Orelai- Pregame Routine

Story by MigeYeFoxe on SoFurry

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#9 of Orelai

And we are now back in Anton's home country. Honestly, most of this chapter was just setting up how little the teams like each other and also show that some do go about some pregame rituals tot get them ready.

Anton had some reservations about being back in his home country. It was the first time he had been back since he left before the start of the season. There simply was no reason since then to come back. And with all of the extra restrictions in travelling between the two countries had never felt it worth it anyway. And after what had happened in that charity event he had actually been looking at what was being said about him in the press. In Triessa, the general populace had neutral to positive reactions to him. They did call him inexperienced and a bit of a hothead, neither of which he could really deny, especially after going off on Berenor as he had. The criticisms the people in Triessa gave him were genuine criticisms but they were only being fair and assessing him based on the rest of the team and comparing him against Korin, who everyone knew he was there to eventually replace. If anything, in the public eye he's just a rookie that was an easy joke for naming that way of fighting God Mode. He watched some of the parodies about it, some are funny, most were eye rolling. But he's not going to really hold it that much against the country for making a meme about his one way of fighting.

In Feran, however, that was a different matter. Here it was almost exclusively negative. They were practically calling him all the worst things imaginable. In some regards it was to the extent that the reaction of his homeland to him was worse than they were with other people in Triessa. And a lot of the things that were being reported of him are things that simply weren't true. Saying that he's gone into a bad way with drugs, making up several sexual assault allegations from people he had never even met and claiming he only went over to Triessa to avoid trial. They even had some people claim that the God Mode from him was something he was able to do back before joining the Royals and was just intentionally keeping it hidden so that the Feran teams would overlook him. And though technically true that he could have done God Mode before joining the Royals as it was just burning through all his power as quickly and as visibly as possible, he most definitely wasn't saving it for any team. It's just that the Royals were a team that have gone about developing a style when he's involved in which God Mode was a viable option. For his minor league team, that was never the case. If he burned out too soon there then his team would lose. Burning himself out with the Royals was a strategic move. Lose all effectiveness of one piece at the exchange of them losing at least one point and positioning. And yet, there was that difference. On Triessa they point out his flaws and then praise him when he does something right. Like his battle with Berenor had clearly gone viral and was talked about for a day or two. But here, in his home, nothing he could do would be right in their eyes. He could do everything perfectly and they'd still find some fault, or just ignore the accomplishments and make up something else instead.

"Well, looks like our fan club have found us," Rojan said as he stared out the window of their tour bus.

Anton walked over the window and understood now why it was they would use a tour bus in Feran but travel by plane in Triessa. Along the road were a bunch of protestors. They had apparently arrived into the town where their game would be played later that night and a bunch of protestors had come out to greet them. There were quite a few bigoted signs here and there, some aimed even at him. Back when he was in the minors it wasn't that big of a deal since they never crossed the country but he can only imagine what it would be like to try and deal with this coming off a plane. To be assaulted by a bunch of people in such a confined space where they can't be easily protected.

"We'll see how well the plating holds up this time," Rojan shrugged as the people started throwing rocks and glass bottles at the bus. The driver just ignored them and once the light turned green again continues heading towards their hotel. There they'd be able to unpack and unwind for a few hours before it'd be time to head to the stadium for their game. "I was going to ask if you knew of any good joints in this town but given the reception that's probably not the best of ideas."

"Well there is some really good takeout that I know of, possibly could have the hotel or team staff handle the exchange in the hotel lobby. My main concern in seeing all this is how well Korin will handle this kind of treatment."

"Eh, he'll be fine. Or rather, as fine as he usually is," Rojan said, still staring out the window as more objects were thrown at the reinforced windows and sides of the bus. "The league knows all about his condition and they're very skilled at getting him set up and moved safely. Haven't had any problems from that end. And as much as these people seem to hate us, they don't know what Korin really looks like, and even these people know that it is in extremely poor taste to go and just start yelling at a man in a wheelchair with oxygen and an IV drip sticking out of their arm. They may yell a bit at the person pushing the wheelchair at first, but after that they'll just leave him alone. He'll meet us at the arena just like he does for all of the away games in our country."

When they got to the hotel, there's another mob but this time they seemed content to just lob obscenities at them. Though he noticed a large part of that is that the league-hired security forces were also standing around the hotel. Their team, regardless of the political situation, represented a lot of money to the league. The league would stand to lose a lot of money and investors if it came out that they knew there would be a problem and then didn't provide adequate security for the players. Let alone the fact that seeing how bad they were, most of them would probably refuse to cross the border without that protection. Even still, as an extra precaution, even though the players could definitely afford to do otherwise, they're all doubled up.

This time Anton had been paired off with Rojan. They got to their room and immediately Rojan plops down on a bed and starts going through his very own strange pregame routine. He lied down on the bed and brought out his projected form, and then just grabbed his phone and started looking through it. His was a speed type and it's very well reflected in the almost lanky appearance of the feline. And it was always somewhat strange to just see this seven foot tall cat just deciding to lie down on the bed watching TV or checking his phone. There's no reason for them to expect to see anything that won't rile them up on the TV so they just leave that off for the time being. But that's his particular pre-match ritual. He just projects and exists for an hour or so in his projected form. Doesn't use any of his power, just sit and do normal things. Claims it helps him get reacquainted with the manner in which his projected form moves. Anton could never really understand that sentiment, though that is in part because he's never really liked his projected form and would find it awkward to try and just do normal things in it.

