Do You Love Me 10

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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#10 of Do You Love Me? [Remastered]

While Finnick in the clutches of Fangs, Nick learns from Mr. Big that someone rather close to him has the information he needs.


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Finnick struggled against his cuffs in the back seat of the cruiser. Though the vehicle was well on its way and the cuffs around his wrist were as tight as they could be, Finnick continued to think of a way out. He was still trying to comprehend what was happening. One minute he and Nick were talking and now he was in the back of a cop car. What really confused him were the accusations of the wolf before. It had been so long since both foxes worked for Mr. Big or had anything to do with hard drugs.

"You better pray I don't get out of these fucking cuffs," Finnick snarled.

"Hmm. Well, too bad that's something I don't have to worry about," Fangs sighed, rolling his eyes playfully. "Let me give you some advice, Finn."

The fennec huffed again but said nothing after that. He stopped struggling, the weight of his situation finally starting to set in. Fangs accepted that silence and continued.

"There are two types of cops. There are the ones who live to protect and serve, who wake up determined to make the world a better and safer place for everyone," Fangs explained. "For example we have Judy Hopps. I used to think that she was a hero but man...She's annoying as hell. It's all she ever talks about. That and how much she misses Nick."

He chuckled a bit to himself and continued further. "And then there's moi. You know, when I first joined the force, I actually wanted to enforce the law and fight crime...all that comic book hero shit. But there were some others who showed me the real perks of being a cop... I wish you could understand... It's actually kinda funny how easy it is... Breaking down doors, dragging people out of their homes, and worse case scenario someone gets shot."

"And then we have a case and a lawsuit..." the wolf groaned as he stopped the vehicle at the red light. He turned back to Finnick, his spreading to reveal a toothy grin. The fennec's eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat.

"But... Lucky for you, I'm just here to take you away. Oh, and you don't have to worry about that little boyfriend of yours. I'll take good care of him for you. While you're rotting away in a cell, I'll be breaking him in every night. When you finally get out, he'll only be thinking of me," Fangs chuckled darkly to himself, accelerating down the street once again.

For a moment, Finnick was at a loss for words. He let the wolf's words sink in and fester, only making him angrier and angrier. "So that's why you're doing all of this? You're just some bitter punk bitch!"

"Hehe. Maybe I am. But it takes two to tango. Even though you and Nick were a thing, I always wanted him. At first I was just gonna go after him, but after hearing that he was with you... Well, I went after you instead and you were dumb enough to fall for it," the wolf sneered.

"Tch. Why are you even telling me this? You aren't afraid I'll snitch for once?" Finnick challenged.

"Nope! I got nothing to lose. Even if I get discharged or whatever, you're still going to jail. I've got everything set up just the way I want it. You already cheated on Nick for me. The arrest was just to seal the deal," Fangs chuckled, making a left.

"What's up with all this anyway? I'm fucking innocent!" Finnick snarled, once again attempting to free himself.

"Well... It's lucky that one of the raccoon goons squealed and he told us everything. He was saying something about a cartel years ago..."

"Exactly! Years ago. I'm clean! I don't deal. I haven't done any of that crazy shit!" Finnick argued, but his words fell on deaf ears.

"Well. That cartel has something to do with the larger string of operations that have been happening for years. It doesn't matter how long ago it was... Hmm. We're almost there. You're gonna meet up with Judy. If I were you, I'd thank her. I mean, she was the one who sent me after all."


The sun had yet to rise but Nick was wide awake, pacing back and forth across the living room. All he could think about was Finnick being thrown into the back of the cruiser and Fangs peeling off with him. He didn't have any idea of his own on how to solve the problem. If anything the fox felt internally torn. His own feelings were conflicting with one another; more specifically how he felt about the tiny fox that was just taken away...

At the very least I'm doing this for Finnick's rights. As his best friend, Nick reassured himself, feeling just a bit calmer.

Mr. Big said they were going to sort it all out in the morning, but the mystery of what that exactly meant had the vulpine on edge. The time on his phone read seven forty-nine. The fact that Mr. Big was willing to help him after what happened between them astounded him. But then again, he did ask for a favor and if anyone made good on their favors it was Mr. Big. Just the thought of what he would have to do in return made him shudder.

