Bone Exam

Story by Akihana on SoFurry

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I hope the formatting isn't wonky on this. First thing to put on Sofurry. I wrote this in a night when I felt really inspired because I /never/ finish writing anything. I hope someone enjoys it. Alternate title: "Be My Corpse."

A cool October wind blew carelessly across the university campus, carrying colorful leaves and their sweet scent with it. A short fox came to a crosswalk, shifting uneasily from one foot to the other as cars whizzed by on the busy street, seeming not to notice him. Finally, he saw an opening and darted into the traffic, clutching his large textbooks to his chest in an effort to lose neither of them in his crossing.

Success! He leapt onto the sidewalk on the other side of the street as a car honked at him for his daring to challenge its domination of the roadway. He shot a sideways glare-- cold, blue eyes doing their best to pierce the angry metal screeching away from him now. They failed. He sighed, relieved at least to finally be nearing his destination.

This corner of campus was deserted at this time of day, and, indeed, it was deserted at any given time during the week. Few students found reasons to come here, especially on a regular basis. The fox sniffed at the air, smelling nothing but the typical autumn smell of leaves. He smiled as a breeze blew a small circle of leaves through his path, but he did not stop to admire them-- he had a mission.

The building he approached was of typical construction for his campus: red brick all around. The building was low to the ground and barely double the fox's height. It extended further into the ground, which the fox thought was very fitting for its purpose. As he opened the heavy glass doors, he was relieved somewhat by the warmer feeling of the air in the entryway. He savored the feeling for a moment before opening the second door into the inner sanctum of the Body Building.

The smell of formaldehyde didn't cause the fox much trouble anymore. Indeed, he was used to the smell by now. He made the mistake of associating the various other chemical smells with that same one, but he didn't feel that having a distinction between them was necessary. After all, they all signaled one thing: death. Clean, sterile death.

From the entrance, the building split off into two sections. To the right, he would find several offices of professors from whatever departments were unlucky enough to have exiled them to this remote region of campus. There was also an introductory chemistry laboratory that took place somewhere down in that hallway, but he had only rarely visited, so he knew no details about that.

To his left were the things that held his interest. Behind another glass door with several warning signs were several other laboratories in biochemistry and bioengineering. More interesting to him were the dark stairs leading down into the basement of the building-- to the anatomy labs.

He removed his wallet from the tight jeans he had chosen for the chilly day and removed his ID card, swiping it in the card reader next to the door. After a slight delay, a sharp tone let him know that he was granted access. He pulled the door open and entered, smiling at the couple of students sitting on benches outside their labs.

The fox walked over to a nearby room containing lockers for the laboratory assistants. Several of them remained unclaimed due to the newer facilities on campus taking precedence over this one, so he had taken to using one of them to store his things while he was down in the labs. He opened the locker he typically used, pleased to find it empty, and took off his black jacket, hanging it carefully on a hook inside. he also removed his wallet, keys, and phone, placing them on a shelf. The only things he carried with him as he slammed the locker shut were the clothes on his back and his two hefty textbooks.

He stopped for a moment in front of a mirror, fussing a bit with smoothing down his fur. He was a handsome fox, if a little awkward. His tight choices in clothing, from his snug jeans to his plain white t-shirt, showed his somewhat feminine curves flatteringly, and the little extra weight he held along his midsection seemed to fit him better than would a more sculpted body. He stared at himself from behind a pair of plain black-rimmed glasses, adjusting his slightly less-than-stellar sight to sight more appropriate for lab work. He scratched a bit behind his ears, scanning his red fur and the white which began at his snout and led beneath his shirt for any more disheveled spots. Satisfied with his look-- at least enough for moving on to the lab-- he left the room.

He was knocked from his feet by the earth seeming to move beneath his feet and a loud noise accompanying this shift. The whole building seemed to quake for a moment, eliciting shrieks from the students in the hallway. Adjusting his glasses from their place lower on his muzzle, the fox scanned the area for the cause of the disturbance. Except for the whimpering of the other students, all seemed quiet. Until, that is, the fire alarm began ringing. A voice shouted from the intercom system:

"This is an emergency. All students, faculty, and staff please evacuate the building immediately. Repeat, this is an emergency..."

