A Corporate Visit to the Kitsune 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#5 of Corporate Invitations to the Kitsune

Vicki's little tour continues with certain individuals not learning how to leave certain things alone.

Commissioned by Vanrixie

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A Corporate Visit to the Kitsune

Part 2

For Vanrixie

By Draconicon

It didn't take long to pole down the river to the edge of the manor grounds, and as the old wrought iron poked out from beneath the swamp plants and loomed over the bank, Vicki couldn't help but smile slightly at the feeling of being home again. She pushed them out of the current, beaching the boat and hearing the familiar crack of something else breaking in the wooden underside. She shook her head; they were on the bank now, so it didn't matter overmuch if the boat was broken for good. Getting back to the station would be doable. It was getting here that was the problem.

As she hopped out of the boat, the mud sucking at her boots already, the RIXANA girls took their time getting out of the boat. Janise was a little bit slower, a little more respectful of the possibilities waiting for her, while Aylissa was looking left, right, up, and down, almost as if she expected something magical to come from any angle. Luciana, still in the boat, chuckled.

"Well, you've got my girls tamer than I've ever managed. Maybe I should make a visit to you part of the company training," the maned wolf said.

"Maybe. I might actually encourage that."

"As long as we've set up rescue operations on the way."

"They'll be tame enough, if I tell them to expect people," Vicki said. "This was the reason I was a little...irked...about you bringing more than yourself. I'd only managed to send a warning along for one extra person, not three."

"Ah. Well, I guess that makes sense. You could have told me, though."

"Would you have believed me?"

"Yes, actually."

Vicki blinked, arching an eyebrow. Luciana chuckled.

"I've seen enough stuff from you to know that you're not exactly prone to exaggeration, you know. If you tell me something, I'll do my best to believe it. I might need some explanation, but I'll do my best to -"


All eyes whipped around to Aylissa, where the vixen had somehow gotten her arm stuffed inside of a plant's petals. Janise leaped into action, the bigger wolf grabbing her wife and yanking back. They fell away from the plant easily enough, but Aylissa's arm had gone from a gentle orange to a stark white. Vicki shook her head.

"Let's not pet the plants, okay?" she said, shaking her head and helping the pair of them to their feet with her tails. "Some of them will try and eat you, some will try and fuck you, and others are so filled with transformative stuff that I'm not entirely sure what will happen to you."

"...This is like a nuclear wasteland, except alive," Aylissa whispered, her eyes all but glowing. "Oh, this is going to be -"


Luciana's voice cut through the growing fascination, and Janise and Aylissa turned to her. The maned wolf moved slowly, but gracefully, as she climbed out of the boat. She smoothed out her leather pants, smiling.

"Let's not forget that we're guests here. I'm all for exploring and studying, and who knows, we might find something that we can use here. But it is Vicki's home. I'm not letting her poke around your lab -"

"Not that I want to," Vicki hurriedly said.

"And you're not going to go poking around in hers. I might have the budget for curse removal, but let's not start spending it when we don't have to."

"Thank you." Vicki nodded. "And if it makes you feel any better, Aylissa, that'll fade in about a week. It's mostly a pre-meal bleach that this species does. Doesn't like anything dirty in its mouth."

"Heh, then it wouldn't like any of us," Janise said. "We're dirty-minded little -"

"Anyway!" Vicki shook her head. "Just follow me to the front gate. And do not climb the walls. There's even more security there."

Almost surprisingly, they listened.

The front gate of the wrought-iron fence was just as solid as the rest of the barrier, perhaps more so due to greater care. Vicki led the troupe of executives through it, and then down the garden path of her ruined estate. And it was certainly ruined in many ways, with the flora overgrown and most of the path hidden beneath various roots and vines. She picked her steps carefully, and instructed the others to follow directly in her path and not to tread on any greenery.

"It's for your own safety," she warned, and she was glad to see that they were paying attention.

They passed through the various large flowers at the edge of the grounds, each putting various pheromones in the air and leaving the air smelling sweet and warm, almost summery despite the vague chill in the air. From there, they passed through the ruins of a shifting maze of green walls that were also quite overgrown, looking like fluffy green fur-walls rather than carefully trimmed maze barriers. They shifted this way and that, only bowing when Vicki flexed her glowing tails and seemed to remind them who they were owned by.