"It's going to be so much more different once Korin's gone," Rojan stated out of the blue, somewhat shocking Anton who had closed his eyes more to doze off until the match as he was certain Rojan would wake him up even if he had fallen asleep. "He helped me out a lot over the three years I've been on the team. I honestly don't think I would have made it this far without him. He got me through so many tough times. He's always been there for me and I hate to think of how hard it'll be for when he's gone."

Anton sat up and stared at Rojan. He had never really heard this side from him. He was usually so much more casual about everything, especially before a match. But on reflection, Rojan was always the one closest to Korin, usually being the one to go and make sure he got food and whatnot.

"He doesn't have much longer, does he?" Anton asks.

"You can see it," Rojan sighed and leaned back, his phone resting on his stomach. "You can tell he knows. It's in his eyes. And when he's out and around and not projected you can see just how much weaker he's been. Can't say for certain how much longer he's got. He'll never say and doctors are not required to tell us without his permission. But I'd say a month, maybe a year tops. The team just won't be the same without him," he paused a moment before quickly speaking up again. "Not that I'm holding that against you or anything. It's a logical choice all things considered to start training a replacement Backline. It'd hurt the team far more if we simply pretended it was a thing that was never going to happen and then were just caught completely by surprise when he decides to 'retire,' possibly even in the middle of the season. I get it. It's just, at the same time I kind of wish bringing you onto the team wasn't really necessary. That he'd be fine forever."

"I'm sorry," Anton said, not really sure what else he could say.

"It's fine. It's not your fault. It's not like you have the ability to stop someone's body from eating itself alive. Believe me, if there was such a person then he would have hired their services a long time ago. His own indiscretions are what brought him to this point. He really doesn't have anyone to blame but himself and whoever gave him that vaccine all those years ago. This is the inevitable conclusion of what was going on with his body. It wasn't a matter of if it would eventually kill him as when. And there really isn't anything any of us can do about it. I knew when I first met him that he was going to die. But seeing how weak he looks now, it really just drives home how little time he has left."

"I know. But for now we need to start trying to get ourselves in the mindset for our match coming up. It'd be a poor way of honoring his efforts if you end up getting too choked up on that right before we left."

"I know, I know," he sat up and stretched his arms out a bit before grabbing at his tail and playing around with it for a little while. "So how's it like being back home?"

"Far different than I was expecting. I mean, don't get me wrong, I was never expecting them to come out with like a parade for me or anything. And I know that relations between the two countries have been a bit rough but before I left I just kind of never really put much thought into it. It was just things other people got caught up on. I just always held it as something far too petty for me to blame an entire country over one indiscretion."

"And that's why you're considered one of the good ones."

Anton rolled his eyes, "I'm somewhat afraid based on what I'm seeing if it's even worth it to try and see how my old friends are doing. Would they have succumbed to the insanity that seems to be going on now in this place."

"Well, for what it's worth, we'll be here for you. At least as long as you're still on the team. If you jump ship and go sign up on another team, especially if it's just after Korin finally passes then you're dead to me."

"Yeah, fuck you too," Anton flipped him off and then looked up on his phone for something to order for a meal before the match. A nice feature of his profession is that there really was no requirement from the body. A full belly would have no impact on performance, though it was always extremely creepy on the rare occasion where he ate before a fight to see Rojan feed his mostly unconscious body food. He doesn't want to eat anything big, especially since he has no real desire to buy some for Rojan as well. He ends up getting some fast food joint that is on both countries and then just waits.

After it arrives he ate slowly and carefully, now ignoring Rojan as best he can. He needed to get himself into the right mindset as well. He pulled up the information on the team they're up against. In particular he needed to try and figure out what all their backline was. How they behaved, what they tended to favor, stuff like that. Thankfully there were whole groups online that like to nitpick every single person's tendencies and it's useful to just check up on those sites. And then try and strategize in his mind how best to deal with them. And after that it's just play his game as he wanted. Assuming he's picked to go into the match. The team was not required to post their lineup until they arrive at the arena to minimize the time the other team can plan strategies against them.

And it's especially important in this country most of all. It's rare in Triessa but it does happen where someone so enthusiastic about their team will try and attack the player and otherwise prevent them from showing up. People tended to get very enthusiastic, especially when you have a projector doing it as well. He's been forced out of one match this season for it. Nothing major, they just blew the tires out of his ride and that was all they did. It never posed any physical harm to him. It happens once every few matches and is one of the other reasons most teams will have at least one alternate. But with them in Feran, he wouldn't hold it against them to launch a full-on attack to stop someone from entering. Especially after the reception they got earlier. Might even try and attack the whole team to try and get one of them out. As such he highly suspects the team will decide who goes after they arrive at the arena and see who all made it in time and who all was being delayed.