The fox swore under his breath, quickly running back into the locker room to grab his things from the locker before evacuating. A couple of other lab technicians seemed to have the same idea, and he had to push past them in order to obey the voice and leave the building. Once outside, he found himself smelling some unknown, bitter chemicals and smoke. A quick scan of the building brought his eyes to the source: a roaring fire coming from one of the windows down in the section he never visited. He thanked his lucky stars individually and by name that he had not had business on that end of the building, and he hoped briefly that nobody had been hurt in the explosion.

Fire trucks arrived on the scene a moment later, and, accompanied by a very official-looking otter in a lab coat, the firemen entered the building and dealt with the fire. The fox waited patiently for the emergency to be over. The ambulance arrived shortly after the fire truck, but nobody and no ashes were brought from the building, so the fox assumed no one had been hurt. Lucky, them!

The otter in the lab coat came out after a while and after the fire had disappeared from the window. He explained to the waiting group of students and staff that the building would be closed for the remainder of the day and the following day due to chemicals that had gotten caught in the fire. Apparently the fire was caused by an idiot student in the introductory chemistry course who had attempted to light something in presence of oxygen being emitted from a cylinder.

The fox frowned deeply at this news and protested. "What about students who have a need to access the anatomy labs?"

"They will have to wait until the day after tomorrow," the otter responded, adjusting his lab coat. "I am sorry for the inconvenience, but it is in the best interest of everyone's safety to leave the building evacuated."

The fox cursed again, setting his books down and putting on his jacket angrily. He collected the texts and turned, storming across the busy road and back to the parking lot and his car. He sat in the car, turning on the heater and laying his head back on the seat to think. How was he going to get access to a corpse in the next two days without that lab?

The fox was not just dying to approach a corpse for the fun of it, of course. He happened to have a test on the next day in two separate classes: Introduction to Humanoid Anatomy and Humanoid Physiology. He took both classes at the same time since they roughly followed the same lecture schedule as far as memorizing things went, but unluckily, one of his classes planned to have a test in bones on the same date that the other wished to test him on muscles.

His plan was to use one of the bodies in the basement of that building to study, as he always did. The test would actually consist of a professor pointing to bones or muscles or making him identify them on an actual body, so it was the perfect plan of attack. Unfortunately, without a body...

He sighed, taking his glasses off and placing them in the passenger seat. "I'm screwed," he muttered, putting his head in his hands. "I'm so screwed."

The fox prided himself on being intelligent. He applied himself so completely to everything he did, and he rarely failed to come out on top. Unfortunately, his downfall was that he had a lot of trouble memorizing things. The mnemonics that seemed to work for everyone else never worked for him.

He tried to dream up a new plan. He could stand in front of the mirror and point out all the bones on his own body. Then the muscles. That could work. He frowned. How would he reach the ones on his back? He had everything planned so well. He hated when his plans went awry. Now his head was buzzing with alternatives, and none of them worked for him.

He decided to drive to the student union to collect his thoughts and drink some soothing coffee. If nothing else, there were some study rooms there where he could get some studying done. He had already begun studying long before this day, and he could certainly prepare himself well enough from the texts to do well on his exam.

He parked and hurried from the parking garage into the adjoining student union. He was greeted by the smell of coffee and chocolate drifting up from the coffee shop two levels below. He quickly padded down the stairs and around, pleased to find the line inhabited by only one individual. He was even more pleased to recognize the person.

"Kyle!" He smiled, walking up and greeting the wolf. In surprise, his friend turned, but he too smiled when he saw who was greeting him.

"Zach." The wolf's tail wagged once, lazily. "I haven't seen you in here in a while. Where have you been?" He smiled broadly, but his voice sounded very tired.

"Studying, you know. School never sleeps." The fox, Zachary, illustrated the point with his two heavy textbooks as he moved up in line to give his order to the little skunk behind the counter. The two boys chatted for the time that they were waiting for their coffees and agreed that they should sit down together to talk more. They found an unoccupied study room so that the fox could break open his textbooks and took seats across the large table across from each other.

"You still have a four point?" The wolf asked incredulously, sipping at his coffee. "I can't get over how clever you are."