After a few more minutes, Nick heard the screeching of tires that were faintly familiar. He grabbed his keys, locking the door before he left and dashed down the hall and stairs into the lobby. Outside he was met with the familiar polar bears standing outside of the limousine.

"So, I assume he wants to see me. Uh, I'll let you lead on," Nick gulped, as the massive bears just turned around and ushered him inside. With a light push he was sandwiched between Kevin and Raymond while Koslov sat across from them, having a secure hold on Mr. Big. Around him, the fox could feel the limo driving off.

"Mr. Big I--"

"Ah.." the shrew interrupted, extending his arms out to the fox. Nick quickly corrected himself and paid his respects to the don.

"Nicky, my dear boy, we both know why we're here. So, allow me to skip all the formalities. But I must say, you could have chosen a better time to do this. Your picture is all over the papers and on the screens. 'First fox officer resigns after just one year." Mr. Big sighed.

"Yeah... I know," Nick winced.

"Aside from that, you have something you need from me and for me it's the other way around. You and Finnick were my golden boys. When I needed something down in the shadows, you two were there. You said you were willing to do anything for me if I assist you. I hope that sentiment still stands," Mr. Big said.

"Y-yes, it still does," Nick nodded.

"In that case... There's this ferret that might be able to help you out. I've heard from the grapevine that you have a loose...connection to him," the shrew eluded.

"Uh, forgive me, sir. I have no idea who you're talking about," Nick admitted, feeling a small spike of fear.

"Ahh, yes. We are the only ones here. His name is Travis. I assume you've at least heard of him," Mr. Big explained.

"Yeah. He's Gideon's best friend. But how you know about--"

"You find him and he'll tell you everything you need to know. But as soon as this mess is all sorted I want you and Finnick to come to me once again. You do my little favor and all sins between us will be forgiven. You could even be let back into the family with open arms," Mr. Big offered.

"Okay, I will...sir," Nick nodded firmly. Mr. Big nodded as well and waved his paw. The limo came to a smooth stop and Nick was soon escorted out of the limo. They soon sped off, no doubt back to Tundra Town before they were discovered.

As he walked aimlessly down the sidewalk, Nick was thinking of how he was going to find Travis. Sure, Gideon knew him but he and the ferret never met personally.

I don't even know what's going to happen to Travis if I mess this up. Mr. Big doesn't take too kindly to others who don't repay his 'kindness', Nick shivered, the memory of almost being iced flaring to life in his mind.

As he walked towards a familiar street, Nick rang up Gideon.

"Yeah?" Gideon answered.

"Uh, yeah. Gid... I just wanted to call and tell you that... Finnick got arrested," Nick admitted.

"What?! W-what did he do?" Gideon asked, from the other side it sounded like he literally hopped from the couch.

"Nothing. It's complicated and I'll explain later. The point is Finnick shouldn't be in jail. But that's not why I called you. I need to see your friend, Travis."

"Travis? What's he got to do with all this?" Gideon asked.

"I can't explain it all but Travis knows something that can get Fininck out," Nick explained.

"I don't know, Nick..."

"Don't worry, I won't make him do anything. I just wanna talk to him," Nick insisted, hoping that would be enough to convince the other fox. "And on top of that I'll get you and Travis whatever you want."

"Alright, alright. I'll talk to him, but I can't guarantee that he'll be on board," Gideon sighed before hanging up.

Finnick was lifted out of the car by the back of his shirt and dropped roughly to the paved ground below him.

"Get up and get moving you little shit," Fangs growled, propping the groaning fennec with his foot.

The small fox already had a mountain of insults built up, just waiting to be hurled at the cop standing over him. But he took a look at where he was, that idea didn't seem so appealing now. The Zootopia Police Department.

Great, just fucking great! Finnick thought to himself as he got up on his feet. Unsurprisingly he had a lot of experience with maneuvering himself with handcuffs on. Gritting his fangs, Finnick took that slow walk of shame towards the building.

"Consider yourself lucky," Fangs huffed, keeping his eyes on the ZPD entrance across the parking lot. Judy wants to talk to you. Heh, if it were up to me... You'd be in prison right now. And while Nicky would be crying over you, I'd swoop in and take all his cares away."

Finnick almost laughed out loud. Not only does this guy sound like a nut-job straight out of a cliché horror movie, but he just thinks Nick is that stupid?

