Plains of Africa - Grave robbing

Story by Inja on SoFurry

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#9 of Plains of Africa

A thief intent on grave robbing has an unexpected encounter with a lonely soul

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story, you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always, I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.

This was just a random idea that popped into my head, trying to write something with an even bigger size difference aspect.

The moon was high in the night sky, as ever watchful and vigilant as she always was. The grasslands were quiet save for an errant rustle of leaves by a stirring breeze from the north. A lone figure draped in shadow scurried between anthill to anthill as it made its way towards the forbidden area known as the elephant graveyard. Pausing at every outcropping to listen and observe, making sure their presence remained unnoticed.

Gradually grassy plains gave way to rocky terrain, a few sparse gnarled trees bent with age dotted around the perimeter of the large pit. The cloaked figure made its way carefully to the edge, picking their way through loose gravel and dry sticks, being careful not to make any noise and alert anyone whom might be around. Cautiously peering over the edge and slowly looking around the expanse of the graveyard stretching out below, dozens if not hundreds of carcasses in various stages of decomposition littered the ground below. Some of the oldest ones now nothing more than bone and ivory glowed with an eerie otherworld light as if their spirits were still clinging to their remains in defiance of the natural order. The air hushed in a supernatural silence, tricking the ears into believing they'd suddenly gone deaf.

The small form sighed, they'd come this far already, it was too late to back out now. The hyenas and baboons had warned not to set foot in the graveyard, it was not wise to upset the elephants, or their spirits for that matter. Desperation and hopelessness had seen to that advice being thrown out the window as debts needed to be paid before a personal graveyard was their own next destination.

Small footpaws carefully picked their way down a shallow sloping path, hood drawn up to fight off the slight chill in the air as well as bringing some small bit of comfort in the illusion of protection. An unnatural chill seemed to follow every step, a growing oppressing weight starting to bow the small forms shoulders the deeper they went into the graveyard, trying hard not to give into fear and panic. Large ears swiveled and flicked at every imagined sound, their head suddenly jerking to one side with ears focused in that direction as it had sounded like someone was breathing nearby. When they turned around however, there was nothing but the large skull of an elephant behind them, the empty eyes and menacing grin staring down accusingly. They swallowed hard, slowly backing away from the hollow unnerving gaze, nearly yelping and leaping from their own fur as something large and immovable met their back.

Small paws clamped down over their covered muzzle to stifle the yelp, the small black-backed jackal whirling around to stare up at what appeared to be a large boulder. But something seemed off with the rock, there was an odd texture to it, looking rough and almost like the bark of a tree. Realization struck and the paw rubbing over the rough surface quickly recoiled back as if from a viper coiling in readiness to strike. There was no sign of movement or life from the form, slowly moving around to stand before the large elephant sitting slouched over. This one was a recent passing, no more than a couple days old by the look of it. Sun and nature had not yet begun to claim them, even though it was hard to tell with the gruesome looking scar running from his chin up across the left eye. The tusk on that side was broken as well, what ever had transpired for this poor soul had not been quick or easy.

A pang of guilt stabbed at the jackal's chest over what they were here to do, but there was nothing to do about it. They had no choice; it was either rob this graveyard for valuables or pick out their own burial plot. Just as the jackal turned away from the fresh corpse to head on in search of treasures, the moonlight glinted off something metallic and shiny. An ornate gold band or some sort was wrapped in the large beast's trunk, as if it was his last dying memory. The jackal hesitated for a moment, thinking twice about taking such a precious trinket, but this one item would be enough to settle debts and then some. Better to defile just one corpse instead of many to get enough items of worth, they reasoned.

"Sorry big fella, I really hate to do this, but I have no choice..." a soft voice whispered, heavy with regret.

A small black furred paw reached out to gently grasp the trinket, trying to lift it free of the trunk as gently as possible. With a sigh the little jackal found it would not be released that easily, it appeared the body was still in rigor and grasping the trinket. Reluctantly the jackal grit their teeth and gave a firm tug, then another as the first barely budged it. The second tug was enough to dislodge the trinket however, though more suddenly than expected and the jackal found themselves toppling backwards in a stumble and tripped over the large tusk of the skull behind.