"Your GPA isn't much worse, Kyle," Zach responded, waving the compliment off with a hand, "And you're doing a lot more outside of classes than I am. How's student government going?"

The wolf was the director of one of the branches of government on campus. He had a pretty busy schedule, as well, and the fox was surprised to find him out and about at this time of day.

"It's going..." The wolf looked pensive for a moment. "Slowly. Just a lot of things coming up." He rubbed his shoulder, looking a bit pained. "And the stress is really getting to me. You don't really wanna hear about government, though."

"Of course I want to hear about it." The fox looked hurt.

"When we have more time, maybe. I know you have to study," he nodded.

The fox nodded back. "Yeah, I'm in a bit of a bind regarding that..." He stopped for a moment, but the wolf looked genuinely concerned about it, so he continued, "I was planning on studying some corpses in the body building, but an explosion happened, and now I'm locked out..."

The wolf's expression changed from disgusted at the word "corpses" to concerned at the word "explosion."

"I hope you're okay. If you're worried about your grades and you're nursing an exploded leg, too..."

Zach laughed, muffling it in his coffee cup. "No, I'm not exploded. Just worried about my grade now. It would have been just like the test to use those bodies. Err, that is, I have a test in anatomy and physiology over bones and muscles. We're using a corpse for the exam and... well..."

"Sorry, then, I think? I can't really relate." Kyle stretched lazily, his well-defined muscles easily visible in the bright light in the study room. Zach glanced carefully at his friend from behind his coffee cup. He envied his hard-bodied comrade. It wasn't as if the wolf was particularly built, but his years of frequent visits to the gym definitely showed in his well-defined abs, chest, and arms. The two met each other during their freshman year when they both needed a partner on the tennis courts. They became fast friends and spent many an afternoon whittling time away on those courts. Zach appreciated the opportunity to socialize outside his typical group of science friends... and of course the chance to gaze upon his friend sweating and working... He shuddered.

"I suppose not," the fox replied, draining the last of his coffee. He realized immediately that he should have gotten a larger size. Not only was the wolf not nearly done with his drink but Zach realized that there was no way that amount of caffeine would keep him studying. "But I'll live. I have textbooks... I'll manage a solid B at worst."

The wolf snorted-- he would be ecstatic to study for such difficult exams and be sure of a B. Alas, in his more difficult classes, he would study all night for days on end and still be LUCKY to get such a grade. Still, he knew his brainy friend would think such a grade an insult to his perfect record. He tried to be sympathetic.

"I wish there were something I could do to help. I'm not any good at that stuff, though, and it's not like with a test like that I could do much more than holding up flash cards anyway."

The wolf's eyes widened as he saw an astounded look cross his friend's face after that statement. He waited for the fox to speak and tell him what he had suddenly been surprised by, but nothing happened, so Kyle spoke instead.

"Err, is something wrong, Zach?" He looked concerned.

"I can't, but... I have to think of a.... hmm." The fox didn't make any sense when he did speak. The patient wolf waited though, and sure enough his friend formed a better sentence next time: "What are you doing tonight?"

Kyle gave a confused look and sipped at the last of his coffee. "I have to run back to my office and take care of some e-mails and paperwork, then I'm free. Why?"

Zach puzzled a bit more then said, "Let's help each other." The wolf responded with a hearty laugh.

"I'm all for it, Zach, but let's face it: I know nothing about your subject, and you know nothing about mine. I don't trust you to do my paperwork for me, and you certainly shouldn't trust me to help with your science, and--"

"No-no," Zach sighed, "I didn't mean to help you with your paperwork. I meant with your stress."

Kyle looked confused, so Zach went on, "See, you can absolutely help me with my studying. I just need you to be my corpse."

The wolf looked appalled. Zach waved his hands and tried to make it a little more appealing. "I meant just let me look at you. In return, when I'm studying your muscles, I'll give you a great massage, all right?"

The wolf looked less appalled. He considered it, looking thoughtful. On the one hand, it was kind of an awkward request. On the other hand, he and the fox had been good friends for a couple of years now, and the one time he hurt his leg, the fox DID give him a great massage... and goodness knows he could use one now.

The fox looked at him pitifully, trying to convince him. It didn't take much convincing. "All right," the wolf laughed, waving a hand, "I'll be your corpse. That sounds awful."

