Journey to another world pt2 ch86

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#36 of Journey to Another World pt2

Journey to Another World 5 Ch. 18 " Donovin, I am scared." Rena said as she held up her right paw to me and I saw that it was trembling. 'Please Donovin. It hurts so much.' Jenavee said as she held up her left hand which was shaking too. Just the sight of the two of them like this was watching a horror flick, though it wasn't on the main screen, it was in real life and happening right now. Kneeling down between them, I took both Rena's paw in my right and kissed the back of her paw, while I took Jenvee's in my other hand and kissed hers after Rena's. "I know that you both are scared and in pain, but that is due to the babies coming." Both girls slowly looked down their bodies to stair at their bellies. Their eyes went wide as they did a double take to me then back to their lower stomachs. "Though you don't really need to worry to much as this shouldn't be as bad as giving birth to an egg." Both Jenavee and Rena seemed to take that with a sigh of relief as their faces relaxed a little and they lay back down upon the ground. They only lay there for a few moments as every once in a while they would grasp my hands in a brief pain would run through them for a moment, then settle down for a while until the next contraction would hit. "Now the first thing that you need to know about giving birth to babies is that you shouldn't start to push until the contractions or the waves of pain that you feel start to come closer and closer together. Once they are close enough together then I'll have you start pushing." To which the girls nodded. For the next few minutes I taught both the girls on a simple breathing method that they would need to do in order not to pass out from hyperventilating and a few other things. "Is there anything that we can do to help Donovin?" Undine asked as she snaked her head around to look at both Jenavee and Rena. Turning to look at her as she was on my left I could see that she was fairly fascinated with the whole thing. I heard a small cry to my right and looked over to see that Samantha had also taken an interest in the whole thing and was watching/floating over Rena. "As a matter of fact there is. I need the two of you to go back to camp and bring me back my pack. I'll need several of my clean cloths and probably a towel or two." The two gave me a nod and quickly hurried back into the brush and quickly disappeared. Once they were gone I let go of their hands and stood up. "_ Where...Donovin, where are you going. You are not leaving us are you ?" Rena asked a scared tone as she continued to reach out to me with the same paw. I simply smiled down to her, took her paw in my hand, and kissed the back of it. "I would never dream of doing such a thing in such an important time as this. I just need to get ready myself to help the babies along." Letting go of her paw after I'd given it a reassuring squeeze, I saw her give me a smile then I turned back to the wall of water and picked up the soap that I'd left there and began to scrub. "_If I did not know any better...," Wince, gasp, pant...pant. "I would almost say that Donovin has been through something like this before." Jenavee said over to Rena as she reached down and gently stroked her belly. "_ That is good to hear. Is it true Donovin, have you been through something like this before ?" Rena asked to me as I continued to scrub my arms. I looked over my shoulders and nodded to the two of them. "In a manner, yea. It was my sister." I said then turned back to focus on scrubbing my arms. "Several years ago, when my little sister was going to be born and our dad had long since left, I was the only person there to comfort our mother as she gave birth to my little sister." I paused for a while as I steadied my nerves as a brief amount of anger at my dad surged up. "There was a complication with the birth....and...the doctor told me that he needed and extra pair of hands to assist my mother..." I paused there as memories of all the flashing and beeping from the monitor that was monitoring my mother flashed through my head. "_Was she alright? Your mother and you sister I mean?" Jenavee asked as she began to show signs of fear when she looked down at her distended belly. "It was, a little touch and go there for a moment, but the doctor was able to help both my mother and my unborn baby sister. The rest of the birth was fairly normal and a few moments later my sister took her first breath and cried for the first time." I started to laugh a little bit at the memory of her crying. "I guess that was the first warning of how loud she could be, because after that...whenever she cried out..." I heard a bit of laughter as both Rena and Jenavee started to laugh a little bit. Just then their was a crashing sound and I turned to see Undine and Samantha burst through the bushes and into the