The three executives were all fascinated to some degree or another, but none more so than Aylissa. Vicki kept looking over her shoulder to see the vixen leaning towards this or that thing, this statue, that little flower, that root, and kept having to clear her throat to remind her not to touch anything. The vixen did look abashed, but she never seemed quite capable of stopping herself. Nor did she seem actually embarrassed about doing what she did, but rather about being caught.

They left the greenery behind to eventually find the manor itself. The family house was old, generations old, but it still dominated the area. Three stories tall with three gargoyles and one empty plinth at the roof, the manor had a large, shrine-like structure, standing up with a series of pagoda roofs.

Luciana blinked.

"That's hardly the sort of thing that you expect to find down here, isn't it?"

"Well, that depends on what you're expecting to find," Vicki said. "I don't think I tend to fit expectations."


"Masaru!" Vicki called.

The front door opened, and a pale-furred, slightly elderly fox stepped out. Not multi-tailed like the kitsune or Aylissa, but rather single-tailed, and dressed in a robe that ran from his shoulders to the ground, covering every inch of him besides his hands and head. He bowed, smiling as he stood up.

"Greetings, Mistress."

"Everything is ready for guests?" she asked.

"As ready as it could be for one."

"I'm sorry about this. It was sprung on me, too."

"Forgiven, Mistress. I just need to pull more from the larder. Shall I prepare a traditional lunch for the others, as well?"

"Yes, please. But first..." She looked back at her boss and the other executives. She shook her head. "I suppose they need a little show. Let's show them the Soul Orb."

"Ah. I will prepare it, Mistress."

Masaru bowed, hustling back into the manor. Luciana walked up behind her.

"A servant, huh?"

"An ancestral thing. Try as I might, I can't really make him leave," she said, shaking her head. "It's not even a contract thing; his family's served mine for generations."

"Ah. That kind of thing..."

"Trust me, I wouldn't keep it if I had a choice in the matter." Vicki shook her head, hands clenching for a moment before she relaxed them again. "That said...there are times I'm glad that he didn't give me one."

"...Sounds like a story there."

"There is. Maybe one day we'll be close enough for me to tell you."

"Maybe." The maned wolf whipped her head around. "Janise! Aylissa! Come on. Let's not keep them waiting."

The pair had been about to grab at some of the statues around the stairs leading up to the front door, she imagined. The statues would have loved that; when someone touched them, they ended up changing places with the person that did it. The body swap didn't last that long, but it was a good way to bring the culprits to a safe place and lock them up before they changed back, and it made the spirits inside the statues happy enough.

Vicki rubbed her forehead. This was going to be a long visit.

She opened the front door, leading the way into a house that Masaru had done his level best to keep in good shape, but there was only so much that one fox could do to maintain a manor, particularly when they had to prioritize the parts that most people never got to see. The old wooden paneling inside was mostly intact, though here and there moth-eaten tapestries were pushed into service to cover up old holes and damaged pieces. Paintings were in...decent shape, one could say, if they ignored the fading at the center where they were clearly being used to plug up holes in the wall to the outside.

Vicki did her best not to let the embarrassment show on her face as she led her guests down carpet-lined halls, where yet other tapestries - family heirlooms that had been woven across the sea and done in the style of ancient masters - were pressed into service as rugs to muffle the cold and the footsteps of others. She kept her head up, muttering something about leaving the shoes and boots and the door, and pushed on.

It had been a long time since she'd had guests. She hadn't thought that it would hit her this hard to be reminded what state the place was in.

She took some pride in the decorations that she did have, though. Plinths, shelves, podiums, and pedestals lined the halls, giving some semblance to a better time and greater days. Minor enchanted goods like daggers, clubs, and old weapons were on display, showing off the resting places of minor spirits. She smiled as she ran her hand over one such shelf, shaking her head.

"I know it's a bit of bad taste, but I call this the Graveyard Hall," Vicki said.

"...Why?" Aylissa asked.