"It'll be like the opposite! I'll heal you instead of killing you!" The fox wagged his tail excitedly. "Then you won't be a corpse and--"

"I get it, I get it." Kyle sighed. "What time should I come over?"

"How about eight?" He looked at his watch. 3:30 PM. "That'll give me enough time to borrow a massage table from Sarah and get my living room empty enough to set it up."

"A massage table?" The wolf looked intrigued. "Very official."

"Only the best for my corpse!" Zach stood up, grabbing his books. "I'll see you there."

"Sure, sure." Kyle waved, standing as well, but he didn't run after the fleeing fox. He said to himself, "You're a weird one, Zach."

The fox got to his car and immediately arranged for a massage table pick-up from his massage student friend, Sarah. She was the one who had taught him to give massage after he begged for a lesson. He thought it would help him out to know how to do it somewhere along the line, and he was right! He silently congratulated himself for the decision to pursue that.

Sarah, a fox not unlike Zach (though white), was immediately available and met him outside her apartment with the massage table. Her roommate, a cheetah, helped her fit it into his car, and Zach hugged them both.

"Who are you giving a massage to?" Sarah questioned jokingly, as she waved a goodbye. "Someone special?"

"Someone very special." The red fox grinned, wagging his tail, "And someone who's going to help me ace my test tomorrow."

"In exchange for a massage?" Sarah looked suspicious.

"The two are not independent of each other, but it's not EXACTLY payment. Anyway, I'll tell you about it later. I have to clean and get dinner and set up and oh goodness..." He muttered to himself as he hopped back in his car and drove away, leaving the two girls giggling in his wake.

The fox sped around corners in an effort to get home. He had nearly four hours, but he never liked to be late for things, and he certainly wasn't going to make his friend wait! He was excited-- his plan was back in action! He was more worried about these two tests than any others. Now he didn't have to worry. It was as if the weight of the world were lifted off his back! Off his spine... the bones of which are... oh...

Four hours passed, and the fox succeeded in not only cleaning the living room but also the entire apartment. He lived alone, so he normally didn't keep particularly clean living arrangements. They weren't actually disgusting, but piles of clothes lying around were not uncommon. In this case, the apartment was fairly spotless, the living room furniture had been moved out of the way to make room for the massage table, and he had even had time to grab some dinner and buy some air freshener to make the place smell nice. Everything was perfect for a study session.

A knock at the door. Zach looked up at the clock: 7:55PM. The damned wolf was early-- what if he weren't ready yet! Regardless, he was ready. He opened the door and welcomed the wolf in. The wolf was speechless upon entering-- he was used to the typical decor of dirty shirts and pants in piles awaiting laundry day.

"Maybe you should study here more often. Looks like it's done your apartment some good," Kyle joked.

"It's not like you offer to help me with my studying every day, ass." The fox frowned, causing the wolf to lower his head in shame. He changed the subject.

"Nice massage table. Sarah had this thing?" He brought his grey hand slowly across the soft surface. "Really comfy."

"Well you'll get to spend the next while on it, so it better be." The fox winked, gathering his textbooks to sit on the table he moved close to the massage table. "So get on the table and let's get started!"

A silence passed between the two. The fox looked to the wolf and tilted his head. "What's wrong?"

"Err," Kyle laughed, rubbing his neck, "Do you have a towel or something?"

"What do you mean?" Zach asked, confused.

"Well, I'm going to... uh..." Suddenly, Kyle was the one who was confused. "You're studying muscles and bones, right? You're going to have to see my skin, not my clothes."

Zach blushed. He hadn't even considered that the wolf would be WEARING clothes. He was so used to the bodies in the lab that the thought that his friend would have to strip to do this studying had never crossed his mind. He spoke nervously, "Of course, sorry, I hadn't even--... well, okay, I'll get you a towel, give me a sec'!" He rushed into his bathroom and plucked a fresh towel out of the small linen closet.