"Karma, you heartless bitch..." the voice whispered again, along with a nervous laugh. The jackal turned to face into the moonlight, turning the trinket over in their paws as they got a better look at it. There were intricate carvings and patterns all around the band, it appeared to be some form of matrimonial item, which only made the task at hand all the worse.

The jackal sighed and lowered their arms down, turning to drop the trinket into the small pouch at their waist. Facing to look towards the path leading out of the graveyard, they made to step forwards and make a hasty retreat when something thick and heavy wrapped about their throat. A startled yelp tried to issue, but was cut short by a strong squeeze, soon finding their feet no longer on the ground.

"That belonged to my wife..." A deep rumbling voice growled out from behind.

"I'm...I'm sorry, I didn't know! I had no choice; they're going to kill me if I don't give them something...anything..." the jackal whimpered and clutched at the elephant's trunk slowly lifting and turning them about.

"Your poor life choices are no concern of mine, now return my wife's band and leave me to die in peace" the elephant continued.

"If you're here to die, what difference does it make if I take it now or come back later?" the jackal asked hopefully, trying to reason with the large brute nearly double their size. Now they were face to face, the jackal could see the sorrow painfully etched on his large face in the pale moonlight. As soon as the words left the jackal's muzzle, they wished they could take them back.

"It does not belong to you!" he suddenly roared, the sound booming and echoing across the graveyard. Strong hands reaching for the jackal's hood and clothing to rip them away as the elephant searched for the trinket.

A startled yelp burst from the jackal now suddenly nude in the elephant's grasp, dangling by the grip about their throat. Small paws tried to cover their modesty, across her chest and crotch as the elephant looked on with surprise.

"You're female..." came his startled words, making the jackal wince. She always tried to hide that fact, being a loner and female was an almost death sentence in her world. At least if people thought she was a guy they gave her at least a little bit of a chance. When she looked back at the elephant however, she noticed he was not staring at her obvious nudity. Instead, he was staring intently into her eyes, a look of almost recognition in his gaze as his one good eye flitted back and forth between her bright amber eyes partially hidden by a fringe which with surprising gentleness, he brushed back behind her ear.

"What's your name, little one?" his tone had shifted so suddenly, all his earlier anger and rage suddenly evaporated, replaced by a gentle concern instead.

"Mwizi..." she replied with a mixture of surprise and confusion, it seemed he was no longer interested in getting his trinket back. Instead, his gaze seemed to be searching hers for something, something she wasn't sure she even had or could offer him.

"Forgive me Mwizi, I am Huzuni. I came here to be with my wife, I no longer have a herd or purpose to be in this world any longer...but your eyes. You have her eyes....why do you have her eyes?" He questioned, his sorrow bubbling to the surface and his last few words cracked with emotion. Tears glimmered like pearls in the moonlight at the corners of his eyes, unable to turn away from the small jackal's amber gaze.

Mwizi didn't know what to do or say, her nakedness forgotten as she reached out a paw to gently stroke soothingly along his trunk. With a soft sob she found herself slowly being drawn in against his firm round belly, her head resting on his chest as strong arms wrapped about her. What should have been an awkward moment was instead tinged with understanding and comfort as she gently stroked and pet every part of him she could reach while she was lightly shifted about against his heaving chest with every sob that wracked his large form. She truly did feel for the big brute, no doubt he could snap her like a twig without much effort, but instead he showed immense restraint and gentleness as he hugged her close like a long-lost lover.

After what felt like ages, his hug around her small form shifted and changed, his sobs softening to near nothingness and soon they were replaced by gentle breathing as if he'd fallen asleep. Only not all of him was asleep, soft mumbles were heard as he spoke about his sunshine, he kept repeating a name over and over that must've been his wife "Jau". Every time Mwizi tried to wriggle free of his grasp, he just held her tighter. At first she was just trying to get free and get out of the graveyard, but soon she found herself wanting to escape for a completely different reason.