"You really believe that? Sure, Nick's never shot anyone or been through half the stuff I have... but he's one of the toughest guys I know. In so many ways you'll never know," Finnick chuckled. "Guess what, dickhead? He still loves me and he's still thinking of me. And the more he thinks about me the more he hates you!"

An immense wave of satisfaction washed over Finnick, watching the wolf stop in his tracks and the fur along his tail bristle. In a way the fennec had won. Getting under Fangs' fur showed him that he was all bark and no bite.

"Heh. I've seen your type before. You think wearing that uniform gives you all the power in the damn world? That it makes you dominant? You're weak. A pussy. Hiding behind badges and weapons..." Finnick challenged. "But don't feel too bad about it. Honestly you look pretty cute in blue. If I weren't all bound up I'd mount you right here and show everyone here who the real dominant one is!"

He continued walking, leaving Fangs seething behind him. Maybe this'll be more fun than I thought. Before the day is over, I'll have his ass in a straight jacket. Just the thought brought a smile to the fennec's muzzle. A strange sight it would be, seeing a handcuffed lawbreaker smiling like a cub at a candy store next to a broken, gibbering wolf.

He waited for Fangs to catch up to him and when he did they both walked up the reception counter.

"Got a new one. This one is set up for interrogation with Officer Hopps," Fangs growled.


Finnick looked up in surprise to see Clawhauser staring back at him in equal surprise.

"Uh, hey. Do me a favor and tell Nick I'm just fine," Finnick grinned.

"Uh, okay. Sure," the cheetah nodded, watching Finnick being ushered into the interrogation room.


Nick was once again pacing back and forth in the living room. It had been two hours since he made the call to Gideon about finding Travis.

It's fine. He'll call soon. I just need to be patient, Nick encouraged himself. As if one cue, Nick's phone buzzed on the coffee table. Without even checking the number, Nick picked his phone up and answered the phone.

"Hello?!" Nick practically yelled into the phone.

"Uh, hey, Nick. This is Ben. Finnick wanted me to let you know that he's just fine. He's on his way to see Judy in interrogation.

"That's good. Thanks, Benjamin." Nick sighed, feeling just a bit relieved that Finnick was okay at the moment. He knew that the fennec would at the very least cooperate with Judy and she knew how to deal with his attitude.

He finished the call but his mind was still on Travis. On one paw, Nick wanted to call again and see what was taking so long. But he also knew that constantly calling would only make Travis suspicious and he would back out.

"Maybe if I just call him one more time... Just to check. That'll be it," Nick promised to himself, picking up his phone once again and dialing the number once again.

In a couple of rings Gideon picked up.

"Hey, Nick. I was just about to call you. I talked to Travis and he's not exactly sure what's going on, but he does wanna meet ya," Gideon explained.

"That's great! Tell him that I'll be there in 10 minutes," Nick explained, already picking up his keys along with the keys that belonged to the van.

"Alight, we're over at my house. It's a little ways out there," Gideon said uneasily. Nick already knew the way but still listened to the larger fox explain it all anyway. When they were finished Nick locked up and ran down the halls and stairs just like before.

"I should really get my own car," Nick panted as he walked into the parking lot and towards the van. "Maybe I could get my own van. Make it just like my dad's. Fill it with shag carpet and install a disco ball in the back."

Nick climbed into the van and as soon as it was started, he sped out of the parking lot. He was already on the right road he needed to get to the outskirts of the city and into the more rural county area. Nick recalled that both Gideon and Judy grew up in Bunnyburrow. He must have moved closer to the city to sell his desserts.

Hmm, now I kinda want one. I should ask him to bake me one when this is all set and done, Nick thought to himself.

While Nick was getting closer to Gideon's house, he and Travis were leaning against the fox's secondary car.

"So what does Nick want with me?" Travis asked.

"I can't really say. I just assumed he finally wanted to meet ya," Gideon shrugged.

"Well, I kinda wanna meet him too," Travis chuckled nervously. "Though, ain't he that fox cop?"

"He was, but how he's just like the rest of us," Gideon sighed. "He's a pretty great guy. He was one of the foxes from that night."

"You mean that night? Ugh, I wish I coulda been there," Travis smirked, recalling the story Gideon told him about that drunken threesome he had. Of course both Gideon and Travis swore not to tell anyone else about it.

"Be honest with me, Gid. If you had the chance to do it again... Would you?" the ferret asked, leaning in close.