small clearing. I saw that Samantha was carrying my pack as if it were her very own backpack and was huffing slightly. "We're back!" Undine said with a confident tone, then was followed by Samantha saying something to Undine, who turned and nodded to her. "And Samantha says that we made sure that we brought everything that you asked for Donovin." Samantha floated on over, turned around in front of me, and the flap to the top of my pack pealed away with her ghostly powers to reveal several cloths and towels within. "We didn't miss anything did we?" I took a brief look inside to see all the things within, then took a towel out of it and started to dry my hands off. "Thanks you two. Now if you'd be so kind Samantha, I'd appreciate it if you could set my pack down next to both Rena and Jenavee, and no, you didn't miss anything." Samantha gave me a nod which made her hat bob a little on her head, then floated over and placed it down in-between the two. "I'm going to need the two of you to watch out for anybody who might come into the clearing here and take advantage of the situation." I said to both Undine and Samantha. "I'm going to be too busy taking care of Jenavee an Rena to give you both commands so your both on your own on as to how you wish to deal with any passerby." To which the two nodded to me and moved off to stand/float near the edges of the clearing. It was a few more minutes until both Jenavee and Rena's contractions were coming within a few minutes of each other and I knew that it was time. Using my backpack to help prop them both up a bit, I helped them both through the tough time together. Jenavee seemed the first one to get through her pregnancy/birthing as she pushed the hardest. "I can see a green head of hair." I said to her as I sat there on the ground and awaited the little one with a towel ready. "Just a few more pushes Jenavee and the worst of it should be over." I told her as more and more of the head was beginning to show. "Now give me one more big push...1...2...and...3" Jenavee cried out mentally and physically as she pushed with all her muscles to bring her baby into the world. It a moment or two before I said a word. "Is it alright? Is my baby alright?" Jenavee asked in a worried tone as she tried to sit up a bit more to see. Just then their was a cry and I looked up at her with a smile. "Congratulations Jenavee. You have a healthy and happy baby Ralts." I said as I held up the blanket that was wrapped around the small bundle. The only thing visible of the baby was it's face that was mostly covered up with it's green hair and a single horn which matched the other that was in the back of it's head but was covered up by the blanket. With a bit of shaky hands, she reached out to the bundle which I happily handed on over to her as the baby Ralts continued to cry. I could see the look of utter contempt/amazement on her face as her eyes shed tears of happiness. She brought the bundle to her and happily gave it a hug as she started whispering something to the little Ralts. It was at that moment that Rena let out a long whine and her face started to scrunch up in pain. "_ Donovin! Something is wrong. I do not feel right ." She said as she spread her legs a little farther and whined out again in a strained kind of tone. I quickly moved over to her side and began to check on her. After checking for a bit, my eyes went wide and I quickly looked up at her. "Stop Rena, stop pushing." I told her in a desperate tone. " Why, what is wrong. Is it the baby ?" She asked as she stopped pushing and tried to relax a bit. I gently had her lay back down and rubbed her cheek. "There is a problem." I told her as I didn't really know how to break the news to her. "The baby...the baby hasn't turned." I told her though it of course was lost to her as I could see the confusion in her eyes. "The baby should be born head first in order for the birth to go smoothly. Since it hasn't turned yet, it is getting it's legs caught and could hurt itself." This news caused Rena's eyes to go wide in fear as she slowly tried to sit up, only to have me push her back down by the shoulder. " You have to help my baby, Donovin. You said that you had to help the doctor to fix this kind of problem before, so you should know on how to fix it now ." She said as she looked pleadingly into my eyes. I could see the fear in her eyes as I too was scared for the infant. "I...can't." I said in a failing kind of tone. "Back then, the doctor had the necessary things to deal with a problem such as this. But out here..." I stopped in mid sentence as I didn't want to tell her the bad news. Rena started to desperately look around to try and find some way or some how to fix this sort of problem. " Jenavee. Jenavee can use her psychic powers to fix...this ?!" She stopped at the last word as she saw that I was shaking my head. "She is still to weak from giving birth to her own baby. Plus, I'm