other. Guy's paws slid around Ty's rump, then under the base of his tail to his tight tailhole.

With a small push he slid his finger into the tight wolf, causing to whimper as the finger pushed deeper into him. Ty continued to slide his muzzle along Guys cock; his paws busy rolling Guys balls in his paws. Guy pushed his finger deep as possible as he took Ty's whole length in his muzzle. Ty's tailhole muscles retracted around Guy's finger, giving the sign that he was going to cum. Ty sent jet after jet of his warm wolf seed into Guy's muzzle. Guy swallowed every drop and continued to move his muzzle up and down and slid his tongue on Ty's cock. Ty moaned loudly around Guy's cock, Ty's tongue and the vibrations were just too much as Guy too cumed. Ty tried to get all of it but some slid down Guy's shaft. Ty rolled off to the side and finished cleaning off Guy, before lying next to him, muzzle to muzzle. Guy smiled warmly at the sweet wolf lying next to him, both breathing hard from their fun. Ty kissed Guy this time and smiled back at the fox as they both slowly fell asleep in each other's arms.


Jack woke up when the sun finally stretched far enough to hit his face from the basement window. He blocked it with his paws as he rolled out of bed. Jack put his paws on his hips and bent backwards giving his back a well-needed stretch. With a yawn he lazily walked over to the beanbag chair to wake Ty but he wasn't there. Jack rubbed his eye's and looked around the room trying to find his friend, his ears twitched as he heard to sound of laughter coming from up stairs. He headed for the stairs but was stopped in front of his brothers door, a strange smell was coming from inside. Jack instantly knew what it was; it was the musky smell of sex. Jack stood there for a moment before he found himself inhaling deeply, taking in the strong smell. I strange sensation stirred in his crotch, he was attracted to the smell. Jack finally realized what was happening when he felt his fox cock press against his shorts.

"No this can't be right, I'm not gay. Why and the hell would I be attracted to my brother" Jack began to breath hard as he put his paw through his head fur. Jack paused smelling something else; he went to take another sniff when a roar of laughter from up stairs stopped him. "Stop, stop... that tickles." Jack started up the stairs to see what is going on, as he entered the hallway the noises stopped. The fox slowly crept down the hall to the doorway that led into the living room, his sensitive fox nose picking up the smell again. Jack stepped into the doorway, he had to see what was happening he had to know if what he was thinking was really happening.

To be continued?

...That all depends on you