"Mm, probably not. Judy and I are in a real, serious relationship. That was a one an' done. No more. From then on I promised myself that I'm gonna be with Judy and Judy only," Gideon said, nodding firmly.

"That's what you said last time about Rebecca, nearly word for word. And what happened? She caught you with that bunny, Tanner. Look, all I'm saying is you got a good thing going. You've been a lot happier lately, too. You've been getting your rocks off with her now, huh?" Travis snickered, seeing a blush creep across the fox's already red muzzle.

"Cut it out. Just admit you wanna pound it out with them. I can ask on your behalf, ya deviant," Gideon laughed, wrapping an arm around the ferret.

"Hmm, might take them up on that..." Travis said, his tone flat while he shook his head. Their moment was cut short by a van pulling up the dirt and gravel sidewalk.

"That must be him," Gideon said. He looked over, seeing Travis' grin quickly fading. The fox understood, knowing his best friend became a totally different ferret around others he didn't know. But he was sure that he and Nick would get along.

Nick hopped out of the van and eyed the pair of friends. "So this is Travis?" Nick smiled, motioning to the fidgety ferret. Gideon stepped forward, holding in a laugh at how ridiculous his friend looked.

"Yep, here's the little dooker in the flesh," Gideon smirked, he reached behind Travis and nudged him forwards.

"Oh! Uh, yeah... I'm Travis. B-but you probably already knew that," the ferret chirped, looking up at Nick.

"Well, it's great to finally meet you," Nick smiled, extending his paw. Travis looked up at him once again and shook his paws. It happened so quickly but the fox was sure that Travis winked at him.

"Yeah, good to meet you, too. Gid told me what happened. I think I can help... maybe," Travis said, chuckling nervously.

"Aw, come on. Stop bein' so shy and quiet,'' Gideon rolled his eyes at how quickly Travis changed his mood. Every time he tried to introduce the ferret to someone knew, Travis would become shy and reserved. At times it made the fox annoyed.

"I don't mind. After all, it must be kind of overwhelming to be here with two foxes," Nick teased, stepping closer to the ferret. "Aw, look at him blush. I could just eat him up."

Travis gasped and let go of Nick's paw. Even Gideon laughed at how flustered his smaller friend was getting.

"Alright, alright. Enough kidding around. I thought you came all the way out here to talk to him. No flirting," Gideon barked playfully, tapping his foot against the dusty earth.

"You're right. Uh, Gideon. You don't mind if we talk in private for a moment?" Nick asked.

"Ah, sure. You two can go ahead. Imma go inside and whip up some cake for us," Gideon offered, turning around back to his porch.

"It's always cake with him.." Travis muttered before turning his attention back to Nick. "I know what you're here for. You were sent by Mr. Big weren't you?"

"Yeah, but I--"

"I knew it!" Nick was caught off guard by the low squeak the ferret made and figured that's what Gideon meant by dooking. "I don't understand. I did everything there was left to do. I cut ties with him!"

"Travis, Travis. Calm down. Nothing bad's gonna happen to you. I was trying to say that Mr. Big told me that you know something about Finnick and I being a part of the Hood Mask's cartel?"

"Alright, I'll help you out. Plus, Gideon told me that you'll give us whatever we want," Travis said, grinning a little.

"Yeah, I said that. So, what do you want?" Nick asked, leaning in close.

"Well, I uh..." Travis was too embarrassed to admit what he wanted, remembering his conversation with Gideon. "H-how about I take you up on that later?"

"Alright, sure." Nick shrugged.

"Hey, boys! You all finished up?" Both Nick and Travis were caught off guard by Gideon's voice.

"Yeah, we got it all cleared up," Nick assured.

"Well, now that everything's settled I got us some cake," Gideon beamed, handing a piece over to Nick and Travis. "Made it myself."

"Well, thanks," Nick smiled gently. "But don't you usually have these on a plate?"

"Yeah, but I think it's more fun to just dog in," Gideon chuckled, already biting into his rather large piece.

Travis took a small bite of the cake, feeling Nick's gaze on him. It made him feel awkward. Nick couldn't help but chuckle at the crumbs caught in the ferret's whiskers. Everything he needed was in place. Travis agreed to help him and he even knew that Finnick was just fine. Nick took a moment to relax and bit into the delicious cake in his paw.