A firmness was starting to grow and swell beneath her, pushing up between her thighs and threatening to enter her. Mwizi was no fool, she knew how big elephants were and if he kept on like this, he'd inadvertently kill her just by thinking he was making love to his dead wife. With renewed panic she tried to squirm and wriggle free, but only managed to avert his slowly growing length entering her. Instead his cock became trapped beneath her belly, growing further and further until it was nestled between her breasts and under her chin. Mwizi tilted her muzzle down to peer at his length in astonishment, she knew elephants were big, but his cock was almost as big as she was. Just as she was looking down at his length, Huzuni gave a little buck of his hips to rub his aching length against her soft furred form. Mwizi yelped as his thickness bucked up and caught her on the chin, feeling like she'd been punched. Slowly Huzuni began to grind and rock himself against her, rubbing his throbbing shaft against her body.

Mwizi wanted to hate it, glad no one was around to see this for sure, but there was something oddly erotic about a cock almost as big as she was being rubbed and ground against her. The old elephant's scent wasn't displeasing either, smelling faintly of fresh crushed grass and dry dirt as rain began to fall. Not only that but his cock was pulsing and throbbing with his lifeblood, adding a pleasant warmth in the soft chill of the night. His hips continued to roll and thrust up against her, it seemed he was dreaming of fond memories of his wife. Mwizi sighed as she realized the only way she was probably going to get out of this was by making the big brute reach his happy ending. Her soft tongue began to reach out and lick at his broad flat tip every time he bucked forward to stroke it between her breasts. A pleasured groan poured forth from his lips, a good sign she was on the right track. Mwizi continued, giving soft licks and kisses, even suckling a little on his sensitive flesh to try get him to finish as soon as possible.

Soon she felt the slickness of Huzuni's precum begin to bead at the little slit of his cocktip, his breathing becoming more labored and faster as his arousal grew. Her small paws stopped rubbing and stroking along his arms and sides, instead she shifted as much as she could to try push her breasts together around his cock for added pleasurable friction. Mwizi grinned at his reaction, groaning louder and starting to buck against her with growing need. Her grin however would be short lived as she felt one of his large hands caress down her back and give her behind a squeeze, his large fingers delving between her cheeks and thighs. It was too late to protect herself with her fluffy tail as his thick digits rubbed roughly over her unprotected tail hole and soft slit below. His grip tightened and the digits threatened to push into her, her tail trying to press down regardless as he probed her backdoor while his other thick finger found purchase between the folds of her womanhood and slipped inside. Mwizi winced as just his finger felt bigger than the last male she had been with.

Every time he bucked against her body his hand would squeeze at her thigh, his finger inside her starting to pump in and out of her in time to his thrusts. Mwizi began to pant, finding herself becoming aroused as the slumbering elephant used her small form to pleasure himself subconsciously while inadvertently fucking her with his thick finger. Soon the small jackal began to squirm and pant, no longer trying to escape, instead trying to get his finger out of her before he got her too worked up. But his grip was absolute, there was no escaping it, as his grunts and groans increased in frequency, so too did his bucking against her form and his finger probing her tight little pussy.

Mwizi gritted her teeth as she was overcome with a forced climax drawn from her against her will as the elephant continued to grind his digit inside her opening. Her face pressed to his chest as she writhed and squirmed, groaning hotly as she shook through her climax, only to feel him buck rapidly for the last few strokes. Again she felt something hit the underside of her chin, this time it was hot and sticky, more and more of it kept flowing out and soon Mwizi found herself soaked in his potent seed.

As dawn began to crest over the horizon and a new day dawned, Huzuni finally opened his eye to peer down at a rather ragged looking Mwizi. A shy smile tugged at his lips as he sat upright, peeling the sticky small jackal from his chest and belly, giving her an apologetic smile.

"We need to get cleaned up..." he began to say when she suddenly cut him off.

"No shit! I smell like a damned elephant cumrag!" the small jackal snarled at him, arms folding beneath her bust as she glared at him. For his part, Huzuni just chuckled and scooped her back into his arms as he got to his feet, starting to trudge out of the graveyard and heading towards a nearby river.

"First we'll get clean, then we'll go see about these friends of yours whom intend to do you harm. I wish to have a word with them..." Huzuni's voice seemed upbeat, almost hopeful.

"Wait...didn't you come here to be with your wife?" Mwizi asked in confusion.

"I did, but she reminded me there is still so much to live for" he replied with an affectionate hug around the stunned looking Mwizi.