He handed it to the wolf, apologizing constantly, and pretended to have something to grab in the bedroom to give him an excuse to hide from his disrobing friend. He thought in that time about the fact that he had never really expressed his homosexuality to his friend. He wasn't "out," really, but he didn't try to hide it particularly. He realized that it had never come up, though. What would the very masculine wolf say if he knew his friend who was about to rub him down was gay? Zach didn't want to damage their friendship, but he also didn't want to fail the exam. He steeled himself and walked back in.

"Okay, let's--" he was speechless. There he was-- this Adonis among wolves, naked on the massage table, except for the small towel draped across his midsection. His head was turned away, but he turned to look at the fox when he entered. "Let's get going," Zach finished, trying not to bring up the fact that he had retrieved nothing from the bedroom after all. The wolf smiled but said nothing, just closing his eyes.

"I'm going to be going really slowly, but I promise it'll relax you. I'll have to be referencing my textbook the whole time to make sure I'm getting everything right. Since you're on your stomach, I'll start with your back. I'll do bones first, then muscles, then we'll flip you over and do the front, and then we'll be done. It'll take a bit, as I said, so be comfortable. I can turn on music or the television if you'd like, and---"

"Wait," the wolf said, "you have to do my front?" He sounded surprised. Zach was confused.

"Err.. yeah. There are a lot of muscles on your front, too." The fox was worried about why Kyle was hesitant. Maybe he already knew...

"I understand, sorry. Not used to this."

"Neither am I. Let me know if you need anything." The fox smiled, and the wolf closed his eyes, and they began.

The fox lightly brought his hands down upon the wolf's shoulders, massaging tenderly. He muttered something under his breath that the wolf couldn't hear and moved inward, toward his neck. He rubbed at the neck, listening to something that sounded like numbers: "Seven, twelve, five..." The wolf wasn't sure what significance they had, but he knew this: the massage felt fantastic.

The fox again congratulated himself on the massage training he endured as he heard the wolf exhale at great length. He went back to thinking about the bones. Seven-twelve-five. Seven-twelve-five. He looked at his book. Correct. The shoulder blades, the scapula. Moving down...

He rubbed harder, reaching the shoulder blades, and concentrated his thumbs around the wolf's spine. He enjoyed the soft, velvety fur of his friend, and wondered briefly if his own fur felt like that to others. He muttered to himself more, causing the wolf little distress. In fact, it was almost soothing. Almost seductive.

Eventually, Zach reached the top of the towel. He skipped over that section politely, moving onto the wolf's strong legs. He marveled at the muscles, rubbing them more fiercely than he meant to, but the wolf responded positively. He pushed the towel up some, rubbing up to the top of the wolf's legs and back down, repeating the names of bones to himself all the while. Femur, patella... He moved past the knee... Tibia... He rubbed almost lovingly as he worked, somehow enjoying this more than he thought he would have if he were down in the body lab. He wouldn't be getting this hands-on with corpses, that's for sure!

He reached the feet. He rubbed a bit at the ankles and began his foot massage, eliciting what he interpreted as a soft moan from his friend. He giggled, causing the wolf to blush. He continued, however, rubbing at the soft pads, loving every second of it. He almost forgot to name the bones as he worked. Once he finished with that leg, he moved to the other, starting with the foot and working up.

He reached that damned towel, again. He didn't want to ask anything too much out of his friend, but his studying wouldn't be complete without. Well, he wouldn't ask, damn it. He moved back above the towel and slowly moved down, no longer feeling at the muscles but instead at the bone. "Sacrum," he said loudly enough to justify his actions, he thought, "And coccyx." The wolf's tail twitched between his legs.

"Great," the fox smiled. "Give me a second to touch it all once more and I'll move on to the muscles." The wolf gave no response except a heavy breath, so he proceeded. Once done, he moved back up to the wolf's shoulders and began again, this time naming muscles as he went and paying very specific attention to each of them.

"God, your..." he referenced his book, "teres minor? That can't be right. Whatever this is, it's tense." He rubbed at it more, trying to decide if the muscle was indeed the one he thought it was. He decided it was, and he moved on. Major, minor, and he moved on to some of the deeper muscles, causing grunts from his friend that he interpreted as positive. Just in case he let him know that he would stop if need be.

"No, you're fine," Kyle replied, sounding a little out of breath, "That's fantastic...Oh gods..."

