Crusader Part 3

Story by MagnumWolf2 on SoFurry

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#3 of Crusader

Here we have the third part of the Crusader series, I hope everyone is enjoying it so far. ^^

With the surviving Metal Howlers being dealt with, the decimated fleet and it's attackers orbit the desert planet, salvage teams are combing the damaged vessels as the heavy cruiser is being inspected by Magnum and some of his machines. Magnum is on the ships bridge, small hover drones and spider-looking machines that are as big as him are combing through conduits and accessing terminals, his attention is on the computer of the command chair, binary code of zeros and ones pass the screen, to any other it is just a jumble of numbers but to him it's like reading a regular document. It took some fancy work for him and Elvo to restore the files but nothing they couldn't handle. Marouge and Porralla enter the bridge with a security team and instantly come face-to-face with one of Magnum's spider drones which puts them on edge for a moment, but it goes back to working with a repair drone on inspecting a conduit. The two women share a look as the group walks towards the mystic and see how focused he is.

Marouge says "Looks like you've been busy." as she takes the number of machines in.

Magnum's view doesn't break from the screen "The bridge crew decided to scramble the files on ship, thankfully we've restored them and we're looking them over."

A holographic image of a female coyote appears from a hovering panel, her fur is turquoise and white, purple hair, light blue eyes with lavender outlining. Between the two fur colors is lavender, her short sleeve shirt and pants are light blue and she's wearing purple shoes, she says "So far we have combed over roughly 61% of the data." with an accomplished smile, her voice barely containing any robotic pitch and is soothingly soft.

Porralla says "You must be Elvo, it's a pleasure to meet you." with a friendly smile as Marouge joins in the expression.

The coyote gives a soft nod and she says "That is correct Porralla Toro, it's nice to meet both you and Marouge Lequo as well."

Marouge thinks how she knows their names but it's likely Elvo has files on them or Magnum told her about them like he told them about her and she says "It's nice to meet one of Magnum's friends."

One of the security team members sees the binary code on Magnum's screen and he says "How can you even read that?" completely confused.

Magnum says "Elvo taught me how to read and understand binary code, it helps when reading systems that are being restored."

Elvo says "I was surprised he wanted to learn it at all, binary can be extremely hard for organics to grasp."

Something grabs the mystics attention and he says "Elvo, bring up file number 1641762497165 junction 514511 on the main viewer." as he raises an eyebrow.

The main viewer changes to one depicting various symbols that look to be running some kind of translation program. Everyone looks to it, one symbol catching their attention instantly, a curved seven... the symbol of many cults that Magnum and many Knight Orders have encountered. Along with it, hieroglyphics pass the screen under the same program along with star charts that span for millions of years.

Marouge says "What are we looking at?" completely lost.

Magnum says "If I had to guess, it looks like the Metal Howlers were trying to uncover something, most of the symbols still aren't translated but from what I can tell they were chasing ghosts."

Elvo says "There is another key detail I think you all should know, this world isn't on any available star map on record."

Everyone looks to the artificial intelligence instantly and they all think the same thing... what were the Metal Howlers doing here? This world isn't on record and it's broken all to hell thanks to the fissure in it's crust, just what's going on here?

Magnum says "Elvo, we're going to need to back up these files on the Howl of Silver as they are being restored.", he types a few commands into his console and opens an interface with his ship and begins to run an analysis on the planet, now he's curious about the planet down below.

Elvo says "Already done." as she takes that look of his in.

Magnum puts the analysis on the main viewer as it runs, Elvo begins to aid the scanner, noticing several interesting characteristics.

Marouge looks at the fissure as the scans take place, Porralla is just taken aback by how the two work.

Magnum says "This massive fissure isn't a natural formation is it?"

Elvo says "Correct, the damage is extremely old. However trying to figure out what has caused the damage is unknown. I have narrowed it down to several possible weapons, a mass driver is the most likely, however this can also be caused by a high yield warhead. The scan also reveals many remains of terrestrial and aquatic lifeforms, I also detect numerous metal parts scattered all over the planets surface that are not natural alloys."

Magnum says "And this planet has a decent sized moon... any sighs of another stellar body hitting the planet?"

Elvo shakes her head and she says "Negative. Though we may have what was the scene of a major battle."

Porralla puts on an inquisitive look "If it was a battle, why practically destroy the planet?"

Marouge says "Good point, something isn't adding up." as she takes a few steps closer to the screen.

The mystic enters the command code to send down some drones to the surface via shuttle to get a better idea of what's going on down below. Given what they've just seen, now he's really curious about what the Metal Howlers were up to, but no logs have been restored yet from what he can tell to which Elvo confirms. He wasn't trying to find a way to defend what crimes they committed... but now they had a puzzle, a mystery. Far too many questions and no answers at all, his attention goes back to the translator and charts that have been recovered so far and with few translations they can't even guess the text, but that curved seven has his attention. He had lost count of the number of times he had seen it and how many times he's destroyed or eliminated something that bore it, but every time it was a troubling sign. Part of him wants to take this up with Master Koress, but he wants more to back up what they've just seen.

