Illian: A shattered world

Story by Markus Snow on SoFurry

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#1 of Illian: A world born anew

This part of the Illian tale is hopefully the only one without yiff, but nonetheless this is necessary for the story behind Illian. I feel that I can't convey the full story of Illian through the yiff stories alone, and with this section, I can focus on more yiff and less about confusing you all with some lousy back story. So, bear with me through this part, or just skip it in total, the true second part of the Illian tale will be comming out soon. There may be parts where parenthesis may be used, and these are here because this text is used in many churches across Illian. One last thing, sorry about the look of illian and ill, since it looks like either three uppercase i's or three lower case l's, so please try to keep in mind that it is pronounced (eel-e-on). Finally, don't be shy to leave feedback.


In the beginning of the Void (which closely resembles space), the arch-god Gree had grown bored of being lonely, so he created a world in which he could form lives to shape and change. This world he named Ill (_ell) or "glorious jewel" in the language of the gods. First, he created _Izilan or "Wolf goddess" in the language of all mortals. She was more than thirty feet tall, had a muscular build, a magnificient coat, large, glorious breasts, and was created pregnant.

Ages after her creation, Izilan finally gave birth to two new races: the humans and the Millar (meal-ar) or bat people. The mortal she named Everin, and the Millar she named Uru. As this being the time of gods, both the Everin and Uru had been born at the peak of their age spans, and were both dashing beyond any compare.

As Gree had commanded, Izilan had immediately fallen in love with Everin, and soon after the birth, Everin and her mated. (Due to the use this text will be applied in, all acts of sex have been censored).

Since his birth, Uru had been maddly in love with Izilan, and had grown jealous and even spiteful as he watched Everin and her mate. Soon after, it has been said that Uru left to the darkest mountails of Ill and began to create his own abominations against the will of Gree. Since there were no other female life beings yet on Ill, Uru had been forced to spread his seed through his own fashions (none of which will be described here).

Since Izilan was a goddess, she and Everin needed only to mate one for her to be pregnant again (though it is often rumored that they continued to mate even after it was necessary), and soon enough she gave birth to the first Greater Race: the Evizil (_Eve-is-ill) or Werewolf. After the birth, _Izilan told the werewolf to venture to the eastern plains of Ill and wait for a female werewolf to soon follow, then mate with the female to populate the world with werewolves. Though to her surprise (but not the surprise of Gree) she gave birth to two more children: two humans, one male and one female. The male was named Ealar (E-a-lar) or Frostbane while the female was named Sillen (Cil-an) which is translated to Lightbane in all mortal languages.

Izilan commanded the two humans to travel to the west, far far away from her prized race of werewolves, and populate as much as they feel needed. After the Second Birth, both she and Everin ventured south and created a haven known as The Castle of the Ether.

Sillen and Uru

Soon after Sillen and Ealar populated Ill with enough mortal children as they both found fit, Sillen left Ealar and ventured north towards the great mountains of Ill, known in this time as Rea (ree-ah) or Dark Range. After months of exploring the mountains of Rea, Sillen had seen Uru, and instantly fallen in love with him. To her dismay, Uru left faster than she could run to him, leaving her alone once again. To her fortune however, one of Uru's lesser races, known universally as goblins, had found Sillen and believed a reward would be found if she were handed to Uru. So they quickly bound her with crude iron chains and dragged her off to Dein, or tThe Throne in the Darkness. There Uru had gazed upon Sillen and noticed his mother's looks about her, and quickly learned to love her as strongly as she loved him. Together they mated for ages until finally the second Greater Race was created: the Malar or vampires. Afterwards, the lesser races that Uru had created by his own means quickly evolved into beings of greater intellect and malace. When both Sillen and Uru had believed their forces were great enough to stand against the powers of the Races of Light, as they dubbed them, they began a war that nearly destroyed everything that Gree had created.

The Shattering of Ill

The first battle in the War of Shattered Souls, as the destruction of Ill was named in later years, was the battle of Ealar's Fall. The battle only lasted two days, since there had never been a reason for weapons, none were ever fashioned. By her wish, Sillen slaughtered Ealar herself and drank his blood where he fell. Soon after, they burned the land where Ealar and the rest of the humans once flourished, leaving a scar on the crust of Ill that even now burns with the malace of Uru and Sillen. Their next target were the werewolves, the only race that would prove to be a thorn in their sides. Like the battle of Ealar's Fall, Sillen and Uru came fast and deadly, but the werewolves were already prepared for an attack. The reason behind this was because since their creation, they had always believed that some dark force would try to strip them of the lands they prospered in, and had begun to feel that threat grow stronger with the birth of the Malar. From that point on, the werewolves had begun learning tactics of the shadows and how to wield Dark Magic, a name the mortals branded onto that magic because the physical appearence of this magic is black and decieving.

When the battle began, the forces appeared balance, even with the lesser and Greater races of the Dark working side by side. Though when the Evizil had become exhausted, Uru and Sillen only quickened their attacks.

When all hope of the werewolves' winning this war seemed lost, Izilan and Everin opened the gates of The Castle in the Ether with two new races on their side: the wood nymphs and the Sinan (Cin-an) or Trinity Race. The Sinan were a breed of part werewolf, part human, and part vampire (though no one but Gree, Izilan and Everin know how they found a vampire to add to the Trinity) and even to this day are considered the only mortal race strong enough to obliterate a God.

From that point on, Uru and Sillen had no chance of winning, but their hatred and lust for domination would not let them surrender, which in the end destoryed Ill. As the two sides fought, forests turned to ash, mountains reduced to rubble, and the spanning oceans became nothing more than pits of despair and woe.

At this sight Gree became furious with Uru and Sillen, and for the first (and last) time, he took a physical form and walked on the world. His form was greater than any mountain top, his skin was stronger than any metal that will ever come to pass, and his mind was keener than any life will ever grasp. When he made his presence clear, the war stopped completely, both sides stood where they were, and waited out of fear for the judgement of the Ultimate Force.

Gree instantly smited Sillen and Uru, as well as every lesser race that was born under their rule, but since the Malar were a Greater Race, he was forced to only decimate their numbers. Next, he brought the race of humans back onto to the shattered world, turned them into the third and final Greater Race and placed them in a haven were they would be able to populate and prosper until they decided to leave. Finally, Gree left the physical plane, took the world of Ill, and remolded into the shape it possessed before the War of Shattered Souls. This reincarnation he named _Illian (_eel-e-on) or The Jewel Born Anew, and created many races of Light, in fact, too many to be written in this text.

But yet, because not all of the races of the Dark were destroyed, even they began repopulating their forces, waiting for a day in which they may strike back at the forces who caused their humilation and the destruction of their parents.

The Illian of Today

Now, the races of the Dark are numorous, and lurk within every shadow and doubt in one's mind. They have claimed a Vampire King, though his name is not known to the races of Light. But yet, the races of the Light have grown as well, and many alliances have been formed among themselves, including the pact of the Two Greater Races. The many races live in harmony, but they have now started to feel uneasy and on edge. Recently, news of vampire raids on small towns has sent some of the races into action, causing them to fashion many weapons of destruction and awe.

Though whatever may lie ahead for the races of the world of Illian, the past will always be remembered in times of need.

-Father Izil Dienar, High Priest of Rez

The Book of Chrono