afraid of what might happen to you if she were to try and accidentally hurt something within you." I said to her as I dropped my head and shook it. " There...there has to be something we can do. Please Donovin, do not give up on me just yet ." She pleaded as she reached out and grabbed my shirt with her right paw and my hand with her left. "I never said..." I started to say as I looked on back to her, but was unable to look her in the eye as I knew the likelihood of her and the unborn baby surviving this kind of problem. "I never said that I'd ever give up on you. I'm...," It was at that moment that I saw a reflection in her tear streaked eyes. It was like it was a heavenly sign that was showing me a miracle or giving me a guiding hand. In the reflection of her teary eyes I could see Samantha just as a leaf that was being carried on the breeze blew right through her body. Quickly turning to look over at her I saw it happen a few more times and a smirk quickly spread across my face. "Just hold on Rena, I've got an idea." I said as I gave her paw that was gripping my shirt a quick squeeze. Quickly standing up I went over to Samantha and explained my idea to her about how I wanted her to help Rena. Once I'd finished my instructions she looked at me with the widest eyes I'd ever seen a Pokemon or human have. "Can you do it? If not, then I'll have to risk taking her all the way back to the Pokemon center and chance again that Nurse Joy can help her before..." I didn't get a chance to finish what I was going to say as she placed a solid hand on my shoulder and nodded to me and wiped a few tears that I hadn't realized I had let out off my cheek. The two of us walked/floated back on over to Rena. Ever so slowly she started to push herself up into a sitting position until I gently pushed her back down onto her back. "Not yet Rena. This will be a lot easier to do if your lying on your back." I told her as she gave me a nod and lay as flat as possible but kept her legs in a bent position. "Once Samantha has done what I've asked, then you should be fine to start pushing again." I could see the fear in Rena's eyes as Samantha slowly started to drift down to her and hovered over her stomach. " What is she going to do to me and my baby ?" Rena asked in a fearful tone as Samantha started to reach out with one of her arms/cloaked hands and caressed her still bloated lower stomach. "She's going to use her special ghost like abilities to help turn the baby so that it can be born the proper way." I said as Samantha's arm/cloak started to take on this sort of distorted look and started to faze into Rena's stomach. I knelt down, took Rena's paw in my hand, and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "What she's doing right now is she's reaching into your womb as her arm is in it's ghostly state, reach down to where your baby is stuck, slowly and very carefully pull it back into your womb...," Rena let out a long and low moan as Samantha started to pull the baby back into her womb. "Then turn the baby so that it can it's facing the right way...," Another long drawn out moan, then a bit of a whimper as Samantha's arm started to move around the inside of her and turned the baby. "And finally pull her arm out of your body as if nothing was ever there." I finished as I gave her paw another squeeze and Samantha pulled her arm out of Rena and gave the two of us a nod. " Is it done ?" Rena stuttered a bit then looked over to me which I gave her a nod and helped her to sit back up. " Is my it okay ?" She asked me to which I turned and looked over to Samantha, who gave us both a big ghostly grin and a nod. With that I slowly moved back in-between Rena's legs and took a look. I started to scowl a little as I looked down there and looked back at Rena. 'This isn't good.' "Rena I need you to concentrate on the birth. We don't have much time left before there will be another problem, so I need you to push!" I said in an urgent tone. Without further question she began to push again, and continued to do so as I encouraged her further. She didn't have much time left before things would become dangerous again as to much time had passed and her fluids from the birth were starting to lessen. Without those fluids the baby wouldn't be able to be born with ease and would become trapped within. "That's it Rena, your doing great. I can almost see the nose." I told her as the tiny form started to emerge. " Something is wrong Donovin. It is getting harder and harder to push the baby out ." She complained as I looked up and could see that she was beginning to sweat with the strain. "That's alright Rena, I just need you to keep at it and I'll be able to help you here in a little bit." I told her as I hoped that she would be able to get to that part where I could help her. "Come on little one, your almost there. Help your mommy out and come to papa." I said in a hopeful tone as more and more of the