The fox, self-esteem boosted, continued moving down, again skipping the toweled region, and moved down one leg and up the other. Then he stopped and thought for a second. Bones were one thing. There weren't really important ones under that towel. But muscles. There were subtle differences in the placement of muscles there. He looked at his book. Oh, there is only one there. Still...there are ones on the legs there and...

"Kyle," he began, more nervous now that he had spoken his friend's name.

The wolf laughed, and turned his head briefly to look at the fox. His face was blushing fiercely, but he smiled. "I get it. Only because you are pretty great at this, and I owe you your grades."

The wolf reached down and pulled his towel off of his midsection, revealing his perfectly-shaped buttocks to his friend. Suddenly, Zach reconsidered his position-- maybe the wolf WAS "particularly built." He nervously reached down and touched the muscles, applying a little pressure and marveling. The wolf gasped but remained silent after. This was difficult on both of them, they thought.

The fox began massaging, doing his best to work any stress out of the sensitive area. Aside from some light whimpers, the wolf remained silent. Zach hoped these whimpers were positive signs. He moved his fingers delicately under the wolf's tail, spreading his cheeks and applying what he thought was an appropriate amount of pressure. He kept repeating muscle names to himself, but his mind was becoming rather hazy. He moved down to the more sensitive regions of the wolf's inner thighs. He spread his legs slightly, allowing better access, and the fox gladly took the opportunity to repeat the muscle names to himself. He massaged deeply and carefully, but despite his care, he thought briefly he may have touched something else between the wolf's legs. Something he shouldn't be massaging. The wolf didn't speak on it, so Zach thought it best not to bring it up, either.

Finally, he finished. He moved back up to his friend's shoulders and neck, quickly repeating the names of muscles to himself, but he didn't go to touch them all again as he did with the bones. He was confident in his memorization. Now was the more... awkward part.

"Okay, you can put the towel back on and flip over, maybe?" Zach spoke fondly, flipping pages in his two textbooks. The wolf cleared his throat, causing the fox to look over. Kyle was looking at him a little pitifully.

"Actually, can I have a break for just a second? I'm incredibly relaxed, but we've been at it for a bit, and I need to use the bathroom." He smiled bashfully.

"Of course, I'm stupid, sorry." Zach smiled, noticing that more than an hour and a half had passed since they began. "Go ahead. I'll get a drink and look over my book a bit."

The fox went into the kitchen to pour himself a glass of juice as Kyle tied the towel around his waist again and hurried off to the bathroom. Minutes later, the wolf returned, looking a little less nervous, and lay down on the table, this time on his back. Zach smiled, trying not to look at the slight bulge in the towel where he knew something of great interest to him lay. He spoke confidently.

"Okay, now this'll be more awkward still, because I'm going to have to start with your face. Also, I'm going to have to go ahead and do that a few times in case my subject isn't canine. I don't think he'd ask me about facial structure on an exam because of the differences, but I can't be too careful."

"I understand, go to it." Kyle closed his eyes, smiling. The fox leaned in and began softly rubbing at his face, speaking lowly to himself. It was awkward, of course, but no more awkward to the fox than had been rubbing his friend's backside just a moment before.

He repeated the face massage four more times for four varieties, having the most trouble with human, despite the majority of the book being about humans. He moved down to the bones of the chest, rubbing carelessly across the wolf's pectorals and down to his abdomen. It was harder to find the bones on this side, with this much muscle, the fox thought to himself. Still, he couldn't deny that this was kind of fun. He drew his hands across the perfect abs, wishing softly to himself that he had more time to spend at the gym. He also wished he could drag his tongue across them, but that was neither here nor... Well, not here.

Again he skipped the wolf's toweled section, though he noticed there was perhaps more of a bulge than had been present before. He moved straight down to his legs, rubbing carefully as he repeated the bones he had mentioned earlier and mentioning a couple of new ones in the process. Kyle tried to listen, but he was lost in a battle with himself, and the fox was speaking very silently.

Once he finished with his friend's legs, Zach moved again to his face, this time examining the muscles rather than the bones. The differences were various as they were in the bone structure, but he didn't have as much trouble. He moved down to the muscles, happier to pay attention to them now that he was memorizing them. It was almost fun. Maybe he should have people help him with studying more often. Maybe Kyle...