Magnum says "Thankfully I have claimed salvage rights of this ship, I'll keep searching the data of this ship and have my drones search what they can."

Elvo says "It'll take about eight hours before all the data is recovered." as she moves over to the group.

For Marouge and Porralla, they can tell based on what Magnum just said on how suspicious all of this really is and how much this has his attention.

Magnum looks to them and he says "If it isn't to much to ask, can you position your armada around this vessel?"

Marouge raises an eyebrow as she says "Wouldn't that raise any attention?" and crossing her arms.

Magnum says "The Everglaive knows how I am when it comes to security, it wouldn't be the first time."

Porralla gives a nod and she says "Consider it done." earning a glance from Marouge.

Magnum says "If you require payment, feel free to take the main reactor and jump system after I'm done with the ship."

The two become a little shocked, even though the heavy cruiser is ramshackle it still follows a straight forward configuration and the core systems are made from some premium equipment, more then likely trophies taken from conquest. If the mystic is willing to simply hand them over as payment for such a service, then that just grabs their attention even more.

The vixen says "I'll contact the fleet right away.", she holds up her left wrist and begins to communicate with her flagship.

The weasel moves over to the mystic and she says "I am curious though, what's got your eye?"

The mystic gives her a quick glance before returning to work and he says "The Grand Master of the Metal Howlers tried to tell us that they uncovered something. I'm starting to believe he was telling the truth and that there really is something going on here."

Porralla blinks and she says "If that is the case, then wouldn't contacting the Everglaive be a more sensible action?" as she folds her arms.

Magnum says "Given that the Metal Howlers were declared renegade and now being dissolved, I want some evidence and facts before I get them on board." his eyes not leaving the binary code.

Porralla gives a soft nod, understanding his point. But she also takes in just how casual he looks, his attire being the same shoes with black sweat pants and his long sleeve shirt, an ash grey that almost blends with his cool grey fur, those eyes of his focused on the task but bloodshot from constant use, that serious stare broken only by a moment of switch from one line to the next. Her gaze goes to Elvo who's looks over what looks like a data stream and overseeing some drones, she's amazed just at how they work. Though she is thinking of something else... a question that would have to wait for another time as she feels it's too personal given the current atmosphere. But also it was kind of uncanny, if she didn't know that Elvo was an a.i. she could have taken her as a person of flesh and blood and Magnum who actually is living being, acts more like a machine especially when focused on doing a task. Eventually Marouge and Porralla head back to their ship with Magnum informing them he'll let them know after he collects the needed data from the recovery and what his machines gather. Over a span of roughly six hours, the drones sent to the surface send their findings which range from curious to somewhat confusing. The metal that was detected are severely eroded and thus have no means to identify it, though it seems to be some kind of iron-composite alloy and the scar on the planets surface is also eroded naturally but nothing gives any clue to what created it. Though dating the metal fragments and the fissure reveals that they are roughly 15 millennia old and so far there are no sighs of life at all, but there may be some evidence that at one point the planet was actually used based on the scans but nothing is solid.

Magnum sighs as he oversees the data being gathered, he's waiting for Elvo to finish putting the files back together so he can really delve into it, he closes his eyes as they start to sting from the continuous use.

Elvo moves over to the mystic and she says "Magnum, please go get some rest. I'll contact you if anything happens."

Magnum glances to her and he says "I can manage." as he goes back to reading the binary code.

Elvo says "You have to get better when it comes to your sleep. Please, go get some rest!" as she crosses her arms and becoming more stern.

The mystic looks to the a.i. as he takes her posture in, he sighs, he admits to himself it won't matter if he stays up or not, he accepts the proposal as Elvo gives a gleeful nod. Magnum heads to the ships grand master quarters just behind the bridge, the room is roughly the size of a typical captains living quarters with a massive bed and various trophies on display, most seem to be one form of weapon or another with some parts from different sets of armor. Magnum lays on the bed, looking up at the emblem that once belonged to the knight order, a canine howling in front of a gear, just as Magnum closes his eyes, a pain strikes his heart which causes him to jolt for a moment. The mystic groans for a moment before twisting it to an aggravated growl, cursing it as he remembers how he gained such a condition, he takes very deep, controlled breathes to steady his heart rate. It takes a few minutes but his heart finally relaxes and he drifts off to slumber.

Hours tick by as Elvo decides to let Magnum sleep, however she begins to look over the data and sees numerous locked files that can only be open by retinal scan and are protected by a program that'll erase them if she tries to eliminate the lockout with that particular program backed up pretty well. A look of concern crosses her features as she looks to the command chair, the coyote has always been concerned for the wolf as for the past two years she has seen his development and how he acts. She knows his past, something that no one else has access to and while he has made progress, the mystic has never confronted or dealt with it, which has lead to her witnessing some dark moments from him as he tries to keep the pain to himself. To tell the truth, she wonders why he fights, he keeps saying it's for a greater good, that evil must be destroyed and a ton of other similar answers. She doesn't doubt that what he is saying is the truth... but she feels like he's only telling half of it.