"Because this is the resting place of spirits that no longer exist," the kitsune said. "Oh, the power is still there, the artifacts still work, but the spirit that lent it strength and majesty has long since departed. Spirits and demons of war, of conflict, of pride, of protection. They disappeared, whether recently or hundreds of years ago. All that's left are the things that they empowered, the symbols of their history. And I have them here, resting, like tombstones against the walls."

It was a somber thing to say, and she knew it even before she finished saying it. It sounded maudlin, depressed, and she didn't want it to sound like that. Clearing her throat, she quickly moved on, pulling the others with her.

Knowing Masaru had had plenty of time to prepare the Soul Orb, Vicki led them through to the Great Hall. It was a massive, circular chamber in the center of the manor, reaching up and connecting the various floors. At the very top hung the Orb in question, and she could just make out her servant climbing up a ladder to retrieve it. The pale-furred fox was just unhooking it from the top of the stairs as they entered, the large sphere swirling with purple and pink energies.

It didn't take long for the executives to notice it, and Aylissa's eyes went wide. Janise, on the other hand, cocked her head to the side and pointed at the sphere.

"Why do I feel like we have an audience in that thing?" the wolf asked.

"Good instincts," Vicki said, nodding. "That's something I just call the Soul Orb. It's a little on the complicated side, but the short version is that it's basically a repository for various souls and memories that have passed through here. Mostly family, but anyone that's lived in the swamps has left something behind in that thing. It oozes magic and power, and it's part of the reason that this place is completely saturated with a different kind of life. You'll see what I mean in a minute."

Masaru climbed down, bringing the Soul Orb with him down the stairs. He carried it with thick gloves over his fingers, keeping the effects at bay. Vicki remembered the last time that she'd held it, and shivered.

As he reached the bottom floor, he set the Orb on the ground. It was a massive thing, with a diameter more than half Luciana's height, and it glowed with enough magical energy that it was impossible to dismiss. Even standing near it put all their fur on edge, lifting it up like a static charge, and Vicki's tails glowed despite not actually using any of her own power at that moment. It was a reminder of the sheer power of most magical items, and a reminder never to take them lightly.

Masaru took off his gloves, and Vicki explained.

"First, let me just say that this is completely safe in the short-term. It's only holding onto the sphere for more than a few minutes that will do anything significant or permanent to you...usually. There are times when it can have some odd effects, but I don't think that's a risk for you three."

"What are you talking about?" Janise asked.

"As I said, this Orb contains the memories and experiences of generations of individuals. I think that you can imagine that it can be rather...potent...when you come in contact with that much at once. Masaru and I have had some experience, and he'll show you what I mean."

The one-tailed fox nodded, picking up the Orb.

As soon as he laid hands on it, his robe started changing, and so did his silhouette. He grunted as he gritted his teeth, gripping the glass Orb all the tighter as his chest pushed out, his hips flaring to the sides to such an extent that his robe rose up, exposing his feet. They narrowed, becoming more feminine, more pointed, only for the change to shift again.

The fox growled, soaring upwards by more than a foot in height, only to drop down a second later, half his height, nearly child-sized. That lasted for all of a second before his ears flicked back, more rounded, almost rodent-like, and then pulled forward again. He shifted, his mouth going from fox to horse to crocodilian at one point, and then back to vulpine once more. His eyes changed color every passing second, almost like he was becoming every single soul that was contained inside the Orb.

And in a way, he was. Vicki knew the power of the Soul Orb lay in its ability in giving the dead a chance to communicate with the living, and that was part of the power that she needed to demonstrate. The RIXANA women needed to see that the magic in this place was not some little toy that they could use however they wanted. This was something powerful, something real, with its own rules and its own procedure. If they were going to have her around to advise them, Vicki wanted to make sure that they actually paid attention to the things she said. Luciana would, but the others...well, she needed to make sure that Aylissa and Janise got the message after their trek.

Masaru put the orb down, shifting slowly from the latest form - that of a feminine gator - to a proper fox once more. It was far more gradual, but it still only took a minute for his fur to reassert itself, for his body to be his once more. Vicki shook her head, turning to her boss.

"Would you like to go first?" she asked.

"...What's going to happen if I do?" Luciana asked.