baby was starting to emerge. Then without warning it all stopped. I looked down at the baby as it had stopped with a slight bit of the muzzle out and looked up to Rena. Rena looked positively exhausted. " I do not think I can do much more Donovin. It is getting to hard to push any more and I am so tired ." She said as she panted for breath and sweat dripped down her body. Much of her fur now was matted and had a bit of a sheen to it from the effort of bringing her baby into the world. Looking down at the baby then back up at Rena, I had to make a decision and probably one that she wasn't going to like. "The head is almost out Rena. Can't you give it one more push? If you can, then I'll be able to help you." I said to her in a hopeful tone, which was met with a slow shake of her head. " I do not think I can. It is so hard to even push any more. It feels like the baby is stuck _." She said as she slowly started to lay back. Looking deep into her eyes I could see that she was telling the truth. It had taken to much time to get the baby turned around while it was still in her womb and during that time, she'd lost a lot of the vital fluids that she needed to help pass the baby along. Looking down I could see that the snout of the baby was looking too dry and knew that she was done. 'If she were to even push right now, it probably wouldn't do any good anyways. There's no moisture in there left to help the baby along. If only I'd thought of getting Samantha's help sooner.' I thought as I scolded myself, but I resigned myself to not give up one this baby. So thinking quickly I started to look around again until my eyes fell upon Undine. 'Could she have something that might help Rena? After all, she is a water type.' I thought to myself as Undine looked on with her head cocked to the side in confusion. It only took me a moment to finally come up with an idea on how to use Undine to help Rena. Pulling out a fresh towel from my pack I held it up to Undine. "I need your help Undine. I need you to soak this towel in as much mucus as possible." Undine's eyes went wide as I held up the towel to her. "You want me to do...what?!" She shouted as she reeled back as if the cloth was something fowl or to shocked to comprehend what I'd just asked of her. "Please Undine. If you don't do this, then Rena and the baby could be seriously hurt. All I'm asking for is just a bit of saliva or something." I pleaded with her as I turned more to look at her. "Why not just use regular water? Surely that could..." "PLEASE UNDINE!" I interrupted her with an urgent/pleading tone. "Water will do no good as it just gets things wet. I need something that will make something else slippery." She looked over at Rena and then back at me. "If you do this one little thing I...I'll...I'll get you a full bag of those Poffins that you love so much. A full bag of them just for you." I pleaded with her further in an almost desperate tone. I could see her scrunch up the from of her face in an almost disgusted sort of way as she looked at the towel then back at me as a shiver ran all the way from her head down to the tips of her large fins. "A...alright. I'll do it. Just make sure that I get a full bag of those Poffins when we get back to Hearthome City and not a word of this to anyone." She said as she snapped the towel out of my hand and quickly chomped it down. I could see that really didn't take a liking to the taste of the towel, as she looked almost as if she were going to toss up what she'd just eaten. Then without warning she spat out the towel and it hit me right in the face. " is done. Now make sure that you keep your end of the bargain." As I pulled away the towel a long string of saliva followed from my face to the towel. It took a lot to keep myself from throwing up right then, but I kept down my dinner and turned back to Rena. She was now laying fully on her back and panting quite loudly. "I'm sorry about this Rena, but it's the only way that I can help you right now." * * *


  • * * If you get squeamish fairly easily, skip ahead to the two next paragraphs. Bringing the towel down in-between her legs, I slowly started to rub the slimy towel inside of her vagina and around the pup. Hoping against hope that I didn't push the pup back into Rena, only to have to go through the whole birthing process again, but allow her to easily pass the pup. I was so concentrated on keeping my dinner down and at the task at hand that I didn't hear Rena give out a loud yipe and quickly sit upright. "_ OH MY GOD! WHAT IN GODS NAME DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING TO ME DONOVIN !" Rena screamed out as I continued to work the towel around inside of her. I didn't give her an answer as I continued my work and use the slimy thing to help her. It was at that moment that I felt her start to beat down upon me with her paws and knew that she was really upset. Even though I was trying to help her, I