Magnum steps through the door and he says "Morning Elvo." as he stretches.

Elvo quickly straightens herself and she says "Good morning Magnum, I trust your sleep was refreshing?"

Magnum gives a soft yawn as he gets back in the command chair and he says "Eh, hit or miss. Based on the time, I trust all of the data has been recovered?"

Elvo gives a soft sigh "Yes, but there is a retinal lock that has an erase safeguard program on all the critical files."

Magnum thinks for a moment, he activates the chairs scanner, he puts his eye in it, it scans the mystics eye and with it the files unlock and he begins to look through them.

Elvo says "If your scan is the key, that means he was hoping you would show up."

Magnum says "Or anyone who has my clearance.", he glances to the a.i. as he says "That kind of coincidence doesn't exist." with a smirk.

Elvo gives a scoff as the mystic chuckles and begins to read the logs. The logs show actions taken by the Metal Howlers in culling quite a few cults but also working a few cults due to the order beliving they had information that can turn the tide against the comic horrors of neverborn once and for all, but another log also catches his attention, a log that contains an investigation on the mystics, Magnum's race. The log details various ruins, ruins that had already been combed over and become tourist traps, however a wave of images takes up the screen, the images each showing what looks like a dial at glance, but upon closer examination looks more like a map and each one having different characteristics. The third log that catches his attention is a video log by Wejo the Mechanic, he opens it and plays it.

The video shows Wejo in his room behind the bridge, he looks nervous and stern as sweat runs off his brow "The Order of the Everglaive and Magnum will be here soon, so I may not have enough time... but I must enter this as a video log, otherwise, this'll die with me. The information we have gathered is a loose collection of star charts, relics and rumorous texts, half erroded by time long past. The planet below, if it is true is Baothea, it is here we believe holds the key to the salvation of not just this galaxy, but the universe itself. We don't know why the planet is cracked and with our brothers nearing us we can't send any teams to the surface below, for fear it could destroy any evidence that could possibly be found.", he pauses for a few moments as he looks to be thinking and he continues "When Magnum, that mystic appeared... it sparked interest in looking to see what could be uncovered about the ancient species, we have also noticed that according to various charts, spikes in extra-dimensional activity from various Knight Orders, Cults and various astronomers. A theory we have is that both the mystic and this activity is connected somehow, but we are not sure and our scribes are too busy gearing up for the coming battle to look at any of it. Whoever gets their hands on this data, please pick up the pieces and unravel this puzzle. In the name of the Metal Howlers, I hope our sacrifice won't be in vain."

The log ends, earning looks form Magnum and Elvo as they take the information in, Magnum notifies Marouge that he's heading down to the surface and has Elvo make sure all data is transfered back to their ship and erase all data on board the Metal Howlers ship and restore any default settings. Magnum places orders for his dornes to begin salvage operations and to start cataloging the ship for sale, the mystic makes his way to his launch pad, he equipes his mercury suit and launches to the planet surface, followed by a shuttle from the Chalice of Glaze.


15 minutes ago....

Marouge and Porralla are in their quarters, it's been hours since they've heard from Magnum and Elvo and last they inquired, the a.i. told them that Magnum was asleep and she didn't want to disturb him, that was three hours ago.

Porralla says "I wonder what they'll find out reading the logs." as she does her make up.

Marouge says "I'm more concerned if we'll be dragged into a conflict with the Knight Orders." with a sigh.

The weasel says "But aren't you excited? This can lead to an adventure! Heck a discovery that can change all we know, like in those space operas we watch!" with an excited smile.

The vixen says "Did the battle you see the other day change anything? Porralla, this isn't some cheesy movie, this is a real situation with real stakes and Magnum is playing with fire and he knows it! And if we are not careful we will be made examples of too."

Porralla sighs and she says "I know, but we could be the first to witness something increadible."

The fox goes to say something but her terminal beeps, she answers it and she says "Magnum? What's going on?"

The mystic says "Elvo and I have looked over the files, there is more to this then we thought and we're going to start by heading to the surface. I don't know what to expect and while my drones haven't encountered anything hostile, I was wondering if you and a security detail can join me?"

Marouge looks to the weasel who nods and she says "Very well, we'll accompany you. Just send us some co-ordinates."

Magnum gives a stern nod and he says "I'll explain on the way." ending his transmission.

Marouge says "Whatever is going on, it's enough to get Magnum's attention."

Porralla shrugs "He doesn't look worried about it though."

Marouge readies her blaster pistol and she says "If he's calling for back up, that means something."

To be continued...