"Good question. Masaru's a practitioner of the Open Mind discipline. Simply put, it allows a curse to pass through his head without taking root, without giving it something to anchor itself onto. Most of his family had a talent with that, and he's as good as any of them. As a result, none of the souls in the Orb actually link with him, so they just pass through. With the rest of you? Well, that will depend on who feels a link with you. But regardless, so long as you only touch it for a few seconds, you should be fine. No real long-term things."

"I'll trust you, Vicki. Heh. This should be interesting."

Luciana leaned down, picking up the sphere. Everyone held their breath, waiting to see what would happen to the maned wolf...

But nothing happened. Luciana arched an eyebrow as her fur stood out, and Vicki blinked as the anticipated transformation didn't happen. She would have thought that the other woman's cock might have jumped out of her pants, or that she'd shrink out of her clothes, or that she would grow scales that would shimmer and shine against the colors of the Orb, but no such thing occurred. It was odd, indeed.


"Huh," Vicki repeated, nodding to herself. "Well...that's something to make note of."

"Shouldn't I be -"

"Yes, you should be."

"...I'm kinda disappointed."

"I'm not," Vicki said, shaking her head. "It means that there's something that we'll need to study you for later."

There were other possible explanations, of course, but the most likely reason that the Soul Orb had failed to do anything was that there was a stronger magical aura already laid over Luciana, something that was keeping anything else from pushing through. If that was the case, then Vicki had her work cut out for her. She'd have a lot of work ahead to find out what that was, and if it happened to be malevolent or benign. She mentally penciled in six hours of research on the topic.

But that was just one of the three RIXANA executives. There were still two others. As Luciana carefully put the orb down, Vicki turned her attention to Janise.

"Are you willing?"

"...What the hell, right?" Janise said, shrugging as she stepped forward. "Nothing happened with Luciana, so maybe nothing will happen to me, right?"


"Yeah, that's more or less what I was thinking," the wolf said, chuckling as she shifted her footing, taking a few deep breaths as her tails twitched behind her. "Well, worst comes to worst, maybe I'll have all those eggs early. Can't say that we don't need some omelettes, right?"

"...That was a terrible joke," Luciana said, shaking her head.

"Sue me, I'm a little nervous. On second thought, don't; I don't want to take myself to court."

With one last deep breath, Janise reached down and picked up the orb. As soon as she touched it, she gasped, and for good reason.

All eyes went down to see that the bulge between the wolf's legs was already shrinking away, sliding into her as if something inside was slurping it into her body. Nobody was more surprised that Aylissa, either, who covered her mouth in utter shock and disbelief.

"I made that!" Vicki could almost swear she heard Aylissa say. "That's not fair!"

"Mmmph...fuck...fuuuuuuck that's weird," the wolf muttered, shaking her head and all but sputting her words. "Mmmph...ah...ah...please tell me...please tell me I get that back."

"You will. Probably."


"Almost surely, but, you know, risks. Don't hold on for too much longer."

Janise nodded, even as her cream-colored fur went completely white. It wasn't a gradual transition, either, but rather one that was completely and utterly done in the space of two seconds. She looked like she had been doused in flour, covered in it to the point where she looked nothing like her old self. And for good reason, as her muzzle started narrowing, pulling in tighter until -

Until she looked like a fox. No, like a kitsune, and one with a soft, mellow sort of body, narrow in face, but broad in the chest and hips, too broad for her clothes as they ripped along the sides slightly. Janise shook her head, biting her lips as her nipples swelled, all but turning her shirt transparent in the moment, and she blushed as she finally started to put it down. But just before she pressed the Orb to the ground, she arched her back, one of her nine tails shooting up over her back.


The sound was almost like something from an old pornographic film, a woman's pleasured moan that came from nothing. At first, Vicki wasn't sure what had caused it, but then...

Then it was far more obvious.

One of the nine white tails standing out behind Janise had started to glow, and though it was hard to say just what had happened, it looked more...more real than the other tails, the fur more alive, the limb more mobile than it had been before. Vicki cocked her head to the side at the glow that was running up and down the limb, then lifted one of her tails, extending it toward the wolf.

As she touched her own magic, her tail glowed in the same way. The orange fur turned brighter, almost white, and their fur patterns almost matched. Vicki chuckled.