He moved down past the toweled section again to the legs. To the feet. Back up. Then he was at a loss. He definitely wasn't going to ask the wolf to let him work on his private area. As good of a friendship as he had built with Kyle, that was particularly out-of-bounds. He stopped for a moment, and Kyle opened an eye, grinning.

"Zach," he said, softly.

The fox shivered. "Y-yes?" He asked, pretending to reference his textbook. "What's up? We're about done..."

"No we're not. You missed something." He smirked.

Zach's stomach dropped. What was he saying? Oh gods, was he saying what he hoped he was saying? Oh gods, oh gods... The fox glanced over. The bulge in the towel had gotten a bit larger, but not by much. But... oh gods.

"Missed something?" Zach gulped.

"My arms. What about my arms?"

The fox brought his face and palm into contact, muttering to himself. "Of course. I'm so sorry."

"Hey, it's not a problem to me. You're the one who'll fail if I don't bring it up." Kyle grinned toothily.

Kyle closed his eyes as Zach went to work, bringing his left arm up and running his fingers down it. There weren't many bones except for in the wrist, so he did those quickly and focused more on the muscles. He sighed, rubbing those strong arms, remembering many a tennis serve that had caught him off guard with the sheer power. He was infatuated. He smiled.

He finished with the left and moved to the right, performing the same ritual. He finished, the time seeming to fly by faster than he meant for it to. Scarcely an hour had passed this time, he noticed. He also noticed the bulge in the wolf's towel had not disappeared.

The fox was about to tell the wolf that he was done and thank him forever, but the wolf spoke first.

"If you'll give me a second to think this away, you can memorize the rest of the muscles."

The fox was in shock. The wolf was blushing to a shade that made the fox's own red color look dull. "Umm..." he stuttered.

"Sorry," Kyle said softly. "I know you noticed it, and you're good not to mention it, but you're really good at this massage thing, and it's...err...stimulating, I guess. I don't mean to embarrass you."

"It's fine," Zach replied, smiling, "Thanks for being honest. And yeah, I'd love to, if that's okay. Only a few more to go."

They sat in silence for a few moments longer, the wolf with a very concentrated look on his face and the fox stealing glances at the disappearing bulge. In a few minutes, it was entirely gone and the wolf smiled, saying "Go ahead."

The wolf pulled the towel off himself, and the fox could have cried at the wonder. There, before him, was the most perfect sheath and balls he had ever seen. Granted, in person, he had seen very few, but these... wow! The soft grey fur turned a dirty white in his pubic region, leading down to his very full, white sheath and the perfectly sculpted orbs hanging beneath. Zach wasted no time in bringing his hands to where the top of the towel had begun and pushing softly, causing the wolf to wince-- not in pain, Zach thought. He continued.

Unfortunately, he continued his massage fantastically. Zach gathered this. He gathered this because as he worked, the most perfect thing got more perfect. He moved slowly down his friend's hips and into his inner thighs, carefully avoiding any inappropriate touching. Despite his best efforts, slowly and surely, his friend's red wolfhood emerged from its hiding place. He pretended not to notice this. He pretended not to notice that his friend was once again blushing to a shade of red that put his own coat to shame. But he noticed. He continued the massage around a couple more times, halfway to continue memorizing and halfway to... well, tease his friend.

He stopped. He was finished, but he didn't want to say it. He wanted to sit here and look at this perfect example of wolf meat before him. It had to be at least eight inches... maybe that was being generous. But it was certainly bigger than his own six inch rod (which was definitely at attention in his jeans).

"Pop quiz," Kyle said suddenly, apparently trying to divert attention away from his throbbing erection. "What's this one?" He pointed to a random spot on his inner thigh.

"One of the adductor ones. I think at that point it'd be longus? We only need to know general groupings, so that's close enough." He looked at his book. He was correct.

"Great job. That'd confuse the hell out of me," the wolf laughed deeply, still blushing. "Looks like you'll do fine on your test."

"Thanks. You have no idea how much you've helped me. I wish I could do more for you. Let me know if you need anything, okay?" The fox earnestly offered this, smiling.

"Thanks, buddy. The massage was enough, though." He smiled.