was taking a severe beating until I felt her stop and looked up. "Would you calm yourself Rena. Donovin is trying to help you." Undine said as I could see that she'd wrapped herself around Rena which in turn pinned her arms to her sides. "I just hope that whatever he's doing...," Shudder. "is not...," Gulp. "what I think he is doing with that towel." I didn't know if I really wanted the two of them to know what I was doing so I just turned back to the task and continued to use the towel. Once the towel was fully used up, I threw it away and looked back up at Rena. "I'm truly sorry for that Rena, but something had to be done. If not...," Shudder. "if not then, the baby would be stuck there and the two of you could be really hurt." I paused for a bit as I took a few steady breaths and looked back down in-between her legs. "Now I want you to start pushing again Rena. I don't know how long this is going to last, so we need to get that pup born as fast as possible. Otherwise it could suffocate in there and die." That said seemed to shock her to the core as she looked down at me and I looked up at her. "This could be your, our child's last chance. NOW PUSH!" I yelled at her which made her jump a bit and then give me a nod. I saw her scrunch up her face again and I could see that she was indeed starting to push only to start to ease up a bit a moment later. "DON'T YOU DARE STOP RENA. THIS IS THE BABIES LAST CHANCE." I said in an urgent tone as I kept my eyes on the pups nose. "IF YOU GIVE UP NOW, THEN THE PUP WILL DIE. NOW PUSH DAMN IT!" I yelled at her as I looked deep into her eyes and pleaded with her. Rena scrunched up her face once more, lifted her muzzle to the sky, and let out a long and hard yell. Little by little the baby began to move again and a smile quickly spread across my face, but was short lived as my eyes slowly started to go wide and I started to shake in fear. " ** the baby out? Is it okay**?" Rena asked in-between pants once she'd gotten a little of her breath back. " damn it. Not after all that." I said as I turned away from everyone and looked down at the bundle. "Don't you give up on us. Not after all you put your mother and I through." I said as I cradled the small pup in my arms, then leaned down and sealed my mouth over it's muzzle and nose, then started to apply CPR, doggy/infant style. (Author: Yes, this is how your supposed to perform CPR for pets and infants.) After a few short breaths, I turned the pup over and began to pat it on the back while holding it upside down, then started the cycle all over again. Tears started to cascade down my face as I desperately tried to get the little pup to breath it's first breath, only to have it remain lifeless in my arms as I tried harder and harder. A hand fell on my shoulder and I looked over my shoulder to see who it was, only to see that it was Jenavee. She had a very sad look in her eyes as she slowly closed her eyelids and shook her head. "That is enough Donovin. The baby is gone." I shook her hand off my shoulder and turned back to the baby and patted it's back again. "Not yet. NOT YET! I'm not giving up on this baby, not yet!" I said as my voice grew in desperation and I sealed my mouth over the pups mouth again and breathed. 'If your listening up there...then hear me. I'm not ready to give this little one up to you yet. Give me back my little pup. GIVE IT BACK!' I mentally screamed as I hugged the little one to my chest and cried as my body shook with desperation. I cried and cried and...twitch. I felt a hand slowly rub my shoulder. "You need to accept the..." "It moved." "What?" "It moved." I said again as I slowly opened my arms and looked down that pup. "Come on little guy, move again for daddy." I placed two fingers on the little ones chest and started rub around it's body as I watched it. Just then I saw it's tiny little paw twitch again. "There!" I said as I pointed to it's paw. "It just moved it's paw. You must of seen i..." I felt it's whole body shudder which caused me to stop in mid sentence and slightly jump. I could feel the presence of many more people pressing around me and looked up to see everyone was looking down intently at the small pup and jumped as well as myself as it squirmed again. "That is it little one. Come back to mommy and daddy. Come back to us." Rena said in a desperate voice as she pressed in a little closer to my side, then reach out and stroke it's tiny little head. At that the tiny pup began to squirm even more, balled up it's tiny fist, and let out a long wine. We were all so shocked by the tiny things little cry that every body jumped from being so startled, which was immediately followed by everybody who started to cheer. Amongst the whole confusion, I brought up the tiny pup to my face and rubbed my nose with it's own. "You gave your papa quite a scare their little one, though I always hoped that you'd pull...that's it. That's your name...Hope."