"Well, looks like one of my ancestors must have liked you," she said.


"Just...put the orb down, and we'll sort this out."

It took a little help from Aylissa and Vicki to completely get Janise to let go of the orb, which was saying something, considering most who touched it couldn't let go of it fast enough. The once-wolf, now-fox panted hard, her eyes wide, her mouth hanging open as she immediately reached between her legs.

"That...is so...so weird," she panted.

"Yes, well, that can happen," Vicki said, shaking her head. "You saw the rapid shifts that Masaru went through first."

"I didn't expect...mmmph."

"It'll grow back," Vicki said.


Everyone looked down. One of the slimy eggs that the frog had left in Janise had just popped out, and a small waterfall of slime continued to ooze out of her. The kitsune shook her head, gently guiding her 'coworker' away from it, helping her lift her clothes up and out of the way. No need to stain things, no need to make a mess if they didn't have to, she supposed.

"That, on the other hand, might be best to have done with now. Would you like a hand?"


"Let's get you out of those clothes."

It didn't take long to get the new fox naked, though Aylissa was a little annoyed still at the lack of cock between the other woman's legs. The white fur, however, was slowly fading, and Vicki had every reason to believe that the whole transformation would shift back before too much longer.

The egg-birthing, however, needed to happen. Luciana took a position at the other woman's side, and Vicki knelt between her legs, slathering her arms with her tails and the magic within them, making sure that there wasn't going to be further contamination. The slime from the swamp wasn't that dangerous, most of the time, but better to be safe than sorry. She gently parted Janise's legs, and then nodded at Luciana.

A little pressure from the maned wolf on Janise's stomach, and the first few eggs popped free. They forced that tighter pussy open wide, and it didn't take long for Janise to go from gasping to moaning, her eyes wide, her mouth hanging open as her pussy drooled juices down to her ass. It was a rather wet, slippery show, and Vicki chuckled to herself, shaking her head as it continued.

"I have to admit, I didn't expect to be playing midwife in my own house," she said.

"I didn't expect to have to help," Luciana said. "But it's good experience. And I get to see Janise on her back. Not something I get to see every day."

"Mmmph...screw you...too...boss," Janise panted.

Aylissa shook her head, but her eyes - much like Vicki's, in a more surreptitious way - were locked on the one white, glowing tail that stood out from the rest down there. Janise hadn't said anything yet, but Vicki needed an answer about what was going on. The kitsune slid the most recent handful of eggs off to the side, looking sideways at the other, real vixen.

"I'm guessing most of her tails are implants?" Vicki said.

"Eight of them are. The last was adjusted," Aylissa confirmed.

"Well, that explains why only one started glowing. Probably for the best, in all honesty."

"Does she have...magic...now?"

"Well, probably a bit. Sometimes my ancestors give gifts to the people they like."

And it looks like I might have to revise my opinion of these girls a bit, if my ancestors like them. I am not looking forward to that tea ceremony...

"Can she...use it?" Aylissa asked.

Vicki started to nod, then took a second look at her fellow vixen. Aylissa didn't look afraid, as some might - quite reasonably - have looked at the realization that their partner had been granted power that they didn't understand. If anything, she looked curious. No, not quite curious. Almost obsessed, that was the better way of putting it. Obsessed with the new possibilities, obsessed that her wife might be able to do things that would allow for more possibilities in the bedroom and the lab. The kitsune stifled a sigh, knowing that this was going to get out of hand very quickly.

"She might be able to," she said, hedging her bets as best she could. "It'll depend on how much she was gifted, and how well she learns how to handle it."


Brought back to the process at hand, Vicki focused her attention between the white fox's legs, forcing herself to pay more attention to the frog slime and eggs coming free than anything else. The whole shift in potential and abilities could be handled later.

Thankfully, the birthing process went as well as it could have, and three buckets of frog spawn were carried off by Masaru at the end of it. Vicki washed the magic layer off her arms, and the slime went with it, dripping to the floor in green puddles. She looked down at it and sighed.

"Sorry. I'll clean that up later," she said.

"No worries. I'll have some staff here to help Masaru by tomorrow," Luciana said.

"But -"

"I said I'd take care of things, didn't I?"