They went silent.

They stayed silent for a time.

They were still. The only movement was the throbbing of the wolf's erection to the beat of his heart. It seemed to be going nowhere.

"Actually," Kyle broke the silence, coughing slightly. "I mean... I'm... never mind." He was at a loss for words. So was Zach.

"Please, go on. You're sitting naked on a massage table after I've touched you everywhere on your body. I don't think there's anything you could ask me for that's more awkward than that." The fox tried to make the joke. He thumbed through his textbook nervously.

"Well...not...everywhere...." The wolf seemed to choke on the words. Zach knew what he meant. He wanted that to be what he meant, at least. He didn't ask, though. Suddenly, it was very hot in the room, and he acted on his impulse as a fur with a fever would. He may have been delirious, but... dammit, it was right THERE!

He softly grabbed hold of his friend's pole. The wolf gasped. The fox blushed, though his color didn't make a change. They were both silent.

"Everywhere," he smirked. He ran his paw up and down the length, eliciting a moan from his friend. His other hand wandered quickly to those perfect orbs, rolling them about in his hand, feeling every inch of them. The wolf was lost in pleasure already-- how sensitive, thought Zach. He did not stop.

The fox licked his lips slowly, and he was suddenly glad the wolf's head was back and that his eyes were closed. He rubbed up and down as he had done to himself and few others many times. Never had it felt so fit in his hand perfectly, though it was longer than one hand's-length to be sure. He brought his other hand up to rub the tip, feeling the sticky substance now beginning to leak out. He rubbed it along the full length of the wolfhood, providing some lubrication for his paws.

The wolf moaned loudly now, no longer holding it back. He gripped the sides of the massage table, and Zach thought briefly that he was too close, so he slowed down a bit. After another minute of just stroking up and down, he got braver and began fondling his low-hanging balls again. He alternated lightly squeezing the shaft as he worked it and squeezing the orbs in his hand softly. The wolf writhed in ecstasy. He switched hands working the length and brought his other hand to massage gently at the wolf's pectorals, squeezing gently and eliciting yet another moan from his friend.

The treatment was becoming too much for the wolf. He tried speaking but failed several times. The fox caught on, and moved his hands both to give the wolf's nether regions the attention they deserved. He picked up his pace stroking his friend's wolfhood, spreading that delicious pre that was now cascading down the length. With the other paw, he squeezed his friend's orbs, perhaps too hard. The wolf gave little notice as he moaned louder and attempted to speak again.

"Zach...please...oh gods..." he moaned.

Zach sped up more. The room began smelling very strongly of musk rather than air freshener, and it was driving the both of them wild. The sounds of the room had become nothing more than the wolf's lustful moans and the wet sound of the fox's paw sliding up and down. He spoke again, the same words, and Zach knew he was close. He did not slow down. In fact, he knew exactly what to do. Taking his free hand away from the wolf's orbs, he brought it to the base of the swollen sheath. He slid the sheath down, revealing the knot at the base of his friend's length. If his own experience was anything to go on, the fox knew that--

"Oh gods, Zach, I'm gonna--"

Zach gave a squeeze of the wolf's knot, and where the last word would have come, instead came the first of several white bursts of cream from the pleasured wolfhood. Spurt after spurt came, coating the wolf's perfect chest and abs in thick, white seed. Zach continued rubbing and squeezing for a few moments longer, letting his friend ride out the powerful orgasm, and finally stopped, bringing his hand automatically to his face to lick the residual substance off. He stopped mid-lick when his friend opened his eyes and spotted him.

Oh shit, thought Zach. That was not the right move.

Zach immediately spoke, "Oh gods, I'm sorry... you probably want to run...sorry, you just asked me to, and I... it was just a friendly gesture and you helped me so much and now I've-Sorrysorrysorry--"

The wolf sat up slowly, waving a hand to shut his friend up. The fox quieted and looked at the wolf, now eye-to-eye with him. "I'm the one who asked you to do that, Zachary," he said, using his friend's full name fondly. "I'm not running anywhere. And besides,"

The wolf leaned in, smiling and still covered with seed and smelling like sex, and touched his muzzle to the fox's.

"You look kind of tense. I think you could use a massage."