"Yes, but you remember that this whole place is protected and only expects the three of you now, right?"

"...Right. Yes. That is a thing, isn't it?"


"Can you -"

"I can, but I have nowhere to keep them, and I doubt anyone would want to actually live here with me. It's not exactly..."

There were a number of terms that she could have chosen to describe the manor, but none of them were particularly flattering. She knew that it was in bad shape, and more, that it was slowly decaying further. The magic was the only thing that kept them safe here, and the moment that more people started making their way here, it would lose some of the secrecy that had allowed it to stay propped up. She was nervous about having Luciana here, for that matter, and while she'd been doing her best to keep it from getting to her, there was something about the fear of judgment waiting for her, waiting to knock her off her game and make her make stupid decisions.

It was a rotten old house, and she only stayed here for one reason: the vaults.

Luciana patted her shoulder.

"I think we can make some arrangements. You work for me now, remember? I take care of my employees."


"Particularly the ones that are too thick-headed to take care of themselves."

"I resemble that remark!" Janise groaned from the table they'd plonked her on.

The two of them bit off laughs at that, turning back to the naked fox-wolf. She was slowly turning back, probably due to the number of orgasms she'd had as she'd birthed the various frog eggs that had been jammed so deep inside. Her eyes were a bit wonky still, but Vicki could already see the wolf features creeping back in, her mouth getting more boxy again, her ears pulled back to the right places, and even between her legs, that cock was starting to grow back, with a pair of testicles slowly rolling out and over her pussy. It wouldn't be long before she was back to normal.

Well, mostly normal.

That tail remained, and that was going to be an interesting thing for the other woman. She imagined that it would take Janise some time to figure out just how she would use it, and how she'd feel about that magic that she had. Perhaps she might need some teaching, or -

The wolf flicked the glowing tail up, and to the astonishment of all gathered, a little flame burst into being at the tip. Vicki's eyes went wide, and so did Janise's. Hell, so did Luciana's and Aylissa's.

"Holy...did I just do that?" Janise asked.

"...Yes. Apparently." Vicki shook her head. "How did you -"

"I don't know. I just had the thought and - well, I just had the thought."

"...You are going to want to be very careful with that."

"I intend to be. God."

The flame flickered out, and Vicki didn't miss the sudden tiredness that swept over Janise's face before she hid it again. That had taken it out of her, which was a relief and a half. It meant that she didn't have much magical stamina yet, which in turn meant that she likely didn't have much that she could do with it before utterly exhausting herself. There was still some danger there, but not nearly as much as there might have been. She could rest a little easier without fear.

As they helped Janise to her feet, Masaru returned.

"Lunch is served, Madames. A traditional fare, but it is the best I can manage."

"We'll be right there," Aylissa said. "I just want to...make sure sure Janise is okay."

Vicki knew she shouldn't have bought the vixen's excuse and delay, but she'd been more interested in getting some time to talk to Luciana alone. They'd discussed some of the difficulties in getting houseworkers to the manor, transitioned to chatting about the different accommodations that Janise was going to need when she got back to work, and were just starting to talk about the vaults when Vicki sighed and rubbed her forehead. Luciana blinked.

"Something the matter?"

"How long has it been since those two were supposed to meet up with us for lunch?"

"At least thirty minutes."

"And how long do their quickies usually last?"

"...About ten," Luciana admitted.

"They're looking for something."

"...Probably," the maned wolf said after a hesitant pause. "They were supposed to get a feel for this place, but I didn't expect there to be this much magic around. Or to have one of my employees permanently transformed, to be fair."

"That might not be permanent. She's already gotten her other parts back, and the tail's not that bad."

"Heh, no...but are you that worried about them finding the -"

"The vaults? Yes."

"I told you, I'll fix anything that goes wrong. I'll pay for any damages they cause."

"It's not the damages I'm worried about."

"...Oh. There's -"

"More. Much more."

The End

Summary: Vicki's little tour continues with certain individuals not learning how to leave certain things alone.

Tags: H/solo, F/solo, Egg Laying, Wolf, Fox, Kitsune, Maned Wolf, Various Species, Magic Mansion, Gender Shifting, Transformation, Endowment, Series, Nudity,